603 Sanskrit Words For Love (or with love somewhere in their definitions)

kāma [p= 252,2] [L=43900]
» s.v.
kā́ma [p= 271,3] [L=47938]
(fr. √2. kam ; once kāmá VS. xx , 60), wish , desire , longing (kāmo me bhuñjīta bhavān , my wish is that you should eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 153), desire for , longing after (gen. dat. , or loc.) , love , affection , object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. &c

AV. ix

(cf. RV. x , 129 , 4) VS. Pa1rGr2.

of the god of love AV. iii. 25 , 1 MBh. Lalit.

dharma and husband of rati [ MBh. i , 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ] ; or as a son of brahmā VP. ; or sometimes of sakalpa BhP. vi , 6 , 10 ; cf. kāma-deva)

of agni SV. ii , 8 , 2 , 19 , 3 AV. TS. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r.

viṣṇu Gal.

baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L.

Na1r. xvi , 9

= mahā-rāja-cūta) L.

of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each



of several men
kā́ma [L=47957]
object of desire L.
kā́ma [L=47958]
semen virile L.
kā́ma [L=47959]
N. of a tīrtha MBh. iii , 5047
kāmá [L=47964]
wishing , desiring RV. ix , 113 , 11
kā́ma [L=47965]
(ifc.) desirous of , desiring , having a desire or intention (cf. go-k° , dharma-k° ; frequently with inf. in tu cf. tyaktu-k°.)
kāma [p= 1324,2] [L=327520]
(H2) &c
(H1) m.
[L=47939]pleasure , enjoyment
[L=47940]love , especially sexual love or sensuality
[L=47941]Love or Desire personified
[L=47945](represented as son of
[L=47949]a stake in gambling
[L=47950]a species of mango tree (
[L=47952]a kind of bean
[L=47953]a particular form of temple
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in
kā́mena [p= 271,3] [L=47961]
out of affection or love for
(H1C) ind.
kā́° māya [L=47962]
according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ChUp.
(H1C) ind.
kā́° me [L=47962.1]
according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ChUp.
(H1C) ind.
kā́ma--keli [p= 272,1] [L=47987]
" love-sport " , amorous sport , sexual intercourse L.

vidūaka of the drama L.
kā́ma--keli [L=47989]
having amorous sport , wanton L.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
kā́ma--taru [L=48045]
the god of love considered as a tree (cf. -vka) S3ak.

Vanda Roxburghii Npr.
(H3) m.
[L=48046]the plant
kā́ma--tāla [L=48048]
the Indian cuckoo (considered as an incentive to love) L.
(H3) m.
kā́ma--daminī [p= 272,2] [L=48063]
" taming love " , N. of a libidinous woman Pan5cat.
(H3) f.
kā́ma--dahana [L=48065]
" the burning up of the god of love by śiva " , N. of a chapter of the Lin3gaP.

(H3) n.
[L=48066]a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month
kā́ma--deva [L=48077]
the god of love (» kāma above ; according to some , son of sahiṣṇu and yaśo-dharā VP. )

of viṣṇu (as the god who creates , preserves , or destroys at will) Vishn2. xcviii , 10 (cf. BhP. v , 18 , 15)

śiva L.


of the author of the prāyaścitta-paddhati
(H3) m.
[L=48080]of a poet
[L=48081]of a king of
kā́ma--deva---tva [L=48083]
the being the god of love Katha1s.
(H4) n.
kā́ma--deva---maya [L=48084]
representing the god of love AgP.
(H4) mfn.
kā́ma--dhvasin [L=48096]
" subduing the god of love " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) m.
kā́ma--baddha [L=48122]
bound by love
kā́ma--baddha [L=48123]
a wood W.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
kā́ma--bāa [L=48125]
an arrow of the god of love.
(H3) m.
kā́ma--mañjarī [L=48130]
" love-bud " , N. of a woman Das3.
(H3) f.
kā́ma--mardana [L=48133]
" destroyer of the god of love " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) m.
kā́ma--maha [L=48134]
the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month caitra or March-April) L.
(H3) m.
kā́ma--mūta [L=48137]
kā́ma-) mfn. strongly affected or impelled by love RV. x , 10 , 11.
(H3) (
kā́ma--mohita [L=48139]
infatuated by desire or love or passion.
(H3) mfn.
kā́ma--rasa [p= 272,3] [L=48141]
enjoyment of sexual love MBh.
(H3) m.

kamra [p= 252,2] [L=43896]
(ā)n. ( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 167) loving , being in love , desirous L.

(H2) mf
[L=43897]desirable , beautiful , lovely

1 aṅgaja (love)
2 anaṅga (love)
3 anaṅgalekhā (love)
4 anurakti (love)
5 anurañjana (love)
6 anurāga (love)
7 anurāgavat (love)
8 anurāgin (love)
9 anuragitā (love)
10 anurati (love)
11 anurudh (love)
12 apahnava (love)
13 apāṅga (love)
14 abhikam (love)
15 abhimatatā (love)
16 abhihary (love)
17 ayugmaśara (love)
18 avasāda (love)
19 avaskanna (love)
20 avyāpyavṛtti (love)
21 aspanda (love)
22 ākā (love)
23 āsaktabhāva (love)
24 irāja (love)
25 ī (love)
26 īśvara (love)
27 ujjvala (love)
28 utkaṇṭhita (love)
29 utkvath (love)
30 unmadana (love)
31 kaṃjasū (love)
32 kañjana (love)
33 kaṭākṣaviśikha (love)
34 kantu (love)
35 kandarpa (love)
36 kandarpakūpa (love)
37 kam (love)
38 kamra (love)
39 karva (love)
40 kā (love)
41 kānti (love)
42 kāma (love)
43 kāmena (love)
44 kāmāya (love)
45 kāme (love)
46 kāmakeli (love)
47 kāmataru (love)
48 kāmatāla (love)
49 kāmadaminī (love)
50 kāmadahana (love)
51 kāmadeva (love)
52 kāmadevatva (love)
53 kāmadevamaya (love)
54 kāmadhvaṃsin (love)
55 kāmabaddha (love)
56 kāmabāṇa (love)
57 kāmamañjarī (love)
58 kāmamardana (love)
59 kāmamaha (love)
60 kāmamūta (love)
61 kāmamohita (love)
62 kāmarasa (love)
63 kāmavat (love)
64 kāmavallabha (love)
65 kāmavaśa (love)
66 kāmavaśya (love)
67 kāmaviddha (love)
68 kāmaśara (love)
69 kāmaśalya (love)
70 kāmaśāstra (love)
71 kāmasūtra (love)
72 kāmāgni (love)
73 kāmāgnisaṃdīpana (love)
74 kāmāṅkuśa (love)
75 kāmātura (love)
76 kāmādhiṣṭhita (love)
77 kāmānala (love)
78 kāmāndha (love)
79 kāmāyudha (love)
80 kāmāri (love)
81 kāmārta (love)
82 kāmārthin (love)
83 kāmāśrama (love)
84 kāmāsakta (love)
85 kāmāsakti (love)
86 kāmonmatta (love)
87 kāmopahatacittāṅga (love)
88 kāmayā (love)
89 kāmitā (love)
90 kāmitva (love)
91 kāmin (love)
92 kāmuka (love)
93 kārṣṇi (love)
94 kiṅkira (love)
95 kiṅkirāta (love)
96 kunta (love)
97 kusumakārmuka (love)
98 kusumabāṇa (love)
99 kusumamārgaṇa (love)
100 kusumāyudha (love)
101 kūrdanā (love)
102 kṛ (love)
103 kṛṣṇapremāmṛta (love)
104 kenatī (love)
105 keśaṭa (love)
106 kaiśika (love)
107 kaiśikī (love)
108 kokaśāstra (love)
109 kauśika (love)
110 kausumāyudha (love)
111 kṣamp (love)
112 kṣobhaṇa (love)
113 kharīvātsalya (love)
114 kharu (love)
115 gadayitnu (love)
116 gandharvavivāha (love)
117 gata (love)
118 gṛtsa (love)
119 gṛdhu (love)
120 gopīpremāmṛta (love)
121 candrasaciva (love)
122 cittaja (love)
123 cittapramāthin (love)
124 caitrasakha (love)
125 caurapañcāśikā (love)
126 jarābhīta (love)
127 jātakāma (love)
128 jāratā (love)
129 juṣ (love)
130 juṣṭi (love)
131 jhaṣaketana (love)
132 jhaṣadhvaja (love)
133 ṭu (love)
134 titha (love)
135 tvāyā (love)
136 darpaka (love)
137 daśakāmajavyasana (love)
138 dṛgbhakti (love)
139 dehaja (love)
140 dhvastapreman (love)
141 nakraketana (love)
142 namuci (love)
143 narmasphoṭa (love)
144 nāyikā (love)
145 niśceṣṭākaraṇa (love)
146 niṣadvara (love)
147 naiḥsnehya (love)
148 pañcabāṇa (love)
149 pañcabāṇī (love)
150 paṭīra (love)
151 parokṣamanmatha (love)
152 pallava (love)
153 pallavāstra (love)
154 paśavya (love)
155 pāñcaśara (love)
156 puṅkhitaśara (love)
157 putrasneha (love)
158 putrasnehamaya (love)
159 puṣpa (love)
160 puṣpaketana (love)
161 puṣpacāpa (love)
162 puṣpadhanus (love)
163 puṣpadhanvan (love)
164 puṣpabāṇa (love)
165 puṣpāyudha (love)
166 pūrvam (love)
167 pūrvarāga (love)
168 pauṣpaketava (love)
169 prakarṣaka (love)
170 pragama (love)
171 pracaṇḍaśarakārmuka (love)
172 praṇī (love)
173 praṇaya (love)
174 praṇayakupita (love)
175 praṇayamāna (love)
176 praṇayavacana (love)
177 praṇayavimukha (love)
178 praṇayaspṛś (love)
179 praṇayonmukha (love)
180 pratinṛt (love)
181 pratihary (love)
182 pradyumna (love)
183 pradyumnaka (love)
184 prapūraṇa (love)
185 prarocana (love)
186 prasañj (love)
187 prasakta (love)
188 prasūnabāṇa (love)
189 prasnutastanī (love)
190 prāṇāntika (love)
191 prī (love)
192 priya (love)
193 priyajīvitatā (love)
194 priyatā (love)
195 priyabhāva (love)
196 priyārha (love)
197 prīti (love)
198 prītikara (love)
199 prītikarman (love)
200 prītitṛṣ (love)
201 prītida (love)
202 prītidatta (love)
203 prītidāna (love)
204 prītidāya (love)
205 prītidhana (love)
206 prītimat (love)
207 prītivardhana (love)
208 prītivivāha (love)
209 prītisnigdha (love)
210 prema (love)
211 premapara (love)
212 premabandha (love)
213 premabandhana (love)
214 premabhāva (love)
215 premarddhi (love)
216 premalatikā (love)
217 premavat (love)
218 premaviśvāsabhūmi (love)
219 premasāgara (love)
220 premākara (love)
221 premāmṛta (love)
222 premārdra (love)
223 premaṇīya (love)
224 preman (love)
225 premṇā (love)
226 preṇā (love)
227 prauḍha (love)
228 bandhitra (love)
229 bandhuprīti (love)
230 balavat (love)
231 bahurūpa (love)
232 brāhmaṇakāmyā (love)
233 bhaj (love)
234 bhakti (love)
235 bhaga (love)
236 bhartṛsneha (love)
237 bhartṛsnehaparīta (love)
238 bhavabhāva (love)
239 bhavatsneha (love)
240 bhasmagātra (love)
241 bhāva (love)
242 bhāvaja (love)
243 bhāvabandhana (love)
244 bhāvastha (love)
245 bhāvākūta (love)
246 bhāvaikarasa (love)
247 madakalayuvati (love)
248 madarāga (love)
249 madālāpin (love)
250 madana (love)
251 madanakaṇṭaka (love)
252 madanakalaha (love)
253 madanakliṣṭa (love)
254 madanagopāla (love)
255 madanatantra (love)
256 madanatṛṣṇā (love)
257 madanapāthaka (love)
258 madanabādhā (love)
259 madanabhavana (love)
260 madanamaya (love)
261 madanamohana (love)
262 madanalekha (love)
263 madanavaśa (love)
264 madanavahniśikhāvalī (love)
265 madanaśikhipīḍā (love)
266 madanasaṃdesa (love)
267 madanātura (love)
268 madanārṇava (love)
269 madanāvastha (love)
270 madanāvasthā (love)
271 madanotsuka (love)
272 madanodaya (love)
273 madanodyānāna (love)
274 madanāya (love)
275 madanīya (love)
276 madayitnu (love)
277 madhudīpa (love)
278 madhusakha (love)
279 madhusahāya (love)
280 madhusārathi (love)
281 madhusuhṛd (love)
282 manaḥsaṅga (love)
283 manasija (love)
284 manasijataru (love)
285 manasimanda (love)
286 manasimandaruj (love)
287 manoja (love)
288 manodāhin (love)
289 manobhava (love)
290 manobhavadruma (love)
291 manobhavaśāsana (love)
292 manobhavāgāra (love)
293 manobhū (love)
294 manomathana (love)
295 manoyoni (love)
296 manmatha (love)
297 manmathakara (love)
298 manmathabandhu (love)
299 manmathamath (love)
300 manmathamanmatha (love)
301 manmathayuddha (love)
302 manmathalekha (love)
303 manmathavat (love)
304 manmathasakha (love)
305 manmathasaṃjīvanī (love)
306 manmathasamāna (love)
307 manmathānanda (love)
308 manmathānala (love)
309 manmathāyatana (love)
310 manmathāviṣṭa (love)
311 manmathoddīpana (love)
312 manmathin (love)
313 manmana (love)
314 mahānurāga (love)
315 mahotsava (love)
316 mādana (love)
317 mādhavānala (love)
318 mānasajanman (love)
319 mānmatha (love)
320 māpatya (love)
321 māra (love)
322 māramohita (love)
323 māraripu (love)
324 māravat (love)
325 mārīya (love)
326 mārgaṇa (love)
327 mīnaketāna (love)
328 murmura (love)
329 muṣitatrapa (love)
330 muhira (love)
331 mṛtyu (love)
332 mṛgāṅkabandhu (love)
333 mohana (love)
334 mohanāstra (love)
335 mohita (love)
336 yathāprīti (love)
337 yauvanasukha (love)
338 yauvanodbheda (love)
339 ra (love)
340 rañj (love)
341 rakta (love)
342 raktabhāva (love)
343 raṅga (love)
344 rañjaka (love)
345 raṇaraṇaka (love)
346 ratha (love)
347 rata (love)
348 ratanārāca (love)
349 ratanārīca (love)
350 rati (love)
351 ratikara (love)
352 ratijña (love)
353 ratipati (love)
354 ratirasa (love)
355 ratirahasya (love)
356 rativardhana (love)
357 rativallī (love)
358 ratiśūra (love)
359 ratisaṃhita (love)
360 ratisarvasva (love)
361 ratī (love)
362 rama (love)
363 ramakatva (love)
364 ramaṇa (love)
365 ramati (love)
366 ravīṣu (love)
367 ras (love)
368 rasa (love)
369 rasajyeṣṭha (love)
370 rasavat (love)
371 rasābhyantara (love)
372 rahaḥstha (love)
373 rāga (love)
374 rāgacūrṇa (love)
375 rāgacchanna (love)
376 rāgadveṣa (love)
377 rāgarajju (love)
378 rāgavṛnta (love)
379 rāmila (love)
380 ridhama (love)
381 rujākara (love)
382 rūḍhapraṇaya (love)
383 rūḍharāgapravāla (love)
384 rūpāstra (love)
385 rocana (love)
386 latāntabāṇa (love)
387 lalitapadabandhana (love)
388 lalitābhinaya (love)
389 lalitārthabandha (love)
390 lālita (love)
391 lāsya (love)
392 lokakāmyā (love)
393 lokānurāga (love)
394 vadhitra (love)
395 van (love)
396 varīṣu (love)
397 varya (love)
398 vallabhatā (love)
399 vallabhatva (love)
400 vasanta (love)
401 vasantajā (love)
402 vasantabandhu (love)
403 vasantamahotsava (love)
404 vasantayodha (love)
405 vas (love)
406 vākyahāriṇī (love)
407 vātsalya (love)
408 vāma (love)
409 vāmaśīla (love)
410 vāllabhya (love)
411 vitanu (love)
412 vikārin (love)
413 vigatā (love)
414 vigatasneha (love)
415 vidhātṛ (love)
416 vidhūnana (love)
417 vibhāvin (love)
418 vilāsakodaṇḍa (love)
419 viśrāntavigrahakatha (love)
420 viśvaketu (love)
421 viṣaṇṇatā (love)
422 viṣaṇṇatva (love)
423 viṣāda (love)
424 viṣamabāṇa (love)
425 viṣamaviśikha (love)
426 viṣamaśara (love)
427 viṣamāyudha (love)
428 viṣameṣu (love)
429 viṣayāyin (love)
430 viṣayin (love)
431 viṣṇu (love)
432 vismāpana (love)
433 vihṛta (love)
434 vīradhanvan (love)
435 vṛ (love)
436 venā (love)
437 ves (love)
438 vaiṣṇava (love)
439 vyasana (love)
440 vyāghāta (love)
441 vyāyoga (love)
442 śamāntaka (love)
443 śambara (love)
444 śambaraghna (love)
445 śambaradāraṇa (love)
446 śambarasūdana (love)
447 śambarāntakara (love)
448 śara (love)
449 śarīraja (love)
450 śarvara (love)
451 śaśvatkāma (love)
452 śāṇḍilya (love)
453 śikhā (love)
454 śikhi (love)
455 śiva (love)
456 śuci (love)
457 śūrpaṇakhā (love)
458 śūrpakārāti (love)
459 śūrpakāri (love)
460 śṛṅga (love)
461 śṛṅgāra (love)
462 śṛṅgāragarva (love)
463 śṛṅgāraceṣṭā (love)
464 śṛṅgāraceṣṭita (love)
465 śṛṅgārajanman (love)
466 śṛṅgārabhāṣita (love)
467 śṛṅgāramaṇḍapa (love)
468 śṛṅgārayoni (love)
469 śṛṅgāralajjā (love)
470 śṛṅgāraśata (love)
471 śṛṅgāraśataka (love)
472 śṛṅgāraśūra (love)
473 śṛṅgārasahāya (love)
474 śṛṅgāraikarasa (love)
475 śṛṅgāraka (love)
476 śṛṅgāraṇa (love)
477 śṛṅgārita (love)
478 śṛṅgārin (love)
479 śṛṅgārīya (love)
480 śoṣaṇa (love)
481 śauryaudaryaśṛṅgāramaya (love)
482 śrīja (love)
483 śrīnandana (love)
484 śrīputra (love)
485 saṃvan (love)
486 saṃsāraguru (love)
487 saṃstavaprīti (love)
488 sakāma (love)
489 saṃkalpaja (love)
490 saṃkalpajanman (love)
491 saṃkalpabhava (love)
492 saṃkalpayoni (love)
493 saṃkalpasambhava (love)
494 sakhīsneha (love)
495 satyatā (love)
496 sap (love)
497 saprema (love)
498 samanmatha (love)
499 samuṣyala (love)
500 samprīti (love)
501 sambhoga (love)
502 sambhāra (love)
503 sambhṛtasneha (love)
504 sammati (love)
505 sarāgatā (love)
506 sarāgatva (love)
507 sarasa (love)
508 sarvadhanvin (love)
509 salilacaraketana (love)
510 salajjitasnehakaruṇam (love)
511 saśṛṅgārakam (love)
512 sādhya (love)
513 sāyaka (love)
514 sāvitrī (love)
515 subhakti (love)
516 subhagatā (love)
517 surabhibāṇa (love)
518 suśīmakāma (love)
519 sūnaśara (love)
520 sevitamanmatha (love)
521 sthirānurāga (love)
522 sniṭ (love)
523 sneha (love)
524 snehakartṛ (love)
525 snehaguṇita (love)
526 snehaguru (love)
527 snehapravṛtti (love)
528 snehaprasara (love)
529 snehaprasrava (love)
530 snehabaddha (love)
531 snehabandha (love)
532 snehabhūmi (love)
533 snehamaya (love)
534 snehavacas (love)
535 snehasaṃjvaravat (love)
536 snehākula (love)
537 snehākūta (love)
538 sphiṭ (love)
539 smiṭ (love)
540 smara (love)
541 smarakathā (love)
542 smarakāra (love)
543 smarakūpaka (love)
544 smarakūpikā (love)
545 smaraguru (love)
546 smaragṛha (love)
547 smarajvara (love)
548 smaratāpamaya (love)
549 smaradaśā (love)
550 smaradāyin (love)
551 smaradurmada (love)
552 smaradhvaja (love)
553 smaranipuṇa (love)
554 smarapīḍita (love)
555 smarabhāsita (love)
556 smarabhū (love)
557 smaramaya (love)
558 smaramoha (love)
559 smaramohita (love)
560 smararuj (love)
561 smaralekha (love)
562 smaravatī (love)
563 smaravallabha (love)
564 smaravīthikā (love)
565 smaravṛddhi (love)
566 smaraśabara (love)
567 smarasakha (love)
568 smarasaha (love)
569 smarastambha (love)
570 smarahara (love)
571 smarākula (love)
572 smarākulita (love)
573 smarākṛṣṭa (love)
574 smarāṅkuśa (love)
575 smarātura (love)
576 smarādhivāsa (love)
577 smarāndha (love)
578 smarārta (love)
579 smarāsava (love)
580 smarotsuka (love)
581 smarodgītha (love)
582 smaroddīpana (love)
583 smaropakaraṇa (love)
584 smāra (love)
585 smṛtijāta (love)
586 svānubhāva (love)
587 svāntaja (love)
588 haradagdhamūrti (love)
589 hartu (love)
590 hasita (love)
591 hārda (love)
592 hṛcchaya (love)
593 hṛcchayapīḍita (love)
594 hṛcchayavardhana (love)
595 hṛcchayāviṣṭacetana (love)
596 hevākasa (love)
597 agnimadana (love)
598 adeha (love)
599 apatyasneha (love)
600 apavātā (love)
601 icchāpita (love)
602 janmavātsalya (love)
603 tārāmaitraka (love)

(H3) áṅga--ja [p= 7,3] [L=1526] mfn. produced from or on the body , ornamental L.
[L=1527] produced by a supplementary ceremony
(H3B) áṅga--ja [L=1527.1] m. a son L.
[L=1528] hair of the head L.
[L=1529] the god of love L.
[L=1530] intoxicating passion L.
[L=1531] drunkenness L.
[L=1532] a disease L.
(H3B) áṅga--ja [L=1534] n. blood.

(H1) an-aṅgá [p= 24,2] [L=4816] mf(ā)n. bodiless , incorporeal
(H1B) an-aṅgá [L=4817] m. N. of kāma (god of love , so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of śiva , for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love for pārvatī)
(H1B) an-aṅgá [L=4818] n. the ether , air , sky L.
(H1B) an-aṅgá [L=4819] n. the mind L.
(H1B) an-aṅgá [L=4820] n. that which is not the aṅga.
(H2) anaṅga [p= 1311,1] [L=304490] (in comp.)

(H3) an-aṅgá--lekhā [p= 24,2] [L=4827] f. a love letter
[L=4828] N. of a queen of Kashmir.

(H2) anu-rakti [p= 37,2] [L=7077] f. affection , love , devotion.

(H2) anu-rañjana [L=7079] n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection , love
[L=7080] pleasing.

(H2) anu-rāga [L=7082] m. attachment , affection , love , passion
[L=7083] red colour S3is3. ix , 8 , &c

(H3) anu-rāga--vat [L=7084] mfn. affectionate , attached , in love with
[L=7085] red S3is3. ix , 10 &c

(H2) anu-rāgin [L=7087] mfn. impassioned , attached
[L=7088] causing love

(H3) anuragi-tā [L=7090] f. the state of being in love with.

(H2) anu-rati [p= 37,3] [L=7097] f. love , affection
[L=7098] attachment.

(H1) anu- √ rudh 1 [L=7123]
to bar (as a way) MBh. xiii , 1649 ;

to surround , confine , overcome BhP. &c ;

cl.4 A1. -rudhyate or ep. P. -rudhyati (2. sg. -rudhyase RV. viii , 43 , 9 , &c ) , to adhere to , be fond of , love ;

to coax , soothe , entreat.

(H2) anu-rúdh 2 [L=7127] mfn. adhering to , loving VS. xxx , 9 (cf. anū-rúdh.)

(H2) apa-hnavá [p= 53,3] [L=9933] m. concealment , denial of or turning off of the truth
[L=9934] dissimulation , appeasing , satisfying S3Br.
[L=9935] affection , love R.
[L=9936] = apa-hnuti Sa1h.

(H1) apā* ṅga [p= 54,1] [L=9967] mfn. without limbs or without a body L.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9968] m. (ifc. f(ā or ī).) the outer corner of the eye S3a1k. &c
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9969] m. a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead R.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9970] m. N. of kāma (the god of love) L.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9971] m. = apā*mārgá L.

(H1) abhi- √ kam [p= 61,1] [L=11198] (fut. -kamiṣyate) to desire , love TBr. : Caus. -kāmayate id. MBh. BhP.

(H3) abhi-mata--tā [p= 67,1] [L=11999] f. agreeableness , desirableness
[L=12000] desire , love.

(H1) abhi- √ hary [p= 74,1] [L=12942]
(3. pl. -háryanti ; Subj. A1. -haryata [ AV. iii , 30 , 1]) to wish anything to be near , call it near TS. ;

to like , love RV. x , 112 , 6 AV. ;

(-haryati) S3Br. xiv (cf. abhi- √hṛ , Caus. Pass.)


(H3) a-yugma--śara [p= 85,3] [L=14914] m. " having an odd number of arrows (i.e. five) " , N. of the god of love Das3.

(H2) ava-sāda [p= 105,1] [L=18246] m. sinking (as of a chair) Sus3r.
[L=18247] the growing faint (as of a sound) ib.
[L=18248] failing exhaustion , fatigue , lassitude ib.
[L=18249] defeat Ma1lav.
[L=18250] want of energy or spirit (especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love) L.
[L=18251] (in law) badness of a cause L.
[L=18252] end , termination L. (cf. nir-av°.)
(H1) ava-sāda [L=18270] &c » ava- √sad.

(H2) ava-skanna [p= 105,3] [L=18367] mfn. spilt (as semen virile) Hariv. 1786
[L=18368] " attacked " , overpowered (as by love) R. vi , 95 , 41

(H3) a-vyāpya--vṛtti [p= 112,1] [L=19375] mfn. being of limited application , of partial inherence (with reference to place and time , as pain , pleasure , love , hatred , virtue , vice , &c )

(H1) a-spanda [p= 123,1] [L=21457] mfn. not quivering or moving , fixed , uttaras. Ra1jat.
[L=21458] unvariable (as love) BhP.

(H1) ā- √ kā [p= 126,3] [L=22082] (perf. A1. 1. and 3. sg. -caké) to endeavour to obtain , desire , love RV. : Intens. (Impv. 3. pl. -cakantu ; cf. ā- √kan) to be pleased with (loc.) RV. i , 122 , 14.

(H3) ā-sakta--bhāva [p= 160,1] [L=27922] mfn. having one's affection fixed on , being in love with Das3.

(H3) írā--ja [p= 168,1] [L=29361] m. " born from water " , N. of kāma , god of love.

(H1) ī 1 [p= 170,1] [L=29689] the fourth letter of the alphabet , corresponding to i long , and having the sound of ee in feel.
(H1) ī 2 [L=29691] m. N. of kandarpa , the god of love L.
(H1B) ī 2 [L=29692] f. (ī or īs) N. of lakṣmī L. ([also in MBh. xiii 1220, according to Ni1lak. (who reads puṇyacañcur ī)]).
(H1) ī 3 [L=29693] ind. an interjection of pain or anger
[L=29693.1] a particle implying consciousness or perception , consideration , compassion.
(H1) ī 4 [L=29694] for √i. » 5. i.

(H2) īśvará [p= 171,1] [L=29881] mfn. able to do , capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf. , or with common inf.) , liable , exposed to AV. TS. S3Br. AitBr. Kum. Hit. &c
(H2B) īśvará [L=29882] mf(ī). master , lord , prince , king , mistress , queen AV. S3Br. Ragh. Mn. &c
(H2B) īśvará [L=29883] m. a husband MBh.
(H2B) īśvará [L=29884] m. God
(H2B) īśvará [L=29885] m. the Supreme Being Mn. Sus3r. Ya1jn5. &c
(H2B) īśvará [L=29886] m. the supreme soul (ātman)
(H2B) īśvará [L=29887] m. śiva
(H2B) īśvará [L=29888] m. one of the rudras
(H2B) īśvará [L=29889] m. the god of love
(H2B) īśvará [L=29890] m. N. of a prince
(H2B) īśvará [L=29891] m. the number " eleven "
(H2B) īśvará [L=29892] mf(ā or ī). N. of durgā
(H2B) īśvará [L=29893] m. of lakṣmī
(H2B) īśvará [L=29894] m. of any other of the śaktis or female energies of the deities
(H2B) īśvará [L=29895] m. N. of several plants L.
(H2) īśvara [p= 1321,1] [L=321720] (in comp.)

