
svá--bhāva [L=258038]
(ifc. f(ā).) native place Vishn2.

°vāt or °vena or °va-tas or ibc.) , (from natural disposition , by nature , naturally , by one's self , spontaneously) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
(H3) m.
[L=258039]own condition or state of being , natural state or constitution , innate or inherent disposition , nature , impulse , spontaneity
svá--bhāva---kta [L=258041]
done by nature , natural VarBr2S.
(H4) mfn.
svá--bhāva---ja [L=258043]
produced by natural disposition , innate , natural R. Sa1h. &c
(H4) mfn.

svā* nurūpa [p= 1277,2] [L=258378]
resembling one's self , suited to one's character Katha1s.
1277,3] [L=258379]
(H3) mfn.
[p= natural , innate

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akalpita (natural) 2 akṣāralavaṇa (natural) 3 akhāa (natural) 4 anuguṇa (natural) 5 anuloma (natural) 6 anusāra (natural) 7 anvaya (natural) 8 apaviddhaputra (natural) 9 apākaja (natural) 10 aprakṛta (natural) 11 apratiyatnapūrva (natural) 12 apravṛtti (natural) 13 apraśasta (natural) 14 abhaya (natural) 15 ayāna (natural) 16 araṇa (natural) 17 ariṣṭa (natural) 18 arundhatī (natural) 19 avikṛta (natural) 20 aśvamahiṣikā (natural) 21 aśvasṛgālikā (natural) 22 asaṃskāra (natural) 23 ahinakulikā (natural) 24 ānulomika (natural) 25 ānulomya (natural) 26 āyāna (natural) 27 ālambana (natural) 28 āhāryaśobhā (natural) 29 upaplava (natural) 30 upaliṅga (natural) 31 upasarga (natural) 32 autpattika (natural) 33 autsargika (natural) 34 kandara (natural) 35 kākolūka (natural) 36 kākolūkikā (natural) 37 kāṇḍapṛṣṭha (natural) 38 kāya (natural) 39 kṛtaka (natural) 40 kṛtrima (natural) 41 krīta (natural) 42 krītaka (natural) 43 khadā (natural) 44 gamaka (natural) 45 gṛhamedhinī (natural) 46 janūrvāsas (natural) 47 jāti (natural) 48 jātivaira (natural) 49 diṣṭa (natural) 50 devakuṇḍa (natural) 51 devakhāta (natural) 52 devanirmita (natural) 53 daivakṛta (natural) 54 daivadatta (natural) 55 daivātyaya (natural) 56 dravatā (natural) 57 dravatva (natural) 58 dravatvaka (natural) 59 nātyupapanna (natural) 60 nirūḍha (natural) 61 nisarga (natural) 62 nisargaja (natural) 63 nisargabhāva (natural) 64 nisargasiddha (natural) 65 nisargasauhṛda (natural) 66 naisarga (natural) 67 pariṇati (natural) 68 pariṇāmavat (natural) 69 parivāha (natural) 70 paryāpti (natural) 71 pāriṇāmika (natural) 72 prakṛti (natural) 73 prakṛtitva (natural) 74 prakṛtibhava (natural) 75 prakṛtibhāva (natural) 76 prakṛtimat (natural) 77 prakṛtimaya (natural) 78 prakṛtisiddha (natural) 79 prakṛtistha (natural) 80 pratiloma (natural) 81 pratilomānuloma (natural) 82 prākṛta (natural) 83 prākṛtatva (natural) 84 prākṛtamitra (natural) 85 prākṛtāri (natural) 86 prākṛtodāsīna (natural) 87 prākṛtika (natural) 88 bhāvādvaita (natural) 89 bhāvānuga (natural) 90 bhāvika (natural) 91 mala (natural) 92 māsa (natural) 93 mudrā (natural) 94 mṛtyu (natural) 95 medinīdina (natural) 96 yathopapanna (natural) 97 (natural) 98 rīti (natural) 99 retodhas (natural) 100 lalitavistara (natural)
a-kalpita [p= 2,1] [L=211]
not manufactured , not artificial , not pretended

(H2) mfn.
[L=212]natural , genuine.
a-kāra--lavaa [p= 3,3] [L=627]
not factitious (i.e. natural) salt
a-kāra--lavaa [L=628]
not composed of artificial salt , ([ Kull. on]) Mn. iii , 257 ; v , 73
a-kāra--lavaa [L=630]
or , according to Goldst. ?? and NBD. , better " (food) not containing acrid substances nor salt " ; therefore also akārā*lavaa in the same sense cf. kāra-lavaa.
(H3) n.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
á-khāta [p= 4,2] [L=745]
unburied AV.
á-khāta [L=746]
a natural pond or lake , a pool before a temple L.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) mn.
anu-gua [p= 32,1] [L=6218]
(ā)n. having similar qualities , congenial to

anu-gua [L=6221]
natural peculiarity.
(H1) mf
[L=6219]according or suitable to
(H1B) m.
anu-loma [p= 38,1] [L=7168]
(ā)n. " with the hair or grain " (opposed to prati-loma q.v.) , in a natural direction , in order , regular , successive

anu-loma [L=7171]
" descendants of an anulomā " , mixed castes , (g. upakā*di q.v.)
(H1) mf
(H1B) m. pl.
anu-sāra [p= 41,1] [L=7596]
, &c » under anu-s below.
anu-sāra [L=7610]
going after , following

ea) , or
(H1) anu-sārin
(H2) m.
[L=7611]custom , usage
[L=7612]nature , natural state or condition of anything
[L=7613]prevalence , currency
[L=7614]received or established authority , especially of codes of law
[L=7615]accordance , conformity to usage
[L=7616]consequence , result
anv-aya [p= 46,2] [L=8741]
( √ i » anv-i) , following , succession

anv-aya [p= 47,2] [L=8894]
[p= 46,1].
(H1) m.
[L=8742]connection , association , being linked to or concerned with
[L=8743]the natural order or connection of words in a sentence , syntax , construing
[L=8744]logical connection of words
[L=8745]logical connection of cause and effect , or proposition and conclusion
[L=8746]drift , tenor , purport
[L=8747]descendants , race , lineage , family.
(H2) »
apa-viddha--putra [p= 52,3] [L=9756]
a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted by a stranger Mn. Ya1jn5.

(H3) m.
[L=9757]one of the twelve objects of filiation in law.
a-pāka--ja [p= 53,3] [L=9946]
not produced by cooking or ripening

(H3) mfn.
a-prakta [p= 57,1] [L=10472]
not principal , not relevant to the main topic under discussion , not chief

a-prakta [p= 1314,3] [L=311020]
not being in question, not belonging to the matter, Ka1tyS3r.
(H2) mfn.
[L=10473]occasional or incidental
[L=10474]not natural.
(H2) mfn.
a-pratiyatna-pūrva [p= 58,1] [L=10586]
(ā)n. not produced (" by force " = ) artificially , natural S3is3.
(H1) mf
a-pravtti [p= 58,3] [L=10743]
not proceeding


59,1] [L=10746]
a-pravtti [p= 1314,3] [L=311250]
gen.), R.
a-pravtti [L=311250.1]
inactive, KaushUp.
(H2) f.
[L=10744]no further effect or applicability of a precept
[L=10745]abstaining from action , inertion , non-excitement
[p= (in med.) suppression of the natural evacuations , constipation , ischury ,
(H2) (also) want of news about (
(H2B) mfn.
a-praśastá 1 [p= 59,1] [L=10752]
not praised , fameless RV. ii , 41 , 16 and iv , 28 , 4

a-praśastá 1 [L=10754]
dirt , natural excretion Mn. xi , 255.
á-praśasta 2 [L=10755]
not praised , blamable RV. i , 167 , 8.
(H1) mfn.
[L=10753]not good , inferior , worthless
(H1B) n.
(H2) mfn.
á-bhaya [p= 60,3] [L=11124]
(ā)n. unfearful , not dangerous , secure
a-bháya [L=11125]
fearless , undaunted S3Br. xiv
á-bhaya [L=11126]
N. of śiva
á-bhaya [L=11127]
of a natural son of bimbisāra
á-bhaya [L=11128]
of a son of idhmajihva BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11129]
of a river in krauñcadvīpa BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11131]
(ifc. f(ā).) absence or removal of fear , peace , safety , security RV. &c (cf. ábhaya-tama below)
á-bhaya [L=11132]
" safety " , (applied as proper name to) a child of dharma and his reign in plakadvīpa BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11133]
a kind of symbol procuring security Hcat.
á-bhaya [L=11134]
a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Kaus3.
á-bhaya [L=11135]
the root of a fragrant grass , Andropogon Muricatum.
a-bhaya [p= 1315,1] [L=311510]
(H1) mf
(H1B) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in
a-yāna [p= 85,2] [L=14862]
not moving , halting , stopping L.

= sva.bhāva) , " natural disposition or temperament " , L.
(H1) n.
áraa 1 [p= 86,2] [L=15049]
(ī)n. ( √ ) , foreign , distant RV. AV. S3Br.
áraa 1 [L=15050]
(only for the etym. of arai) the being fitted (as a piece of wood) Nir.
áraa 1 [L=15051]
a refuge BhP.
a-raa 2 [p= 86,3] [L=15059]
without fighting (as death i.e. natural death) Bhat2t2.
(H1) mf
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1) mfn.
á-riṣṭa [p= 88,1] [L=15344]
(ā)n. unhurt RV. &c



&c ) , AdbhBr. Hariv.

