Sanskrit Words for Power

indrayoga(H3) índra--yogá [L=29081]m. indra's union or uniting power AV. x , 5 , 3.

āśakti(H2) ā-śakti [p= 157,1] [L=27403]f. might , power , ability L.

ojas(H1) ójas [L=40625]n. ( √vaj , or uj ; cf. ugra) , bodily strength , vigour , energy , ability , power RV. AV. TS. AitBr. MBh. &c[L=40626]vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) Sus3r. &c[L=40627](in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)[L=40628]vigorous or emphatic expression Sa1h. Va1m.[L=40629]water L.[L=40630]light , splendour , lustre L.[L=40631]manifestation , appearance L.[L=40632]support L.(H1B) ójas [L=40633]m. N. of a yakṣa BhP. ; ([cf. Zd. avjan3h , " power " ; Gk. γ-ιές , αγ-ή , ρι-αυγής ; Lat. vige1re , augere , augur , augus-tus , auxilium ; Goth. aukan , Eng. eke.])


kratu(H1) krátu [p= 319,1] [L=57650]m. ( √1. kṛ , or 2. kṛ) , plan , design , intention , resolution , determination , purpose RV. VS. S3Br. Br2A1rUp.[L=57651]desire , will (instr. krátvā , willingly , readily RV. ; ékena krátunā , through the mere will RV. ii , 13 , 11)[L=57652]power , ability RV.[L=57653]deliberation , consultation RV. VS.[L=57654]intelligence , understanding (e.g. bhadrá krátu , right judgement , good understanding ; also in conjunction or in comp. or ifc. with dákṣa » krátu-dákṣau and dakṣakratū́) RV. VS. TS. S3Br.[L=57655]inspiration , enlightenment RV.[L=57656]a sacrificial rite or ceremony , sacrifice (as the aśva-medha sacrifice) , offering , worship (also personified R. vii , 90 , 9) AitBr. S3Br. xi A1s3vS3r. &c[L=57657]kratu as intelligence personified (as a son of brahmā and one of the prajā-patis or the seven or ten principal ṛṣis Mn. i , 35 MBh. i , 2518 & 2568 Hariv. &c ; [N. of a star] VarBr2S. ; married to kriyā and father of 60 ,000 vālikhilyas BhP. iv , 1 , 39 ; husband of haya-śirā , vi , 6 , 33)[L=57658]N. of one of the viśve-devās VP.[L=57659]of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP. x , 61 , 12[L=57660]of a son of ūru and āgneyī Hariv. 73[L=57661]of the author of a dharma-śāstra Para1s3. S3u1dradh.(H1B) krátu [L=57662]m. or f. (?) , N. of a river in plakṣa-dvīpa (v.l. kramu) VP. [cf. a- , ádbhuta- , abhí- , &c ; cf. also κράτος.]devī(H1B) devī́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540.1]f. » s.v. ([cf. Lat. di1vus , deus ; Lit. de14vas ; Old Pruss. deiwas.])(H3) devī- [p= 495,2] [L=96278]» devī́.(H2) devī́ [p= 496,1] [L=96437]f. (cf. devá) a female deity , goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c (e.g. uṣas RV. vii , 75 , 5 ; sarasvatī , v , 41 , 17 ; sāvitrī , the wife of brahmā MBh. ; durgā , the wife of śiva MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c ; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī , māmakī , pāṇḍurā and tārā Dharmas. iv)[L=96438]N. of nymph beloved by the Sun L.[L=96439]of an apsaras MBh. i , 4818[L=96440](with jainas) the mother of 18th arhat of present ava-sarpiṇī L.[L=96441]queen , princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king , but also any woman of high rank) MBh. Ka1v. &c[L=96442]a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L.[L=96443]a partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.[L=96444]worship , reverence W.[L=96445]N. of plants (colocynth , a species of cyperus , Medicago Esculenta &c ) L.(H2) devī [p= 1329,1] [L=333990]f. (also) = gāyatrī, Para1s3.[L=333990.1]= nāgī, Buddh.

māyā(H1B) māyā [p= 811,1] [L=163078]f. » below.(H2) māyā́ [L=163081]f. art , wisdom , extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language)[L=163082]illusion , unreality , deception , fraud , trick , sorcery , witchcraft magic RV. &c[L=163083]an unreal or illusory image , phantom , apparition ib. (esp. ibc. = false , unreal , illusory ; cf. comp.)[L=163084]duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions) Dharmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the sāṃkhya with prakṛti or pradhāna and in that system , as well as in the vedā*nta , regarded as the source of the visible universe) IW. 83 ; 108[L=163085](with śaivas) one of the 4 pāśas or snares which entangle the soul Sarvad. MW.[L=163086](with vaiṣṇavas) one of the 9 śaktis or energies of viṣṇu L.[L=163087]Illusion personified (sometimes identified with durgā , sometimes regarded as a daughter of anṛta and nirṛti or nikṛti and mother of mṛtyu , or as a daughter of adharma) Pur.[L=163088]compassion , sympathy L.[L=163089]Convolvulus Turpethum L.[L=163090]N. of the mother of gautama buddha MWB. 24[L=163091]of lakṣmī W.[L=163092]of a city Cat.[L=163093]of 2 metres Col.[L=163094]du. (māye indrasya) N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.


yathāśakti(H3) yáthā--śakti [p= 843,2] [L=169977]( Gr2S3rS. &c ) ( MBh. Hariv. &c ) ind. according to power or ability , to the utmost of one's power. yathāśaktyā(H3) yáthā--śak° tyā [L=169978]( MBh. Hariv. &c ) ind. according to power or ability , to the utmost of one's power.

1 aṃhasaspatya (power) 2 akratu (power) 3 ajitavikrama (power) 4 ajñāna (power) 5 aṇiman (power) 6 atiśakti (power) 7 atiśaktitā (power) 8 atiśaktibhāj (power) 9 aditi (power) 10 adṛṣṭaparasāmarthya (power) 11 adhikaraṇya (power) 12 adhiṣṭhāna (power) 13 anala (power) 14 anāvayas (power) 15 anibhṛṣṭataviṣi (power) 16 anīśvara (power) 17 anūna (power) 18 anaiśvarya (power) 19 apūrvakarman (power) 20 apauruṣa (power) 21 apracaṅkaśa (power) 22 aprajajñi (power) 23 aprativīrya (power) 24 apratidhṛṣṭaśavas (power) 25 apratibala (power) 26 aprabhu (power) 27 aprabhutva (power) 28 apsuyoga (power) 29 abhidhā (power) 30 abhibhūti (power) 31 abhibhūtyojas (power) 32 abhiviṣṭa (power) 33 abhisaṃkṣip (power) 34 abhūti (power) 35 abhyadhika (power) 36 abhyutthāna (power) 37 abhva (power) 38 ama (power) 39 ambhas (power) 40 ariṣṭāsu (power) 41 alaṃbala (power) 42 alpabalaprāṇa (power) 43 avagam (power) 44 avaruṇarm (power) 45 avaruṇya (power) 46 avaśaga (power) 47 avasṛj (power) 48 avāryakratu (power) 49 asiddha (power) 50 ahaitukam (power) 51 ahraya (power) 52 ājñā (power) 53 ātmaśakti (power) 54 ādibala (power) 55 ādiśakti (power) 56 ādhipatya (power) 57 ādhāra (power) 58 ānaiśvarya (power) 59 ābhūti (power) 60 āyatti (power) 61 āyāsa (power) 62 āyuṣmat (power) 63 āyuṣya (power) 64 āyus (power) 65 ārthapatya (power) 66 āvaraṇaśakti (power) 67 āśakti (power) 68 āsekya (power) 69 āspada (power) 70 āhopuruṣikā (power) 71 indratā (power) 72 indratva (power) 73 indrayoga (power) 74 indrasvat (power) 75 indriya (power) 76 indriyakāma (power) 77 indriyaśakti (power) 78 inv (power) 79 icchārūpa (power) 80 icchāśaktimat (power) 81 īrṣyaka (power) 82 īśā (power) 83 utpannabala (power) 84 utsah (power) 85 utsāha (power) 86 ud (power) 87 udāravīrya (power) 88 udumbala (power) 89 upa (power) 90 upaśak (power) 91 uṣṇavīrya (power) 92 ūrja (power) 93 ūrjas (power) 94 ūrjita (power) 95 ṛddhi (power) 96 ṛddhipāda (power) 97 ṛddhita (power) 98 ṛṣvaujas (power) 99 evaṃvīrya (power) 100 evamprabhāva (power) 101 aidha (power) 102 aiśya (power) 103 aiśvara (power) 104 aiśvarya (power) 105 aiśvaryavat (power) 106 oj (power) 107 ojas (power) 108 ojodā (power) 109 ojodātama (power) 110 ojman (power) 111 ka (power) 112 katham (power) 113 kathaṃvīrya (power) 114 karmavajra (power) 115 karmavaśa (power) 116 karmavaśitā (power) 117 kalpanāśakti (power) 118 kavitva (power) 119 kāmabala (power) 120 kāmāvasāyitā (power) 121 kāmāvasāyitva (power) 122 kālamahiman (power) 123 kālavikrama (power) 124 kāvya (power) 125 kiṃvīrya (power) 126 kimparākrama (power) 127 kimprabhāva (power) 128 kimbala (power) 129 kīrtipratāpabalasahita (power) 130 kuṭilā (power) 131 kṛtyavat (power) 132 kṛtvya (power) 133 kṛṣ (power) 134 kratu (power) 135 kratuprā (power) 136 kratuprāvan (power) 137 kratumat (power) 138 kratuvid (power) 139 krama (power) 140 kriyāśakti (power) 141 kriyāśaktimat (power) 142 krodhavaśa (power) 143 kṣatra (power) 144 kṣatradhṛti (power) 145 kṣatravṛddhi (power) 146 kṣatraśrī (power) 147 kṣatrāyatanīya (power) 148 kṣatriya (power) 149 kṣatatejas (power) 150 kṣataujas (power) 151 kṣi (power) 152 khecarī (power) 153 khecaratā (power) 154 gatāyus (power) 155 gati (power) 156 gatiśakti (power) 157 gocara (power) 158 gocarāntaragata (power) 159 caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita (power) 160 caturmukharasa (power) 161 cākṣuṣa (power) 162 cicchakti (power) 163 cidacicchaktiyukta (power) 164 chattra (power) 165 chandamṛtyu (power) 166 jayadbala (power) 167 jaratkārupriyā (power) 168 jāḍya (power) 169 jitaśvāsa (power) 170 tathāprabhāva (power) 171 tanūvaśin (power) 172 tapaḥprabhāva (power) 173 tapastakṣa (power) 174 tapobala (power) 175 tavas (power) 176 taviṣa (power) 177 taviṣī (power) 178 turyā (power) 179 tṛṇabhūta (power) 180 tejas (power) 181 tejaskara (power) 182 tejaskāma (power) 183 tejasa (power) 184 triprātihāryasampanna (power) 185 triśaṅku (power) 186 tryāyuṣa (power) 187 tvāṣṭra (power) 188 tveṣanṛmṇa (power) 189 daṃsana (power) 190 daṃsanāvat (power) 191 dakṣa (power) 192 daṇḍa (power) 193 daṇḍodyama (power) 194 dāsapatnī (power) 195 divyaprabhāva (power) 196 dīdhiti (power) 197 durantaśakti (power) 198 durlaṅghanaśakti (power) 199 dṛḍhaśaktika (power) 200 dṛkśakti (power) 201 dṛśi (power) 202 devātmaśakti (power) 203 devī (power) 204 devya (power) 205 daiva (power) 206 daivakṛta (power) 207 daivavaśa (power) 208 daivya (power) 209 dyumna (power) 210 dyumnasāti (power) 211 draviṇa (power) 212 dhāman (power) 213 dhiṣṇya (power) 214 dhrāj (power) 215 naṣṭaceṣṭa (power) 216 nāth (power) 217 niḥsattva (power) 218 nirvaruṇam (power) 219 nirvaruṇatva (power) 220 (power) 221 nṛmṇa (power) 222 pañcakṛtya (power) 223 pañcagata (power) 224 pañcāpsaras (power) 225 pañcāpsarasa (power) 226 payas (power) 227 paratantrīkṛta (power) 228 parabhāga (power) 229 paramajyā (power) 230 parākrama (power) 231 parākramavat (power) 232 parākramin (power) 233 parākrānta (power) 234 parākrāntṛ (power) 235 paryāgata (power) 236 paśuvīrya (power) 237 piñja (power) 238 piṇḍa (power) 239 putraiśvarya (power) 240 pūrvāyus (power) 241 prakṛti (power) 242 prakarṣa (power) 243 pragalbhatā (power) 244 pragalbhatva (power) 245 prajananavat (power) 246 prajāti (power) 247 pratāpa (power) 248 pratibala (power) 249 pratyakṣadarśana (power) 250 prabalatā (power) 251 prabalatva (power) 252 prabhū (power) 253 prabhava (power) 254 prabhaviṣṇutā (power) 255 prabhāva (power) 256 prabhāvaja (power) 257 prabhāvatva (power) 258 prabhāvaka (power) 259 prabhu (power) 260 prabhutā (power) 261 prabhutva (power) 262 prabhutvabodhi (power) 263 prabhutvākṣepa (power) 264 pravṛttacakra (power) 265 pravṛddha (power) 266 prasad (power) 267 prasiti (power) 268 prābalya (power) 269 prāsaha (power) 270 prājāpatya (power) 271 prājyavikrama (power) 272 prāṇa (power) 273 prāṇamat (power) 274 prāptaprabhāva (power) 275 prāpti (power) 276 pretavaśa (power) 277 phalāpūrva (power) 278 bala (power) 279 balacakra (power) 280 balaja (power) 281 balajyeṣṭha (power) 282 baladā (power) 283 baladāvan (power) 284 balamada (power) 285 balavat (power) 286 balavardhana (power) 287 balastha (power) 288 balādhika (power) 289 balānvita (power) 290 balābala (power) 291 balārthin (power) 292 balotamatta (power) 293 balopapanna (power) 294 baliman (power) 295 balīyastva (power) 296 bahuśakti (power) 297 bāhubala (power) 298 bījaprabhava (power) 299 buddhi (power) 300 brahmatejas (power) 301 brahmabala (power) 302 brahmayoga (power) 303 brahmavarcasa (power) 304 brahmavādya (power) 305 brahmavṛddhi (power) 306 brāhmaṇa (power) 307 bhāva (power) 308 bhiṣajya (power) 309 bhīmaparākrama (power) 310 bhūtasṛṣṭi (power) 311 bhūti (power) 312 bhūryojas (power) 313 bhṛtabhūti (power) 314 bheṣajatā (power) 315 bheṣajavīrya (power) 316 magha (power) 317 madavīrya (power) 318 mantraprabhāva (power) 319 mantrabala (power) 320 mantraśakti (power) 321 maharddhi (power) 322 mahat (power) 323 mahan (power) 324 mahas (power) 325 mahāprāṇa (power) 326 mahābalaparākrama (power) 327 mahāmahivrata (power) 328 mahāmāyā (power) 329 mahāvīryaparākrama (power) 330 mahāśāsana (power) 331 mahāsiddhi (power) 332 mahaiśvarya (power) 333 mahotsāha (power) 334 mahaujas (power) 335 mahikṣatra (power) 336 mahivrata (power) 337 mahiman (power) 338 mātṛkā (power) 339 mānuṣyaka (power) 340 māyā (power) 341 mitamedha (power) 342 murch (power) 343 mūrdhāvasikta (power) 344 mṛtabhraj (power) 345 mṛtāśana (power) 346 medhā (power) 347 mohanalatā (power) 348 yatrakāmāvasāya (power) 349 yatrakāmāvasāyin (power) 350 yathākṣamam (power) 351 yathāgni (power) 352 yathāprabhāvam (power) 353 yathābalam (power) 354 yathāśakti (power) 355 yathāśaktyā (power) 356 yathāsāmarthyam (power) 357 yathotsāha (power) 358 yathotsāham (power) 359 yadbala (power) 360 yahas (power) 361 yāvattarasam (power) 362 yāvacchaktitas (power) 363 yāvadvīryavat (power) 364 yujya (power) 365 yogagāmin (power) 366 yogatas (power) 367 yogabala (power) 368 yogamāyā (power) 369 yoginī (power) 370 randhanāya (power) 371 ratiśakti (power) 372 ratiśūra (power) 373 rājavīrya (power) 374 rājasāt (power) 375 rājyavibhava (power) 376 rājyavibhūti (power) 377 rāddha (power) 378 rādhas (power) 379 rāvaṇa (power) 380 ruṇḍikā (power) 381 rudra (power) 382 rudriya (power) 383 rūpadhāritva (power) 384 lakṣmī (power) 385 laghumitra (power) 386 labh (power) 387 labdhātiśaya (power) 388 vaktṛśakti (power) 389 vajradharaprabhāva (power) 390 vayas (power) 391 vayasvat (power) 392 vayā (power) 393 varuṇa (power) 394 varuṇatejas (power) 395 vargaghanaghāta (power) 396 varcas (power) 397 varcaska (power) 398 varcasya (power) 399 varcodā (power) 400 varcodhas (power) 401 varcodhā (power) 402 varṣiṣṭhakṣatra (power) 403 vaś (power) 404 vaśa (power) 405 vaśaga (power) 406 vaśagata (power) 407 vaśagamana (power) 408 vaśagāmin (power) 409 vaśatā (power) 410 vaśavartin (power) 411 vaśitā (power) 412 vaśitva (power) 413 vaśiprāpta (power) 414 vaśiman (power) 415 vaśin (power) 416 vaśya (power) 417 vaśyakara (power) 418 vasuvīrya (power) 419 vastubala (power) 420 vastuśakti (power) 421 vāgvibhava (power) 422 vājinīvasu (power) 423 vāraṇa (power) 424 vikrama (power) 425 vikramaṇa (power) 426 vikrānti (power) 427 vikṣepaśakti (power) 428 vidyā (power) 429 vidyādhara (power) 430 vidyābala (power) 431 vitta (power) 432 vidhātṛvaśāt (power) 433 vidhivaśāt (power) 434 vibhava (power) 435 vibhavamada (power) 436 vibhavavat (power) 437 vibhūtā (power) 438 vibhūti (power) 439 viyadbhūti (power) 440 virāj (power) 441 viveka (power) 442 viśvaśardhas (power) 443 viṣāpaha (power) 444 vīrya (power) 445 vīryaga (power) 446 vīryamatta (power) 447 vīryavat (power) 448 vīryavattā (power) 449 vīryavattva (power) 450 vīryavibhūti (power) 451 vīryasampanna (power) 452 vṛttaujas (power) 453 vṛdh (power) 454 vṛddhamahas (power) 455 vṛddhavayas (power) 456 vṛddhaśavas (power) 457 vṛṣ (power) 458 vṛṣatā (power) 459 vṛṣṇyāvat (power) 460 vetālasiddhi (power) 461 vaidheyatā (power) 462 vaibhava (power) 463 vrayas (power) 464 śakti (power) 465 śaktitas (power) 466 śaktitā (power) 467 śaktitraya (power) 468 śaktiprakarṣa (power) 469 śaktibhṛt (power) 470 śaktibheda (power) 471 śaktimattva (power) 472 śaktivaikalya (power) 473 śaktivaibhavika (power) 474 śaktyapekṣa (power) 475 śakman (power) 476 śakratva (power) 477 śaṅkhacūrṇa (power) 478 śacī (power) 479 śatakratu (power) 480 śatatejas (power) 481 śambara (power) 482 śavas (power) 483 śāka (power) 484 śākta (power) 485 śākman (power) 486 śikṣāśakti (power) 487 śithilaśakti (power) 488 śuṣi (power) 489 śūṣa (power) 490 śṛṅgotpādana (power) 491 śrī (power) 492 śruti (power) 493 śrotravat (power) 494 śvayas (power) 495 ṣaḍgata (power) 496 saṃvriddhi (power) 497 saguṇavatī (power) 498 saṃkalpasiddha (power) 499 satejas (power) 500 saṃtavītvat (power) 501 saprabhāva (power) 502 sapatnabalasūdana (power) 503 sapatnavṛddhi (power) 504 sabala (power) 505 sabalatā (power) 506 sabalatva (power) 507 samādhiyogarddhitapovidyāviraktimat (power) 508 sampad (power) 509 samprasah (power) 510 sambhūti (power) 511 sarasvatī (power) 512 sarpamaṇi (power) 513 sarvatejomaya (power) 514 sarvaśakti (power) 515 savitṛ (power) 516 savīrya (power) 517 sahas (power) 518 sahaskṛt (power) 519 sahīyas (power) 520 sahaujas (power) 521 sahasravarcas (power) 522 sāmarthya (power) 523 sāmarthyabandhana (power) 524 sāmarthyavat (power) 525 sāra (power) 526 sārṣṭitā (power) 527 sāvadya (power) 528 sāviṣkāra (power) 529 siddha (power) 530 siddhatāpasa (power) 531 siddhibīja (power) 532 siddhimat (power) 533 siddhisādhana (power) 534 siddhiśvara (power) 535 siddhīśvara (power) 536 siddhika (power) 537 sukṣatra (power) 538 suvīrya (power) 539 sur (power) 540 susiddha (power) 541 sūryatejas (power) 542 sṛṣṭipattana (power) 543 somatejas (power) 544 somavīrya (power) 545 sthā (power) 546 sthānāsthānajñānabala (power) 547 sthāman (power) 548 sthaura (power) 549 smarasmarya (power) 550 svacchandamṛtyuka (power) 551 svaprabhutā (power) 552 svabhūtyojas (power) 553 svavidyut (power) 554 svavīryatas (power) 555 svaśakti (power) 556 svādhīna (power) 557 svādhīnakuśala (power) 558 svecchāmṛtyu (power) 559 svadhā (power) 560 svīkārya (power) 561 svīkṛ (power) 562 svāmya (power) 563 hataprabhāva (power) 564 hatavarcas (power) 565 hīnadarśanasāmarthya (power) 566 heṣa (power) 567 annapāśa (power) 568 ākṣepiṇī (power) 569 kāyavyūha (power) 570 kṛtādhipatya (power) 571 guṇa (power) 572 grāhakatva (power) 573 dravyaśaktimat (power) 574 raṃhi (power) 575 sṛṣtārtha (power)


(H3) aṃhasas-patyá [p= 1,2] [L=123] n. power over calamity TS. A1pS3r.

(H1) a-kratú [p= 2,3] [L=387] mfn. destitute of energy or power [" of sacrifices " Sa1y. ] RV. x , 8 3 , 5 AV.
[L=388] foolish RV. vii , 6 , 3
[L=389] free from desire Up.

(H3) a-jita--vikrama [p= 10,2] [L=2134] m. " having invincible power " , N. of king candragupta the second.

(H2) a-jñāna [p= 10,3] [L=2225] n. non-cognizance
[L=2226] ignorance , (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which , consisting of the three guṇas sattva , rajas , and tamas , and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with brahma , causes self to appear a distinct personality , and matter to appear a reality)
[L=2227] prakṛti , māyā , Illusion
(H2B) a-jñāna [L=2228] mfn. ignorant , unwise
(H2) a-jñāna [p= 1309,3] [L=301710] (in comp.)

(H2) aṇimán [p= 11,3] [L=2406] m. (fr. aṇu q.v.) , minuteness , fineness , thinness S3Br. &c
[L=2407] meagreness
[L=2408] atomic nature , the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom
(H2B) áṇiman [L=2408.1] n. the smallest particle S3Br.

(H3) áti--śakti [p= 13,1] [L=2814] mfn. very powerful
(H3) áti--śakti [L=2815] f. great power or valour.

(H4) áti--śakti---tā [L=2815.1] f. great power or valour.

(H3) áti--śakti-bhāj [L=2816] mfn. possessing great power.

(H2) á-diti 1 [p= 18,2] [L=3674] f. having nothing to give , destitution RV.
[L=3675] for 2. aditi , 3. á-diti » below.
(H1) aditi 2 [L=3688] m. ( √ ad) , devourer i.e. death Br2A1rUp.
(H1) á-diti 3 [L=3689] mfn. ( √4. dā or do , dyati ; for 1. á-diti » above ) , not tied , free RV. vii , 52 , 1, boundless , unbroken , entire , unimpaired , happy RV. VS.
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3689.1] f. freedom , security , safety
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3690] f. boundlessness , immensity , inexhaustible abundance , unimpaired condition , perfection , creative power , N. of one of the most ancient of the Indian goddesses (" Infinity " or the " Eternal and Infinite Expanse " , often mentioned in RV. , daughter of dakṣa and wife of kaśyapa , mother of the ādityas and of the gods)
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3691] f. a cow , milk RV.
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3692] f. the earth Naigh.
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3693] f. speech Naigh. (cf. RV. viii , 101 , 15)
(H1B) á-diti 3 [L=3694] f. du. heaven and earth Naigh.

(H3) a-dṛ́ṣṭa--para-sāmarthya [p= 18,3] [L=3754] m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy.

(H2) adhi-karaṇya [p= 20,3] [L=4176] n. authority , power.

(H2) adhi-ṣṭhā́na [p= 22,2] [L=4446] n. standing by , being at hand , approach
[L=4447] standing or resting upon
[L=4448] a basis , base
[L=4449] the standing-place of the warrior upon the car Sa1mavBr.
[L=4450] a position , site , residence , abode , seat
[L=4451] a settlement , town , standing over
[L=4452] government , authority , power
[L=4453] a precedent , rule
[L=4454] a benediction Buddh.
(H2) adhiṣṭhāna [p= 1310,3] [L=304020] (also, with Buddhists) steadfast resolution (one of the 6 or 10 pāramitās, q.v.), MWB. 128
[L=304020.1] a king's court, Divya7v.

(H1) anala [p= 26,2] [L=5252] m. ( √ an) , fire
[L=5253] the god of fire , digestive power , gastric juice
[L=5254] bile L.
[L=5255] wind L.
[L=5256] N. of vasudeva
[L=5257] of a muni
[L=5258] of one of the eight vasus
[L=5259] of a monkey
[L=5260] of various plants (Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea ; Semicarpus Anacardium)
[L=5261] the letter r
[L=5262] the number three
[L=5263] (in astron.) the fiftieth year of bṛhaspati's cycle
[L=5264] the third lunar mansion or kṛttikā (?).
(H2) anala [p= 1311,1] [L=305030] 1. (in comp.)
(H2) anala [L=305040] 2. Nom. P. °lati, to become fire, Subh.

(H1) án-āvayas [p= 28,3] [L=5659] mfn. (cf. āvayá and á-pravīta) , not having the power of causing conception AV. vii , 90 , 3.

(H3) á-nibhṛṣṭa--taviṣi [p= 29,3] [L=5810] (anibhṛṣṭa-) mfn. having unabated power RV.

(H2) án-īśvara [p= 30,3] [L=6038] mf(ā)n. without a superior AV.
[L=6039] unchecked , paramount
[L=6040] without power , unable
[L=6041] not belonging to the Deity
[L=6042] atheistical.

(H1) án-ūna [p= 41,3] [L=7733] mf(ā)n. not less , not inferior to (abl.) Ragh.
[L=7734] whole , entire
[L=7735] having full power

(H1) an-aiśvarya [p= 42,3] [L=7884] n. " non-power " , weakness Pa1n2. 7-3 , 30
[L=7885] (» ānaiśvarya.)

(H3) a-pūrvá--karman [p= 56,2] [L=10338] n. a religious rite or sacrifice (the power of which on the future is not before seen).

(H1) a-pauruṣa [p= 56,3] [L=10424] n. unmanliness
[L=10425] superhuman power
(H1B) a-pauruṣa [L=10426] mfn. unmanly
(H1B) a-pauruṣa [p= 57,1] [L=10427] mfn. superhuman.

(H1) á-pracaṅkaśa [p= 57,2] [L=10504] mf(ā)n. without power of seeing AV. viii , 6 , 16.

(H2) a-prajajñi 1 [L=10518] mfn. not generative , having no power of begetting S3Br.
(H1) á-prajajñi 2 [L=10526] mfn. ( √ jñā) , inexperienced , inexpert RV. x , 71 , 9.

(H3) a-pratí--vīrya [p= 57,3] [L=10544] mfn. of irresistible power R. iv , 35 , 4 and 38 , 13.
(HPW) a---prati--vīrya [L=631852] mfn. 131852

(H3) á-pratidhṛṣṭa--śavas [L=10562] mfn. of irresistible power RV. i , 84 , 2.

(H1) a-pratibala [L=10576] mfn. of unequalled power R.

(H1) á-prabhu [p= 58,2] [L=10675] mfn. wanting power , unable , incompetent (with loc.) RV. ix , 73 , 9 AitBr. &c

(H3) á-prabhu--tva [L=10676] n. want of power , insufficiency MBh. &c

(H3) apsú--yogá [p= 59,3] [L=10903] m. the connecting power in water AV. x , 5 , 5.

(H1) abhi- √ dhā 1 [p= 63,2] [L=11506]
-dadhāti , to surrender any one to (dat. ; aor. Subj. 2. du. -dhātam) RV. i , 120 , 8 ;

to bring upon (dat.) RV. ii , 23 , 6 : A1. (rarely P.) to put on or round , put on the furniture of a horse (cf. abhí-hīta below) RV. &c ;

to cover (a country) with an army MBh. ii , 1090 ;

to cover , protect RV. viii , 67 , 5 (aor. Pot. 2. pl. -dhetana) , &c ;

(in classical Sanskrit generally) to set orth , explain , tell , speak to , address , say , name (cf. abhí-hita below) : Pass. -dhīyate , to be named or called: Caus. -dhāpayate , to cause to name A1s3vGr2. : Desid. A1. -dhítsate , to intend to cover one's self RV. x , 85 , 30.

(H2) abhi-dh 2 [L=11507] f. name , appellation
[L=11508] the literal power or sense of a word Sa1h.
[L=11509] a word , sound L.
(H2B) abhi-dhā 2 [L=11510] mf. (ā́s) surrounding VS. xxii , 3.

(H2) abhí-bhūti [p= 67,1] [L=11982] f. superior power , overpowering RV. iv , 38 , 9 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
[L=11983] disrespect , humiliation L.
(H2B) abhí-bhūti [L=11984] mfn. overpowering , superior RV. AV.
(H2) abhi-bhūti [p= 1315,1] [L=312130] (also) a partic. ekāha, Vait.

(H3) abhibhūty-ójas [p= 67,1] [L=11985] (6) mfn. having superior power RV.

(H2) abhi-viṣṭa [p= 69,3] [L=12379] mfn. " entered by " , seized by , being in the power of (in comp.) R.

(H1) abhi-saṃ- √ kṣip [p= 72,2] [L=12738] (ind.p. -kṣipya) to compress , render quite small (the body by magical power) MBh. v , 283.

(H2) á-bhūti [p= 75,1] [L=13106] f. non-existence S3Br. xiv, " want of power " , wretchedness AV. VS.
[L=13107] mischief , calamity MBh.

(H1) abhy-adhika [p= 75,3] [L=13182] mf(ā)n. surpassing (in number , power , kind) R.
[L=13183] exceeding the common measure , pre-eminent , extraordinary MBh. &c
[L=13184] superior to , more excellent than , having more authority or power than , more than (abl. or instr. or in comp.) MBh. &c
[L=13185] augmented by (abl. [ VarBr2S. ] or instr. or in comp.)

(H2) abhy-utthāna [p= 78,1] [L=13516] n. rising from a seat through politeness Pan5cat.
[L=13517] rising , setting out R.
[L=13518] rebellion Hariv.
[L=13519] elevation , gaining a high position , gaining authority , respectability Bhag. Ragh.
[L=13520] (said of destiny) gaining efficacy , power MBh. xiii , 343
[p= 78,2] [L=13521] rise , origin , birth MBh. xii.

(H1) á-bhva [p= 80,1] [L=13745] mfn. ([ RV. ]) or a-bhvā* ([ AV. ]) or abhvá ([ S3Br. ]) (cf. a-bhuva) monstrous , immense , terrible RV. i , 39 , 8 and 63 , 1
(H1B) á-bhva [L=13745.1] n. immense power , monstrosity , horror RV. S3Br.
(H1B) á-bhva [L=13745.2] n. a monster RV. vi , 71 , 5 AV. S3Br.

(H2) áma 1 [L=13749] m. impetuosity , violence , strength , power RV. VS. AV.
[L=13750] depriving of sensation , fright , terror RV.
[L=13751] disease L.
(H1) áma 2 [L=13768] mfn. (pron. ; cf. amu) this AV. xiv , 2 , 71 (quoted in S3Br. xiv and A1s3vGr2. ) ([The word is also explained by prā*ṇa , " soul " cf. Comm. on ChUp. v , 2 , 6.])

(H1) ámbhas [p= 84,1] [L=14566] n. (cf. abhrá , ámbu) , water RV. &c , the celestial waters AitUp.
[L=14567] power , fruit fulness VS. and AV.
[L=14568] pl. (āṃsi) collective N. for gods , men , Manes , and asuras TBr. and VP. , (hence) (as) sg. the number " four "
[L=14569] mystical N. of the letter v
[L=14570] N. of a metre (consisting of 82 syllables) RPra1t. , (asa) , instr. in comp. for ambhas (e.g. ambhasākṛta " done by water ") Pa1n2. 6-3 , 3
[L=14571] n. du. (asī) heaven and earth Naigh. [Gk. ὄμβρος imber].

(H3) á-riṣṭā* su [p= 88,1] [L=15387] mfn. whose vital power is unhurt AV. xiv , 2 , 72.

(H3) alaṃ--bala [p= 94,2] [L=16637] mfn. " equal to any power " , N. of śiva.

(H3) álpa--balaprā* ṇa [p= 95,3] [L=16867] mfn. of little strength and little breath i.e. weak and without any power of endurance N.

(H1) ava- √ gam [p= 97,2] [L=17091]
-gacchati (Subj. -gácchāt ; ind.p. -gátya RV. vi , 75 , 5 ; Ved. Inf. ávagantos TS. ) to go down , descend to (acc. or loc.) RV. AV. ;

(with acc.) to come to , visit , approach RV. AV. S3Br. ;

to reach , obtain TS. AitBr. ;

to get power or influence TS. ;

to go near , undertake MBh. v , 740 ;

to hit upon , think of , conceive , learn , know , understand , anticipate , assure one's self , be convinced ;

to recognize , consider , believe any one (acc.) to be (acc.) MBh. iii , 2483 , &c : Caus. P. (3. pl. -gamayanti ; Imper. 2. sg. -gamaya) to bring near , procure AV. iii , 3 , 6 TS. ;

to cause to know , teach Ma1lav. &c


(H1) a-varuṇárm [p= 102,3] [L=17907] ind. without falling into the power of varuṇa MaitrS.

(H2) a-varuṇyá [L=17908] mfn. not belonging to or fallen into the power of varuṇa S3Br.

(H3) a-vaśá--ga [p= 104,1] [L=18131] mfn. not being in any one's (gen.) power.