(H2) uj-jvala [p= 174,3] [L=30575] mfn. blazing up , luminous , splendid , light
[L=30576] burning
[L=30577] clean , clear
[L=30578] lovely , beautiful Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s. Sa1h. &c
[L=30579] glorious
[L=30580] full-blown L.
[L=30581] expanded
(H2B) uj-jvala [L=30582] m. love , passion L.
(H2B) uj-jvala [L=30583] n. gold L.
(H2B) uj-jvala [L=30585] n. a form of the jagatī metre.

(H2) utkaṇṭhita [p= 175,3] [L=30744] mfn. lifting up the neck
[L=30745] longing for , regretting , sorrowing for R. Das3. Vikr. &c
[L=30746] in love Ma1lav.

(H1) ut- √ kvath [p= 177,1] [L=30964]
(ud- √ kvath) P. -kvathati , to boil out , extract by boiling &c Sus3r. : Pass. -kvathyate , to be boiled ;

to be consumed (by the ardour of love) Ka1d. 176 , 3 : Caus. -kvāthayati , to boil out Sus3r.


(H2) un-madana [p= 193,3] [L=33932] mfn. inflamed with love Kum.

(H3) kaṃ-ja--sū [p= 243,2] [L=41875] m. the god of love L.

(H2) kañjana [L=41877] m. id. L.
[L=41878] N. of kāma , the god of love L.

(H4) kaṭā* kṣa---viśikha [p= 243,3] [L=41965] m. an arrow-like look of love Bhartr2.

(H2) kantu [p= 249,2] [L=43173] mfn. id. ib.
(H2B) kantu [L=43174] m. (fr. √kam Un2. i , 28 ; 73), love , the god of love
(H2B) kantu [L=43175] m. the mind , heart Comm. on Un2.
(H2B) kantu [L=43176] m. a granary L.
(H3) kantu [p= 252,1] [L=43766] mfn. id. T.

(H1) kandarpa [p= 249,3] [L=43247] m. (etym. doubtful ; according to some fr. kaṃ-darpa , " inflamer even of a god " » 3. ka , or " of great wantonness ") , N. of kāma (q.v.) , love , lust MBh. Bhag. Sus3r. &c
[L=43248] (in mus.) a particular rāga (q.v.)
[L=43249] a kind of time
[L=43250] membrum virile L.
[L=43251] N. of a man Katha1s.

(H3) kandarpa--kūpa [L=43253] m. " a well of love " , pudendum muliebre L.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 12.10
Whitney Roots links: kam
(H1) kám 1 [p= 251,3] [L=43756] ind. (Gk. κεν) well (opposed to a-kam , " ill ") TS. S3Br. &c
[L=43756.1] a particle placed after the word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense , " yes " , " well " (but this sense is generally so weak that Indian grammarians are perhaps right in enumerating kam among the expletives Nir. ; it is often found attached to a dat. case , giving to that case a stronger meaning , and is generally placed at the end of the pāda , e.g. ájījana óṣadhīr bhójanāya kám , thou didst create the plants for actual food RV. v , 83 , 10) RV. AV. TS. v
[L=43756.2] kam is also used as an enclitic with the particles nu , su , and hi (but is treated in the pada-pāṭha as a separate word ; in this connection kam has no accent but once AV. vi , 110 , 1) RV. AV.
[L=43756.3] a particle of interrogation (like kad and kim) RV. x , 52 , 3
[p= 252,1] [p= 251,3] [L=43756.4] (sometimes , like kim and kad , at the beginning of compounds) marking the strange or unusual character of anything or expressing reproach L.
[L=43756.5] head L.
[L=43756.6] food Nir.
[L=43756.7] water Nir. Nigh.
[L=43756.8] happiness , bliss L.
(H1) kam 2 [L=43768]
cl.1 A1. (not used in the conjugational tenses) cakame , kamitā , kamiṣyate , acakamata Dha1tup. xii , 10 to wish , desire , long for RV. v , 36 , 1 ; x , 117 , 2 AV. xix , 52 , 3 S3Br. Ragh. &c ;

to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with S3Br. xi BhP. : Caus. A1. (ep. also P.) kāmayate , -ti , kāmayāṃ-cakre , acīkamata , &c ;

to wish , desire , long for (with acc. or inf. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 157 ; e.g. kāmaye bhuñjīta bhavān , I wish your worship may eat ; kāmaye dātum , I wish to give Ka1s3. ) RV. AV. TS. MBh. &c ;

to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with RV. x , 124 , 5 ; 125 , 5 S3Br. MBh. &c ;

to cause any one to love R2itus. (in that sense P. Vop. ) ;

(with bahu or aty-artham) to rate or value highly R. : Desid. cikamiṣate and cikāmayiṣate: Intens. caṃkamyate ; ([cf. Lat. comis ; also amo , with the loss of the initial , for camo ; cA7-rus for cam-rus: Hib. caemh , " love , desire ; fine , handsome , pleasant " ; caomhach , " a friend , companion " ; caomhaim , " I save , spare , protect " ; Armen. kamim.])


(H2) kamra [p= 252,2] [L=43896] mf(ā)n. ( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 167) loving , being in love , desirous L.
[L=43897] desirable , beautiful , lovely Ka1vya7d.

(H1) karva [p= 259,3] [L=45523] m. ( √1. kṝ Un2. i , 155), love L.
[L=45524] a mouse , rat L.

Whitney Roots links: kan
(H1) kā 1 [p= 266,2] [L=46907] onomat. imitation of the cry of the ass BhP. x , 15 , 30.
(H1) kā 2 [L=46908] = kád2 and 1. ku in comp. to express depreciation e.g. kā*kṣa , kā-patha , kāpuruṣa , ko*ṣṇa , qq. vv. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 104 Vop. vi , 93.
(H1) kā 3 [L=46909]
= √kan (perf. cake , cakāná ; » kā́yamāna s.v.) , to seek , desire , yearn , love (with acc. and dat.) RV. ;

to like , enjoy , be satisfied with (loc. gen. or inst.) RV. : Intens. (p. cākát) to please , be sought after , be wished for , satisfy RV. x , 29 , 1 (cf. anu- , ā- , saṃ- √3. kā , kāti.)


(H2) kānti [p= 270,3] [L=47757] f. desire , wish L.
[L=47758] loveliness , beauty , splendour , female beauty , personal decoration or embellishment Nal. S3ak. Megh. Pan5cat. Sus3r. Katha1s.
[L=47759] a lovely colour , brightness (especially of the moon) Katha1s.
[L=47760] f(ī). ifc. Caurap.
[L=47761] (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by love Va1m. iii , 1 , 22 ; xxii , 14 Sa1h.
[L=47762] a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon Hariv. 5419
[L=47763] N. of lakṣmī BhP. x , 65 , 29
[L=47764] of durgā Devi1P. ??

(H2) kāma [p= 252,2] [L=43900] &c » s.v.
(H1) kā́ma [p= 271,3] [L=47938] m. (fr. √2. kam ; once kāmá VS. xx , 60), wish , desire , longing (kāmo me bhuñjīta bhavān , my wish is that you should eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 153), desire for , longing after (gen. dat. , or loc.) , love , affection , object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. &c
[L=47939] pleasure , enjoyment
[L=47940] love , especially sexual love or sensuality
[L=47941] Love or Desire personified AV. ix
[L=47942] xii
[L=47943] xix (cf. RV. x , 129 , 4) VS. Pa1rGr2.
[L=47944] N. of the god of love AV. iii. 25 , 1 MBh. Lalit.
[L=47945] (represented as son of dharma and husband of rati [ MBh. i , 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ] ; or as a son of brahmā VP. ; or sometimes of saṃkalpa BhP. vi , 6 , 10 ; cf. kāma-deva)
[L=47946] N. of agni SV. ii , 8 , 2 , 19 , 3 AV. TS. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=47947] of viṣṇu Gal.
[L=47948] of baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L.
[L=47949] a stake in gambling Na1r. xvi , 9
[L=47950] a species of mango tree (= mahā-rāja-cūta) L.
[L=47951] N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each
[L=47952] a kind of bean L.
[L=47953] a particular form of temple Hcat.
[L=47954] N. of several men
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47957] n. object of desire L.
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47958] n. semen virile L.
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47959] n. N. of a tīrtha MBh. iii , 5047
(H1B) kāmá [L=47964] mfn. wishing , desiring RV. ix , 113 , 11
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47965] n. (ifc.) desirous of , desiring , having a desire or intention (cf. go-k° , dharma-k° ; frequently with inf. in tu cf. tyaktu-k°.)
(H2) kāma [p= 1324,2] [L=327520] (in comp.)

(H1C) kā́mena [p= 271,3] [L=47961] ind. out of affection or love for

(H1C) kā́° māya [L=47962] ind. according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ChUp.

(H1C) kā́° me [L=47962.1] ind. according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ChUp.

(H3) kā́ma--keli [p= 272,1] [L=47987] m. " love-sport " , amorous sport , sexual intercourse L.
[L=47988] the vidūṣaka of the drama L.
(H3B) kā́ma--keli [L=47989] mfn. having amorous sport , wanton L.

(H3) kā́ma--taru [L=48045] m. the god of love considered as a tree (cf. -vṛkṣa) S3ak.
[L=48046] the plant Vanda Roxburghii Npr.

(H3) kā́ma--tāla [L=48048] m. the Indian cuckoo (considered as an incentive to love) L.

(H3) kā́ma--daminī [p= 272,2] [L=48063] f. " taming love " , N. of a libidinous woman Pan5cat.

(H3) kā́ma--dahana [L=48065] n. " the burning up of the god of love by śiva " , N. of a chapter of the Lin3gaP.
[L=48066] a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month phālguna.

(H3) kā́ma--deva [L=48077] m. the god of love (» kāma above ; according to some , son of sahiṣṇu and yaśo-dharā VP. )
[L=48078] N. of viṣṇu (as the god who creates , preserves , or destroys at will) Vishn2. xcviii , 10 (cf. BhP. v , 18 , 15)
[L=48079] of śiva L.
[L=48080] of a poet
[L=48081] of a king of jayantī-purī
[L=48082] N. of the author of the prāyaścitta-paddhati

(H4) kā́ma--deva---tva [L=48083] n. the being the god of love Katha1s.

(H4) kā́ma--deva---maya [L=48084] mfn. representing the god of love AgP.

(H3) kā́ma--dhvaṃsin [L=48096] m. " subduing the god of love " , N. of śiva L.

(H3) kā́ma--baddha [L=48122] mfn. bound by love
(H3B) kā́ma--baddha [L=48123] n. a wood W.

(H3) kā́ma--bāṇa [L=48125] m. an arrow of the god of love.

(H3) kā́ma--mañjarī [L=48130] f. " love-bud " , N. of a woman Das3.

(H3) kā́ma--mardana [L=48133] m. " destroyer of the god of love " , N. of śiva L.

(H3) kā́ma--maha [L=48134] m. the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month caitra or March-April) L.

(H3) kā́ma--mūta [L=48137] (kā́ma-) mfn. strongly affected or impelled by love RV. x , 10 , 11.

(H3) kā́ma--mohita [L=48139] mfn. infatuated by desire or love or passion.

(H3) kā́ma--rasa [p= 272,3] [L=48141] m. enjoyment of sexual love MBh.

(H3) kā́ma--vat [L=48167] mfn. (kā́ma-) being in love , enamoured , wanton MBh. R.
[L=48167.1] containing the word kāma S3Br.

(H3) kā́ma--vallabha [L=48171] m. " love's favourite " , spring W.
[L=48172] a species of mango tree L.
[L=48173] the cinnamon tree

(H3) kā́ma--vaśa [L=48175] m. subjection to love MW.

(H3) kā́ma--vaśya [L=48176] mfn. being in subjection to the god of love , enamoured MBh.

(H3) kā́ma--viddha [L=48180] mfn. wounded by the god of love
(H3B) kā́ma--viddha [L=48181] m. N. of a man g. kārtakaujapā*di
(H3B) kā́ma--viddha [L=48182] m. pl. his descendants ib.

(H3) kā́ma--śara [L=48194] m. " love's shaft " , an arrow of the god of love Pan5cat.
[L=48195] the mango tree L.

(H3) kā́ma--śalya [L=48197] (kāma-) mf(ā)n. having love for a shaft AV. iii , 25 , 2.

(H3) kā́ma--śāstra [L=48199] n. a treatise on pleasure or sexual love MBh.
[L=48200] = -sūtra N. of several erotic works.

(H3) kā́ma--sūtra [L=48213] n. N. of a treatise on sexual love by vātsyāyana.

(H3) kāmā* gni [L=48226] m. the fire of love , passion , lust

(H4) kāmā* gni---saṃdīpana [L=48227] n. kindling the fire of lust , excitement of sexual love.

(H3) kāmā* ṅkuśa [L=48228] m. the pointed hook by which the god of love excites or inflames lovers
[L=48229] a finger nail (which plays an important part in erotic acts) L.
[L=48230] membrum virile L.

(H3) kāmā* tura [L=48233] mfn. love-sick , affected by love or desire
(H3B) kāmā* tura [L=48234] m. N. of a man Pan5cat.

(H3) kāmā* dhiṣṭhita [p= 273,1] [L=48240] mfn. influenced or dominated by love W.

(H3) kāmā* nala [L=48241] m. the fire of love , passion , lust W.

(H3) kāmā* ndha [L=48242] mfn. blinded through love , blind with lust Mn. vii , 27 (v.l.) Subh.
(H3B) kāmā* ndha [L=48243] m. " blind from love " , the Indian cuckoo L.
(H3B) kāmā* ndha [L=48244] m. the falcon L.

(H3) kāmā* yudha [L=48249] m. a species of the mango tree L.
(H3B) kāmā* yudha [L=48250] n. the weapon or arrow of the god of love
(H3B) kāmā* yudha [L=48251] n. membrum virile W.

(H3) kāmā* ri [L=48255] m. " love's adversary " , N. of śiva R. vii , 6 , 31 Prasannar.
[L=48256] a mineral substance used in medicine , a sort of pyrites (= viṭa-māṣika) L.

(H3) kāmā* rta [L=48257] mfn. afflicted by love or passion , in love W.

(H3) kāmā* rthin [L=48258] mfn. desirous of pleasure or love , amorous MW.

(H3) kāmā* śrama [L=48271] m. the hermitage of the god of love R. i , 25 , 17

(H3) kāmā* sakta [L=48273] mfn. intent on gratifying desire , engrossed with love , deeply in love W.

(H3) kāmā* sakti [L=48274] f. addiction to love W.

(H3) kāmo* nmatta [L=48287] mfn. mad with love Das3.

(H4) kāmo* pahata---cittā* ṅga [L=48290] mfn. one whose mind and body are overcome with love W.

(H2) kāmayā [p= 273,2] [L=48297] ind. (instr. of kāmā q.v.) only used with brūhi or pra-brūhi (e.g. kāmayā me brūhi deva kas tvam , " for love of me , say , O god , who thou art " MBh. )

(H3) kāmi--tā [L=48322] f. the state of a lover , love , desire.

(H3) kāmi--tva [L=48323] n. the state of a lover , love , desire.

(H2) kāmín [L=48335] mfn. desirous , longing after (acc. or in comp.)
[L=48336] loving , fond , impassioned , wanton
[L=48337] amorous , enamoured , in love with (acc. or with saha or sā*rdham) RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. R. S3ak. &c
(H2B) kāmín [L=48338] m. a lover , gallant , anxious husband
(H2B) kāmín [L=48339] m. the ruddy goose (cakra-vāka) L.
(H2B) kāmín [L=48340] m. a pigeon L.
(H2B) kāmín [L=48341] m. Ardea Sibirica L.
(H2B) kāmín [L=48342] m. a sparrow L.
(H2B) kāmín [L=48343] m. N. of śiva L.

(H2) kā́muka [L=48357] mf(ā)n. wishing for , desiring , longing after (in comp.) R. BhP.
[L=48358] loving , enamoured or in love with (acc.) TS. vi
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48360] m. a lover , gallant R. Ragh. xix , 33 &c
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48361] m. (with gen.) Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 69
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48362] m. a sparrow L.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48363] m. the plant Jonesia aśoka L.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48364] m. the creeping plant Gaertnera racemosa L.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48365] m. a bow (v.l. for kārmuka) W.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48366] m. a kind of pigeon L.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48367] m. N. of an author of mantras
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48369] m. a woman desirous of wealth &c W.
(H2B) kā́muka [L=48371] m. a kind of crane L.

(H2) kārṣṇi [p= 277,1] [L=49006] m. (g. bāhv-ādi Gan2ar. 34 Comm.) a son or descendant of kṛṣṇa MBh. BhP.
[L=49007] N. of viśvaka
[L=49008] of a deva-gandharva MBh. Hariv.
[L=49009] of the god of love L. (cf. Hariv. 9209.)

(H1) kiṅkira [p= 282,1] [L=50213] m. a horse L.
[L=50214] the Indian cuckoo (Kokila or Koil) L.
[L=50215] a large black bee L.
[L=50216] the god of love L.
(H1B) kiṅkira [L=50218] n. the frontal sinus of an elephant L.

(H2) kiṅkirāta [L=50219] m. (or kiṃ-k° ; g. kiṃśukā*di) a parrot L.
[L=50220] the Indian cuckoo
[L=50221] the god of love L.
[L=50222] Jonesia aśoka L.
[L=50223] red or yellow amaranth Ka1d.

(H1) kunta [p= 291,1] [L=52094] m. a spear , lance ([cf. Lat. contus ; Gk. κοντός]) R. &c
[L=52095] a small animal , insect L.
[L=52096] a species of grain (Coix barbata) L.
[L=52097] passion L.
[L=52098] the god of love Gal.

(H3) kusuma--kārmuka [p= 298,2] [L=53594] m. " having flowers for his bow " , kāma (the god of love) S3is3. vi , 16.

(H3) kusuma--bāṇa [L=53611] m. " flower-arrowed " , N. of the god of love L.
[L=53612] the flower-arrow of the god of love S3ak. (v.l.) Pan5cat.

(H3) kusuma--mārgaṇa [L=53615] m. (= -bāṇa) the god of love Ka1d.

(H3) kusumā* yudha [L=53644] m. " flower-armed " , N. of kāma (the god of love , his arrows being tipped with flowers) S3ak. Bhartr2. &c
[L=53645] N. of a Brahman Katha1s.

(H2B) kūrdanā [p= 300,2] [L=54043] f. the day of full moon in the month caitra (a festival day in honour of kāma-deva or the god of love) Gal.

Whitney Roots links: kf1, kf3
(H1) kṛ 1 [p= 301,1] [p= Page301,2] [p= Page301,3] [p= 300,3] [L=54148]
Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. kárṣi du. kṛthás pl. kṛthá ; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣé ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. ákar , 3. sg. rarely ákat ( S3Br. iii , xi) ; 3. du. ákartām ; pl. ákarma , ákarta (also BhP. ix) , ákran (aor. , according to Pa1n2. 4-2 , 80 Ka1s3. ) ; A1. ákri ( RV. x , 159 , 4 and 174 , 4) , ákṛthās ( RV. v , 30 , 8) , ákṛta ( RV. ) ; akrātām ( S3a1n3khS3r. ) , ákrata ( RV. AV. ) : Impv. kṛdhí (also MBh. i , 5141 and BhP. viii) , kṛtám,kṛtá ; A1. kṛṣvá , kṛdhvám ; Subj. 2. and 3. sg. kar pl. kárma , kárta and kartana , kran ; A1. 3. sg. kṛta ( RV. ix , 69 , 5) , 3. pl. kránta ( RV. i , 141 , 3) : Pot. kriyāma ( RV. x , 32 , 9) ; pr. p. P. (nom. pl.) krántas A1. krāṇá. (II) cl.1 P. kárasi , kárati , kárathas , káratas , káranti ; A1. kárase , kárate , kárāmahe: impf. ákaram , ákaras , ákarat (aor. , according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 59) : Impv. kára , káratam , káratām: Subj. káram , kárāṇi , káras , kárat , kárāma , káran ; A1. karāmahai ; pr. p. f. kárantī ( Naigh. ) (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇómi , °ṇóṣi , °ṇóti , kṛṇuthás , kṛṇmás and kṛṇmasi , kṛṇuthá , kṛṇvánti ; A1. kṛṇvé , kṛṇuṣé , kṛṇuté , 3. du. kṛṇvaíte ( RV. vi , 25 , 4) ; pl. kṛṇmáhe , kṛṇváte: impf. ákṛṇos , ákṛṇot , ákṛṇutam , ákṛṇuta and °ṇotana ( RV. i , 110 , 8) , ákṛṇvan ; A1. 3. sg. ákṛṇuta pl. ákṛṇudhvam , ákṛṇvata: Impv. kṛṇú or kṛṇuhí or kṛṇutā́t , kṛṇótu , kṛṇutám , kṛṇutā́m , 2. pl. kṛṇutá or kṛṇóta or kṛṇótana , 3. pl. kṛṇvántu ; A1. kṛṇuṣvá , kṛṇutā́m , kṛṇvā́thām , kṛṇudhvám: Subj. kṛṇávas , °ṇávat or °ṇávāt , kṛṇávāva , °ṇávāma , °ṇávātha , °ṇávatha , °ṇávan ; A1. kṛṇávai (once °ṇavā RV. x , 95 , 2) , kṛṇavase (also S3vetUp. ii , 7 v.l. °ṇvase) , kṛṇavate , kṛṇávāvahai , kṛṇávāmahai , 3. pl. kṛṇávanta ( RV. ) or kṛṇavante or kṛṇvata ( RV. ) : Pot. A1. kṛṇvītá ; pr. p. P. kṛṇvát (f. °vatī́) A1. kṛṇvāṇá. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇas ; sūtras , and in classical Sanskrit) P. karómi (ep. kurmi MBh. iii , 10943 R. ii , 12 , 33) ; kurvás,kuruthás,kurutás,kurmás ([kulmas in an interpolation after RV. x , 128]) , kuruthá,kurvánti ; A1. kurvé , &c , 3. pl. kurváte ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 108-110) : impf. akaravam , akaros , akarot , akurva , &c ; A1. 3. sg. akuruta pl. akurvata: Impv. kuru , karotu (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt , 3. sg. also BhP. vi , 4 , 34) , kuruta or kurutana ( Nir. iv , 7) ; A1. kuruṣva , kurudhvam , kurvátām: Subj. karavāṇi , karavas , °vāt , °vāva or °vāvas ( Pa1n2. 3-4 , 98 Ka1s3. ) , °vāma or °vāmas (ib.) , °vātha , °van ; A1. karavai , kuruthās , karavāvahai ( TUp. ; °he MBh. iii , 10762) , karavaithe,°vaite ( Pa1n2. 3-4 , 95 , Ka1s3. ) , °vāmahai(°he MBh. R. i , 18 , 12) : Pot. P. kuryām A1. kurvīya ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 109 and 110) ; pr. p. P. kurvát (f. °vatī́) ; A1. kurvāṇá: perf. P. cakā́ra , cakártha , cakṛvá , cakṛmá , cakrá ( Pa1n2. 7-2 , 13) ; A1. cakré , cakriré ; p. cakṛvas (acc. cakrúṣam RV. x , 137 , 1) ; A1. cakrāṇa ( Vop. ) : 2nd fut. kariṣyáti ; Subj. 2. sg. kariṣyā́s ( RV. iv , 30 , 23) ; 1st fut. kártā: Prec. kriyāsam: aor. P. Ved. cakaram ( RV. iv , 42 , 6) , acakrat ( RV. iv , 18 , 12) , ácakriran ( RV. viii , 6 , 20) ; A1. 1. sg. kṛske ( RV. x , 49 , 7) ; Class. akārṣīt ( Pa1n2. 7-2 , 1 Ka1s3. ; once akāraṣīt BhP. i , 10 , 1) ; Pass. aor. reflex. akāri and akṛta ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 62 Ka1s3. ) : Inf. kártum , Ved. kártave , kártavaí , kártos (» ss.vv.) ; ind.p. kṛtvā́ , Ved. kṛtvī́ ([ RV. ]) and kṛtvā́ya ([ TS. iv , v]) ;

to do , make , perform , accomplish , cause , effect , prepare , undertake RV. &c ;

to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (gen. or loc.) MBh. R. &c ;

to execute , carry out (as an order or command) ib. ;

to manufacture , prepare , work at , elaborate , build ib. ;

to form or construct one thing out of another (abl. or instr.) R. i , 2 , 44 Hit. &c ;

to employ , use , make use of (instr.) S3vetUp. Mn. x , 91 MBh. &c ;

to compose , describe R. i ;

to cultivate Ya1jn5. ii , 158 (cf. Mn. x , 114) ;

to accomplish any period , bring to completion , spend (e.g. varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ , " they spent ten years " MBh. xv , 6 ; kṣaṇaṃ kuru , " wait a moment " MBh. ; cf. kritakṣaṇa) ;

to place , put , lay , bring , lead , take hold of (acc. or loc. or instr. e.g. ardháṃ- √kṛ , to take to one's own side or party , cause to share in (gen. ; » 2. ardhá) ; haste or pāṇau- √kṛ , to take by the hand , marry Pa1n2. 1-4 , 77 ; hṛdayena- √kṛ , to place in one's heart , love Mr2icch. ; hṛdi- √kṛ , to take to heart , mind , think over , consider Ra1jat. v , 313 ; manasi- √kṛ id. R. ii , 64 , 8 Hcar. ; to determine , purpose [ind.p. °si-kṛtvā or °si-kṛtya] Pa1n2. 1-4 , 75 ; vaśe- √kṛ , to place in subjection , become master of Mn. ii , 100) ;

to direct the thoughts , mind , &c (mánas [ RV. Mn. MBh. &c ] or buddhim [ Nal. xxvi , 10] or matim [ MBh. R. ] or bhāvam [ib.] , &c ) towards any object , turn the attention to , resolve upon , determine on (loc. dat. inf. , or a sentence with iti e.g. mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ , do not turn your mind to grief Nal. xiv , 22 ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre , he resolved upon going R. i , 9 , 55 ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre , he resolved to create a gourd MBh. iii , 8844 ; draṣṭā tavā*smī*ti matiṃ cakāra , he determined to see him MBh. iii , 12335) ;

to think of (acc.) R. i , 21 , 14 ;

to make , render (with two acc. e.g. ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata , they made the sun their goal AitBr. iv , 7) RV. S3Br. &c ;

to procure for another , bestow , grant (with gen. or loc.) RV. VS. S3Br. &c ;

A1. to procure for one's self , appropriate , assume S3Br. Br2A1rUp. Mn. vii , 10 &c ;

to give aid , help any one to get anything (dat.) RV. VS. ;

to make liable to (dat.) RV. iii , 41 , 6 S3Br. iv ;

to injure , violate (e.g. kanyāṃ- √kṛ , to violate a maiden) Mn. viii , 367 and 369 ;

to appoint , institute ChUp. Mn. ;

to give an order , commission Mn. R. ii , 2 , 8 ;

to cause to get rid of , free from (abl. or -tas) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 49 Ka1s3. ;

to begin (e.g. cakre śobhayitum purīm , they began to adorn the city) R. ii , 6 , 10 ;

to proceed , act , put in practice VS. S3Br. AitBr. &c ;

to worship , sacrifice RV. S3Br. Mn. iii , 210 ;

to make a sound (svaram or śabdam) MBh. iii , 11718 Pa1n2. (iv , 4 , 34 Hit. ) , utter , pronounce (often ifc. with the sounds phaṭ , phut , bhāṇ , váṣaṭ , svadhā́ , svā́hā , hiṃ) , pronounce any formula ( Mn. ii , 74 and xi , 33) ;

(with numeral adverbs ending in dhā) to divide , separate or break up into parts (e.g. dvidhā- √kṛ , to divide into two parts , ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā or dvidhā-kṛtya or -kāram Pa1n2. 3-4 , 62 ; sahasradhā- √kṛ , to break into a thousand pieces) ;

(with adverbs ending in vat) to make like or similar , consider equivalent (e.g. rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā , valuing the kingdom like a straw Vet. ) ;

(with adverbs ending in sāt) to reduce anything to , cause to become , make subject (» ātma-sāt , bhasma-sāt) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 52 ff. The above senses of √kṛ may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected , as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ- √kṛ , to contract friendship with ;

pūjāṃ- √kṛ , to honour ;

rājyaṃ- √kṛ , to reign ;

snehaṃ- √kṛ , to show affection ;

ājñāṃ or nideśaṃ or śāsanaṃ or kāmaṃ or yācanāṃ or vacaḥ or vacanaṃ or vākyaṃ- √kṛ , to perform any one's command or wish or request &c ;

dharmaṃ- √kṛ , to do one's duty Mn. vii , 136 ;

nakhāni- √kṛ , " to clean one's nails " » kṛta-nakha ;

udakaṃ ([ Mn. Ya1jn5. R. Das3. ]) or salilaṃ ([ R. i , 44 , 49]) √kṛ , to offer a libation of Water to the dead ;

to perform ablutions ;

astrāṇi- √kṛ , to practise the use of weapons MBh. iii , 11824 ;

darduraṃ- √kṛ , to breathe the flute Pa1n2. 4-4 , 34 ;

daṇḍaṃ- √kṛ , to inflict punishment &c Vet. ;

kālaṃ- √kṛ , to bring one's time to an end i.e. to die ;

ciraṃ- √kṛ , to be long in doing anything , delay ;

manasā (for °si » above ) √kṛ , to place in one's mind , think of , meditate MBh. ;

śirasā- √kṛ , to place on one's the head ;

mūrdhnā- √kṛ , to place on one's head , obey , honour. Very rarely in veda ( AV. xviii , 2 , 27) , but commonly in the brāhmaṇas , sūtras , and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāraandcakre auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs , especially of causatives e.g. āsāṃ cakre , " he sat down " ;

gamayā́ṃ cakāra , " he caused to go " [see Pa1n2. 3-1 , 40 ; in veda some other forms of √ kṛ are used in a similar way , viz. pr. karoti S3a1n3khS3r. ; impf. akar MaitrS. and Ka1t2h. ; 3. pl. akran MaitrS. and TBr. ; Prec. kriyāt MaitrS. (» Pa1n2. 3-1 , 42) ; according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 , also karotu with √vid]. Caus. kārayati , °te , to cause to act or do , cause another to perform , have anything made or done by another (double acc. instr. and acc. [see Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53] e.g. sabhāṃ kāritavān , he caused an assembly to be made Hit. ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya , cause me to have an audience of the king ; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam , he ought to cause the vaiśya to engage in trade Mn. viii , 410 ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā , I shall not be able to have anything done by thee MBh. ii , 6) ;

to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate La1t2y. Ya1jn5. ii , 158 MBh. &c ;

to cause to place or put , have anything placed , put upon , &c (e.g. taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat , he had the picture placed on the wall in his house Katha1s. v , 30) Mn. viii , 251. Sometimes the Caus. of √kṛ is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (e.g. padaṃ kārayati , he pronounces a word Pa1n2. 1-3 , 71 Ka1s3. ; mithyā k° , he pronounces wrongly ib. ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya , treat or deal with kaikeyī as the king does R. ii , 58 , 16) : Desid. cíkīrṣati (aor. 2. sg. acikīrṣīs S3Br. iii) , ep. also °te , to wish to make or do , intend to do , design , intend , begin , strive after AV. xii , 4 , 19 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c ;

to wish to sacrifice or worship AV. v , 8 , 3 : Intens. 3. pl. karikrati (pr. p. kárikrat » Naigh. ii , 1 and Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65) , to do repeatedly RV. AV. TS. ;

Class. carkarti or carikarti or carīkarti ([ Pa1n2. 7-4 , 92 Ka1s3. ]) , also carkarīti or carikarīti or carīkarīti or cekrīyate ([ib. Sch. Vop. ]) ; ([cf. Hib. caraim , " I perform , execute " ; ceard , " an art , trade , business , function " ; sucridh , " easy " ; Old Germ. karawan , " to prepare " ; Mod. Germ. gar , " prepared (as food) " ; Lat. creo , ceremonia ; κραίνω , κρόνος.])