R. ii , 42 , 22
á-riṣṭa [L=15349]
a heron L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15350]
a crow L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15351]
the soapberry tree , Sapindus Detergens Roxb. (the fruits of which are used in washing Ya1jn5. i,186)
á-riṣṭa [L=15352]
cf. arī ṣṭaka
á-riṣṭa [L=15353]
Azadirachta Indica R. ii , 94 , 9
á-riṣṭa [L=15354]
garlic L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15355]
a distilled mixture , a kind of liquor Sus3r.
á-riṣṭa [L=15356]
N. of an asura (with the shape of an ox , son of bali , slain by kṛṣṇa or viṣṇu) Hariv. BhP.
á-riṣṭa [L=15357]
of a son of manu vaivasvata VP. (v.l. for deṣṭa)
á-riṣṭa [L=15358]
ill-luck , misfortune (» ariṣṭa n.) MBh. xii , 6573
á-riṣṭa [L=15359]
a medical plant L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15360]
N. of durgā SkandaP.
á-riṣṭa [L=15361]
N. of a daughter of daka and one of the wives of kaśyapa Hariv.
á-riṣṭa [L=15362]
bad or ill-luck. misfortune
á-riṣṭa [L=15363]
a natural phenomenon boding approaching death
á-riṣṭa [L=15364]
good fortune , happiness MBh. iv , 2126, buttermilk L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15365]
vinous spirit L.
á-riṣṭa [L=15366]
a woman's apartment , the lying-in chamber (cf. ariṣṭagriha and -śayyā below) L.
ariṣṭa [p= 1316,1] [L=313730]
(H2) mf
[L=15345]proof against injury or damage
[L=15346]secure , safe
[L=15347]boding misfortune (as birds of ill omen ,
[L=15348]fatal , disastrous (as a house)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in
a-rundhatī́ [p= 88,3] [L=15481]
a medicinal climbing plant AV.

vasiṣṭha R. &c

dharma Hariv.

vasiṣṭha , or of all the seven , the so-called seven ṛṣis ; at marriage ceremonies arundhatī is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom) A1s3vGr2. &c

of a kind of super natural faculty (also called kuṇḍalinī).
(H1) f.
[L=15482]the wife of
[L=15483]the wife of
[L=15484]the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear , and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars ,
a-vikta [p= 107,3] [L=18656]
unchanged TPra1t.

A1p. Gaut. , (said of cloth) not dyed Gaut.

S3Br. iii

(H2) mfn.
[L=18657]not prepared , not changed by artificial means , being in its natural condition
[L=18658]not developed (in its shape)
[L=18659]not deformed , not monstrous
áśva--mahiikā [p= 115,1] [L=19950]
the natural enmity of a horse and a buffalo L.
(H3) f.
áśva--sgālikā [p= 115,3] [L=20048]
the natural enmity between the horse and the jackal L.
(H3) f.
a-saskāra [p= 117,3] [L=20420]
non-consecration Pa1rGr2.

S3ak. Ka1d.
(H1) m.
[L=20421]want of embellishment or care , natural state ,
áhi--nakulikā [p= 125,1] [L=21836]
the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon Pat.
(H3) f.
ānulomika [p= 141,1] [L=24602]
(ī)n. (fr. anu-loma) , in the direction of the hair , in natural or regular order , in due course

(H1) mf
[L=24603]conformable , favourable , benevolent
ānulomya [L=24604]
(ī)n. in the direction of the hair , produced in natural or direct order
ānulomya [L=24605]
a direction similar to that of hairs , natural or direct order Mn. Ya1jn5. Pa1n2.
ānulomya [L=24606]
the state of being prosperous , doing well Sus3r. Pa1n2.
ānulomya [L=24607]
bringing to one's right place Sus3r.
ānulomya [L=24608]
favourable direction , fit disposition , favourableness L.
ānulomya [L=24609]
regular series or succession L.
(H2) mf
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
ā-yā́na [p= 148,3] [L=25848]
coming , arrival RV. viii , 22 , 18 MBh. &c

L. (cf. ayāna.)
ā-yāna [p= 1320,1] [L=319670]
partic. ornament for horses, Hcar.
(H2) n.
[L=25849]the natural temperament or disposition
(H2) (also) a
ā-lambana [p= 153,2] [L=26736]
depending on or resting upon



Prab. Kat2hUp.

ā-lambana [L=26742]
the mental exercise practised by the yogin in endeavouring to realize the gross form of the Eternal VP.
ā-lambana [L=26743]
silent repetition of a prayer ([ W. ])
ā-lambana [L=26744]
(with Buddhists) the five attributes of things (apprehended by or connected with the five senses , viz. form , sound , smell , taste , and touch ; also dharma or law belonging to manas).
(H2) n.
[L=26737]hanging from
[L=26738]supporting , sustaining
[L=26739]foundation , base
[L=26740]reason , cause
[L=26741](in rhetoric) the natural and necessary connection of a sensation with the cause which excites it
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
ā-hāryá--śobhā [p= 163,1] [L=28439]
adventitious beauty (not natural but the effect of paint , ornaments , &c )
(H3) f.
upa-plava [p= 202,3] [L=35185]
affliction , visitation , invasion , inundation

&c ) MBh. Sus3r. Vikr. Kum. Katha1s. &c

of rāhu (who is supposed to cause eclipses) L.

of śiva L.
(H2) m.
[L=35186]any public calamity , unlucky accident , misfortune , disturbance
[L=35187]a portent or natural phenomenon (as an eclipse
upa-liga [p= 206,1] [L=35683]
a portent , natural phenomenon considered as boding evil L.
(H1) n.
upa-sarga [p= 210,1] [L=36193]
» col.2.
upa-sarga [p= 210,2] [L=36244]
(g. nyakv-ādi Pa1n2. 7-3 , 53) addition AitBr. iv , 4 , 1 ; 2 RPra1t.

R. Prab. Ratna1v. Das3. &c

Comm. on Mn. iv , 105


Sus3r. ii , 429 , 13



nipāta or particle joined to a verb or noun denoting action , a preposition (» also gati and karma-pravacanīya ; they are enumerated Pa1n2. 1-4 , 58 ; in the veda they are separable from the verb) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 59 ; vi , 3 , 97 ; 122 Ka1ty. Pat. RPra1t. APra1t. &c
upa-sarga [p= 1322,2] [L=324310]
(H1) upa-sarjana
(H2) m.
[L=36245]misfortune , trouble , a natural phenomenon (considered as boding evil)
[L=36246]an eclipse (of a star)
[L=36247](in med.) a fit , paroxysm (supposed to be possession by an evil spirit)
[L=36248]a disease superinduced on another
[L=36249]change occasioned by any disease
[L=36250]indication or symptom of death
(H2) (also) an eclipse of sun or moon,
autpattika [p= 237,1] [L=40876]
(ī)n. (fr. ut-patti) , relating to origin , inborn , original , natural La1t2y. BhP. &c ; a4@priori

Jaim. i , 1 , 5.
(H1) mf
[L=40877]inherent , eternal
autsargika [L=40889]
(fr. ut-sarga) , belonging to or taught in a general rule , general , not particular or special , generally valid Ka1s3. Siddh. &c

(H1) mfn.
[L=40890]terminating , completing , belonging to a final ceremony by which a rite is terminated
[L=40891]abandoning , leaving
[L=40892]natural , inherent
kandara [p= 249,3] [L=43237]
(ā) , am , n. (as, m. L. ) ( √kand Comm. on Un2. iii , 131 ; ka,jalena dīryate T. ) , " great cliff " , an artificial or natural cave , glen , defile , valley R. Pan5cat. Megh. &c
kandara [L=43238]
a hook for driving an elephant L.
kandara [L=43240]
N. of a mother in the retinue of skanda MBh. BhP.
kandara [L=43241]
ginger L.
(H1) f
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
kāko* lūka [p= 267,2] [L=47128]
the crow and owl (as natural enemies) Comm. on Pa1n2. 2-4 , 9.
(H3) n.
kāko* lūkikā [L=47129]
the natural enmity between the owl and the crow Pa1n2. 4-3 , 125 Ka1s3. ; iv , 2 , 104 Pat. on Va1rtt. 21.
(H3) f.
kā́ṇḍa--pṛṣṭha [p= 269,2] [L=47526]
" arrow-backed " , a Brahman who lives by making arrows and other weapons MBh. (cf. ṇḍa-spṛṣṭa)


kā́ṇḍa--pṛṣṭha [p= 269,3] [L=47530]
the bow of kara L.
kā́ṇḍa--pṛṣṭha [L=47531]
the bow of kāma W.
(H3) m.
[L=47527]a soldier
[L=47528]the husband of a courtezan
[L=47529]an adopted or any other than a natural son
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
kāyá 1 [p= 274,1] [L=48455]
(ī)n. (fr. 3. ka Pa1n2. 4-2 , 25), relating or devoted to the god ka (prajā-pati RV. x , 121) VS. TS. S3Br.

kāyá 1 [L=48457]
one of the eight modes of marriage (= prājāpatya » vivāha) Mn. iii , 38 Ya1jn5. i , 60
kāyá 1 [L=48458]
part of the hand sacred to prajā-pati , the root of the little finger Mn. ii , 58 and 59.
kāya 2 [L=48459]
( √ci Pa1n2. 3-3 , 41), the body Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c




Na1r. Br2ih.




kāya [p= 1324,2] [L=327560]
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1) m.
[L=48460]the trunk of a tree
[L=48461]the body of a lute (the whole except the wires)
[L=48462]assemblage , collection , multitude
[L=48463]principal , capital
[L=48464]a house , habitation
[L=48465]a butt , mark
[L=48466]any object to be attained
[L=48467]natural temperament
(H2) (in
ktaka [p= 303,2] [L=54541]
artificial , factitious , done artificially , made , prepared , not produced spontaneously Nir. MBh. &c

MBh. xiii , 2630 Megh.