(H1) ava- √ sṛj [p= 105,2] [p= 105,1] [L=18300]
(Subj. -sṛjāt [ RV. x , 108 , 5] or -sṛját [ RV. i , 174 , 4] or -sṛjat [ RV. i , 55 , 6 and x , 113 , 4] ; Imper. 2. sg. -sṛjā́ , or -sṛjā ; impf. -ásṛjat ; perf. Pot. -sasṛjyā RV. i , 24 , 13 ; p. -sṛját RV. ii , 3 , 10) to fling , throw (as arrows or the thunderbolt) RV. iv , 27 , 3 AV. iv , 6 , 7 TS. &c ;

to throw or put into (loc.) Mn. i , 8 MBh. iii , 12769 , Ved , to let off , let loose , let go , send , dismiss , abandon , surrender (as to misfortune , aghā́ya RV. i , 189 , 5) RV. AV. &c ;

to give up (as one's anger &c ) MBh. v , 1822 and vi , 5848, (or one's life , prāṇān) xii , 88 ;

to pardon RV. vii , 86 , 5 ;

(any one's life , prāṇān) MBh. iii , 3052 ;

to deliver (a woman) RV. x , 138 , 2 ;

to be delivered , bring forth AV. i , 11 , 3 ;

to produce , form , shape Hariv. 7057 BhP. : A1. (impf. 3. pl. ávā*sṛjanta) to relax , lose energy and power. RV. iv , 19 , 2 ;

(impf. avā*sṛjat for °sajat , fr. - √ sañj BR. ) to attach to (loc.) MBh. i , 1973.


(H3) a-vārya--kratu [p= 107,2] [L=18587] (avāryá.) , (6) mfn. of irresistible power RV. viii , 92 , 8.

(H1) a-siddha [p= 120,3] [L=21006] mfn. imperfect , incomplete Nr2isUp. : unaccomplished , uneffected
[L=21007] unproved
[L=21008] (regarded as) not existing or (as) not having taken effect (as a rule or operation taught in grammar) Pa1n2.
[L=21009] not possessed of magic power.

(H2C) a-haitukam [p= 125,3] [L=21975] ind. without extraneous aid , through one's own ability or power BhP.

(H1) á-hraya [p= 126,1] [L=21998] mfn. ( √ hrī) , not bashful , bold , conscious of one's power RV.
[L=21999] abundant RV.

(H1) ā- √ jñā 1 [p= 133,2] [L=23154]
-jānāti (Impv. 2. pl. -jānīta ; perf. -jajñau ; p. jānát) to mind , perceive , notice , understand RV. i , 94 , 8 ; 156 , 3 S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr. ;

(cf. án-ājānat): Caus. -jñāpayati , °te (Inf. -jñaptum R. iv , 40 , 8) to order , command , direct MBh. &c ;

to assure R. vi , 103 , 10.

(H2) ā-jñā 2 [L=23158] f. order , command Mn. x , 56 MBh. &c
[L=23159] authority , unlimited power Ba1lar.
[L=23160] N. of the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2.
[L=23161] permission (neg. anājñayā instr. ind. without permission of (gen.) Mn. ix , 199)

(H3) ātma--śakti [p= 135,3] [L=23620] f. one's own power or effort Pan5cat. ( Hit. )

(H3) ādi--bala [p= 137,1] [L=23853] n. " the primal vigour " , generative power Sus3r.

(H3) ādi--śakti [L=23874] f. the primeval power , N. of māyā L.

(H1) ā́dhipatya [p= 138,3] [L=24178] n. ([ Pa1n2. 5-1 , 124]) (fr. adhi-pati) , supremacy , sovereignty , power RV. x , 124 , 5 AV. xviii , 4 , 54 VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br. Mn. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. &c

(H1) ā-dhāra [L=24164] &c » under ā- √dhṛ.
(H2) ā-dhārá [p= 139,1] [L=24216] m. support , prop , stay , substratum
[L=24217] the power of sustaining , or the support given , aid , patronage AV. xii , 3 , 48 MBh. Sus3r. Veda1ntas. &c
[L=24218] that which contains (a fluid &c ) , a vessel , receptacle Ya1jn5. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c
[L=24219] a dike , dam Ragh.
[L=24220] a basin round the foot of a tree L.
[L=24221] a reservoir , pond L.
[L=24222] (in phil. and Gr.) comprehension , location , the sense of the locative case
[L=24223] ifc. belonging or relating to
[L=24224] the subject in a sentence (of which qualities &c are affirmed)
[L=24225] N. of a lake
[L=24226] of an author.

(H1) ānaiśvarya [p= 141,3] [L=24679] n. (fr. an-īśvara [ Pa1n2. 7-3 , 30]) , absence of power or supremacy (cf. an-aiśvarya).

(H2) ā-bhūti [p= 145,3] [L=25349] f. reaching , attaining
[L=25350] superhuman power or strength RV. x , 84 , 6
(H2B) ā-bhūti [L=25351] m. N. of a teacher S3Br.
(H2) ā́-bhūti [p= 1319,3] [L=319380] ( RV. ).

(H2) ā-yatti [p= 148,1] [L=25749] f. dependence , subjection , subjecting
[L=25750] affection
[L=25751] power , strength
[L=25752] day
[L=25753] boundary , limit
[L=25754] sleeping
[L=25755] length
[L=25756] majesty , dignity
[L=25757] future time
[L=25758] continuance in the right way , steadiness of conduct L.

(H2) ā-yāsa [p= 148,2] [L=25826] m. effort , exertion (of bodily or mental power) , trouble , labour MBh. R. Sus3r. S3ak. Katha1s. &c
[L=25827] fatigue , weariness MBh. R. Das3.
(H2) ā-yāsá [p= 1320,1] [L=319700] ( VS. )

(H3) ā́yuṣ--mat [p= 149,1] [L=25906] mfn. possessed of vital power , healthy , long-lived
[L=25906.05] alive , living AV. VS. MBh. R. S3ak. &c
[L=25906.10] lasting AV. vi , 98 , 2
[L=25906.15] old , aged A1s3vGr2.
(H3B) āyuṣ--mat [L=25906.20] m. (ān) " life-possessing " , often applied as a kind of honorific title (especially to royal personages and Buddhist monks)
(H3B) āyuṣ--mat [L=25906.25] m. the third of the twenty-seven yogas or divisions of the ecliptic
(H3B) āyuṣ--mat [L=25906.30] m. the yoga star in the third lunar mansion
(H3B) āyuṣ--mat [L=25906.35] m. N. of a son of uttānapāda
(H3B) āyuṣ--mat [L=25906.40] m. of saṃhrāda VP.

(H2) āyuṣyá [L=25910] mfn. giving long life , vital , preservative of life , for the sake of life , relating or belonging to it S3Br. Mn. MBh. R.
(H2B) āyuṣyá [L=25911] n. vital power , abundance of life , longevity AV. VS. S3Br. Mn. Pan5cat. &c
(H2B) āyuṣyá [L=25912] n. a medicament L.
(H2B) āyuṣyá [L=25913] n. " vivifying " , N. of a ceremony performed after a child's birth Pa1rGr2.

(H2) ā́yus [L=25916] n. life , vital power , vigour , health , duration of life , long life RV. AV. TS. S3Br. Mn. MBh. Pan5cat. &c
[L=25917] active power , efficacy RV. VS.
[L=25918] the totality of living beings [food Sa1y. ] RV. ii , 38 , 5 and vii , 90 , 6
[L=25919] N. of a particular ceremony (= āyuḥ-ṣṭoma q.v.)
[L=25920] N. of a sāman
[L=25921] of the eighth lunar mansion
[L=25922] food L.
(H2B) ā́yus [L=25923] m. the son of purūravas and urvaśī (cf. āyu) MBh. Vikr. VP.
(H2B) ā́yus [L=25924] m. ([cf. Dor. αἰές ; perhaps also αἰών.])
(H1) ā́yus [p= 149,2] [L=25974] » col.1.

(H2) ārthapatya [p= 152,1] [L=26462] n. (fr. artha-pati) , power or possession of a thing.

(H3) ā-varaṇa--śakti [p= 156,1] [L=27184] f. the power of illusion (that which veils the real nature of things) Veda1ntas.

(H2) ā-śakti [p= 157,1] [L=27403] f. might , power , ability L.

(H2) āsekya [p= 160,3] [L=28011] » s.v. 1.
(H1) āsekya [p= 161,1] [L=28083] m. (fr. a-seka) , impotent , a man of slight generative power Sus3r. i , 318 , 8.

(H1) āspada [p= 161,3] [L=28187] n. (ifc. mf(ā)n. fr. pada with ā prefixed , s being inserted) , place , seat , abode S3ak. Katha1s. Mr2icch. Bhartr2. Das3. &c
[L=28188] the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2.
[L=28189] business , affair
[L=28190] dignity , authority
[L=28191] power L.

(H3) ā́ho--puruṣikā [p= 163,1] [L=28450] f. (g. mayūra-vyaṃsakā*di Pa1n2. 3-1 , 72) boasting of one's manliness or military prowess
[L=28450.1] vaunting of one's power Bhat2t2.

(H3) índra--tā [p= 166,2] [L=29005] f. power and dignity of indra.

(H3) índra--tva [p= 166,3] [L=29012] n. indra's power and dignity
[L=29013] kingship.

(H3) índra--yogá [L=29081] m. indra's union or uniting power AV. x , 5 , 3.

(H3) índra--° s-vat [p= 167,1] [L=29153] mfn. (índras-vat) similar to indra
[L=29153.1] accompanied by indra , possessed of power (?) ([ Sa1y. ]) RV. iv , 37 , 5.

(H2) indriyá [p= 167,2] [L=29215] mfn. fit for or belonging to or agreeable to indra RV. AV. VS.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29216] m. a companion of indra(?) RV. i , 107 , 2 AV. xix , 27 , 1
(H2B) indriyá [L=29217] n. power , force , the quality which belongs especially to the mighty indra RV. AV. VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29218] n. exhibition of power , powerful act RV. VS.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29219] n. bodily power , power of the senses
(H2B) indriyá [L=29220] n. virile power AV. VS. S3Br.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29221] n. semen virile VS. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
(H2B) indriyá [L=29222] n. faculty of sense , sense , organ of sense AV. Sus3r. Mn. Ragh. Kir. &c
(H2B) indriyá [L=29223] n. the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception , buddhī*ndriyāṇi or jñāne*ndriyāṇi , i.e. eye , ear , nose , tongue , and skin , the Hindus enumerate five organs of action , karme*ndriyāṇi i.e. larynx , hand , foot , anus , and parts of generation ; between these ten organs and the soul or ātman stands manas or mind , considered as an eleventh organ ; in the vedānta , manas , buddhi , ahaṃkāra , and citta form the four inner or internal organs , antar-indriyāṇi , so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number , each being presided over by its own ruler or niyantṛ ; thus , the eye by the Sun , the ear by the Quarters of the world , the nose by the two aśvins , the tongue by pracetas , the skin by the Wind , the voice by Fire , the hand by indra , the foot by viṣṇu , the anus by mitra , the parts of generation by prajāpati , manas by the Moon , buddhi by brahman , ahaṃkāra by śiva , citta by viṣṇu as acyuta ; in the nyāya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element , the nose with the Earth , the tongue with Water , the eye with Light or Fire , the skin with Air , the ear with Ether ; the jainas divide the whole creation into five sections , according to the number of organs attributed to each being.)
(H2) indriya [p= 1321,1] [L=321420] (in comp.)

(H3) indriyá--kāma [p= 167,2] [L=29224] (indriyá°) mfn. desiring or endeavouring to obtain power Ka1tyS3r. TS. A1p.

(H3) indriyá--śakti [L=29245] f. power of the senses Bhartr2. Kap.

Whitney Roots links: i2
(H1) inv [p= 167,3] [L=29294]
cl.6 P. ínvati RV. AV. ; or in cl.8 P. inóti RV. ; 2. sg. Impv. inú and inuhí ; impf. °ainot RV. ; (also once [ SV. ii , 2 , 2 , 4 , 2] cl.9 P. 1. pl. inīmasi) A1. perf. 3. pl. invire , to advance upon , press upon , drive ;

to infuse strength , invigorate , gladden ;

to use force , force ;

to drive away ;

to keep back , remove ;

to have in one's power , take possession of , pervade ;

to be lord or master of anything , have the disposal of RV. AV. SV. Dha1tup. Nir.


(H3) icchā--rūpa [p= 169,2] [L=29533] n. Desire (as personified by the śāktas) , the first manifestation of divine power (cf. sve*cchā-maya).

(H3) icchā--śakti-mat [L=29536] mfn. having the power of wishing , Veda1ntas.

(H2) īrṣyaka [p= 170,3] [L=29813] mfn. envious , envying
(H2B) īrṣyaka [L=29814] m. a particular kind of semi-impotent man whose power is stimulated through jealous feelings caused by seeing others in the act of sexual union Sus3r.

(H2) īśā́ [p= 171,1] [L=29845] f. faculty , power , dominion AV. VS. S3Br.

(H3) ut-panna--bala [p= 180,3] [L=31652] mfn. one in whom strength or power is produced , strong , powerful L.

(H1) ut- √ sah [p= 182,1] [L=31882]
(ud- √sah) A1. -sahate (inf. -sáham TBr. i , 1 , 6 , 1) to endure , bear TBr. AitBr. iii , 44 , 5 S3Br. i , 3 , 3 , 13 ;

to be able , be adequate , have power (with inf. or dat. of abstr. noun) ;

to act with courage or energy MBh. R. S3ak. Pan5cat. &c : Caus. -sāhayati , to animate , encourage , excite MBh. Katha1s. : Desid. of the Caus. (p. -sisāhayiṣat) to wish to excite or encourage Bhat2t2. ix , 69.


(H2) ut-sāha [L=31884] m. power , strength
[L=31885] strength of will , resolution
[L=31886] effort , perseverance , strenuous and continuous exertion , energy
[L=31887] firmness , fortitude R. Mn. Sus3r. S3ak. Hit. &c
[L=31888] joy , happiness Vet.
[L=31889] a thread L.
(H2) ut-sāha [p= 1321,3] [L=322770] (in comp.)

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 29.20
Whitney Roots links: ud
(H1) ud 1 [p= 183,1] [L=32058] a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place , rank , station , or power) up , upwards
[L=32058.1] upon , on
[L=32058.2] over , above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out , out of , from , off , away from , apart. (According to native authorities ud may also imply publicity , pride , indisposition , weakness , helplessness , binding , loosing , existence , acquisition.) ud is not used as a separable adverb or preposition
[L=32058.3] in those rare cases , in which it appears in the veda uncompounded with a verb , the latter has to be supplied from the context (e.g. úd útsam śatádhāram AV. iii , 24 , 4, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams) . ud is sometimes repeated in the veda to fill out the verse Pa1n2. 8-1 , 6 (kiṃ na ud ud u harṣase dātavā u Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. ) ([cf. Zd. uz ; Hib. uas and in composition os , ois e.g. os-car , " a leap , bound " , &c » also uttamá , 1. úttara , &c ])
(H1) ud 2 [L=32059]
or und cl.7 P. unátti ( RV. v , 85 , 4) : cl.6 P. undati (p. undát RV. ii , 3 , 2 : Impv. 3. pl. undantu AV. vi , 68 , 1 ; 2) A1. undáte ( AV. v , 19 , 4 ; undāṃ cakāra,undiṣyati &c Dha1tup. xxix , 20) to flow or issue out , spring (as water) ;

to wet , bathe RV. AV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vGr2. Pa1rGr2. &c : Caus. (aor. aundidat Vop. xviii , 1) : Desid. undidiṣati Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 6-1 , 3 ;

([cf. Gk. ὕδωρ ; Lat. unda ; Goth. vat-o ; Old High Germ. waz-ar ; Mod. Eng. wat-er ; Lith. wand-u14.])


(H3) ud-ārá--vīrya [p= 185,2] [L=32525] mfn. of great power.

(H2) udumbála 1 [p= 186,3] [L=32705] m. = udumbára ([ T. ?]) AV. viii , 6 , 17.
(H1) udumbalá 2 [L=32706] mfn. of widely-reaching power (for uru-bala Sa1y. ; said of the two dogs , the messengers of yama) RV. x , 14 , 12 AV. xviii , 2 , 13 , [copper-coloured BRD. ]

(H1) úpa [p= 194,3] [L=34067] ind. (a preposition or prefix to verbs and nouns , expressing) towards , near to (opposed to apa , away) , by the side of , with , together with , under , down (e.g. upa- √gam , to go near , undergo ; upa-gamana , approaching ; in the veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context , and sometimes upa is placed after the verb to which it belongs , e.g. āyayur upa = upā*yayuḥ , they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns upa expresses) direction towards , nearness , contiguity in space , time , number , degree , resemblance , and relationship , but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e.g. upa-kaniṣṭhikā , the finger next to the little finger ; upa-purāṇam , a secondary or subordinate purāṇa ; upa-daśa , nearly ten)
[L=34067.1] sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e.g. upa-mūlam , at the root ; upa-pūrva-rātram , towards the beginning of night ; upa-kūpe , near a well) which lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e.g. upakūpa-jalā*śaya , a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well)
[L=34067.2] prefixed to proper names upa may express in classical literature " a younger brother " (e.g. upe*ndra , " the younger brother of indra ") , and in Buddhist literature " a son. " (As a separable adverb upa rarely expresses) thereto , further , moreover (e.g. tatro*pa brahma yo veda , who further knows the brahman) RV. AV. S3Br. Pa1rGr2. (As a separable preposition) near to , towards , in the direction of , under , below (with acc. e.g. upa āśāḥ , towards the regions)
[L=34067.3] near to , at , on , upon
[p= 195,1] [p= 194,3] [L=34067.4] at the time of , upon , up to , in , above (with loc. e.g. upa sānuṣu , on the tops of the mountains)
[L=34067.5] with , together with , at the same time with , according to (with inst. e.g. upa dharmabhiḥ , according to the rules of duty) RV. AV. S3Br. upa , besides the meanings given above , is said by native authorities to imply disease , extinction ; ornament ; command ; reproof ; undertaking ; giving ; killing ; diffusing ; wish ; power ; effort ; resemblance , &c ; ([cf. Zd. upa ; Gk. ὑπό ; Lat. sub ; Goth. uf ; Old Germ. oba ; Mod. Germ. ob in Obdach , obliegen , &c ])

(H1) upa- √ śak [p= 207,3] [L=35878]
P. (pf. 1. pl. -śekima) to be able to bring into one's power , master , be superior AV. vi , 114 , 2;3 ([= TBr. ii , 4 , 4 , 9]) : Desid. P. -śikṣati , to endeavour to bring into one's power , master or subdue ;

to bring or draw near , call near , allure ;

to bring into one's possession RV. AV. vii , 12 , 1 ;

xi , 8 , 17 TBr. Ta1n2d2yaBr. : A1. -śikṣate , to try , undertake S3a1n3khBr. ;

to endeavour to help or serve , offer one's service MBh. ;

to learn , inquire into MBh. BhP. : Caus. of Desid. P. -śikṣayati , to teach , train BhP.


(H3) uṣṇá--vīrya [p= 220,2] [L=37793] mfn. possessing warming power Car.
[L=37794] Delphinus Gangeticus L.

(H2) ūrjá [p= 221,3] [L=38041] mfn. strong , powerful , eminent BhP. S3is3.
[L=38042] invigorating , strengthening
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38043] m. N. of a month (= kārttika) TS. i VS. S3Br. Sus3r. i , 19 , 9 BhP. &c
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38044] m. power , strength , vigour , sap MBh. Mn. ii , 55 BhP. &c
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38045] m. life , breath L.
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38046] m. effort , exertion L.
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38047] m. N. of several men
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38049] m. N. of a daughter of dakṣa and wife of vasiṣṭha VP. BhP.
(H2B) ūrjá [L=38050] n. water L.

(H2) ūrjas [L=38063] n. vigour , strength , power Sa1h.

(H2) ūrjita [L=38072] mfn. endowed with strength or power , strong , mighty , powerful , excellent , great , important , gallant , exceeding MBh. Bhag. Ragh. Hit. &c
[L=38073] proud , bragging
(H2B) ūrjita [L=38074] n. strength , power , valour

(H2) ṛddhi [p= 226,2] [L=38935] f. increase , growth , prosperity , success , good fortune , wealth , abundance VS. TS. S3Br. A1s3vGr2. &c (personified as kuvera's wife MBh. Hariv. )
[L=38936] accomplishment , perfection , supernatural power BhP. Lalit. &c
[L=38937] magic
[L=38938] a kind of medicinal plant Bhpr. Car.
[L=38939] N. of pārvatī L.
[L=38940] of lakṣmī L.
(H2) ṛ́ddhi [p= 1323,1] [L=325160] ( VS. ; also) N. of Gan2es3a's wife, RTL. 215

(H3) ṛddhi--pāda [p= 226,2] [L=38942] m. one of the four constituent part of supernatural power Lalit.

(H2) ṛddhita [L=38945] mfn. (p.p. of a Nom. ṛddhaya) caused to increase , made to prosper , (asi-ṛddhita , made to prosper by the power of the sword MBh. xviii , 105.)

(H3) ṛṣvaú* jas [p= 227,2] [L=39132] mfn. having sublime power (as indra) RV. x , 105 , 6.

(H3) eváṃ--vīrya [p= 232,3] [L=40202] mfn. strong in that respect S3Br. xiii
[L=40203] possessed of such a power BhP.

(H3) evám--prabhāva [L=40236] mfn. possessed of such power R.

(H1) aidhá [p= 234,1] [L=40412] n. (fr. 2. edhas Sa1y. ) , flame , splendour
[L=40413] ardour , power RV. i , 166 , 1.

(H2) aiśya [p= 234,3] [L=40548] n. supremacy , power BhP.

(H1) aiśvara [L=40553] mf(ī)n. (fr. īśvara) , relating to or coming from a mighty lord or king , mighty powerful , majestic MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c
[L=40554] belonging to or coming from śiva Ragh. xi , 76 Katha1s. cxvi , 10
(H1B) aiśvara [L=40555] n. supremacy , power , might BhP. x

(H2) aíśvarya [L=40558] n. the state of being a mighty lord , sovereignty , supremacy , power , sway S3Br. xiii MBh. Mn. &c
[L=40559] dominion Katha1s.
[L=40560] superhuman power (either perpetual or transient , consisting , according to some , of the following eight: aṇiman , laghiman , mahiman , prāpti , prākāmya , vaśitva , īśitva , and kāmā*vasāyitva , qq.v. ; or , according to others , of such powers as vision , audition , cogitation , discrimination , and omniscience ; and of active powers such as swiftness of thought , power of assuming forms at will , and faculty of expatiation Sarvad. &c )

(H3) aíśvarya--vat [L=40561] mfn. possessing power or supremacy MBh.
[p= 235,1] [L=40562] possessed of or connected with superhuman powers.

(H1) oj [p= 235,2] [L=40621]
cl.1.10.P. ojati , ojayati , to be strong or able ;

to increase , have vital power Dha1tup. xxxv , 84.


(H1) ójas [L=40625] n. ( √vaj , or uj ; cf. ugra) , bodily strength , vigour , energy , ability , power RV. AV. TS. AitBr. MBh. &c
[L=40626] vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) Sus3r. &c
[L=40627] (in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)
[L=40628] vigorous or emphatic expression Sa1h. Va1m.
[L=40629] water L.
[L=40630] light , splendour , lustre L.
[L=40631] manifestation , appearance L.
[L=40632] support L.
(H1B) ójas [L=40633] m. N. of a yakṣa BhP. ; ([cf. Zd. avjan3h , " power " ; Gk. ὑγ-ιές , αὐγ-ή , ἐρι-αυγής ; Lat. vige1re , augere , augur , augus-tus , auxilium ; Goth. aukan , Eng. eke.])

(H3) ojo--dā́ [L=40647] mfn. granting power , strengthening RV. viii , 3 , 24 TS. v {;} ([cf. Zd. aogazda7o])

(H4) ojo--dā́---tama [L=40648] mfn. granting great power , very strengthening RV. viii , 92 , 17 ; ([cf. Zd. aogazdactema.])

(H2) ojmán [L=40652] m. power , vigour , energy , speed velocity RV. vi , 47 , 27 AV. ; ([cf. Lat. augmentu-m ; Lith. augmu.])

(H1) ka 1 [p= 240,2] [L=41332] the first consonant of the alphabet , and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to k in keep or king).
(H1) ká 2 [L=41336] kas,kā,kim , interrog. pron. (» kim and 2. kad , and cf. the following words in which the interrogative base ka appears , katama,katara,kati,katham,kadā,karhi,kā , &c ) , who? which? what? In its declension ka follows the pronoun tad except in nom. acc. sing. neut. , where kim has taken the place of kad or kat in classical Sanskrit
[p= 240,3] [p= 240,2] [L=41336.1] but the old form kad is found in the veda (» Gram. ?? 227) ; ([cf. Zd. ka , ko7 , kA7 , kat ; Gk. πόθεν , πῶς , (Ion. κόθεν , κῶς ,) τίς , τί ; Lat. quis , quid ; Lith. kas ká ; Goth. hvas , hvo7 , hva , Angl.Sax. hwa1 , hwaet ; Eng. who , what.]) The interrogative sentence introduced by ka is often terminated by iti (e.g. kasya sa putra iti kathyatām , let it be said , " whose son is he? ") , but iti may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. kasya sa putro na jñāyate , it is not known whose son he is) . ka with or without √1. as may express " how is it possible that? " " what power have I , you , they , &c ? " (e.g. ke mama dhanvino'nye , what can the other archers do against me? ke āvām paritrātum , what power have we to rescue you?) ka is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. ko 'yam āyāti , who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. ko hariṃ nindet , who will blame hari?) ka is sometimes repeated (e.g. kaḥ ko 'tra , who is there? kān kān , whom? whom? i.e. which of them? cf. Gram. 54) , and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. keṣāṃ kiṃ śāstram adhyayanīyam , which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. a). When kim is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express " what is gained by doing so , &c ? " (= ko'rthas)
[L=41336.2] (e.g. kiṃ vilambena , what is gained by delay? kim bahunā , what is the use of more words? dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti , what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen. , nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ , what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) ka is often followed by the particles iva , u , nāma , nu , vā , svid , some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. kim iva etad , what can this be? ka u śravat , who can possibly hear? ko nāma jānāti , who indeed knows? ko nv ayam , who , pray , is this? kiṃ nu kāryam , what is to be done? ko vā devād anyaḥ , who possibly other than a god? kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nā*sti , of what person is there no heart?) ka is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun , especially in negative sentences (e.g. na kasya ko vallabhaḥ , no one is a favourite of any one ; nā*nyo jānāti kaḥ , no one else knows ; kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam , how does he kill any one?) Generally , however , ka is only made indefinite when connected with the particles ca,caná,cid,vā ,andápi , in which case ka may sometimes be preceded by the relative ya (e.g. ye ke ca , any persons whatsoever ; yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai , to any deity whatsoever ; yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi , any friends whatsoever ; yat kiṃca , whatever) . The particle cana , being composed of caandna , properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana , without which indra there is nothing) , but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. kaścana , any one ; na kaścana , no one) , and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. yat kiṃcana , anything whatsoever) . Examples of cid with the interrogative are common
[L=41336.3] vā and api are not so common , but the latter is often found in classical Sanskrit (e.g. kaścid , any one ; kecid , some ; na kaścid , no one ; na kiṃcid api , nothing whatsoever ; yaḥ kaścid , any one whatsoever ; kecit - kecit , some - others ; yasmin kasmin vā deśe , in any country whatsoever ; na ko 'pi , no one ; na kimapi , nothing whatever) . ka may sometimes be used , like 2. kad , at the beginning of a compound. » ka-pūya , &c
(H1) ká 3 [L=41337] m. (according to native authorities) N. of prajāpati or of a prajāpati VS. xx , 4 ; xxii , 20 TS. i S3Br. &c
[L=41338] of brahman MBh. i , 32 BhP. iii , 12 , 51 ; xii , 13 , 19 ; 20
[L=41339] of dakṣa BhP. ix , 10 , 10
[L=41340] of viṣṇu L.
[L=41341] of yama L.
[L=41342] of garuḍa
[L=41343] the soul Tattvas.
[L=41344] a particular comet VarBr2S.
[L=41345] the sun L.
[L=41346] fire L.
[L=41347] splendour , light L.
[L=41348] air L.
[L=41349] a peacock L.
[L=41350] the body L.
[L=41351] time L.
[L=41352] wealth L.
[L=41353] sound L.
[L=41354] a king L.
[L=41355] = kāma-granthi (?)
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41356] n. happiness , joy , pleasure ChUp. iv , 10 , 5 Nir. &c
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41357] n. water MaitrS. i , 10 , 10 S3Br. x Ya1jn5. &c
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41358] n. the head
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41359] n. hair , a head of hair L.
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41360] n. (also regarded as ind. ; cf. 1. kam.)
(H1) ka 4 [L=41365] a taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives ; it may also be added to nouns to express diminution , deterioration , or similarity e.g. putraka , a little son ; aśvaka , a bad horse or like a horse).

(H1) kathám [p= 247,2] [L=42763] ind. (fr. 2. ka) , how? in what manner? whence? (e.g. katham etat , how is that? katham idānīm , how now? what is now to be done? katham mārā*tmake tvayi viśvāsaḥ , how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? katham utsṛjya tvāṃ gaccheyam , how can I go away deserting you? katham buddhvā bhaviṣyati sā , how will she be when she awakes? katham mṛtyuḥ , prabhavati vedavidām , whence is it that death has power over those that know the veda? katham avagamyate , whence is it inferred?)
[L=42763.1] sometimes katham merely introduces an interrogation (e.g. katham ātmānaṃ nivedayāmi kathaṃ vā*tmā*pahāraṃ karomi , shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) katham is often found in connection with the particles iva , nāma , nu , svid , which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? &c )
[L=42763.2] with nu it is sometimes = kimu , or kutas (e.g. katkaṃ nu , how much more! na kathaṃ nu , how much less!) katham is often connected , like kim , with the particles cana , cid , and api , which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (e.g. kathaṃ cana , in any way , some how ; scarcely , with difficulty ; na kathaṃ cana , in no way at all ; kathaṃcit , some how or other , by some means or other , in any way , with some difficulty , scarcely , in a moderate degree , a little ; na kathaṃcit , not at all , in no way whatever ; na kathaṃcid na , in no way not i.e. most decidedly ; yathā kathaṃcit , in any way whatsoever ; kathaṃcid yadi jīvati , it is with difficulty that he lives ; katham api , some how or other , with some difficulty , scarcely a little ; katham api na , by no means , not at all) RV. &c
[L=42763.3] according to lexicographers katham is a particle implying amazement
[L=42763.4] surprise
[L=42763.5] pleasure
[L=42763.6] abuse.

(H3) kathaṃ--vīrya [L=42767] mfn. of what power? R. iii , 73 , 9.

(H3) karma--vajra [p= 259,1] [L=45398] mfn. " whose power (thunderbolt) is work " (said of śūdras) MBh. i , 6487.

(H3) karma--vaśa [L=45400] m. the necessary influence of acts , fate (considered as the inevitable consequence of actions done in a former life)
(H3B) karma--vaśa [L=45401] mfn. being in the power of or subject to former actions MBh. xiii.

(H3) karma--° vaśi-tā [L=45402] mfn. the condition of having power over one's works (as a quality of a bodhi-sattva) Buddh.

(H3) kalpanā-śakti [p= 263,1] [L=46191] f. the power of forming ideas MW.

(H3) kaví--tvá [p= 264,3] [L=46564] n. intelligence RV. x , 124 , 7
[L=46565] poetic skill or power or gift Das3. Sa1h. Vet.

(H3) kā́ma--bala [p= 272,2] [L=48124] n. force of desire , sexual power Bhpr.

(H4) kāmā* vasā° yitā [p= 273,1] [L=48267] f. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of śiva) L. (cf. yatra-kām°.)

(H4) kāmā* vasā° yi-tva [L=48267.1] n. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of śiva) L. (cf. yatra-kām°.)

(H3) kālá--mahiman [p= 278,3] [L=49488] m. the power of time.

(H3) kālá--vikrama [L=49512] m. power of time , death.

(H1) kāvyá [p= 280,1] [L=49757] mfn. (fr. kaví) , endowed with the qualities of a sage or poet , descended or coming from a sage , prophetic , inspired , poetical RV. i , 117 , 12 ; viii , 8 , 11 VS. AV.
[L=49758] [id. RV. v , 39 , 5 ; x , 144 , 2 ; VS. ]
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49759] mf(ā)n. coming from or uttered by the sage uśanas Para1s3. MBh. ii , 2097
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49760] m. (gaṇa kurv-ādi) a patr. of uśanas RV. TS. &c
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49761] mf(ā)n. of the planet śukra VarBr2S. Sarvad.
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49762] m. pl. poems MBh. ii , 453
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49763] m. a class of Manes S3a1n3khS3r. La1t2y. Mn. iii , 199
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49764] m. the descendants of kavi VP.
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49766] m. N. of a female fiend (= pūtanā) L.
(H1B) kā́vya [L=49767] n. wisdom , intelligence , prophetic inspiration , high power and art (often in pl.) RV. AV. S3Br. xi
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49768] m. a poem , poetical composition with a coherent plot by a single author (opposed to an itihāsa) R. Sa1h. &c
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49769] m. term for the first tetrastich in the metre ṣaṭ-pada
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49770] m. a kind of drama of one act Sa1h. 546
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49771] m. a kind of poem (composed in Sanskrit interspersed with Prakrit) Sa1h. 563
(H1B) kāvyá [L=49772] m. happiness , welfare L.
(H2) kāvya [p= 1324,3] [L=327830] (in comp.)

(H3) kiṃ--vīrya [p= 282,3] [L=50315] mfn. of what power? R. BhP.

(H3) kim--parākrama [p= 283,2] [L=50439] mfn. of what power? MBh. R.

(H3) kim--prabhāva [L=50454] mfn. possessing what power? Pan5cat.

(H3) kim--bala [L=50459] mfn. possessing what strength or power? BhP. vii , 8 , 7.

(H3) kīrtí--pratāpa-bala-sahita [p= 285,2] [L=50807] mfn. attended with or possessed of fame and majesty and power.

(H2B) kuṭilā [p= 288,2] [L=51559] f. (scil. gati) a particular period in the retrograde course of a planet Su1ryas.
(H2B) kuṭilā [L=51560] f. N. of a magic power

(H3) kṛtya--vat [p= 303,3] [L=54626] mfn. having any business , engaged in any occupation MBh. i , 5153 ff.
[L=54627] having any request MBh. iii , 270 , 6
[L=54628] wanting , longing for (instr.) R. vii , 92 , 15
[L=54629] having the power to do something (loc.) R. iii , 75 , 66.

(H2) kṛtvya [p= 304,1] [L=54680] mfn. one who is able to perform anything , strong , efficacious RV.
[L=54681] having accomplished many deeds , exerting one's power RV.
(H2) kṛ́tvya [p= 1325,2] [L=328590] (accord. to some also, "bringing or containing a prize").