(H1) kṛ 2 [p= 304,1] [L=54683] cl.3 P. p. cakrát (Pot. 2. sg. cakriyās ; aor. 1. sg. akārṣam [ AV. vii , 7 , 1] or akāriṣam [ RV. iv , 39 , 6]) , to make mention of , praise , speak highly of (gen.) RV. AV. : Intens. (1. sg. carkarmi , 1. pl. carkirāma , 3. pl. carkiran ; Impv. 2. sg. carkṛtā́t and carkṛdhi ; aor. 3. sg. A1. cárkṛṣe) id. RV. AV. (cf. kārú , kīrí , kīrtí.)
(H1) kṛ 3 [L=54684] to injure , &c » √2. kṝ.

(H3) kṛṣṇá--premā* mṛta [p= 307,2] [L=55332] n. " nectar of kṛṣṇa's love " , N. of a poem.

(H1) kenatī [p= 309,2] [L=55739] f. N. of the wife of kāma (the god of love) L.

(H1) keśaṭa [p= 310,3] [L=56101] mfn. " richly endowed with " » madhu-
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56102] m. a goat L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56103] m. a louse L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56104] m. Bignonia Indica L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56105] m. the parching arrow of kāma (the god of love) L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56106] m. a brother (cf. mātṛ-) L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56107] m. N. of viṣṇu L.
(H1B) keśaṭa [L=56108] m. N. of a man Katha1s. cxxiii , 157.

(H2) kaiśika [p= 311,3] [L=56310] mf(ī)n. (fr. kéśa) , hair-like , fine as a hair Sus3r.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56311] m. (in music) N. of a rāga
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56312] m. love , passion , lust L.
(H2B) kaiśika [p= 312,1] [L=56313] m. N. of a prince (son of vidarbha and brother of kratha)
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56314] m. of several men Hariv. VP.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56315] m. pl. N. of a subdivision of the yādavas (descended from kaiśika) MBh. ii , 585 Ragh. Ma1lav.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56317] m. N. of a locality or of a river MBh. iii , 10095
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56318] m. for kauśikī (N. of durgā) L.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56319] n. the whole mass of hair , head of hair Pa1n2. 4-2 , 48.

(H2B) kaiśikī [L=56316] f. (scil. vṛtti) one of the four varieties of dramatic style (graceful style , suited especially to the passion of love) Bhar. xx , 45 ff. Das3ar. ii , 44 Prata1par. Sa1h. (v.l. kauśikī)

(H3) kóka--śāstra [L=56365] n. N. of an indecent treatise on the art of love (ascribed to a Pandit named koka).

(H2) kauśika 1 [p= 317,3] [L=57413] mfn. (fr. kuśā or kuśī́) , " having paws " , an owl Sus3r. VarBr2S. Pan5cat. &c
[L=57414] an ichneumon L.
[L=57415] coming from an owl Sus3r.
(H2) kauśika 2 [L=57426] mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound ; » kośa-vat) Bhpr. vi , 35 (v.l. kauṣṭhika)
[L=57427] sheathed (a sword) MBh. iii , 11461
[L=57428] silken MBh. iii
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57429] m. one who is versed in dictionaries L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57430] m. a lexicographer L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57431] m. one who catches snakes L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57432] m. the fragrant substance bdellium L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57433] m. marrow L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57434] m. a kind of seed L.
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57437] n. silk , silk cloth Ya1jn5. i , 186 MBh. xiii , 5502
(H2B) kauśika 2 [L=57438] n. a silk garment BhP. x , 83 , 28.
(H1) kauśiká 3 [p= 318,1] [L=57466] mfn. relating to kuśika (or to kauśika) MBh. xiii , 2719
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57467] m. (g. bidā*di) patr. of viśvā-mitra (who was the son or grandson of kuśika) , interpolation after RV. x , 85 MBh. R.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57468] m. of gādhi Hariv. 1457
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57469] m. of bhadra-śarman VBr.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57470] m. N. of a teacher (author of the kauśikasūtra , brother of paippalādi) Br2A1rUp. Kaus3. Pa1n2. 4-3 , 103 Hariv. 11074
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57471] m. N. of a grammarian Hariv. 5501
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57472] m. of one of jarāsandhas's generals MBh. ii , 885
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57473] m. N. of indra (as originally perhaps belonging to the kuśikas or friendly to them) RV. i , 10 , 11 S3Br. iii , 3 , 4 , 19 Shad2vBr. TA1r. A1s3vS3r. MBh. &c
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57474] m. of sūrya TBr. i , 5 , 10 , 2 Sch.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57475] m. of a son of vasu-deva VP.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57476] m. of śiva L.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57477] m. of an asura Hariv. 2288
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57478] m. Vatika robusta L.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57479] m. (in music) N. of a rāga
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57480] m. (for kaiśika) love , passion L.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57481] m. pl. the descendants of kuśika Hariv. 1770 ff.
(H1B) kauśiká 3 [L=57482] m. (of kuśa) R. i , 35 , 20

(H2) kausumā* yudha [p= 318,3] [L=57572] mfn. (fr. kus°) , relating to the god of love Vet. xx , 19.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.77
(H1) kṣamp [p= 327,1] [L=59133]
cl.1.10.P. °pati , °payati , to suffer , bear Dha1tup. xxxii , 77 ;

to love , like ib.


(H2) kṣóbhaṇa [p= 331,3] [L=60145] mfn. shaking , agitating , disturbing , causing emotion RV. x , 103 , 1 R. iii , 36 , 10
(H2B) kṣóbhaṇa [L=60146] m. N. of śiva MBh. xii , 10384
(H2B) kṣóbhaṇa [L=60147] m. of viṣṇu ib. xiii , 6990
(H2B) kṣóbhaṇa [L=60148] m. N. of one of the five arrows of the god of love Gi1t. viii , 1 Sch.

(H3) kharī--vātsalya [p= 337,3] [L=61485] n. " maternal love of a she-mule " , motherliness not wanted MBh. v , 4587.

(H1) kharu [L=61494] mfn. white L.
[L=61495] foolish , idiotic Un2.
[L=61496] harsh , cruel ib.
[L=61497] desirous of improper or prohibited things L.
(H1B) kharu [L=61498] m. a tooth L.
(H1B) kharu [L=61499] m. a horse L. Un2.
(H1B) kharu [L=61500] m. pride L.
(H1B) kharu [L=61501] m. love or kāma (the god of love) Un2.
(H1B) kharu [L=61502] m. N. of śiva L.
(H1B) kharu [L=61503] f. ( Pa1n2. 4-1 , 44 Va1rtt.) a girl who chooses her own husband Pa1n2. Siddh.

(H2) gadayitnu [p= 344,3] [L=62894] mfn. loquacious , talkative Un2.
[L=62895] libidinous , lustful L.
(H2B) gadayitnu [L=62896] m. a sound Un2. iii , 29 Sch.
(H2B) gadayitnu [L=62897] m. a bow L.
(H2B) gadayitnu [L=62898] m. a N. of kāma (the god of love) L.
(H2B) gadayitnu [L=62899] m. for gaḍay° (a cloud) Gal.

(H3) gandharvá--vivāha [p= 346,2] [L=63317] m. " the form of marriage peculiar to the gandharvas " , a marriage proceeding entirely from love without ceremonies and without consulting relatives (allowed between persons of the second or military class)
[L=63318] cf. Mn. iii , 26.

(H2) gatá [p= 347,1] [L=63411] mfn. gone , gone away , departed , departed from the world , deceased , dead RV. i , 119 , 4 AV. &c
[L=63412] past (as time) , gone by Mn. viii , 402 MBh. &c
[L=63413] disappeared (often in comp.) Mn. vii , 225 MBh. &c
[L=63414] come , come forth from (in comp. or abl.) R. iv , 56 , 10 Katha1s. ii , 11
[L=63415] come to , approached , arrived at , being in , situated in , contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. sabhāṃ g° , " come to an assembly " Mn. viii , 95 ; kānyakubje g° , gone to kānyakubja Pan5cat. v ; ratha-g° , sitting or standing in a carriage R. iii ; ādya-g°,turya-g°,antya-g° , taking the first , fourth , last place ; sarva-g° , spread everywhere Nal. ii , 14) RV. i , 105 , 4 AV. x , 10 , 32 S3Br. &c
[L=63416] having walked (a path acc.)
[L=63417] gone to any state or condition , fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. kṣayaṃ or kṣaye gata , gone to destruction ; āpad-g° , fallen into misfortune Mn. ix , 283) TUp. Mn. &c
[L=63418] relating to , referring to , connected with (e.g. putra-gata sneha , love directed towards the son R. i ; tvad-gata , belonging to thee)
[L=63419] walked (a path) , frequented , visited RV. vii , 57 , 3 R. Kum.
[L=63420] spread abroad , celebrated MBh. iii
[L=63421] " known , understood " , having the meaning of (loc.) L.
(H2B) gatá [L=63422] n. going , motion , manner of going MBh. iv , 297 R. S3ak. vii , 7 Vikr. &c
(H2B) gatá [L=63423] n. the being gone or having disappeared Ca1n2.
(H2B) gatá [L=63424] n. the place where any one has gone Pa1n2. Ka1s3.
(H2B) gatá [L=63425] n. anything past or done , event W.
(H2B) gatá [L=63426] n. diffusion , extension , celebration ChUp. vii , 1 , 5
(H2B) gatá [L=63427] n. manner Pa1n2. 1-3 , 21 Va1rtt. 5.
(H2) gata [p= 1326,1] [L=329970] (in comp.)

(H1) gṛ́tsa [p= 361,2] [L=66425] mfn. ( Naigh. iii , 15 ; √gṛdh ?) clever , dexterous , judicious , wise RV.
(H1B) gṛ́tsa [L=66426] m. a sharp fellow VS. xvi , 25
(H1B) gṛ́tsa [L=66427] m. the god of love Un2. (cf. ratha-gṛtsá.)

(H2) gṛdhu [L=66439] mfn. libidinous Un2vr2.
(H2B) gṛdhu [L=66440] m. (= gṛtsa) the god of love Un2. i , 24.

(H3) gopī--premā* mṛta [p= 368,2] [L=67967] n. " nectar of (kṛṣṇa's) love for the cowherdesses " , N. of wk.

(H3) candrá--saciva [p= 387,3] [L=71852] m. " moon-friend " , the god of love Gal.

(H3) cittá--ja [p= 395,3] [L=73553] m. " heart-born " , love , god of love Das3. xii , 50.

(H3) cittá--pramāthin [L=73563] mfn. confusing the mind , exciting any one's (gen. or in comp.) passion or love Nal. i , 14 R. i , 9 , 4.

(H3) caitra--sakha [p= 402,2] [L=75067] m. " friend of month caitra " , the god of love L. Sch.

(H3) caura--pañcāśikā [p= 403,1] [L=75207] f. irr. abbreviation for caurī-surata-p° (for cauḍī- , Prakrit fr. cāpotkaṭī-?) " 50 stanzas on secret love (or on the love of the cāpotkaṭa princess) " , a famous poem by bilhaṇa.

(H3) jarā́--bhīta [p= 414,1] [L=77676] m. " afraid of old age " , the god of love Gal.

(H3) jātá--kāma [p= 417,3] [L=78568] mfn. fallen in love ,

(H3) jā́ra--tā [p= 419,3] [L=79014] f. a love-affair with (in comp.) Das3. vii , 64.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 34.28
Whitney Roots links: juz
(H1) juṣ 1 [p= 424,1] [L=80017]
cl.6 A1. °ṣáte (also P. RV. [°ṣát , ájuṣat] MBh. &c ; Subj. °ṣāte ; Pot. °ṣéta ; 3. pl. °ṣerata RV. ; Impv. °ṣátām ; impf. ajuṣata , ii , 37 , 4 ; 1. sg. ájuṣe AV. vi , 61 , 3 ; p. °ṣámāṇa) cl.3. P. irr. jújoṣati (Subj. and p. jújoṣat ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 87 Va1rtt. 2 ; Impv. 2. pl. °juṣṭana RV. ) , rarely cl.1 P. joṣati (Subj. jóṣat ; - aor. p. juṣāṇá ; 3. pl. ajuṣran , i , 71 , 1 ; 2. sg. jóṣi , ii , iv ; 3. sg. jóṣiṣat , ii , 35 , 1 [cf. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 34 and 4 , 7 ; 94 and 97] ; pf. jujóṣa , °juṣé ; p. °juṣvás , generally °ṣāṇá ; ind.p. juṣṭvī́ RV. ) to be pleased or satisfied or favourable RV. AV. &c ;

to like , be fond of delight in (acc. or gen.) , enjoy RV. (with tanvām or °vás , " to be delighted " , iii , 1 , 1 ; x , 8 , 3) AV. &c ;

to have pleasure in granting anything (acc.) to (loc.) RV. vi , 14 , 1 ;

to have pleasure in (dat.) , resolve to (Ved. Inf.) , i , 167 , 5 ; iv , 24 , 5 S3Br. iii , 6 , 4 , 7 ;

to give pleasure to (loc.) RV. x , 105 , 8 ;

to choose for (dat.) VS. v , 42 TS. vi S3Br. iii , 6 , 4 , 8 ;

to devote one's self to (acc.) , practise , undergo , suffer BhP. ii , 2 , 7 ; viii , 7 , 20 Bhat2t2. xvii , 112 ;

to delight in visiting , frequent , visit , inhabit , enter (a carriage &c ) MBh. iii , v , xiv Bhat2t2. xiv , 95 ;

to afflict MBh. iii : Caus. A1. (Subj. 2. sg. joṣáyāse) to like , love , behave kindly towards (acc.) , cherish RV. ;

to delight in , approve of(acc.) , choose S3Br. iii MBh. xiv , 1289 ;

(P. cf. Dha1tup. xxxiv , 28) Bhag. iii , 26 ;

([cf. γεύομαι ; Zd. zaoSa ; Hib. gus ; Goth. kiusu ; Lat. gus-tus.])

(H2) juṣ 2 [L=80018] mfn. ifc. liking , fond of , devoted to (once with acc. BhP. vii , 6 , 25 ; cf. nikṛtiṃ-) BhP. Bhartr2. S3a1ntis3. Katha1s.
[L=80019] dwelling in Hcar. vii
[L=80020] visiting , approaching BhP. ii , 7 , 25 Madhus.
[L=80021] having , showing Ba1lar. iv , 17 ; ix , 25 Sin6ha7s. Introd. 5l ; xv , 4 Kuval. 169
[L=80022] similar Hcar. i , 44
[L=80023] cf. sa-.

(H2) júṣṭi [L=80040] f. love , service , favour , satisfaction i , 10 , 12 ; vii , 33 , 4 ; x , 114 , 1 AV. TS. i S3a1n3khS3r. La1t2y.
(H2) juṣṭi [p= 1327,3] [L=332011] f. also N. of a cow, La1t2y. ; Dra1hy.

(H3) jhaṣá--ketana [p= 429,1] [L=81067] m. = -dhvaja Bhartr2. Ratna7v ,
[L=81068] " the god of love " and " the sea " Kuval. 33.

(H3) jhaṣá--dhvaja [L=81069] m. " fish-symboled " , the god of love , love , Bhat2t2. viii , 48.

(H1) ṭu [p= 430,1] [L=81272] m. gold L.
[L=81273] one who changes his shape at will W.
[L=81274] love , god of love W.

(H1) titha [p= 446,3] [L=84906] m. fire Un2. ii , 12 Sch.
[L=84907] love ib.
[L=84908] time L.
[L=84909] autumn Un2vr2.

(H3) tvāyā́ [p= 463,2] [L=88978] ind. out of love towards thee , for thee , i-viii.
(H2) tvāyā́ [p= 1328,2] [L=333180] (accord. to some = te, tvé).

(H2) darpaka [p= 470,2] [L=90488] mfn. ifc. making proud W.
(H2B) darpaka [L=90489] m. pride , Va1sav. 511
(H2B) darpaka [L=90490] m. the god of love L.

(H3) daśa--kāma-ja-vyasana [p= 471,3] [L=90818] n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure (» Mn. vii , 47) .

(H3) dṛg--bhakti [p= 491,2] [L=95297] f. look of love Dhu1rtas.

(H3) deha--ja [p= 496,3] [L=96651] m. " body-born " , a son BhP. (cf. tanu-)
[L=96652] the god of love , diś.

(H3) dhvasta--preman [p= 522,3] [L=102554] mfn. whose love has vanished Amar. 12.

(H3) nakra--ketana [p= 524,1] [L=102818] m. N. of the god of love Das3. (cf. makara-k°).

(H3) ná--mu° ci [p= 523,2] [L=102656] » namuca , °ci.
(H2) namuci [p= 528,2] [L=103907] m. (according to Pa1n2. 6-3 , 75 = na m° , " not loosing " , scil. the heavenly waters i.e. " preventing rain ") N. of a demon slain by indra and the aśvins RV. VS. Br. MBh. &c
[L=103908] of the god of love L.

(H3) narma--sphoṭa [p= 530,1] [L=104342] m. (dram.) the first symptoms of love ib.

(H2B) nāyikā [p= 536,3] [L=105859] f. » nāyikā
(H2) nāyikā [L=105864] f. (of °yaka q.v.) a noble lady Vet.
[L=105865] mistress , courtezan (cf. nākā*dhipa-)
[L=105866] the heroine in a drama Sa1h. &c
[L=105867] an inferior form or śakti of durgā (of which there are 8 , viz. ugra-caṇḍā , pra-caṇḍā , caṇḍogrā , caṇḍa-nāyikā , ati-caṇḍā , cāmuṇḍā , caṇḍā , and caṇḍa-vatī ; cf. kula-n°) Cat.
[L=105868] a class of female personifications representing illegitimate sexual love (they are called balinī , kāmeśvarī , vimalā , aruṇā , medinī , jayinī , sarveśvarī , kauleśī) RTL. 188
[L=105869] = next L. =

(H4) niś--ceṣ° ṭā-karaṇa [p= 542,3] [L=107430] mfn. causing it (N. of one of the arrows of the god of love) L.

(H3) ni-° ṣadvará [p= 561,3] [L=110687] mfn. sitting (near the altar) VS.
[L=110688] sitting lazily AitBr. S3a1n3khS3r.
(H3B) ni-° ṣadvará [L=110689] m. mud , mire (in which one sinks) L.
(H3B) ni-° ṣadvará [L=110690] m. the god of love L.
(H3B) ni-° ṣadvará [L=110691] f(ā or ī). night L.

(H3) naiḥ--snehya [p= 570,1] [L=112413] n. absence of love or affection Mn. ix , 15.

(H3) pañca--bāṇa [p= 576,3] [L=113771] m. " having 5 arrows " , N. of the god of love Ka1lid. Das3. &c

(H3) pañca--bāṇī [L=113773] f. the 5 arrows (of the god of love) Naish.

(H1) paṭīra [p= 579,2] [L=114364] m. ( √ paṭ?) the sandal tree Bhpr.
[L=114365] a ball for playing with or a thorn (kanduka , or kaṇṭaka) L.
[L=114366] the god of love L.
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114367] n. (only L. ) Catechu
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114368] n. the belly
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114369] n. a sieve
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114370] n. a radish
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114371] n. a field
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114372] n. a cloud
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114373] n. bamboo manna
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114374] n. height
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114375] n. catarrh
(H1B) paṭīra [L=114376] n. = haraṇīya.

(H4) paro--'kṣa---manmatha [p= 589,2] [L=116702.44] mfn. inexperienced in love S3ak.

(H1) pallava 1 [p= 610,2] [L=120296] mn. (ifc. f(ā).) a sprout , shoot , twig , spray , bud , blossom (met. used for the fingers , toes , lips &c ) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=120297] a strip of cloth , scarf , lappet Ka1d. Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=120298] spreading , expansion L. (cf. below)
[L=120299] strength L. (= bala ; v.l. = vana , a wood)
[L=120300] red lac (alakta) L.
[L=120301] a bracelet L.
[L=120302] sexual love L.
[L=120303] unsteadiness L.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120304] m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120305] m. a libertine , catamine L.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120306] m. a species of fish L.
[L=120307] pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. (v.l. for pahlava)
[L=120308] of a race of princes Inscr.
(H2) pallava 2 [p= 610,3] [L=120323] Nom. P. °vati , to put forth young shoots S3atr.

(H3) pallavā* stra [L=120322] m. " having blossoms for missiles " , N. of the god of love L.

(H2) paśavyá [p= 611,2] [L=120527] mfn. (fr. paśú) belonging or relating to cattle , fit or suitable for cattle TS. Br. Up. Ya1jn5. MBh.
(H2B) paśavyá [L=120528] m. (with kāma) sexual love or intercourse BhP.
(H2B) paśavyá [L=120529] n. a herd or drove of cattle RV.

(H3) pāñca--śara [p= 614,3] [L=121235] mf(ī)n. belonging to the (5-arrowed) god of love Katha1s.

(H3) puṅkhita---śara [p= 631,1] [L=125138] mfn. having or armed with shafted or feathered arrows (as the god of love) Amar.

(H3) putrá--sneha [p= 633,1] [L=125582] m. love of or for a son MBh.

(H4) putrá--sneha---maya [L=125583] mf(ī)n. consisting in the love for a son BhP.

(H2) púṣpa [p= 639,2] [L=126969] n. (for puṣka?) a flower , blossom (ifc. f(ā). , in names of plants oftener f(ī). ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 64 Va1rtt. 1) AV. &c
[L=126970] the menstrual flux Sus3r.
[L=126971] a partic. disease of the eye , albugo Sus3r.
[L=126972] a spot on the nails and teeth Car.
[L=126973] (in dram.) gallantry , politeness , declaration of love Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.
[L=126974] N. of a sāman Ta1n2d2Br. La1t2y.
[L=126975] of a book , DivyA7v.
[L=126976] a kind of perfume L.
[L=126977] the vehicle of kubera L.
[L=126978] blooming , expanding L.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126979] m. a topaz R.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126980] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126981] m. of a son of ślīṣṭi Hariv.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126982] m. of a son of śaṅkha ib. (C. puṣya)
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126983] m. of a bodhi-sattva(?) Lalit.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126984] m. of a mountain Ma1rkP.
(H2B) púṣpa [L=126985] m. of a book (prob. = puṣpa-sūtra) , Divya4v.

(H3) púṣpa--ketana [L=126997] m. " characterized by flower " , the god of love L.

(H3) púṣpa--cāpa [L=127010] m. a bow of flower , the bow of the god of love Ka1lid.
[L=127011] the god of love Katha1s.

(H3) púṣpa--dhanus [p= 639,3] [L=127048] m. " armed with a bow of flower " N. of the god of love Ka1v.

(H3) púṣpa--dhanvan [L=127049] m. " armed with a bow of flower " N. of the god of love Ka1v.

(H3) púṣpa--bāṇa [L=127083] m. " flower-arrowed " , the god of love

(H3) puṣpā* yudha [p= 640,1] [L=127206] m. " flower armed " , the god of love Ka1v.

(H1C) pū́rvam [p= 643,1] [L=127834] ind. before (also as a prep. with abl.) , formerly , hitherto , previously (sometimes with pres.) RV. &c &c (often ibc. e.g. pūrva-kārin , active before , pūrvo*kta , said before ; also ifc. in the sense of " with " e.g. prīti-pūrvam , with love ; mati-pūrvam with intention , intentionally ; mṛdu-pūrva- √bhāṣ , to speak kindly ; cf. above ; also with an ind.p. e.g. pūrva-bhojam , or -bhuktvā , having eaten before Pa1n2. 3-4 , 24 ; adya-p° , until now , hitherto ; previously -tataḥ , first-then ; pūrva-paścāt , previously-afterwards ; pūrva-upari , previously-subsequently ; pūrva-adhūnā or adya , formerly-now)

(H3) pū́rva--rāga [p= 644,1] [L=128071] m. earliest or incipient affection , love between two persons which springs from some previous cause Sa1h.

(H2) pauṣpaketava [p= 652,2] [L=129728] mfn. (fr. puṣpa-ketu) relating to the god of love Ba1lar.

(H3) pra-° karṣaka [p= 654,2] [L=130113] m. " harasser , disquieter " , N. of the god of love L.

(H3) pra-° gama [p= 655,3] [L=130382] m. the first manifestation of love , first advance in courtship Prata1p.

(H3) pra-caṇḍa--śarakārmuka [p= 657,1] [L=130594] mfn. having sharp arrows and a terrible bow (said of the god of love) MBh.

(H1) pra-ṇī [p= 660,2] [L=131199]
( √nī) P. A1. -ṇayati , °te to lead forwards , conduct , advance , promote , further RV. &c ;

to bring or lead to , convey (esp. the sacrificial fire or water or soma to its place at the altar) ib. ;

to offer , present Bhat2t2. ;

to produce , perform , execute , finish Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to do away with , remove , dispel MBh. ;

to manifest affection , love , desire MBh. ;

to show , represent (a drama) Ba1lar. Prasannar. ;

to inflict (as punishment) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to apply (as a clyster) Car. ;

to establish , fix , institute , promulgate , teach MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to write , compose Sarvad. ;

(A1.) to draw in (the breath) S3Br. : Desid. -ninīṣati (!) , to wish to lead or conduct RV.

(H2) pra-ṇī́ [p= 660,3] [L=131264] m. a leader or guide TBr.
(H2B) pra-ṇī́ [L=131265] f. guidance , furtherance , devotion (?) RV. iii , 38 , 2.