MBh. Pan5cat. Ragh. xviii , 51 &c
ktaka [L=54545]
N. of a son of vasu-deva BhP. ix , 24 , 47
ktaka [L=54546]
of a son of cyavana VP.
ktaka [L=54547]
a kind of salt (= vi-lavaa) L.
ktaka [L=54548]
sulphate of copper L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=54542]not natural , adopted (as a son)
[L=54543]assumed , simulated , false
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
ktríma [p= 303,3] [L=54644]
(ā)n. made artificially , factitious , artificial , not naturally or spontaneously produced RV. AV. &c

Ya1jn5. ii , 247 Katha1s.

Mn. Ya1jn5. ii , 131 MBh. Katha1s.

ktríma [L=54649]
incense , olibanum L.
ktríma [L=54650]
an adopted son L.
ktríma [L=54651]
a kind of salt (the common Bit Noben , or Bit Lavan [vi-lavaa] , obtained by cooking) L.
ktríma [L=54652]
a kind of perfume (= javadi) L.
ktríma [L=54653]
sulphate of copper (used as a collyrium) L.
ktríma [p= 304,3] [L=54821]
» ib.
(H2) mf
[L=54646]not natural , adopted (as a son)
[L=54647]assumed , simulated
[L=54648]not necessarily connected with the nature of anything , adventitious
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) &c
krītá [p= 321,2] [L=58117]
bought , purchased S3Br. Mn. &c

Mn. ix , 160

instr.) S3ak. iii (v.l.)

(with the purchase-price ; f(ī). ) Pa1n2. 4-1 , 50 ; vi , 2 , 151
krītá [L=58121]
(ā or ī)n. (f. also ā) Siddh.
krītá [L=58122]
N. of a man MaitrS. iv , 2 , 6
krītá [L=58123]
a sort of despised caste W.
krītá [L=58124]
a bargain Comm. on Ya1jn5. ii , 6.
krītá [p= 322,1] [L=58214]
(H2) mfn.
[L=58118]purchased from his natural parents (as a son ; one of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged by the ancient Hindu law)
[L=58119]won by (
(H2B) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) n.
(H1) &c
krītaka [p= 321,2] [L=58128]
bought from his natural parents (and adopted as male issue) Mn. ix , 174 Pravar.
(H2) mfn.
khadā [p= 336,3] [L=61230]
a hut , stable (a natural cavern?) Kaus3.
(H2) f.
gamaka [p= 348,1] [L=63621]
causing to understand , making clear or intelligible , explanatory , leading to clearness or conviction (e.g. hetu , " a convincing reason ") Sarvad. i , 35

gen.) Ma1lati1m. i , 7
gamaka [L=63623]
(in music) a deep natural tone PSarv.
(H2) mfn.
[L=63622]indicative of (
(H2B) n.
ghá--° medhinī [p= 362,2] [L=66621]
the wife of a householder BhP. iv , 26 , 13 (" natural intelligence " Sch.)
(H3B) f.
janūr-vā́sas 2 [p= 411,2] [L=76997]
the natural garment S3Br. v , 3.
(H2) n.
jāti [p= 418,1] [L=78658]
birth , production AitBr. ii , 39 Mn. MBh. (also ° , xiii f.) &c

R. i , 62 , 17 Ka1ran2d2. xxiii , 193

&c ) fixed by birth Mn. iv , 148 f. Yogas. ii , 13

ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 98

Ka1tyS3r. xv Mn. Ya1jn5. &c (° MBh. xiv , 2549)

La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. &c , (once ° ifc. MBh. vi , 456)


Car. ii , 1

Ya1jn5. ii , 246 MBh. xii , 5334

Nya1yad. v , 1 ff. Sarvad. xi , 10 and 34 Prab. Sch.

rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii , 1

R. i , 4 , 6 Ka1vya7d. i , 11



= °) mace , nutmeg Sus3r.

grandiflorum L.

°tī-phalā L.

kampilla L. cf. antya- , eka- , dvi- - ([cf. Lat. gens ; Lith. pri-gentis])
jāti [p= 1327,3] [L=331870]
(H2) f.
[L=78660]the form of existence (as man , animal ,
[L=78662]position assigned by birth , rank , caste , family , race , lineage
[L=78663]kind , genus (opposed to species) , species (opposed to individual) , class
[L=78664]the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones)
[L=78665]natural disposition to
[L=78666]the character of a species , genuine or true state of anything
[L=78667]reduction of fractions to a common denominator
[L=78668]a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity)
[L=78670]a class of metres
[L=78671]a manner of singing
[L=78672]a fire-place
(H2) (in
jāti--vaira [p= 418,1] [L=78712]
natural enmity W.
(H3) n.
diṣṭá [p= 480,2] [L=92618]
shown , pointed out , appointed , assigned (diṣṭā gatis , " the appointed way " i.e. death R. ii , 103 , 8)

RV. AV. MBh. R. &c
diṣṭá [L=92621]
time L.
diṣṭá [L=92622]
a sort of Curcuma L.
diṣṭá [L=92623]
N. of a son of manu vaivasvata Pur.
diṣṭá [L=92624]
appointed place ChUp. v , 9 , 2
diṣṭá [L=92625]
aim , goal TBr. ii , 4 , 2 , 2 &c
diṣṭá [L=92626]
allotment , assignment , decree
diṣṭá [L=92627]
fate , destiny AV. x , 3 , 16 MBh.
diṣṭá [L=92628]
direction , order , command BhP. v , 1 , 11 &c Ra1jat. iv , 121
diṣṭá [L=92629]
a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon) Sa1h.
(H2) mfn.
[L=92619]fixed , settled
[L=92620]directed , bidden
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
devá--kuṇḍa [p= 492,3] [L=95563]
a natural spring L. Sch.
(H3) n.
devá--khāta [L=95581]
" dug by the gods " , hollow by nature
devá--khāta [L=95582]
(m. Sch.) a natural pond or reservoir Va1yuP.
devá--khāta [L=95583]
a cave or cavern W. (-ka n. id. L. )
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
devá--nirmita [p= 493,2] [L=95778]
" god-made " , created , natural W.
(H3) mfn.
daíva--kta [p= 497,2] [L=96790]
caused by divine power or nature , natural (opp. to , " artificial ") Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
daíva--datta [p= 497,3] [L=96808]
(for 2. » 2. daiva) given by fate or fortune , innate , natural , Das3.
daiva--datta [L=96860]
(ī)n. being in the village deva-datta Pa1n2. 1-1 , 75 Sch.
daiva--datta [L=96861]
the pupils of deva-datta , 73. Va1rtt. 5 Pat. (cf. deva-dattīya)
(H3) mfn.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m. pl.
daivā* tyaya [L=96842]
danger or evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena Var.
(H3) m.
dravá--tā [p= 500,3] [L=97562]
( Ka1d. S3is3. ) natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance , fluidity , wetness.
(H3) f.
dravá--tva [L=97563]
Hit. ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance , fluidity , wetness.
(H3) (
dravá--tvaka [L=97564]
Bha1sha1p. ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance , fluidity , wetness.
(H3) (
* ty---upapanna [p= 523,2] [L=102676.7]
not quite natural or normal Das3.
(H4) mfn.
nir--ūha 1 [p= 540,3] [L=106917]
unmarried W.
ni-° ha [p= 554,1] [L=109450]
(cf. nir-ūha , [p= 540,3]) grown up BhP.

opp. to yaugika q.v.) Da1yabh. Sarvad.
ni-° ha [L=109450.2]
(in rhet.) the force or application of words according to their natural or received meanings W.
ni-° ha [L=109450.3]
(in logic) the inherence of any property in the term implying it (as of redness in the word " red " &c ) ib.
nir-° ūha [p= 554,2] [L=109471]
drawn out , put aside , separate Gaut.

Car. Sus3r.

cf. comp.)
(H3) mfn.
(H3) mfn.
[L=109450.1]conventional , accepted (as a word or its meaning ,
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3) mfn.
[L=109473]eviscerated (
ni-sarga [p= 564,1] [L=111040]
( √ sj) evacuation , voiding excrement MBh.

Mn. MBh. &c


MBh. Hariv.

nisarga ibc. , °gea ind. , °gāt ind. , or °ga-tas ind. by nature , naturally , spontaneously) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) m.
[L=111041]giving away , granting , bestowing , a favour or grant
[L=111042]relinquishing , abandoning
[L=111044]natural state or condition or form or character , nature (
ni-sarga--ja [L=111045]
innate , inborn , produced at creation , natural Mn. MBh.
(H3) mfn.
ni-sarga--bhāva [L=111048]
natural state or condition Var.
(H3) m.
ni-sarga--siddha [L=111052]
effected by nature , natural Bhartr2.
(H3) mfn.
ni-sarga--sauhda [L=111053]
natural friendship , friendship from infancy Ma1lati1m.
(H3) n.
nai--sarga [p= 570,1] [L=112400]
innate , natural BhP.
(H3) mfn.
pari-ati [p= 594,2] [L=117518]
pari-ati [p= 594,3] [L=117538]
bending , bowing W.

Sa1h. Pan5c. Sarvad.

Megh. Mcar.

Vikr. S3is3.

ibc. finally , at last ; śravaa-pariati-gam , to come at last to a person's ears ; pariati- , to attain one's final aim) Ka1v.


