Bharanat-Awareness, close observation, intent awareness
ūrdhve prāṇo hy adho jīvo visargātmā paroccaret |
utpattidvitayasthāne bharaṇād bharitā sthitiḥ || 24 ||“Bharanat here means by close observation or one-pointed awareness” -Jaideva Singh
Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 20

Jaideva Singh | - 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
(bharanat)* at the two places of their origin (viz., centre of the body in the case of prdna and dvadasanta in the case of ... Bharanat here means by close observation or one-pointed awareness. Awareness of what ? ...
Indian semantic analysis: the nirvacana tradition - Page 74

Eivind Kahrs | - 1998 - 302 pages - Preview
So he is called 'Bhairava' because he supports the universe and is supported by it, because he nourishes it and is nourished by it (bharanat : ^bhr), and because he roars ...
Vibration of Divine Consciousness: The Spiritual Autobiography of ... - Page 120

Acharya Kedar | - 2003 - 300 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Awareness (bharanat) or close observation of the space between these breaths, or the pause at apana and prana, is the experience of the Absolute. For, there is something taking place in those spaces that must be observed. ... -
Sāmarasya: studies in Indian art, philosophy, and interreligious ...

Bettina Bäumer | , Sadānanda Das, Ernst Fürlinger - 2006 - 626 pages - Snippet view
9: bharanat bharitasthitdt. 20. See TAV vol. 1 (1), p. 7, 11. 2-5 (ad loc.). The five powers are called faces through their equation with the five faces of iconic Bhairava, namely, Tatpurusa (E, front), Sadyojata (W, rear), Vamadeva (N, ...
Religious tantricism: Volume 2

Rajnath Singh | - 2001 - Snippet view
The significance of the term Bhairava is set forth as follows: He is so called as he maintains (bharanat) all, and makes sound (ravana). Again, he is called Bhairava as He does good to those who are bhTru (afraid); the cause of fear is ...