(H1) pra-ṇaya [p= 659,3] [L=131107] °yana &c » pra-ṇī.
(H2) pra-ṇaya [p= 660,2] [L=131200] m. a leader Pa1n2. 3-1 , 142 (jyotiṣām Nir. ii , 14)
[L=131201] guidance , conduct MBh.
[L=131202] manifestation , display Mr2icch.
[L=131203] setting forth (an argument) Ja1takam.
[L=131204] affection , confidence in (loc.) , love , attachment , friendship , favour (ibc. ; °yāt ind. , °yena ind. and °yo*pe*tam ind. confidentially , affectionately , openly , frankly) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=131205] desire , longing for (loc. ; anyathā , " for something else ") ib.
[L=131206] an entreaty , request , solicitation R. Vikr.
[L=131207] reverence , obeisance L.
[L=131208] final beatitude L.

(H3) pra-ṇaya---kupita [L=131210] mfn. angry through love , feigning anger Megh.

(H3) pra-ṇaya---māna [L=131217] m. " love-pride " , the jealousy of love W.

(H3) pra-ṇaya---vacana [L=131218] n. a declaration of love or affection Megh.

(H3) pra-ṇaya---vimukha [L=131224] mf(ī)n. averse from love or friendship Megh.

(H3) pra-ṇaya---spṛś [L=131226] mfn. exciting love , affectionate Ma1lati1m.

(H3) pra-ṇa° yo* nmukha [L=131232] mf(ī)n. expectant through love Ma1lav.

(H1) prati- √ nṛt [p= 666,3] [p= 667,1] [L=132498] P. -nṛtyati , to dance before (in token of contempt) , mock in turn by dancing before (acc.) MBh. : Intens. -narnṛtīti , to dance before (in token of love) , delight or gladden by dancing before (acc.) Pat.

(H1) prati- √ hary [p= 673,1] [L=133509]
P. A1. -háryati , °te , to desire , love , accept gladly , long for RV. AV. ;

to despise , reject AV.


(H1) pra-dyumna [p= 680,2] [L=134834] m. " the pre-eminently mighty one " , N. of the god of love (re-born as a son of kṛṣṇa and rukmiṇī , or as a son of saṃkarṣaṇa and then identified with sanat-kumāra) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=134835] the pleasant (= kāma) Subh.
[L=134836] the intellect (= manas) S3am2k.
[L=134837] N. of a son of manu and naḍvalā BhP.
[L=134838] of a king Katha1s.
[L=134839] of sev. authors and teachers Cat.
[L=134840] of a mountain Ra1jat.
[L=134841] of a river ib.

(H2) pradyumnaka [p= 680,3] [L=134855] m. N. of the god of love BhP.

(H3) pra-° pūraṇa [p= 682,3] [L=135221] mf(ī)n. filling up (oil , and) increasing (love) Cat.
[L=135222] the act of filling up , filling , putting in , inserting , injecting (with loc. or comp.) Sus3r.
[L=135223] satiating , satisfying Cat.
[L=135224] bending (of a bow) R.
[L=135225] adorning , embellishing (of indra's banner) Var.

(H3) pra-° rocana [p= 689,1] [L=136452] mf(ī)n. exciting or inciting to love (as a spell) , seductive Katha1s.
(H3B) pra-° rocana [L=136456] n. stimulating , exciting Ma1lati1m.
(H3B) pra-° rocana [L=136457] n. seduction Prab.
(H3B) pra-° rocana [L=136458] n. praising ChUp. S3am2k. Kap. Sch. Ma1lati1m.
(H3B) pra-° rocana [L=136459] n. illustration , explanation Pan5cavBr.

(H1) pra- √ sañj [p= 696,2] [L=137747]
P. A1. -sajati , °te , (P.) to hang on , attach to (loc.) La1t2y. ;

to hang with i.e. to provide or supply with (instr.) S3Br. ;

to cling to (loc.) Das3. ;

to engage with any one(loc.) in a quarrel or dispute , ChUp. ;

(only ind.p. -sajya) to be attached to the world BhP. ;

to result , follow , be the consequence of anything Sarvad. ;

to cause to take place Pat. ;

(A1.) to attach one's self to (acc.) MBh. : Pass. sajyate , or -sajjate (°ti) , to attach one's self , cling to , be devoted to or intent upon or occupied with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be in love (pr.p. -sajjantī) Hariv. ;

(-sajjate) , to be the consequence of something else , result , follow , be applicable Pat. Bha1sha1p. Sarvad. : Caus. P. -sañjayati , to cause to take place Naish. ;

A1. -sajjayate , to attach to , stick in (loc. ; with na , " to fly through " , said of an arrow) R.


(H1) pra-sakta [L=137731] °ti » under pra- √sañj.
(H2) pra-sakta [L=137748] mfn. attached , cleaving or adhering or devoted to , fixed or intent upon , engaged in , occupied with (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=137749] clinging to the world , mundane BhP.
[L=137750] being in love , enamoured MBh. Ka1v.
[L=137751] (ifc.) supplied or provided with R. (v.l. pra-yukta)
[L=137752] resulting , following , applicable Ka1s3. Katha1s. Sarvad.
[L=137753] continual , lasting , constant , eternal MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=137754] used , employed W.
[L=137755] got , obtained ib.
[L=137756] opened , expanded ib.
[L=137757] contiguous , near A.
[L=137758] (°saktá) w.r. for °sattá AV.
(H2B) pra-sakta [L=137759] ibc. continually , incessantly , eternally , ever Ka1v.

(H4) pra-° sūna---bāṇa [p= 698,2] [L=138085] m. " having fruit for arrows " , the god of love Ka1m.

(H3) pra-snuta---stanī [p= 700,1] [L=138404] f. having breasts that distil milk (through excess of maternal love) MW.

(H3) prā* ṇā* ntika [p= 706,1] [L=139697] mf(ī)n. destructive or dangerous to life , fatal , mortal , capital (as punishment) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=139698] life-long Gaut. Pan5cat. (B. ; am ind.)
[L=139699] desperate , vehement (as love , desire &c ) Katha1s.
(H3B) prā* ṇā* ntika [L=139700] n. danger to life MBh.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 31.2
Whitney Roots links: prI
(H1) prī 1 [p= 710,1] [p= 709,3] [L=140436]
cl.9 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxi , 2) prīṇā́ti , prīṇīté ;

cl.4 A1. (xxvi , 35) prīyate (rather Pass. ; ep. and mc. also °ti and priyate , °ti ; pf. pipriyé , p. °yāṇá Subj. pipráyat ; Impv. pipráyasva or °prīhí RV. ; aor. apraiṣīt Br. Subj. préṣat RV. ; apreṣṭa Gr. ; fut. preṣyati , °te , pretā ib.) P. to please , gladden , delight , gratify , cheer , comfort , soothe , propitiate RV. &c ;

(mostly A1. prīyate) to be pleased or satisfied with , delight in , enjoy (gen. instr. loc. or abl.) ib. ;

(A1. ; ep. and mc. also P. and pri°) to like , love , be kind to (acc.) MBh. R. : Caus. prīṇayati (prāpayati Siddh. , prāyayati Vop. ) , to please , delight gratify , propitiate A1s3vGr2. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;

to refresh , comfort Car. : Desid. píprīṣati , to wish to please or propitiate RV. : Intens. peprīyate , peprayīti , pepreti Gr. ([cf. Goth. frijo7n , frijo7nds ; Germ. friunt , freund ; Angl.Sax. freo4nd ; Eng. friend ; Slav. prijati ; Lith. pre0telius &c ])

(H2) prī 2 [p= 711,1] [L=140705] mfn. (ifc.) kind , delighted (» adhaprī , kadha-prī , ghṛta-prī &c )

(H1) priya [p= 709,3] [L=140435] priyāla » under √1. prī below.
(H2) priyá [p= 710,1] [L=140437] mf(ā)n. beloved , dear to (gen. loc. dat. or comp.) , liked , favourite , wanted , own RV. &c &c (with abl. " dearer than " R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; priyaṃ- √kṛ A1. kurute , either " to gain the affection of , win as a friend " RV. ; or " to feel affection for , love more and more " MBh. )
[L=140438] dear , expensive , high in price (cf. priya-dhānyaka , priyā*nna-tva)
[L=140439] fond of attached or devoted to (loc.) RV. (id. in comp. , either ibc. e.g. priya-devana , " fond of playing " , or ifc. e.g. akṣa-priya , " fond of dice " cf. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 35 Va1rtt. 2 ; ifc. also = pleasant , agreeable e.g. gamana-priya , " pleasant to go " , vi , 2 , 15 Sch.)
(H2B) priyá [L=140440] m. a friend Gaut.
(H2B) priyá [L=140441] m. a lover , husband MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) priyá [L=140442] m. a son-in-law Mn. iii , 119 ( Kull. )
(H2B) priyá [L=140443] m. a kind of deer L.
(H2) priyá [L=140444] m. N. of 2 medicinal plants L.
(H2B) priyá [L=140452] n. love , kindness , favour , pleasure MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) priyá [L=140454] n. (eṇa) id.
(H2B) priyá [L=140455] n. willingly Hit. (v.l. , also priya-priyeṇa Pa1n2. 8-1 , 13) .
(H2) priya [p= 1330,3] [L=337040] (in comp.)

(H4) priyá--jīvita---tā [p= 710,1] [L=140502] f. love of life Sa1h.

(H3) priyá--tā [L=140508] f. (priyá-). the being dear S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=140508.1] the being fond of (comp.) , love Katha1s. Ra1jat.

(H3) priyá--bhāva [p= 710,2] [L=140557] m. feeling of love A.

(H3) priyā* rha [p= 710,3] [L=140659] mfn. deserving love , amiable MW.
(H3B) priyā* rha [L=140660] m. N. of viṣṇu A.

(H2) prīti [p= 711,1] [L=140726] f. any pleasurable sensation , pleasure , joy , gladness , satisfaction (with loc. or ifc. ; with ind.p. , " joy at having done anything ") Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=140727] friendly disposition , kindness , favour , grace , amity (with samam or ifc.) , affection , love (with gen. loc. , or ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=140728] joy or gratification personified (esp. as a daughter of dakṣa or as one of the two wives of kāma-deva) Hariv. Pur. Katha1s.
[L=140729] N. of a śruti Sam2gi1t.
[L=140730] the 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas. L.
[L=140731] N. of the 13th kalā of the moon Cat.
[L=140732] a symbolical expression for the sound dh Ra1matUp.
[L=140734] in a friendly way , amicably Mn. Ragh. &c

(H3) prīti--kara [L=140735] mfn. causing pleasure to (comp.) Ma1rkP. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 15 Sch. (cf. a-p°)
[L=140736] inspiring love or affection MW.
(H3B) prīti--kara [L=140737] m. N. of two authors Cat.

(H3) prīti--karman [L=140739] n. an act of friendship or love , kind action Mn.

(H3) prīti--tṛṣ [L=140744] m. N. of the god of love L.

(H3) prīti--da [L=140745] mfn. giving pleasure L.
[L=140746] inspiring love or regard , affectionate W.
(H3B) prīti--da [L=140747] m. a jester or buffoon in a play L.

(H3) prīti--datta [L=140748] mfn. given through love or affection L.
(H3B) prīti--datta [L=140749] n. (?) property or valuables presented to a female by her relations and friends at the time of her marriage , and constituting part of her peculiar property MW.

(H3) prīti--dāna [L=140750] n. ( Ragh. ) ( MBh. R. Ra1jat. ) " gift of love " , a present made from love or affection.

(H3) prīti--dāya [L=140751] m. ( MBh. R. Ra1jat. ) " gift of love " , a present made from love or affection.

(H3) prīti--dhana [L=140752] n. money given from love or friendship. R.

(H3) prīti--mat [p= 711,2] [L=140761] mfn. having pleasurable sensations , pleased , gratified , glad , satisfied MBh. Ka1v. Ma1rkP.
[L=140762] having love or affection for (loc. gen. or acc.) , affectionate , favourable , loving MBh. R. Hariv. Ma1rkP.
[L=140763] kind (as words) R.

(H3) prīti--vardhana [L=140772] mfn. increasing love or joy. A.
(H3B) prīti--vardhana [L=140773] m. the 4th month Su1ryapr.
(H3B) prīti--vardhana [L=140774] m. N. of viṣṇu A.

(H3) prīti--vivāha [L=140776] m. a love-marriage , love-match ib.

(H3) prīti--snigdha [L=140783] mfn. moist through love or charming through affection (said of the eyes) Megh.

(H2) prema 1 [L=140790] (ifc. f(ā).) = premán love , affection (cf. sa-p°)
(H2) prema 2 [L=140791] in comp. for premán.

(H3) prema--para [L=140797] mfn. intent on love , filled with affection , affectionate , loving , constant W.

(H3) prema--bandha [L=140802] m. ( S3a1rn3gP. Ra1jat. ) ( BhP. ) the ties of love , love , affection.

(H3) prema--bandhana [L=140803] n. ( BhP. ) the ties of love , love , affection.

(H3) prema--bhāva [L=140806] m. state of affection , love R.

(H3) prema--rddhi [L=140811] (°ma-ṛd°) f. increase of affection , ardent love MW.

(H3) prema--latikā [L=140812] f. the small creeping plant " love " Kpr.

(H3) prema--vat [L=140813] mfn. full of love , affectionate Subh.

(H3) prema--viśvāsa-bhūmi [L=140815] f. an object of love and confidence MW.

(H3) prema--sāgara [L=140816] m. an ocean of love ib.

(H3) premā* kara [L=140819] m. abundance of love Das3.

(H3) premā* mṛta [L=140820] n. " love-ambrosia " , N. of a metrical list of 112 names of kṛṣṇa and of sev. other works.

(H3) premā* rdra [L=140821] mfn. overflowing with love Ma1lati1m.

(H2) premaṇīya [L=140825] mfn. fit for exciting love &c Buddh.

(H2) premán [L=140826] mn. love , affection , kindness , tender regard , favour , predilection , fondness , love &c towards (loc. or comp.) TS. Br. Ka1v. &c (also pl.)
[L=140827] joy L.
(H2B) premán [L=140828] m. sport , a jest , joke Sa1h.
(H2B) premán [L=140829] m. wind L.
(H2B) premán [L=140830] m. N. of indra L.
(H2B) premán [L=140831] m. of various men Ra1jat.
(H1) preman [p= 712,3] [L=141066] preyas &c » [p= 711,2].

(H2) premṇā [p= 711,2] [L=140832] ind. through love or affection RV. TS. MBh.

(H2) preṇā́ [L=140786] instr. for premṇā́ » premán.
(H2) preṇā́ [L=140832.1] ind. Ved. through love or affection RV. TS. MBh.
(H1) preṇā [p= 712,3] [L=141053] preṇi » [p= 711,2].

(H3) prau* ḍha [p= 691,2] [L=136898] » s.v.
(H1) prau* ḍha [p= 714,3] [L=141345] mfn. (fr. pra ūḍha , √ vah) raised or lifted up (» -pāda)
[L=141346] grown up , full-grown Hariv. Ka1v. Ra1jat.
[L=141347] mature , middle-aged (as a woman ; in Subh. bālā , taruṇī , prau*ḍha and vṛddhā are distinguished ; cf. f. below)
[L=141348] married W.
[L=141349] luxuriant (as a plant) Bhartr2. Ka1vya7d.
[L=141350] large , great , mighty , strong Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
[L=141351] violent , impetuous (as love) Prab. Ra1jat.
[L=141352] thick , dense (as darkness) Ma1lati1m.
[L=141353] full (as the moon) W.
[L=141354] (ifc.) filled with , full of (» mṛdu-pr°)
[L=141355] proud , arrogant , confident , bold , audacious , impudent (esp. said of a woman) Ka1v. BhP.
[L=141356] controverted W.
(H1B) prau* ḍha [L=141357] m. (in music) N. of one of the rūpakas
(H1B) prau* ḍha [L=141358] m. (with śāktas) N. of one of the 7 ullāsas
(H1B) prau* ḍha [L=141359] n. (with brāhmaṇa) = tāṇḍya-brāhmaṇa Sa1y.
(H1B) prau* ḍha [L=141361] n. a violent or impetuous woman (described as a nāyikā who stands in no awe of her lover or husband) W.

(H2) bandhitra [p= 721,1] [L=142725] n. (!) the god of love , love L. (cf. vadhitra)
[L=142726] a spot , mole L.

(H3) bándhu--prīti [p= 721,2] [L=142770] f. love of friends or relations Megh.

(H3) bála--vat [p= 723,1] [L=143180] mfn. (bála-) possessing power , powerful , mighty , strong , intense VS. &c
[L=143180.05] vehement (as love , desire &c ) MBh.
[L=143180.10] dense (as darkness) Mr2icch.
[L=143180.15] preponderating , prevailing (also with abl. , " over ") VPra1t.
[L=143180.20] accompanied by an army Inscr.
(H3B) bála--vat [L=143180.25] ind. powerfully , strongly , vehemently , much , well S3Br. &c
(H3B) bála--vat [L=143180.30] m. N. of the 8th muhūrta Var.

(H3) bahú--rūpá [p= 725,3] [L=143817] mf(ā́)n. multiform , variegated , checkered
[L=143818] manifold VS. &c
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143819] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143820] m. of rudra ib. Pur.
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143821] m. of a son of medhātithi BhP.
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143822] m. (only L. ) a chameleon
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143823] m. hair
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143824] m. the resin of Shorea Robusta
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143825] m. the sun
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143826] m. N. of brahmā
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143827] m. of viṣṇu
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143828] m. of the god of love
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143829] m. of a buddha
(H3B) bahú--rūpá [L=143831] n. N. of a varṣa BhP.

(H3) brā́hmaṇa--kāmyā [p= 741,2] [L=147331] f. love for brāhmaṇa Mr2icch.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 33.29
Whitney Roots links: Baj
(H1) bhaj [p= 743,1] [L=147598]
cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxiii , 29) bhájati , °te (2. sg. as Impv. bhakṣi RV. ; pf. P. babhā́ja A1. bhejé RV. &c ; 2. sg. babhaktha S3Br. ; bhejitha Pa1n2. 6-4 , 122 ; aor. P. 2. 3. sg. abhāk RV. Br. ; abhākṣīt,°kṣus BhP. ; Subj. bhakṣat RV. ; A1. ábhakṣi , °kta RV. &c ; Prec. A1. bhakṣīyá RV. ; 3. sg. °kṣīṣṭa Br. ; °kṣīta SV. ; fut. bhakṣyati , °te Br. &c ; bhajiṣyati,°te MBh. &c ; bhaktā Gr. ; inf. bhaktum Br. &c ; bhajitum MBh. ; ind.p. bhaktvā AV. &c , °tvāya RV. ; -bhajya and -bhā́jam Br. ) , to divide , distribute , allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.) , share with (instr.) RV. &c ;

(A1.) to grant , bestow , furnish , supply ib. ;

A1. (rarely P.) to obtain as one's share , receive as (two acc.) , partake of , enjoy (also carnally) , possess , have (acc. , Ved. also gen.) ib. ;

(A1. , rarely P.) to turn or resort to , engage in , assume (as a form) , put on (garments) , experience , incur , undergo , feel , go or fall into (with acc. , esp. of abstract noun e.g. bhītim , to feel terror ; nidrām , to fall asleep ; maunam , to become silent) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to pursue , practise , cultivate Mn. R. Sus3r. ;

to fall to the lot or share of (acc.) MBh. R. &c ;

to declare for , prefer , choose (e.g. as a servant) MBh. ;

to serve , honour , revere , love , adore MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. bhājáyate , °te (aor. abībhajuḥ S3Br. , ababhājat Gr.) , to divide Su1ryas. ;

to deal out , distribute Gaut. ;

to cause any one (acc.) to partake of or enjoy (acc. or gen.) RV. S3Br. ;

to put to flight , pursue , chase , drive into (acc.) Bhat2t2. ;

to cook , dress (food) Vop. : Desid. bibhakṣati , °te MBh. (cf. √ bhikṣ): Intens. bābhajyate , bābhakti , Gr2. ?? [cf. Gk. φαγεῖν , φαγός , φηγός ; Lat. fa1gus ; Goth. Old S. bo1k ; Germ. Buch , Buchstabe ; Eng. buck- , beech.]


(H2) bhaktí [L=147660] f. distribution , partition , separation RV. Ta1n2d2Br. &c (cf. kṣetra- , bhaṅgī-bh°)
[L=147661] a division , portion , share AitBr.
[p= 743,2] [p= 743,1] [L=147662] a division of a sāman (also called vidhi , of which 7 or 5 are enumerated) La1t2y. S3am2k.
[L=147663] division by streaks or lines Ragh.
[L=147664] a streak , line , variegated decoration Hariv. Ka1v.
[L=147665] a row , series , succession , order (°tyā ind. and °ti-tas ind. in succession) RPra1t.
[L=147666] (ifc.) the being a part of (ajbhakteḥ , " on the part of the vowels ") , belonging to Siddh. &c
[L=147667] that which belongs to or is contained in anything else , an attribute Nir. Pra1t.
[L=147668] predisposition (of body to any disease) Car.
[L=147669] attachment , devotion , fondness for , devotion to (with loc. , gen. or ifc.) , trust , homage , worship , piety , faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation , together with karman , " works " , and jñāna , " spiritual knowledge " ; cf. IW. 326 RTL. 97) S3vetUp. Bhag. Ka1v. Pur. &c
[L=147670] (ifc.) assumption of the form of Megh. 61
[L=147671] often w.r. for bhaṅgi or bhukti

(H1) bhága [p= 742,3] [L=147581] » [p= 743,2].
(H2) bhága [p= 743,2] [L=147751] m. (ifc. f(ā and ī). g. bahv-ādi) " dispenser " , gracious lord , patron (applied to gods , esp. to savitṛ) RV. AV.
[p= 743,3] [L=147752] N. of an āditya (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage , brother of the Dawn , regent of the nakṣatra uttara-phalgunī ; yāska enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere ; according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by rudra) ib. &c
[L=147753] the nakṣatra uttara-phalgunī MBh. vi , 81
[L=147754] the sun ib. iii , 146
[L=147755] the moon L.
[L=147756] N. of a rudra MBh.
[L=147757] good fortune , happiness , welfare , prosperity RV. AV. Br. Ya1jn5. BhP.
[L=147758] (ifc. f(ā). ) dignity , majesty , distinction , excellence , beauty , loveliness RV. AV. Br. Gr2S. BhP.
[L=147759] (also n. L. ) love , affection , sexual passion , amorous pleasure , dalliance RV. AV. Br. Ka1tyS3r. BhP.
[L=147760] (n. L. ; ifc. f(ā).) the female organs , pudendum muliebre , vulva Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) bhága [L=147762] n. a partic. muhūrta Cat.
(H2B) bhága [L=147763] n. the perinaeum of males L.
(H2B) bhága [L=147764] mn. = yatna , prayatna , kīrti , yaśas , vairāgya , icchā , jñāna , mukti , mokṣa , dharma , śrī L. [cf. Zd. bagha = Old Pers. baga ; Gk. Βαγαῖος ;Slav. bogu8 , bogatu8 ; Lith. bago4tas , na-ba4gas.] ,

(H3) bhartṛ́--sneha [p= 748,1] [L=148846] m. love of a husband

(H4) bhartṛ́--sneha---parī* ta [L=148847] mfn. filled with love to a husband R.

(H3) bhavá--bhāva [p= 749,1] [L=149034] m. love of worldly existence , NilarUp. (cf. -manyu).

(H3) bhávat--sneha [p= 749,2] [L=149113] m. the love for your ladyship or for you R.

(H3) bhasma--gātra [p= 750,2] [L=149329] m. " whose limbs are (reduced to) ashes " , N. of the god of love , Pracan2d2.

(H1) bhāvá [p= 754,2] [L=150178] m. ( √ bhū) becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance S3vetUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c
[L=150179] turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) MBh. RPra1t.
[L=150180] continuance (opp. to cessation ; eko*ti-bhāva , continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh. , wrongly translated under eko*ti-bh°) MBh.
[L=150181] state , condition , rank (with sthāvira , old age ; anyam bhāvam āpadyate , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything , esp. ifc. e.g. bālabhāva , the state of being a child , childhood = bālatā , or tva ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. tanutā-bhāva , the state of thinness) Up. S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=150182] true condition or state , truth , reality (ibc. and °vena ind. really , truly) MBh. Hariv.
[L=150183] manner of being , nature , temperament , character (eko bhāvaḥ or eka-bh° , a simple or artless nature ; bhāvo bhāvaṃ nigacchati = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150184] manner of acting , conduct , behaviour Ka1v. Sa1h.
[L=150185] any state of mind or body , way of thinking or feeling , sentiment , opinion , disposition , intention (yādṛśena bhāvena , with whatever disposition of mind ; bhāvam amaṅgalaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to be ill disposed against ; bhāvaṃ dṛḍhaṃ- √kṛ , to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150186] (in rhet.) passion , emotion (2 kinds of bhāvas are enumerated , the sthāyin or primary , and vyabhicārin or subordinate ; the former are 8 or 9 according as the rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9 ; the latter 33 or 34) Ka1v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c
[L=150187] conjecture , supposition Mn. Pan5cat.
[L=150188] purport , meaning , sense (iti bhāvaḥ , " such is the sense " = ity arthaḥ or ity abhiprā*yaḥ , constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations)
[L=150189] love , affection , attachment (bhāvaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to feel an affection for) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150190] the seat of the feelings or affections , heart , soul , mind (parituṣṭena bhāvena , with a pleased mind) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150191] that which is or exists , thing or substance , being or living creature (sarva-bhāvāḥ , all earthly objects ; bhāvāḥ sthāvara-jaṅgamāḥ , plants and animals) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c
[L=150192] (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mr2icch. Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.
[L=150193] (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.
[L=150194] an astrological house or lunar mansion ib.
[L=150195] N. of the 27th kalpa (s.v.) ib.
[L=150196] of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
[L=150197] (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb , the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. pacyate , " there is cooking " or " cooking is going on ") Pa1n2. 3-1 , 66 ; 107 &c
[L=150198] N. of the author of the bhāvaprakāśa (= miśra-bhāva) Cat.
[L=150199] wanton sport , dalliance L.
[L=150200] birth L.
[L=150201] place of birth , the womb L.
[L=150202] the world , universe L.
[L=150203] an organ of sense L.
[L=150204] superhuman power L.
[L=150205] the Supreme Being L.
[L=150206] advice , instruction L.
[L=150207] contemplation , meditation L. (cf. -samanvita).
(H2) bhāva [p= 760,2] [L=151460] &c » p.754 &c

(H3) bhāvá--ja [p= 754,2] [L=150227] m. " heart-born " , love or the god of love W.

(H3) bhāvá--bandhana [p= 754,3] [L=150257] mfn. fettering or joining hearts (as love) Ragh.

(H3) bhāvá--stha [L=150309] mfn. being in love , enamoured Kum.

(H3) bhāvā* kūta [L=150313] n. the first emotions of love Amar.

(H3) bhāvai* ka-rasa [p= 755,1] [L=150339] mfn. influenced solely by the sentiment of love Kum.

(H4) máda--kala---yuvati [p= 778,1] [L=155357] f. a young woman intoxicated with love ib.

(H3) máda--rāga [L=155392] m. " affected by passion or by intoxication " , the god of love L.
[L=155393] a cock L.
[L=155394] a drunken man MW.

(H3) madā* lāpin [L=155436] m. " uttering sounds of love or joy " , the Indian cuckoo or koil L.

(H2) mádana [p= 778,2] [L=155460] m. (ifc. f(ā).) passion , love or the god of love MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=155461] a kind of embrace L.
[L=155462] the season of spring L.
[L=155463] a bee L.
[L=155464] (?) bees-wax (» paṭṭikā)
[L=155465] Vanguiera Spinosa Sus3r.
[L=155466] a thorn-apple and various other plants (e.g. Phaseolus Radiatus , Acacia Catechu &c ) L.
[L=155467] a bird L.
[L=155468] (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
[L=155469] (in astrol.) N. of the 7th mansion Var.
[L=155470] N. of various men and authors (also with ācārya , bhaṭṭa , sarasvatī &c ; cf. below) Ra1jat. Inscr. Cat.
(H2B) mádana [L=155476] n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating MW.
(H2B) mádana [L=155477] n. (scil. astra) , N. of a mythical weapon R. (v.l. mādana)
(H2B) mádana [L=155478] n. bees-wax L.
(H2B) mádana [L=155479] mfn. = mandrá Nir.

(H3) mádana--kaṇṭaka [L=155480] m. erection of hair caused by a thrill of love A.
[L=155481] Vanguiera Spinosa L.

(H3) mádana--kalaha [L=155482] m. a love-quarrel Ma1lati1m.

(H3) mádana--kliṣṭa [L=155485] mfn. pained by love S3ak.

(H3) mádana--gopāla [L=155487] m. " herdsman of love " , N. of kṛṣṇa PadmaP.
[L=155488] N. of the preceptor of vaikuṇṭha-purī Cat.

