Anaya-Not another
tantryādivādyaśabdeṣu dīrgheṣu kramasaṃsthiteḥ |
ananyacetāḥ pratyante paravyomavapur bhavet || 41 ||
ananya(H1) an-anyá [p= 25,2] [L=5013] mf(ā)n. no other , not another , not different , identical
[p= 25,2] [L=5014] self
[p= 25,2] [L=5015] not having a second , unique
[p= 25,2] [L=5016] not more than one , sole
[p= 25,2] [L=5017] having no other (object) , undistracted
[p= 25,2] [L=5018] not attached or devoted to any one else TS.
(H2) ananya [p= 1311,1] [L=304730] (in comp.) 25,
| ananyacetas = one-pointed, undistracted consciousness
(also written ananya-cetāḥ) evam eva jagat sarvaṃ dagdhaṃ dhyātvā vikalpataḥ |
ananyacetasaḥ puṃsaḥ pumbhāvaḥ paramo bhavet || 53 ||
(H2) | cétas [p= 398,1] [L=74066]
n. | splendour RV.
[L=74067] |
( |
Naigh. iii , 9) consciousness , intelligence , thinking soul , heart , mind VS. xxxiv , 3 AV. Mn. ix , xii MBh. &c (ifc. Kat2hUp. Mn. &c )
[L=74068] |
will |
AV. vi , 116 , 3 TBr. iii , 1 , 1 , 7
[L=74069] |
cf. |
a-cetás , dabhrá- , prá- , laghu- , ví- , sá- , su-cétas.
(H1) | cétas [p= 401,3] [L=74910]
&c |
, °tāya &c » √cit.
Yoga philosophy of Patañjali: containing his Yoga aphorisms with ... - Page 52

Patañjali | , Hariharānanda Āraṇya (Swami.), Vyāsa - 1983 - 483 pages - Google eBook - Preview
It thus enables one to concentrate on constituent principles, especially those pertaining to one's own self. It might be questioned that this habit of watching the different fluctuations of the mind is not one-pointedness but multi-pointedness...
Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme - Page 101

John Hughes | , Lakshman - 2007 - 176 pages - Preview
Pure yoga is one-pointedness, and this one-pointedness must be developed in three ways. You must develop one-pointedness in the existence of your being. This is one-pointedness in the state of parā vāk (supreme speech). ...
Bhagavad-gītā as it is: with the original Sanskrit text, Roman ...
| A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupādā - 1986 - 904 pages - Snippet view
ananya-cetah — without deviation of the mind; satatam — always; yah— anyone who; mam — Me (Krsna); smarati— remembers; ... As indicated by the word ananya- cetah , in pure bhakti-yoga the devotee desires nothing but Krsna. ...
The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 45
| Jaideva Singh - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
[Dharana 26] VERSE 49 3Rwr%m: gun Ananyacetah subhage pararn saubhagyam apnuyat // 49. TRANSLATION He whose mind together with the other senses is merged in the ...
Body and cosmology in Kashmir Śaivism
| Gavin D. Flood - 1993 - 441 pages - Snippet view
VB 41: tantryadivadyasabdesu dlrghesu kramasamsthiteh / ananyacetah pratyante paravycmavapur bhavet //. 26. SN p. 3. 27. PTLV p. 4. 28. IP 1.6.7: tad evam vyavahare 'pi prabhur dehadim avisah / bhahtam evahtararthaugham icchya bhasayed ...