(H1) »
(H3) f.
[L=117539]change , transformation , natural development
[L=117540]ripeness , maturity
[L=117541]mature or old age
[L=117542]result , consequence , issue , end , termination (
[L=117543]fulfilment (of a promise) ,
pari-āma---vat [L=117563]
having a natural development (°ttva n.) S3am2k.
(H4) mfn.
pari-vāha [p= 600,3] [L=118525]
the overflowing of a tank , a natural or artificial inundation , a watercourse or drain to carry off excess of water MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. parī-v°)
(H3) m.
páry-° āpti [p= 608,1] [L=119808]
(páry-) end , conclusion S3Br.

MBh. Katha1s. Ra1jat. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 66)

comp.) Katha1s. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 16



phil.) distinction of objects according to their natural properties W.
(H3) f.
[L=119808.1]entireness , fulness , sufficiency
[L=119808.2]adequacy , competency , fitness for (
[L=119808.3]obtaining , acquisition
[L=119808.4]self-defence , warding off a blow
pāri--āmika [p= 621,1] [L=122714]
(ī)n. (-āma) digestible Subh. (w.r. pari-°)

pāri--āmika [L=122716]
(with bhāva m.) natural disposition S3am2k. Sarvad.
(H3) mf
[L=122715]subject to development or evolution
(H3B) m.
pra-° kti [p= 653,3] [L=130012]
» next p.
pra-kti [p= 654,1] [L=130024]
" making or placing before or at first " , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kti q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.

Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c


MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c (ibc. and °tyā ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c )

esp. in ritual) S3rS.

khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or guas called sattva , rajas and tamas) , Nature (distinguished from purua , Spirit as māyā is distinguished from brahman in the vedāntas)

the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta , buddhi or mahat , aha-kāra , and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c

śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as lak , durgā &c ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223

pl.) N. of a class of deities under manu raibhya Hariv.

pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c

&c ib.

Mn. ix , 294 ; 295)

madhyama , vijigīu , udāsīna and śatru ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the mitra , arimitra , mitra-mitra , arimitra-mitra , pārṣṇi-graha , ākranda , pārṣṇigrāhā*sāra , ākrandā*sāsa ; each of these 12 kings has 5 praktis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of praktis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull.

Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.

of 2 classes of metres Col.

arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.

anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.

tritīyā) the third nature , a eunuch MBh.






of a woman Buddh.

of wk.
(H3) f.
(H2) f.
[L=130025]cause original source
[L=130026]origin , extraction
[L=130027]nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition
[L=130028]fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (
[L=130029](in the
[L=130031](in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the
[L=130033](in polit.)
[L=130034]the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans
[L=130035]the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , allies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses
[L=130036]the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the
[L=130037](in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word
[L=130042]matter , affair
[L=130043]the male or female organ of generation
[L=130044]a woman or womankind
[L=130045]a mother
[L=130046]an animal
pra-kti--tva [L=130058]
the state or condition of being the original or natural or fundamental form of anything Kap. S3ulbas.
(H3) n.
pra-kti--bhava [L=130065]
natural , usual , common Var.
(H3) mfn.
pra-kti--bhāva [L=130066]
the natural state or unaltered condition of anything A1s3vS3r.
pra-kti--bhāva [L=130067]
= -bhava Var.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
pra-kti--mat [L=130074]
having the original or natural form or shape , natural , usual , common MBh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=130075]in a natural or usual frame of mind
pra-kti--maya [L=130076]
(ī)n. being in the natural state or condition Ra1matUp.
(H3) mf
pra-kti--siddha [p= 654,2] [L=130088]
effected by nature , natural
pra-kti--siddha [L=130089]
true or real nature Bhartr2.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
pra-kti--stha [L=130091]
being in the original or natural state , genuine , unaltered , unimpaired , normal , well , healthy Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Var. Sus3r. (also -sthita Var. )


(H3) mfn.
[L=130092]inherent , innate , incidental to nature
[L=130093]bare , stripped of everything
prati--lomá [p= 663,1] [L=131777]
(ā)n. against the hair or grain (opp. to anu-l°) , contrary to the natural course or order , reverse , inverted

S3Br. RPra1t. S3rS. &c



ibc. and am ind.) against the hair , against the grain , in reversed or inverted order TS. Br. A1s3vS3r. &c
prati--lomá [L=131783]
N. of a man
prati--lomá [L=131784]
his descendants g. upakā*di
prati--lomá [L=131786]
any disagreeable or injurious act
prati-loma [p= 1330,3] [L=336580]
prati, p. 663, col. 1.
(H3) mf
[L=131778]adverse , hostile , disagreeable , unpleasant
[L=131779]low , vile
[L=131780]left , not right
[L=131781]contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father)
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m. pl.
(H3B) n.
(H2) see under
prati--lo° * nuloma [p= 663,1] [L=131792]
speaking against or for anything

ibc. and am ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural order or course Mn. Ya1jn5.
(H4) mfn.
prā--kta [p= 702,1] [L=138779]
prākta [p= 703,1] [L=139044]
(ā , or ī)n. (fr. pra-kti) original , natural , artless , normal , ordinary , usual S3Br. &c

Mn. MBh. &c


khya) belonging to or derived from prakti or the original element

astron.) N. of one of the 7 divisions of the planetary courses (according to parāśara comprising the nakatras svāti , bharaī , rohiī and kttikā)
prākta [L=139049]
a low or vulgar man Mn. viii , 338 MBh. &c
prākta [L=139050]
(with or scil. laya , pralaya &c ) resolution or reabsorption into prakti , the dissolution of the universe Pur.
prākta [L=139051]
any provincial or vernacular dialect cognate with Sanskrit (esp. the language spoken by women and inferior characters in the plays , but also occurring in other kinds of literature and usually divided into 4 dialects , viz. śaurasenī , māhārāṣṭ , apabhraśa and paiśācī) , Ka1v. Katha1s. Ka1vya7d. &c
(H3) »
(H1) mf
[L=139045]low , vulgar , unrefined
[L=139046]provincial , vernacular , Prakritic
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
prākta--tva [L=139060]
original or natural state or condition Ka1tyS3r.

(H3) n.
[L=139061]vulgarity (of speech)
prākta--mitra [L=139079]
a natural friend or ally , a sovereign whose kingdom is separated by that of another from the country with which he is allied , W (cf. prāk*ri and °to*dāsīa).
(H3) n.
prāk* ri [L=139096]
a natural enemy , a sovereign of an adjacent country , Mallin.
(H3) m.
prākto* dāsīna [L=139098]
a natural neutral , a sovereign whose dominions are situated beyond those of the natural ally W.
(H3) m.
prāktika [L=139100]
(ī)n. relating to pra-kti or the original element , material , natural , common , vulgar Sa1m2khyak. Pur. Tattvas.
(H2) mf
bhāvā* dvaita [p= 754,3] [L=150324]
natural or material cause (as thread of cloth) MW.
(H3) n.
bhāvā* nuga [L=150327]
" following the object " , natural , simple W.
(H3) mfn.
bhāvika [p= 755,1] [L=150406]
(ī)n. actually being or existing , real , natural Sa1m2khyak.


bhāvika [L=150409]
language full of feeling or passion (= bhāvuka) Prata1p.
bhāvika [L=150410]
a figure of speech which consists in describing the past or future so vividly that it appears to be present Sa1h. Kpr. &c
(H2) mf
[L=150407]full of feeling or sentiment , expressive
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
mála [p= 792,1] [L=158636]
(in later language also m. ; prob. fr. √ mlai) dirt , filth , dust , impurity (physical and moral) AV. &c

esp. those of the dhātus q.v. , described as phlegm from chyle , bile from the blood , nose mucus and ear wax from the flesh , perspiration from the fat , nails and hair from the bones , rheum of the eye from the brain ; cf. also the 12 impurities of the body enumerated in Mn. v , 135) Sus3r. Va1gbh. &c

śaivas) , original sin , natural impurity Sarvad.


mála [L=158641]
the son of a śūdra and a mālukī L.
mála [L=158643]
tanned leather , a leathern or dirty garment (?) RV. x , 136 , 2
mála [L=158644]
a kind of brass or bell-metal L.
mála [L=158645]
the tip of a scorpion's tail L. (v.l. ala)
mála [L=158646]
dirty , niggardly L.
mála [L=158647]
unbelieving , godless L. [cf. Gk. μέλας ;Lat. ma8lus ; Lith. mo4lis , me4lynas.]
(H1) n.
[L=158637](in med.) any bodily excretion or secretion (
[L=158640]Os Sepiae
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1B) mfn.
mā́sa [p= 814,3] [L=163896]
(or n. Siddh. ) the moon (» pūra-m°)

saura ; the natural , sāvana ; the stellar , nākatra , and the lunar , *ndra ; the latter , which is the most usual and consists of 30 tithis , being itself of two kinds as reckoned from the new or full moon cf. IW. 179 ; for the names of the months » ib. 173 n. 3) RV. &c (māsam , for a month ; māsam ekam , for one month ; māsena , in the course of a month ; māse , in a month = after the lapse of a month)

N. for the number " twelve " Su1ryas.
(H2) m.
[L=163897]a month or the 12th part of the Hindu year (there are 4 kinds of months , viz. the solar ,
[L=163898]a symbolical
mudrā́ [p= 822,3] [L=165530]
» mudrā below.
mudrā [L=165535]
(fr. mudra » above ) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping , a seal-ring , signet-ring (cf. aguli-m°) , any ring MBh. Ka1v. &c



MBh. Ka1v. &c


esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.


gen. or comp.) Ka1v.

Amar. Bhpr.


of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number , commonly practised in religious worship , and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy Das3. Sarvad. Ka1ran2d2. RTL. 204 ; 406)

partic. branch of education (" reckoning by the fingers ") DivyA7v.