(H3) mádana--tantra [L=155491] n. the science of sexual love Das3.

(H3) mádana--tṛṣṇā [L=155492] f. " love-thirst " , N. of a dancing girl Kautukas.

(H3) mádana--pāthaka [L=155505] m. " announcer of love or the spring " , the Indian cuckoo L.

(H3) mádana--bādhā [L=155514] f. the pain or disquietude of love Vikr.

(H3) mádana--bhavana [L=155515] n. " abode of love or matrimony " , (in astrol.) a partic. station or state of the heavenly bodies L.

(H3) mádana--maya [L=155524] mf(ī)n. entirely under the influence of the god of love Ka1v.

(H3) mádana--mohana [L=155533] m. " the infatuater of the god of love " , N. of kṛṣṇa PadmaP.

(H3) mádana--lekha [p= 778,3] [L=155543] m. a love-letter S3ak.

(H3) mádana--vaśa [L=155548] mfn. influenced by love , enamoured A.

(H3) mádana--vahni-śikhā* valī [L=155549] f. the flame of the fire of love , S3r2in3ga1r.

(H3) mádana--śikhipīḍā [L=155555] f. the pain of the fire of love Kuval.

(H3) mádana--saṃdesa [L=155559] m. a message of love Ma1lav.

(H3) madanā* tura [L=155570] mfn. love-sick Ragh.

(H3) madanā* rṇava [L=155578] m. " love-dwelling " , pudendum muliebre L.
[L=155578.1] a lotus L.
[L=155578.2] a sovereign , prince L.
[L=155578.3] = °na-bhavana L.

(H3) madanā* vastha [L=155579] mfn. being in a state of love , enamoured S3ak.

(H3B) madanā* vasthā [L=155580] f. the being in love Ratna7v.

(H3) madano* tsuka [L=155586] mfn. pining or languid with love Vikr.

(H3) madano* daya [L=155587] m. " rising of love " , N. of wk.

(H3) madano* dyānāna [L=155588] n. " love's garden " , N. of a garden Ma1lati1m.

(H2) madanāya [L=155593] Nom. A1. °yate , to resemble the god of love Hariv.

(H2) madanīya [L=155594] mfn. intoxicating Nir.
[L=155595] exciting passion or love R2itus.

(H2) madayitnu [L=155605] m. " intoxicating &c " , (only L. ) the god of love
[L=155606] a distiller of spirituous liquor
[L=155607] a drunken man
[L=155608] a cloud
(H2B) madayitnu [L=155609] mn. spirituous liquor.

(H3) mádhu--dīpa [p= 779,3] [L=155875] m. " lamp of spring " , the god of love L.

(H3) mádhu--sakha [p= 780,3] [L=156112] m. " friend of spring " , the god of love L.

(H3) mádhu--sahāya [L=156120] m. " having Spring for a companion " , the god of love Cat.

(H3) mádhu--sārathi [L=156122] m. " having Spring for a charioteer " , the god of love L.

(H3) mádhu--suhṛd [L=156124] m. " friend of spring " , the god of love ib. Sch.

(H3) manaḥ--saṅga [p= 783,3] [L=156745] m. attachment of the mind , fixing the thoughts (on a beloved one ; second stage of love) Prata1p.

(H3) manasi--ja [p= 784,1] [L=156825] m. " heart-born " , love or the god of love Ka1v.
[L=156826] the moon Ra1matUp.

(H4) manasi--ja---taru [L=156827] m. love conceived as a tree Ma1lav.

(H3) manasi--manda [L=156829] mfn. slow or inert in love MW.

(H4) manasi--manda---ruj [L=156830] f. pain of love Vikr.

(H3) mano--ja [p= 785,1] [L=157009] m. " mind-born " love or the god of love Ka1v.

(H3) mano--dāhin [L=157059] m. " heart-inflamer " , the god of love , L.

(H3) mano--bhava [p= 785,2] [L=157076] mfn. " mind-born " , arising or being in the mind , imaginary BhP.
(H3B) mano--bhava [L=157077] m. (ifc. f(ā).) love (opp. to krodha) MBh.
(H3B) mano--bhava [L=157078] m. sexual love or the god of love ib. Ka1v. &c

(H4) mano--bhava---druma [L=157079] m. love compared to a tree , Ka1v.

(H4) mano--bhava---śāsana [L=157080] m. " chastiser of the god of love " , N. of śiva Bha1m.

(H4) mano--bha° vā* gāra [L=157081] n. " abode of love " , pudendum muliebre Bhpr.

(H3) mano--bhū [L=157090] m. " mind-born " , love or the god of love Ka1v. Katha1s.

(H3) mano--mathana [L=157092] m. " heart-agitator " , the god of love Pan5car.

(H3) mano--yoni [L=157102] m. " mind-born " , N. of the god of love L.

(H1) manmatha [p= 788,3] [L=157922] m. (either an Intens. form fr. √ math , or fr. man = manas matha , " agitating " ; cf. mandeha and mandhātṛ) love or the god of love , amorous passion or desire (ifc. f(ā).) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=157923] Feronia Elephantum L.
[L=157924] the 29th (3rd) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
[L=157925] N. of a physician and various other men Cat.

(H3) manmatha--kara [L=157927] m. " causing love " , N. of a being attending on skanda MBh.

(H3) manmatha--bandhu [L=157928] m. " friend of love " , the moon Vcar.

(H3) manmatha--math [L=157929] mfn. destroying the god of love Ba1lar.

(H3) manmatha--manmatha [L=157930] m. a god of love agitating the god of love BhP.

(H3) manmatha--yuddha [L=157931] n. strife of love , amorous strife or contest R.

(H3) manmatha--lekha [L=157932] m. a love-letter S3ak.

(H3) manmatha--vat [L=157933] mfn. being in love , enamoured R.

(H3) manmatha--sakha [L=157934] m. friend of love , the spring L.

(H3) manmatha--saṃjīvanī [L=157935] f. " exciting love " , N. of a surā*ṅganā Sin6ha7s.

(H3) manmatha--samāna [L=157936] mfn. feeling similar love Das3.

(H3) manmathā* nanda [L=157938] m. " love's joy " , a kind of mango L.

(H3) manmathā* nala [L=157939] m. the fire of love , S3a1ntis3.

(H3) manmathā* yatana [L=157940] n. " love's abode " , pudendum muliebre MBh.

(H3) manmathā* viṣṭa [L=157944] mfn. penetrated or inflamed by love R.

(H3) manmatho* ddīpana [p= 789,1] [L=157946] n. the act of kindling or inflaming love R2itus.

(H2) manmathin [L=157947] mfn. enamoured , impassioned , in love W.

(H1) manmana [L=157949] m. confidential whisper (= karṇa-mūle guptā*lāpa) Ka1vya7d. Sch.
[L=157950] love or the god of love ib.

(H3) mahā́--° nurāga [p= 797,1] [L=159923] (°hā*n°) m. great love , excessive affection MW.

(H3) maho* tsava [p= 802,2] [L=161299] m. (ifc. f(ā).) a great festival , any great rejoicing MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=161300] the god of love L.

(H2) mā́dana [p= 808,1] [L=162484] mfn. exhilarating , delighting RV.
[L=162485] maddening. intoxicating Sus3r.
(H2B) mā́dana [L=162486] m. the god of love L.
(H2B) mā́dana [L=162487] m. Vanguiera Spinosa L.
(H2B) mā́dana [L=162488] m. the thorn-apple L.
(H2B) mā́dana [L=162490] n. intoxication , exhilaration L.
(H2B) mā́dana [L=162491] n. " stupefier " , N. of a mythical weapon. R. (v.l. madana).

(H3) mādhavā* nala [p= 808,2] [L=162589] m. N. of an author
(H3B) mādhavā* nala [L=162590] n. N. of a love-story

(H3) mānasá--janman [p= 810,1] [L=162947] m. " mind-born " , the god of love Katha1s.

(H1) mānmatha [p= 810,3] [L=163046] mf(ī)n. (fr. manmatha) relating to or concerning love , produced by love , filled with love &c Ka1v.
[L=163047] belonging to the god of love Vcar.

(H1) mā* patya [L=163058] n. (prob. fr. mā apatya , " by no means a child " or " not a child " , scil. in the ordinary sense ; accord. to others fr. Caus. of √ me) N. of the god of love L.

(H1) māra [p= 811,3] [L=163215] mfn. ( √ mṛ) killing , destroying
(H1B) māra [L=163216] m. death , pestilence VarBr2S. AV.Paris3.
(H1B) māra [L=163217] m. slaying , killing Ra1jat. (cf. paśu-m°)
(H1B) māra [L=163218] m. an obstacle , hindrance Va1s.
(H1B) māra [L=163219] m. the passion of love , god of love Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H1B) māra [L=163220] m. (with Buddhists) the Destroyer , Evil One (who tempts men to indulge their passions and is the great enemy of the buddha and his religion ; four māras are enumerated in Dharmas. 80 , viz. skandha- , kleśa- , devaputra- , and mṛtyu-m° ; but the later Buddhist theory of races of gods led to the figment of millions of māras ruled over by a chief māra) MWB. 208 &c
(H1B) māra [L=163221] m. the thorn-apple L.
(H1B) māra [L=163223] m. pestilence (also personified as the goddess of death and identified with durgā) AV.Paris3. Katha1s. Pur.

(H3) māra--mohita [L=163234] mfn. infatuated by the god of love Katha1s.

(H3) māra--ripu [L=163235] m. " enemy of the god of love " , N. of śiva Prasannar.

(H3) māra--vat [L=163236] mfn. full of love , enamoured Nalo7d.

(H2) mārīya [L=163267] mfn. belonging to the god of love Katha1s.

(H2) mārgaṇa [p= 812,3] [L=163443] mfn. (ifc.) desiring , requiring , asking MBh.
[L=163444] seeking , investigating MW.
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163445] m. a beggar , suppliant , mendicant Ra1jat.
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163446] m. an arrow MBh. R. &c
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163447] m. a symbolical expression for the number 5 (derived from the 5 arrows of the god of love) Su1ryas.
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163448] n. the act of seeking or searching for , investigation , research , inquiry TBr. Comm. MBh. R. &c
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163449] n. the act of begging , solicitation , affectionate solicitation or inquiry (also f(ā).) L.
(H2B) mārgaṇa [L=163450] n. a bow (16384 hastas long?) L.

(H3) mīna--ketā* na [p= 818,3] [L=164618] m. " fish-bannered " , the God of love L.

(H1) múrmura [p= 824,1] [L=165845] m. (onomat.) an expiring ember MaitrS.
[L=165846] burning chaff Ka1v. (v.l. murmara)
[L=165847] the smell of the urine of a cow (mfn. smelling like the urine of a cow) L.
[L=165848] the god of love L.
[L=165849] N. of one of the horses of the Sun L.

(H3) muṣitá--trapa [p= 824,2] [L=165876] mfn. one in whom the sense of shame has been destroyed (by love) Katha1s.

(H2) muhira [p= 825,1] [L=166049] m. a fool , blockhead L. (cf. muhera)
(H2B) muhira [L=166050] m. " bewilderer " , N. of the god of love L.

(H2) mṛtyú [p= 827,3] [L=166700] m. (very rarely f.) death , dying RV. &c , &c
[L=166701] (deaths of different kinds are enumerated , 100 from disease or accident and one natural from old age ; ifc. = " disease caused by or through ")
[L=166702] Death personified , the god of disease (sometimes identified with yama or with viṣṇu ; or said to be a son of adharma by nirṛti or of brahmā or of kali or of māyā ; he has also the patronymics prādhvaṃsana and sāmparāyaṇa , and is sometimes reckoned among the 11 rudras , and sometimes regarded as vyāsa in the 6th dvāpara or as a teacher &c ) S3Br. MBh. Pur. &c
[p= 828,1] [L=166703] N. of the god of love L.
[L=166704] of a partic. ekā*ha S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=166705] of the 8th astrol. house VarBr2S.
[L=166706] of the 17th astrol. yoga Col. (mṛtyor harah and mrityor vikarṇa-bhāse N. of sāmans) .
(H1) mṛtyu [p= 830,1] [L=167217] &c » [p= 827,3].
(H2) mṛtyu [p= 1331,3] [L=338350] (in comp.)

(H4) mṛgā* ṅka---bandhu [p= 829,1] [L=166986] m. the god of love Ba1lar.

(H2) mohana [p= 836,1] [L=168603] mf(ī)n. depriving of consciousness , bewildering , confusing , perplexing , leading astray , infatuating MBh. R. &c
(H2B) mohana [L=168604] m. the thorn-apple L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168605] m. N. of śiva R.
(H2B) mohana [L=168606] m. N. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love Vet.
(H2B) mohana [L=168607] m. of various other authors and men Katha1s. S3ukas. Cat.
(H2B) mohana [L=168609] m. Trigonella Corniculata L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168611] m. a partic. illusion or delusion Sarvad.
(H2B) mohana [L=168612] m. a partic. incantation Katha1s.
(H2B) mohana [L=168613] m. N. of an apsaras Pan5car.
(H2B) mohana [L=168614] m. of a female demon (daughter of garbha-hantṛ) Ma1rkP.
(H2B) mohana [L=168615] m. of one of the nine śaktis of viṣṇu L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168616] n. the being deluded or infatuated , delusion , infatuation , embarrassment , mistake Nir. Bhag. Gi1t.
(H2B) mohana [L=168617] n. stupor , being stupefied Sus3r.
(H2B) mohana [L=168618] n. sexual intercourse Ka1v. Sa1h.
(H2B) mohana [L=168619] n. the act of perplexing , puzzling , bewildering R. Gi1t. Ma1rkP.
(H2B) mohana [L=168620] n. any means employed for bewildering others Das3.
(H2B) mohana [L=168621] n. temptation , seduction W.
(H2B) mohana [L=168622] n. a magical charm used to bewilder an enemy
(H2B) mohana [L=168623] n. the formula used in that process (esp. the hymns AV. iii , 1 , 2) Kaus3.
(H2B) mohana [L=168624] n. N. of a town MBh.

(H3) mohanā* stra [p= 836,2] [L=168634] n. N. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love Katha1s.
[L=168635] a weapon which stupefies or fascinates the person against whom it is directed MW.

(H2) mohita [L=168642] mfn. stupefied , bewildered , infatuated , deluded (often in comp. e.g. kāma-m° , infatuated by love) MBh. R. &c

(H3) yáthā--prīti [p= 842,2] [L=169842] mfn. in accordance with love or affection MBh.

(H3) yauvana--sukha [p= 859,2] [L=172986] n. the joys of youth or of love Mr2icch.

(H3) yauvano* dbheda [L=172992] m. the ardour of youthful passion L.
[L=172993] the god of love L.

(H1) ra 1 [L=173008] the 2nd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels ṛ and ṝ , and having the sound of r in ring).
(H1) ra 2 [L=173014] (in prosody) a cretic (- $ -) Pin3g.
(H1) ra 3 [L=173016] mfn. ( √ rā) acquiring , possessing Naish.
[L=173017] giving , effecting S3is3.
(H1B) ra 3 [L=173018] m. (only L. ) fire , heat
(H1B) ra 3 [L=173019] m. love , desire
(H1B) ra 3 [L=173020] m. speed
(H1B) ra 3 [p= 859,3] [L=173022] m. giving
(H1B) ra 3 [L=173023] m. gold
(H1B) ra 3 [L=173025] n. brightness , splendour (used in explaining an etymology) L.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.30, 26.58
Whitney Roots links: raj2
(H1) rañj [p= 861,2] [L=173342]
or raj cl.1.4. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 30 ; xxvi , 58) rajati , °te (only Gr. ; -rañjati R. vii , 99 , 11) or rajyati,°te (Gr. also pf. P. rarañja , 3rd du. rarajatuḥ or rarañjatuḥ ; A1. rarañje ; aor. arāṅkṣīt , araṅkta ; Prec. rajyāt , raṅkṣīṣṭa ; fut. raṅktā ; raṅkṣyati,°te ; inf. raṅktum ; ind.p. raktvā or raṅktvā) , to be dyed or coloured , to redden , grow red , glow AV. Ka1v. ;

to be affected or moved , be excited or glad , be charmed or delighted by (instr.) , be attracted by or enamoured of , fall in love with (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

(rajati , °te) , to go Naigh. ii , 14 : Caus. rajayati (only AV. ) and rañjayati , °te (aor. arīrajat or ararañjat ; Pass. rajyate ; aor. arañji or arāñji) , to dye , colour , paint , redden , illuminate AV. &c ;

to rejoice , charm , gratify , conciliate MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to worship Naigh. iii , 14 (rajayati mṛgān = ramayati mṛgān Pa1n2. 6-4 , 24 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. ) : Desid. riraṅkṣati , °te Gr.: Intens. rārajīti (Gr. also rārajyate and rāraṅkti) , to be greatly excited , exult RV. ix , 5 , 2 (others " to shine bright "). [cf. Gk. ρ῾έζω , " to dye " , ρ῾εγεύς , " dyer. "]


(H2) rakta [L=173343] mf(ā)n. coloured , dyed , painted Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 1)
[L=173344] reddened , red , crimson S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. Ka1v. &c (said of 5 or 7 parts of the body which ought to be red MBh. iv , 253 VarBr2S. lxviii , 84)
[L=173345] " coloured or modified by nasalization " , nasalized (said of a vowel) RPra1t. (cf. raṅga)
[L=173346] excited , affected with passion or love , impassioned , enamoured , charmed with (instr.) , attached or devoted to , fond of (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=173347] beloved , dear , lovely , pleasant , sweet Ka1v.
[L=173348] fond of play , engaging in pastime , sporting L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173349] m. red colour L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173350] m. safflower L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173351] m. Barringtonia Acutangula L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173352] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H2B) rakta [L=173353] m. of the planet Mars VarBr2S. Sch.
(H2B) rakta [L=173355] m. Abrus Precatorius (or its seeds as a measure or weight , = raktikā) Car.
(H2B) rakta [L=173356] m. Rubia Munjista L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173357] m. Echinops Echinatus L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173358] m. N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173359] m. (in music) N. of a śruti Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) rakta [L=173360] n. blood Mn. Hariv. &c
(H2B) rakta [L=173361] n. a partic. disease of the eyes , Hcat.
(H2B) rakta [L=173362] n. the menstrual fluid L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173363] n. copper L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173364] n. vermilion L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173365] n. cinnabar L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173366] n. saffron L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173367] n. the fruit of Flacourtia Cataphracta L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173368] n. = padmaka L.

(H3) rakta--bhāva [p= 862,1] [L=173555] mfn. being in love , amorous , enamoured Hariv.

(H1) raṅga [p= 860,3] [L=173262] raṅgita,raṅgin » p.862.
(H2) raṅga [p= 862,2] [L=173748] m. colour , paint , dye , hue MBh. Sus3r. Lalit.
[L=173749] the nasal modification of a vowel S3iksh.
[L=173750] a place for public amusement or for dramatic exhibition , theatre , play-house , stage , arena , any place of assembly MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=173751] the members of an assembly , audience S3ak. Sa1m2khyak. Das3ar.
[L=173752] a dancing-place L.
[L=173753] a field of battle L.
[L=173754] diversion , mirth L.
[L=173755] love L.
(H2B) raṅga [L=173756] m. (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
[L=173757] borax L.
[L=173758] an extract obtained from Acacia Catechu L.
[L=173759] N. of a man Ra1jat.
[L=173760] of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa and jyotir-vid) Cat.
(H2B) raṅga [L=173762] n. (m.) tin (= vaṅga) L.

(H2) rañjaka [p= 863,2] [L=174023] mf(ikā)n. colouring , dyeing S3a1rn3gS.
[L=174024] exciting passion or love , charming , pleasing Cat.
(H2B) rañjaka [p= 863,3] [L=174025] m. a colourist , dyer , painter Mn. iv , 216
(H2B) rañjaka [L=174026] m. an inciter of affection &c , stimulus W.
(H2B) rañjaka [L=174027] m. the red powder on the capsules of the Rottleria Tinctoria L.
(H2B) rañjaka [L=174028] m. biliary humour on which vision depends W.
(H2B) rañjaka [L=174030] n. cinnabar L.
(H2B) rañjaka [L=174031] n. vermilion L.

(H3) ráṇa--raṇaka [p= 864,1] [L=174124] m. ( Ma1lati1m. Uttarar. &c ) or n. ( L. ) or f(ā). ( Das3. ) longing , anxiety , anxious regret for some beloved object
(H3B) ráṇa--raṇaka [L=174125] mn. desire , love W.
(H3B) ráṇa--raṇaka [L=174126] m. the god of love Dhu1rtan.

(H1) rátha 1 [p= 865,2] [L=174494] m. ( √4. ṛ) " goer " , a chariot , car , esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the anas q.v.) , any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods) , waggon , cart RV. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=174495] a warrior , hero , champion MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=174496] the body L.
[L=174497] a limb , member , part L.
[L=174498] Calamus Rotang L.
[L=174499] Dalbergia Ougeinensis L.
[L=174500] = pauruṣa L.
(H1) ratha 2 [p= 866,2] [L=174786] m. ( √ ram) pleasure , joy , delight (cf. mano-ratha)
[L=174787] affection , love (cf. next).
(H2) ratha [p= 1331,3] [L=338620] (in comp.)

(H1) rata [p= 864,2] [L=174224] rati &c » under √ram , p.867 , cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) ratá [p= 867,2] [L=174929] mfn. pleased , amused , gratified BhP.
[L=174930] delighting in , intent upon , fond or enamoured of , devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to (loc. instr. or comp.) S3Br. &c
[L=174931] (ifc.) having sexual intercourse with BhP.
[L=174932] loved , beloved MW.
(H2B) ratá [L=174934] n. pleasure , enjoyment , (esp.) enjoyment of love , sexual union , copulation Ka1v. Var. &c
(H2B) ratá [L=174935] n. the private parts L.

(H3) ratá--nārāca [L=174943] m. (only L. ) a voluptuary
[L=174944] m. a dog
[L=174945] m. the god of love
[L=174946] m. lascivious murmur.

(H3) ratá--nārīca [L=174947] m. (only L. ) a voluptuary
[L=174948] a dog
[L=174949] the god of love
[L=174950] lascivious murmur.

(H2) rati [p= 867,3] [L=174974] f. rest , repose VS. S3a1n3khGr2.
[L=174975] pleasure , enjoyment , delight in , fondness for (loc. or comp. ; ratim with √ āp , labh , upa-labh , adhi-gam , vidkṛ or bandh and loc. , " to find pleasure in ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=174976] the pleasure of love , sexual passion or union , amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of kāma-deva , together with prīti q.v.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=174977] the pudenda L.
[L=174978] = rati-gṛha , pleasure-house VarBr2S.
[L=174979] N. of the sixth kala of the Moon Cat.
[L=174980] of an apsaras MBh.
[L=174981] of the wife of vibhu (mother of pṛthu-ṣeṇa) BhP.
[L=174982] of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.
[L=174983] of the letter n Up.
[L=174984] of a metre Col.

(H3) rati--kara [L=174985] mf(ī)n. causing pleasure or joy R. BhP.
[L=174986] being in love , enamoured (= kāmin) VarBr2S.
(H3B) rati--kara [L=174987] m. a partic. samādhi L.

(H3) rati--jña [L=175003] mfn. skilled in the art of love Hit.

(H3) rati--pati [L=175009] m. " rati's husband " , kāma-deva , the god of love Ka1v. Pur.

(H3) rati--rasa [L=175038] m. the taste or pleasure of love Amar.
(H3B) rati--rasa [L=175039] mfn. as sweet as love Megh.

(H3) rati--rahasya [L=175041] n. " mysteries of love " , N. of an erotic wk. by kokkoka

(H3) rati--vardhana [L=175050] mfn. increasing love BhP.

(H3) rati--vallī [L=175051] f. love compared to a creeper Katha1s.

(H3) rati--śūra [L=175053] m. " love-hero " , a man of great generative power Pan5car.

(H3) rati--saṃhita [L=175055] mfn. accompanied with love , abounding in affection MW.

(H3) rati--sarvasva [L=175058] n. the whole essence of love S3ak.
[L=175059] N. of wk.

(H2) ratī [p= 868,1] [L=175068] f. m.c. for rati , the goddess of love MBh. Hariv.

(H2) rama [L=175086] mfn. pleasing , delighting , rejoicing (only ifc. ; cf. mano-r°)
[L=175087] dear , beloved W.
(H2B) rama [L=175088] m. (only L. ) joy
(H2B) rama [L=175089] m. a lover , husband , spouse
(H2B) rama [L=175090] m. kāma-deva , the god of love
(H2B) rama [L=175091] m. the red-flowering aśoka

(H3) ramaka--tva [L=175095] n. love , affection ib.

(H2) ramaṇa [L=175096] mf(ī)n. pleasing , charming , delightful BhP.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175097] m. a lover , husband (cf. kṣapā-r°) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175098] m. kāma-deva , the god of love L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175099] m. an ass L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175100] m. a testicle L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175101] m. a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175102] m. = tinduka L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175103] m. N. of aruṇa or the charioteer of the Sun L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175104] m. of a mythical son of manoharā MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175105] m. of a man Pravar.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175106] m. pl. N. of a people (cf. ramaṭha) MBh.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175111] n. pleasure , joy Subh.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175112] n. dalliance , amorous sport , sexual union , copulation Nir. S3ukas.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175113] n. decoying (of deer) S3is3. vi , 9 (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 24 Va1rtt. 3)
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175114] n. (ifc.) gladdening , delighting BhP.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175115] n. the hinder parts , pudenda (= jaghana) L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175116] n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175117] n. N. of a forest Hariv.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175118] n. of a town DivyA7v.

(H2) ramáti [L=175148] f. a place of pleasant resort AV. TBr.
(H2B) rámáti [L=175149] mfn. liking to remain in one place , not straying (said of a cow) AV. TS.
(H2B) ramáti [L=175150] m. (only L. ) a lover
(H2B) ramáti [L=175151] m. paradise , heaven
(H2B) ramáti [L=175152] m. a crow
(H2B) ramáti [L=175153] m. time
(H2B) ramáti [L=175154] m. kāma-deva , the god of love.

(H1) ravīṣu [p= 869,1] [L=175426] m. the god of love , kāmadeva L. (v.l. varīṣu).

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.63
Whitney Roots links: ras
(H1) ras 1 [p= 869,2] [L=175478]
(cf. √1. rās) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xvii , 63) rasati (rarely A1. °te ; pf. rarāsa resuḥ MBh. &c ; aor. arāsīt Gr. ; fut. rasitā , rasiṣyati ib. ; inf. rasitum ib.) , to roar , yell , cry , sound , reverberate S3Br. &c ;

to praise Naigh. iii , 14 : Caus. rāsayati (aor. arīrasat) , Gr.: Desid. rirasiṣati ib. : Intens. rārasyate (or rārasti , Gr.) , to cry out loudly , scream aloud Bhat2t2.

(H1) ras 2 [L=175485]
(rather Nom. fr. rasa below) cl.10 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxv. 77) {rasa4yati}; (rarely A1. °te ep. also rasati and rasyati) , to taste , relish S3Br. Up. MBh. &c ;

to feel , perceive , be sensible of Sa1h. ;

to love Dha1tup. : Desid. rirasayiṣati , to desire to taste S3is3.


(H2) rása [L=175486] m. (ifc. f(ā).) the sap or juice of plants , Juice of fruit , any liquid or fluid , the best or finest or prime part of anything , essence , marrow RV. &c
[L=175487] water , liquor , drink MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175488] juice of the sugar-cane , syrup Sus3r.
[L=175489] any mixture , draught , elixir , potion R. BhP.
[L=175490] melted butter L.
[L=175491] (with or scil. gavām) milk MBh.
[p= 869,3] [L=175492] (with or scil. viṣasya) poison Das3. Ra1jat.
[L=175493] nectar L.
[L=175494] soup , broth L.
[L=175495] a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body , serum , (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) ib.
[L=175496] mercury , quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body , else where as the seminal fluid of śiva) Sarvad.
[L=175497] semen virile RV. i , 105 , 2
[L=175498] myrrh L.
[L=175499] any mineral or metallic salt Cat.
[L=175500] a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. upa- , mahā-r°)
[L=175501] gold L.
[L=175502] Vanguieria Spinosa L.
[L=175503] a species of amaranth L.
[L=175504] green onion L.
[L=175505] resin L.
[L=175506] = amṛta L.
[L=175507] taste , flavour (as the principal quality of fluids , of which there are 6 original kinds , viz. madhura , sweet ; amla , sour ; lavaṇa , salt ; kaṭuka , pungent ; tikta , bitter ; and kaṣāya , astringent ; sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished , viz. beside the 6 original ones , 15 mixtures of 2 , 20 of 3 , 15 of 4 , 6 of 5 , and 1 of 6 flavours) S3Br. &c
[L=175508] N. of the number " six " VarBr2S. S3rutab.
[L=175509] any object of taste , condiment , sauce , spice , seasoning MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175510] the tongue (as the organ of taste) BhP.
[L=175511] taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. upari , or comp.) , love , affection , desire MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175512] charm pleasure , delight ib.
[L=175513] (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work , the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 rasas are generally enumerated , viz. śṛṅgāra , love ; vīra , heroism ; bībhatsa , disgust ; raudra , anger or fury ; hāsya , mirth ; bhayānaka , terror ; karuṇa , pity ; adbhuta , wonder ; śānta , tranquillity or contentment ; vātsalya , paternal fondness ; the last or last two are sometimes omitted ; cf. under bhāva) Bhar. Das3ar. Ka1vya7d. &c
[L=175514] the prevailing sentiment in human character Uttarar. Ra1jat.
[L=175515] (with vaiṣṇavas) disposition of the heart or mind , religious sentiment (there are 5 rasas or ratis forming the 5 degrees of bhakti q.v. , viz. śānti , dāsya , sākhya , vātsalya , and mādhurya) W.
[L=175516] a kind of metre Pin3g.
[L=175517] N. of the sacred syllable , " Om , " S3a1n3khGr2.
[L=175518] the son of a niṣāda and a śanakī L.

