liṅgaśarīra - subtle body
the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death. Since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal.
(H3) | liṅga--śarīra [L=182564]
n. |
the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death (it is also called sūkṣma-ś° q.v. , and since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal) Kap. Veda7ntas. ( IW. 53 n. 2) .
(H3) liṅga--deha [p= 902,1] [L=182512]
m. n. the subtle body (» liṅga above and liṅga-śarīra below) Ba1lar.
(H2) | liṅgin [p= 902,2] [L=182593]
mfn. |
having a mark or sign , wearing a distinguishing mark
[L=182594] |
( |
ifc.) having the marks or appearance of , characterized by Mn. MBh. &c
[L=182595] |
bearing false marks or signs , a hypocrite , ( |
ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf. dvija-l°)
[L=182596] |
having a right to wear signs or badges , one whose external appearance corresponds , with his inner character |
[L=182597] |
having a subtle body |
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182598]
m. |
a Brahman of a partic. order , religious student , ascetic MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182599]
m. pl. |
" possessing or furnished with a liṅga " , N. of a śaiva sect (» liṅga-vat) Col.
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182600]
m. |
" sustaining the liṅga or pradhāna " , N. of parameśvara Lin3gaP.
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182601]
m. |
(in logic) = -vyāpaka , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition " there is fire because there is smoke " , fire is the liṅgin ; cf. IW. 62)
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182602]
m. |
original source or germ Kap. Sch.
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182603]
m. |
an elephant L.
(H2B) | liṅgin [L=182605]
m. |
a species of plant L.
(H4) | laghú--samudīraṇa---tva [p= 894,2] [L=181000]
n. |
mobility (of the body) Buddh.