śākta or Tantrik ceremonial) RTL. 192

rhet.) the natural expression of things by words , calling things by their right names Kuval.

(H2B) f.
(H1) f.
[L=165536]type for printing or instrument for lithographing
[L=165537]the stamp or impression made by a seal
[L=165538]any stamp or print or mark or impression
[L=165539]a stamped coin , piece of money , rupee , cash , medal
[L=165540]an image , sign , badge , token (
[L=165541]authorization , a pass , passport (as given by a seal)
[L=165542]shutting , closing (as of the eyes or lips
[L=165543]a lock , stopper , bung
[L=165544]a mystery
[L=165547]parched or fried grain (as used in the
[L=165549](in music) a dance accordant with tradition
mtyú [p= 827,3] [L=166700]
(very rarely f.) death , dying RV. &c , &c

ifc. = " disease caused by or through ")

yama or with viṣṇu ; or said to be a son of adharma by nirti or of brahmā or of kali or of māyā ; he has also the patronymics prādhvasana and sāmparāyaa , and is sometimes reckoned among the 11 rudras , and sometimes regarded as vyāsa in the 6th dvāpara or as a teacher &c ) S3Br. MBh. Pur. &c
828,1] [L=166703]
of the god of love L.

partic. ekā*ha S3a1n3khS3r.

astrol. house VarBr2S.

astrol. yoga Col. (mtyor harah and mrityor vikara-bhāse N. of sāmans) .
mtyu [p= 830,1] [L=167217]
» [p= 827,3].
mtyu [p= 1331,3] [L=338350]
(H2) m.
[L=166701](deaths of different kinds are enumerated , 100 from disease or accident and one natural from old age ;
[L=166702]Death personified , the god of disease (sometimes identified with
[p= N.
[L=166704]of a
[L=166705]of the 8th
[L=166706]of the 17th
(H1) &c
(H2) (in
medinī--dina [p= 832,3] [L=167839]
a natural day Gan2it.
(H3) n.
yatho* papanna [p= 844,1] [L=170123]
just as may happen to be at hand , just as happened , just as occurring , unconstrained , natural MBh. BhP.
(H3) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.41
Whitney Roots links: yA
 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992]
going , a car
 4 [L=168993]
restraining , religious meditation
 4 [L=168994]
 4 [L=168995]
pudendum muliebre
 4 [L=168996]
N. of lak.
 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018]
i) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) yā́ti (1. pl. yāmahe MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. ayu Br. ; ayān Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. yayaú , yayā́tha , yayá , yayú RV. &c ; yaye Ka1v. ; aor. ayāsam or ayāsiam ; Subj. yā́sat , yeam , yāsiat RV. Br. ; Prec. yāsiīṣṭhās Br. ; fut. yātā MBh. &c ; yāsyati AV. ; °te MBh. ; inf. yātum MBh. &c ; Ved. inf. yaí , yā́tave or °vaí ; ind.p. yātvā́ Br. &c ; -yā́ya,-yāyam ib.) , to go , proceed , move , walk , set out , march , advance , travel , journey (often with instr. or acc. of the way , esp. with gatim,mārgam,adhvānam,panthānam,padavīm,yātrām) RV. &c  ; 
to go away , withdraw , retire
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
(also with
palā*yya) to flee , escape R. Katha1s. (with kemea or svasti , to escape unscathed Pan5cat. BhP. )  ; 
to go towards or against , go or come to , enter , approach , arrive at , reach
RV. &c &c (with acc. often followed by prati e.g. with gham , to enter a house ; with ripum prati , to march against the enemy ; with mgayām , to go out hunting ; with śirasāmahīm , to bow down to the ground with the head ; with praktim , to return to one's natural state ; with karau , to come to the ears , be heard ; with utsavād utsavam , to go from one festival to another ; with hastam ifc. , to fall into the hands of ; with patham or gocaram ifc. , to come within range of ; esp. with the acc. of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition , become , be e.g. vināśa yāti , he goes to destruction i.e. he is destroyed ; hinya yāti , it becomes hard ; dveyatā yāti , he becomes hated ; similarly nidhana- , to die ; nidrā- , to fall asleep ; udaya- , to rise , said of stars &c ; sometimes also with loc. e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe , go into the presence of the king R. ; or even with dat. e.g. yayatu sva-niveśāya , both went home Katha1s. ; na cā*tmane kpaasya dhana yāti , nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. Hit. ; phalebhyo yāti , he goes to [fetch] fruits Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 Sch.)  ; 
to go to for any request , implore , solicit (with two
acc.) RV.  ; 
striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse MBh.  ; 
to go to for any purpose (
inf.) Bhat2t2. Vop.  ; 
often with adverbs
e.g. with bahir , to go out Katha1s.  ; 
adho , to go down , sink BhP.  ; 
khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo , to fall to pieces Katha1s.  ; 
śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces ib.  ; 
to extend to (
acc.) VarBr2S.  ; 
to last for (
acc.) Hit.  ; 
to pass away , elapse (said of time)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to vanish , disappear (as wealth)
Mr2icch.  ; 
to come to pass , prosper , succeed
BhP.  ; 
to proceed , behave , act
MBh.  ; 
to find out , discover
MBh.  ; 
to receive or learn (a science) from (
abl.) BhP.  ; 
to undertake , undergo (
acc.) RV.  ; 
Impv. yātu , be it as it may Hit. : Pass. yāyate , to be gone or moved MBh. : Caus. yāpáyati (aor. ayīyapat) , to cause to depart , cause to go or march , dismiss Ka1v. BhP.  ; 
to cause to go towards (
acc.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 32 Sch. (cf. yāpita)  ; 
to direct (the gaze) towards (
loc.) Bhartr2. (v.l. pātayati)  ; 
to drive away remove , cure (a disease)
Sus3r.  ; 
to cause to pass or elapse , pass or spend (time)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to live (
pāli yāpeti) DivyA7v.  ; 
to cause to subsist , support , maintain
DivyA7v.  ; 
to induce
MW. : Desid. yiyāsati , to intend or be about to go , desire to proceed MBh. Ka1v. &c : Intens. īyāyate (?) , to move Pras3nUp.  ; 
yāyayate,yāyeti,yāyāti Gr.
 2 [L=171019]
ifc.) going , moving (» ṛṇa- eva- , tura- , deva-yā).
 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221]
of 3. ya q.v.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1) (collateral form of √5.
(H2) (
(H1) f.
rītí [p= 881,2] [L=178181]
going , motion , course RV.


Pa1rGr2. Hariv. Naish.

= sīman) L.

Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.


vaidarbhī , gauī , pañcālī , to which a fourth is sometimes added , viz. ikā , and even a fifth and sixth , viz. āvantikā or yāvantikā and māgadhī) Va1m. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. &c

Ra1jat. Katha1s.


(H2) f.
[L=178182]a stream , current
[L=178183]a streak , line , row
[L=178184]limit , boundary (
[L=178185]general course or way , usage , custom , practice , method , manner
[L=178186]natural propensity or disposition
[L=178187]style of speaking or writing , diction (three are usually enumerated , viz.
[L=178188]yellow or pale brass , bell-metal
[L=178189]rust of iron
[L=178190]scoria or oxide formed on metals by exposure to heat and air
reto--dhas [p= 887,3] [L=179451]
impregnating , fertilizing , begetting offspring
reto--dhas [L=179452]
(with or without pit) " a begetter " , natural father A1past. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
lalita--vistara [p= 897,3] [L=181655]
N. of a sūtra wk. giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha.
(H3) m.

cologne_univ_seal brown_seal MW Advanced Search
Monier Williams (196,198 entries)

1 lalitavistarapurāṇa (natural) 2 vasu (natural) 3 vastu (natural) 4 vilakṣa (natural) 5 vikāra (natural) 6 virañj (natural) 7 vīralalita (natural) 8 vegavidhāraṇa (natural) 9 vaikṛta (natural) 10 vailakṣya (natural) 11 śatru (natural) 12 śīla (natural) 13 saṃsiddhi (natural) 14 saṃhitā (natural) 15 sattvavihita (natural) 16 sattvotsāha (natural) 17 satattva (natural) 18 sarga (natural) 19 sahaja (natural) 20 sahajamitra (natural) 21 sahajasuhṛd (natural) 22 sahajāri (natural) 23 sahajetara (natural) 24 sahajāta (natural) 25 sahabhū (natural) 26 sāṃsiddhika (natural) 27 sāṃsiddhikadrava (natural) 28 sāttvika (natural) 29 sātmya (natural) 30 sāṃnatya (natural) 31 sārabhāṇḍa (natural) 32 sāhajika (natural) 33 suśīlatā (natural) 34 suśīlatva (natural) 35 sṛṣṭi (natural) 36 svapradhānatā (natural) 37 svabhāva (natural) 38 svabhāvakṛta (natural) 39 svabhāvaja (natural) 40 svabhāvadaurjanya (natural) 41 svabhāvadveṣa (natural) 42 svabhāvabhāva (natural) 43 svabhāvavāda (natural) 44 svabhāvaśūra (natural) 45 svabhāvasiddha (natural) 46 svayuktyā (natural) 47 svayuktitas (natural) 48 svarasa (natural) 49 svarūpatā (natural) 50 svarūpin (natural) 51 svasamuttha (natural) 52 svastha (natural) 53 svasthīkṛ (natural) 54 svasthībhū (natural) 55 svasvabhāva (natural) 56 svākāra (natural) 57 svānurūpa (natural) 58 svārtha (natural) 59 svaujas (natural) 60 svayaṃkṛta (natural) 61 svayamavadīrṇa (natural) 62 svayamātṛnṇa (natural) 63 svayamātṛnṇṇavat (natural) 64 svayammṛta (natural) 65 svābhāvika (natural) 66 svābhāviketara (natural) 67 svārasika (natural) 68 svālakṣaṇya (natural) 69 helā (natural) 70 anulomikī (natural) 71 ākṛtiloṣṭa (natural)
lalita--vista° ra-purāa [p= 897,3] [L=181656]
N. of a sūtra wk. giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha.
(H3) n.
vásu 1 [p= 930,3] [L=188705]
(u or )n. (for 2. » [p= 932,3]) excellent , good , beneficent RV. Gr2S3rS.