(H3) rása--jyeṣṭha [L=175574] m. the first or best taste , sweet taste , sweetness L.
[L=175575] the sentiment of love W.

(H3) rása--vat [p= 870,1] [L=175671] mfn. (rása-) full of juice or sap , juicy , succulent , strong RV. &c
[L=175671.05] moist , well watered (as a field) MBh.
[L=175671.10] filled with juice (as a cup) Kaus3.
[L=175671.15] overflowing with (instr.) Pan5car.
[L=175671.20] tasty , charming , elegant , graceful , lovely MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= 870,2] [p= 870,1] [L=175671.25] possessing love and the other rasas , impassioned , full of feeling , affected by emotions of love or jealousy &c MW.
[L=175671.30] spirited , witty ib.
(H3B) rása--vat [L=175671.40] n. a tasteful style Bhat2t2. Sch.

(H3) rasā* bhyantara [L=175755] mfn. filled with water or love Ml.

(H3) rahaḥ--stha [p= 871,1] [L=175937] mf(ā)n. standing or being in a lonely place or in private , being apart or alone Katha1s. Pan5cat.
[L=175938] being in the enjoyment of love VarBr2S.

(H1) rāga [p= 872,1] [L=176089] m. (fr. √ rañj ; ifc. ā , or ī) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. mūrdhaja-r°)
[L=176090] colour , hue , tint , dye , (esp.) red colour , redness MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=176091] inflammation Car.
[L=176092] any feeling or passion , (esp.) love , affection or sympathy for , vehement desire of , interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=176093] loveliness , beauty (esp. of voice or song) S3ak. Pan5cat.
[L=176094] a musical note , harmony , melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula ; bharata enumerates 6 , viz. bhairava , kauśika , hindola , dīpaka , śrī-rāga , and megha , each mode exciting some affection ; other writers give other names ; sometimes 7 or 26 rāgas are mentioned ; they are personified , and each of the 6 chief rāgas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called rāgiṇīs ; their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Bhar. Sam2gi1t. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c
[L=176095] nasalization , Rpra1t.
[L=176096] a partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
[L=176097] seasoning , condiment Car.
[L=176098] a prince , king L.
[L=176099] the sun L.
[L=176100] the moon L.

(H3) rāga--cūrṇa [L=176110] m. Acacia Catechu (a tree yielding an astringent resin , the wood of which is used in dyeing) L.
[L=176111] a red powder (which Hindus throw over each other at the holī festival) L.
[L=176112] lac L.
[L=176113] kāma-deva , god of love L.

(H3) rāga--cchanna [L=176114] m. " love-covered " , N. of the god of love L.
[L=176115] of rāma L.

(H3) rāga--dveṣa [L=176123] m. du. love and hatred Mn. xii , 26

(H3) rāga--rajju [L=176145] m. kāma-deva , the god of love Va1s.

(H3) rāga--vṛnta [L=176160] m. " Passion-stem " , N. of kāma-deva , the god of love L.

(H2) rāmila [p= 878,3] [L=177691] m. a lover , husband L.
[L=177692] the god of love L.
[L=177693] (also °laka) , N. of a poet Cat.

(H1) ridhama [p= 880,3] [L=178038] m. spring L.
[L=178039] love L.

(H3) rujā--kara [p= 882,3] [L=178477] mfn. causing pain , sickening Ka1vya7d.
(H3B) rujā--kara [L=178478] m. sickness , disease L.
(H3B) rujā--kara [L=178479] m. sickness induced by passion or love (said to be one of the bhāvas , q.v.) MW.
(H3B) rujā--kara [L=178480] m. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola L.

(H3) rūḍhá--praṇaya [p= 885,2] [L=178989] mfn. one whose love or affection has grown strong MW.

(H3) rūḍhá--rāga-pravāla [p= 885,3] [L=178994] mfn. (the tree of love) in which the sprouts of affection have grown strong Ma1lav.

(H3) rūpā* stra [p= 886,2] [L=179206] m. " having beauty for a weapon " , the god of love L.

(H2) rocaná [p= 888,3] [L=179744] mf(ī or ā)n. bright , shining , radiant AV. Br. Gr2S. MBh. Hariv.
[L=179745] giving pleasure or satisfaction , pleasant , charming , lovely Bhat2t2. BhP.
[p= 889,1] [L=179746] sharpening or stimulating the appetite , stomachic Sus3r.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179747] m. N. of various plants (Andersonia Rohitika ; Alangium Hexapetalum ; the pomegranate tree &c ) L.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179748] m. a partic. yellow pigment (v.l. for rocanā) MBh. (C.)
(H2B) rocaná [L=179749] m. a stomachic W.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179750] m. N. of a demon presiding over a partic. disease Hariv.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179751] m. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love (" exciter ") Cat.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179752] m. of a son of viṣṇu by dakṣiṇā BhP.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179753] m. of indra under manu svārociṣa ib.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179754] m. of one of the viśve devāḥ VP.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179755] m. of a mountain Ma1rkP.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179756] f(ā́) and (ī). » below
(H2B) rocaná [L=179757] n. light , brightness , (esp.) the bright sky , firmament , luminous sphere (of which there are said to be three ; cf. under rajas) RV. AV. Br. (in this sense sometimes f(ā).)
(H2B) rocaná [L=179758] n. pl. lights , stars AV.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179759] n. (ifc.) the causing a desire for BhP.
(H2B) rocaná [L=179760] n. (ruci-ruce r°) N. of a sāman A1rshBr.

(H4) latā* --° nta---bāṇa [p= 896,1] [L=181283.1] m. the god of love Das3.

(H4) lalita--pada---bandhana [p= 897,3] [L=181644] n. an amorous composition in verse , a metrical composition treating of love MW.

(H3) lalitā* bhinaya [L=181668] m. erotic performance , representation of love scenes Bhar.

(H4) lalitā* rtha---bandha [L=181670] mfn. composed in words of love or in words having an amorous meaning Vikr.

(H2) lālita [p= 898,1] [L=181755] mfn. (fr. Caus.) caressed , fondled , coaxed , indulged , cherished MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) lālita [L=181756] n. pleasure , joy , love MW.

(H2) lāsya [p= 899,2] [L=182034] n. dancing , a dance (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing) , a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama , and as such accord. to bharata and the daśa-rūpa consisted of 10 divisions or aṅgas , viz. geya-pada , sthita-pāṭhya , āsīna , puṣpa-gaṇḍikā , pracchedaka , tri-gūḍha or tri-mūḍhaka , saindhava , dvigūḍhaka or vimūḍhaka , uttamóttamaka , and ukta-pratyukta ; including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskrit to Prakrit and from Prakrit to Sanskrit ; the term lāsya is also applied to the Nach [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls , consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards , as invented by pārvati and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called tāṇḍava practised by śiva and his followers ; cf. IW. 467) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) lāsya [L=182035] m. a dancer Ma1rkP.
(H2B) lāsya [L=182036] m. N. of a king VP.

(H3) loká--kāmyā [p= 906,2] [L=183252] f. love towards , men ib.

(H3) lokā* nurāga [p= 907,2] [L=183489] m. the love of mankind , universal love or benevolence Sa1h.

(H2) vadhitra [p= 916,3] [L=185630] n. sexual love or the god of love Un2. iv , 172 Sch.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 13.19, 13.20, 19.42
Whitney Roots links: van
(H1) van 1 [p= 917,2] [L=185710]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xiii , 19 ; 20 ; xix , 42) vánati (Ved. also °te , and vanáti) ;

cl.8 P. A1. (xxx , 8) vanóti , vanuté (pf. vāvā́na , vāvántha , vavanmá , vavné ; p. vavanvás RV. ; aor. vanta , váṃsva ib. ; vaṃsat,°sate ib. ; vaniṣat AV. ; °ṣanta TS. ; vanuṣanta , RV. ; Pot. vaṃsīmahi , vasīmahi ib. ; Prec. vaniṣīṣṭa RV. vaṃsiṣīya AV. ; fut. vaniśā Gr. ; vaniṣyate , Sa1n3khSr. ?? ; inf. vanitum Gr. ; -vantave RV. ) , to like , love , wish , desire RV. AV. S3Br. Ka1t2h. S3a1n3khS3r. ;

to gain , acquire , procure (for one's self or others) RV. AV. S3Br. ;

to conquer , win , become master of , possess RV. AV. ;

to prepare , make ready for , aim at , attack RV. ;

to hurt , injure MW. ( Dha1tup. also " to sound " ; " to serve , honour , worship , help , aid ") : Caus. vanayati or vānayati Dha1tup. xix , 68 ;

xxxix , 33 v.l. (cf. saṃ- √van): Desid. vívāsati , °te , to attract , seek to win over RV. : Intens. (only vāvánaḥ and vāvandhí ; but cf. vanīvan) to love , like RV. [cf. Lat. venia , Venus ; Got. gawinnan ; Germ. gewinnen ; Eng. win.]

(H2) ván 2 [L=185716] = vána (only in gen. and loc. pl. vanā́m váṃsu) , " wood " or , " a wooden vessel " RV.
[L=185716.1] love , worship L.

(H1) varīṣu [p= 923,3] [L=187171] m. N. of kāma-deva , the god of love L. (cf. ravīṣu).

(H1) várya [p= 926,3] [L=187828] mf(ā)n. (fr. √2. vṛ) to be chosen , eligible , to be asked or obtained in marriage Pa1n2. 3-i , 101 Sch.
[L=187829] excellent , eminent , chief , principal , best of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) várya [L=187830] m. the god of love L.

(H3) vallabha--tā [p= 928,3] [L=188303] f. ( MBh. &c ) the being beloved or a favourite , love , favouriteship , popularity with (gen. loc. , or comp.)

(H3) vallabha--tva [L=188304] n. ( Ma1lav. ) the being beloved or a favourite , love , favouriteship , popularity with (gen. loc. , or comp.)

(H2) vasantá [p= 930,1] [L=188565] m. (n. g. ardharcā*di) " brilliant (season) " , spring (comprising accord. to some , the months caitra and vaiśākha or from the middle of March to that of May » ṛtu ; often personified and considered as a friend or attendant of kāmadeva , the god of love) RV. &c
[L=188566] a partic. metre (4 times $) Col.
[L=188567] a partic. time (in music) L.
[L=188568] diarrhoea L.
[L=188569] N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H1) vasanta [p= 933,1] [L=189189] &c » [p= 930,1].

(H3B) vasantá--jā [p= 930,1] [L=188578] f. a kind of jasmine L.
(H3B) vasantá--jā [L=188579] f. a festival in honour of the god of love W. (cf. vasanto*tsava).

(H3) vasantá--bandhu [L=188602] m. " friend of Spring " , N. of kāma-deva (god of love) Das3.

(H3) vasantá--maho* tsava [L=188606] m. the great spring-festival (in honour of the love-god) Ratna7v. (cf. vasanto*tsava).

(H3) vasantá--yodha [p= 930,2] [L=188612] m. " spring-combatant " , the god of love R2itus.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.36, 24.13, 33.70, 33.70
Whitney Roots links: vas1, vas2, vas3
(H1) vas 1 [p= 930,1] [L=188559] (encl.) acc. dat. gen. pl. of 2nd pers. pron. (cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 21 , 24 &c ) RV. &c &c
(H1) vas 2 [L=188560]
(a Vedic root connected with √1. uṣ q.v. ; not in Dha1tup. ) cl.6 P. , uccháti (pf. uvā́sa , ūṣúḥ RV. &c ; aor. avāt [?] AV. ; avasran RV. ; Cond. avatsyat S3Br. ; Ved. inf. vástave , -úṣi) , to shine , grow bright (esp. applied to the dawn) RV. ;

to bestow by shining upon (dat.) ib. i , 113 , 7 ;

(with dūré) to drive away by shining ib. vii , 77 , 4 : Caus. vāsáyati , to cause to shine RV. [cf. vasar in vasar-han ; Gk. ἔαρ for φεσαρ ;Lat. ve1r &c ]

(H1) vas 3 [p= 932,1] [L=188997]
cl.10 P. vāsayati (aor. avīvasat) , to love ;

to cut off ;

to accept , take ;

to offer ;

to kill (ni-vāsita , killed) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70 (only with prep. ; » pari- √vas ; but accord. to some the Impv. vasiṣva [ RV. viii , 70 , 10] and uṣa , " a lover " [x , 95 , 5] , and vásiṣṭha [ib. 17] belong also to this root , which has developed an obscene meaning = Gk. κεντέω , futuere) .

(H1) vas 4 [L=188998] cl.2 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 13) váste (Impv. vasiṣva RV. ; vaddhvam Kaus3. ; p. vásāna , once usāná and usámāna RV. ; pf. vavase S3is3. ; vāvase , p. °sāná RV. ; aor. avasiṣṭa ib. ; fut. vasitā Gr. ; vasiṣyate ib. ; vatsyati Hariv. 11206 ; inf. vasitum MBh. R. ; ind.p. vasitvā Mn. BhP. ; -vasya MBh. ) , to put on , invest , wear , (clothes &c ) , assume (a form &c ) , enter into RV. &c &c : Caus. vāsáyati,°te (Pass. vāsyate) , to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1. " one's self ") with (instr.) RV. Gr2S3rS. Mn. : Desid. vivasiṣate Gr.: Intens. vāvasyate,vāvastiib. [cf. Gk. ἕννυμι for ϝεσ-νυμι ;Lat. vestis ; Goth. wasjan ; Angl.Sax. werian ; Eng. wear.]
(H2) vas [L=188999] (ifc.) , clothed in , wearing (e.g. pre*ta-cūvara-vas , " wearing the garments of dead men ") . Ragh.
(H1) vas 5 [p= 932,3] [p= 932,2] [L=189096]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 36) vásati (mc. also °te ; pf. uvāsa , ūṣuḥ RV. &c ; p. vāvasāna RV. i , 46 , 13 ; -vāsāṃ cakre Up. ; aor. avātsīt AV. ; avāksam AitBr. [where it is artificially connected with vāc] ; avāstam Up. ; fut. vastā Gr. ; vatsyati,°te Br. &c ; vasiṣyati MBh. ; inf. vastum , vasitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. uṣitvā́ Br. ; uṣṭvā MBh. ; -úṣya Br. &c ) , to dwell , live , stop (at a place) , stay (esp. " overnight " , with or without rātrim or rātrīs) RV. &c ;

to remain , abide with or in (with loc. of pers. ; loc. or acc. of place , esp. with vāsam or vasatim) S3Br. &c ;

to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp. , e.g. with channa , " to continue to be covered " Ka1tyS3r. ; or with an acc. , with brahmacaryam , " to practise chastity " AitBr. ; or with an adv. e.g. with sukham , " to live pleasantly or at ease " ; with or without dūratas , " to keep aloof ") TS. &c ;

to have sexual intercourse with (loc.) Hariv. ;

to rest upon (loc.) Subh. ;

to charge or entrust with (instr.) Hariv. ;

cl.10 P. vasayati , to dwell Dha1tup. xxxv , 84 , e : Pass. uṣyate (aor. avāsi) , to be dwelt &c MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. vāsáyati , °te (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 89 ; aor. avīvasat MaitrS. : Pass. vāsyáte Br. , °ti MBh. ) , to cause to halt or stay (overnight) , lodge , receive hospitably or as a guest S3Br. MBh. &c ;

to cause to have sexual intercourse with (loc.) MatsyaP. ;

to let anything stand overnight (with tisro , scil. ratrīs , " three nights ") Kaus3. ;

to cause to wait , keep in suspense RV. ;

to delay , retard Ka1m. ;

to cause to exist , preserve S3Br. ;

to cause to be inhabited , populate (a country) Hit. ;

to put in , place upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. (anadhyāyam mukhe , to put restraint on the mouth , refrain from speaking) ;

to produce Sarvad. : Desid. vivatsati , to wish to dwell S3Br. : Intens. vāvasyate , vāvasti , to remain , be in , be engaged in MW. [cf. Goth. wisan ; Germ. wsan , ge-wesen , war &c ; Angl.Sax. wsan ; Eng. was , were.]

(H2) vás 6 [L=189099] (only in gen. vásām) , prob. either " an abode " or " a dweller " RV. v.2 , 6.
(H1) vas 7 [p= 933,1] [L=189185] (only vasiṣva , [anu]-vāvase , vāvasāná , and vástos) , to rush or aim at , attack RV. viii , 70 , 10 (cf. under √ 3 vas) ; viii , 4 , 8 ; i , 51 , 3 ; vi , 11 , 6 (?) ; i , 174 , 3.
(H1) vas 8 [L=189186] (also written bas) cl.4 P. vasyati , to be or make firm Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70.

(H3) vākya--hāriṇī [p= 936,3] [L=189963] f. a female messenger , female messenger of love L.

(H2) vātsalya [p= 939,3] [L=190637] n. (fr. vatsala) affection or tenderness (esp. towards offspring) , fondness or love for (gen. loc. or comp.) R. Ka1lid. &c

(H2) vāma 1 [p= 941,1] [L=190924] m. (for 2. and 3. » col.2) the act of vomiting g. jvalā*di
(H1) vāmá 2 [p= 941,2] [L=190969] mf(ī́ or ā)n. (fr. √1. van ; for 1. » col.1) lovely , dear , pleasant , agreeable , fair , beautiful , splendid , noble RV. &c
[L=190970] (ifc.) striving after , eager for , intent upon , fond of Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190971] m. the female breast L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190972] m. the god of love L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190973] m. N. of śiva BhP.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190974] m. of a rudra ib.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190975] m. of varuṇa L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190976] m. (with śaivas) = vāma-deva-guhya Sarvad.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190977] m. of a son of ṛcīka MBh. (B. rāma)
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190978] m. of a son of kṛṣṇa and bhadrā BhP.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190979] m. of a prince (son of dharma) Cat.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190980] m. of a son of bhaṭṭa-nārāyaṇa Kshiti7s3. (cf. -deva)
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190981] m. of one of the Moon's horses VP.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190982] m. or n. a kind of pot-herb , Chenopodium Album L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190984] m. a partic. form of durgā Pur.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190985] m. a partic. śakti Hcat.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190986] m. N. of lakṣmī W.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190987] m. of sarasvatī ib.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190988] m. of one of the mātṛs attending on skanda MBh.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190989] m. of the mother of pārśva (the 23rd arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190992] m. a she-ass L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190993] m. a female camel (cf. uṣṭra-v°)
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190994] m. a young female elephant L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190995] m. the female of the jackal L.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190996] n. a lovely thing , any dear or desirable good (as gold , horses &c ) , wealth , fortune RV. AV. Br. ChUp.
(H1B) vāmá 2 [L=190997] mfn. relating to a mare Pat. (cf. under ī f. above ) .
(H1) vā́ma 3 [L=191034] mf(ā)n. (perhaps originally identical with 2. above ) left , not right , being or situated on the left side S3Br. &c &c (the quivering of the left eye or arm is supposed to be a good omen in women and of the left arm a bad omen in men)
[L=191035] reverse , adverse , contrary , opposite , unfavourable Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=191036] crooked , oblique (am ind. sideways) BhP.
[L=191037] refractory , coy (in love) Sa1h.
[L=191038] acting in the opposite way or differently S3ak. iv , 18
[p= 941,3] [L=191039] hard , cruel Ka1v. Pur.
[L=191040] vile , wicked , base , low , bad Kir.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191041] m. or n. the left side (vāmād dakṣiṇam , from the left to the right ; vāmena , on the left side) Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191042] m. the left hand Ra1matUp.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191043] m. a snake L.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191044] m. an animal , sentient being L.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191045] n. adversity , misfortune Katha1s.
(H1B) vā́ma 3 [L=191046] n. the left-hand practices of the followers of the tantras (= vāmā*cāra q.v.) Cat.

(H3) vā́ma--śīla [L=191063] mfn. of bad character or disposition Kir.
[L=191064] refractory or timid (in love) , coy Ma1lati1m.

(H1) vāllabhya [p= 946,3] [L=192223] n. (fr. vallabha) the state of being beloved or a favourite , popularity , favour MBh. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
[L=192224] love , tenderness Ra1jat.

(H3) ví--tanu [p= 950,3] [L=193064] mf(vī)n. (ví-) extremely thin or slender MBh.
[L=193064.1] bodiless Ka1vya7d.
[L=193064.2] having no essence or reality TS.
(H3B) ví--tanu [L=193064.3] m. the god of love (cf. anaṅga) Gi1t.

(H3) vi-° kārin [p= 954,3] [L=193975] mfn. liable to change , changeable , variable VPra1t. MBh. Sus3r.
[L=193976] undergoing a change , changed into (comp.) Bhag.
[L=193977] feeling emotion , falling in love Ma1lati1m.
[L=193978] inconstant , disloyal , rebellious (» a-v°)
[L=193979] altered or changed for the worse , spoiled , corrupted Sus3r.
[L=193980] producing a change for the worse , corrupting (the mind) Hit.
(H3B) vi-° kārin [L=193981] m. n. the 33rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.

(H2B) vi-gatā 2 [p= 956,3] [L=194446] f. a girl in love with another or unfit for marriage L.

(H3) vi-gata---sneha 2 [p= 957,1] [L=194465] mfn. void of affection (-sauhṛda mfn. one who has relinquished love and friendship) MBh.

(H3) vi-° dhātṛ́ [p= 967,3] [L=196502] mf(trī)n. distributing. arranging , disposing &c
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196503] m. a distributer , disposer , arranger , accomplisher , maker , author , creator RV. &c
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196504] m. a granter , giver , bestower Kum.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196505] m. N. of brahmā (as the creator of the world and disposer of men's fate , sometimes in pl. = prajā-pati e.g. S3ak. vii , 30÷31 ; sometimes vi-dhātṛ is mentioned together with dhātṛ e.g. MBh. iii , 10419 &c ; both are supposed to be the sons of brahmā [ MBh. ] or of bhṛgu [ Pur. ] ; in VarBr2S. vidhātṛ is the regent of the 2nd tithi , while brahmā presides over the first) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196506] m. Fate or Destiny (personified) Ka1v. Hit.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196507] m. N. of viṣṇu BhP.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196508] m. of śiva S3ivag.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196509] m. of kāma (god of love) L.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196510] m. of viśva-karman MW.
(H3B) vi-° dhātṛ́ [L=196511] f. (trī) » below

(H3) vi-° dhūnana [p= 968,3] [L=196742] mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) causing to move to and fro Naish.
(H3B) vi-° dhūnana [L=196743] n. shaking , agitation Sa1h.
(H3B) vi-° dhūnana [L=196744] n. waving , undulating Cat.
(H3B) vi-° dhūnana [L=196745] n. repugnance , repulsion (as of love) Das3ar. Sch.

(H3) vi-° bhāvin [p= 978,3] [L=198433] mfn. mighty , powerful S3is3.
[L=198434] (ifc.) causing to appear (varṇa--vi-bhāvin m. N. of śiva) MBh. xiii , 1219
[L=198435] arousing a partic. emotion (esp. of love) Nalo7d.

(H3) vi-lāsa---kodaṇḍa [p= 985,2] [L=199665] m. N. of the god of love Vcar.

(H3) vi-śrānta---vigraha-katha [p= 992,1] [L=200869] mfn. one in whom , " war " or " a body " (cf. vi-graha) is out of the question i.e. " unwarlike " and " bodiless " (applied to king udayana and to the god of love) Ratna7v. i , 8

(H3) víśva--ketu [p= 992,3] [L=201030] m. " whose banner is the universe " , N. of the god of love L.
[L=201031] of aniruddha (a son of the god of love) L.

(H4) vi-ṣaṇṇa---tā [p= 996,3] [L=201896] f. dejection , sadness , languor , lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) L.

(H4) vi-ṣaṇṇa---tva [L=201896.1] n. dejection , sadness , languor , lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) L.

(H2) vi-ṣāda [L=201903] m. (ifc. f(ā).) drooping state , languor , lassitude Ma1lati1m.
[L=201904] dejection , depression , despondency (esp. as the result of unrequited love) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=201905] disappointment , despair (one of the vyabhicāras q.v.) Das3ar. Sa1h.
[L=201906] aversion , disgust Bhartr2.
[L=201907] fear , weakness MW.
[L=201908] dulness , stupidity , insensibility (= moha) ib.
(H1) vi-ṣāda [p= 997,3] [L=202155] &c » under vi- √ṣad.

(H3) vi-ṣama---bāṇa [p= 997,1] [L=201971] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love L.

(H3) vi-ṣama---viśikha [L=201980] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Cat.

(H3) vi-ṣama---śara [L=201984] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Das3.

(H3) vi-ṣa° mā* yudha [L=202001.1] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Sin6ha7s.

(H3) vi-ṣa° me* ṣu [L=202007] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love S3is3. Hit.

(H2) viṣayāyin [p= 997,2] [L=202096] m. (only L. ) a prince
[L=202097] an organ of sense
[L=202098] a man of the world , sensualist , materialist
[L=202099] N. of the god of love.

(H2) viṣayin [L=202101] mfn. relating or attached to worldly objects , sensual , carnal Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202102] m. a sensualist , materialist , voluptuary (= vaiṣayika or kāmin) L.
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202103] m. a prince , king L.
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202104] m. a subject of (gen.) Pan5car.
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202105] m. (in phil.) the subject , the " Ego " MBh. S3am2k. (-tva n.)
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202106] m. the god of love L.
(H2B) viṣayin [p= 997,3] [L=202107] m. (in rhetor.) the object of a comparison (cf. under viṣaya)
(H2B) viṣayin [L=202108] n. an organ of sense L.

(H1) víṣṇu [p= 999,2] [p= 999,1] [L=202398] m. (prob. fr. √ viṣ , " All-pervader " or " Worker ") N. of one of the principal Hindu deities (in the later mythology regarded as " the preserver " , and with brahmā " the creator " and śiva " the destroyer " , constituting the well-known tri-mūrti or triad ; although viṣṇu comes second in the triad he is identified with the supreme deity by his worshippers ; in the Vedic period , however , he is not placed in the foremost rank , although he is frequently invoked with other gods [esp. with indra whom he assists in killing vṛtra and with whom he drinks the soma juice ; cf. his later names indrānuja and upendra] ; as distinguished from the other Vedic deities , he is a personification of the light and of the sun , esp. in his striding over the heavens , which he is said to do in three paces [» tri-vikrama and cf. bali , vāmana] , explained as denoting the threefold manifestations of light in the form of fire , lightning , and the sun , or as designating the three daily stations of the sun in his rising , culminating , and setting ; viṣṇu does not appear to have been included at first among the ādityas [q.v.] , although in later times he is accorded the foremost place among them ; in the brāhmaṇas he is identified with sacrifice , and in one described as a dwarf ; in the mahā-bhārata and rāmāyaṇa he rises to the supremacy which in some places he now enjoys as the most popular deity of modern Hindu worship ; the great rivalry between him and śiva [cf. vaiṣṇava and śaiva] is not fully developed till the period of the purāṇas: the distinguishing feature in the character of the Post-vedic viṣṇu is his condescending to become incarnate in a portion of his essence on ten principal occasions , to deliver mankind from certain great dangers [cf. avatāra and IW. 327] ; some of the purāṇas make 22 incarnations , or even 24 , instead of 10 ; the vaiṣṇavas regard viṣṇu as the supreme being , and often identify him with nārāyaṇa , the personified puruṣa or primeval living spirit [described as moving on the waters , reclining on śeṣa , the serpent of infinity , while the god brahmā emerges from a lotus growing from his navel ; cf. Manu i , 10] ; the wives of viṣṇu are aditi and sinīvālī , later lakṣmī or śrī and even sarasvatī ; his son is kāma-deva , god of love , and his paradise is called vaikuṇṭha ; he is usually represented with a peculiar mark on his breast called śrī-vatsa , and as holding a śaṅkha , or conch-shell called pāñcajanya , a cakra or quoit-like missile-weapon called su-darśana , a gadā or club called kaumodakī and a padma or lotus ; he has also a bow called śārṅga , and a sword called nandaka ; his vāhana or vehicle is garuḍa q.v. ; he has a jewel on his wrist called syamantaka , another on his breast called kaustubha , and the river Ganges is said to issue from his foot ; the demons slain by him in his character of " preserver from evil " , or by kṛṣṇa as identified with him , are madhu , dhenuka , cāṇūra , yamala , and arjuna [see yamalā*rjuna] , kāla-nemi , haya-grīva , śakaṭa , ariṣṭa , kaiṭabha , kaṃsa , keśin , mura , śālva , mainda , dvi-vida , rāhu , hiraṇya-kaśipu , bāṇa , kāliya , naraka , bali ; he is worshipped under a thousand names , which are all enumerated in MBh. xiii , 6950-7056 ; he is sometimes regarded as the divinity of the lunar mansion called śravaṇa) RV. &c (cf. RTL. 44 IW. 324)
[L=202399] N. of the month caitra VarBr2S.
[L=202400] (with prājāpatya) of the author of RV. x , 84
[L=202401] of a son of manu sāvarṇa and bhautya Ma1rkP.
[L=202402] of the writer of a law-book Ya1jn5.
[L=202403] of the father of the 11th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī L.
[L=202404] (also with gaṇaka , kavi , daivajña , paṇḍita , bhaṭṭa , miśra , yatī*ndra , vājapeyin , śāstrin &c ) of various authors and others Inscr. Cat.
[L=202405] = agni L.
[L=202406] = vasu-devatā L.
[L=202407] = śuddha L.
(H1B) víṣṇu [L=202408] f. N. of the mother of the 11th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī L.
(H1B) víṣṇu [L=202409] n. pl. (in a formula) A1pS3r.
(H1B) víṣṇu [L=202410] n. (viṣṇor with apamarṇam , ājya-doham , vratam ; [oḥ] sāma , svarīyaḥ N. of sāmans ; with ṣoḍaśa-nāma-stotram , anusmṛtiḥ , aṣṭāviṃśati-nāma-stotram , and mahā-stutiḥ N. of works.)