Whitney Roots links: kfz
(H1) kṛṣ 1 [p= 306,1] [L=55083]
cl.1 P. kárṣati , rarely A1. °te (perf. cakarṣa , 2. sg. °ṣitha Pa1n2. 7-2 , 62 Ka1s3. ; fut. karkṣyati or krakṣy° ; kṛṣiṣy° DivyA7v. xvii ; karṣṭā or kraṣṭā Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Ka1s3. ; aor. akṛkṣat [or akārkṣīt] or akrākṣīt , iii , 1 , 44 Va1rtt. 7 ; inf. kraṣṭum) , to draw , draw to one's self , drag , pull , drag away , tear RV. AV. S3Br. &c ;

to lead or conduct (as an army) MBh. ;

to bend (a bow) Ragh. v , 50 ;

to draw into one's power , become master of , overpower Mn. ii , 215 MBh. iv , 20 R. Pan5cat. ;

to obtain Mn. iii , 66 ;

to take away anything (acc.) from any one (acc.) Vop. v , 8 ;

to draw or make furrows , plough RV. viii , 22 , 6 La1t2y. v , 1 , 4 Vait. (A1.) R. iii , 4 , 12 BhP. (ind.p. kṛṣṭvā): cl.6 P. A1. kṛṣáti , °te (p. kṛṣát) , to draw or make furrows , plough RV. AV. TS. S3Br. &c ;

A1. to obtain by ploughing AV. xii , 2 , 16 ;

to travel over MBh. iii , 16021 : Caus. karṣayati , to draw , drag RV. x , 119 , 11 (aor. 1. sg. acikṛṣam) R. Mr2icch. ;

to draw or tear out MBh. iii , 2307 ;

to pull to and fro , cause pain , torture , torment Mn. MBh. &c ;

" to plough " » karṣita: Intens. (pr. p. and Subj. 3. sg. cárkṛṣat ; impf. 3. pl. acarkṛṣur) to plough RV. AV. ;

carīkṛṣyate or Ved. karīk° , to plough repeatedly Pa1n2. 7-4 , 64 ; ([cf. Lith. karszu , pleszau ; Russ. c8eshu ; Lat. verro , vello ; Goth. falh.])

(H2) kṛṣ 2 [L=55084] mfn. » kaṃsa-k°.

(H1) krátu [p= 319,1] [L=57650] m. ( √1. kṛ , or 2. kṛ) , plan , design , intention , resolution , determination , purpose RV. VS. S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
[L=57651] desire , will (instr. krátvā , willingly , readily RV. ; ékena krátunā , through the mere will RV. ii , 13 , 11)
[L=57652] power , ability RV.
[L=57653] deliberation , consultation RV. VS.
[L=57654] intelligence , understanding (e.g. bhadrá krátu , right judgement , good understanding ; also in conjunction or in comp. or ifc. with dákṣa » krátu-dákṣau and dakṣakratū́) RV. VS. TS. S3Br.
[L=57655] inspiration , enlightenment RV.
[L=57656] a sacrificial rite or ceremony , sacrifice (as the aśva-medha sacrifice) , offering , worship (also personified R. vii , 90 , 9) AitBr. S3Br. xi A1s3vS3r. &c
[L=57657] kratu as intelligence personified (as a son of brahmā and one of the prajā-patis or the seven or ten principal ṛṣis Mn. i , 35 MBh. i , 2518 & 2568 Hariv. &c ; [N. of a star] VarBr2S. ; married to kriyā and father of 60 ,000 vālikhilyas BhP. iv , 1 , 39 ; husband of haya-śirā , vi , 6 , 33)
[L=57658] N. of one of the viśve-devās VP.
[L=57659] of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP. x , 61 , 12
[L=57660] of a son of ūru and āgneyī Hariv. 73
[L=57661] of the author of a dharma-śāstra Para1s3. S3u1dradh.
(H1B) krátu [L=57662] m. or f. (?) , N. of a river in plakṣa-dvīpa (v.l. kramu) VP. [cf. a- , ádbhuta- , abhí- , &c ; cf. also κράτος.]

(H3) krátu--prā́ [L=57682] mfn. granting a desire or power RV. x , 100 , 12
[L=57683] becoming inspired or enlightened , iv , 39 , 2.

(H3) krátu--prā́van [L=57684] mfn. granting a desire or power , x , 100 , 11.

(H3) krátu--mat [L=57687] mfn. (krátu-) intelligent , prudent , wise RV.
[L=57687.1] having power , vigorous (as indra) RV.
(H3B) krátu--mat [L=57687.2] m. (ān) N. of a son of viśvā-mitra BhP. ix , 16 , 36.

(H3) krátu--víd [p= 319,2] [L=57696] mfn. granting power or knowledge RV.
[L=57697] causing inspiration , inspiring RV.
[L=57698] prudent , wise RV.
(H3B) krátu--víd [L=57699] m. (t) N. of a man AitBr. vii , 34 (cf. -jít.)

(H2) kráma [p= 319,3] [L=57750] m. a step AV. x , 5 , 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c
[L=57751] going , proceeding , course (cf. kāla-k°) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Ma1lati1m. Hit.
[L=57752] the way R. ii , 25 , 2
[L=57753] a position taken (by an animal &c ) before making a spring or attacking Pan5cat. Bhat2t2. ii , 9
[L=57754] the foot MBh. iii , 14316
[L=57755] uninterrupted or regular progress , order , series , regular arrangement , succession (e.g. varṇa-krameṇa , " in the order of the castes " Mn. viii , 24 and ix , 85) AV. viii , 9 , 10 RPra1t. xv , 5 Ka1tyS3r. R. &c
[L=57756] hereditary descent Ya1jn5. ii , 119
[L=57757] method , manner (e.g. yena krameṇa , in which manner R. ii , 26 , 20 ; tad-anusaraṇa-krameṇa , so as to go on following him Hit. )
[L=57758] diet Car. vi , 13
[L=57759] custom , rule sanctioned by tradition Ma1rkP. xxiii , 112
[L=57760] (kramaṃ √1. kṛ , " to follow that rule ") Nya1yam.
[L=57761] occasion , cause (with gen. or ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 380 Hit.
[L=57762] " progressing step by step " , a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member , either word or letter , to the 2nd , then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd , the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4th , and so on ; this manner of reading in relation to words is called pada- [ TPra1t. ii , 12] , in relation to conjunct consonants varṇa- [ib.]) Pra1t.
[L=57763] the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib.
[L=57764] (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others " noticing of any one's affection ") Das3ar. i , 36 f. Sa1h. Prata1par.
[L=57765] (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Va1m. iv , 3 , 17
[L=57766] power , strength L.
[L=57768] according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c
(H2) krama [p= 1325,3] [L=329110] (in comp.)

(H3) kriyā-śakti [p= 321,1] [L=58071] f. " capability to act " , = karme*ndriya (q.v.)
[L=58072] a śakti or supernatural power as appearing in actions (opposed to dhī-ś°) Sarvad. vi

(H4) kriyā-śakti---mat [p= 321,2] [L=58073] mfn. possessing the power of action Veda7ntas.

(H3) kródha--vaśa [p= 322,1] [L=58260] m. the power of anger MBh. i , 3949 (cf. Mn. ii , 214)
(H3B) kródha--vaśa [L=58261] mfn. with gaṇa " passionate " , N. of several kinds of evil spirits MBh. Hariv. BhP.
(H3B) kródha--vaśa [L=58261.1] m. sg. and pl. " passionate " , N. of several kinds of evil spirits MBh. Hariv. BhP.
(H3B) kródha--vaśa [L=58262] m. N. of. a rakṣas MBh. iii , 16365 ; xiii , 4291

(H1) kṣatrá [p= 325,1] [L=58814] n. ( √1. kṣi? ; g. ardharcā*di) sg. and pl. dominion , supremacy , power , might (whether human or supernatural , especially applied to the power of varuṇa-mitra and indra) RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ii
[L=58815] xi
[L=58816] sg. and pl. government , governing body RV. AV. VS. x , 17 TBr. ii
[p= 325,2] [L=58817] the military or reigning order (the members of which in the earliest times , as represented by the Vedic hymns , were generally called rājanya , not kṣatriya ; afterwards , when the difference between brahman and kṣatra or the priestly and civil authorities became more distinct , applied to the second or reigning or military caste) VS. AV. TS. &c
[L=58818] a member of the military or second order or caste , warrior Mn. MBh. &c (fancifully derived fr. kṣatāt tra fr. √ trai i.e. " a preserver from injury " Ragh. ii , 53)
[L=58819] the rank of a member of the reigning or military order , authority of the second caste AitBr. viii , 5 S3Br. xiii , 1 , 5 , 2 BhP. iii , ix
[L=58820] wealth Naigh. ii , 10
[L=58821] water , i , 12
[L=58822] the body L.
[L=58823] Tabernaemontana coronaria (v.l. chattra) L.
(H2) kṣatra [p= 1325,3] [L=329220] (in comp.)

(H3) kṣatrá--dhṛti [p= 325,2] [L=58831] f. " support of supreme power " , N. of part of the rāja-sūya ceremony Ka1tyS3r. xv , 9 , 20 La1t2y. viii , 11 , 11.

(H3) kṣatrá--vṛddhi [L=58849] f. increase of power A1p.
(H3B) kṣatrá--vṛddhi [L=58850] m. N. of one of the sons of manu raucya Hariv. 489.

(H3) kṣatrá--śrī́ [L=58853] f. having the glory of sovereignty or power RV. i , 25 , 5 and vi , 26 , 8.

(H3) kṣatrā* yatanīya [L=58859] mfn. based on the kṣatra or kingly power La1t2y. vi , 6 , 8 and 18 ; 8 , 3.

(H2) kṣatríya [L=58862] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 4-1 , 38 ; g. śreṇyādi) governing , endowed with sovereignty RV. AV. iv , 22 , 1 VS. TBr. ii
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58863] m. a member of the military or reigning order (which in later times constituted the second caste) AV. S3Br. AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58864] m. (ifc. f(ā).) MBh.
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58865] m. N. of a daśa-pūrvin Jain.
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58866] m. a red horse Gal.
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58867] m. N. of a people VarBr2S. xiv , 28
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58869] m. N. of durgā Hariv. 3290
(H2B) kṣatríya [L=58871] n. the power or rank of the sovereign RV. iv , 12 , 3 ; v , 69 , 1 ; vii , 104 , 13 AV. vi , 76 , 3.

(H3) kṣatá--tejas [p= 325,3] [L=58939] mfn. dimmed , obscured (as light or power).

(H3) kṣatau* jas [p= 326,1] [L=58957] mfn. " of diminished power " , impaired , weakened , reduced.

Whitney Roots links: kzi1, kzi2
(H1) kṣi 1 [p= 327,3] [L=59266]
cl.1 P. kṣáyati (2. du. kṣá-yathas or kṣay° , 2. pl. kṣáyathā ; Subj. 1. kṣáyat or kṣayat RV. vi , 23 , 10 and vii , 20 , 6 ; x , 106 , 7 ; pr. p. kṣáyat) , to possess , have power over , rule , govern , be master of (gen.) RV. ;

([cf. Gk. κτάομαι.])

(H1) kṣi 2 [L=59272]
cl.2.6.P. kṣéti , kṣiyáti ;

(3. du. kṣitás , 3. pl. kṣiyanti ; Subj. 2. sg. kṣayat , 2. sg. kṣáyas , 3. du. kṣayatas , 1. pl. kṣáyāma ; pr. p. kṣiyát ; aor. Subj. kṣeṣat ; fut. p. kṣeṣyát) , to abide , stay , dwell , reside (used especially of an undisturbed or secret residence) RV. ;

to remain , be quiet AV. S3Br. ;

to inhabit TBr. iii ;

to go , move (kṣíyati) Naigh. ii , 14 Dha1tup. : Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. kṣayáyā ; Subj. kṣepayat) to make a person live quietly RV. iii , 46 , 2 and v , 9 , 7 ;

([cf. Gk. κτίζω.])

(H2) kṣi 3 [L=59285] f. abode L.
[L=59286] going , moving L.
(H1) kṣi 4 [p= 328,1] [L=59376]
cl.1 P. kṣayati (only once R. iv , 6 , 14) cl.5 P. kṣiṇoti ( S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c ; 1. sg. kṣiṇómi VS. for °ṇā́mi of AV. ) cl.9 P. kṣiṇā́ti (3. pl. kṣiṇánti ; perf. 3. du. cikṣiyatur Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 77 and vii , 4 , 10) , to destroy , corrupt , ruin , make an end of (acc.) , kill , injure RV. AV. &c : Pass. kṣīyáte ( AV. xii , 5 , 45 ; 3. pl. kṣī́yante RV. i , 62 , 12 ; aor. Subj. kṣeṣṭa [ AV. iv , 34 , 8] or kṣāyi TBr. i ; Cond. akṣeṣyata S3Br. viii) , to be diminished , decrease , wane (as the moon) , waste away , perish RV. AV. S3Br. &c ;

to pass (said of the night) Katha1s. : Caus. P. kṣapayati (fut. °yiṣyati) , rarely A1. °te ( MBh. i , 1838 Das3. ) , very rarely kṣayayati ( MBh. v , 2134 ed. Calc.) , to destroy , ruin , make an end of (acc.) , finish MBh. R. &c ;

to weaken Mn. v , 157 MBh. i , 1658 Kum. v , 29 ;

to pass (as the night or time , kṣapām , °pās , kālam) Pan5cat. Ka1d. S3a1rn3gP. ;

([cf. φθί-νω φθί-σι-ς , &c ])

(H2) kṣi 5 [p= 328,2] [L=59438] f. destruction , waste , loss L.

(H3B) khe--carī [p= 334,3] [L=60833] f. with siddhi or gati , the magical power of flying Katha1s. xx , 105 Sarvad. ix &c

(H4) khe--cara---tā [L=60839] f. the magical power of flying Sarvad. ix

(H3) gatā* yus [p= 347,2] [L=63513] mfn. one whose vital power has vanished , decayed , very old R. Sus3r. Hit.
[L=63514] dead R. vi Pan5cat. i , 21 , 8÷9.

(H2) gáti [p= 347,3] [L=63526] f. going , moving , gait , deportment , motion in general RV. v , 64 , 3 VS. TS. &c
[L=63527] manner or power of going
[L=63528] going away Ya1jn5. iii , 170
[L=63529] procession , march , passage , procedure , progress , movement (e.g. astra-g° , the going or flying of missile weapons R. v ; parāṃ gatiṃ- √gam , " to go the last way " , to die ; daiva-g° , the course of fate R. vi Megh. 93 ; kāvyasya g° , the progress or course of a poem R. i , 3 , 2)
[L=63530] arriving at , obtaining (with gen. loc. , or ifc.) S3Br. ix MBh. &c
[L=63531] acting accordingly , obeisance towards (loc.) A1p. i , 13 f.
[L=63532] path , way , course (e.g. anyatarāṃ gatiṃ- √gam , " to go either way " , to recover or die A1s3vS3r. ) R. Bhag. &c
[L=63533] a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?) VarBr2S.
[L=63534] issue Bhag. iv , 29
[L=63535] running wound or sore Sus3r.
[L=63536] place of issue , origin , reason ChUp. i , 8 , 4 f. Mn. i , 110 R. Mudr.
[L=63537] possibility , expedient , means Ya1jn5. i , 345 R. i Ma1lav. &c
[L=63538] a means of success
[L=63539] way or art , method of acting , stratagem R. iii , vi
[L=63540] refuge , resource Mn. viii , 84 R. Katha1s. Vet. iv , 20
[L=63541] cf. RTL. p.260
[L=63542] the position (of a child at birth) Sus3r.
[L=63543] state , condition , situation , proportion , mode of existence Kat2hUp. iii , 11 Bhag. Pan5cat. &c
[L=63544] a happy issue
[L=63545] happiness MBh. iii , 17398
[L=63546] the course of the soul through numerous forms of life , metempsychosis , condition of a person undergoing this migration Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=63547] manner A1s3vGr2. i Sch.
[L=63548] the being understood or meant Pat.
[L=63549] (in gram.) a term for prepositions and some other adverbial prefixes (such as alam &c ) when immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or with verbal derivatives (cf. karmapravacanīya) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 60 ff. ; vi , 2 , 49 ff. and 139 ; viii , 1 , 70 f.
[L=63550] a kind of rhetorical figure Sarasv. ii , 2
[L=63551] a particular high number Buddh.
[L=63552] " Motion " (personified as a daughter of kardama and wife of pulaha) BhP. i , v , 1
(H2B) gáti [L=63553] m. N. of a son of anala Hariv. i , 3 , 43.

(H3) gáti--śakti [L=63560] f. the power of motion W.

(H3) gó--cara [p= 364,1] [L=66991] m. pasture ground for cattle A1pS3r. i , 2 , 4
[L=66992] ( R. iv , 44 , 80)
[L=66993] range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (esp. ifc. " abiding in , relating to " ; " offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power ") Kat2hUp. iii , 4 Mn. x , 39 MBh. &c
[p= 364,2] [L=66994] the range of the organs of sense , object of sense , anything perceptible by the senses , esp. the range of the eye (e.g. locana-gocaraṃ- √yā , to come within range of the eye , become visible Pan5cat. ) MBh. vii , 5616 Sus3r. Vikr. iv , 9 &c
[L=66995] the distance of the planets from the lagna and from each other VarBr2S. civ , 2 Romakas.
(H3B) gó--cara [L=66996] mf(ā)n. being within the range of , attainable for (gen.) BhP. iii , 25 , 28
(H3B) gó--cara [L=66997] mf(ā)n. perceptible (esp. to the eye) MBh. xiii , 71 , 33 and 91 , 24
(H3B) gó--cara [L=66998] mf(ā)n. having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) L. Sch.
(H3) go--cara [p= 1326,3] [L=330550.3] (also) a place where birds are fed, Ja1takam.

(H4) gó--ca° rā* ntara-gata [p= 364,2] [L=67006] mfn. being within the power of (gen.) Pan5cat.

(H3) catur--ṛddhi-pāda-caraṇa-tala-supratiṣṭhita [p= 384,2] [L=71196] mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha) DivyA7v. viii f.

(H4) catur--mukha---rasa [p= 385,1] [L=71267.50] m. a preparation of great curative power Prayog.

(H1) cākṣuṣá [p= 391,3] [L=72727] mf(ī)n. (fr. cákṣus) consisting in sight , depending on or produced from sight , proper or belonging or relating to the sight VS. xiii , 56 S3Br. xiv Kat2hUp. Ma1lav. i , 4
[L=72728] (a- neg.) Sarvad. x , 112
[L=72729] (with vidyā , a magical science) conferring the power of seeing anything MBh. i , 6478
[L=72730] perceptible by the eye KaushUp. Sus3r. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 92 Ka1s3.
[L=72731] (a- neg.) KapS. i , 61
[L=72732] relating to manu cākṣuṣa Hariv. 279 BhP. iv , 30 , 49
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72733] m. patr. AV. xvi , 7 , 7
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72734] m. N. of agni (author of several sāmans)
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72735] m. of an author Ragh. v , 50 Mall.
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72736] m. of the 6th manu (with 5 others descending from manu svāyambhuva Mn. i , 62 ; son of viśvakarman by ākṛti BhP. vi , 6 , 15 ; son of cakṣus , viii , 5 , 17) MBh. xiii , 1315 Hariv. BhP.
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72737] m. N. of a son of ripu by bṛhatī (father of a manu) Hariv. 69
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72738] m. of a son of kakṣeyu (or anu VP. iv , 18 , 1) and brother of sabhā-nara Hariv. 1669
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72739] m. of a son of khanitra BhP. ix , 2 , 24
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72740] m. pl. a class of deities in the 14th manv-antara , viii , 13 , 35
(H1B) cākṣuṣá [L=72741] n. = -jñāna W.

(H3) cic--chakti [p= 395,3] [L=73515] (-śak°) f. mental power Sarvad. xv.

(H4) cid--a° cicchakti-yukta [p= 397,3] [L=74008.1] mfn. having power (śakti) over mind and matter W.

(H1) chattra [p= 404,1] [L=75389] &c » √chad.
(H2) chattra [L=75391] m. ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 97 ; often spelt chatra) a mushroom L.
[L=75392] Andropogon Schoenanthus L.
[L=75393] a parasol-shaped bee-hive W.
(H2B) chattra [L=75394] n. a parasol , Chattar (ensign of royal or delegated power Jain. Ra1jat. v , 18 PSarv. ) Ka1tyS3r. xxi , 3 , 6 Gobh. Kaus3. A1s3vGr2. iii , 8 AdbhBr. Mn. &c (ifc. f(ā). MBh. iii , 933)
(H2B) chattra [L=75395] n. an umbrella Ca1n2.
(H2B) chattra [L=75396] n. a particular constellation VarBr2. xii , 8 Laghuj. x , 8
(H2B) chattra [L=75397] n. " shelter (of pupils) " , a teacher (a meaning derived fr. chāttra) Pa1n2. 4-4 , 62 Pat.
(H2B) chattra [L=75399] n. Anethum Sowa L.
(H2B) chattra [L=75400] n. Asteracantha longifolia L.
(H2B) chattra [L=75401] n. Rubia Munjista L.
(H2B) chattra [L=75402] n. a mushroom L.
(H2B) chattra [L=75403] n. cf. ati- , ahi- , eka- , gomaya- , sita-
(H2B) chattra [L=75404] n. ākṛti-cchattrā.

(H3) chánda--mṛtyu [p= 405,1] [L=75581] mfn. having death in one's power MBh. xii , 1820 BhP. i , 9 , 29.

(H3) jayad--bala [p= 413,2] [L=77534] m. " of victorious power " , a N. assumed by a pāṇḍu prince at virāṭa's court MBh. iv , 176.

(H4) járat--kāru---priyā [p= 414,1] [L=77642] f. jaratkāru's wife (exercising power over serpents) ib.

(H2) jāḍya [p= 417,2] [L=78532] n. (g. dṛḍhā*adi) coldness W.
[L=78533] chilliness KapS. i , 85
[L=78534] stiffness , inactivity , insensibility Sus3r. Prata1par. Sa1h. iii , 156
[L=78535] absence of power of taste (in the tongue) Sus3r. iv , 24 , 12 and 38 , 7
[L=78536] dulness , stupidity MBh. xii , 6487 Hariv. 15815 Pan5cat. &c
[L=78537] absence of intellect or soul Veda7ntas.

(H3) jitá--śvāsa [p= 420,3] [L=79220] mfn. one who has gained power over the act of breathing BhP. ii , 1 , 23.

(H3) táthā--prabhāva [p= 433,3] [L=82017] mfn. having such power R. ii , 22 , 30.

(H3) tanū́--vaśín [p= 435,3] [L=82403] mfn. having power over the person , ruling (agni , indra) RV.

(H3) tapaḥ--prabhāva [p= 437,1] [L=82633] m. supernatural power (acquired by) austerities S3ak. vii.

(H3) tápas--takṣa [L=82709] m. " destroying the power of religious austerity " , indra (as disturbing the austerities of ascetics lest they should acquire too great power) L.

(H3) tapo--bala [p= 437,2] [L=82788] m. the power acquired by religious austerities S3a1n3khGr2. iv , 5 ; 15 Mn. xi , 241 R. i.

(H1) tavás [p= 441,1] [L=83611] mfn. ( √ tu) strong , energetic , courageous RV. (compar. °vás-tara [cf. távīyas] , i , 30 , 7 superl. °vás-tama , 190 , 5 ; ii , 33 , 3)
(H1B) tavás [L=83612] m. power , strength , courage RV. iii , 1 , 1 and 30 , 8 AV. xi , 1 , 14
(H1B) tavás [L=83613] m. cf. prá- , svá-.

(H2) taviṣá [L=83618] mfn. strong , energetic , courageous RV.
(H2B) taviṣá [L=83619] m. the ocean Un2. Sch.
(H2B) taviṣá [L=83620] m. heaven ib.
(H2B) taviṣá [L=83621] n. power , strength (also pl.) RV. i , 166 , 1 and 9 ; iii , 12
(H2B) taviṣá [L=83622] n. viii.

(H2) táviṣī [L=83623] f. power , strength , violence , courage (also pl. ; instr. °ṣībhis ind. , " powerfully , violently ") RV.
[L=83624] the earth Un2. Sch.
[L=83625] a river ib.
[L=83626] a heavenly virgin (" N. of a daughter of indra " L. ) ib.

(H3) turyā́ [p= 451,1] [L=86056] f. superior power TS. ii , 2 , 12.

(H3) tṛ́ṇa--bhūta [p= 453,2] [L=86604] mfn. become as thin as a blade of grass R. iv , 9 , 95
[L=86605] deprived of all power MBh. vii , 8303.

(H2) téjas [p= 454,2] [L=86857] n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c ) , point or top of a flame or ray , glow , glare , splendour , brilliance , light , fire RV. &c
[L=86858] clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c
[p= 454,3] [L=86859] the bright appearance of the human body (in health) , beauty Nal. Sus3r. i , 15
[L=86860] the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile , 14 and 26
[L=86861] the bile L.
[L=86862] fiery energy , ardour , vital power , spirit , efficacy , essence AV. &c
[L=86863] semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. S3ak.
[L=86864] marrow L.
[L=86865] the brain W.
[L=86866] gold L.
[L=86867] (opposed to kṣamā) impatience , fierceness , energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBr2. Sa1h. iii , 50 and 54 Das3ar. ii , 3
[L=86868] (in sāṃkhya phil.) = rajas (passion)
[L=86869] spiritual or moral or magical power or influence , majesty , dignity , glory , authority AV. VS. &c
[L=86870] a venerable or dignified person , person of consequence MBh. v , xiii S3ak. vii , 15
[L=86871] fresh butter L.
[L=86872] a mystical N. of the letter $ Ra1matUp. i , 23
[L=86873] (ase) dat. inf. √tij q.v.
[L=86874] cf. a- , agni- , ugra- &c

(H3) téjas--kara [L=86876] mfn. granting vital power.

(H3) téjas--kāma [L=86877] mfn. (téj°) longing for manly strength or vital power Mn. iv , 44
[L=86877.1] desiring influence or authority or dignity TS. ii AitBr. i Ta1n2d2yaBr. S3a1n3khS3r. A1s3vGr2.

(H2) tejasa [L=86898] n. ifc. = °jas , power MBh. iii , 8681.

(H3) trí--prātihārya-sampanna [p= 459,3] [L=88044] mfn. " possessed of magical power of 3 kinds " , a buddha Buddh. L.

(H3) trí--śaṅku [p= 460,3] [L=88313] m. N. of a sage TUp. i , 10
[L=88314] of a king of ayodhyā (aspiring to ascend to heaven in his mortal body , he first requested vasiṣṭha to perform a great sacrifice for him ; on vasiṣṭha's refusing he applied to vasiṣṭha's hundred sons , who cursed and degraded him to the rank of a caṇḍāla [hence called a caṇḍāla king DivyA7v. xxxiii] ; viśvā-mitra then undertook the sacrifice for him and invited all the gods , who declined to come and thereby so enraged the sage that , by his own power , he transported triśaṅku to heaven ; on his being hurled down again head foremost by the gods , he was arrested in his course by viśvā-mitra and remained suspended in the sky , forming the southern cross constellation R. i , 57 (59 G) ff. [son of pṛthu] ; Hariv. 730 ff. and VP. iv , 3 , 13 f. [son of trayyāruṇa] ; [son of tri-bandhana] BhP. ix , 7) MBh. i , xiii &c
[L=88315] a cat L.
[L=88316] the civet-cat Npr.
[L=88317] a grasshopper L.
[L=88318] a fire-fly L.
[L=88319] = °ṅkha L.
[L=88320] N. of a mythical mountain DivyA7v. viii , 293 ff.
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88321] f. N. of a mythical river 223 and 295
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88322] f. (°kukā) 298
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88323] m. pl. N. of thorns 293

(H3) try--āyuṣá [p= 463,1] [L=88894] n. ( Pa1n2. 5-4 , 77) threefold vital power (" threefold period of life i.e. childhood , youth , and old age " Sch.) VS. iii , 62
[L=88895] cf. S3Br. xii , 9 , 1 , 8.

(H2) tvāṣṭrá [p= 464,1] [L=89128] mfn. belonging to or coming from Tvasht2r2 i RV. i , 117 , 22 AV. VS. &c (putra , " son of tvaṣṭṛ " Prab. ii , 31)
[L=89129] having tvaṣṭṛ as regent VarBr2S. viii , 37 Jyot. (YV.) 6 Sch.
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89130] m. the son of tvaṣṭṛ (viśva-rūpa RV. &c ; ābhūti S3Br. xiv vṛtra BhP. vi , 9 , 17 ; xi , 12 , 5 ; tri-śiras , RAnukr. )
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89131] m. N. of an eclipse VarBr2S. iiic , 2
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89132] n. tvaṣṭṛ's energy , creative power RV. iii , 7 , 4 BhP. viii , 11 , 35
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89133] n. the asterism citrā VarBr2S.
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89135] n. the asterism citrā L.
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89136] n. a small car L.
(H2B) tvāṣṭrá [L=89137] n. pl. " daughters of tvaṣṭṛ " , certain divine female beings Ta1n2d2yaBr. xii , 5.

(H3) tveṣá--nṛmṇa [p= 464,2] [L=89163] (°ṣá-) mfn. of brilliant power , x , 120 , 1 AV. v , 11 , 1.

(H2) daṃsána [p= 465,1] [L=89297] n. a surprising or wonderful deed , marvellous power or skill RV. i , 166 , 13

(H3) daṃ° sánā-vat [L=89299] mfn. endowed with wonderful skill or power , i , iii S3a1n3khS3r. viii , 17.

(H2) dákṣa [L=89317] mf(ā)n. able , fit , adroit , expert , clever , dexterous , industrious , intelligent RV. &c
[L=89318] strong , heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (soma) , ix f.
[L=89319] passable (the Ganges) MBh. xiii , 1844
[L=89320] suitable BhP. iv , 6 , 44 Bhartr2. iii , 64
[L=89321] right (opposed to left) Ra1matUp. i , 22 Phetk. i
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89322] m. ability , fitness , mental power , talent (cf. -kratú) , strength of will , energy , disposition RV. AV. VS.
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89323] m. evil disposition RV. iv , 3 , 13 ; x , 139 , 6
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89324] m. a particular form of temple Hcat. ii , 1 , 390
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89325] m. a general lover W.
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89326] m. a cock Car. i , vi
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89327] m. N. of a plant L.
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89328] m. fire L.
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89329] m. śiva's bull L.
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89330] m. N. of an āditya (identified with prajā-pati TS. iii S3Br. ii ; father of kṛttikā S3a1ntik. ) RV. i,f. , x Nir. ii , xi
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89331] m. N. of one of the prajā-patis ( MBh. xii , 7534 Hariv. VP. i , 7 , 5 and 22 , 4 BhP. iii., 12 , 22 MatsyaP. cvl , 15 Ku1rmaP. &c S3ak. vii , 27 ; born from brahmā's right thumb MBh. i , xii Hariv. &c ; or from a-ja , " the unborn " BhP. iv , 1 , 47 ; or son of pra-cetas or of the of 10 pra-cetasas , whence called prācetasa MBh. i , xii f. Hariv. 101 VP. i , 15 ; father of 24 daughters by pra-sūti VP. i , 7 , 17 ff. BhP. &c ; of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii , 61 36 R. iii , 20 , 10 ; or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives , forming the lunar asterisms , and 13 [or 17 BhP. ; or 8 R. ] those of kaśyapa , becoming by this latter the mothers of gods , demons , men , and animals , while 10 are married to dharma Mn. ix , 128f. MBh. i , ix ; xii , 7537ff. Hariv. VP. &c ; celebrating a great sacrifice [hence dakṣa syáyana , " N. of a sacrifice " Mn. vi , 10] to obtain a son , he omitted , with the disapproval of dadhīca , to invite śiva , who ordered vīra-bhadra to spoil the sacrifice Hariv. 12212 [identified with viṣṇu] ff. Va1yuP. i , 30, = BrahmaP. i Lin3gaP. MatsyaP. xiii Va1mP. ii-v S3ivaP. i , 8 Ka1s3i1Kh. lxxxvii ff. ; named among the viśve-devās Hariv. 11542 Va1yuP. ; Br2ihasp. ??. [ Hcat. ] &c )
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89332] m. N. of a son of garuḍa MBh. v , 3597
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89333] m. of a man with the patr. pārvati S3Br. ii , 4 , 4 , 6
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89334] m. of a law-giver Ya1jn5. i , 5 Mn. ix , 88 Sch. &c
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89335] m. of a son of uśī-nara BhP. ix , 23 , 2
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89336] m. of one of the 5 kānyakubja Brahmans from whom the Bengal Brahmansare said to have sprung Kshiti7s3. i , 13 and 41
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89338] m. cf. a-tūta- , diná- , samāná
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89339] m. su-dákṣa
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89340] m. mārga-dakṣaka
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89341] m. dākṣāyán
(H2B) dákṣa [L=89342] m. δεξιός ; Lat. dex-ter ; Goth. taiksvs.

(H1) daṇḍá [p= 466,2] [L=89571] m. ( = δένδρο-ν -v , hence cognate with dā́ru and √ dṝ) (n. [cf. ikṣu-] g. ardharcā*di) a stick , staff , rod , pole , cudgel , club RV. &c (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread S3Br. &c ; " penis [with vaitasá] " , xi , 5 , 1 , 1 ; " trunk " » śuṇḍā- ; " arm " or " leg " » dor- , bāhu- ; " tusk " » daṃṣṭrā-)
[L=89571.02] = °ḍakā*sana Br2Na1rP. xxxi , 115 (n.)
[L=89571.04] a stalk , stem (of a tree ; cf. ikṣu- , ud- , khara-) MBh. ii , 2390
[L=89571.06] the staff of a banner , 2079 ; iv , xiv
[L=89571.08] the handle (of a ladle , sauce-pan , fly-flap , parasol &c ) AitBr. S3Br. &c
[L=89571.10] the steam of a plough L.
[L=89571.12] " a mast " » mahādaṇḍa-dhara
[L=89571.14] the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings S3a1n3khS3r. xvii
[L=89571.16] the stick with which a lute is played L.
[L=89571.18] a churning-stick (cf. °ḍā*hata) L.
[L=89571.20] a pole as a measure of length (= 4 hastas) VarBr2S. xxiv , 9 Ma1rkP. il
[L=89571.22] N. of a measure of time (= 60 vi-kalās) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.
[L=89571.24] N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (" N. of a planet " L. ; cf. -bhāsa) VarBr2S.
[L=89571.26] N. of a constellation , xx , 2 VarBr2. Laghuj.
[L=89571.28] a form of military array (cf. -vyuha) L.
[L=89571.30] a line (cf. -pāta)
[L=89571.32] a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. nyasta-) , application of power , violence Mn. vii f. MBh.
[L=89571.34] power over (gen. or in comp.) , control , restraint (cf. vāg- , mano- , kāya- [karma- Ma1rkP. xli , 22] ; tri-daṇḍin) Subh.
[L=89571.36] embodied power , army (kośa- , du " treasure and army " Mn. ix , 294 MBh. Kir. ii , 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii , 62
[L=89571.38] the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment , punishment (corporal , verbal , and fiscal ; chastisement and imprisonment , reprimand , fine) Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvii , 1 Mn. MBh. &c (cf. guptá & gūḍha-)
[p= 466,3] [L=89571.40] pride L.
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.42] m. a horse L.
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.44] m. Punishment (son of dharma and kriyā VP. i , 7 , 27 Ma1rkP. l)
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.46] m. yama L.
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.48] m. śiva MBh. xii , 10361
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.50] m. N. of an attendant of the Sun iii , 198
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.52] m. (g. śivā*di and śaunakā*di) N. of a man with the patr. aupara MaitrS. iii , 8 , 7 TS. vi , 2 , 9 , 4
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.54] m. of a prince slain by arjuna (brother of -dhara , identified with the asura krodha-hantṛ) MBh. if. , viii
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.56] m. of a rakṣas R. vii , 5 , 39
(H1B) daṇḍá [L=89571.58] m. » °oḍaka
(H2) daṇḍa [p= 1328,3] [L=333220] (in comp.)

