Laksha-Target, aim

sarvataḥ svaśarīrasya dvādaśānte manolayāt |
dṛḍhabuddher dṛḍhībhūtaṃ tattva
lakṣyam pravartate || 50 |

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymological and philologically ... - Page 893
, Ernst Leumann, Carl Cappeller - 1999 - 1333 pages - Preview
(lakshyam */labh, to attain an object, have success; lakshyam aim at,' with dkdle = dkdse laksha, •Jbandh, sec under laksha) ; the thing defined (op] to lakshana), A. ; an indirect or secondary ...
Monier Monier-Williams

laká [p= 891,3] [L=180332]
or n. (prob. fr. √ lag as " that which is attached or fixed ") a mark , sign , token , (esp.) a mark to aim at , target , butt , aim , object , prey , prize RV. ii , 12 , 4 , &c &c (cf. labdha-l° ; ākāśe lakam-bandh , to fix the gaze vaguely on space , look into space as if at some object barely visible in the distance S3ak. ; cf. also ākāśa-baddha-laka)

cf. -supta)


laká [L=180336]
a lac , one hundred thousand Ya1jn5. Hariv. &c
(H2) m.
[L=180333]appearance , show , pretence (
[L=180334]a kind of citron
[L=180335]a pearl
(H2B) mfn.

and from the Spoken Sanskrit Dictionary:


be regarded as or taken for

be indirectly denoted

be expressed

be marked

be indicated


be characterized

be marked or characterized or defined

be defined

denoted or expressed

be recognised or known


















Sanskrit Words for Aim

1 lakṣ (aim) 2 lakṣa (aim) 3 lakṣatā (aim) 4 lakṣabhūta (aim) 5 lakṣaṇa (aim) 6 lakṣaṇā (aim) 7 lakṣīkṛ (aim) 8 lakṣībhū (aim) 9 lakṣya (aim) 10 lakṣyagraha (aim) 11 lakṣyatā (aim) 12 lakṣyatva (aim) 13 lakṣyabhūta (aim) 14 lakṣyīkṛ (aim) 15 lakṣyībhū (aim)

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.5, 33.23
Whitney Roots links: lakz
lak [p= 891,3] [L=180331]
lakate , to perceive , observe BhP. Katha1s.  ; 
P. °ti) , to recognise MBh.  ; 
cl.10 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 5 ; xxxiii , 23 ; rather Nom. fr. laka below) lakayati , °te (aor. alalakat , °ta ; inf. lakayitum ; ind.p. lakayitvā , -lakya) , to mark , sign MBh.  ; 
to characterize , define (in
Comms.)  ; 
to indicate , designate indirectly
S3am2k. Kpr. Sa1h. Sarvad.  ; 
to aim , it (as to aim an arrow at any object) , direct towards , have in view , mean
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 37 &c  ; 
to consider or regard any one (
acc.) as (acc. with or without iva) MBh. Hariv. Pur.  ; 
to suppose of any one (
acc.) that he will &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. iii , 10375  ; 
to know , understand , recognise by (
instr.) or as (acc.) or that &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to notice , perceive , observe , see , view
MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. lakyate , to be marked &c  ; 
to be meant or intended
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 &c  ; 
to be named or called (with double
nom.) BhP.  ; 
to be perceived or seen , appear , seem , look like (
nom. with or without iva) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. » lilakayiita.
(H1) cl.1 A1.
laká [L=180332]
or n. (prob. fr. √ lag as " that which is attached or fixed ") a mark , sign , token , (esp.) a mark to aim at , target , butt , aim , object , prey , prize RV. ii , 12 , 4 , &c &c (cf. labdha-l° ; ākāśe lakam-bandh , to fix the gaze vaguely on space , look into space as if at some object barely visible in the distance S3ak. ; cf. also ākāśa-baddha-laka)

cf. -supta)


laká [L=180336]
a lac , one hundred thousand Ya1jn5. Hariv. &c
(H2) m.
[L=180333]appearance , show , pretence (
[L=180334]a kind of citron
[L=180335]a pearl
(H2B) mfn.
laká--tā [L=180337]
the state of being a mark or aim MW.
(H3) f.
laká--bhūta [p= 892,1] [L=180356]
that which has become the aim or object (of all) , sought by all Cat.