(H3) vi-° smāpana [p= 1002,2] [L=202999] mf(ī)n. id. MBh. VarBr2S. BhP.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203000] m. a juggler , conjurer L.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203001] m. illusion , deceit L.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203002] m. = gandharva-nagara (q.v.) L.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203003] m. the god of love L.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203004] n. the act of astonishing or surprising Hariv.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203005] n. a means of surprising Car. Bhpr.
(H3B) vi-° smāpana [L=203006] n. a surprising or miraculous sign or phenomenon VarBr2S.

(H2) vi-hṛta [p= 1003,3] [L=203276] mfn. set or put asunder , distributed , disposed &c
[L=203277] transposed , varied (as words or pādas) S3rS.
(H2B) vi-hṛta [L=203278] n. a walk R.
(H2B) vi-hṛta [L=203279] n. hesitation , reluctance , bashful silence (one of the 10 hāvas or feminine modes of indicating love) Das3ar. Sa1h.

(H3) vīrá--dhanvan [p= 1005,3] [L=203649] m. " having a powerful bow " , N. of kāma-deva (god of love) L.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 27.8, 27.8, 31.16, 31.16, 31.20, 31.20, 34.8, 35.2
Whitney Roots links: vf1, vf2
(H1) vṛ 1 [p= 1007,2] [p= 1007,1] [L=203978]
cl.5.9.1. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 8 ; xxxi , 16 , 20 ; xxxiv , 8) vṛṇóti , vṛṇuté ;

vṛnāti,vriṇīte ;

várati,várate (mostly cl.5. and with the prep. apa or vi ; of cl.9. only avṛṇīdhvam AV. vi , 7 , 3 ; cl.1. only in RV. [cf. also √ ūrṇu] ; pf. vavā́ra , vavré RV. &c &c [2. sg. vavártha RV. ; vavaritha,vavṛma &c Gr. ; p. vavrivás gen. vavavrúṣas RV. ] ; aor. ávar or ā́var , avṛta RV. [1. sg. vam , 2. du. vartam , 3. pl. avran , p. A1. vrāṇá q.v. Impv. vṛdhi ib.] ; avārīt Br. ; avarīṣṭa Gr. ; Subj. varṣathas RV. ; Pot. vriyāt , vūryāt , variṣīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. varītā , varīṣyati ib. ; inf. vartum MBh. , varitum Bhat2t2. , varītum Sa1h. ; ind.p. vṛtvā́ RV. AV. Br. ; vṛlvī́ RV. ; vṛtvā́ya Br. ; -vṛ́tya AV. ) , to cover , screen , veil , conceal , hide , surround , obstruct RV. &c ;

to close (a door) AitBr. ;

to ward off , check , keep back , prevent , hinder , restrain RV. AV. Bhat2t2. : Pass. vriyate (aor. ávāri) , to be covered or surrounded or obstructed or hindered RV. MBh. : Caus. vāráyati , °te (aor. avīvarat , ávīvarata AV. ; ávāvarīt RV. ; Pass. vāryate MBh. &c ) , to cover , conceal , hide , keep back , hold captive RV. &c ;

to stop , check , restrain , suppress , hinder , prevent from (abl. or inf. ; rarely two acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to exclude Siddh. ;

to prohibit , forbid MBh. ;

to withhold R. Katha1s. &c : Desid. of Caus. vivārayiṣate Br. : Desid. vivarīṣati , vuvūrṣati , °te Gr.: Intens. vevrīyate , vovūryate , varvarti ib. [cf. Goth. warjan ; Germ. wehren , Wehr ; Eng. weir.]

(H1) vṛ 2 [p= 1007,3] [L=204040]
cl.5.9. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 8 ; xxxi , 16 , 20) vṛṇoti , vṛṇute ;

vṛṇā́ti , (mostly) vṛṇīté (in RV. also váras,°rat,°ranta , but these may be Subj. aor. ; pf. vavāra Bhat2t2. ; vavre RV. [2. sg. vavṛṣé , 1. pl. vavṛmáhe] &c ; aor. avri , avṛta RV. [Pot. vurīta , p. urāṇá] &c ; avṛṣi,°ṣata AV. Br. [2. pl. avṛḍhvam] Up. ; avarīṣṭa Gr. ; Prec. variṣīṣṭa ib. ; fut. varītā ib. ; variṣyate Br. ; varīṣyate Gr. ; inf. varītum Bhat2t2. Ra1jat. ; varitum Gr. ; ind.p. varitvā or vṛtvā Gr2S3rS. &c ; varītvā Gr.) , to choose , select , choose for one's self , choose as (-arthe or acc. of pers.) or for (-artham or dat. , loc. instr. of thing) RV. &c ;

to choose in marriage , woo MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to ask a person (acc.) for (acc.) or on behalf of (kṛte) R. Katha1s. ;

to solicit anything (acc.) from (abl. or -tas) , Ka1v. Pur. ;

to ask or request that (Pot. with or without iti) R. MBh. ;

to like better than , prefer to (abl. , rarely instr.) RV. AitBr. MBh. R. ;

to like , love (as opp. to " hate ") MBh. v , 4149 ;

to choose or pick out a person (for a boon) , grant (a boon) to (acc.) Ra1jat. iii , 421 : Caus. ( Dha1tup. xxxv , 2) varayati , °te (ep. also vārayati ; Pass. varyáte Br. ) ;

to choose , choose for one's self , choose as (acc. of pers.) or for (-artham dat. or loc. of thing) , ask or sue for (acc.) or on behalf of (dat. or -arthe) , choose as a wife (acc. with or without patnīm , dārān , or patny-artham) Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to like , love well R. [cf. Lat. velle ; Slav. voliti ; Got. wiljian ; Germ. wollan , wollen , Wahl , wohl ; Angl.Sax. willan ; Eng. will.]


(H2B) venā́ [p= 1018,2] [L=206231] f. love , desire RV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.70
(H1) ves [p= 1019,3] [L=206532]
cl.1 P. vesati , to go , move Dha1tup. xvii , 70 ;

to desire , love Naigh. ii , 6. (cf.. also 1. vi , 2. ve , √1. vī.)


(H1) vaiṣṇavá [p= 1027,2] [L=208012] mf(ī)n. relating or belonging or devoted or consecrated to viṣṇu (q.v.) , worshipping viṣṇu TS. &c &c
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208012.1] m. patr. fr. viṣṇu g. bidā*di
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [p= 1027,3] [p= 1027,2] [L=208013] m. " a worshipper of viṣṇu " N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hinduism (the other two being the śaivas and śāktas ; the vaiṣṇavas identify viṣṇu - rather than brahmā and śiva - with the supreme Being , and are exclusively devoted to his worship ; they have become separated into four principal and some minor sects , as follow: 1. the rāmānujas , founded by rāmā*nuja , who is said to have lived for 120 years [from 1017 till 1137 A.D.] ; his chief doctrines are described at [p= 878,1] , and in RTL. p.119 &c ; one peculiarity of his sect is the scrupulous preparation and privacy of three meals ; 2. the mādhvas , founded by a Kanarese Brahman named madhva , whose chief doctrines are described at [p= 782,3] , and in RTL. p.130 &c 3. the vallabhas , founded by vallabhā*cārya , whose chief doctrines are described at [p= 928,3] , and in RTL. p.134 &c ; 4. a sect in Bengal founded by caitanya [q.v.] who was regarded by his followers as an incarnation of kṛṣṇa ; his chief doctrine was the duty of bhakti , or love for that god which was to be so strong that no caste-feelings could exist with it [see RTL. p.140 &c ] Of the minor vaiṣṇava sects those founded by nimbā*rka or nimbā*ditya [ RTL. 146] and by rāmā*nanda [ RTL. 147] and by svāmi-nārāyaṇa [ RTL. 148] are perhaps the most important , to which also may be added the reformed theistic sect founded by Kabir [ RTL. 158] and the Sikh theistic sect founded by Nanak [ RTL. 161])
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208014] m. N. of soma (lord of the āpsarasas) A1s3vS3r.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208015] m. (śrī-) of a poet Cat.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208016] m. the 13th cubit (aratni) from the bottom or the 5th from the top of the sacrificial post L.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208017] m. a kind of mineral L.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208018] m. (scil. yajña) a partic. sacrificial ceremony ib.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208026] n. a partic. mahā-rasa (q.v.) Cat.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208027] n. a partic. prodigy or omen (belonging to or occurring in the paraṃ divam or upper sky) , MW.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208028] n. the ashes of a burnt-offering ib.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208029] n. N. of the nakṣatraśravaṇa (presided over by viṣṇu) VarBr2S.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208030] n. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
(H1B) vaiṣṇavá [L=208031] n. of various works. , esp. of the viṣṇu-purāṇa

(H2) vy-asana [p= 1035,1] [L=209269] n. moving to and fro , wagging (of a tail) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 20 , Va1rtt. 3
[L=209270] throwing (effort) into , assiduity , industry Bhartr2. Subh.
[L=209271] separation , individuality W.
[L=209272] attachment or devotion or addiction to (loc. or comp.) , passion , (esp.) evil passion , sin , crime , vice (said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger ; eight are enumerated under the first head , vix. mṛgayā , dyūta or akṣa , divā-svapna , parivāda , striyaḥ , mada , taurya-trika , vṛthā*tyā ; and eight under the second , viz. paiśunya , sāhasa , droha , irṣyā , asūyā artha-dūṣaṇa vākpāruṣya , daṇḍa-pāruṣya , qq.vv.) Mn. vii , 47 , 48 MBh. &c
[L=209273] favourite pursuit or occupation , hobby MBh. Pan5cat. Ra1jat.
[L=209274] evil predicament or plight , disaster , accident , evil result , calamity , misfortune (vyasanāni pl. misfortunes) , ill-luck , distress , destruction , defeat , fall , ruin Mn. MBh. &c
[L=209275] setting (of sun or moon) Mr2icch. S3ak.
[L=209276] fruitless effort L.
[L=209277] punishment , execution (of criminals) MW.
[L=209278] incompetence , inability W.
[L=209279] air , wind ib.
[L=209280] tale-bearing L.

(H1) vy-ā-ghāta [p= 1036,1] [L=209529] m. ( √ han) striking against , beating , wounding , a stroke , blow MBh. R.
[L=209530] a defeat S3is3.
[p= 1036,2] [L=209531] commotion , agitation , disturbance MBh. Hariv.
[L=209532] an obstacle , impediment , hindrance R. VarBr2S.
[L=209533] (in phil.) contradiction , inconsistency of statement S3am2k. Sarvad.
[L=209534] (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (in which different or opposite effects are-shown to arise from the same cause or by the same agency e.g. " the god of love reduced to ashes by the eye [of śiva] is brought to life again by the eye [of beautiful women ] " ) Kpr. Kuval. &c
[L=209535] (in astron.) N. of the 13th yoga Va1s.
[L=209536] Cassia Fistula L.
(H2) vy-āghāta [p= 1039,3] [L=210120] &c » [p= 1036,1].

(H2) vy-āyoga [p= 1038,2] [L=209925] m. a kind of dramatic representation or composition in one act (belonging to the prakaraṇa class , and describing some military or heroic exploit from which the sentiment of love is excluded) Bhar. Das3ar. &c

(H3) śamā* ntaka [p= 1054,1] [L=212945] m. " destroyer of tranquillity " , N. of kāma-deva (god of love) L.

(H2) śámbara [p= 1055,2] [L=213272] m. N. of a demon (in RV. often mentioned with śuṣṇa , arbuda , pipru &c ; he is the chief enemy of divo-dāsa atithigva , for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by indra ; in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) RV. &c
[L=213273] a cloud Naigh. i , 10
[L=213274] a weapon Sa1y. on RV. i , 112 , 14
[L=213275] war , fight L.
[L=213276] a kind of deer Va1s. Bhpr.
[L=213277] a fish or a kind of fish L.
[L=213278] Terminalia Arunja L.
[L=213279] Symplocos Racemosa L.
[L=213280] a mountain in general or a partic. mountain L.
[L=213281] best , excellent L.
[L=213282] = citraka L.
[L=213283] N. of of a jina L.
[L=213284] of a king Va1s. (v.l. for śambaraṇa and saṃ-varaṇa)
[L=213285] of a juggler (also called śambarasiddhi) Ratna7v.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213287] f. = māyā , sorcery , magic (prob. w.r. for śāmbarī) L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213288] n. water Naigh. i , 12 (but Sa1h. censures the use of śambara in this sense)
(H2B) śámbara [L=213289] n. power , might Naigh. ii , 9
(H2B) śámbara [L=213290] n. sorcery , magic Katha1s. (printed saṃ-vara)
(H2B) śámbara [L=213291] n. any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists) L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213292] n. wealth L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213293] n. = citra L.
(H2B) śámbara [L=213294] n. (pl.) the fastnesses of śambara RV.

(H3) śámbara--ghna [L=213296] m. " sambara-slayer " , N. of the god of love Hariv.

(H3) śámbara--dāraṇa [L=213298] m. " śambara -destoyer " , the god of love Gi1t.

(H3) śámbara--sūdana [L=213302] m. " destroyer of śambara " , the god of love L. ,

(H3) śambarā* ntakara [L=213305] m. " śambara-destroyer " , the god of love Hariv.

(H1) śará [p= 1056,2] [L=213453] m. (fr. √ śṝ " to rend " or " destroy ") a sort of reed or grass , Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) RV. &c
[L=213454] an arrow , shaft Mun2d2Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=213455] N. of the number " five " (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) VarBr2S.
[L=213456] (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to A1ryabh. also " the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine ")
[L=213457] a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb , 5th , 6th , and 7th houses) VarBr2S.
[L=213458] the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v.l. sara) , A1pS3r. Car.
[L=213459] mischief , injury , hurt , a wound W.
[L=213460] N. of a son of ṛcatka RV.
[L=213461] of an asura Hariv. (v.l. śuka)
(H1B) śará [L=213463] n. water (» śara-varṣa and °ṣin)

(H3) śárīra--ja [p= 1057,3] [L=213840] mf(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body , bodily Mn. S3is3. VP.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213841] m. (ifc. f(ā).) offspring
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213842] m. a son MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213843] m. the god of love , love MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213844] m. sickness L.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213845] m. lust , passion MW.

(H1) śarvara [p= 1058,3] [L=214043] mfn. variegated , spotted (= karvara ; cf. also śabara , śabala) L.
(H1B) śarvara [L=214045] n. darkness L.
(H1B) śarvara [L=214046] n. the god of love (?) L.

(H3) śáśvat--kāma [p= 1060,3] [L=214498] mf(ā)n. always intent on love Pan5car.

(H2) śāṇḍilya [p= 1063,3] [L=215151] mfn. derived from or composed by śāṇḍilya &c Cat.
(H2B) śāṇḍilya [L=215152] m. patr. fr. śaṇḍila g. gargā*di
(H2B) śāṇḍilya [L=215153] m. N. of various teachers , authors &c (esp. of a muni or sage from whom one of the three principal families of the Kanouj or kānyakubja Brahmans is said to be descended ; he is the author of a law-book and of the bhakti-sūtra or aphorisms enjoining " love or devotion to God " as one of the three means of salvation - a doctrine said to have been formulated in the 12th century ; » bhakti RTL. 63)
(H2B) śāṇḍilya [L=215154] m. of agni Hariv.
(H2B) śāṇḍilya [L=215155] m. Aegle Marmelos Bhpr.
(H2B) śāṇḍilya [L=215156] n. N. of various works of śāṇḍilya (esp. = -sūtra and = °lyo*paniṣad).

(H1B) śikhā [p= 1070,2] [L=216585] f. » below
(H1) śíkhā [L=216632] f. (of doubtful derivation ; prob. connected with √1. śi , " to sharpen ") a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head , a crest , topknot , plume S3Br. &c
[L=216633] a peacock's crest or comb MBh. Hariv. &c
[L=216634] a pointed flame , any flame ib.
[L=216635] a ray of light Kum. Katha1s.
[L=216636] a sharp end , point , spike , peak , summit , pinnacle , projection , end or point (in general) MaitrUp. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
[L=216637] the end or point or border of a garment S3ak.
[L=216638] the point or tip of the foot L.
[L=216639] the nipple L.
[L=216640] a branch which takes root , any branch L.
[L=216641] a fibrous root , any root L.
[L=216642] the plant Jussiaea Repens L.
[L=216643] the head or chief or best of a class L.
[L=216644] the fever or excitement of love L.
[p= 1070,3] [L=216645] a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of the verse compared to a king) Ra1matUp.
[L=216646] = śikha-vṛddhi Gaut.
[L=216647] N. of various metres Col.
[L=216648] of a river (prob. w.r. for śikhī) VP.

(H2) śikhi 1 [L=216741] m. (mc. for śikhin) a peacock Hariv.
[L=216742] N. of indra under manu tāmasa Ma1rkP.
[p= 1071,1] [L=216743] the god of love L.
(H2) śikhi 2 [L=216744] in comp. for śikhin.

(H1) śivá [p= 1074,1] [L=217497] mf(ā́)n. (according to Un2. i , 153 , fr. √1. śī , " in whom all things lie " ; perhaps connected with √ śvi cf. śavas , śiśvi) auspicious , propitious , gracious , favourable , benign , kind , benevolent , friendly , dear (°vám ind. kindly , tenderly) RV. &c
[L=217498] happy , fortunate BhP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217499] m. happiness , welfare (cf. n.) R. v , 56 , 36
(H1B) śivá [L=217500] m. liberation , final emancipation L.
(H1B) śivá [p= 1074,2] [p= 1074,1] [L=217501] m. " The Auspicious one " , N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindu trimūrti or Triad , the other two being brahmā " the creator " and viṣṇu " the preserver " ; in the veda the only N. of the destroying deity was rudra " the terrible god " , but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. śiva " the auspicious " [just as the Furies were called Εὐμενίδες " the gracious ones "] , and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution ; in fact the preferential worship of śiva as developed in the purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called śaivas] ; in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called kāla " black " , and is then also identified with " Time " , although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name kālī , whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices ; as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction śiva's symbol is the liṅga [q.v.] or Phallus , under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day ; again one of his representations is as ardha-nārī , " half-female " , the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [ RTL. 85] ; he has three eyes , one of which is in his forehead , and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time , past , present , and future , while a moon's crescent , above the central eye , marks the measure of time by months , a serpent round his neck the measure by years , and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person , the perpetual revolution of ages , and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together , and gathered above his forehead into a coil ; on the top of it he bears the Ganges , the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream ; his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality ; he holds a tri-śūla , or three-pronged trident [also called pināka] in his hand to denote , as some think , his combination of the three attributes of Creator , Destroyer , and Regenerator ; he also carries a kind of drum , shaped like an hour-glass , called ḍamaru: his attendants or servants are called pramatha [q.v.] ; they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds , and form various hosts or troops called gaṇas ; his wife durgā [otherwise called kālī , pārvatī , umā , gaurī , bhavāṇī &c ] is the chief object of worship with the śāktas and tāntrikas , and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see tāṇḍava] and wine-drinking ; he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye , that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance ; in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods , including brahmā and viṣṇu , by a similar scorching glance , and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body , whence the use of ashes in his worship , while the use of the rudrā*kṣa berries originated , it is said , from the legend that śiva , on his way to destroy the three cities , called tri-pura , let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is kailāsa , one of the loftiest northern peaks of the himā*laya ; he has strictly no incarnations like those of viṣṇu , though vīra-bhadra and the eight bhairavas and khaṇḍobā &c [ RTL. 266] are sometimes regarded as forms of him ; he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than viṣṇu , one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the śiva-purāṇa and in the 17th chapter of the anuśāsana-parvan of the mahā-bhārata , some of the most common being mahā-deva , śambhu , śaṃkara , īśa , īśvara , mahe*śvara , hara ; his sons are gaṇe*śa and kārttikeya) A1s3vS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c RTL. 73
(H1B) śivá [L=217502] m. a kind of second śiva (with śaivas) , a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad.
(H1B) śivá [L=217503] m. śiva-liṅga L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217504] m. any god L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217505] m. a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally śivā f. q.v.)
(H1B) śivá [L=217506] m. sacred writings L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217507] m. (in astron.) N. of the sixth month
(H1B) śivá [L=217508] m. a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217509] m. bdellium L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217510] m. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217511] m. Marsilia Dentata L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217512] m. a kind of thorn-apple or = puṇḍarīka (the tree) L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217513] m. quicksilver L. (cf. śiva-bīja)
(H1B) śivá [L=217514] m. a partic. auspicious constellation L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217515] m. a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv.
(H1B) śivá [L=217516] m. = śukra m. kāla m. vasu m. L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217517] m. the swift antelope L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217518] m. rum , spirit distilled from molasses L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217519] m. buttermilk L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217520] m. a ruby L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217521] m. a peg L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217522] m. time L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217523] m. N. of a son of medhā*tithi Ma1rkP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217524] m. of a son of idhma-jihva BhP. @
(H1B) śivá [L=217525] m. of a prince and various authors (also with dīkṣita , bhaṭṭa , paṇḍita , yajvan , sūri &c ) Cat.
(H1B) śivá [L=217526] m. of a fraudulent person Katha1s.
(H1B) śivá [L=217527] m. (du.) the god śiva and his wife Kir. v , 40 Pracan2d2. i , 20 (cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 1)
(H1B) śivá [L=217528] m. pl. N. of a class of gods in the third manvantara Pur.
(H1B) śivá [L=217529] m. of a class of Brahmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of śiva MBh.
(H1B) śivá [L=217531] n. welfare , prosperity , bliss (āya , éna or ébhis , " auspiciously , fortunately , happily , luckily " ; śivāya gamyatām , " a prosperous journey to you! ") RV. &c
(H1B) śivá [L=217532] n. final emancipation L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217533] n. water L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217534] n. rock-salt L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217535] n. sea-salt L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217536] n. a kind of borax L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217537] n. iron L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217538] n. myrobalan L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217539] n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217540] n. sandal L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217541] n. N. of a purāṇa (= śiva-purāṇa or śaiva) Cat.
(H1B) śivá [L=217542] n. of the house in which the pāṇḍavas were to be burnt Ma1rkP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217543] n. of a varṣa in plakṣa-dvīpa and in jambu-dvīpa Pur.

(H2) śúci [p= 1081,1] [L=219196] mfn. (f. nom. pl. śucyas Mn. viii , 77) shining , glowing , gleaming , radiant , bright RV. &c
[L=219197] brilliantly white , white Bhartr2.
[L=219198] clear , clean , pure (lit. and fig.) , holy , unsullied , undefiled , innocent , honest , virtuous RV. &c
[L=219199] pure (in a ceremonial sense) ChUp. Mn. Bhag. &c
[L=219200] (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty » rahaḥ-ś°)
(H2B) śúci [L=219201] m. purification , purity , honesty , virtue Ka1v.
(H2B) śúci [L=219202] m. fire L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219203] m. N. of a partic. fire (a son of agni abhimānin and svāhā or a son of antardhāna and śikhaṇḍinī and brother of the fires pavamāna and pāvaka) Pur.
(H2B) śúci [L=219204] m. oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant W.
(H2B) śúci [p= 1081,2] [L=219205] m. a partic. hot month (accord. to some = āṣāḍha or jyeṣṭha , accord. to others " the hot season in general ") VS. S3Br. MBh. &c
(H2B) śúci [L=219206] m. the sun MaitrUp. (Sch.)
(H2B) śúci [L=219207] m. the moon L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219208] m. the planet Venus or its regent (cf. śukra) L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219209] m. a ray of light L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219210] m. wind L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219211] m. sexual love (= śṛṅgāra) L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219212] m. a Brahman L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219213] m. a faithful minister , true friend L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219214] m. the condition of a religious student L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219215] m. a fever that attacks pigs L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219216] m. judicial acquittal W.
(H2B) śúci [L=219217] m. white (the colour) ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219218] m. a partic. plant (= citraka) MW.
(H2B) śúci [L=219219] m. N. of śiva L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219220] m. of a son of bhṛgu MBh.
(H2B) śúci [L=219221] m. of a son of gada Hariv.
(H2B) śúci [L=219222] m. of a son of the third manu ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219223] m. of indra in the 14th manv-antara Pur.
(H2B) śúci [L=219224] m. of one of the 7 sages in the 14th manv-antara ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219225] m. of a sā*rthavāha MBh.
(H2B) śúci [L=219226] m. of a son of śata-dyumna Pur. @
(H2B) śúci [L=219227] m. of a son of śuddha (the son of anenas) ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219228] m. of a son of andhaka ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219229] m. of a son of vipra ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219230] m. of a son of artha-pati Va1s. , Introd.
(H2B) śúci [L=219231] f. (also) f(ī). N. of a daughter of tāmrā and wife of kaśyapa , (regarded as the parent of water-fowl) Hariv. VP.

(H3) śū́rpa--ṇakhā [p= 1086,2] [L=220353] (rarely -ṇakhī) f. (wrongly -nakhā , °khī ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 ; 58) " having fingernails like winnowing fans " N. of the sister of rāvaṇa (she fell in love with rāma-candra and , being rejected by him and insulted by sītā's laughter , assumed a hideous form and threatened to eat her up , but was beaten off by lakṣmaṇa , who cut off her ears and nose and thus doubly disfigured her ; in revenge she incited her brother to carry off sītā) MBh. R.

(H3) śūrpakā* rāti [L=220367] m. " enemy of śūrpaka " , N. of kāma (god of love) L.

(H3) śūrpakā* ri [p= 1086,3] [L=220368] m. " enemy of śūrpaka " , N. of kāma (god of love) L.

(H1) śṛṅga [p= 1087,1] [L=220523] n. (perhaps connected with śiras , śīrṣan ; ifc. f(ā or ī).) the horn of an animal , a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking , for blowing , drawing blood from the skin &c ) RV. &c
[L=220524] the tusk of an elephant R. Ka1m.
[L=220525] the top or summit of a mountain , a peak , crag MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= 1087,2] [L=220526] the summit of a building , pinnacle , turret ib.
[L=220527] any peak or projection or lofty object , elevation , point , end , extremity AV. Kum. Gi1t.
[L=220528] a cusp or horn of the moon R. Hariv. VarBr2S.
[L=220529] highest point , acme , height or perfection of anything Hariv. 6424
[L=220530] the horn as a symbol of self reliance or strength or haughtiness Ragh.
[L=220531] the rising of desire , excess of love or passion (cf. śṛṅgāra) Sa1h.
[L=220532] a partic. military array in the form of a horn or crescent MBh. vi , 2413
[L=220533] a syringe , water-engine Ragh. S3is3.
[L=220534] the female breast BhP.
[L=220535] a lotus L.
[L=220536] agallochum L.
[L=220537] a mark , token , sign L.
[L=220538] = śaśaśṛṅga , " hare's horn " , anything impossible or extra ordinary Kusum.
(H1B) śṛṅga [L=220539] m. a kind of medicinal or poisonous plant L.
(H1B) śṛṅga [L=220540] m. N. of a muni (of whom , in some parts of India , on occasions of drought , earthen images are said to be made and worshipped for rain) MW.