(H3) daṇḍo* dyama [p= 467,2] [L=89739] m. lifting the stick against , threatening (ifc.) Ya1jn5. iii , 293
[L=89740] pl. application of power R. v , 24 , 34 Pan5cat. i , 16 , 9.

(H3) dāsá--patnī [p= 477,1] [L=91944] (°sá-.) f. pl. having the demons as masters , being in the power of demons , (āpas RV. i , 32 , 11 &c ; puras RV. ii , 12 , 16) .

(H3) divyá--prabhāva [p= 479,2] [L=92424] mfn. having celestial power MW.

(H2) dī́dhiti 1 [p= 481,1] [L=92749] f. brightness , splendour , light , a ray Naigh. i , 5 MBh. Ka1lid. &c
[L=92750] majesty , power Bhartr2. ii , 2
[L=92751] N. of works. , esp. ifc.
(H3) dī́dhiti [L=92761] f. religious reflection , devotion , inspiration RV. i , 186 , 11 &c

(H4) dur--anta---śakti [p= 484,3] [L=93676] mfn. having endless power ib. vii , 8 , 40.

(H4) dur--laṅghana---śakti [p= 486,3] [L=94254] mfn. of insurmountable power MW.

(H3) dṛḍha--śaktika [p= 490,3] [L=95171] mfn. of great power
[L=95172] strong-willed L.

(H3) dṛk--śakti [p= 491,2] [L=95280] f. (with the pāśupatas) a supernatural power of sight Sarvad.

(H2) dṛśi [p= 491,3] [L=95328] f. seeing , the power of seeing Veda7ntas. (dat. °śáye as inf. cf. 1. dṛś)
[L=95329] the eye BhP. (also °śī L. )
[L=95330] a śāstra W.

(H4) devā*° tma-śakti [p= 495,1] [L=96202] f. the power of the soul S3vetUp. ib.

(H1B) devī́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540.1] f. » s.v. ([cf. Lat. di1vus , deus ; Lit. de14vas ; Old Pruss. deiwas.])
(H3) devī- [p= 495,2] [L=96278] » devī́.
(H2) devī́ [p= 496,1] [L=96437] f. (cf. devá) a female deity , goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c (e.g. uṣas RV. vii , 75 , 5 ; sarasvatī , v , 41 , 17 ; sāvitrī , the wife of brahmā MBh. ; durgā , the wife of śiva MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c ; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī , māmakī , pāṇḍurā and tārā Dharmas. iv)
[L=96438] N. of nymph beloved by the Sun L.
[L=96439] of an apsaras MBh. i , 4818
[L=96440] (with jainas) the mother of 18th arhat of present ava-sarpiṇī L.
[L=96441] queen , princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king , but also any woman of high rank) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=96442] a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L.
[L=96443] a partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.
[L=96444] worship , reverence W.
[L=96445] N. of plants (colocynth , a species of cyperus , Medicago Esculenta &c ) L.
(H2) devī [p= 1329,1] [L=333990] f. (also) = gāyatrī, Para1s3.
[L=333990.1] = nāgī, Buddh.

(H2) devyá [p= 496,2] [L=96516] n. divine power , godhead RV.

(H1) daíva 1 [p= 497,2] [L=96788] mf(ī́)n. or daivá (fr. devá) belonging to or coming from the gods , divine , celestial AV. Br. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=96788.05] sacred to the gods (-tīrtha n. the tips of the fingers Mn. ii , 59 ; cf. s.v. ; °vīdik f. the north L. ; cf. 2. diś)
[L=96788.10] royal (vāc) Ra1jat. v , 205
[L=96788.15] depending on fate , fatal Ka1v.
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.20] m. (with or without vivāha) a form of marriage , the gift of a daughter at a sacrifice to the officiating priest Mn. iii , 21 ; 28
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.25] m. the knowledge of portents S3am2k.
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.30] m. patr. of atharvan S3Br.
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.35] m. pl. the attendants of a deity Ta1n2d2Br. xvii , 1 , 1
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.50] n. a deity (cf. kula-) BhP. iii , 1 , 35 &c
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.55] n. (scil. karman , kārya &c ) a religious offering or rite Ya1jn5. MBh.
(H1B) daíva 1 [L=96788.60] n. divine power or will , destiny , fate , chance (°vāt ind. by chance , accidentally) AV. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) daiva 2 [p= 497,3] [L=96855] vṛddhi form of deva in comp.

(H3) daíva--kṛta [p= 497,2] [L=96790] mfn. caused by divine power or nature , natural (opp. to , " artificial ") Sus3r.

(H3) daíva--vaśa [p= 497,3] [L=96828] m. the will or power of destiny

(H2) daívya [p= 498,1] [L=96922] mf(ā and ī)n. divine RV. (esp. °vyā hótārā , the two divine priests) AV. &c
(H2B) daívya [L=96923] m. N. of a messenger of the asuras TS.
(H2B) daívya [L=96924] n. divine power or effect AV. iv , 27 , 6
(H2B) daívya [L=96925] n. fortune , fate L.

(H2) dyumná [p= 500,1] [L=97360] n. splendour , glory , majesty , power , strength RV. AV. S3rS. MBh. i , 6406
[L=97361] enthusiasm , inspiration RV. VS.
[L=97362] wealth , possession (= dhana Naigh. ii , 10) Das3.
[L=97363] food L.
[L=97364] N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H2B) dyumná [L=97365] m. N. of the author of RV. v , 53, of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H2B) dyumná [L=97366] m. N. of the author of RV. v , 53
(H2B) dyumná [L=97367] m. of a son of manu and naḍvalā BhP.

(H3) dyumná--sāti [L=97371] (°mná-) f. receiving inspiration or power , i , 131 , 1.

(H2) draviṇa [p= 501,1] [L=97596] n. movable property (as opp. to house and field) , substance , goods (m. pl. BhP. v , 14 , 12), wealth , money RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=97597] essence , substantiality , strength , power RV. AV. S3Br. R. &c
[L=97598] N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H2B) draviṇa [L=97599] m. N. of a son of vasu dhara (or dhava) MBh. Hariv. VP.
(H2B) draviṇa [L=97600] m. of a son of pṛthu BhP.
(H2B) draviṇa [L=97601] m. of a mountain ib.
(H2B) draviṇa [L=97602] m. pl. the inhabitants of a varṣa in krauñca-dvīpa ib.
(H2) draviṇa [p= 1329,1] [L=334170] (in comp.)

(H2) dhā́man [p= 514,3] [L=100869] n. dwelling-place , house , abode , domain RV. &c &c (esp. seat of the gods cf. madhyamaṃ dhāma viṣṇoḥ S3ak. [ Pi. ?? iv , 5] ; site of the sacred fire and the soma RV. &c ; with priyam , favourite residence VS. Br. )
[L=100870] favourite thing or person , delight , pleasure VS. AV. Br.
[L=100871] the inmates of a house or members of a family , class , troop , band , host (also pl.) RV. &c
[L=100872] law , rule , established order (esp. of mitra-varuṇa) RV. AV.
[L=100873] state , condition Prab. i , 30
[L=100874] manner , mode , tone , form , appearance (esp. in sacrifice , song &c ) RV. VS.
[L=100875] effect , power , strength , majesty , glory , splendour , light RV. &c MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
(H2B) dhā́man [L=100876] m. N. of one of the 7 ṛṣis of the 4th manv-antara (v.l. dhātṛ) Hariv. [cf. Gk. θημον in εὐ-θήμων ; θαμά , θωμός &c ; Lat. fam-ulus ; Angl.Sax. do7m ; Goth. domas ; Germ. tuom and suff. -tum.]
(H2) dhā́man [p= 1329,2] [L=334340] (accord. to some in RV. also = muhūrta, "an hour").

(H2) dhíṣṇya [p= 516,3] [L=101238] mfn. mindful , attentive , benevolent , liberal (aśvins) RV. i , 3 , 2 ; 89 , 4 &c
[L=101239] devout , pious (voice , hymn) , x , 114 , 9
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101240] m. (f(ā). only RV. iv , 3 , 6 ; n. MBh. i , 7944) a sort of subordinate or side-altar (generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed , and of which 8 are enumerated , viz. besides the āgnīdhrīya [in the āgnīdhra] those in the sadas [see s.v.] belonging to the hotṛ , the maitrā-varuṇa or pra-śastṛ , the brāhmaṇācchaṃsin , the potṛ , neṣṭṛ and acchā-vāka ; and the mārjālīya) Br. S3rS. &c (cf. kḷpta-) &c
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101241] m. N. of uśanas i.e. the planet Venus L. (cf. dhiṣaṇa)
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101243] n. site , place , abode , region , house MBh. Ka1v. Pur. &c
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101244] n. the seat of a god i.e. a quarter of the sky VP.
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101245] n. star , asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars) Var.
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101246] n. the orb of an asterism (on which its light seems to centre) MBh. VP.
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101247] n. power , strength L.
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101248] mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar AV. Br. &c
(H2B) dhíṣṇya [L=101249] m. (with or scil. agni) a fire so placed VS. TS. &c

(H2) dhrā́j [p= 521,2] [L=102260] f. the power to glide or move MaitrS.

(H3) naṣṭá--ceṣṭa [p= 532,1] [L=104783] mf(ā)n. one who his lost the power of motion , rigid , fainted , insensible MBh. Katha1s.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 2.6
Whitney Roots links: nAT
(H1) nāth [p= 534,3] [L=105448]
cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. ii , 6) nā́thate TS. Ka1t2h. &c (°ti MBh. Katha1s. ; pf. nanātha ; aor. anāthīt ; fut. nāthiṣyati , or nāthitā Gr. ; inf. nāthitum Katha1s. ; ind.p. -nāthya Prab. ) to seek aid , approach with prayers or requests (loc.) TS. Ka1t2h. ;

to ask , solicit , beg for (gen. of thing MBh. iii , 126 , 30 ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 55 ; dat. of thing Vop. ; with 2 acc. Naish. iii , 25) ;

to have power , be master Dha1tup. : Caus. nāthayati , to cause a person to ask for anything i.e. to grant a request (acc.) BhP. (B.) ii , 9 , 25. [cf. √ nādh ; Goth. nithan , Old Sax. gina1tha , nASa ; HGerm. gena1de , gnade.]

(H2) nāth [p= 1329,2] [L=334781] (also) to harass, destroy, Dha1tup.

(H3) niḥ--sattva [p= 539,1] [L=106412] mfn. without existence , unsubstantial (-tva n.) Vajracch.
[L=106413] unenergetic , weak , impotent , wretched , miserable (-tā f.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=106414] deprived of living beings Pan5c.
[L=106415] insignificant , mean , low W.
(H3B) niḥ--sattva [L=106416] n. want of power or energy , insignificance
(H3B) niḥ--sattva [L=106417] n. non-existence W.

(H3) nir--varuṇám [p= 542,1] [L=107266] ind. without falling into varuṇa's power TS. (cf. a-v°)

(H4) nir--varu° ṇa-tvá [L=107266.2] n. TS. deliverance from varuṇa's power.

Whitney Roots links: nI
(H2) nī 1 [p= 543,3] [L=107695] for nis (q.v.) before r.
(H1) nī 2 [p= 565,1] [L=111189]
(for 1. » [p= 543,3]) cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxii. 5) nayati °te (pf. P. nināya , 2. sg. ninetha RV. , 1. pl. nīnima TS. ; Subj. ninīthás Pot. ninīyāt RV. ; Impv. ninetu MaitrS. ; A1. ninye Br. &c ; -nayām āsa MBh. ; -nayāṃ cakre R. ; aor. P. 3. du. anītām Subj. néṣi , nethā́ RV. ; anaiṣīt Subj. neṣati , °ṣat , 3. pl. A1. aneṣata ib. ; anayīt AV. ; fut. neṣyati AV. ; °te Br. ; nayiṣyati,°te MBh. R. ; nítā,nayitā ib. ; ind.p. nītvā Br. &c ; nayitvā MBh. ; nī́ya AV. &c ; inf. neṣáṇi RV. ; nétavai,°tosandnayitum Br. ; nétum ib. &c ) , to lead , guide , conduct , direct , govern (also with agram and gen. ; cf. agra-ṇī) RV. &c ;

to lead &c towards or to (acc. with or without prati dat. , loc. or artham ifc.) ib. ;

to lead or keep away , exclude from (abl.) AitBr. ;

(A1.) to carry off for one's self (as a victor , owner &c ) AV. TA1r. MBh. ;

(A1. , rarely P.) to lead home i.e. marry MBh. R. ;

to bring into any state or condition (with acc. e.g. with vaśam , to bring into subjection , subdue [A1. RV. x , 84 , 3 AV. v , 19 , 5 ; P. Ragh. viii , 19] ; with śūdra-tām , to reduce to a śūdra Mn. iii , 15 ; with sākṣyam [A1.] , to admit as a witness , viii , 197 ; with vyāghra-tām , to change into a tiger Hit. ; with vikrayam , to sell Ya1jn5. ; with paritoṣam , to satisfy Pan5c. ; with duḥkham , to pain Amar. ; rarely , with loc. e.g. duhitṛ-tve , to make a person one's daughter R. i , 44 , 38 ; or with an adv. in -sāt e.g. bhasmasāt to reduce to ashes Pan5c. i , 198÷199) ;

to draw (a line &c ) S3a1n3khS3r. Su1ryas. ;

to pass or spend (time) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c ;

(with daṇḍam) to bear the rod i.e. inflict punishment Mn. Ya1jn5. (with vyavahāram) to conduct a process Ya1jn5. ;

(with kriyām) to conduct a ceremony , preside over a religious act MBh. ;

to trace , track , find out , ascertain , settle , decide (with anyathā , " wrongly ") Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;

(A1.) to be foremost or chief Pa1n2. 1-3 , 36 : Caus. nāyayati , °te , to cause to lead &c ;

to cause to be led by (instr.) Mn. v , 104 (cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Va1rtt. 5 Pat. ) : Desid. nínīṣati , te ( AV. xix , 50 , 5 , w. r. nineṣati) , to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (acc. or dat.) AV. Up. MBh. &c ;

to wish to carry away R. ;

to wish to spend or pass (time) Naish. ;

to wish to exclude from (abl.) AitBr. ;

to wish to find out or ascertain , investigate MBh. : Intens. nenīyáte to lead as a captive , have in one's power , rule , govern TS. VS. MBh.

(H2) nī 3 [L=111190] mfn. leading , guiding , a leader or guide (mostly ifc. , cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 61 and agra-ṇī , agreṇī ; but also alone cf. vi , 4 , 77 ; 82 &c )
(H1) nī 4 [p= 565,2] [L=111264]
P. ny-eti (3. pl. ni-yanti ; p. -yat ; impf. ny-āyan ind.p. nī*tya) , to go into (cf. nyāya) , enter , come or fall into , incur (acc.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ;

to undergo the nature of i.e. to be changed into (°bhāvam) RPra1t. 2.

(H1) nī 5 [L=111266] in comp.= 1. ni ( [p= 538,3]) .

(H2) nṛmṇá [p= 568,2] [L=112025] n. manhood (virtus) , power , strength , courage RV. VS. AV. Ka1t2h. TA1r.
[L=112026] = dhana Naigh. ii , 10
(H2B) nṛmṇá [L=112027] mfn. = sukha-kara BhP. Comm.

(H3) pañca--kṛtya [p= 575,3] [L=113557] n. the 5 actions by which the supreme power manifests itself (viz. sṛṣṭi , sthiti , saṃhāra , tirobhāva and anugraha-karaṇa) Sarvad.
(H3B) pañca--kṛtya [L=113558] m. a species of plant L.

(H3) pañca--gata [L=113582] mfn. " arrived at 5 " , raised to the 5th power Col.

(H3) pañcā* psaras [p= 578,1] [L=114070] ( R. ) n. N. of a lake or pool , supposed to have been produced by manda-karṇi (śātakarṇi) through the power of his penance (so called because under it mandakarṇi formed a secret chamber for 5 apsaras who had seduced him).

(H3) pañcā* psa° rasa [L=114071] ( BhP. ) n. N. of a lake or pool , supposed to have been produced by manda-karṇi (śātakarṇi) through the power of his penance (so called because under it mandakarṇi formed a secret chamber for 5 apsaras who had seduced him).

(H2) páyas [p= 585,3] [L=115911] n. ( √1. pī) any fluid or juice , (esp.) milk , water , rain
[L=115912] semen virile , (met.) vital spirit , power , strength RV. &c
[L=115913] a species of Andropogon Bhpr.
[L=115914] N. of a sāman S3rS.
[L=115915] of a virāj RPra1t.
[L=115916] night Naigh. i , 7.

(H4) pára--tan° trī-kṛta [p= 586,3] [L=116098] mfn. made dependent , brought into another's power Kull.
[L=116099] ceded , sold Katha1s.

(H3) pára--bhāga [p= 587,1] [L=116189] m. superior power or merit , excellence , supremacy Ka1lid. (-tā f.) Pan5c. Katha1s.
[L=116190] good fortune , prosperity L.
[L=116191] the last part , remainder W.

(H3) paramá--jyā́ [p= 588,2] [L=116476] mfn. holding supreme power (as indra) RV.

(H3) parā--krama [p= 589,3] [L=116755] m. (sg. and pl. ; ifc. f(ā).) bold advance , attack , heroism , courage , power , strength , energy , exertion , enterprise MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=116756] going out or away L.
[L=116757] N. of viṣṇu L.
[L=116758] of a warrior on the side of the kurus MBh.
[L=116759] of a chief of the vidyā-dharas (associated with ā-krama , vi-krama and saṃkrama) Katha1s.

(H4) parā--krama---vat [L=116762] mfn. showing courage or strength , exerting power. ( Ma1rkP. )

(H4) parā--kra° min [L=116762.1] mfn. showing courage or strength , exerting power. ( MBh. Hariv. )

(H3) párā--krānta [L=116763] mfn. (párā-) advanced , valorous , strong , bold , active , energetic AV. &c
[L=116763.1] eagerly intent upon (with loc. e.g. palāyane , on fleeing) MBh.
(H3B) párā--krānta [L=116763.2] n. displaying power or energy Ja1takam.

(H3) parā--krāntṛ [L=116764] mfn. showing courage , exerting power MBh.

(H3) pary-° ā́gata [p= 607,3] [L=119758] mfn. revolved , anything that has made its revolution , elapsed , passed (as a year) TS.
[L=119759] finished , done MBh.
[L=119760] inveterate ib.
[L=119761] (with punar) returned to life ib.
[L=119762] (ifc.) encircled , ensnared , being in a person's power ib.

(H3) paśu--vīrya [p= 612,1] [L=120650] n. the strength or power belonging to cattle , Ta1n2d2Br.

(H2) piñja [p= 625,1] [L=123685] mfn. confused , disturbed in mind L.
[L=123686] full of (cf. pari-p°)
(H2B) piñja [L=123687] m. the moon L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123688] m. a species of camphor L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123690] m. turmeric L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123691] m. cotton L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123692] m. a species of tree resembling the vinepalm L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123693] m. a switch L.
(H2B) piñja [L=123695] n. strength , power L.

(H2) píṇḍa [p= 625,2] [L=123763] m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap , a ball , globe , knob , button , clod , lump , piece (cf. ayaḥ-. , māṃsa- &c ) RV. (only i , 162 , 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) TS. S3Br. &c
[L=123764] a roundish lump of food , a bite , morsel , mouthful
[L=123765] (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c offered to the pitṛs or deceased ancestors , a śrāddha oblation ( RTL. 293 ; 298-310) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=123766] food , daily bread , livelihood , subsistence MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=123767] any solid mass or material object , the body , bodily frame Ragh. S3am2k. Vajracch.
[L=123768] the calf of the leg Ma1lati1m. v , 16
[L=123769] the flower of a China rose L.
[L=123770] a portico or partic. part of a house L.
[L=123771] power , force , an army L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123772] m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone MBh.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123773] m. (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123774] m. the embryo in an early stage of gestation L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123775] m. a partic. kind of incense Var. (" myrrh " or " olibanum " L. )
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123776] m. meat , flesh L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123777] m. alms Ma1lati1m. (cf. -pāta below)
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123778] m. Vangueriya Spinosa L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123779] m. quantity , collection L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123780] m. (in arithm.) sum , total amount
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123781] m. (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123782] m. (in music) a sound , tone
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123783] m. N. of a man g. naḍā*di
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123784] n. ( L. ) iron
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123785] n. steel
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123786] n. fresh butter

(H3) putrai* śvarya [p= 633,1] [L=125599] n. " son's proprietorship " , a resignation of property or power by a father to his son W.

(H2) pūrv-āyus [p= 643,1] [L=127814] » pūrvā*yus under pūrva.
(H3) pūrvā* yús [p= 644,3] [L=128208] mfn. (prob.) " of an early age " , young RV. (v.l. for pūrvā*púṣ q.v. ; others pūrv-āyus , " having or granting vital power ") .

(H3) pra-° kṛti [p= 653,3] [L=130012] f. » next p.
(H2) pra-kṛti [p= 654,1] [L=130024] f. " making or placing before or at first " , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kṛti q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.
[L=130025] cause original source Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c
[L=130026] origin , extraction Mr2icch.
[L=130027] nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c (ibc. and °tyā ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c )
[L=130028] fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (esp. in ritual) S3rS.
[L=130029] (in the sāṃkhya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or guṇas called sattva , rajas and tamas) , Nature (distinguished from puruṣa , Spirit as māyā is distinguished from brahman in the vedāntas)
[L=130030] pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta , buddhi or mahat , ahaṃ-kāra , and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c
[L=130031] (in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as lakṣmī , durgā &c ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223
[L=130032] (pl.) N. of a class of deities under manu raibhya Hariv.
[L=130033] (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c
[L=130034] the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans &c ib.
[L=130035] the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , allies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses Mn. ix , 294 ; 295)
[L=130036] the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the madhyama , vijigīṣu , udāsīna and śatru ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the mitra , arimitra , mitra-mitra , arimitra-mitra , pārṣṇi-graha , ākranda , pārṣṇigrāhā*sāra , ākrandā*sāsa ; each of these 12 kings has 5 prakṛtis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of prakṛtis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull.
[L=130037] (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.
[L=130038] N. of 2 classes of metres Col.
[L=130039] (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.
[L=130040] (in anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.
[L=130041] (with tritīyā) the third nature , a eunuch MBh.
[L=130042] matter , affair Lalit.
[L=130043] the male or female organ of generation L.
[L=130044] a woman or womankind L.
[L=130045] a mother L.
[L=130046] an animal L.
[L=130047] N. of a woman Buddh.
[L=130048] N. of wk.

(H1) pra-karṣa [p= 652,3] [L=129802] &c » pra- √kṛṣ.
(H3) pra-° karṣa [p= 654,2] [L=130105] m. pre-eminence , excellence , superiority , excess , intensity , high degree MBh. Ka1v. &c (often ifc. e.g. adhva-pr° , a great distance R. ; kāla-pr° , a long time Sus3r. ; guṇa-pr° , extraordinary qualities Mr2icch. ; phala--pra-karṣa° mfn. consisting chiefly in fruit Sus3r. ; śakti-pr° , possessing extraordinary power Inscr. )
[L=130106] length of time , duration Car.
[L=130107] absoluteness , definitiveness W.
[L=130108] (in gram.) the effect of the prefix pra upon roots ib.
(H3B) pra-° karṣa [L=130109] ibc. eminently , intensely , thoroughly , in a high degree MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H4) pra-° galbha---tā [p= 656,1] [L=130411] f. ( Kum. ) boldness , wilfulness , resolution , energy , strength , power

(H4) pra-° galbha---tva [L=130411.1] n. ( W. ) boldness , wilfulness , resolution , energy , strength , power

(H4) pra-° jánana---vat [p= 658,2] [L=130845] mfn.(°jánana-) , possessing generative power AV.

(H3) pra-° jāti [L=130856] (prá-) f. generating or generative power , generation , production , bringing forth , delivery Br. S3rS. BhP.
[L=130856.1] (prá-) f. = upa-nayana , initiation with the sacred thread (as causing second birth) BhP. Sch.
(H3B) pra-° jāti [L=130856.2] (prá-) m. N. of a prince Ma1rkP. (v.l. pra-jāni)

(H3) pra-° tāpa [p= 661,1] [L=131346] m. glowing heat , heat , warmth Ka1v. Var. Sus3r.
[L=131347] splendour , brilliancy , glory , majesty , dignity , power , strength , energy Mn. MBh. &c
[L=131348] Calotropis Gigantea (= arka) L.
[L=131349] N. of a man MBh. Ra1jat.
(H2) pratāpa [p= 1330,3] [L=336540] (in comp.)

(H3) prati--bala [p= 662,3] [L=131654] n. a hostile army Vcar. Das3.
(H3) prati--bala [L=131655] mfn. having equal strength or power , equally matched , a match for (with gen. or ifc. e.g. astra-p° , equal in arms) , being able to (dat. or inf.) MBh. R. (cf. a-p°).

(H3) praty-akṣa--darśana [p= 674,3] [L=133819] n. seeing with one's own eyes
[L=133820] the power of discerning (the presence of a god) MBh.
(H3B) praty-akṣa--darśana [L=133821] m. an eye-witness L.

(H3) pra-bala--tā [p= 683,2] [L=135301] f. ( Ra1jat. ) strength , power , might , validity.

(H3) pra-bala--tva [L=135302] n. ( Kull. ) strength , power , might , validity.

(H1) pra- √ bhū [p= 684,2] [L=135528]
P. -bhavati (rarely A1. °te ; Ved. inf. -bhūṣáṇi) , to come forth , spring up , arise or originate from (abl.) , appear , become visible , happen , occur S3Br. &c ;

to be before , surpass (with pṛṣṭham , " to be greater or more than the back can carry " , applied to wealth RV. ii , 13 , 4) to become or be numerous , increase , prevail , be powerful RV. &c &c (3. sg. prabhavati-tarām , " has more power " Vikr. v , 18) ;

to rule , control , have power over , be master of (gen. loc. or dat.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be equal to or capable of (dat. or loc.) ib. ;

to be a match for (dat.) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. ;

to be able to (inf.) Ka1lid. Katha1s. &c ;

to profit , avail , be of use to (dat.) RV. Br. ;

to implore , beseech (?) Hariv. : Caus. -bhāvayati , to increase , spread out , extend , augment , multiply (esp. the soma by placing it in a greater number of vessels) Br. ;

to provide more amply , endow more richly , cause to thrive or prosper , cherish , nurture ib. MBh. &c ;

(as Nom. fr. -bhāva below) to gain or possess power or strength , rule over (acc.) MBh. R. ;

to recognise R. : Desid. of Caus. -bibhāvayiṣati , to wish to increase or extend AitBr.

(H3) pra-° bhū [p= 684,3] [L=135601] = °bhu (cf. above )

(H1) pra-bhava [p= 683,3] [L=135404] &c » under pra- √bhū.
(H2) pra-bhavá [p= 684,2] [L=135529] mfn. prominent , excelling , distinguished RV.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135530] m. production , source , origin , cause of existence (as father or mother , also " the Creator ") , birthplace (often ifc. , with f(ā). , springing or rising or derived from , belonging to) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135531] m. might , power (= pra-bhāva) L.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135532] m. N. of a sādhya Hariv.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135533] m. of viṣṇu A.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135534] m. of sev. men HParis3.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135535] m. N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var.

(H4) pra-° bhaviṣṇu---tā [L=135545] f. lordship , supremacy , dominion , tyranny Var.
[L=135546] power to (inf.) Ra1jat.

(H1) pra-bhāva [p= 684,1] [L=135488] &c » pra- √bhū.
(H3) pra-° bhāva [p= 684,3] [L=135550] m. (ifc. f(ā). ) might , power , majesty , dignity , strength , efficacy Mn. MBh. &c (°veṇa ind. , °vāt ind. and °vatas ind. by means or in consequence of , through , by)
[L=135551] supernatural power Ka1lid.
[L=135552] splendour , beauty MBh. R.
[L=135553] tranquillizing , conciliation (?) L.
[L=135554] N. of the chapters of the rasikapriyā Cat.
[L=135555] N. of a son of manu sva-rocis Ma1rkP.

(H4) pra-° bhāva---ja [L=135556] mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power W.

(H4) pra-° bhāva---tva [L=135557] n. power , strength Ka1m.

(H3) pra-° bhāvaka [L=135559] mfn. prominent , having power or influence S3atr. Sin6ha7s.

(H1) pra-bhu [p= 684,2] [L=135523] » under pra- √bhū below.
(H2) pra-bhú [p= 684,3] [L=135568] mfn. (Ved. also ū́ f(vī).) excelling , mighty , powerful , rich , abundant RV. &c
[L=135569] more powerful than (abl.) MBh.
[L=135570] having power over (gen.) VP.
[L=135571] able , capable , having power to (loc. inf. or comp.) Ka1v.
[L=135572] a match for (dat.) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.
[L=135573] constant , eternal L.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135574] m. a master , lord , king (also applied to gods e.g. to sūrya and agni RV. ; to prajā-pati Mn. ; to brahmā ChUp. ; to indra R. ; to śiva MBh. ; to viṣṇu L. )
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135575] m. the chief or leader of a sect RTL. 142
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135576] m. a sound , word L.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135577] m. quicksilver L.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135578] m. N. of a deity under the 8th manu Ma1rkP.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135579] m. of a son of kardama Hariv.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135580] m. of a son of śuka and pīvarī ib.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135581] m. of a son of bhaga and siddhi BhP.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135582] m. of a poet Cat.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135583] m. of sev. other men HParis3.
(H2B) pra-bhú [L=135584] m. (°bhvī f. N. of a śakti Pan5car. )

(H3) pra-bhú---tā [L=135586] f. lordship , dominion , supremacy Ya1jn5. (v.l.) Katha1s.
[L=135587] power over (loc.) S3ak.
[L=135588] possession of (comp.) Ragh.
[L=135589] prevalence (instr. " for the most part ") Ratna7v.

(H3) pra-bhú---tva [L=135590] n. lordship , sovereignty , high rank , might , power over (gen. loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=135591] prevalence (instr. " for the most part ") Sus3r.

(H3) pra-bhú---tvabodhi [L=135592] f. knowledge joined with supreme power Ka1ran2d2.

(H3) pra-bhú---tvā* kṣepa [L=135593] m. (in rhet.) an objection based on power (i.e. on a word of command) Ka1vya7d. ii , 138

(H4) pra-° vṛtta---cakra [p= 694,1] [L=137286] mfn. " whose chariot wheels run on unimpeded " , having universal power (°kra-tā f.) Ya1jn5.

(H2) prá-vṛddha [L=137326] mfn. grown up , fully developed , increased , augmented , intense , vehement , great , numerous RV. &c
[L=137327] swollen , heaving R. Ka1lid.
[L=137328] risen to wealth or power , prosperous , mighty , strong MBh. Var.
[L=137329] (also with vayasā) advanced in age , grown old MBh. Katha1s.
[L=137330] expanded , diffused W.
[L=137331] full , deep (as a sigh) ib.
[L=137332] haughty , arrogant MW.
[L=137333] w.r. for pra-vṛtta , -viddha , -buddha.

(H1) pra- √ sad [p= 696,3] [L=137803]
P. -sīdati (ep. also A1. °te) , to fall into the power of (acc.) MaitrS. AitBr. ;

to settle down , grow clear and bright , become placid or tranquil (as the sea or sky , met. applied to the mind) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to become clear or distinct Kat2hUp. Ka1m. ;

to become satisfied or pleased or glad , be gracious or kind (with gen. " to favour " ; with inf. " to deign to " ; Impv. often " be so gracious , please ") Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be successful (as an action) Ragh. : Caus. -sādayati (mc. also °te ; Pass. -sādyate) , to make clear , purify Ka1vya7d. Katha1s. ;

to make serene , gladden (the heart) Bhartr2. ;

to render calm , soothe , appease , propitiate , ask a person (acc.) to or for (inf. dat. loc. , arthe with gen. , or artham ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c


(H3) prá-° siti [p= 697,3] [L=137983] f. (prá-) (for 2. » below) a net for catching birds RV. iv , 4 , 1 &c ( Nir. Sa1y. )
[L=137983.1] a ligament , binding , fetter L.
(H3) prá-° siti [L=138000] f. (prá-) (for 1. » above ) onward rush , onset , attack , assault RV.
[L=138000.1] a throw , cast , shot , missile VS. TBr.
[L=138000.2] stretch , reach , extension , sphere RV.
[L=138000.3] succession , duration VS.
[L=138000.4] dominion , power , authority , influence RV.

(H3) prā--balya [p= 702,2] [L=138875] n. (fr. -bala) superiority of power , predominance , ascendency Veda7ntas. Sus3r.
[L=138875.1] force , validity (of a rule) TPra1t. Sch.
(H1) prābalya [p= 708,1] [L=140119] &c » under 3. prā , [p= 702,2].

(H3) prā--saha [p= 702,3] [L=138990] m. force , power S3Br. (°hāt ind. by force Ma1nGr2. )

(H3) prā--jāpa° tya [p= 702,1] [L=138817] » s.v.
(H2) prājāpatyá [p= 703,2] [L=139146] mf(ā́) is coming or derived from prajā-pati , relating or sacred to him AV. &c
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139147] m. a descendant of prajā-pati (patr. of pataṃ-ga , of prajāvat , of yakṣma-nāśana , of yajña , of vimada , of viṣṇu , of saṃvaraṇa , of hiraṇya-garbha) RAnukr.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139148] m. (with or scil. vivā*ha or vidhi) a form of marriage (in which the father gives his daughter to the bridegroom without receiving a present from him) A1s3vGr2. i , 6 Mn. iii , 30 &c
(H2B) prājāpatyá [p= 703,3] [L=139149] m. (with or scil. kṛcchra or upavāsa) a kind of fast or penance (lasting 12 days , food being eaten during the first 3 once in the morning , during the next 3 once in the evening , in the next 3 only if given as alms , and a plenary fast being observed during the 3 remaining days Mn. xi , 105) Ya1jn5. &c
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139150] m. (with śakaṭa , also n.) the chariot of rohiṇī , N. of an asterism Var. Pan5cat.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139151] m. (with or scil. tithi) the 8th day in the dark half of the month pauṣa Col. (°tyāś catvāraḥ prastobhāḥ N. of sāmans A1rshBr. ; superl. °tya-tama Kapisht2h. )
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139152] m. a son born in the prājāpatya form of marriage Vishn2.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139153] m. a kṣatriya and a vaiśya. GopBr. Vait.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139154] m. N. of the confluence of the gaṅgā and yamunā L. (cf. MBh. i , 2097)
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139155] m. (with jainas) N. of the first black vāsudeva L.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139160] n. generative energy , procreative power. AV. TS.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139161] n. (with or scil. karman) a partic. kind of generation in the manner of prajā-pati MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139162] n. a partic. sacrifice performed before appointing a daughter to raise issue in default of male heirs W.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139163] n. the world of prajāpati Ma1rkP.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139164] n. (with or scil. nakṣatra or bha) the asterism rohiṇī MBh. Var.
(H2B) prājāpatyá [L=139165] n. (also with akṣarya , prayas-vat and mādhucchaudasa) N. of sāmans A1rshBr.

