Dvadasa-12, Dvadashanta, - "the end of twelve"
sarvataḥ svaśarīrasya dvādaśānte manolayāt |
dṛḍhabuddher dṛḍhībhūtaṃ tattvalakṣyam pravartate || 50 ||
yathā tathā yatra tatra dvādaśānte manaḥ kṣipet ||
pratikṣaṇaṃ kṣīṇavṛtter vailakṣaṇyaṃ dinair bhavet || 51 ||
(H3) | dvā--daśa [L=98167]
» |
(H2) | dvā-daśá 1 [L=98197]
mf |
(ī́)n. the twelfth VS. S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c (du. the eleventh and twelfth Ka1t2h. )
[L=98198] |
ifc. |
(f(ā).) forming 12 with (cf. aśva- add.)
[L=98199] |
consisting of 12 , 12 fold |
RV. S3Br.
[L=98200] |
increased by 12 |
(H2B) | dvā-daśá 1 [L=98202]
n. |
a collection or aggregate of 12 S3Br.
(H2) | dvā́-daśa 2 [L=98211]
for |
-daśan in comp.
dvadasanta is “the end of 12” - one of the dvadasantas is 12 finger’s width above the head. Yogis can feel this space, often even beginners. Note that there are multiple dvadasantas refered to in the VBT. LorinDvadashanta Usage
“This area is said to be 12 inches above the crown and is called Dvâtasântam (Dvatasantam / dvadasanta), where absorption of Yogi's consciousness into the Pure Consciousness of the Lord takes place. It is Turiya and Turiyatita state, 4th and 5th state of consciousness
“Dvadashanta is a term that appears often in the Vijnana Bhairava. Literally it means "the end of twelve". In practice, it refers to the distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose and is a means of mapping the way to important subtle centers. There are three main dvadashantas: an inner, an outer, and an upper one. The upper is the Brahmarandhra - or Sahasrara - the crown chakra at the top of the head. The inner refers to the space twelve fingers distance from the nose inside of us where our inhalation turns around near the heart. The outer dvadashanta is the outer space where our exhalation turns around to once again become the inhalation. Any three of these is a superb place to focus one's attention in meditation.” - by Harshada David Wagner. Link
“Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Religion: A-F - Page 246 - Ramesh Chopra - 2005 - Dvadashanta : Mystic place twelve units above the head.”
“Ashtanga Yoga: Practice and Philosophy - Page 230 - Gregor Maehle - 2007 - The exhalation usually ends in a place called dvadashanta, twelve finger widths (angulas) from the nostrils. It is to this place that the pranic body extends.”
“Exploring Chakras: Awaken Your Untapped Energy - Page 130 - Susan G. Shumsky - 2003 - To open this chakra, close your eyes and imagine a cord of energy stretching downward from your perineum to a radiant sun deep in the earth called earth dvadashanta. ...”
Spanda-kārikās: the divine creative pulsation : the kārikās and ...

Vasugupta | , Jaideva Singh, Kallaṭa - 1980 - 209 pages - Snippet view
This dvadasanta (distance of 12 fingers) refers to antaradvadasanta ie inner dvadasanta. This has three stages, viz. hrdaya or centre of the body, Kan(hakupa or the small depression below the throat, and bhrumadhya or the middle of the ...
The Stanzas on vibration: the Spandakārikā with four commentaries ... - Page 387

Vasugupta | , Mark S. G. Dyczkowski - 1992 - 427 pages - Google eBook - Preview
This place is technically called the 'End of the Twelve' (dvadasanta). The central channel — Susun1na — which runs from the base of the spine along up to the top of the head exits out through the Aperture of Brahma to a distance ...
The yoga of vibration and divine pulsation: a translation of the ... - Page 69

Vasugupta | , Jaideva Singh, Kallaṭa - 1991 - 209 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Dvadasanta — a distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose. 3. The middle state is c;Wana«£/a-consciousness-bliss. 4. Mudra means the disposition and control of certain organs of the body as help in concentration. 5. ...
Tantra in practice - Page 510

David Gordon White | - 2001 - 658 pages - Preview
The Pancaratra absolute is located at the crown of the head (called the dvadasanta) above the aperture of the absolute (brahmarandhra). Space, air, fire , water, and earth are identified with the body from the head to the soles of the ...
Kiss of the yoginī: "Tantric Sex" in its South Asian contexts - Page 181

David Gordon White | - 2003 - 372 pages - Preview
... site knows as "Beyond the Twelve" (dvadasanta) that is both "inside" the yogic body and "outside" the physical body. As the source of mantras, the triangle of the yoni is subdivided into fifty smaller triangles, nested inside of it, ...
Vāc: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras - Page 164

André Padoux | - 1990 - 460 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... movement of prana and apana — which are themselves assimilated with dyads that we have already seen: sun-moon, bindu-nada, and so forth, the phonic energy flowing during this practice from the heart center to the dvadasanta. ...
Pratyabhijñahrdayam: the secret of self-recognition - Page 154

Kṣemarāja | , Jaideva Singh - 1982 - 187 pages - Preview
There is another dvadasanta, over the crown of the head which is known as Siva dvadaianta or prakriyanta. 166. 'Beautiful one' refers to the devi (the goddess) . This is addressed to the devi. Most of the mystic teachings in this system ...
The concise Yoga Vāsiṣṭha - Page 283