of the gods (as the " good or bright ones " , esp. of the ādityas , maruts , aśvins , indra , uas , rudra , vāyu , viṣṇu , śiva , and kubera) RV. AV. MBh. R.

partic. class of gods (whose number is usually eight , and whose chief is indra , later agni and viṣṇu ; they form one of the nine gaas or classes enumerated under gaa-devatā q.v. ; the eight vasus were originally personifications , like other Vedic deities , of natural phenomena , and are usually mentioned with the other gaas common in the veda , viz. the eleven rudras and the twelve ādityas , constituting with them and with dyaus , " Heaven " , and pthivī , " Earth " [or , according to some , with indra and prajā-pati , or , according to others , with the two aśvins] , the thirty-three gods to which reference is frequently made ; the names of the vasus , according to the viṣṇu-purāa , are , 1. āpa [connected with ap , " water "] ; 2. dhruva , " the Pole-star " ; 3. soma , " the Moon " ; 4. dhava or dhara ; 5. anila , " Wind " ; 6. anala or pāvaka , " Fire " ; 7. pratyūa , " the Dawn " ; 8. prabhāsa , " Light " ; but their names are variously given ; ahan , " Day " , being sometimes substituted for 1 ; in their relationship to Fire and Light they appear to belong to Vedic rather than Puranic mythology) RV. &c

N. of the number " eight " VarBr2S.

Naigh. i , 15

partic. ray of light VP.

jina S3i1l. (only L. the sun ; the moon ; fire ; a rope , thong ; a tree ; N. of two kinds of plant = baka and pīta-madgu ; a lake , pond ; a kind of fish ; the the of the yoke of a plough ; the distance from the elbow to the closed fist)

of a ṛṣi (with the patr. bharad-vāja , author of RV. ix , 80-82, reckoned among the seven sages) Hariv.

manu ib.

uttāna-pāda ib.

cedis also called upari-cara MBh.

īlina ib.

kuśa and the country called after him RV.

vasu-deva BhP.

kṛṣṇa ib.

vatsara ib.

hiraya-retas and the vara ruled by him ib.

bhūtajyotis ib.

naraka ib.
931,1] [L=188726]
kaśmīra Cat.
vásu 1 [L=188727]
u) f. light , radiance L.
vásu 1 [L=188728]
a partic. drug L.
vásu 1 [L=188729]
N. of a daughter of daka and mother of the vasus (as a class of gods) Hariv. VP.
vásu 1 [L=188730]
(in veda gen. vásos , vásvas and vásunas ; also pl. , exceptionally m.) wealth , goods , riches , property RV. &c (°so-pati m. prob. " the god of wealth or property " AV. i , 12 [ Paipp. ?? aso-p° , " the god of life "] ; °sor-dhā́rā f. " stream of wealth " , N. of a partic. libation of ghta at the agni-cayana AV. TS. Br. &c ; of the wife of agni BhP. ; of the heavenly ga MBh. ; of sacred bathing-place ib. ; of a kind of vessel ib. ; °sor-dhā́rā-prayoga m. N. of wk.)
vásu 1 [L=188731]
gold (» -varma-dhara)
vásu 1 [L=188732]
a jewel , gem , pearl (» -mekhala)
vásu 1 [L=188733]
any valuable or precious object L.
vásu 1 [L=188734]
(also f.) a partic. drug L.
vásu 1 [L=188735]
a kind of salt (= romaka) L.
vásu 1 [L=188736]
water L.
vásu 1 [L=188737]
a horse (?) L.
vásu 1 [L=188738]
= śyāma L.
vasu 2 [p= 932,3] [L=189118]
or n. (for 1. » [p= 930,3]) dwelling or dweller (» -vasu).
vasu [p= 933,1] [L=189198]
vasu. » pp. 930 and 932.
(H2) mf
[L=188709]of a
[L=188710]a symbolical
[L=188711]a ray of light
[L=188715]of a son of
[L=188716]of a son of
[L=188717]of a prince of the
[L=188718]of a son of
[L=188719]of a son of
[L=188720]of a son of
[L=188721]of a son of
[L=188722]of a son of
[L=188723]of a son of
[L=188724]of a son of
[L=188725]of a son of
[p= of a king of
(H2B) (
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) m.
(H1) 1. 2.
vástu 1 [p= 931,3] [L=188970]
(for 2. » [p= 932,3]) becoming light , dawning , morning RV. VS. (gen. vásto , in the morning ; vástor vasto , every morning ; vástor asyā́ , this morning ; práti vásto , towards morning ; dat. vástave » under √2. vas).
vastu 2 [p= 932,3] [L=189124]
(for 1. » [p= 931,3]) the seat or place of (» kapila- , vraa-v°)

Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7÷8)

phil.) the real (opp. to a-v° , " that which does not really exist , the unreal " ; a-dvitīya-v° , " the one real substance or essence which has no second ") IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c

comp.) Ka1v.

cf. -vinimaya and -hāni)

MBh. Ka1v. &c

&c ) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c



vastu [p= 933,2] [L=189230]
vastu. » pp. 931 and 932.
(H2) f.
(H2) n.
[L=189125]any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article
[L=189127]the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (
[L=189128]goods , wealth , property (
[L=189129]the thing in question , matter , affair , circumstance
[L=189130]subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech
[L=189131](in music) a kind of composition
[L=189132]natural disposition , essential property
[L=189133]the pith or substance of anything
(H1) 1. 2.
ví--laka [p= 952,1] [L=193465]
(ā)n. having no fixed aim Va1gbh. Amar. (v.l.)




-tā f.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
(H3) mf
[L=193466]missing its mark (as an arrow)
[L=193467]having no characteristic mark or property
[L=193468]having a different mark or a character different to what is usual or natural , strange , extraordinary
[L=193469]embarrassed , abashed , ashamed , astonished , surprised (
ví--kāra 1 [p= 950,1] [L=192895]
(for 2. » vi- √1. k) the syllable vi BhP.
vi-kāra 1 [p= 954,1] [L=193911]
[p= 950,1].
vi-kāra 2 [L=193912]
» under vi- √1. k.
vi-kāra 2 [p= 954,3] [L=193961]
(for 1. » [p= 950,1]) change of form or nature , alteration or deviation from any natural state , transformation , modification , change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition , disease , sickness , hurt , injury , (or) perturbation , emotion , agitation , passion S3rS. MBh. &c



vi-kāra 2 [L=193965]
(in khya) a production or derivative from prakti (there are 7 vikāras , viz. buddhi , " intellect " , aha-kāra , " the sense of individuality " , and the 5 tan-mātras q.v. ; these are also producers , inasmuch as from them come the 16 vikāras which are only productions , viz. the 5 mahā-bhūtāni q.v. , and the 11 organs , viz. the 5 buddhī*ndriyāi or organs of sense , the 5 karme*ndriyāi or organs of action , and manas , " the mind ") IW. 82 &c



MBh. Ra1jat.
(H3) m.
(H1) »
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=193962]an apparition , spectre
[L=193964]a product
(H2B) m.
[L=193966]the derivative of a word
[L=193967]contortion of the face , grimace
[L=193968]change of sentiment , hostility , defection
vi- √ rañj [p= 982,1] [L=199091]
-rajyati , °te , to be changed in colour , be discoloured , lose one's natural colour Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c  ; 
to become changed in disposition or affection , become indifferent to , take no interest in (
abl. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -rañjayati , to discolour , stain Sus3r.
(H1) P. A1.
vīrá--lalita [p= 1006,1] [L=203745]
a hero's natural way of acting VarBr2S.

of a metre ib.
(H3) n.
véga--vidhāraa [p= 1013,3] [L=205346]
retardation of velocity , stopping , retarding W.

(H3) n.
[L=205347]obstruction of the natural excretions , constipation
vaikta [p= 1020,2] [L=206643]
(ī)n. (fr. vi-kti) modified , derivative , secondary (-tva n. La1t2y. ) RPra1t. TPra1t. Sch. &c

Sa1m2khyak. KapS.


vaikta [L=206647]
N. of the aha-kāra or I-making faculty MBh.
vaikta [L=206648]
of a demon causing a partic. disease Hariv.
vaikta [L=206649]
(ifc. f(ā).) change , modification , alteration , disfigurement , abnormal condition , changed state MBh. R. Sus3r. &c
vaikta [L=206650]
an unnatural phenomenon , portent Ragh. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
vaikta [L=206651]
mental change , agitation MBh. R. &c
vaikta [L=206652]
aversion , hatred , enmity , hostility MBh. Hariv. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H1) mf
[L=206644]undergoing change , subject to modification
[L=206645]disfigured , deformed
[L=206646]not natural , perpetuated by adoption (as a family)
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
vailakya [p= 1025,3] [L=207697]
(fr. vi-laka ; ifc. f(ā).) absence of mark W.


cf. sa-vailakyam) W.