(H3) prā* jya--vikrama [L=139186] mfn. possessing great power Kum.

(H2) prāṇa 1 [p= 701,3] [L=138763] mfn. (for 2. » [p= 705,1].) filled , full L.
(H2) prā* ṇá 2 [p= 705,1] [L=139500] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; for 1. » under √ prā , p.701) the breath of life , breath , respiration spirit vitality
[L=139501] life RV. &c (prā*ṇān with √ muc or √ hā or pari- √ tyaj , " to resign or quit life " ; with √ rakṣ , " to save life " ; with ni- √han , " to destroy life " ; tvam me prā*ṇaḥ , " thou art to me as dear as life " ; often ifc. ; cf. pati- , mā*na-pr°)
[L=139502] a vital organ vital air (3 in number , viz. prā*ṇa , apā*na and vyāna AitBr. TUp. Sus3r. ; usually 5 , viz. the preceding with sam-āna and , ud-āna S3Br. MBh. Sus3r. &c cf. MWB. 242 ; or with the other vital organs 6 S3Br. ; or 7 AV. Br. Mun2d2Up. ; or 9 AV. TS. Br. ; or 10 S3Br. ; pl. the 5 organs of vitality or sensation , viz. prā*ṇa , vāc , cakṣus , śrotra , manas , collectively ChUp. ii , 7 , i ; or = nose , mouth , eyes and ears GopBr. S3rS. Mn. iv , 143)
[p= 705,2] [L=139503] air inhaled , wind AV. S3Br.
[L=139504] breath (as a sign of strength), vigour , energy , power MBh. R. &c (sarvaprā*ṇena or -prā*ṇaiḥ , " with all one's strength " or " all one's heart " ; cf. yathā-prā*ṇam)
[L=139505] a breath (as a measure of time , or the time requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables = 1÷6 vināḍikā) Var. A1ryabh. VP.
[L=139506] N. of a kalpa (the 6th day in the light half of brahmā's month) Pur.
[L=139507] (in sāṃkhya) the spirit (= puruṣa) Tattvas.
[L=139508] (in vedānta) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits Veda7ntas. RTL. 35 (cf. prāṇā*tman)
[L=139509] poetical inspiration W.
[L=139510] myrrh L.
[L=139511] a N. of the letter y Up.
[L=139512] of a sāman Ta1n2d2Br. (vasiṣṭhasya prā*ṇā*pā*nau A1rshBr. )
[L=139513] of brahmā L.
[L=139514] of viṣṇu RTL. 106
[L=139515] of a vasu BhP.
[L=139516] of a son of the vasu dhara Hariv.
[L=139517] of a marut Ya1jn5. Sch.
[L=139518] of a son of dhātṛ Pur.
[L=139519] of a son of vidhātṛ BhP.
[L=139520] of a ṛṣi in the 2nd manv-antara Hariv.
(H2) prā* ṇa [p= 1330,3] [L=337000] (in comp.)

(H3) prā* ṇá--mát [p= 705,3] [L=139620] mfn. full of vital power , vigorous , strong , MaitrS.

(H3) prā* pta--prabhāva [p= 707,3] [L=140054] m. one who has attained power Ka1v.

(H2) prā́* pti [L=140090] f. advent , occurrence AV. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.
[L=140091] reach , range , extent Su1ryas.
[L=140092] reaching , arrival at (comp.) R.
[L=140093] the power (of the wind) to enter or penetrate everywhere BhP.
[L=140094] the power of obtaining everything (one of the 8 superhuman faculties) Ma1rkP. Vet. MWB. 245
[L=140095] saving , rescue or deliverance from (abl.) Ratna7v.
[L=140096] attaining to , obtaining , meeting with , finding , acquisition , gain Mn. MBh. &c
[L=140097] the being met with or found Nya1yas. Sch.
[L=140098] discovery , determination Su1ryas.
[L=140099] obtainment , validity , holding good (of a rule) Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. APra1t.
[L=140100] (in dram.) a joyful event , successful termination of a plot ( Das3ar. )
[L=140101] a conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing. Sa1h.
[L=140102] lot , fortune , luck S3vetUp. MBh.
[L=140103] (in astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion Var.
[L=140104] a collection (= saṃhati) L.
[L=140105] N. of the wife of śama (son of dharma) MBh.
[L=140106] of a daughter of jarā-saṃdha Hariv. Pur.

(H3) pré* ta--vaśa [p= 712,1] [L=140940] m. power of the dead (°śaṃ- √nī , to put to death) MBh.

(H3) phalā* pūrva [p= 717,2] [L=141911] n. the mystic power which produces the consequences of a sacrificial act Nya1yam. Comm.

(H2) bala [p= 722,3] [L=143062] n. (or m. g. ardharcā*di) power , strength , might , vigour , force , validity RV. &c (balāt , " forcibly , against one's will , without being able to help it " ; also = bala ibc. , or balena , bala-tas , with gen. or ifc. , " by force , by the power or on the strength or in virtue or by means of , by ")
[L=143063] force or power of articulation TUp.
[L=143064] force considered as a sixth organ of action (cf. karme*ndriya) MBh.
[L=143065] (the Buddhists reckon 10 forces , the ascetic śaivas four , which according to Sch. on R. [B.] are sāman , dāna , bheda , and nigraha)
[L=143066] Force personified as one of the viśve-devāḥ MBh.
[L=143067] power of , expertness in (loc.) Nal.
[L=143068] stoutness , bulkiness L.
[L=143069] (also pl. ; ifc. f(ā).) military force , troops , an army Mn. MBh. &c
[L=143070] ( L. also shape ; body ; semen virile ; gum ; blood ; a young shoot ; bone)
(H2B) bala [L=143071] m. a crow MBh.
(H2B) bala [L=143072] m. Crataeva Roxburghii L.
(H2B) bala [L=143073] m. half-ripe barley L.
(H2B) bala [L=143074] m. N. of a demon conquered by indra (the brother of vṛtra , in older texts vala) RV. &c
(H2B) bala [L=143075] m. of an elder brother of kṛṣṇa (also called bala-deva , balabhadra , bala-rāma &c ) MBh. Pur.
(H2B) bala [L=143076] m. cf. IW. 332 &c
(H2B) bala [L=143077] m. (with jainas) a white bala or elder brother of vāsudeva (9 in number , viz. acala , vijaya , bhadra , su-prabha , su-darśana , ānanda , nandana , padma , and rāma)
(H2B) bala [L=143078] m. N. of a son of varuṇa and brother of surā MBh.
(H2B) bala [L=143079] m. of an attendant on skanda ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143080] m. of a son of aṅgiras ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143081] m. of a son of parikṣit ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143082] m. of a son of parijātra BhP.
(H2B) bala [L=143083] m. of a son of kṛṣṇa ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143084] m. of a lexicographer (also written vala) Naish. Sch.
(H2B) bala [L=143085] m. of a horse of the Moon VP.
(H2B) balá [L=143093] n. = valá , a cavern AV.
(H2B) bala [L=143094] mfn. strong , robust L. ; sick (= amin) L. [cf. Lat. valere , valor &c ]

(H3) bala--cakra [L=143106] n. " circle of power " , dominion , sovereignty (-vartin m. a powerful sovereign) Buddh.
[L=143107] an army , host MBh.

(H3) bala--ja [L=143108] mfn. produced by strength or power W.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143109] m. n. a heap of corn , grain L.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143111] m. a pretty woman L.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143112] m. the earth L.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143113] m. Arabian jasmine L.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143114] m. a rope A1pS3r. Sch.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143115] m. N. of a river BrahmaP.
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143116] n. (only L. ) a city-gate , any gate
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143117] n. a field
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143118] n. war
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143119] n. a pretty figure
(H3B) bala--ja [L=143120] n. pith , marrow.

(H3) bala--jyeṣṭha [L=143121] mfn. one whose superiority is dependent on his strength or power MBh.

(H3B) bala--dā [L=143125] f. Physalis Flexuosa L.
(H3B) bala--dā [L=143126] f. N. of a daughter of raudrāśva Hariv. (v.l. balā).
(H3) bala--dā́ [L=143128] ( RV. Kaus3. ) mfn. conferring or imparting power.

(H3) bala--dā́van [L=143129] ( AV. ) mfn. conferring or imparting power.

(H3) bala--mada [p= 723,1] [L=143174] m. pride in power MBh.

(H3) bála--vat [L=143180] mfn. (bála-) possessing power , powerful , mighty , strong , intense VS. &c
[L=143180.05] vehement (as love , desire &c ) MBh.
[L=143180.10] dense (as darkness) Mr2icch.
[L=143180.15] preponderating , prevailing (also with abl. , " over ") VPra1t.
[L=143180.20] accompanied by an army Inscr.
(H3B) bála--vat [L=143180.25] ind. powerfully , strongly , vehemently , much , well S3Br. &c
(H3B) bála--vat [L=143180.30] m. N. of the 8th muhūrta Var.

(H3) bala--vardhana [L=143183] mfn. increasing power , strengthening W.
(H3B) bala--vardhana [L=143184] m. N. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra MBh.

(H3) bala--stha [L=143210] mfn. " being in strength or power " , strong , powerful , vigorous MBh. (cf. balā*vastha)
(H3B) bala--stha [L=143211] m. " being or belonging to an army " , a warrior , soldier ib. R.

(H3) balā* dhika [L=143227] mfn. superior in strength , surpassing in power MBh. Katha1s.

(H3) balā* nvita [p= 723,2] [L=143233] mfn. possessed of Power , powerful , strong W.
[L=143234] suggestive of power Ml.
[L=143235] leading an army W.

(H3) balā* bala [L=143237] mfn. at one time strong at another weak Ma1rkP.
(H3B) balā* bala [L=143238] n. strength and weakness , relative strength or power or weight or highness or dignity or importance Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c

(H3) balā* rthin [L=143243] mfn. desirous of power Mn. ii , 37.

(H3) balo* tamatta [L=143253] mfn. intoxicated with power R.

(H3) balo* papanna [L=143254] mfn. endowed with power or strength MW.

(H2) baliman [L=143277] m. power , strength (in a-b°) ChUp.

(H3) bálīyas--tva [L=143285] n. pre-eminence in strength , superior power , predominance Ka1m.

(H3) bahú--śakti [p= 726,1] [L=143887] mfn. possessing great power
(H3B) bahú--śakti [L=143888] m. N. of a prince Pan5cat.

(H3) bāhú--bala [p= 730,2] [L=144961] n. power or strength of arm Mn. MBh. &c
(H3B) bāhú--bala [L=144962] m. " strong in arm " , N. of a prince Katha1s.

(H3) bī́ja--prabháva [p= 732,3] [L=145435] m. the power of the seed Mn. x , 72.

(H2) buddhi [p= 733,3] [L=145643] f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgement Mn. MBh. &c
[L=145644] perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated , or with manas 6 ; cf. indriya , buddhī*ndriya)
[L=145645] comprehension , apprehension , understanding Sa1h.
[L=145646] (with ātnanaḥ , or buddhir brāhmī) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.
[L=145647] (in sāṃkhya phil.) Intellect (= adhy-avasāya , the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception , the second of the 25 tattvas ; cf. buddhi-tattva) IW. 80 &c
[L=145648] presence of mind , ready wit Pan5cat. Hit.
[L=145649] an opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecture MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=145650] thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.) , intention , purpose , design ib. (buddhyā , with the intention of. designedly , deliberately ; anugraha-b° , with a view to i.e. in order to show favour ; buddhiṃ- √kṛ or pra- √kṛ , to make up one's mind , resolve , decide , with loc. dat. acc. with prati , or inf.)
[L=145651] impression , belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as , taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit.
[L=145652] right opinion , correct or reasonable view R. Ragh.
[L=145653] a kind of metre L.
[L=145654] N. of the 5th astrol. mansion , VarBr2S. Sch.
[L=145655] Intelligence personified (as a daughter of dakṣa and wife of dharma and mother of bodha) MBh. Pur.
[L=145656] N. of a woman , HParis3.

(H3) brahma--tejas [p= 738,3] [L=146724] n. the power and glory of brahma KaushUp. Hariv. &c (°jo-maya mf(ī)n. formed of brahma's glory Mn. Pan5car. )
[L=146725] the glory or lustre supposed to surround a Brahman
[L=146726] (bráhma-) having the glory or power of brahma ( AV. ) or of a Brahman ( MW. )
(H3B) brahma--tejas [L=146727] m. N. of a buddha Lalit. ,

(H3) brahma--balá [p= 739,2] [L=146873] n. Brahmanical power MaitrS.
(H3B) brahma--balá [L=146874] m. N. of a man Cat.

(H3) brahma--yogá [p= 739,3] [L=146937] m. employment of devotion , binding power of devotion AV.
[L=146938] cultivation of spiritual knowledge W.

(H3) brahma--varcasá [L=146990] n. divine glory or splendour , pre-eminence in holiness or sacred knowledge , sanctity , superhuman power AV. &c

(H3) brahma--vā́dya [p= 740,1] [L=147009] n. rivalry in sacred knowledge or in magical power TS.

(H3) brahma--vṛddhi [L=147034] f. increase of Brahmanical power A1past.
(H3B) brahma--vṛddhi [L=147035] m. N. of a man L.

(H2) brā́hmaṇa [p= 741,2] [L=147317] mfn. relating to or given by a Brahman , befitting or becoming a Brahman , Brahmanical AV. TBr. MBh.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147318] m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to agni) , a Brahman , a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindu body (generally a priest , but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the veda) RV. &c
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147319] m. = brāhmaṇācchaṃsin Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147320] m. a Brahman in the second stage (between mātra and śrotriya) Hcat.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147321] m. N. of the 28th lunar mansion L.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147323] n. that which is divine , the divine AV.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147324] n. sacred or divine power ib. A1s3vGr2.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147325] n. Brahmanical explanation , explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Brahmans in their sacrifices) Br.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147326] n. the brāhmaṇa portion of the veda (as distinct from its mantra and upaniṣad portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇas (they contain rules for the employment of the mantras or hymns at various sacrifices , with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends ; they are said by sāyaṇa to contain two parts: 1. vidhi , rules or directions for rites ; 2. artha-vāda , explanatory remarks ; each veda has its own brāhmaṇa , that of the RV. is preserved in 2 works , viz. the aitareya , sometimes called āśvalāyana , and the kauṣītaki or śāṅkhāyana-brāhmaṇa ; the white yajur-veda has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa ; the black yajur-veda has the brāhmaṇa which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā ; the SV. has 8 brāhmaṇas , the best known of which are the prauḍha or pañca-viṃśa and the ṣaḍviṃśa ; the AV. has one brāhmaṇa called go-patha) Nir. Gr2S3rS. &c
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147327] n. the soma vessel of the brahman priest RV. AV.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147328] n. a society or assemblage of Brahmans , a conclave W.
(H2) brāhmaṇa [p= 1331,1] [L=337420] (in comp.)

(H1) bhāvá [p= 754,2] [L=150178] m. ( √ bhū) becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance S3vetUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c
[L=150179] turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) MBh. RPra1t.
[L=150180] continuance (opp. to cessation ; eko*ti-bhāva , continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh. , wrongly translated under eko*ti-bh°) MBh.
[L=150181] state , condition , rank (with sthāvira , old age ; anyam bhāvam āpadyate , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything , esp. ifc. e.g. bālabhāva , the state of being a child , childhood = bālatā , or tva ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. tanutā-bhāva , the state of thinness) Up. S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=150182] true condition or state , truth , reality (ibc. and °vena ind. really , truly) MBh. Hariv.
[L=150183] manner of being , nature , temperament , character (eko bhāvaḥ or eka-bh° , a simple or artless nature ; bhāvo bhāvaṃ nigacchati = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150184] manner of acting , conduct , behaviour Ka1v. Sa1h.
[L=150185] any state of mind or body , way of thinking or feeling , sentiment , opinion , disposition , intention (yādṛśena bhāvena , with whatever disposition of mind ; bhāvam amaṅgalaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to be ill disposed against ; bhāvaṃ dṛḍhaṃ- √kṛ , to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150186] (in rhet.) passion , emotion (2 kinds of bhāvas are enumerated , the sthāyin or primary , and vyabhicārin or subordinate ; the former are 8 or 9 according as the rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9 ; the latter 33 or 34) Ka1v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c
[L=150187] conjecture , supposition Mn. Pan5cat.
[L=150188] purport , meaning , sense (iti bhāvaḥ , " such is the sense " = ity arthaḥ or ity abhiprā*yaḥ , constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations)
[L=150189] love , affection , attachment (bhāvaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to feel an affection for) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150190] the seat of the feelings or affections , heart , soul , mind (parituṣṭena bhāvena , with a pleased mind) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150191] that which is or exists , thing or substance , being or living creature (sarva-bhāvāḥ , all earthly objects ; bhāvāḥ sthāvara-jaṅgamāḥ , plants and animals) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c
[L=150192] (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mr2icch. Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.
[L=150193] (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.
[L=150194] an astrological house or lunar mansion ib.
[L=150195] N. of the 27th kalpa (s.v.) ib.
[L=150196] of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
[L=150197] (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb , the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. pacyate , " there is cooking " or " cooking is going on ") Pa1n2. 3-1 , 66 ; 107 &c
[L=150198] N. of the author of the bhāvaprakāśa (= miśra-bhāva) Cat.
[L=150199] wanton sport , dalliance L.
[L=150200] birth L.
[L=150201] place of birth , the womb L.
[L=150202] the world , universe L.
[L=150203] an organ of sense L.
[L=150204] superhuman power L.
[L=150205] the Supreme Being L.
[L=150206] advice , instruction L.
[L=150207] contemplation , meditation L. (cf. -samanvita).
(H2) bhāva [p= 760,2] [L=151460] &c » p.754 &c

(H2) bhiṣajya 1 [p= 757,3] [L=150953]
Nom. P. °jyáti (g. kaṇḍv-ādi) to heal , cure , possess healing power RV. &c ;

to be physician to any one (dat.) Ba1lar. ;

to be a physician or remedy for i.e. to gain the mastery over anything (loc.) ib.

(H2) bhiṣajya 2 [L=150954] mf(ā)n. sanative , healing , healthful Ka1t2h.

(H3) bhīmá--parākrama [p= 758,2] [L=151044] mfn. possessing formidable power or prowess MBh.
(H3B) bhīmá--parākrama [L=151045] m. N. of a man Katha1s. of śiva MW.
(H3B) bhīmá--parākrama [L=151046] m. of wk.

(H3) bhūtá--sṛṣṭi [p= 762,2] [L=151973] f. the creation of bhūtas MW.
[L=151974] the illusion effected by the power of the bhūtas ib.
[L=151975] the whole class of bhūtas collectively ib.

(H2) bhū́ti [p= 762,3] [L=152037] or ( RV. )
(H3) bhūtí [L=152038] f. existence , being L.
[L=152039] wellbeing , thriving , prosperity , might , power , wealth , fortune RV. &c
[L=152040] Welfare personified (= lakṣmī) BhP.
[L=152041] superhuman power (as attainable by the practice of austerity and magical rites) W.
[L=152042] ornament , decoration Megh. 19
[L=152043] ashes Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=152044] fried meat L. (?)
[L=152045] = bhūmi , earth , ground AitBr. ( Sa1y. )
[L=152046] (with marutām) N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
[L=152047] of various plants (Andropogon Schoenanthus or = rohiṣa &c ) L.
[L=152048] (also °tī) , of the wife of ruci or kavi and the mother of manu bhautya Hariv. VP.
(H3B) bhūtí [L=152049] m. a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
(H3B) bhūtí [L=152050] m. N. of viṣṇu MBh.
(H3B) bhūtí [L=152051] m. of śiva L.
(H3B) bhūtí [L=152052] m. of the father of manu bhautya Ma1rkP.
(H3B) bhūtí [L=152053] m. of a Brahman L.

(H3) bhūry--ojas [p= 764,2] [L=152440] (bhū́ry-) mfn. having great power , very vigorous ib.

(H3) bhṛta--bhūti [p= 764,3] [L=152502] mfn. possessing power or prosperity W.
[L=152503] smeared with ashes ib.

(H3) bheṣajá--tā [p= 766,3] [L=152940] (°já-) f. curativeness , healing power Pan5cavBr.

(H3) bheṣajá--vīrya [L=152942] n. the healing power of medicine Sus3r.

(H1) maghá [p= 772,2] [L=154092] m. ( √ maṃh) a gift , reward , bounty RV.
[L=154093] wealth , power ib.
[L=154094] a kind of flower L.
[L=154095] a partic. drug or medicine (also f(ā).) L.
[L=154096] N. of a dvīpa (s.v.) L.
[L=154097] of a country of the mlecchas L.
[L=154099] N. of the wife of śiva L.
(H1B) maghá [L=154100] f(ī , ā). a species of grain L.

(H3) máda--vīrya [p= 778,1] [L=155404] n. the power of passion or fury Pan5cat.

(H3) mántra--prabhāva [p= 786,1] [L=157328] m. the power of a spell , Ratna7v.

(H3) mántra--bala [L=157334] n. the superiority or precedence of a sacred text Ka1tyS3r.
[L=157335] magical power Katha1s.

(H3) mántra--śakti [p= 786,2] [L=157391] f. magical power , charm Katha1s.

(H3) maha--rddhi [p= 794,2] [L=159179] f. great prosperity or power or perfection (in -prā*pta m. N. of a prince of the garuḍas Buddh. ; -mat mfn. possessing or conferring great possessing &c Cat. ; m. a great sage L. )
(H3B) maha--rddhi [L=159180] mfn. very prosperous or powerful R. Katha1s. (also °dhika L. , and °dhin MBh. )
(H3B) maha--rddhi [L=159181] mfn. very sage Ra1jat.
(H3) maharddhi [p= 794,3] [L=159278] &c » col.2.

(H2) mahát [p= 794,2] [L=159193] mfn. (orig. pr. p. of √1. mah ; strong form , mahānt f. mahatī́ ; in ep. often mahat for mahāntam ; ibc. mostly mahā q.v.) great (in space , time , quantity or degree) i.e. large , big , huge , ample , extensive , long , abundant , numerous , considerable , important , high , eminent RV. &c &c (also ind. in mahad- √bhū , to become great or full [said of the moon] S3is3. )
[L=159194] abounding on rich in (instr.) ChUp.
[L=159195] (ifc.) distinguished by S3ak.
[L=159196] early (morning) ib.
[L=159197] advanced (afternoon) MBh.
[L=159198] violent (pain or emotion) ib.
[L=159199] thick (as darkness) , gross ib.
[L=159200] loud (as noise) La1t2y.
[L=159201] many (people , with jana sg.) MBh. (with uktha n. a partic. uktha of 720 verses ; with aukthya n. N. of a sāman MBh. ; mahānti bhūtāni , the gross elements Mn. MBh. ; cf. mahābhūta)
(H2B) mahát [L=159202] m. a great or noble man (opp. to nīca , alpa or dīna) Ka1v. Ka1m. Pan5cat.
(H2B) mahát [L=159203] m. the leader of a sect or superior of a monastery RTL. 87 n. 1
(H2B) mahát [L=159204] m. a camel L.
(H2B) mahát [L=159205] m. N. of rudra or of a partic. rudra BhP.
(H2B) mahát [L=159206] m. of a dānava Hariv.
(H2B) mahát [L=159207] m. (scil. gaṇa) , a partic. class of deceased progenitors Ma1rkP.
(H2B) mahát [L=159208] m. of two princes VP.
(H2B) mahát [L=159209] m. (rarely n. scil. tattva) , " the great principle " , N. of buddhi , " Intellect " , or the intellectual principle (according to the sāṃkhya philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from prakṛti and so called as the great source of ahaṃkāra , " self-consciousness " , and manas , " the mind " ; cf. IW. 83 , 91 &c ) MaitrUp. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c
(H2B) mahát [L=159211] m. the (7 or 100-stringed) lute of nārada S3is3.
(H2B) mahát [L=159212] m. (with dvādaśī) , the 12th day in the light half of the month bhādrapada Pur. Sus3r.
(H2B) mahát [L=159213] n. anything great or important ChUp.
(H2B) mahát [L=159214] n. greatness , power , might S3Br. A1s3vGr2.
(H2B) mahát [L=159215] n. dominion L.
(H2B) mahát [L=159216] n. a great thing , important matter , the greater part A1s3vGr2.
(H2B) mahát [L=159217] n. advanced state or time (mahatí rātriyai or rātryai , in the middle of the night TS. Br. )
(H2B) mahát [L=159218] n. sacred knowledge MBh.
(H1) mahát [p= 803,3] [L=161627] mahán &c » p.794 , cols. 2 , 3.

(H2) mahán [p= 794,3] [L=159265] n. greatness , might , power , abundance (only instr. sg. mahnā́ and once pl. mahábhiḥ , which also = greatly , mightily , right heartily) RV.

(H2) máhas [L=159279] n. greatness , might , power , glory (instr. pl. greatly , mightily &c ) RV. AV. Br. Up.
[L=159280] joy , gladness , pleasure VS. AV. TBr. (°ás ind. gladly , briskly , swiftly RV. )
[L=159281] a festival or a festive hymn Pan5car.
[L=159282] a sacrifice , oblation L.
[L=159283] light , splendour , majesty Inscr. Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=159284] the fourth of the seven worlds (written mahar ; » above and cf. vyāhṛti)
[L=159285] = udaka , water Naigh. i , 12
[L=159286] N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H1) mahas [p= 803,3] [L=161639] mahasa &c » [p= 794,3].

(H3) mahā́--prā* ṇa [p= 797,3] [L=160120] m. the hard breathing or aspirate (heard in the utterance of certain letters) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 9 Sch.
[L=160121] the aspirated letters themselves A.
[L=160122] great spirit or power (» su-mahā-p°)
(H3B) mahā́--prā* ṇa [L=160123] mfn. pronounced with the hard breathing or aspirate Pa1n2. 8-4 , 62 Sch.
(H3B) mahā́--prā* ṇa [L=160124] mfn. of great bodily strength or endurance Ka1d.
(H3B) mahā́--prā* ṇa [L=160125] mfn. " making a harsh breathing or cry " , a raven L. (cf. alpa-p° , māhāp°).

(H4) mahā́--bala---parākrama [p= 798,1] [L=160164] mfn. of great power and strength (viṣṇu) Vishn2.

(H3) mahā́--mahi-vrata [p= 798,3] [L=160361] (mahā́-) mfn. exercising great power RV.

(H3B) mahā́--māyā [p= 799,1] [L=160389] f. great deceit or illusion , the divine power of illusion (which makes the universe appear as if really existing and renders it cognizable by the senses) , the illusory nature of worldly objects personified and identified with durgā Pur.

(H4) mahā́--vīrya---parākrama [p= 800,3] [L=160814.55] mfn. of great power and heroism MBh.

(H3) mahā́--śāsana [p= 801,1] [L=160939] n. great rule or dominion Bhartr2. (v.l.)
[L=160940] great edict or order of government MW.
(H3B) mahā́--śāsana [L=160941] mfn. exercising great dominion , having great power Dhu1rtas.
(H3B) mahā́--śāsana [L=160942] m. (perhaps) a minister who enforces the royal edicts MW.

(H3) mahā́--siddhi [p= 801,3] [L=161107] f. " great perfection " , a partic. form of magical power Prab. S3a1ntis3. &c

(H3) mahai* śvarya [p= 802,2] [L=161288] n. great power Pan5car.

(H3) maho* tsāha [L=161304] mfn. having great power or strength or energy Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H3B) maho* tsāha [L=161305] m. N. of śiva S3ivag.

(H3) mahau* jas [p= 802,3] [L=161372] n. great might or power W.
(H3B) mahau* jas [L=161373] mfn. very vigorous or powerful or mighty Mn. MBh. &c
(H3B) mahau* jas [L=161374] m. a hero , champion W.
(H3B) mahau* jas [L=161375] m. N. of a king MBh.
(H3B) mahau* jas [L=161376] m. of su-brahmaṇya L.
(H3B) mahau* jas [L=161377] m. pl. of a people MBh.

(H3) máhi--kṣatra [L=161400] (máhi-) mfn. possessing great power RV.

(H3) máhi--vrata [p= 803,1] [L=161414] (máhi-) mfn. having great power , ruling mightily RV. AV.

(H2) máhimán [L=161443] m. greatness , might , power , majesty , glory RV. &c (°himnā́ ind. or °hinā́ ind. mightily , forcibly RV. )
[L=161444] the magical power of increasing size at will Vet. Pan5car. (cf. MWB. 245)
[L=161445] magnitude (as one of śiva's attributes ; °mnaḥ stava m. stuti f. stotra n. N. of hymns ; cf. mahimastava)
[L=161446] N. of a man Ra1jat.
[L=161447] a N. of mammaṭa q.v. Cat.
[L=161448] du. N. of two grahas at the aśva-medha sacrifice S3Br. S3rS.
(H1) mahiman [p= 803,3] [L=161649] &c » col.1.

(H2B) mātṛkā [p= 807,3] [L=162408] f. » next
(H2) mātṛkā [L=162410] f. a mother (also fig. = source , origin) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur.
[L=162411] a divine mother (cf. under mātṛ) RTL. 188
[L=162412] a nurse L.
[L=162413] a grandmother Das3.
[L=162414] N. of 8 veins on both sides of the neck (prob. so called after the 8 divine mother) Sus3r.
[L=162415] N. of partic. diagrams (written in characters to which a magical power is ascribed ; also the alphabet so employed ; prob. only the 14 vowels with anusvāra and visarga were originally so called after the 16 divine magical) Ra1matUp. Pan5car.
[L=162416] any alphabet Hcat.
[L=162417] (pl.) Lalit.
[L=162418] a wooden peg driven into the ground for the support of the staff of indra's banner VarBr2S.
[L=162419] N. of the works included in the abhidharma-piṭaka Buddh.
[L=162420] of the wife of aryaman BhP.
[L=162421] = karaṇa L.

(H2) mā́nuṣyaka [p= 810,2] [L=163003] mfn. human S3Br. &c
(H2B) mā́nuṣyaka [L=163004] n. human nature or condition Das3. (loc. as far as lies in man's power Ka1d. )
(H2B) mā́nuṣyaka [L=163005] n. a multitude of men L.

(H1B) māyā [p= 811,1] [L=163078] f. » below.
(H2) māyā́ [L=163081] f. art , wisdom , extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language)
[L=163082] illusion , unreality , deception , fraud , trick , sorcery , witchcraft magic RV. &c
[L=163083] an unreal or illusory image , phantom , apparition ib. (esp. ibc. = false , unreal , illusory ; cf. comp.)
[L=163084] duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions) Dharmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the sāṃkhya with prakṛti or pradhāna and in that system , as well as in the vedā*nta , regarded as the source of the visible universe) IW. 83 ; 108
[L=163085] (with śaivas) one of the 4 pāśas or snares which entangle the soul Sarvad. MW.
[L=163086] (with vaiṣṇavas) one of the 9 śaktis or energies of viṣṇu L.
[L=163087] Illusion personified (sometimes identified with durgā , sometimes regarded as a daughter of anṛta and nirṛti or nikṛti and mother of mṛtyu , or as a daughter of adharma) Pur.
[L=163088] compassion , sympathy L.
[L=163089] Convolvulus Turpethum L.
[L=163090] N. of the mother of gautama buddha MWB. 24
[L=163091] of lakṣmī W.
[L=163092] of a city Cat.
[L=163093] of 2 metres Col.
[L=163094] du. (māye indrasya) N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.

(H3) mitá--medha [p= 815,3] [L=164091] (mitá-) mfn. having firmly established power RV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 7.32
Whitney Roots links: mUrC
(H1) murch [p= 823,3] [L=165763]
or mūrch cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. vii , 32) mūrchati (pf. mumūrcha MBh. Ka1v. &c ; aor. amūrchīt Gr. ; fut. mūrchitā , mūrchiṣyati ib. ; ind.p. , mūrtvā ib.) , to become solid , thicken , congeal , assume shape or substance or consistency , expand , increase , grow , become or be vehement or intense or strong AV. &c ;

to fill , pervade , penetrate , spread over Ka1lid. ;

to have power or take effect upon (loc.) ib. ;

to grow stiff or rigid , faint , swoon , become senseless or stupid or unconscious MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to deafen Caurap. ;

to cause to sound aloud MBh. : Caus. mūrchayati (mc. also °te) , to cause to thicken or coagulate (milk) Kaus3. ;

to cause to settle into a fixed or solid form , shape AitUp. ;

to strengthen , rouse , excite MBh. R. ;

to cause to sound loudly , play (a musical instrument) BhP.


(H3) mūrdhā* vasikta [p= 826,2] [L=166308] m. N. of a partic. mixed caste (the son of a Brahman and a kṣatriyā) Gaut. Ya1jn5. (v.l. mūrdhā*bhi ṣikta)
[L=166309] a consecrated king L.
[L=166310] an officer in the army (or " expert in the dhanur-veda " , or " one who carries arms , or know , the power of precious stones , mantras , and medicinal herbs ") L.

(H3) mṛtá--bhraj [p= 827,3] [L=166646] (mṛtá-) mfn. one who has lost the power of erection AV.

(H3) mṛtā* śana [L=166683] mfn. " having lost the power of eating (?) " , being of the age of 90 to 100 years L. (cf. mṛśa-bhraj).

(H2B) médhā [p= 833,1] [L=167877] f. » below
(H2) medhā́ [L=167897] f. mental vigour or power , intelligence , prudence , wisdom (pl. products of intelligence , thoughts , opinions) RV. &c
[L=167898] Intelligence personified (esp. as the wife of dharma and daughter of dakṣa) MBh. R. Hariv. Pur.
[L=167899] a form of dākṣāyaṇī in kaśmīra Cat.
[L=167900] a form of sarasvatī W.
[L=167901] a symbolical N. of the letter dh Up.
[L=167902] = dhana Naigh. ii , 10.

(H3) mohana--latā [p= 836,1] [L=168629] f. a plant which has the power of fascinating MW.

(H3) yátra--kāmā* vasāya [p= 841,2] [L=169637] m. the supernatural power of transporting one's self anywhere one likes (said to belong to yogins) Cat.

(H4) yátra--kāmā* va° sāyin [L=169638] mfn. (in °sāyi-tā f. and °sāyi-tva n.) possessing that power Pur.

(H3) yáthā--kṣamam [p= 841,3] [L=169688] ind. according to power or ability , as much as possible Katha1s.

(H3) yáthā* --° gni [p= 842,1] [L=169706] ind. (°thā*g°) according to (the size of) the fire Ka1tyS3r.
[L=169706.1] according to the digestive power Car.

(H3) yáthā--prabhā́vam [p= 842,2] [L=169823] ind. according to strength or power S3Br.

(H3) yáthā--balám [p= 842,3] [L=169846] ind. according to power , with all one's might AV. MBh. &c
[L=169846.1] in relation to power R.
[L=169846.2] according to the (condition of the) army , according to the (number of) forces Mn. Ka1m.

(H3) yáthā--śakti [p= 843,2] [L=169977] ( Gr2S3rS. &c ) ( MBh. Hariv. &c ) ind. according to power or ability , to the utmost of one's power.