(H2) śṛṅgāra [p= 1087,3] [L=220616] m. (prob. connected with śṛṅga as vṛndāra with vṛnda) love (as " the horned " or " the strong one " ?) , sexual passion or desire or enjoyment Ka1v. Ra1jat. &c
[L=220617] (in rhet.) the erotic sentiment (one of the 8 or 10 rasas q.v. ; it has viṣṇu for its tutelary deity and black for its colour ; accord. to most authorities it is of two kinds , viz. sambhoga , " mutual enjoyment " , and vipralambha , " deception , disappointment " , to which by some is added as third a-yoga , " separation ") Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c
[L=220618] a dress suitable for amorous purposes , elegant dress , fine garments , finery Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
[L=220619] the ornaments on an elephant (esp. red marks on its head and trunk) L. (cf. -dhārin)
[L=220620] any mark MW.
[L=220621] (also with bhaṭṭa) N. of various persons (esp. of a poet) Ra1jat. Cat.
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220623] n. (only L. ) gold
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220624] n. red-lead
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220625] n. fragrant powder for the dress or person
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220626] n. cloves
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220627] n. undried ginger
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220628] n. black aloe-wood
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220629] mfn. handsome , pretty , dainty , fine MBh. R.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--garva [L=220634] m. the pride of love L.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--ceṣṭā [L=220637] f. ( Ragh. ) love-gesture , any outward action indicating love.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--ceṣṭita [L=220638] n. ( Sa1h. ) love-gesture , any outward action indicating love.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--janman [L=220639] m. " born from desire " , N. of kāma (god of love). L.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--bhāṣita [L=220654] n. a love-story MW.
[L=220655] amorous talk A.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--maṇḍapa [L=220661] m. or n. " love-temple " , N. of a temple SkandaP.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--yoni [L=220662] m. " love-source " , N. of kāma-deva L.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--lajjā [L=220668] f. shame or modesty caused by love S3ak.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--śata [L=220681] n. " a hundred verses on love " , N. of various collections (esp. of the stanzas of amaru and of the 2nd book of bhartṛ-hari's poem).

(H3) śṛṅgāra--śataka [L=220682] n. " a hundred verses on love " , N. of various collections (esp. of the stanzas of amaru and of the 2nd book of bhartṛ-hari's poem).

(H3) śṛṅgāra--śūra [L=220683] m. a hero in love affairs Pan5car.

(H3) śṛṅgāra--sahāya [L=220688] m. an assistant in affairs of love , confidant of a dramatic hero MW.

(H3) śṛṅgārai* ka-rasa [p= 1088,1] [L=220698] mfn. one whose sole feeling is love MW.

(H2) śṛṅgāraka [L=220699] mfn. horned , having a horn or crest L.
(H2B) śṛṅgāraka [L=220700] m. love &c (= śṛṅgāra) MW.
(H2B) śṛṅgāraka [L=220702] n. red-lead L.

(H2) śṛṅgāraṇa [L=220703] n. (with pāśupatas) feigning love , amatory gesture or behaviour Sarvad.

(H2) śṛṅgārita [L=220704] mfn. affected by love , impassioned MW.
[L=220705] stained with red-lead , reddened ib.
[L=220706] adorned , decorated , embellished S3is3.

(H2) śṛṅgārin [L=220707] mfn. feeling love or amorous passion , enamoured , impassioned Ka1v. Sch.
[L=220708] erotic , relating to love Das3ar.
[L=220709] adorned , beautifully dressed Va1s.
[L=220710] stained with red-lead W.
(H2B) śṛṅgārin [L=220711] m. an impassioned lover ib.
(H2B) śṛṅgārin [L=220712] m. dress , decoration ib.
(H2B) śṛṅgārin [L=220713] m. an elephant L.
(H2B) śṛṅgārin [L=220714] m. the betel-nut tree L.
(H2B) śṛṅgārin [L=220715] m. a ruby(?) , Pracan2d2.

(H2) śṛṅgārīya [L=220717] Nom. P. °yati , to long for love , S3a1ntis3. :

(H2) śoṣaṇa [p= 1092,2] [L=221676] mf(ī)n. drying up , draining , parching , withering Nir. MBh. Sus3r.
[L=221677] (ifc.) removing , destroying BhP.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221678] m. N. of an agni , Hariv.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221679] m. of one of the arrows of kāma-deva (god of love) Vet. Gi1t. Sch.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221680] m. Bignonia Indica L.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221681] n. drying up (intr.) , desiccation MaitrUp. VarBr2S.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221682] n. making dry , draining , suction MBh. Pan5cat. Sus3r.
(H2B) śoṣaṇa [L=221683] n. dry ginger L.

(H3) śauryau* darya-śṛṅgāra-maya [p= 1093,3] [L=221895] mf(ī)n. composed of heroism and generosity and love Katha1s.

(H3) śrī--ja [p= 1099,1] [L=222992] m. " born from śrī " , N. of kāma (god of love) L.
[L=222993] = sāmba L.

(H3) śrī--nandana [p= 1099,2] [L=223041] m. metron. of the god of love L.
[L=223042] (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.

(H3) śrī--putra [p= 1099,3] [L=223108] m. " son of śrī " , N. of kāma (god of love) L.
[L=223109] a horse L.

(H1) saṃ- √ van [p= 1114,2] [L=226070] Caus. -vānayati (or -vanayati cf. under √ van) , to cause to like or love , make well-disposed , propitiate AV.

(H3) saṃ-sāra--guru [p= 1119,3] [L=226865] m. the world's Guru (applied to kāma , god of love) L.

(H3) saṃ-stava---prīti [p= 1121,1] [L=227127] f. love proceeding from acquaintance Katha1s.

(H3) sá--kāma [p= 1124,1] [L=227662] mf(ā)n. satisfying desires VS. R.
[L=227662.1] having one's wishes fulfilled , satisfied , contented MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=227662.2] consenting , willing (said of a girl) Vishn2. Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=227662.3] (ifc.) wishing , desirous of S3is3.
[L=227662.4] acting on purpose or with free will Tithya1d.
[L=227662.5] full of love , loving , a lover MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=227662.6] betraying love (as speech) Pan5cat.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--ja [p= 1126,3] [L=228160] mfn. produced from self-will or desire or idea of advantage Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=228161] produced from mere will Kum. Sch.
(H3B) saṃ-kalpá--ja [L=228162] m. " mind-born , heart-born " , wish , desire BhP.
(H3B) saṃ-kalpá--ja [L=228163] m. love or the god of love MBh.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--janman [L=228164] mfn. born from desire Katha1s.
[L=228165] love or the god of love Vas. Ka1d.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--bhava [L=228169] mfn. id. ib.
(H3B) saṃ-kalpá--bhava [L=228170] m. love or the god of love L.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--yoni [L=228172] mfn. having source or origin in (mere) will or desire , Prabh.
(H3B) saṃ-kalpá--yoni [L=228173] m. love or the god of love Ka1lid.

(H3) saṃ-kalpá--sambhava [L=228178] mfn. fulfilment of a wish Katha1s.
(H3) saṃ-kalpá--sambhava [L=228179] mfn. = -mūla Mn. ii , 3
(H3B) saṃ-kalpá--sambhava [L=228180] m. love or the god of love L.

(H3) sakhī--sneha [p= 1130,3] [L=228880] m. the love for a female friends S3ak.

(H3) satyá--tā́ [p= 1136,1] [L=229886] f. reality , truth (agrya-satyatāṃ- √gam , " to become fully recognised in one's true character " Ra1jat. ) S3Br. Katha1s.
[L=229887] love of truth , veracity MBh. R. &c

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 11.6
Whitney Roots links: sap
(H1) sap 1 [p= 1148,1] [L=232210]
(cf. √ sac) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xi , 6) sapati (and A1. °te pf. sepuḥ RV. ; fut. sapitā , sapiṣyati Gr.) , to follow or seek after , be devoted to , honour , serve , love , caress (also sexually) RV. TS. VS. (cf. Naigh. iii , 5 ;14) : Caus. sāpayati (Subj. aor. sīṣapanta) , to serve , honour , worship , do homage (others " to receive homage ") RV. vii , 43 , 4 ;

to have sexual intercourse (?) TBr. [? cf. Gk. σέβομαι , σέβας ] .

(H2) sap 2 [L=232211] (ifc.) » ṛta- and keta-sáp.

(H3) sa--prema [p= 1149,1] [L=232380] mf(ā)n. having love , affectionate Katha1s.

(H1) sa-manmatha [p= 1155,2] [L=233598] mfn. filled with love , enamoured R2itus.

(H1) sam-uṣyalá [p= 1170,2] [L=235770] mf(ā́)n. (fr. sam √uṣ = vaś) desirous , loving or exciting love AV.

(H3) sam-° prīti [p= 1177,2] [L=236697] f. complete satisfaction , joy , delight in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236698] attachment , affection , good will , friendship with (instr. with or without saha) , love for (loc. or gen.) Mn. MBh. &c

(H2) sambhoga 1 [p= 1178,3] [L=236919] » bhuja-s° , [p= 759,1].
(H2) sam-bhogá 2 [L=236924] m. (ifc. f(ā).) complete enjoyment , pleasure , delight in (comp.) S3Br. &c
[L=236925] carnal or sensual enjoyment , sexual union with (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236926] (in rhet.) a subdivision of the śṛṅgāra or sentiment of love (described as " successful love leading to union " , and opp. to vipralambha , " disappointed love , separation ") Das3ar. Sa1h. &c (only L. , " duration ; joy ; employment , use ; a Partic. part of an elephant's trunk ; a jaina or Buddhist edict ; a libertine ")
[L=236927] N. of a man Buddh.

(H2) sam-bhārá [p= 1179,2] [L=237019] m. (ifc. f(ā).) bringing together , collecting (= sam-bhṛti) S3Br.
[L=237020] preparation , equipment , provision , necessaries , materials , requisite , collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold , viz. 1. puṇya-s° , " meritorious acts " , and 2. jñāna-s° , " science " ; others add 3. śamatha-s° , " quietude " , and 4. vidarśana-s° , " farsightedness " Dharmas. 117) AV. &c
[L=237021] = -yajus TBr.
[L=237022] property , wealth MBh.
[L=237023] fulness , completeness ib.
[L=237024] multitude , number , quantity Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad.
[L=237025] high degree , excess of (love , anger &c ) Ratna7v. Va1s.
[L=237026] maintenance , support , nourishment W.

(H4) sám-bhṛta---sneha [p= 1179,3] [L=237048] mfn. full of love for (loc.) Megh.

(H3) sam-° mati [p= 1180,1] [L=237107] f. sameness of opinion , harmony , agreement , approval , approbation A1s3vS3r. Prab. Hit.
[L=237108] opinion , view Siddh.
[L=237109] respect , homage R. Kir.
[L=237110] wish , desire L.
[L=237111] self-knowledge L.
[L=237112] regard , affection , love W.
[L=237113] order , command ib.
[L=237114] N. of a river VP.
(H3B) sam-° mati [L=237115] mfn. being of the same opinion , agreeing g. driḍhā*di (-man m. ib.)
(H3B) sam-° mati [L=237116] m. N. of a son of harṣa VP.

(H4) sa--rāga---tā [p= 1183,2] [L=237729] f. ( Pan5cat. ) the being coloured or flushed with passion , impassioned , redness , passion , love

(H4) sa--rāga---tva [L=237729.1] n. the being coloured or flushed with passion , impassioned , redness , passion , love

(H2) sarasa [p= 1182,2] [L=237554] n. (for sa-rasa » s.v.) = saras , a lake , pond , pool (» jala- , deva- , and maṇḍūka-s°).
(H3) sa--rasa [p= 1183,2] [L=237722] &c » s.v.
(H1) sa-rasa [p= 1183,3] [L=237798] mf(ā)n. (for sarasa » [p= 1182,2]) containing sap , juicy , pithy , potent , powerful TS. Br. Gr2S3rS. Megh.
[L=237799] moist , wet Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=237800] fresh , new Ma1lav. S3is3. Sa1h.
[L=237801] tasty , tasting like (comp.) Katha1s.
[L=237802] elegant , beautiful , charming , gracious Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=237803] expressive of poetical sentiment (» rasa)
[L=237804] passionate , impassioned , enamoured , full of love or desire ib.

(H3) sárva--dhanvin [p= 1186,1] [L=238394] m. " best archer " , the god of love L. (w.r. -dhanvan).

(H4) salila--cara---ketana [p= 1189,3] [L=239303] m. " fish-bannered " , the god of love Das3.

(H4) sa--lajjita---sneha-karuṇam [p= 1190,1] [L=239375] ind. with bashfulness and love and compassion Uttarar.

(H4) sa--śṛṅgā° rakam [p= 1192,1] [L=239762] ind. with love , passionately , tenderly Mr2icch.

(H2) sādhyá [p= 1202,1] [L=241741] mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed , conquerable , amenable MBh. R. &c
[L=241742] to be summoned or conjured up L.
[L=241743] to be set to rights , to be treated or healed or cured Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s.
[L=241744] to be formed (grammatically) Vop.
[L=241745] to be cultivated or perfected Ka1v.
[L=241746] to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained , practicable , feasible , attainable Mn. MBh. &c
[L=241747] being effected or brought about , taking place Ka1s3.
[L=241748] to be prepared or cooked Car.
[L=241749] to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bha1sha1p. Kpr.
[L=241750] to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sa1h.
[L=241751] to be found out by calculation VarBr2S. Gan2it.
[L=241752] to be killed or destroyed MW.
[L=241753] relating to the sādhyas (» below) MBh. BhP.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241754] m. (pl.) " they that are to be propitiated " , N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the gaṇa-devatā q.v. , sometimes mentioned in the veda [see RV. x , 90 , 16] ; in the S3Br. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods ; according to yāska [ Nir. xii , 41] their locality is the bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun ; in Mn. i , 22 , the sādhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined , and in iii , 195 , as children of the soma-sads , sons of virāj ; in the purāṇas they are sons of sādhyā , and their number is variously twelve or seventeen ; in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the siddhas » siddha ; and their names are manas , mantṛ , prā*ṇa , nara , pāna , vinirbhaya , naya , daṃśa , nārāyaṇa , vṛṣa , prabhu) RV. &c
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241755] m. the god of love L.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241756] m. N. of a Vedic ṛṣi. IndSt.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241757] m. of the 21st astronomical yoga L.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241759] n. accomplishment , perfection W.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241760] n. an object to be accomplished , thing to be proved or established , matter in debate ib.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241761] n. (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241762] n. silver L.
(H2B) sādhyá [L=241763] n. N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H1) sādhya [p= 1202,3] [L=241871] &c » col.1.

(H2) sā́yaka [p= 1207,3] [L=242732] mfn. intended or fitted to be discharged or hurled RV. ( Naigh. ii , 20)
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242733] m. (in RV. also n.) a missile , arrow RV. &c
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242734] m. a symbolical expression for the number " five " (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) Sa1h.
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242735] m. a sword MBh. R.
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242736] m. the latitude of the sky Gan2it.
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242737] m. Saccharum Sara L.
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242738] m. N. of a man Pravar.
(H2B) sā́yaka [L=242740] m. the being or standing in regular order (= krama-sthiti ; prob. w.r. for śāyikā) L.

(H1B) sāvitrī́ [p= 1211,2] [L=243454] f. » below
(H2) sāvitrī́ [L=243472] f. a verse or prayer addressed to savitṛ or the Sun (esp. the celebrated verse RV. iii , 62 , 10 ; also called gāyatrī q.v.) AitBr. &c
[L=243473] initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (cf. under sāvitrá , and upa-nayana) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=243474] a partic. form of the gāyatrī metre Ked.
[L=243475] N. of sūryā or a daughter of savitṛ AV. Br. MBh. &c
[L=243476] N. of the wife of brahmā (sometimes regarded as the above verse deified or as the mystical mother of the three twice-born classes , or as the daughter of savitṛ by his wife pṛśni) MBh. Katha1s. &c
[L=243477] of a wife of śiva L.
[L=243478] of a manifestation of prakṛti Cat.
[L=243479] of the wife of satya-vat (king of śālva ; she was daughter of aśva-pati , king of madra , and is regarded as a type of conjugal love ; her story is the subject of a fine episode of the mahā-bhārata ; » sāvitryupā*khyāna) MBh. R. BhP.
[L=243480] of the wife of dharma (daughter of dakṣa) VP.
[L=243481] of the wife of kaśyapa Cat.
[p= 1211,3] [L=243482] of the wife of bhoja (king of dhārā) ib.
[L=243483] of a daughter of aṣṭāvakra Katha1s.
[L=243484] of the yamunā river Ba1lar.
[L=243485] of the sarasvatī R.
[L=243486] of another river BhP.
[L=243487] a ray of light , solar ray W.
[L=243488] the ring-finger L.

(H3) su--bhakti [p= 1229,2] [L=247968] f. great devotion to or love for (-tas , " out of great devotion ") Hcat.
(H1) su-bhakti [p= 1230,2] [L=248173] -bhakṣya » [p= 1229,2].

(H4) su--bhága---tā [p= 1229,2] [L=247998] f. love , conjugal felicity VarBr2S.

(H3) su-rabhí--bāṇa [p= 1235,3] [L=249657] m. " having fragrant arrows " (as made of flowers), N. of the god of love L.

(H4) su--śī́ma---kāma [p= 1237,2] [L=250105] mf(ā)n. deeply in love (= tīvra-manmatha) Das3.

(H3) sūna--śara [p= 1240,2] [L=250817] m. " flower-arrowed " , the god of love Ml.

(H3) sevita--manmatha [p= 1247,2] [L=252314] mfn. addicted to love or amorous enjoyments MW.

(H3) sthirā* nurāga [p= 1265,1] [L=255820] mfn. constant in affection or love

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.37
(H1) sniṭ [p= 1267,1] [L=256297]
cl.10 P. sneṭayati , to go Dha1tup. xxxii , 37 ;

to love (cf. √1. snih) Vop.


(H2) sneha [p= 1267,2] [L=256358] m. (or n. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) oiliness , unctuousness , fattiness , greasiness , lubricity , viscidity (also as one of the 24 guṇas of the vaiśeṣika branch of the nyāya phil.) Sus3r. Ya1jn5. Tarkas. Sarvad. ( IW. 69)
[L=256359] oil , grease , fat , any oleaginous substance , an unguent S3a1n3khBr. &c
[L=256360] smoothness , glossiness VarBr2S.
[L=256361] blandness , tenderness , love , attachment to , fondness or affection for (loc. gen. , or comp.) , friendship with (saha) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=256362] moisture MW.
[L=256363] a fluid of the body ib.
[L=256364] (pl.) N. of the vaiśyas in kuśa-dvīpa VP.
(H1) sneha [p= 1268,1] [L=256485] &c » [p= 1267,2].

(H3) sneha--kartṛ [p= 1267,2] [L=256365] mf(°trī)n. showing affection or love Pan5car.

(H3) sneha--guṇita [L=256368] mfn. endowed with love or affection MW.

(H3) sneha--guru [L=256369] mfn. heavy-(hearted) from love for (gen.) Ma1lati1m.

(H3) sneha--pravṛtti [L=256381] f. " course of friendship " , affection , love S3ak.

(H3) sneha--prasara [L=256382] m. flow or effusion or gush of love , Vikr.

(H3) sneha--prasrava [L=256383] m. flow or effusion or gush of love , Vikr.

(H3) sneha--baddha [p= 1267,3] [L=256385] mfn. bound by love or affection MBh.

(H3) sneha--bandha [L=256386] m. the bonds of love or affection ib.

(H3) sneha--bhūmi [L=256392] f. " oil-source " , any substance yielding oil or grease W.
[L=256393] any object of affection , one worthy of love Ma1lati1m.

(H3) sneha--maya [L=256395] mf(ī)n. full of love or affection Katha1s.
[L=256396] consisting of love or affection , so called Mr2icch. Hcar.

(H3) sneha--vacas [L=256401] n. words of love or affection Bcar.

(H3) sneha--saṃjvara-vat [L=256414] mfn. smitten with the fever of love Ma1lati1m.

(H3) snehā* kula [L=256417] mfn. agitated by love R.

(H3) snehā* kūta [L=256418] n. the feeling or passion of love Ma1lati1m.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.90
(H1) sphiṭ [p= 1270,2] [L=256854] cl.10 P. spheṭayati , to hurt , injure , kill Dha1tup. xxxii , 90 (v.l. for √ sphiṭṭ ; accord. to some also , " to despise " ; " to love " ; " to cover ") .

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.37
(H1) smiṭ [p= 1271,3] [L=257109]
cl.10 P. smeṭayati , to despise (" to go " , S3a1kat2. ??) Dha1tup. xxxii , 37 ;

to love , xxxii , 36 ( Vop. )


(H1) smara [p= 1271,2] [L=257073] &c » p.1272 , col , 1.
(H2) smara [p= 1272,1] [L=257113] mf(ā)n. remembering , recollecting (» jāti-smara)
(H2B) smara [L=257114] m. (ifc. f(ā).) memory , remembrance , recollection ChUp. Uttarar.
(H2B) smara [L=257115] m. loving recollection love , (esp.) sexual love AV. &c
(H2B) smara [L=257116] m. kāma-deva (god of love) Ka1lid. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) smara [L=257117] m. an interpreter or explainer of the veda (and " the god of love ") Naish.
(H2B) smara [L=257118] m. the 7th astrol. mansion VarBr2S.

(H3) smara--kathā [L=257119] f. love-talk , lover's prattle VarBr2S.

(H3) smara--kāra [L=257121] mf(ī)n. exciting love VarBr2S.

(H3) smara--kūpaka [L=257122] m. " well of love " , the female organ L.

(H3) smara--kūpikā [L=257123] f. " well of love " , the female organ L.

(H3) smara--guru [L=257124] m. " love-preceptor " , N. of viṣṇu L.

(H3) smara--gṛha [L=257125] n. " abode of love " , the female organ L.

(H3) smara--jvara [L=257130] m. " love-fever " , ardent love Vet.

(H3) smara--tāpa-maya [L=257133] mf(ī)n. consisting of the fire of love (with gada = " love-fever ") Naish.

(H3) smara--daśā [L=257135] f. state of the body produced by love (ten states are named: joy of the eyes , pensive reflection , desire , sleeplessness , emaciation , indifference to external objects , abandonment of shame , infatuation , fainting away , death) Megh.

(H3) smara--dāyin [L=257137] mfn. arousing love Kir.

(H3) smara--durmada [L=257141] mfn. intoxicated or infatuated by love BhP.

(H3) smara--dhvaja [L=257142] m. " love-sign " , a partic. musical instrument L.
[L=257143] the male organ L.
[L=257144] a fabulous fish (regarded as kāma's emblem) W.
(H3B) smara--dhvaja [L=257146] n. the female organ L.

(H3) smara--nipuṇa [L=257147] mfn. skilled in (the art of) love VarBr2S.

(H3) smara--pīḍita [L=257148] mfn. tormented by love Pan5cat.

(H3) smara--bhāsita [L=257151] mfn. inflamed by love MW.

(H3) smara--bhū [L=257152] mfn. arisen from love , S3r2in3ga1r.

(H3) smara--maya [L=257154] mf(ī)n. produced by love S3is3.

(H3) smara--moha [L=257156] m. infatuation of love W.

(H3) smara--mohita [L=257157] mfn. infatuated by love ib.

(H3) smara--ruj [L=257158] f. love-sickness BhP.

(H3) smara--lekha [L=257159] m. a love-letter BhP.

(H3) smara--vatī [L=257161] f. a woman in love L.

(H3) smara--vallabha [L=257163] m. " love's favourite " , N. of a-niruddha L.

(H3) smara--vīthikā [L=257164] f. " love-market " , a prostitute , harlot L.

(H3) smara--vṛddhi [L=257165] f. " love-increase " , N. of a partic. plant (whose seed is an aphrodisiac) L.

(H3) smara--śabara [L=257168] m. " love-barbarian " cruel love MW.

(H3) smara--sakha [L=257172] m. " love's friend " , the spring Kum.
[L=257173] the moon L.

(H3) smara--saha [L=257174] mfn. capable of exciting love S3is3.

(H3) smara--stambha [L=257176] m. " love-column " , the male organ L.

(H3) smara--hara [L=257178] m. " love-destroyer " , N. of śiva (cf. -śatru) Kautukas.

(H3) smarā* kula [L=257179] mfn. agitated by love , love-sick Hit.

(H3) smarā* ku° lita [L=257180] mfn. agitated by love , love-sick Hit.

(H3) smarā* kṛṣṭa [L=257181] mfn. attracted or overcome by love Katha1s.

(H3) smarā* ṅkuśa [L=257183] m. " love-hook " , a finger-nail L.
[L=257184] a lascivious person L.

(H3) smarā* tura [L=257185] mfn. love-sick , pining with love VarBr2S.

(H3) smarā* dhivāsa [L=257186] m. " love's abode " , the aśoka tree L.

(H3) smarā* ndha [L=257187] mfn. love-blinded infatuated by love W.

(H3) smarā* rta [L=257190] mfn. love-sick Naish. Sch.

(H3) smarā* sava [L=257191] m. " love-liquid " , saliva L.

(H3) smaro* tsuka [L=257193] mfn. pining with love , love-sick W.

(H3) smaro* dgītha [L=257194] m. " love-song " , N. of a son of devakī BhP.

(H3) smaro* ddīpana [L=257195] m. " love-kindler " , a sort of hair-oil VarBr2S.

(H3) smaro* pakaraṇa [L=257197] n. implement of love (as perfumes &c ) VarBr2S.

(H2) smā́ra [p= 1272,2] [L=257219] m. remembrance , recollection of (comp.) TA1r.
[L=257220] (fr. smara) relating or belonging to the god of love Naish.

(H3) smṛ́ti--jāta [p= 1272,3] [L=257292] m. " memory-born " , the god of love Dharmas3.

(H3) svā* nubhāva [p= 1277,2] [L=258373] m. enjoyment of or love for property Katha1s.

(H4) svā* nta---ja [p= 1277,3] [L=258386] m. " heart-born " , love Gi1t.

(H3) hara--dagdha-mūrti [p= 1289,1] [L=260704] m. " whose body has been burnt by śiva " , kāma-deva (also " sexual love ") VarBr2S.

(H2) hartu [p= 1289,2] [L=260795] m. " seizer " , death L.
[L=260796] great love L.

(H2) hasita [p= 1294,2] [L=262083] mfn. laughing , jesting , smiling Katha1s.
[L=262084] one who has laughed (m. " he laughed " = jahāsa) Vet.
[L=262085] mocked , ridiculed , surpassed , excelled , Ka1v.
[L=262086] blown , expanded L.
(H2B) hasita [L=262087] n. laughing , laughter (also impers. = " it has been laughed ") TA1r. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) hasita [L=262088] n. the bow of kāma (god of love) W.

(H2) hā́rda [p= 1297,2] [L=262690] mfn. relating to or being in the heart Suparn2. S3am2k. BhP.
(H2B) hā́rda [L=262691] n. love , kindness , affection for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
(H2B) hā́rda [L=262692] n. meaning , intention , purpose BhP.

(H3) hṛc--chaya [p= 1302,2] [L=263707] mfn. (for -śaya) lying or abiding in the heart (with muniḥ-purāṇaḥ , " the eternal Monitor in the heart " , i.e. " the conscience ") MBh. BhP.
(H3B) hṛc--chaya [L=263708] m. " heart-dweller " , kāma-deva or love ib.

(H4) hṛc--chaya---pīḍita [L=263709] mfn. tormented by love , love-sick MBh.

(H4) hṛc--chaya---vardhana [L=263710] mfn. augmenting love ib.

(H4) hṛc--cha° yā* viṣṭa-cetana [L=263711] mfn. having a heart penetrated by love ib.

(H2) hevākasa [p= 1305,2] [L=264413] mfn. whimsical , capricious (as love) Das3ar.

(H3) agni--madana [p= 1309,1] [L=300982.1] n. the fire of sexual love, MBh.

(H2) a-deha [p= 1310,1] [L=303020] m. "bodiless", the god of love, Gal.

(H3) apatya--sneha [p= 1313,3] [L=309200.2] m. love for one's own children, Ma1lati1m.

(H2) apa-vātā [p= 1314,2] [L=310170] f. a cow which has lost the love for its calf, Kaus3.

(H2) icchāpita [p= 1320,3] [L=321180] mfn. (fr. √ 3. iṣ) caused to love, Divya7v.

(H3) janma--vātsalya [p= 1327,2] [L=331640.4] n. love for one's native country, Hit.

(H3) tārā--maitraka [p= 1328,1] [L=332690.2] n. "star-friendship", spontaneous love, Ma1lati1m. ; Uttarar.