ifc.) liable or subject to Ja1takam.
(H3) mfn.
lakaa [L=180381]
indicating , expressing indirectly Veda7ntas.
lakaa [L=180382]
Ardea Sibirica L.
lakaa [L=180383]
N. of a man Ra1jat. (often confounded with , lakmaa)
lakaa [L=180385]
(ifc. f(ā).) a mark , sign , symbol , token , characteristic , attribute , quality (ifc. = " marked or characterized by " , " possessed of ") Mn. MBh. &c
lakaa [L=180386]
a stroke , line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
lakaa [L=180387]
a lucky mark , favourable sign Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
lakaa [L=180388]
a symptom or indication of disease Cat.
lakaa [L=180389]
a sexual organ MBh. xiii , 2303
lakaa [L=180390]
a spoon (?) DivyA7v
lakaa [L=180391]
accurate description , definition , illustration Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r.
lakaa [L=180392]
settled rate , fixed tariff Mn. viii , 406
lakaa [L=180393]
a designation , appellation , name (ifc. = " named " , " called ") Mn. MBh. Ka1v.
lakaa [L=180394]
a form , species , kind , sort (ifc.= " taking the form of " , " appearing as ") Mn. S3am2k. BhP.
lakaa [L=180395]
the act of aiming at , aim , goal , scope , object (ifc. = " concerning " , " relating to " , " coming within the scope of ") APra1t. Ya1jn5. MBh. BhP.
lakaa [L=180396]
reference , quotation Pa1n2. 1-4 , 84
lakaa [L=180397]
effect , operation , influence ib. i , 1 , 62 &c
lakaa [L=180398]
cause , occasion , opportunity R. Das3.
lakaa [L=180399]
observation , sight , seeing W.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
lakaā [L=180384]
» s.v.
lakaā [L=180434]
aiming at , aim , object , view Hariv.
892,2] [L=180435]
arthas ; the other two being abhidhā or proper sense , and vyañjanā or suggestive sense ; with *ropā , the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper sense) Sa1h. Kpr. Bha1sha1p. &c

Ardea Sibirica (= lakmaā) Sus3r.

Un2. iii , 7 Sch.

of an apsaras MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[p= indication , elliptical expression , use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of " head " for " intellect ") , indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three
[L=180436]the female of the
[L=180437]a goose
lakī-- √ k [L=180467]
-karoti , -kurute , to make a mark or object , aim or point or look at Ka1lid. Dhu1rtas.  ; 
to set out towards
Naish.  ; 
to calculate (
cf. next) .
(H3) P. A1.
lakī-- √ bhū [L=180470]
-bhavati , to become a mark or aim or object Kull. (v.l. lakyī-bhū).
(H3) P.
lakya [p= 893,1] [L=180664]
to be marked or characterized or defined , Kap. Sch.

Sa1h. Veda7ntas.

VarBr2S. Katha1s.

nom.) S3is3. Hit.

instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid. Dhu1rtas.

MBh. Ka1v. &c
lakya [L=180670]
N. of a magical formula or spell recited over weapons R.
lakya [L=180671]
an object aimed at , prize MBh. R. Ka1m.
lakya [p= 893,2] [L=180672]
(exceptionally also n. with m. as v.l.) an aim , butt , mark , goal Up. Gaut. MBh. &c (lakya-labh , to attain an object , have success ; lakyam-bandh with loc. , " to fix or direct the aim at " , with ākāśe = ākāśe lakam-bandh » under laka)
lakya [L=180673]
the thing defined (opp. to lakaa) A.
lakya [L=180674]
an indirect or secondary meaning (that derived from lakaā , q.v.) Kpr.
lakya [L=180675]
a pretence , sham , disguise Ragh. Ka1m. (cf. -supta)
lakya [L=180676]
a lac or one hundred thousand Ra1jat.
lakya [L=180677]
an example , illustration (?) Sa1h.
lakya [L=180678]
often v.l. or w.r. for laka and lakman.
(H2) mfn.
[L=180665]to be indicated , indirectly denoted or expressed
[L=180666](to be) kept in view or observed
[L=180667]to be regarded as or taken for (
[L=180668]to be recognised or known , recognisable by (
[L=180669]observable , perceptible , visible
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
lakya--graha [L=180680]
taking aim L.
(H3) m.
lakya--tā [L=180682]
the being visible , visibility (acc. with √ , to make visible , show) Ra1jat.

acc. with √ , to become an aim) Katha1s.
(H3) f.
[L=180683]the being an aim or object (
lakya--tva [L=180684]
the being indirectly expressed Sarvad.

ifc.) the being an aim or object of , Katharn2. ??
(H3) n.
lakya--bhūta [L=180687]
that which has become a mark or aim BhP.
(H3) mfn.
lakyī-- √ k [L=180700]
-karoti , to make an aim or object Ka1lid. (cf. lakī-k).
(H3) P.
lakyī-- √ bhū [L=180701]
-bhavati , to become an aim or object (v.l. for lakī-bhū q.v.)
(H3) P.