(H3) yáthā--śak° tyā [L=169978] ( MBh. Hariv. &c ) ind. according to power or ability , to the utmost of one's power.

(H3) yáthā--sāmarthyam [p= 843,3] [L=170035] ind. according to ability or power MW.

(H3) yatho* tsāha [p= 844,1] [L=170103] mfn. corresponding to power or strength of effort La1t2y.

(H4) yatho* tsāham [L=170104] ind. according to power , with all one's might , S3rS. Mn. &c

(H3) yád--bala [p= 844,3] [L=170175] mfn. of which strength or power MBh.

(H1) yáhas [p= 849,1] [L=171008] n. (prob. fr. a lost √ yah , to speed , be quick) , water Naigh. i , 12
[L=171009] strength , power ib. ii , 9.

(H3) yā́vat--tarasám [p= 852,2] [L=171566] ind. according to power or ability MaitrS. TA1r. (yā́vat-tarásam).

(H3) yāvac--chak° ti-tas [L=171581] ( Ka1d. ) ind. according to power.

(H3) yāvad--vīrya-vat [p= 852,3] [L=171639] (yā́vad-) mfn. as far as possessed of power , as effective S3Br.

(H2) yújya [p= 854,3] [L=171973] mfn. connected , related , allied RV. AV.
[L=171974] homogeneous , similar , equal in rank or power RV.
[L=171975] suitable , proper , capable RV. VS.
(H2B) yújya [L=171976] n. union , alliance , relationship RV. (with jamad-agneḥ) N. of a sāman A1rshBr. (v.l. yugya).

(H3) yóga--gāmin [p= 856,3] [L=172380] mfn. going (through the air) by means of magical power VP.

(H3) yóga--tas [p= 857,1] [L=172404] ind. conjointly W.
[L=172404.1] suitably , properly Mn.
[L=172404.2] conformably to , in accordance with , by means of , in consequence of (comp.) Ragh. Katha1s.
[L=172404.3] with application of effort , with all one's powers Mn. ii , 100
[L=172404.4] seasonably , in due season W.
[L=172404.5] through devotion , by the power of magic &c ib.
(HPW) yóga----tas [L=672342.1] ind. 172342
(HPW) yoga-tas [L=672343] ind. 172343

(H3) yóga--bala [L=172447] n. the force of devotion , the power of magic , supernatural power R. BrahmaP. Katha1s.

(H3) yóga--māyā [L=172465] f. magic Katha1s.
[L=172466] the māyā or magical power of abstract meditation BhP.
[L=172467] the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity
[L=172468] N. of durgā A.

(H2B) yoginī [p= 858,1] [L=172693] f. » next.
(H2) yoginī [L=172694] f. a female demon or any being endowed with magical power , a fairy , witch , sorceress (represented as eight in number and as created by durgā and attendant on her or on śiva ; sometimes 60 , 64 or 65 are enumerated) Hariv. Katha1s. &c (cf. RTL. 188 , 189)
[L=172695] N. of durgā L.
[L=172696] (with tāntrikas) a partic. śakti
[L=172697] (with Buddhists) a woman representing any goddess who is the object of adoration.

(H2) randhanāya [p= 866,3] [L=174824] Nom. P. °yati , to make subject , deliver into the power of (dat.) RV.

(H3) rati--śakti [p= 867,3] [L=175052] f. the faculty of sexual enjoyment , virile power Ca1n2.

(H3) rati--śūra [L=175053] m. " love-hero " , a man of great generative power Pan5car.

(H3) rāja--vīrya [p= 874,1] [L=176658] n. the power of a kind MW.

(H3) rāja--sāt [p= 874,2] [L=176696] ind. to the state or power of a king MW.

(H3) rājyá--vibhava [p= 875,2] [L=176919] m. ( Katha1s. ) the might or power of royalty.

(H3) rājyá--vibhūti [L=176920] f. ( BhP. ) the might or power of royalty.

(H2) rāddhá [p= 876,2] [L=177154] mfn. accomplished , brought about , perfected , achieved , prepared , ready (n. impers. " it has been achieved by " , with instr.) Ka1tyS3r. BhP.
[L=177155] successful , fortunate , happy Br. Kaus3.
[L=177156] fallen to the share or lot of any one BhP.
[L=177157] propitiated , conciliated MW.
[L=177158] perfect in mysterious or magical power , adept , initiated ib.

(H2) rā́dhas [p= 876,3] [L=177179] n. favour , kindness , bounty , a gift of affection , any gift RV. AV.
[L=177180] munificence , liberality ib.
[L=177181] accomplishment of one's wishes , success BhP.
[L=177182] striving to accomplish or gain ib.
[L=177183] wealth , power ib.

(H2) rāvaṇa [p= 879,1] [L=177722] mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to cry (with gen. or ifc. ; only in this sense to explain the name of the famous rākṣasa) MBh. R. &c
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177723] m. N. of the ruler of laṅkā or Ceylon and the famous chief of the rākṣasas or demons whose destruction by rāmacandra forms the subject of the rāmāyaṇa (as son of viśravas he was younger brother of kubera , but by a different mother , ilavila being the mother of kubera , and keśinī of the three other brothers rāvaṇa vibhīṣaṇa , and kumbha-karṇa ; he is one of the worst of the many impersonations of evil common in Hindu mythology ; he has ten heads and twenty arms , symbolizing strength ; this power was , as usual , acquired by self-inflicted austerities , which had obtained from brahmā a boon , in virtue of which rāvaṇa was invulnerable by gods and divine beings of all kinds , though not by men or a god in human form ; as viṣṇu became incarnate in rāma-candra to destroy rāvaṇa , so the other gods produced innumerable monkeys , bears , and various semi-divine animals to do battle with the legions of demons , his subjects , under khara , dūṣaṇa , and his other generals) MBh. R. Hariv. &c ( IW. 353)
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177724] m. patr. fr. ravaṇa g. śivā*di
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177725] m. N. of a prince of kaśmīra Ra1jat.
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177726] m. of various authors Cat.
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177728] n. the act of screaming &c MW.
(H2B) rāvaṇa [L=177729] n. N. of a muhūrta Cat.

(H2B) ruṇḍikā [p= 883,1] [L=178500] f. (only L. ) a field of battle
(H2B) ruṇḍikā [L=178501] f. a female messenger or go-between
(H2B) ruṇḍikā [L=178502] f. the threshold of a door
(H2B) ruṇḍikā [L=178503] f. superhuman power (= vibhūti).

(H2) rudrá [L=178517] mfn. (prob.) crying , howling , roaring , dreadful , terrific , terrible , horrible (applied to the aśvins , agni , indra , mitra , varuṇa , and the spáśaḥ) RV. AV. (accord. to others " red , shining , glittering " , fr. a √ rud or rudh connected with rudhira ; others " strong , having or bestowing strength or power " , fr. a √ rud = vṛd , vṛdh ; native authorities give also the following meanings , " driving away evil " ; " running about and roaring " , fr. ru dra = dru2 ; " praiseworthy , to be praised " ; " a praiser , worshipper " = stotṛ Naigh. iii , 16)
(H2B) rudrá [p= 883,2] [p= 883,1] [L=178518] m. " Roarer or Howler " , N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the rudras and maruts (in the veda he is closely connected with indra and still more with agni , the god of fire , which , as a destroying agent , rages and crackles like the roaring storm , and also with kāla or Time the all-consumer , with whom he is afterwards identified ; though generally represented as a destroying deity , whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle , he has also the epithet śiva , " benevolent " or " auspicious " , and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere ; in the later mythology the word śiva , which does not occur as a name in the veda , was employed , first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for rudra , who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle ; while a new class of beings , described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number , though still called rudras , took the place of the original rudras or maruts: in VP. i , 7, rudra is said to have sprung from brahmā's forehead , and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female , the former portion separating again into the 11 rudras , hence these later rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of śiva , and most of their names , which are variously given in the different purāṇas , are also names of śiva ; those of the Va1yuP. are ajaikapād , ahir-budhnya , hara , nirṛta , īśvara , bhuvana , aṅgāraka , ardha-ketu , mṛtyu , sarpa , kapālin ; accord. to others the rudras are represented as children of kaśyapa and surabhi or of brahmā and surabhi or of bhūta and su-rūpā ; accord. to VP. i , 8, rudra is one of the 8 forms of śiva ; elsewhere he is reckoned among the dik-pālas as regent of the north-east quarter) RV. &c (cf. RTL. 75 &c )
(H2B) rudrá [L=178519] m. N. of the number " eleven " (from the 11 rudras) VarBr2S.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178520] m. the eleventh Cat.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178521] m. (in astrol.) N. of the first muhūrta
(H2B) rudrá [L=178522] m. (in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. rudrī and rudra-vīṇā)
(H2B) rudrá [L=178523] m. of the letter e Up.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178524] m. of various men Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178525] m. of various teachers and authors (also with ācārya , kavi , bhaṭṭa , śarman , sūri &c ) Cat.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178526] m. of a king Buddh.
(H2B) rudrá [L=178527] m. du. (incorrect acc. to Va1m. v , 2 , 1) rudra and rudrāṇī (cf. also bhavā-r° and somā-rudra)
(H2B) rudrá [L=178528] m. pl. the rudras or sons of rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) RV. &c
(H2B) rudrá [L=178529] m. an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to rudra Gr2S3rS. Gaut. Vas. (cf. rudra-japa)
(H2B) rudrá [L=178530] m. of a people (v.l. puṇḍra) VP.
(H1) rudra [p= 884,1] [L=178750] &c » [p= 883,1].

(H2) rudríya [L=178732] mf(ā)n. relating to rudra or the rudras , coming from them &c RV. S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. (cf. śata-r°)
[L=178733] terrific , fearful , impetuous RV. ( Sa1y. " uttering praise or giving pleasure' " ; cf. rudrá) m. (sg. and pl.) the maruts RV. S3Br.
(H2B) rudríya [L=178734] n. rudra's majesty or power ib. ( Sa1y. " pleasure , delight " , = sukha).

(H4) rūpá--dhā° ri-tva [p= 886,1] [L=179123] n. the power of assuming any form or shape Ka1m.

(H2) lakṣmī́ [p= 892,3] [L=180521] f. (nom. ī́s , rarely ī́ ; also ifc. as mf. , but n(i). ; cf. lakṣmīka) a mark , sign , token RV. x , 71 , 2 Nir. iv , 10
[L=180522] (with or without pāpī́) a bad sign , impending misfortune AV. A1pS3r.
[L=180523] (but in the older language more usually with púṇyā) a good sign , good fortune , prosperity , success , happiness (also pl.) AV. &c
[L=180524] wealth , riches Ka1v. Ra1jat.
[L=180525] beauty , loveliness , grace , charm , splendour , lustre MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=180526] N. of the goddess of fortune and beauty (frequently in the later mythology identified with śrī and regarded as the wife of viṣṇu or nārāyaṇa ; accord. to R. i , 45 , 40-43 she sprang with other precious things from the foam of the ocean when churned by the gods and demons for the recovery of the amṛta q.v. ; she appeared with a lotus in her hand , whence she is also called padmā ; accord. to another legend she appeared at the creation floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotus-flower , she is also variously regarded as a wife of sūrya , as a wife of prajā-pati , as a wife of dharma and mother of kāma , as sister or mother of dhātṛ and vidhātṛ , as wife of dattatreya , as one of the 9 śaktis of viṣṇu , as a manifestation of prakṛti &c , as identified with dākṣāyaṇī in bharatāśrama , and with sītā , wife of rāma , and with other women) ib. (cf. RTL. 103 ; 108 &c )
[L=180527] the Good Genius or Fortune of a king personified (and often regarded as a rival of his queen) , royal power , dominion , majesty Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=180528] a partic. verse or formula Nr2isUp.
[L=180529] N. of various plants (Hibiscus Mutabilis ; Mimosa Suma ; turmeric ; a white tulasī ; = ṛddhi , vṛddhi , priyaṅgu , and phalinī) L.
[L=180530] of the eleventh kalā of the moon Cat.
[L=180531] of two kinds of metre Col.
[L=180532] the wife of a hero L.
[L=180533] = dravya L.
[L=180534] a pearl L.
[L=180535] N. of the wife of king candra-siṃha of mithilā and patroness of various authors (also called lakhamā , laṣamā , lakhimā or lachimā) Cat.
[L=180536] of a poetess ib.
[L=180537] of another woman S3ukas.

(H3) laghú--mitra [p= 894,2] [L=180931] n. a slight or weak friend , an ally of little power or value W.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.6
Whitney Roots links: laB
(H1) labh [p= 896,2] [L=181359]
(cf. √ rabh) cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 6) labhate (ep. also °ti and lambhate ; pf. lebhé , ep. also lalābha ; aor. alabdha , alapsata Br. ; Prec. lapsīya Pa1n2. 8-2 , 504 Sch. ; fut. labdhā Gr. ; lapsyate,°ti Br. &c ; labhiṣyati Ka1v. ; inf. labdhum MBh. ; ind.p. labdhvā́ AV. &c ; -labhya,-lambham Br. &c ; lābham Pa1n2. 7-1 , 69) , to take , seize , catch ;

catch sight of , meet with , find Br. &c &c (with antaram , to find an opportunity , make an impression , be effective ; with avakāśam , to find scope , be appropriate ; with kālam , to find the right time or moment) ;

to gain possession of , obtain , receive , conceive , get , receive (" from " abl. ; " as " acc.) , recover ib. (with garbham , " to conceive an embryo " , " become pregnant " ; with padam , to obtain a footing) ;

to gain the power of (doing anything) , succeed in , be permitted or allowed to (inf. or dat. e.g. labhate draṣṭum , or darśanāya , " he is able or allowed to see ") ChUp. MBh. &c ;

to possess , have Sa1h. Ma1rkP. ;

to perceive , know , understand , learn , find out Katha1s. Kull. : Pass. labhyáte (ep. also °ti ; aor. alābhi or alambhi , with prep. only alambhi ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 69 Ka1s3. ) , to be taken or caught or met with or found or got or obtained Br. &c ;

to be allowed or permitted (inf. sometimes with pass. sense e.g. nā*dharmo labhyate kartum , " injustice ought not to be done " , cf. above ) Katha1s. ;

to follow , result Sa1h. Sarvad. ;

to be comprehended by (abl.) Bha1sha1p. : Caus. lambhayati , °te (aor. alalambhat) , to cause to take or receive or obtain , give , bestow (generally with two acc. ; rarely with acc. and instr. = to present with ; in Kir. ii , 55 with two acc. and instr. ; cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 10) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to get , procure (cf. lambhita) ;

to find out , discover Mn. viii , 109 ;

to cause to suffer MW. ;

Desid. lípsate (mc. also °ti TBr. līpsate) , to wish to seize or take or catch or obtain or receive (with acc. or gen. ; " from " abl.) TBr. &c &c : Intens. lālabhyate , lālambhīti or lālabdhi Gr. ([Gk. λάφ-υρον , λαμβ-άνω ; Lat. labor ; Lith. la4bas , lóbis.])


(H3) labdhā* tiśaya [p= 896,3] [L=181403] mfn. one who has obtained the possession of supernatural power , sāṃkhyas.

(H3) vaktṛ́--śakti [p= 912,2] [L=184642] f. power of speech MW.

(H4) vájra--dhara---prabhāva [p= 913,2] [L=184915] m. having the power of indra , Ragh.

(H2) váyas 1 [p= 920,2] [L=186466] n. a web (?) RV. ii , 31 , 5.
(H1) váyas 2 [L=186471] n. (cf. 2. ví) a bird , any winged animal , the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds) RV. &c &c
(H1) váyas 3 [p= 920,3] [L=186474] n. ( √ vī) enjoyment , food , meal , oblation RV. AV. (cf. vīti)
[L=186475] energy (both bodily and mental) , strength , health , vigour , power , might RV. AV. VS. (often with bṛhát ; with √ dhā and dat. or loc. of pers. " to bestow vigour or might on ")
[L=186476] vigorous age , youth , prime of life , any period of life , age RV. &c (sarvāṇi vayāṃsi , animals of any age ; vayasā*nvita or vayasā*tī*ta , aged. old)
[L=186477] degree , kind (in vayāṃsi pra-brūhi) S3Br.

(H3) váyas--vat [L=186481] (vā*yas-) mfn. possessed of power or vigour , mighty , vigorous ib.

(H2) vayā́ [L=186509] f. a branch , twig RV. (also fig. = offspring , posterity)
[L=186510] vigour , strength , power (?) ib. i , 165 , 5.

(H2) váruṇa [p= 921,2] [L=186668] m. (once in the TA1r. varuṇá) " Allenveloping Sky " , N. of an āditya (in the veda commonly the night as mitra over the day , but often celebrated separately , whereas mitra is rarely invoked alone ; varuṇa is one of the oldest of the Vedic gods , and is commonly thought to correspond to the Οὐρανός of the Greeks , although of a more spiritual conception ; he is often regarded as the supreme deity , being then styled " king of the gods " or " king of both gods and men " or " king of the universe " ; no other deity has such grand attributes and functions assigned to him ; he is described as fashioning and upholding heaven and earth , as possessing extraordinary power and wisdom called māyā , as sending his spies or messengers throughout both worlds , as numbering the very winkings of men's eyes , as hating falsehood , as seizing transgressors with his pāśa or noose , as inflicting diseases , especially dropsy , as pardoning sin , as the guardian of immortality ; he is also invoked in the veda together with indra , and in later Vedic literature together with agni , with yama , and with viṣṇu ; in RV. iv , 1 , 2, he is even called the brother of agni ; though not generally regarded in the veda as a god of the ocean , yet he is often connected with the waters , especially the waters of the atmosphere or firmament , and in one place [ RV. vii , 64 , 2] is called with mitra , sindhu-pati , " lord of the sea or of rivers " ; hence in the later mythology he became a kind of Neptune , and is there best known in his character of god of the ocean ; in the MBh. varuṇa is said to be a son of kardama and father of puṣkara , and is also variously represented as one of the deva-gandharvas , as a nāga , as a king of the nagas , and as an asura ; he is the regent of the western quarter [cf. loka-pāla] and of the nakṣatra śatabhiṣaj [ VarBr2S. ] ; the jainas consider varuṇa as a servant of the twentieth arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) RV. &c &c (cf. IW. 10 ; 12 &c )
[L=186669] the ocean VarBr2S.
[L=186670] water Katha1s.
[L=186671] the sun L.
[L=186672] awarder off or dispeller Sa1y. on RV. v , 48 , 5
[L=186673] N. of a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R. (v.l. varaṇa)
[L=186674] the tree Crataeva Roxburghii L. (cf. varaṇa)
[L=186675] pl. (prob.) the gods generally AV. iii , 4 , 6
(H1) váruṇa [p= 923,3] [L=187177] &c » [p= 921,2].

(H3) váruṇa--tejas [p= 921,3] [L=186686] (vá°) mfn. one whose vital power is varuṇa i.e. water AV.

(H4) várga--ghana---ghāta [p= 924,1] [L=187201] m. (in arithm.) the fifth power.

(H2) várcas [L=187252] n. ( √ ruc) vital power , vigour , energy , activity , (esp.) the illuminating power of fire or the sun i.e. brilliance , lustre , light RV. &c
[p= 924,2] [L=187253] colour R. BhP.
[L=187254] splendour , glory Ka1v. Pur.
[L=187255] form , figure , shape L.
[L=187256] excrement , ordure , feces Ra1jat. Sus3r.
(H2B) várcas [L=187257] m. N. of a son of soma MBh.
(H2B) várcas [L=187258] m. of a son of su-tejas or su-ketas ib.
(H2B) várcas [L=187259] m. of rākṣava BhP. (Sch.)

(H2) varcaska [L=187266] m. n. (g. ardharcā*di) power , vigour , brightness &c MBh. Hariv.
[L=187267] ordure , excrement Pa1n2. 6-1 , 148.

(H2) varcasyá [L=187269] mfn. bestowing vital power or vigour VS. AV. S3a1n3khGr2.
[L=187270] relating to varcas Kaus3.
[L=187271] acting on the excrement , S3us3r.

(H3) varco--dā́ [L=187280] ( AV. ) mfn. granting power , bestowing vigour or energy.

(H3) varco--dhás [L=187281] ( AV. ) mfn. granting power , bestowing vigour or energy.

(H3) varco--dhā́ [L=187282] ( AV. VS. ) mfn. granting power , bestowing vigour or energy.

(H3) várṣiṣṭha--kṣatra [p= 927,3] [L=188052] (vá°) mfn. having the greatest power or might RV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.71
Whitney Roots links: vaS
(H1) vaś [p= 929,1] [L=188394]
cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 71) váṣṭi , (1. pl. uśmási , or śmasi RV. ; 3. pl. uśánti ib. ; p. uśát , uśāná and uśámāna ib. ; cl.1. váśati and cl.3. vivaṣṭi [also vaváṣṭi] , 2. sg. vavákṣi ib. ; pf. vāvaśúḥ , °śe ; p. °śāná ib. ; uvāśa,ūśuḥ Gr. ; aor. avāśīt ib. ; 2. sg. vaśīh MBh. Prec. uśyāt Gr. ; fut. vaśitā , °śiṣyati ib.) , to will , command (p. uśámāna , " having at command ") RV. AV. ;

to desire , wish , long for , be fond of , like (also with inf.) RV. &c &c (p. uśát and uśāná , " willing , glad , eager , zealous , obedient " ; the former with superl. uśat-tama , also = charming , lovely BhP. [accord. to Sch. also = śuddha , dedīpyamāna , and sv-arcita]) ;

to aver , maintain , affirm , declare for (two acc.) MaitrUp. VarBr2S. BhP. : Caus. vāśayati (aor. avīvaśat) , to cause to desire &c ;

to get in one's power , subject Cat. : Desid. vivaśiṣati Gr. Intens. vāvaśyate , vāvaśīti , or vāvaṣṭi ib. ;

p. vāvaśāná , " willing , eager " RV. [cf. Gk. ἑκών , for φεκων , " willing. "]


(H2) váśa 1 [L=188395] m. will , wish , desire RV. &c &c (also pl. váśān ánu or ánu váśa , " according to wish or will , at pleasure ")
[L=188396] authority , power , control , dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g. with √ i , anu- √i , √ gam , ā- √gam , √ ya , ā- √pad , ā- √sthā &c , " to fall into a person's [gen.] power , become subject or give way to " ; acc. with √ nī , ā- √nī and pra- √yuj , or loc. with √ kṛ , √ labh or Caus. of √ sthā or saṃ- √sthā , " to reduce to subjection , subdue " ; loc. with √ bhū , √ vṛt , √ sthā and saṃ- √sthā , " to be in a person's [gen.] power " ; vaśena,°śāt ,and°śa-taḥ , with gen. or ifc. , " by command of , by force of , on account of , by means of , according to ")
[L=188397] birth , origin L.
[L=188398] a brothel L. (cf. veśa)
[L=188399] Carissa Carandas L.
[L=188400] the son of a vaiśya and a karaṇī L.
[L=188401] N. of a ṛṣi preserved by the aśvins RV.
[L=188402] (with aśvya) of the supposed author of RV. viii , 46 (in S3Br. &c also of this hymn itself)
[L=188403] = vālmīki Gal.
[L=188404] pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh.
(H2B) váśa 1 [L=188406] mf(ā)n. willing , submissive , obedient , subject to or dependent on (gen.) Katha1s. BhP. Pan5cat.
(H2B) váśa 1 [L=188407] mf(ā)n. docile L.
(H2B) váśa 1 [L=188408] mf(ā)n. free , licentious L.
(H1) vaśa 2 [p= 929,3] [L=188521] n. (cf. vasā) liquid fat , grease AV. AitBr. Ka1t2h.

(H3) váśa--ga [p= 929,1] [L=188416] mf(ā)n. being in the power of. subject , obedient , dependent on (gen. or comp.) MBh. &c
[L=188417] (ifc.) subjugating Pan5car.

(H3) váśa--gata [L=188420] mfn. subject to the will (of an. other) , being in the power of. obedient (ifc.) Pan5cat. VarBr2S. BhP.

(H3) váśa--gamana [L=188421] n. the coming into the power (of another) Nir.

(H3) váśa--gāmin [L=188422] mfn. coming into the power (of another) , becoming subject or obedient Ma1rkP.

(H3) váśa--tā [L=188429] f. subjection , the being under control of , dependence on (gen. or comp.) MBh. Cat.
[L=188430] the having power over (loc.) Ka1v. (v.l.)

(H3) váśa--vartin [L=188433] mfn. being under the control of. acting obediently to the will of , obsequious , subject (with gen. or comp.). MBh. R. &c
[L=188434] (ifc.) having power over , ruling Lalit.
[L=188435] having power over all , too powerful ib.
(H3B) váśa--vartin [L=188436] m. N. of viṣṇu Vishn2.
(H3B) váśa--vartin [p= 929,2] [L=188437] m. of a Brahman or mahā-Brahman Lalit.
(H3B) váśa--vartin [p= 929,1] [L=188438] m. sg. (scil. gaṇa) or pl. a partic. class of gods in the third manv-antara VP.

(H3) vaśi--tā [L=188460] f. subjugation , dominion W.
[L=188461] the supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will , unbounded power of (comp. ; a bodhi-sattva is said to have 10 vaśitās , viz. āyur- , citta- , pariṣkāra- , dharma- , ṛddhi- , janma- , adhimukti- , praṇidhāna- , karma- , and jāna-v° Dharmas. 74) BhP. Buddh.
[L=188462] subduing by the use of magical means , fascinating , bewitching W.

(H3) vaśi--tva [p= 929,3] [L=188463] n. freedom of will , the being one's own master MBh. Hariv.
[L=188464] power or dominion over (loc.) Sarvad.
[L=188465] the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will Ma1rkP. Pan5car. &c
[L=188466] mastery of one's self , self-command Kum. Ma1rkP.
[L=188467] subduing by magical means , fascinating , bewitching MW.

(H3) vaśi--prā* pta [L=188468] mfn. having power over (also ifc.) DivyA7v.

(H3) vaśi--man [L=188469] m. the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will Ma1rkP.

(H2) vaśín [L=188473] mfn. having will or power , having authority , a ruler , lord (" over " gen.) RV. AV. Br. &c
[L=188474] compliant , obedient VS. TS. Vet.
[L=188475] master of one's self having the mastery of one's passions MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=188476] void , empty (properly " at disposal ") Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) vaśín [L=188477] m. a ruler » above
(H2B) vaśín [L=188478] m. a sage with subdued passions W.
(H2B) vaśín [L=188479] m. N. of a son of kṛti BhP.
(H2B) vaśín [L=188481] m. a parasite plant L.
(H2B) vaśín [L=188482] m. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L.

(H2) vaśya [L=188501] mfn. to be subjected &c
[L=188502] subdued , tamed , humbled
[L=188503] being under control , obedient to another's will , dutiful , docile , tame , humble , at the disposal of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) vaśya [L=188504] m. a dependent , slave MW.
(H2B) vaśya [L=188505] m. N. of a son of āgnīdhra Ma1rkP.
(H2B) vaśya [L=188507] f. ( Cat. ) or n. (ib. Prab. ) the supernatural power of subjecting to one's own will , any act (such as the repetition of spells) performed with that object VarBr2S. Gr2ihya1s.
(H2B) vaśya [L=188508] m. cloves W.

(H3) vaśya--kara [L=188509] mfn. giving power over others Cat.
(H3) vaśya--kara [L=188512] L.

(H3) vásu--vīrya [p= 931,3] [L=188932] n. (prob.) the power of the vasus Ma1nGr2.

(H3) vastu--bala [p= 932,3] [L=189152] n. the power of things Sarvad.

(H3) vastu--śakti [p= 933,1] [L=189165] f. sg. and pl. the power of things , force of circumstances (-tas ind. through the force of circumstances) Ka1v.

(H3) vāg--vibhava [p= 937,1] [L=190089] m. stock of words , power of description , command of language Ka1v.

(H3) vājínī--vasu [p= 938,3] [L=190444] mfn. (vājínī-) = prec. RV.
[L=190444.1] bestowing strength or power TA1r.

(H2) vāraṇá 1 [p= 944,1] [L=191635] mf(ī)n. warding off , restraining , resisting , opposing MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=191636] all-resisting , invincible (said of the soma and of indra's elephant) RV. ix , 1 , 9 Hariv. 1700
[L=191637] relating to prevention Sus3r.
[L=191638] shy , wild RV. AV. (with mṛga accord. to some = elephant RV. viii , 33 , 8 ; x , 40 , 4)
[L=191639] dangerous RV. Shad2vBr.
[L=191640] forbidden AitBr.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191641] m. (ifc. f(ā).) an elephant (from its power of resistance) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191642] m. an elephant-hook Das3.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191643] m. armour , mail L.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191644] m. a kind of ornament on an arch MBh. iv , 1326
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191646] m. w.r. for vāruṇī HYog.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191647] n. the act of restraining or keeping back or warding off from (abl.)
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191648] n. resistance , opposition , obstacle
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191649] n. impediment , Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191650] n. a means of restraining Bhartr2.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191651] n. = hari-tāla L.
(H2B) vāraṇá 1 [L=191652] n. N. of a place MBh.
(H1) vāraṇá 2 [p= 944,2] [L=191711] mfn. (fr. varaṇa ; for 1. » col.1) consisting of or made from the wood of the Crataeva Roxburghii S3Br. Kaus3.

(H3) ví--krama [p= 950,1] [L=192937] m. (for » vi- √kram) the absence of the krama-pāṭha (q.v.) RPra1t.
(H2) vi-kramá 2 [p= 955,2] [L=194158] m. (for 1. » [p= 950,1]) a step , stride , pace S3Br. &c
[L=194159] going , proceeding , walking , motion , gait MBh. Ka1s3. &c
[L=194160] course , way , manner (anukrama-vikrameṇa = anukrameṇa , in regular order) MBh.
[L=194161] valour , courage , heroism , power , strength ib. Ka1v. &c (°maṃ- √kṛ , to display prowess , use one's strength)
[L=194162] force , forcible means ib. (°māt ind. by force ; nā*sti vikrameṇa , it cannot be done by force)
[L=194163] intensity , high degree VarBr2S.
[L=194164] stability , duration (opp. to " cessation ") BhP.
[L=194165] a kind of grave accent TPra1t.
[L=194166] non-change of the visarga into an ūṣman RPra1t.
[L=194167] the 14th year in the 60 years cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
[L=194168] the 3rd astrological house ib.
[L=194169] a foot L.
[L=194170] N. of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=194171] of the son of vasu Katha1s.
[L=194172] of a son of vatsa-prī Ma1rkP.
[L=194173] of a son of kanaka Cat.
[L=194174] of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa) Cat.
[L=194175] = candragupta ib.
[L=194176] = vikramā*ditya Pan5cad.
[L=194177] N. of a town Cat.

(H3) vi-° krámaṇa [p= 955,3] [L=194219] n. striding , a step , pace , stride (esp. of viṣṇu) RV. &c
[L=194220] bold advance , courage , heroism , strength , power MBh.
[L=194221] (with pāśupatas) supernatural power (-dharmi-tva n. the being possessed of the above power) Sarvad.
[L=194222] the conforming to the rules of the krama-pāṭha (q.v.) RPra1t.

(H2) ví-krānti [L=194246] f. stepping or striding through , striding everywhere i.e. all-pervading power TS. TBr. S3Br.
[L=194247] a horse's gallop L.
[L=194248] heroism , prowess , courage , strength , might Ra1jat.

(H3) vi-kṣepa---śakti [p= 956,2] [L=194385] f. (in phil.) the projecting power (of māyā or a-vidyā i.e. that power of projection which raises upon the soul enveloped by it the appearance of an external world) Veda7ntas. (°ti-mat mfn. endowed with the above power ib.)

(H2) vidyā́ [p= 964,1] [p= 963,3] [L=195690] f. knowledge (cf. kāla-jāta-v°) , science , learning , scholarship , philosophy RV. &c &c (according to some there are four vidyās or sciences , 1. trayī , the triple veda ; 2. ānvīkṣikī , logic and metaphysics ; 3. daṇḍa-nīti , the science of government ; 4. vārttā , practical arts , such as agriculture , commerce , medicine &c ; and Manu vii , 43 adds a fifth , viz. ātma-vidyā , knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth ; according to others , vidyā has fourteen divisions , viz. the four vedas , the six vedāṅgas , the purāṇas , the mīmāṃsā. nyāya , and dharma or law ; or with the four upa-vedas , eighteen divisions ; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= kalās or arts] ; Knowledge is also personified and identified with durgā ; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas)
[L=195691] any knowledge whether true or false (with pāśupatas) Sarvad.
[L=195692] a spell , incantation MBh. Ragh. Katha1s.
[L=195693] magical skill MW.
[L=195694] a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.
[L=195695] Premna Spinosa L.
[L=195696] a mystical N. of the letter i Up.
[L=195697] a small bell L. (cf. vidyāmaṇi). 1.

(H3) vidyā́--dhara [L=195731] mfn. possessed of science or spells. L.
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195732] m. a kind of supernatural being (dwelling in the himā*laya , attending upon śiva , and possessed of magical power) , fairy (-tva n.) Hariv. Ka1v. &c
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195733] m. (also -kavi , °rā*cārya) N. of various scholars Kir. Sch. Va1s. , Introd. Cat.
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195734] m. a kind of metre Col.
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195735] m. (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195736] f(ā and ī). N. of a surā*ṅganā Sin6ha7s.
(H3B) vidyā́--dhara [L=195738] m. N. of a daughter of śūra-sena Katha1s.

(H3) vidyā́--bala [p= 964,2] [L=195794] n. the power of magic MBh.

(H1) vitta [p= 963,2] [L=195603] » under √1. vid &c
(H2) vitta 1 [L=195627] mfn. (for 2. » under √3. vid) known , understood (» comp.)
[L=195628] celebrated , notorious , famous for (comp.) Das3. (cf. Pa1n2. 8-2 , 58) .
(H2) vittá 2 [p= 965,1] [L=195940] mfn. (for 1. » p.963) found , acquired , gained , obtained , possessed AV. Br.
[L=195941] caught or seized by (instr. or comp.) Br. Kaus3.
(H2B) vittá 2 [L=195943] n. anything found , a find AitBr.
(H2B) vittá 2 [L=195944] n. (in later language also pl.) acquisition , wealth , property , goods , substance , money , power RV. &c
(H2B) vittá 2 [L=195945] n. the second astrological mansion VarYogay.
(H2) vitta 3 [p= 965,2] [L=196017] mfn. = vicārita L.

(H4) vi-° dhātṛ́---vaśāt [p= 967,3] [L=196513] ind. from the will of brahmā , through the power of destiny MW.

(H3) vidhi--vaśāt [p= 968,1] [L=196616] ind. through the power of fate or destiny Megh.