Venkatesananda (Swami.) | , Christopher Chapple - 1981 - 430 pages - Google eBook - Preview
That state in which the apana-force remains in the dvadasanta, like the unfashioned pot in the potter's clay, ... When it moves up the extent of the dvadasanta it is known as external-recaka. When the movement of prana has ceased ...
The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 20

Jaideva Singh | - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
(bharanat)* at the two places of their origin (viz., centre of the body in the case of prana and dvadasanta in ... One point in this case is dvadasanta where prana ends and the other is the hrt or centre of the body where apdna ends. ...
Kuṇḍalinī: the energy of the depths : a comprehensive study based ... - Page 30

Lilian Silburn | - 1988 - 223 pages - Google eBook - Preview
The Brahmarandhra or Dvadasanta The term dvadasanta, "end of twelve fingers' breadth," refers to three different places. ... Third, above the skull, it is the supreme dvadasanta, twelve fingers' breadth from the brahma- 14. ...
Lakṣmī Tantra: A Pāñcarātra text - Page 110

Sanjukta Gupta | - 1972 - 398 pages - Preview
... characterized by knowledge.6 During the evolution of the four deities (viz. the Vyuhas) ha represents dvadasanta; whereas during their involution a (akdra) holds that position.6 Thus either of these letters may stand at dvadasanta. ...
Siva Sutras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity - Page 138

Jaideva Singh | - 1988 - 278 pages - Preview
The external distance is known as bdhya dvadasanta, and the internal (the starting point) is known as antar dvadasanta. One has to concentrate on the points where the expiring and inspiring breaths stop for a split second. 3. ...
Ritual and speculation in early tantrism: studies in honour of ... - Page 259

André Padoux | , Teun Goudriaan - 1992 - 359 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Having secured a foothold in the genetic region (janmadhara) due to the force of the virility of the mantra, the yogin reaches the dvadasanta (a point twelve finger spaces above the crown of the head) by piercing the sixteen bases and ...
The triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in ... - Page 168

Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega | - 1989 - 330 pages - Google eBook - Preview
dvadasanta. The dvadasanta is the terminal point where the susumna comes to an end. The susumna is the central pathway of the three paths. At this point, after having caused his heart to overflow, the teacher must recite the mantra, ...
The variegated plumage: encounters with Indian philosophy : a ... - Page 76

Jānakīnātha Kaula, | Narendranath B. Patil, Mrinal Kaul - 2003 - 387 pages - Preview
At this point the prana as Vayu moves upward till the dvadasant level outside. Thus the impure vayu is thrown out. Incidentally by the repeated pronunciation of "hum phat" the knots at the lotus-cakras at the heart, throat, ...
Body and cosmology in Kashmir Śaivism

Gavin D. Flood | - 1993 - 441 pages - Snippet view
However, a further two levels are implied and are found in other texts, at the forehead (lalata) and, as in Abhinava's list, at the crown of the head ( dvadasanta) . As Brunner shows in her excellent paper which summarizes the text, '^- ...

Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya | - 2002 - 196 pages - Snippet view
Dvadasanta: A subtle centre in close proximity to the pericarp of the sahasrara- kamala (thousand-petalled lotus in the brain). It is above twelve centres — the three higher centres, namely, anahata, visuddha and ajha, ...
The canon of the Śaivāgama and the The Kubjikā Tantras of the ... - Page 91

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski | - 1988 - 233 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... the Abode of the Moon (candragrha).2w According to the mystical physiology of these Tantras, Himavat symbolizes the mind (manas) found at the end of the Twelve-finger Space above the head (dvadasanta) where Kundalini abides in her ...
The Devī Gītā: the song of the Goddess ; a translation, ... - Page 178

Cheever Mackenzie Brown | - 1998 - 404 pages - Google eBook - Preview
2. dvadasanta: literally, "having an end or limit of twelve." Raghava ( commenting on the parallel verse [25.251 in the Sarads-Tilaka Tantra) glosses the terms as brahma-randhra, the crown of the head where resides the highest ...
Sonic theology: Hinduism and sacred sound - Page 180

Guy L. Beck | - 1995 - 290 pages - Preview
As I travel (in turn through) all the centers of the body, from Muladhara to the Dvadasanta [the end of the twelve lotuses in the body] with the brilliance of thousands of risen suns, fires and moons, 1 unfold (myself) from the Cakraka, ...
Spanda-Karikas: The Divine Creative Pulsation - Page 69

Jaideva Singh | - 1994 - 209 pages - Preview
Dvadasanta — a distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose. 3. The middle state is c;Y/a«a/*...
The canon of the Śaivāgama and the Kubjikā Tantras of the western ... - Page 91

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski | - 1989 - 233 pages - Preview
... the Abode of the Moon (candragrha).240 According to the mystical physiology of these Tantras, Himavat symbolizes the mind (manas) found at the end of the Twelve-finger Space above the head (dvadasanta) where Kundalini abides in her ...
The Pratyabhijñā philosophy - Page 104

Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare | - 2002 - 165 pages - Preview
Ksema calls 'hrt' or 'hrdaya as the first point (ddi-koti) and dvadasanta as the last point (anta-koti). And nibhdlana is the practice of concentrating the mind on these two ...