Hariv. Ka1v. &c
(H1) n.
[L=207698]contrariety , reverse
[L=207699]the reverse of what is usual or natural , unnaturalness , affectation (
[L=207700]feeling of shame , embarrassment
śátru [p= 1051,1] [L=212391]
(said to be for śat-tru , fr. √2. śad) , " overthrower " , an enemy , foe , rival , a hostile king (esp. a neighbouring king as a natural enemy) RV. &c


Racemosus L.

of an asura MBh. i , 2543 (perhaps krodha-śatru as one word).[cf. Gk. , κότος , κοτέω ;Germ. Hader , Hass , hassen ; Eng. hate.]
(H1) m.
[L=212392]the 6th astrological mansion ,
śī́la [p= 1079,1] [L=218656]
(and m. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) habit , custom , usage , natural or acquired way of living or acting , practice , conduct , disposition , tendency , character , nature (often ifc. = " habituated " or " accustomed " or " disposed " or " addicted to " , " practising " ; cf. gua- , dāna- , puya-ś° &c ) VS. &c &c good disposition or character , moral conduct , integrity , morality , piety , virtue Mn. MBh. &c

IW. 208

śīla , " moral conduct " , is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or pāramitās [q.v.] and is threefold , viz. sambhāra , kuśala-sagrāha , sattvā*rtha-kriyā Dharmas. 106)

Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct cf. pañca-śīla) MWB. 126

śī́la [L=218661]
a large snake (in this sense prob. fr. √1. śī) L.
śī́la [L=218662]
N. of a man Buddh.
śī́la [L=218663]
of a king Ra1jat.
(H2) n.
[L=218658](with Buddhists
[L=218659]a moral precept (with
[L=218660]form , shape , beauty
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
sa-° siddhi [p= 1119,2] [L=226827]
complete accomplishment or fulfilment , perfection , success Gobh. MBh. &c

Mn. MBh. Pur.


R. ( L. also = " nature " ; " natural state or quality " ; " a passionate or intoxicated woman ") .
(H3) f.
[L=226828]perfect state , beatitude , final emancipation
[L=226829]the last consequence or result
[L=226830]fixed or settled opinion , the last or decisive word
-hitā [p= 1123,1] [L=227456]
» next
sa-hitā [L=227462]
conjunction , connection , union TUp.

= sadhi , but sometimes considered rather as the state preparatory to the actual junction than the junction itself) Pra1t.

esp. the real continuous text of the vedas as formed out of the padas or separate words by proper phonetic changes [according to various schools ; cf. IW. 152]: beside the sahitās of the g- , sāma- , and atharvaveda there is the vājasaneyi-sahitā belonging to the White yajur-veda , and five other sahitās belonging to the black yajur-veda , viz. the taittirīya-sahitā , the sahitā of the ātreyas [known only by its anukramaī] , the sahitā of the kahas , the kapiṣṭhala-kaha-sahitā , and the sahitā of the maitrāyaīyas or maitrāyaī-sahitā) Nir. Pra1t. &c

e.g. the rāmā*yaa , the various law-books , the medical works of caraka and śārgadhara , the complete system of natural astrology &c [cf. bhat-s°] ; there is also a sahitā of the purāas said to have been compiled by vyāsa , the substance of which is supposed to be represented by the viṣṇu-purāa) MBh. VarBr2S. Pur. &c


accord. to some) MW.

of various works.
(H1B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=227463](in gram.) the junction or combination of letters according to euphonic rules (
[L=227464]a text treated according to euphonic rules (
[L=227465]any methodically arranged collection of texts or verses (
[L=227467]the force which holds together and supports the universe (a term applied to the Supreme Being
sat-tvá--vihita [p= 1135,2] [L=229763]
effected by nature , natural MW.


(H3) mfn.
[L=229764]caused by goodness
[L=229765]virtuous , upright
sattvo* tsāha [p= 1135,3] [L=229797]
natural energy W.

courage and energy Katha1s.
(H3) m.
sa--tattva [p= 1137,3] [L=230380]
knowing the real truth MW.

tad , " that " , and tva , " thou " ib.
sa--tattva [L=230382]
natural property , nature (-tas ind. " really , in reality ") BhP. Veda7ntas.
sa-tattva [p= 1138,1] [L=230458]
» [p= 1137,3].
(H3) mfn.
[L=230381]containing the words
(H3B) n.
(H1) &c
sárga [p= 1183,3] [L=237844]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ sj) letting go , discharging , voiding (as excrement) MBh. R.


ib. Ra1jat.

1184,1] [L=237848]
acc. with √ k , " to cast or strike down " RV. )


opp. to pratisarga " secondary creation ") , creation of the world (as opp. to its pralaya " dissolution " , and sthiti , " maintenance in existence " ; 9 different creations are enumerated in BhP. iii , 10 , 13 ; ā sargāt , " from the creation or beginning of the world " ; sarge " in the created world ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c

daiva " a divine creation " , " a god ") Ragh.




Bhag. v , 19

Ragh. S3is3.

esp. in an epic poem)


= moha) L.

MBh. xi , 2165 ( Ni1lak. )

visarga , the aspiration at the end of a word Cat.

of śiva MBh.

rudra Pur.
sarga [p= 1245,2] [L=251925]
» [p= 1182,3].
(H1) m.
[L=237845]starting (a race-horse) , racing
[L=237846]a herd let loose from a stable , any troop or host or swarm or multitude
[L=237847]a draught of air , gust of wind
[p= a stream , gush , rush , downpour (of any fluid ;
[L=237849]a dart , shot
[L=237850]emission or creation of matter , primary creation (as
[L=237851]a created being , creature (with
[L=237852]begetting , procreation
[L=237854]offspring , a child
[L=237855]nature , natural property , disposition , tendency
[L=237856]effort , exertion , resolution , resolve , will
[L=237857]a section , chapter , book , canto (
[L=237858]assent , agreement
[L=237859]fainting (
[L=237860]implement of war
[L=237863]of a son of
(H2) &c
sahá--já [p= 1193,3] [L=240160]
(ā)n. born or produced together or at the same time as (gen.) TS. Mn. Katha1s.

ibc. , by birth , " by nature " , " naturally " ; with deśa m. " birthplace " , " home ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

Hariv. 4238
sahá--já [L=240163]
natural state or disposition (said to be also n.) L.
sahá--já [L=240164]
a brother of whole blood L.
sahá--já [L=240165]
N. of various kings and other men MBh. Ra1jat. &c
sahá--já [L=240166]
of a Tantric teacher Cat.
sahá--já [L=240168]
N. of the third astrol. mansion (said to be also m.) VarBr2S.
sahá--já [L=240169]
emancipation during life Cat.
(H3) mf
[L=240161]congenital , innate , hereditary , original , natural (
[L=240162]always the same as from the beginning
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
sahá--já---mitra [p= 1194,1] [L=240175]
a natural friend (as a sister's son , cousin &c ) W.
(H4) m.
sahá--já---suhd [L=240179]
a natural friend Prab.
(H4) m.
sahá--° * ri [L=240184]
a natural enemy , one hostile by birth (as the son of the same father by another mother , the son of a paternal uncle &c ) W.
(H4) m.
sahá--° je* tara [L=240186]
other than natural , not innate or inherent or congenital , accidental W.
(H4) mfn.
sahá--jāta [L=240194]
born together or at the same time , equal in age Katha1s.


(H3) mfn.
[L=240195]innate , natural
[L=240196]both from the same mother , twin-born
sahá--bhū [p= 1194,2] [L=240262]
being together (used in explaining sacā-bhū) Nir. v , 5

comp.) A1pS3r. Sch.

Ratna7v. Ka1d.

gen.) Ka1d.
(H3) mfn.
[L=240263]appearing together with (
[L=240264]innate , natural
[L=240265]counterpart of (
siddhika [p= 1197,2] [L=240934]
(ī)n. (fr. saesiddhi) effected naturally , belonging to nature , natural , native , innate MBh. Ka1v. &c


&c ) MW.
(H1) mf
[L=240935]self-existent , existing by its own nature or essence , existing absolutely , absolute
[L=240936]effected by supernatural means (as spells
siddhika--drava [L=240937]
natural (as opp. to " generated ") fluidity (e.g. that of water) ib.
(H3) m.
sāttvika [p= 1200,1] [L=241401]
(ī)n. (fr. sat-tva) spirited , vigorous , energetic Mn. MBh. &c

sattva (i.e. " purity " or " goodness ") , pure , true , genuine , honest , good , virtuous (also applied to partic. purāas which exalt viṣṇu IW. 513) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c internal , caused by internal feeling or sentiment Ma1lati1m.

sāttvika [L=241404]
a state of body caused by some natural emotion (constituting a class of 8 bhāvas holding a middle place between the sthāyi- and vyabhicāri-bhāvas , viz. stambha , sveda , romā*ñca , svara-vikāra , vepathu , varavikā*ra , aśru , pralaya , qq. vv.) ib.
sāttvika [L=241405]
N. of brahmā L.
sāttvika [L=241406]
of the eighth creation by prajā-pati MW.
sāttvika [p= 1200,2] [L=241408]
a partic. kind of pūjā practised by the worshippers of durgā MW.
sāttvika [L=241409]
(scil. tuṣṭi) N. of one of the five kinds of external acquiescence (in khya) ib.
sāttvika [L=241410]
an autumn night L.
sāttvika [L=241411]
an offering or oblation (without pouring water) L.
(H2) mf
[L=241402]relating to or endowed with the quality
[L=241403]natural , not artificial , unaffected (as style)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
* tmya [L=241426]
agreeable to nature or natural constitution , wholesome Sus3r. Car.
* tmya [L=241427]
suitableness , wholesomeness ib.
* tmya [L=241428]
habit , habituation , diet (°tas ind. " from habit " ; ifc. = " used to ") ib.
* tmya [L=241429]
community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.) BhP.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
natya [p= 1203,3] [L=242045]
relating to natural bent or inclination , AAnukr. ??
(H2) mfn.
sā́ra--bhāṇḍa [p= 1208,2] [L=242895]
valuable merchandise , treasure Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.