(H1) vi-bhava [p= 977,3] [L=198262] &c » under vi- √bhū.
(H2) vi-bhava [p= 978,2] [L=198398] mfn. powerful , rich MBh. xiii , 802
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198399] m. being everywhere , omnipresence Kan2.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198400] m. development , evolution (with vaiṣṇavas " the evolution of the Supreme Being into secondary forms ") Sarvad.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198401] m. power , might , greatness , exalted position , rank , dignity , majesty , dominion R. Ka1lid. VarBr2S. &c (ifc. with loc. , " one whose power consists in " Gi1t. )
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198402] m. influence upon (loc.) S3a1n3khS3r.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198403] m. (also pl.) wealth , money , property , fortune MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198404] m. luxury , anything sumptuary or superfluous Hcar.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198405] m. magnanimity , lofty-mindedness W.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198406] m. emancipation from existence Inscr. BhP.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198407] m. N. of the 2nd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198408] m. destruction (of the world) Buddh.
(H2B) vi-bhava [L=198409] m. (in music) a kind of measure

(H3) vi-bhava---mada [L=198413] m. the pride of power MW.

(H3) vi-bhava---vat [p= 978,3] [L=198414] mfn. possessed of power , wealthy Mr2icch.

(H4) vi-bhū́---tā [L=198464] f. power , supremacy W.

(H2) ví-bhūti [L=198482] mfn. penetrating , pervading Nir.
[L=198483] abundant , plentiful RV.
[L=198484] mighty , powerful ib.
[L=198485] presiding over (gen.) ib. viii , 50 , 6
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198486] m. N. of a sādhya Hariv.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198487] m. of a son of viśvāmitra MBh.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198488] m. of a king VP.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198489] f. development , multiplication , expansion , plenty , abundance Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [p= 979,1] [p= 978,3] [L=198490] f. manifestation of might , great power , superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties , especially attributed to śiva , but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity , viz. aṇiman , the power of becoming as minute as an atom ; laghiman , extreme lightness ; prā*pti , attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger] ; prākāmya , irresistible will ; mahiman , illimitable bulk ; īśitā , supreme dominion ; vaśitā , subjugating by magic ; and kāmā*vasāyitā , the suppressing all desires) ib.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198491] f. a partic. śakti Hcat.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198492] f. the might of a king or great lord , sovereign power , greatness Ka1lid. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198493] f. successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198494] f. splendour , glory , magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBr2S.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198495] f. fortune , welfare , prosperity Pras3nUp. MBh. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198496] f. (also pl.) riches , wealth , opulence Ka1m. Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198497] f. N. of lakṣmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198498] f. the ashes of cow-dung &c (with which śiva is said to smear his body , and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pan5car. Sa1h.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198499] f. (in music) a partic. śruti Sam2gi1t.

(H3) viyad--bhūti [p= 981,2] [L=198985] f. " sky-power " , darkness ib.

(H3) ví--rāj 1 [p= 949,3] [L=192829] m. (for 2. » s.v.) king of birds BhP.
(H1) vi- √ rāj [p= 982,3] [L=199210]
P. A1. -rājati , °te , to reign , rule , govern , master (gen. or acc.) , excel (abl.) RV. AV. Br. ;

to be illustrious or eminent , shine forth , shine out (abl.) , glitter ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to appear as (nom.) MBh. : Caus. -rājayati , (rarely °te) cause to shine forth , give radiance or lustre , brighten , illuminate MBh. R. &c

(H2) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199211] mfn. (for 1. » [p= 949,3]) ruling far and wide , sovereign , excellent , splendid RV.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199212] mfn. a ruler , chief. king or queen (applied to agni , sarasvatī , the Sun &c ) ib. AV. VS. Br. MBh.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199213] f. excellence , pre-eminence , high rank , dignity , majesty TS. Br. S3rS.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199214] mf. the first progeny of brahmā (according to Mn. i , 32 &c , brahmā having divided his own substance into male and female , produced from the female the male power virāj , who then produced the first manu or manu svāyambhuva , who then created the ten prajā-patis ; the BhP. states that the male half of brahmā was manu , and the other half śata-rūpā , and does not allude to the intervention of virāj ; other purāṇas describe the union of śata-rūpā with virāj or puruṣa in the first instance , and with manu in the second ; virāj as a sort of secondary creator , is sometimes identified with prajā-pati , brahmā , agni , puruṣa , and later with viṣṇu or kṛṣṇa , while in RV. x , 90 , he is represented as born from puruṣa , and puruṣa from him ; in the AV. viii , 10 , 24 ; xi , 8 , 30 , virāj is spoken of as a female , and regarded as a cow ; being elsewhere , however , identified with prā*ṇa) IW. 22 &c
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199215] m. (in vedānta) N. of the Supreme Intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= vaiśvānara , q. v.) , vedāntas.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199216] m. a warrior (= kṣatriya) MBh. BhP.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199217] m. the body MW.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199218] m. a partic. ekā*ha Pan5cavBr. Vait.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199219] m. N. of a son of priya-vrata and kāmyā Hariv.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199220] m. of a son of nara VP.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [p= 983,1] [L=199221] m. of buddha L.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199222] m. of a son of rādhā MW.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199223] m. of a district ib.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199224] f. a particular Vedic metre consisting of four pādas of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical N. of the number " ten " ; in RV. x , 130 , 5 this metre is represented as attaching itself to mitra and varuṇa , and in AitBr. i , 4 virāj is mystically regarded as " food " , and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer ; in prosody virāj is applied to any metre defective by two syllables RPra1t. )
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199225] f. pl. N. of partic. bricks (40 in number) VS. S3Br.

(H2) vi-veka [p= 987,3] [L=200139] m. discrimination , distinction Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r.
[L=200140] consideration , discussion , investigation Gi1t. Ma1rkP. Sarvad.
[L=200141] true knowledge , discretion , right judgement , the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties ChUp. Kap. &c
[L=200142] (in vedā*nta) the power of separating the invisible Spirit from the visible world (or spirit from matter , truth from untruth , reality from mere semblance or illusion)
[p= 988,1] [L=200143] a water trough (= jala-droṇī) L.
[L=200144] N. of wk.
(H1) vi-veka [p= 989,1] [L=200360] &c » under vi- √vic.

(H3) viśvá--śardhas [p= 994,1] [L=201345] mfn. (viśvá-) being in a complete troop , complete in number RV.
[L=201345.1] displaying great power , making great exertion ( Sa1y. )

(H3) viṣā* paha [p= 996,1] [L=201834] mfn. poison-repelling , antidotal , an antidote (mantrair viṣā*pahaiḥ , with texts or charms which have the power of repelling poison) Mn. Sus3r.
(H3B) viṣā* paha [L=201835] m. a kind of tree (= muṣkaka) L.
(H3B) viṣā* paha [L=201836] m. N. of garuḍa L.
(H3B) viṣā* paha [L=201838] m. N. of various other plants (= indra-vāruṇī ; nir-viṣā ; nāga-damanī ; sarpa-kaṅkālikā).

(H2) vīryá [p= 1006,3] [L=203895] n. (ifc. f(ā).) manliness , valour , strength , power , energy RV. &c
[L=203896] heroism , heroic deed ib.
[L=203897] manly vigour , virility , semen virile MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=203898] efficacy (of medicine) Kum. Kir.
[L=203899] poison BhP.
[L=203900] splendour , lustre W.
[L=203901] dignity , consequence ib.

(H3) vīryá--ga [L=203908] mfn. taking up a position which gives (a planet) great power or influence VarBr2S.

(H3) vīryá--matta [L=203919] mfn. intoxicated by power MBh.

(H3) vīryá--vat [L=203921] mfn. (vīryá-) possessing vigour or might , strong , powerful , efficacious , victorious AV. &c
[L=203921.1] requiring strength or power ChUp.
(H3B) vīryá--vat [L=203921.2] m. N. of a divine being reckoned among the viśve devāḥ MBh.
(H3B) vīryá--vat [L=203921.3] m. of a son of the tenth manu Hariv. Ma1rkP.

(H4) vīryá--vat---tā [L=203921.7] f. ( MBh. ) power , strength , efficacy.

(H4) vīryá--vat---tva [L=203921.8] n. ( MBh. ) power , strength , efficacy.

(H3) vīryá--vibhūti [L=203923] f. manifestation of power or strength Kum.

(H3) vīryá--sampanna [p= 1007,1] [L=203933] mfn. possessed of power or strength MBh.

(H3) vṛttau* jas [p= 1010,1] [L=204487] mfn. one who has effective power or energy Mn. i , 6.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 18.20, 33.109
Whitney Roots links: vfD
(H1) vṛdh [p= 1010,2] [L=204573]
cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. xviii , 20) várdhate (Ved. and ep. also °ti ; pf. vavárdha , vavṛdhe RV. &c &c [Ved. also vā*vṛ° ; vavṛdhāti,°dhītā́s,°dhásva RV. ; vāvṛdhéte RV. ; p. vāvṛdhát RV. AV. ; aor. Ved. avṛdhat , vṛdhātas , °dhātu ; p. vṛdhát , °dhāná] ; avardhiṣṭa MBh. &c ; Prec. vardhiṣīmáhi VS. ; fut. vardhitā Gr. ; vartsyati Ka1v. ; vardhiṣyate Gr. ; inf. Ved. vṛdhe [" for increase " , " to make glad "] , vṛdháse , vāvṛdhádhyai ; Class. vardhitum ; ind.p. vṛddhvā , or vardhitvā Gr. ; in MBh. √ vṛdh is sometimes confounded with √1. vṛt) , trans. P. , to increase , augment , strengthen , cause to prosper or thrive RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. ;

to elevate , exalt , gladden , cheer , exhilarate (esp. the gods , with praise or sacrifice) RV. ;

(intrans. A1. ; in Ved. P. in pf. and aor. ; in Class. P. in aor. fut. and cond. ; also P. mc. in other forms) , to grow , grow up , increase , be filled or extended , become longer or stronger , thrive , prosper , succeed RV. &c ;

to rise , ascend (as the scale in ordeals) Ya1jn5. Sch. ;

to be exalted or elevated , feel animated or inspired or excited by (instr. loc. gen.) or in regard to (dat.) , become joyful , have cause for congratulation (vṛdhaḥ , °dhat in sacrificial formulas = " mayest thou or may he prosper " ; in later language often with diṣṭyā) RV. &c &c : Caus. vardháyati , °te (in later language also vardhāpayati ; aor. Ved. avīvṛdhat , °dhata) , to cause to increase or grow , augment , increase , make larger or longer , heighten , strengthen , further , promote (A1. " for one's self ") RV. &c ;

to rear , cherish , foster , bring up ib. ;

to elevate , raise to power , cause to prosper or thrive AV. S3Br. MBh. &c ;

to exalt , magnify , glorify (esp. the gods) , make joyful , gladden (A1. in Ved. also = to rejoice , be joyful , take delight in [instr.] , enjoy RV. &c ; with. or scil. diṣṭyā) to congratulate Ka1d. ;

(cl.10. accord. to Dha1tup. xxxiii , 109) " to speak " or " to shine " (bhāṣā*rthe or bhāsā*rthe): Desid. of Caus. » vivardhayiṣu: Desid. vivardhiṣate or vivṛtsati Gr.: Intens. varivṛdhyate , varivṛdhīti ib.


(H3) vṛddhá--mahas [p= 1010,3] [L=204657] (vṛddhá-) mfn. of great power or might RV.

(H3) vṛddhá--vayas [p= 1011,1] [L=204669] mfn. (vṛddhá-) of great strength or power RV.
[L=204669.1] advanced in age , old Pan5cad.

(H3) vṛddhá--śavas [L=204688] (vṛddhá-) mfn. of great power or strength RV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.56, 33.30
Whitney Roots links: vfz
(H1) vṛṣ [p= 1011,3] [L=204858]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xvii , 56) várṣati (ep. also A1. varṣate and Ved. vṛṣate ; pf. vavarṣa , vavṛṣe MBh. &c ; 3. pl. P. ep. vavṛṣus , or vavarṣus ; p. P. vavarṣvás MaitrS. ; A1. vāvṛṣāṇá RV. ; Impv. vāvṛṣasva ib. ; aor. ávarṣīt RV. &c ; fut. vraṣṭā́ MaitrS. ; varṣitā Gr. ; varṣiṣyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. varṣitum MBh. &c ; varṣṭos Br. ; ind.p. vṛṣṭvā ib. ; °ṭvī́ RV. ; varṣitvā Gr.) , to rain (either impers. , or with parjanya , indra , the clouds &c , in nom.) RV. &c ;

to rain down , shower down , pour forth , effuse , shed (A1. = " to bestow or distribute abundantly " ; also with instr. = " to rain upon , or overwhelm with " e.g. with arrows ; várṣati , " while it rains , during rain ") ib. ;

to strike , hurt , vex , harass Dha1tup. : Caus. varṣáyati (aor. avīvṛṣat or avavarṣat) , to cause to rain (parjanya &c ) or to fall down as rain (flowers &c ) RV. TS. MBh. ;

(without acc.) to cause or produce rain ChUp. ii , 3 , 2 ;

to rain upon (= overwhelm) with (a shower of arrows instr.) MBh. ;

A1. to have manly power , have generative vigour Dha1tup. xxxiii , 30 : Desid. vivarṣiṣati Gr. (cf. vivarṣiṣu): Intens. varīvṛṣyate , varīvarṣṭi &c ib. [For cognates » under varṣā and 1. vṛṣa.]

(H2) vṛṣ [p= 1332,2] [L=339580] to rain, add, [cf. Gaelic pas, a shower].

(H3) vṛṣa--tā [p= 1012,1] [L=204912] f. virility generative power Car.

(H3) vṛ́ṣṇyāvat [p= 1013,2] [L=205249] mfn. possessed of manly power , vigorous , strong , mighty (applied to parjanya) RV. v , 83 , 2.

(H3) vetāla--siddhi [p= 1015,1] [L=205590] f. the supernatural power of a vetāla , Buddh.

(H2) vaidheya-tā [p= 1023,2] [L=207230] f. = vidheya-tā , dependence on , the being in the power of (ifc.) Das3.

(H1) vaibhava [p= 1023,3] [L=207328] n. (fr. vi-bhava) might , power (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=207329] high position , greatness Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
[L=207330] superhuman power or might MW.
[L=207331] grandeur , glory , magnificence Katha1s.

(H1) vráyas [p= 1043,1] [L=210710] n. (perhaps fr. √ vrī) overwhelming or superior power RV. ii , 23 , 16.

(H2) śákti [p= 1044,2] [L=210902] śákti or śaktí f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (śaktyā or ātma-ś° or sva-ś° , " according to ability " ; paraṃ śaktyā , " with all one's might " ; vitta-śaktyā , " according to the capability of one's property " ; śaktim a-hāpayitvā , " not relaxing one's efforts , exerting all one's strength ") , faculty , skill , capacity for , power over (gen. loc. dat. , or inf.) RV. &c
[L=210903] effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) S3a1rn3gS.
[L=210904] regal power (consisting of three parts , prabhutva , personal pre-eminence ; mantra , good counsel , and utsāha , energy) Ka1m. (cf. Ragh. iii , 13)
[L=210905] the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the śākta (q.v.) sect of Hindus under various names (sometimes only three , sometimes eight śakti goddesses are enumerated , as follow , indrāṇī , vaiṣṇavī , śāntā , brahmāṇī , kaumārī , nārasiṃhī , vārāhī , and māheśvarī , but some substitute cāmuṇḍā and caṇḍikā for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine , viz. vaiṣṇavī , brahmāṇī , raudrī , māheśvarī , nārasiṃhī , vārāhī , indrāṇī , kārttikī , and pradhānā: others reckon fifty different forms of the śakti of viṣṇu besides lakṣmī , some of these are kīrtti , kānti , tuṣṭi , puṣṭā , dhṛti , śānti , kriyā , dayā , medhā &c ; and fifty forms of the śakti of śiva or rudra besides durgā or gaurī , some of whom are guṇodarī , virajā , śālmalī , lolākṣī , vartulākṣī , dīrgha-ghoṇā , sudīrgha-mukhī , go-mukhī , dīrgha-jihvā , kuṇḍodarī , ardha-keśī , vikṛta-mukhī , jvālā-mukhī , ulkāmukhī &c ; sarasvatī is also named as a śakti , both of viṣṇu and rudra: according to the vāyu-purāṇa the female nature of rudra became twofold , one half asita or white , and the other sita or black , each of these again becoming manifold , those of the white or mild nature included lakṣmī , sarasvatī , gaurī , umā &c ; those of the dark and fierce nature , durgā , kālī &c ) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c MWB. 216)
[L=210906] the female organ (as worshipped by the śākta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140
[L=210907] the power or signification of a word (defined in the nyāya as padasya padā*rthe sambandhaḥ i.e. " the relation of a word to the thing designated ") Bha1sha1p. Sa1h.
[L=210908] (in Gram.) case-power , the idea conveyed by a case (= kāraka) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 7 Sch.
[L=210909] the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula Up. Pan5car.
[L=210910] the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Ka1vya7d.
[L=210911] help , aid , assistance , gift , bestowal RV.
[L=210912] a spear , lance , pike , dart RV. &c (also śaktī g. bahv-ādi)
[L=210913] a sword MW.
[L=210914] (prob.) a flag-staff (» ratha-ś°)
[p= 1044,3] [L=210928] a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th , 8th , 9th , and 10th astrological house) , VarBr2S.
(H2B) śaktí [L=210929] m. N. of a muni or sage (the eldest of vasiṣṭha's hundred sons ; accord. to VP. he was father of parāśara , and was devoured by king kalmāṣa-pāda , when changed to a man-eating rākṣasa , in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage ; he is represented as having overcome viśvāmitra at the sacrifice of king saudāsa ; he is regarded as the author of RV. vii , 32 , 26 ; ix , 97 , 19-21 ; 108 , 3 ; 14-16 ; śakti is also identified with one of the vyāsas , and with avalokite*śvara , and has elsewhere the patr. jātūkarṇa and sāṃkṛti) Pravar. MBh. &c

(H3) śákti--tas [L=210947] ind. in consequence or by reason of power or strength Kap. Sa1m2khyak.
[L=210947.1] according to power , to the best of one's ability Mn. MBh. &c

(H3) śákti--tā [L=210948] f. (ifc.) power , capacity , faculty BhP.

(H3) śákti--traya [L=210949] n. the three constituents of regal power (» col.2) ib.

(H3) śákti--prakarṣa [L=210973] mfn. possessing superior capacity or power MW.

(H3) śákti--bhṛt [L=210977] mfn. bearing power , powerful , VarBr2S.
[L=210978] " spear-holder " , N. of skanda L.
[L=210979] a spearman W.

(H3) śákti--bheda [L=210980] m. difference of power MW.
[L=210981] a special capacity ib.

(H4) śákti--mat---tva [L=210989] n. power , might Ragh.

(H3) śákti--vaikalya [p= 1045,1] [L=211009] n. deficiency of power or strength , incapacity , debility W.

(H3) śákti--vaibhavika [L=211010] mfn. endowed with power and efficacy Ma1rkP.

(H3) śakty--ape* kṣa [L=211028] mfn. having regard or reference to ability , according to power or capacity MW.

(H2) śákman [L=211034] n. power , strength , capacity RV.
[L=211035] energy , action ib.
(H2B) śákman [L=211036] m. N. of indra L.
(H1) śakman [p= 1047,1] [L=211421] śakya,śakra &c » [p= 1045,1].

(H3) śakrá--tva [p= 1045,1] [L=211073] n. indra's power or dignity MBh.

(H3) śaṅkhá--cūrṇa [p= 1047,3] [L=211575] n. shell-powder , power produced from shells L.

(H2) śácī [p= 1048,1] [L=211707] f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help , assistance , aid (esp. said of the deeds of indra and the aśvins , instr. śácyā and śácībhis , often = " mightily " or , " helpfully ") RV.
[p= 1048,2] [L=211708] kindness , favour , grace ib. AV. AitBr.
[L=211709] skill , dexterity RV. VS.
[L=211710] speech , power of speech , eloquence Naigh.
[L=211711] N. of the wife of indra (derived fr. śacī-pati q.v.) S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c
[L=211712] of the authoress of RV. x , 159 (having the patr. Paulomi) Anukr.
[L=211713] Asparagus Racemosus L.
[L=211714] a kind of coitus L.

(H3) śatá--kratu [p= 1048,3] [L=211841] mfn. (śatá-.) having hundred-fold insight or power or a hundred counsels &c RV. AV. VS. &c
[p= 1049,1] [p= 1048,3] [L=211841.1] containing a hundred sacrificial rites (eko*na-śata-kr° , one who has made 99 sacrifices) S3Br. BhP.
(H3B) śatá--kratu [L=211841.2] m. N. of indra (a hundred aśva-medhas elevating the sacrificer to the rank of indra ; cf. Gk. ἑκατομβαῖος) MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. kṣiti-śatakr°)

(H3) śatá--tejas [L=211910] mfn. (śatá-) having a hundred-fold vital power &c S3Br.
(H3B) śatá--tejas [L=211910.1] m. N. of a vyāsa Cat.

(H2) śámbara [p= 1055,2] [L=213272] m. N. of a demon (in RV. often mentioned with śuṣṇa , arbuda , pipru &c ; he is the chief enemy of divo-dāsa atithigva , for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by indra ; in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) RV. &c
[L=213273] a cloud Naigh. i , 10
[L=213274] a weapon Sa1y. on RV. i , 112 , 14
[L=213275] war , fight L.
[L=213276] a kind of deer Va1s. Bhpr.
[L=213277] a fish or a kind of fish L.
[L=213278] Terminalia Arunja L.
[L=213279] Symplocos Racemosa L.
[L=213280] a mountain in general or a partic. mountain L.
[L=213281] best , excellent L.
[L=213282] = citraka L.
[L=213283] N. of of a jina L.
[L=213284] of a king Va1s. (v.l. for śambaraṇa and saṃ-varaṇa)
[L=213285] of a juggler (also called śambarasiddhi) Ratna7v.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213287] f. = māyā , sorcery , magic (prob. w.r. for śāmbarī) L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213288] n. water Naigh. i , 12 (but Sa1h. censures the use of śambara in this sense)
(H2B) śámbara [L=213289] n. power , might Naigh. ii , 9
(H2B) śámbara [L=213290] n. sorcery , magic Katha1s. (printed saṃ-vara)
(H2B) śámbara [L=213291] n. any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists) L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213292] n. wealth L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213293] n. = citra L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213294] n. (pl.) the fastnesses of śambara RV.

(H2) śávas [p= 1059,3] [L=214283] n. (orig. " swelling , increase ") strength , power , might , superiority , prowess , valour , heroism (°sā ind. mightily , with might) RV. AV.
[L=214284] water L.
[L=214285] a dead body (= -śava) L.
(H2B) śávas [L=214286] m. N. of a teacher Cat.

(H1) śā́ka 1 [p= 1061,2] [L=214660] m. (fr. √ śak) power , might , help , aid RV.
(H1B) śāká 1 [L=214661] m. helpful , a helper , friend ib.
(H1) śāka 2 [L=214666] n. (or m. g. ardharcā*di ; of doubtful derivation , and scarcely to be connected with 1. śāka) a potherb , vegetable , greens Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=214667] any vegetable food Gaut.
(H1B) śāka 2 [L=214668] m. the Teak tree , Tectona Grandis Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c
(H1B) śāka 2 [L=214669] m. Acacia Sirissa L.
(H1B) śāka 2 [L=214670] m. N. of a dvīpa (the sixth of the seven dvīpas , called after the Teak tree growing there , surrounded by the sea of milk or white sea , and inhabited by the ṛta-vratas , satya-vratas , dāna-vratas , and anu-vratas) MBh. Pur.
(H1B) śāka 2 [L=214672] m. or n. (?) N. of a place Col.
(H1) śāka 3 [p= 1061,3] [L=214757] m. N. of a man g. kuñjā*di.
(H1) śāka 4 [L=214761] mfn. (fr. śaka) relating to the śakas or Indoscythians
(H1B) śāka 4 [L=214762] mn. (scil. saṃvatsara , abda &c ) the śaka era (also śāka-kāla ; » śakak°) VarBr2S. Sch.
(H1B) śāka 4 [L=214763] m. (also) a general N. for any era
(H1B) śāka 4 [L=214764] m. (pl.) N. of a people (w.r. for śaka) Buddh.

(H1) śākta [p= 1062,2] [L=214867] mfn. (fr. śakti) relating to power or energy , relating to the śakti or divine energy under its female personification Sarvad.
(H1B) śākta [L=214868] m. a worshipper of that energy (especially as identified with durgā , wife of śiva ; the śāktas form one of the principal sects of the Hindus , their tenets being contained in the tantras and the ritual enjoined being of two kinds , the impurer called vāmā*cāra q.v. , and the purer dakṣiṇā*cāra q.v.) RTL. 185 &c
(H1) śāktá [L=214869] m. a teacher , preceptor RV. vii , 103 , 5
(H1) śāktá [L=214870] m. patr. of parāśara MBh. (C. śāktra)
(H1B) śākta [L=214871] n. N. of a sāman (prob. = śāktya q.v.)

(H1) śā́kman [L=214894] n. (cf. śakman) " power " or " help " RV.

(H3) śikṣā--śakti [p= 1070,1] [L=216559] f. " power of learning " , dexterity , skill W.

(H3) śithilá--śakti [p= 1071,3] [L=216950] mfn. impaired in strength or power ib.

(H2) śuṣi 1 [p= 1084,3] [L=219948] f. (for 2. » [p= 1085,1]) drying L.
[L=219949] a hole , chasm L. (also written suṣi)
[L=219950] the hollow or groove in the fang of a snake W.
(H2) śuṣi 2 [p= 1085,1] [L=220028] f. (for 1. » [p= 1084,3]) strength , power (= bala) L.

(H1) śūṣá [p= 1087,1] [L=220492] mfn. (prob. either fr. √1. śū = śvi , or fr. √ śuṣ = śvas) resounding , shrill , loud , hissing RV.
[L=220493] high-spirited , courageous , bold , fierce , impetuous ib.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220494] m. a loud or resounding note , song of praise or triumph ib. VS. Ka1t2h.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220495] m. (also śū́ṣa) spirit , vital energy , strength , power RV. VS. TBr. S3Br.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220496] m. N. of a man TBr.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220497] n. = bada Naigh. ii , 9
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220498] n. = śukha ib.

(H3) śṛṅgo* tpādana [p= 1087,2] [L=220582] mfn. producing or having the power to produce horns
(H3B) śṛṅgo* tpādana [L=220583] m. (with or scil. mantra) a spell producing horns Katha1s.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 31.3
Whitney Roots links: SrI1
(H1) śrī 1 [p= 1098,2] [L=222857]
(cf. √ śrā) cl.9 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxi , 3) śrīṇáti , śrīṇīté (Gr. also pf. śiśrāya , śiśrīye ; aor. aśraiṣīt , aśreṣṭa &c ; for aśiśrayuḥ » 2. abhi- √śrī) , to mix , mingle , cook (cf. abhi- and ā- √śrī) RV. TS. VS. Br. ;

(= √1. śri) , to burn , flame , diffuse light RV. i , 68 , 1.

(H2) śrī 2 [L=222858] mfn. (ifc.) mixing , mingling , mixed with
(H2B) śrī 2 [L=222859] f. mixing , cooking.
(H1) śrī 3 [p= 1098,3] [p= 1098,2] [L=222861] f. (prob. to be connected with √1. śri and also with √1. śrī in the sense of " diffusing light or radiance " ; nom. śrī́s accord. to some also śrī) light , lustre , radiance , splendour , glory , beauty , grace , loveliness (śriyé and śriyaí , " for splendour or beauty " , " beauteously " , " gloriously " cf. śriyáse ; du. śriyau , " beauty and prosperity " ; śriya ātmajāḥ , " sons of beauty " i.e. horses [cf. śrī-putra] ; śriyaḥ putrāḥ , " goats with auspicious marks ") RV. &c
[L=222862] prosperity , welfare , good fortune , success , auspiciousness , wealth , treasure , riches (śriyā , " according to fortune or wealth ") , high rank , power , might , majesty , royal dignity (or " Royal dignity " personified ; śriyo bhājaḥ , " possessors of dignity " , " people of high rank ") AV. &c
[L=222863] symbol or insignia of royalty Vikr. iv , 13
[L=222864] N. of lakṣmī (as goddess of prosperity or beauty and wife of viṣṇu , produced at the churning of the ocean , also as daughter of bhṛgu and as mother of darpa) S3Br. &c
[L=222865] N. of sarasvatī (» -pañcamī)
[L=222866] of a daughter of king su-śarman Katha1s.
[L=222867] of various metres Col.
[L=222868] (the following only in L. " a lotus-flower ; intellect , understanding ; speech ; cloves ; Pinus Longifolia ; Aegle Marmelos ; a kind of drug = vṛddhi ; N. of a Buddhist goddess and of the mother of the 17th arhat ")
(H1B) śrī 3 [L=222869] m. N. of the fifth musical rāga (» rāga) Sam2gi1t.
(H1B) śrī 3 [L=222870] mfn. diffusing light or radiance , splendid , radiant , beautifying , adorning (ifc. ; » agni- , adhvara- , kṣatra- , gaṇa- , jana-śrī &c ) RV. iv , 41 , 8. [The word śrī is frequently used as an honorific prefix (= " sacred " , " holy ") to the names of deities (e.g. śrī-durgā , śrī-rāma) , and may be repeated two , three , or even four times to express excessive veneration. (e.g. śrī-śrī-durgā &c ) ; it is also used as a respectful title (like " Reverend ") to the names of eminent persons as well as of celebrated works and sacred objects (e.g. śrī-jayadeva , śrībhāgavata) , and is often placed at the beginning or back of letters , manuscripts , important documents &c ; also before the words caraṇa and pāda " feet " , and even the end of personal names.]

(H2) śrúti 1 [p= 1101,2] [L=223536] f. hearing , listening (śrutim abhinīya , " feigning to hear " ; śrutiṃ vaco 'nugāṃ- √kṛ , " to listen to a speech ") S3Br. &c
[L=223537] the ear , organ or power of hearing Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s.
[p= 1101,3] [L=223538] the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle Gol.
[L=223539] that which is heard or perceived with the ear , sound , noise &c RV. AV. Pra1t. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=223540] an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word) TPra1t.
[L=223541] rumour , report , news , intelligence , hearsay (śrutau- √sthā , " to be known by hearsay ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=223542] a saying , saw , word MBh. R. BhP.
[L=223543] that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning , sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brahmans from generation to generation , the veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called ṛṣis , and so differing from smṛ́ti or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors » Mn. ii , 10 ; it is properly only applied to the mantra and brāhmaṇa portion of the vedas , although afterwards extended to the upaniṣads and other Vedic works including the darśanas ; iti śruteḥ , " because it is so taught in the veda , according to a śruti or Vedic text " ; pl. " sacred texts , the vedas " , also " rites prescribed by the vedas ") AitBr. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c IW. 144
[L=223544] (in music) a particular division of the octave , a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated , four constituting a major tone , three a minor , and two a semitone ; they are said to be personified as nymphs) Ya1jn5. S3is3. Pan5car.
[L=223545] a name , title Ka1vya7d. ii , 331
[L=223546] learning , scholarship S3ak. VarBr2S. (prob. w.r. for śruta)
[L=223547] = buddhi L.
[L=223548] N. of a daughter of atri and wife of kardama VP.
(H2) śrúti 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223668] f. (cf. sruti) course , path (?) RV. ii , 2 , 7 ; x , 111 , 3
[L=223669] the constellation , śravaṇā L.

(H3) śrótra--vat [p= 1103,1] [L=223872] (srótra-) mfn. endowed with (the power of) hearing S3Br.

(H2) śvayas [p= 1106,2] [L=224490] n. swelling L.
[L=224491] power , strength L.

(H3) ṣaḍ--gata [p= 1109,1] [L=225153] mfn. arrived at six (in arith. applied to the sixth power) MW.

(H3) saṃ-° vriddhi [p= 1116,3] [L=226466] f. full growth MaitrUp.
[L=226467] might , power S3is3.

(H4) sa--guṇa---vatī [p= 1125,1] [L=227886] f. N. of wk. (on the mystic power of the letters of the alphabet , ascribed to śaṃkarācārya) Cat.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--siddha [p= 1126,3] [L=228181] mfn. accomplished by mental resolve or will , one who has gained supernatural power through strength of will MBh.

(H3) sa--tejas [p= 1138,1] [L=230421] (sá-) mfn. attended with splendour or energy or vital power &c (-tvá n.) TS. AitBr. Ka1t2h.

(H1) saṃ-távītvat [p= 1142,2] [L=231303] mfn. (pr. p. of Intens. of saṃ- √tu) one who has great power to effect or accomplish , able , capable RV.

(H3) sa--prabhāva [p= 1148,3] [L=232358] mf(ā)n. possessing power or might , powerful Katha1s.

(H3) sa-pátna--bala-sūdana [p= 1149,1] [L=232400] mfn. destroying a rival's power ib.

(H3) sa-pátna--vṛddhi [L=232401] f. increase or power of rivals R.

(H3) sá--bala [p= 1151,1] [L=232826] mfn. (sá-) powerful , strong RV. &c
[L=232826.05] together with strength or power L.
[L=232826.10] accompanied by a force or army. MBh. R.
[L=232826.15] together with bala (kṛṣṇa's eldest brother) BhP.
(H3B) sá--bala [L=232826.20] m. N. of a son of manu bhautya Hariv.
(H3B) sá--bala [L=232826.25] m. of a son of vasiṣṭha (and one of the 7 ṛṣis) Ma1rkP.
(H3B) sá--bala [L=232826.30] m. of one of the 7 ṛṣis under manu sāvarṇa ib.

(H4) sá--bala---tā [L=232826.35] f. ( S3a1n3khBr. ) power , strength

(H4) sá--bala---tva [L=232826.37] n. ( S3is3. ) power , strength

(H3) sam-ādhi---yoga-rddhi-tapo-vidyāvirakti-mat [p= 1160,1] [L=234183] mfn. possessing or accompanied with meditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference BhP.

(H1) sam- √ pad [p= 1172,1] [p= 1171,3] [L=235982]
A1. -padyate (in some forms also P. ; ind.p. -pādam q.v.) , to fall or happen well , turn out well , succeed , prosper , accrue to (dat. or gen.) AV. &c ;

to become full or complete (as a number) , amount to Br. ChUp. Hariv. ;

to fall together , meet or unite with , obtain , get into , partake of (instr. or acc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to enter into , be absorbed in (acc. or loc.) ChUp. BhP. ;

to be produced , be brought forth , be born , arise MBh. R. ;

to become , prove , turn into (nom.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to be conducive to , produce (dat.) Pan5cat. Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 13 ;

(with adv. in sāt) to become thoroughly Pa1n2. 5-4 , 53 ;

to fall into a Person's , power ib. 54 ;

(with adv. in tra) to fall to a person's share ib. 55 ;

to produce a partic. sound (as that expressed by an onomatopoetic word in ā) Vop. vii , 88 : Caus. -pādayati (rarely °te) , to cause to succeed , cause to arise , bring about , produce , effect , accomplish (with śuśrūṣām and gen. , " to obey ") MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to make full , complete S3Br. BhP. ;

to transform , make or turn into (acc.) Katha1s. ;

to provide or furnish with (instr. ; with kriyayā , " to charge or entrust a person with a business ") S3Br. MBh. SaddhP. ;

to afford to , procure for (dat. or gen.) AitBr. MBh. &c ;

to attain , obtain , acquire AV. R. &c ;

to ponder on , deliberate MBh. ;

to consent , agree Br. ChUp. : Desid. of Caus. -pipādayiṣati (» sam-pipādayiṣā &c , col , 2) : Intens. -panīpadyate , to fit well Sarvad.