&c ) W.
(H3) n.
[L=242896]a natural receptacle (as a bag or skin for holding musk
sāhajika [p= 1212,2] [L=243595]
(fr. saha-ja) innate , natural , Vr2ishabha1n.
sāhajika [L=243596]
N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
su--śīla---tā [p= 1237,2] [L=250118]
excellence of temper or disposition , good morals , natural amiability Ka1d. Vet. Hcat.
(H4) f.
su--śīla---tva [L=250118.1]
excellence of temper or disposition , good morals , natural amiability Ka1d. Vet. Hcat.
(H4) n.
sṛ́ṣṭi [p= 1245,2] [L=251953]
(once in S3Br. sṛṣṭí) letting go , letting loose , emission R.

ā sṛṣṭe , " from the beginning of the world " ; sṛṣṭi kuru , " produce offspring " ; cf. manoratha-s°) TS. &c



Mn. iii , 255

TS. A1pS3r.

Arborea L.
sṛ́ṣṭi [L=251960]
N. of a son of ugra-sena BhP.
(H2) f.
[L=251954]production , procreation , creation , the creation of the world (
[L=251955]nature , natural property or disposition
[L=251956]the absence or existence of properties (?)
[L=251957]distribution of gifts , liberality
[L=251958]a kind of brick
(H2B) m.
svá--pradhāna---tā [p= 1276,1] [L=258014]
self-dependence Ka1m.

(H4) f.
[L=258015]one's own natural state
svá--bhāva [L=258038]
(ifc. f(ā).) native place Vishn2.

°vāt or °vena or °va-tas or ibc.) , (from natural disposition , by nature , naturally , by one's self , spontaneously) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
(H3) m.
[L=258039]own condition or state of being , natural state or constitution , innate or inherent disposition , nature , impulse , spontaneity
svá--bhāva---kta [L=258041]
done by nature , natural VarBr2S.
(H4) mfn.
svá--bhāva---ja [L=258043]
produced by natural disposition , innate , natural R. Sa1h. &c
(H4) mfn.
svá--bhāva---daurjanya [L=258047]
natural or innate wickedness W.
(H4) n.
svá--bhāva---dvea [L=258048]
natural hatred L.
(H4) m.
svá--bhāva---bhāva [L=258050]
natural disposition Pan5cat.
(H4) m.
svá--bhāva---vāda [p= 1276,2] [L=258051]
the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW.
(H4) m.
svá--bhāva---śūra [L=258053]
possessing natural heroes (others , " valiant by nature ") Hit.
(H4) mfn.
svá--bhāva---siddha [L=258054]
established by nature , natural , innate A1s3vS3r. Bhartr2.

(H4) mfn.
[L=258055]self-evident , obvious
svá--yuk° tyā [L=258093.2]
in natural course , of course , naturally Katha1s.
(H4) ind.
svá--yuk° ti-tas [L=258093.3]
in natural course , of course , naturally Katha1s.
(H4) ind.
svá--rasa [L=258107]
own (unadulterated) juice or essence MBh. Car. &c



partic. astringent juice or decoction MW.


-tas , " through own inclination " , " for pleasure ") A1pS3r. Sch.



svá--rasa [L=258116]
(ā)n. agreeable or pleasant to one's taste , congenial Katha1s. TPra1t. Sch.
svá--rasa [L=258117]
N. of a mountain Pur.
sva-rasa [p= 1282,1] [L=259259]
&c » [p= 1276,2].
(H3) m.
[L=258108]natural or peculiar flavour
[L=258109]proper taste or sentiment in composition
[L=258111]the sediment of oily substances ground on a stone
[L=258112]own inclination (
[L=258113]feeling for one's own people
[L=258114]instinct of self-preservation (?)
(H3B) mf
(H3B) m.
(H1) sva-rāj
svá--rūpa---tā [p= 1276,3] [L=258160]
(or -tva n.) the state of one's own form or nature (°tayā , " literally " , " in reality ") MBh. BhP. S3ak. Sch. Sa1h.


for su-rūpa-tā Ra1jat.
(H4) f.
[L=258161]the having a natural form , identity of form or nature
svá--rūpin [L=258175]
having one's own or natural form MBh.

ifc.) R. Pur. Pan5car.

MBh. Inscr.


(H3) mfn.
[L=258176]appearing in the form of (
[L=258178]having essential properties
svá--samuttha [p= 1277,1] [L=258257]
arising within self MBh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=258258]produced or existing by self , natural
svá--stha [L=258275]
(ā)n. self-abiding , being in one's self (or " in the self " Sarvad. ), being in one's natural state , being one's self uninjured , unmolested , contented , doing well , sound well , healthy (in body and mind ; often v.l. for su-stha) , comfortable , at ease (compar. -tara) MaitrUp. &c


sva-stha [p= 1283,2] [L=259572]
» [p= 1271,1].
(H3) mf
[L=258276]relying upon one's self , confident , resolute , composed
[L=258277]self-sufficient , independent
(H1) &c
svá--sthī- √ k [p= 1277,1] [L=258287]
-karoti , to make one's self , make well , reduce to one's natural condition Pan5cad.
(H3) P.
svá--sthī- √ bhū [L=258288]
-bhavati , to become one's self , return to one's natural condition , become well or sober Prab.
(H3) P.
svá--svabhāva [L=258292]
one's natural disposition Mr2icch.
(H3) m.
svā* kāra [p= 1277,2] [L=258313]
(for sv-āk° » p.1283) one's own nature , natural disposition Pan5cat.
svā* kāra [L=258314]
having one's own form W.
sv-ākāra [p= 1283,2] [L=259575]
(for svā*kāra » [p= 1277,2]) of decent or respectable appearance Hcar.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
(H1) mfn.
svā* nurūpa [p= 1277,2] [L=258378]
resembling one's self , suited to one's character Katha1s.
1277,3] [L=258379]
(H3) mfn.
[p= natural , innate
svā* rtha [L=258406]
one's own affair or cause , personal matter or advantage , self-interest , one's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c


Sa1h. Veda7ntas. TPra1t. Sch.

*rtha) , a pleonasm MW.

li*rtha-viśea L.
svā* rtha [L=258411]
(ā)n. directed to one's self egoistical (-tā f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c
svā* rtha [L=258412]
(ā)n. adapted to (its) purpose Car.
svā* rtha [L=258413]
(ā)n. having one's object , expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning , having a natural or literal meaning , having a similar merits (= *rtha) , pleonastic MW.
(H3) m.
[L=258407]one's own property or substance
[L=258408]own or original meaning
[L=258409]similar meaning (prob. for
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
svau* jas [p= 1278,1] [L=258469]
having natural or peculiar energy MW.
svau* jas [L=258470]
N. of a minister Nya1yam.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
svaya--k [p= 1278,2] [L=258554]
(ā́)n. (or svayá-k°) made or performed or effected or committed or composed by one's self , natural , spontaneous (with vigraha , " a war undertaken on one's own account ") TBr. &c

(H3) mf
svayám--avadīra [p= 1278,3] [L=258588]
a natural fissure on the surface of the earth Kaus3.
(H3) n.
svayám--ātna [L=258591]
(ā́)n. full of natural holes A1pS3r.
(H3) mf
svayám--ātn° ṇṇa-vat [L=258593]
full of natural holes S3Br.
(H4) mfn.
svayám--mta [L=258666]
one who has died a natural death (lit. of his own accord) Pan5cat. Hit.
(H3) mfn.
svābhāvika [p= 1283,3] [L=259648]
(ī)n. (fr. svabhāva) belonging to or arising from one's own nature , natural , native , spontaneous , original , peculiar , inherent (-tva n.) Up. MBh. &c
svābhāvika [L=259649]
N. of a Buddhistic school (cf. Buddhac. ix , 48 ; 51) .
(H1) mf
(H1B) m. pl.
svābhāvike* tara [L=259650]
(ā)n. not natural or inherent Sa1h.
(H3) mf
svārasika [p= 1284,2] [L=259731]
(fr. sva-rasa) possessing inherent flavour or sweetness (as a poem &c ) MW.

(H1) mfn.
[L=259732]natural , self-evident
svālakaya [L=259751]
(fr. sva-lakaa) specific characteristics , natural disposition Mn. ix , 19.
(H1) n.
helā [p= 1305,2] [L=264387]
(ifc. f(ā).) disrespect , contempt (cf. avahelā)

dram. one of the 20 natural graces [sattva-ja alakāra] of the nāyikā) Das3ar. Sa1h. &c

ibc. and instr. sg. or pl. " in sport " , " sportively " , " easily " , " at once " ; tṛṇa-helayā , " as if it were a straw ") Ka1v. Katha1s. &c


prastāva L.
(H2) f.
[L=264388]wanton sport , frivolity , amorous dalliance (of women ; in
[L=264389]sport , pastime , carelessness , ease , facility (
anu-lomikī [p= 1312,2] [L=307420]
(with kānti) resignation to natural consequences, Sukh. i (cf. an-utpattika-dharma-kānti, and ghoā*nugā, Dharmas3. 107).
(H2) f.
ā-kti-loṣṭa [p= 1319,1] [L=317790]
(H2) a clod from the field in its natural shape,