(H2) sampád [L=236002] f. success , accomplishment , completion , fulfilment , perfection Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=236003] a condition or requisite of success &c BhP.
[L=236004] concord , agreement , stipulation , bargain TS. A1s3vS3r.
[L=236005] equalization of similar things S3am2k.
[L=236006] attainment , acquisition , possession , enjoyment , advantage , benefit , blessing VarBr2S. Sarvad. Pur.
[L=236007] turning into , growing , becoming S3am2k.
[L=236008] being , existence (ifc.= " possessed of ") R. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=236009] right condition or method , correctness RPra1t. MBh.
[L=236010] excellence , glory , splendour , beauty Mn. MBh. &c
[L=236011] excess , abundance , high degree MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236012] fate , destiny Bhag. (also pl.)
[L=236013] good fortune , prosperity , riches , wealth (personified = lakṣmī) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c
[L=236014] a kind of medicinal plant (= vṛddhi) L.
[L=236015] a necklace of pearls L.

(H1) sam-pra- √ sah [p= 1176,3] [L=236615]
P. -sahati (fut. -sahiṣyati , or -sakṣyati v.l. -śakṣyati) , to have power over , become a match for , withstand , check , curb , restrain MBh. ;

to endure , tolerate ib. ;

to overcome ib.


(H3) sám-° bhūti [p= 1179,2] [L=237004] f. (sám-.) birth , origin , production (ifc.= " risen or produced or descended from ") VS. &c
[L=237004.1] growth , increase S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=237004.2] manifestation of might , great or superhuman power (= vi-bhūti) BhP. (Sch.)
[L=237004.3] suitability , fitness (also personified as the daughter of dakṣa and wife of marīci , or as the wife of jayad-ratha and mother of vijaya) Pur.
(H3B) sám-° bhūti [L=237004.4] m. N. of a son of duḥsaha VP.
(H3B) sám-° bhūti [L=237004.5] m. of a brother of trasa-dasyu ib.
(H3B) sám-° bhūti [L=237004.6] m. of a judge Buddh.

(H3B) sáras--vatī [p= 1182,2] [L=237553.55] f. » (atī) s.v.
(H2) sárasvatī [L=237578] f. (of sárasvat q.v. under sáras) a region abounding in pools and lakes MBh. i , 7745
[p= 1182,3] [p= 1182,2] [L=237579] N. of a river (celebrated in RV. and held to be a goddess whose identity is much disputed ; most authorities hold that the name sarasvatī is identical with the Avestan Haraquaiti river in Afghanistan , but that it usually means the Indus in the RV. , and only occasionally the small sacred rivers in madhya-deśa [see below] ; the river-goddess has seven sisters and is herself sevenfold , she is called the mother of streams , the best of mothers , of rivers , and of goddesses ; the ṛṣis always recognize the connection of the goddess with the river , and invoke her to descend from the sky , to bestow vitality , renown , and riches ; elsewhere she is described as moving along a golden path and as destroying vṛtra &c ; as a goddess she is often connected with other deities e.g. with pūṣan , indra , the maruts and the aśvins ; in the āprī hymns she forms a triad with the sacrificial goddesses iḍā and bhāratī ; accord. to a myth told in the VS. xix , 12 , sarasvatī through speech [vācā] communicated vigour to indra ; in the brāhmaṇas she is identified with vāc , " Speech " , and in later times becomes goddess of eloquence » below) RV. &c
[L=237580] N. of a well-known small river (held very sacred by the Hindus ; identified with the modern Sursooty , and formerly marking with the dṛṣadvatī one of the boundaries of the region ārya-deṣa and of the sacred district called brahmā*varta [see Mn. ii , 17] in RV. vii , 95 , 2, this river is represented as flowing into the sea , although later legends make it disappear underground and join the Ganges and Jumna at Allahabad ; » tri-veṇī , prayāga) ib.
[L=237581] N. of various rivers (esp. of rivers which in sacredness are equal to sarasvatī and which are three accord. to AV. vi , 101 , and seven accord. to MBh. ix , 2188)
[L=237582] any river Naigh. i , 13
[L=237583] N. of the goddess of eloquence and learning (cf. above ; she is opposed to śrī or lakṣmī [cf. Vikr. v , 24] , and sometimes considered as the daughter and also wife of brahmā , the proper wife of that god being rather sāvitri or gāyatrī ; she is also identified with durgā , or even with the wife of viṣṇu and of manu , and held to be the daughter of dakṣa) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=237584] speech or the power of speech , eloquence , learning wisdom MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=237585] a celestial or oracular voice Ka1lid. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=237586] a cow VS. viii , 43
[L=237587] an excellent woman (= strī-ratna) L.
[L=237588] N. of various plants (Cardiospermum Halicacabum , Egle Marmelos , Ruta Graveolens &c ) L.
[L=237589] N. of a two-year-old girl representing durgā at her festival L.
[L=237590] of a poetess Cat.
[L=237591] of various other women (esp. of the wives of dadhīca , śaṃkarā*cārya , maṇḍanamiśra &c ) ib.
[L=237592] of one of the ten mendicant orders traced back to śaṃkarācārya (whose members add the word sarasvatī to their names).
(H1) sarasvatī [p= 1183,3] [L=237820] &c » [p= 1182,2].

(H3) sarpá--maṇi [p= 1184,2] [L=237977] m. " snake -gem " , the snake-stone , a kind of carbuncle (said to be found in a snake's head and to have the power of expelling poison) W.

(H4) sárva--te° jo-maya [p= 1185,3] [L=238335] mf(ī)n. containing all splendour , all-glorious Mn. R. Hit.
[L=238336] containing all power W.

(H3) sárva--śakti [p= 1187,2] [L=238763] f. entire strength (°tyā ind. , " with all one's might ") MBh.
[L=238764] power of accomplishing all Jam. ??

(H2) savitṛ́ [p= 1190,2] [L=239473] m. a stimulator , rouser , vivifier (applied to tvaṣṭṛ) RV. iii , 55 , 19 ; x , 10 , 5
[L=239474] N. of a sun-deity (accord. to Naigh. belonging to the atmosphere as well as to heaven ; and sometimes in the veda identified with , at other times distinguished from sūrya , " the Sun " , being conceived of and personified as the divine influence and vivifying power of the sun , while sūrya is the more concrete conception ; accord. to Sa1y. the sun before rising is called savitṛ , and after rising till its setting sūrya ; eleven whole hymns of the RV. and parts of others [e.g. i , 35 ; ii , 38 ; iii , 62 , 10-12 &c ] are devoted to the praise of savitṛ ; he has golden hands , arms , hair &c ; he is also reckoned among the ādityas [q.v.] , and is even worshipped as " of all creatures " , supporting the world and delivering his votaries from sin ; the celebrated verse RV. iii , 62 , 10 , called gāyatrī and sāvitrī [qq.vv.] is addressed to him) RV. &c
[L=239475] the orb of the sun (in its ordinary form) or its god (his wife is pṛśni) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=239476] N. of one of the 28 vyāsas VP.
[L=239477] of śiva or indra L.
[L=239478] Calotrcpis Gigantea L.

(H3) sá--vīrya [p= 1191,1] [L=239600] mfn. (sá-) having equal power or strength with (instr.) VS. S3Br.
(H3) sá--vīrya [L=239600.1] mfn. powerful , mighty (-tvá n.) TS. Ka1t2h. S3a1n3khGr2.

(H2) sáhas [p= 1193,1] [L=240010] mfn. powerful , mighty , victorious (superl. tama) RV.
(H2B) sáhas [L=240011] m. the month mārgaśīrṣa or agrahāyaṇa (November-December) , the winter season VS. Sus3r. Pur.
(H2B) sáhas [L=240012] n. strength , power , force , victory (sahasas putra or °sah sūnu m. " son of strength " , N. of agni in RV. ; sahasā ind. » below ; sahobhih ind. = " mightily , intensely ") RV. &c
(H2B) sáhas [L=240013] n. water Naigh. i , 12
(H2B) sáhas [L=240014] n. light L. ; N. of various sāmans A1rshBr. [cf. Goth. sigis ; Angl.Sax. sigor , sege ; Germ. Sieg] ,
(H1) sahas [p= 1195,2] [L=240498] °sa &c » [p= 1193,1].

(H3) sáhas--kṛt [p= 1193,1] [L=240015] mfn. bestowing strength or power VS. TS. (v.l.)

(H2) sáhīyas [p= 1193,2] [L=240052] mfn. more (or most) mighty or power. ful RV. Kaus3. BhP.

(H3) sahaú* jas [p= 1195,1] [L=240407] mfn. endowed with strength or power VS.

(H3) sahásra--varcas [p= 1196,1] [L=240693] (sahásra.) mfn. having thousand-fold power or efficacy RV.

(H1) sāmarthya [p= 1205,3] [L=242381] n. (fr. sam-artha) sameness of aim or object or meaning or signification , belonging or agreeing together (in aim , object &c ) , adequacy , accordance , fitness , suitableness Pat. Hariv. Sus3r. &c
[L=242382] the being entitled to , justification for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
[L=242383] ability to or capacity for (inf. dat. loc. , or comp. ; acc. with √ kṛ , " to do one's utmost " ; with √ bhaj , " to take pains " , " exert one's self ") ib.
[L=242384] efficacy , power , strength , force (āt , or -tas or -yogāt , " through the force of circumstances " , " by reason of. " , " in consequence of " , " on account of. " " as a matter of course ") ib.
[L=242385] the force or function or sense of a word Kusum.

(H3) sāmarthya--bandhana [L=242386] mfn. having Power as a bond of union , cemented by or contingent on power or fitness MW.

(H3) sāmarthya--vat [L=242388] mfn. having power or strength , capable MBh.

(H1) sāra 1 [p= 1208,1] [L=242770] m. (fr. √ sṛ) course , motion (» pūrva-s°)
[L=242770.1] stretching out , extension Ka1lac.
(H1B) sāra 1 [L=242770.2] mfn. driving away , destroying Ba1lar. ii , 60÷61
(H1) sā́ra 2 [L=242807] mn. (ifc. f(ā). ; perhaps to be connected with 1. sāra above ; prob. fr. a lost root meaning. " to be strong ") the core or pith or solid interior of anything RV. &c
[L=242808] firmness , strength power , energy AV. &c
[L=242809] the substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart or essential part of anything , best part , quintessence (ifc. = " chiefly consisting of or depending on &c " [cf. para] e.g. dharma-sāraṃ jagat , " the world chiefly depends on justice " ; tūṣṇīṃ-sāra mfn. " chiefly silent " ; sārat sāram , " the very best ") AitBr. &c
[L=242810] the real meaning , main point MW.
[L=242811] a compendium , summary , epitome (often ifc. in titles of books)
[L=242812] a chief-ingredient or constituent part of the body (causing the peculiarities of temperament ; reckoned to be 7 , viz. sattva , śukra , majjan , asthi , medas , māṃsa , rakta) Sus3r. VarBr2S.
[L=242813] any ingredient Sus3r.
[L=242814] nectar R. BhP.
[L=242815] cream , curds L.
[L=242816] worth , value (eṇa , " in consideration of. " , " according to ") Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
[L=242817] wealth , property , goods , riches Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.
[L=242818] m. (in rhet.) a kind of climax (uttaro*ttaram utkarṣaḥ) Sa1h. Kpr.
[L=242819] resin used as a perfume Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
[L=242820] water Va1s.
[L=242821] dung Kr2ishis.
[L=242822] the matter formed in a boil or ulcer , pus MW.
[L=242823] impure carbonate of soda ib.
[L=242824] a confederate prince , ally VarBr2S.
[L=242825] m. (= 1. śāra) a piece at chess or backgammon &c
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242829] mf(ā)n. hard , firm solid strong MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242830] mf(ā)n. precious , valuable Das3.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242831] mf(ā)n. good , sound , best , excellent BhP. Pan5car.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242832] mf(ā)n. sound (as an argument , thoroughly proved) W.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242833] mf(ā)n. full of (instr.) VarBr2S.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242834] mf(ā)n. motley , speckled (= śāra) Sus3r. Ka1d.
(H1) sā* ra 3 [p= 1208,3] [L=242965] mfn. having spokes S3ulbas.

(H3) sā* rṣṭi--tā [p= 1210,2] [L=243305] f. equality in rank or condition or power (sometimes regarded as one of the grades of mukti or beatitude ; cf. sālokya , col.3) TBr. Up. &c

(H1) sā́vadya [p= 1211,1] [L=243382] mfn. liable to blame or censure , objectionable MBh.
(H1B) sā́vadya [L=243383] n. anything blamable or objectionable HParis3.
(H1B) sā́vadya [L=243384] n. (scil. aiśvarya) one of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic (the other two being nir-avadya and sūkṣma) Cat.

(H1) sā* viṣkāra [p= 1211,3] [L=243510] mfn. having manifestation , manifest W.
[L=243511] making an exhibition of any power or talent , proud , haughty , arrogant ib.

(H2) siddha 1 [p= 1215,1] [L=244299] mfn. driven off , scared away Pan5cavBr.
(H2) siddha 2 [L=244302] mfn. accomplished , fulfilled , effected , gained , acquired MBh. Ragh.
[L=244303] one who has attained his object , successful BhP.
[L=244304] one who has attained the highest object , thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
[L=244305] perfected , become perfect , beatified , endowed with supernatural faculties (» 2. siddhi) ib.
[L=244306] sacred , holy , divine , illustrious W.
[L=244307] hit (as a mark) Katha1s.
[L=244308] prepared , cooked , dressed (as food) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=244309] healed , cured Pan5cat.
[L=244310] valid (as a rule in grammar » as°)
[L=244311] admitted to be true or right , established , settled , proved Pat. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad.
[L=244312] resulting from W.
[L=244313] adjudicated , decided , terminated (as a lawsuit) W.
[L=244314] paid , liquidated , settled (as a debt) ib.
[L=244315] ready for payment (as money) Hit.
[L=244316] well-known , notorious , celebrated (= prasiddha) A1s3vS3r. R. &c
[L=244317] effective , powerful , miraculous , supernatural Ca1n2. Ra1jat.
[L=244318] Vet
[L=244319] subdued , brought into subjection (by magical powers) , subject or obedient to (gen.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.
[L=244320] peculiar , singular Ma1lati1m.
[L=244321] invariable , unalterable Pat.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244322] m. a siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (» 2. siddhi ; accord. to some , the siddhas inhabit , together with the munis &c , the bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven ; accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven ṛṣis ; they are regarded as immortal , but only as living to the end of a kalpa [q.v.] ; in the later mythology the are some times confused with the ; sādhyas [q.v.] or take their place) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244323] m. any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e.g. vyāsa , kapila &c ) ib.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244324] m. any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude cf. sālokya) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) siddha 2 [p= 1215,2] [L=244325] m. any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244326] m. (with jainas) a jina or arhat
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244327] m. N. of the number 24 (cf. jina)
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244328] m. the 21st of the astron. yogas. L.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244329] m. a lawsuit , judicial trial (= vyavahāra) L.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244330] m. N. of a deva-gandharva MBh.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244331] m. of a rājarṣi ib.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244332] m. of a king Ra1jat.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244333] m. of a brother of jajja ib.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244334] m. of a Brahman Buddh.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244335] m. of an author Cat.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244336] m. a kind of thorn-apple L.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244337] m. another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= guḍa) L.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244338] m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244340] m. N. of one of the yoginīs (q.v.) L. (accord. to Sa1h. siddhā is also used at the end of names of courtezans)
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244341] m. a kind of medicinal plant or root (= ṛddhi) L.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244342] n. magic , supernatural power Pan5car.
(H2B) siddha 2 [L=244343] n. sea-salt L.

(H3) siddha--tāpasa [L=244362] m. an ascetic endowed with supernatural power Das3.

(H3) siddhi--bīja [p= 1216,3] [L=244710] n. the seed (i.e. source) of magical power Pan5car.

(H3) siddhi--mat [L=244714] mfn. successful Ragh.
[L=244715] accomplished , perfect R. S3ak.
[L=244716] possessing magical power Katha1s.

(H3) siddhi--sādhana [L=244735] n. a means of obtaining beatitude or perfection or magical power Pan5car.

(H3) siddhiśvara [L=244739] m. " lord of magical power " , N. of śiva Katha1s.
(H3B) siddhiśvara [L=244740] n. N. of a district sacred to śiva ib.

(H3) siddhīśvara [L=244740.1] m. " lord of magical power " , N. of śiva Katha1s.
(H3B) siddhīśvara [L=244740.2] n. N. of a district sacred to śiva ib.

(H2) siddhika [L=244741] (ifc.) = siddhi2 , supernatural power Katha1s.

(H3) sú--kṣatrá [p= 1220,3] [L=245580] mfn. having a good dominion , ruling well RV. VS.
[L=245581] possessing or conferring power , strong , powerful RV.
(H3B) sú--kṣatrá [L=245582] m. N. of a son of niramitra VP.

(H3) su--vī́rya [p= 1234,1] [L=249156] n. manly vigour or deed , heroism RV. R.
[L=249157] abundance of heroes , host of warriors or brave men RV. TBr.
(H3B) su--vī́rya [L=249158] mfn. having great strength or power , very efficacious (herb or drug) Hit.
(H3B) su--vī́rya [L=249161] n. the fruit of the jujube L.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.50
(H1) sur [p= 1234,2] [L=249254]
(rather Nom. fr. sura below) cl.6 P. surati , to rule , possess supreme or superhuman power Dha1tup. xxviii , 50 ;

to shine ib. ;

cl.10 P. surayati , to find fault (v.l. for svar) , xxxv , 11 .


(H3) su--siddha [p= 1238,3] [L=250509] mfn. well cooked Sus3r.
[L=250510] very efficacious , possessing great magical power MBh.

(H3) sū́rya--tejas [p= 1243,2] [L=251524] n. sunshine Hit.
(H3B) sū́rya--tejas [L=251525] mfn. having the power or radiance of the sun AV.

(H3) sṛ́ṣṭi--pattana [p= 1245,2] [L=251968] n. a partic. magical power Pan5car.

(H3) sóma--tejas [p= 1250,1] [L=252791] (sóma-) mfn. having the splendour or power of soma AV.

(H3) sóma--vīrya [p= 1250,3] [L=253034] mfn. having the power of soma Sus3r.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.30
Whitney Roots links: sTA
(H1) sthā 1 [p= 1262,3] [p= 1262,2] [L=255316]
cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 30) tíṣṭhati , °te (pf. tasthaú , tasthe RV. &c ; aor. ásthāt , ásthita ib. ; 3. pl. asthiran RV. AV. Br. ; āsthat [?] AV. ; asthiṣi,°ṣata Br. &c ; Subj. sthāti , sthā́thaḥ RV. ; Prec. stheyāt ib. ; stheṣam,°ṣuḥ [?] AV. ; sthāsīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. sthātā MBh. &c ; sthāsyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. sthā́tum ib. ; °tos Br. Gr2S3rS. ; -sthitum R. ; ind.p. sthitvā MBh. &c ; -sthā́ya RV. &c ; -sthāyam Bhat2t2. ) , to stand , stand firmly , station one's self , stand upon , get upon , take up a position on (with pādābhyām , " to stand on the feet " ; with jānubhyām , " to kneel " ; with agre or agratas and gen. , " to stand or present one's self before " ; with puras and with or without gen. , " to stand up against an enemy &c ") RV. &c ;

to stay , remain , continue in any condition or action (e.g. with kanyā , " to remain a girl or unmarried " ; with tūṣṇīm or with maunena instr. " to remain silent " ; with sukham , " to continue or feel well ") AV. &c ;

to remain occupied or engaged in , be intent upon , make a practice of , keep on , persevere in any act (with loc. ; e.g. with rājye , " to continue governing " ; with śāsane , " to practise obedience " ; with bale , " to exercise power " ; with sva-dharme , " to do one's duty " ; with sva-karmaṇi , " to keep to one's own business " ; with saṃśaye , " to persist in doubting " ; also with ind.p. e.g. dharmam āśritya , " to practise virtue ") AV. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to continue to be or exist (as opp. to " perish ") , endure , last TS. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be , exist , be present , be obtainable or at hand AV. &c ;

to be with or at the disposal of , belong to (dat. gen. , or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

(A1. mc. also P. cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 23 ; iv , 34) to stand by , abide by , be near to , be on the side of , adhere or submit to , acquiesce in , serve , obey (loc. or dat.) RV. &c ;

to stand still , stay quiet , remain stationary , stop , halt , wait , tarry , linger , hesitate (» under sthitvā below) RV. &c ;

to behave or conduct one's self (with samam , " to behave equally towards any one " loc.) ;

to be directed to or fixed on (loc.) Hariv. Katha1s. ;

to be founded or rest or depend on , be contained in (loc.) RV. AV. MBh. ;

to rely on , confide in (loc. e.g. mayi sthitvā , " confiding in me ") Bhat2t2. ;

to stay at , resort to (acc.) R. ;

to arise from (abl. or gen.) RV. ChUp. ;

to desist or cease from (abl.) Katha1s. ;

to remain unnoticed (as of no importance) , be left alone (only Impv. and Pot.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. : Pass. sthīyate (aor. asthāyi) , to be stood &c (frequently used impers. e.g. mayā sthīyatām , " let it be abided by me " i.e. " I must abide ") Br. &c &c : Caus. sthāpayati , °te (aor. átiṣṭhipat ; ind.p. sthāpayitvā [q.v.] and -sthā́pam: Pass. sthāpyate) , to cause to stand , place , locate , set , lay , fix , station , establish , found , institute AV. &c ;

to set up , erect , raise , build MBh. R. ;

to cause to continue , make durable , strengthen , confirm MBh. R. Sus3r. &c ;

to prop up , support , maintain MBh. Hcat. ;

to affirm , assent Sa1h. Nya1yas. Sch. ;

to appoint (to any office loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to cause to be , constitute , make , appoint or employ as (two acc. ; with dhātrīm , " to employ any one as a nurse " ; with rakṣā*rtham , " to appoint any one as guardian " ; with sajjam , " to make anything ready " ; with su-rakṣitam , " to keep anything well guarded " ; with svīkṛtya , " to make anything one's own " ; with pariśeṣam , " to leave anything over or remaining ") S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to fix , settle , determine , resolve Mn. MBh. &c ;

to fix in or on , lead or bring into , direct or turn towards (loc. , rarely acc. ; with hṛdi , " to impress on the heart " ; with manas , " to fix the mind on ") AV. &c ;

to introduce or initiate into , instruct in (loc. e.g. with naye , " to instruct in a plan or system ") MBh. Katha1s. ;

to make over or deliver up to (loc. or haste with gen. , " into the hands of ") Ya1jn5. Ratna7v. Katha1s. ;

to give in marriage MBh. ;

to cause to stand still , stop , arrest , check , hold , keep in , restrain (with baddhvā , " to keep bound or imprisoned ") S3Br. &c ;

to place aside , keep , save , preserve MBh. Hariv. : Desid. of Caus. -sthāpayiṣati (» saṃ- √sthā): Desid. tíṣṭhāsati , to wish to stand &c S3Br. : Intens. teṣṭhīyate ;

tāstheti,tāsthāti Gr. ([cf. Gk. ἱ-στάναι ; Lat. stare ; Lith. sto4ti ; Slav. stati ; Germ. sta7n , stehen ; Eng. stand.])

(H2) sthā́ [L=255336] (or ṣṭhā́) mfn. (nom. m. n. sthā́s) standing , stationary (often ifc. = " standing , being , existing in or on or among " cf. agni-ṣṭhā , ṛtasthā &c ) RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r.

(H3) sthānā* sthāna-jñāna-bala [p= 1263,2] [L=255459] n. the power of the knowledge if what is proper and what is improper Buddh.

(H2) sthā́man [p= 1264,1] [L=255556] n. station , seat , place AV.
[L=255557] strength , power Ba1lar. Lalit. SaddhP.
[L=255558] the neighing of a horse MBh. i , 5116.

(H2) sthaura [p= 1265,3] [L=255995] m. patr. of the ṛṣi agni-yuta or agni-yūpa (author of RV. x , 116) Anukr.
(H2B) sthaura [L=255996] n. firmness , strength , power W.
(H2B) sthaura [L=255997] n. a sufficient load for a horse or ass ib.
(H1) sthaura [p= 1266,3] [L=256195] °rin » [p= 1265,3].

(H3) smara--smarya [p= 1272,1] [L=257177] m. " to be remembered by kāma " , a donkey (noted for sexual power) L.

(H4) svá--cchanda---mṛtyuka [p= 1275,2] [L=257857] mfn. having death in one's own power MBh.

(H3) svá--prabhutā [p= 1276,1] [L=258017] f. own or arbitrary power (°tayā ind. " arbitrarily ") Pan5cat.

(H4) svá--bhū° ty-ojas [p= 1276,2] [L=258072] mfn. possessing energy derived from inherent power RV.

(H3) svá--vidyut [p= 1276,3] [L=258217] (svá-) mfn. " self-lightning " , flashing forth lightning by one's own power RV.

(H3) svá--vīrya-tas [p= 1277,1] [L=258226] ind. according to one's power MW.

(H3) svá--śakti [L=258238] f. own power or strength Mn. ix , 298
[L=258239] own energy (of a god) BhP.
(H1) sva-śakti [p= 1282,3] [L=259468] &c » [p= 1277,1].

(H3) svā* dhīna [p= 1277,2] [L=258342] mf(ā)n. dependent on one's self , independent , free Hariv. R.
[L=258343] being in one's own power or control , being at one's own disposal MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) svā* dhīna [p= 1283,3] [L=259632] svā*dhyāya &c » [p= 1277,2].

(H4) svā* dhīna---kuśala [p= 1277,2] [L=258344] mfn. having prosperity in one's own power S3ak.

(H4) sve* cchā---mṛtyu [p= 1277,3] [L=258449] mfn. having death in one's own power , dying at one's own will
(H4B) sve* cchā---mṛtyu [L=258450] m. N. of bhīṣma (who had received from his father the power of fixing the time of his own death) Pan5car.

(H3) svá--dhā [p= 1276,1] [L=257965] » [p= 1278,1] , and s.v.
(H2) sva-dhā́ [p= 1278,1] [L=258481] f. (for svadhā́ » p.1280) self-position , self-power , inherent power (accord. to some , N. of Nature or the material Universe ; sva-dháyā " by self-power ") RV.
[L=258482] own state or condition or nature , habitual state , custom , rule , law RV.
[L=258483] ease , comfort , pleasure (ánu svadhā́m , svadhā́m ánu or svadhā́ ánu , svadháyā , or svadhā́bhiḥ , " according to one's habit or pleasure , spontaneously , willingly , easily , freely , undisturbedly , wantonly , sportively ") RV. AV. VS. TBr.
[L=258484] own place , home (svadhé du. " the two places or homes " , heaven and earth Naigh. iii , 30) ib.
[L=258485] " own portion or share " , the sacrificial offering due to each god , (esp.) the food or libation , or refreshing drink (cf. 2. su-dhā) offered to the pitṛs or spirits of deceased ancestors (consisting of clarified butter &c and often only a remainder of the havis ; also applied to other oblations or libations , and personified as a daughter of dakṣa and wife of the pitṛs or of aṅgiras or of a rudra or of agni) RV. &c
(H2C) sva-dhā [L=258486] ind. (with dat. or gen.) the exclamation or benediction used on presenting (or as a substitute for) the above oblation or libation to the gods or departed ancestors (accord. to Mn. iii , 252 the highest form of benediction at a śrāddha ; with √ kṛ , " to pronounce the exclamation or benediction sva-dhā " ; svadhā*stu , " let there be a blessing on it " [cf. RTL. 104, n. 1]) RV. &c &c
(H1) svadhā́ [p= 1280,1] [L=258890] f. (for sva-dhā » [p= 1278,1]) an axe , knife TS.

(H3) svī--kārya [p= 1279,1] [L=258690] mfn. to be appropriated or taken possession of Ra1jat.
[L=258691] to be received Katha1s.
[L=258692] to be got in one's power or won over ib.
[L=258693] to be agreed or assented to Pat.

(H3) svī-- √ kṛ [L=258694]
(svī́-) P. A1. -karoti , -kurute (the latter older and more correct) , to make one's own , win , appropriate , claim S3Br. &c ;

to take to one's self , choose (with or without bhāryā*rthe , " to take for a wife , marry " ; snuṣā-tvena , " for a daughter-in-law ") R. Katha1s. Ra1jat. ;

to win power over (hearts &c ) Das3. BhP. ;

(A1.) to admit , assent or agree to , ratify Hit. Sarvad. : Caus. -kārayati , to cause any one to appropriate , present any one with (two acc.) Ra1jat.


(H2) svāmya [p= 1284,1] [L=259709] n. mastership , lordship , ownership , dominion or power over any one Mn. MBh. &c

(H3) hatá--prabhāva [p= 1287,3] [L=260342] mfn. bereft of power MW.

(H3) hatá--varcas [L=260360] (hatá-) mfn. bereft of vigour or power , decayed AV.

(H3) hīná--darśana-sāmarthya [p= 1296,3] [L=262571] mfn. destitute of the power of seeing , blind Ra1jat.

(H2) heṣá [p= 1305,3] [L=264421] mfn. quick , strong (in heṣá-kratu , " of strong power " , others " roaring mightily " , applied to the maruts) RV. iii , 26 , 5.

(H3) anna--pāśa [p= 1313,1] [L=308400.6] m. the binding power of food (in binding soul and body together), Gobh.

(H3) ā-kṣe--° piṇī [p= 1319,1] [L=317830.4] f. (with siddhi) the magical power of attraction, Ma1lati1m. (= ākarṣiṇī siddhiḥ, Sch.).

(H3) kāya--vyūha [p= 1324,2] [L=327560.3] m. the supernatural power of assuming several bodies simultaneously, Sa1m2khyapr.

(H3) kṛ--° tā* dhipatya [p= 1325,2] [L=328541.1] mfn. possessed of sovereignty or power, Kir.

(H1) guṇá [p= 357,1] [L=65497] m. ( √ grah Un2. ) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. tri-g° q.v.) , string or thread , rope TS. vii Mr2icch. Kum. Ragh.
[L=65498] a garland W.
[L=65499] a bow-string R. iii , 33 , 16 (cāpa-) Ragh. ix , 54 R2itus. Hit.
[L=65500] (in geom.) a sinew
[L=65501] the string of a musical instrument , chord S3is3. iv , 57 : ifc. (f(ā). ) with numerals " fold , times " (» cátur- , tri- , daśa- , dví- , pañca- ; rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guṇá [e.g. viśiṣṭo daśabhir guṇaiḥ , " of ten times higher value " Mn. ii , 85] AV. x , 8 , 43 MBh. iii , 15649 Hariv. 509 ; [guṇa = bhāga] Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Ka1s3. )
[L=65502] a multiplier , co-efficient (in alg.)
[L=65503] subdivision , species , kind (e.g. gandhasya guṇāḥ , the different kinds of smell MBh. xii , 6847)
[L=65504] the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace , war , march , halt , stratagem , and recourse to the protection of a mightier king) Mn. vii , 160 Ya1jn5. i , 346 MBh. ii , 155
[L=65505] = upā*ya (q.v. , denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. v , 81 , 41
[L=65506] " requisite " » °ṇo*pe*ta
[L=65507] a secondary element , subordinate or unessential part of any action (e.g. sarva-guṇa mfn. " reaching to all subordinate parts " , hence " valid throughout " Ka1tyS3r. ) S3a1n3khS3r. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. R. v , 1 , 71
[L=65508] an auxiliary act S3a1n3khBr. xxvi , 4
[L=65509] a secondary dish (opposed to anna i.e. rice or the chief dish) , side-dish Mn. iii , 224 ff.
[L=65510] (= -karman , in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51 Sch.
[L=65511] a quality , peculiarity , attribute or property La1t2y. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. iii , ix , &c
[L=65512] an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense ; thus 1. ether has śabda , or sound for its guṇa and the ear for its organ ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its guṇas and the skin for its organ ; 3. fire or light has shape or colour , tangibility , and sound for its guṇas , and the eye for its organs ; 4. water has flavour , shape , tangibility , and sound for its guṇas , and the tongue for its organ ; 5. earth has the preceding guṇas , with the addition of its own peculiar guṇa of smell , and the nose for its organ) Mn. i , 20 and 76-78 MBh. xii , 6846 ff. S3ak. i , 1 BhP. iii , 5 , 35
[L=65513] (in sāṃkhya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of prakṛti , chief quality of all existing beings (viz. sattva , rajas , and tamas i.e. goodness , passion , and darkness , or virtue , foulness , and ignorance ; cf. RTL. pp. 31 ; 36 ; 163) Mn. i ; iii , 40 ; xii , 24 ff. Sa1m2khyak. Bhag. xiii f.
[L=65514] (hence) the number " three " VarBr2S. iic , 1
[L=65515] a property or characteristic of all created things (in nyāya phil. twenty-four guṇas are enumerated , viz. 1. rūpa , shape , colour ; 2. rasa , savour ; 3. gandha , odour ; 4. sparśa , tangibility ; 5. saṃkhyā , number ; 6. parimāṇa , dimension ; 7. pṛthaktva , severalty ; 8. saṃyoga , conjunction ; 9. vibhāga , disjunction ; 10. paratva , remoteness ; 11. aparatva , proximity ; 12. gurutva , weight ; 13. dravatva , fluidity ; 14. sneha , viscidity ; 15. śabda , sound ; 16. buddhi or jñāna , understanding or knowledge ; 17. sukha , pleasure ; 18. duḥkha , pain ; 19. icchā , desire ; 20. dveṣa , aversion ; 21. prayatna , effort ; 22. dharma , merit or virtue ; 23. adharma , demerit ; 24. saṃskāra , the self-reproductive quality)
[L=65516] an epithet Ka1tyS3r.
[L=65517] good quality , virtue , merit , excellence Mn. MBh. &c
[L=65518] the merit of composition (consistency , elegance of expression , &c ) Ka1vya7d. i , 41 f. Kpr. viii Sa1h. viii
[L=65519] the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number , viz. the 8 bāhya-prayatnās [q.v.] and the 3 accents) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 9 and 50 (cf. -mātra)
[L=65520] the first gradation of a vowel , the vowels a (with ar , al Pa1n2. 1-1 , 51) , e , o Nir. x , 17 RPra1t. xi , 6 Pa1n2.
[L=65521] an organ of sense L.
[L=65522] a cook (cf. -kāra) L.
[L=65523] bhīma-sena (cf. -kāra) L.
(H2) guṇa [p= 1326,2] [L=330400] (also "power, might" ; āt, "by virtue of", "in consequence of", "by means of")

(H2) grāhaka-tva [p= 1326,3] [L=330650] n. the power of perception or comprehension, Ma1lati1m.

(H3) dravya--śaktimat [p= 1329,1] [L=334180.2] mfn. possessed of the power to produce matter, BhP.

(H2) ráṃhi [p= 859,3] [L=173037] f. running , flowing , hastening , speed , velocity , eagerness , impetuosity RV. AV. VS. S3Br.
[L=173038] a flowing stream RV.
[L=173039] a running horse , courser ib.
(H2) ráṃhi [p= 1331,3] [L=338560] (accord. to some also, "glory, might, power &c ").

(H2) sṛṣtā* rtha [p= 1333,3] [L=340700] mfn. having power or authority, Sa1h.