Sanskrit Words for “Alarm”

1 uttras (alarm) 2 kiṭ (alarm) 3 khiṭ (alarm) 4 gopana (alarm) 5 cakita (alarm) 6 cakitam (alarm) 7 cakitacakitam (alarm) 8 trāsana (alarm) 9 narmasphañja (alarm) 10 narmasphiñja (alarm) 11 narmasphūrja (alarm) 12 bhaya (alarm) 13 bhayaprastāva (alarm) 14 bhayasthāna (alarm) 15 bhayana (alarm) 16 bhī (alarm) 17 bhīti (alarm) 18 ru (alarm) 19 vikruṣṭa (alarm) 20 vikrośa (alarm) 21 viklavatā (alarm) 22 viklavatva (alarm) 23 vikṣobha (alarm) 24 vitrāsa (alarm) 25 vyathā (alarm) 26 vyākulatā (alarm) 27 vyākulatva (alarm) 28 śaṅkā (alarm) 29 śaṅkāspṛṣṭa (alarm) 30 śastrāgnisambhrama (alarm) 31 samudvega (alarm) 32 savikrośana (alarm) 33 sādhvasa (alarm) 34 hutāśa (alarm)

ut- √ tras [p= 179,3] [L=31472]
ud-tras) , Caus. P. -trāsayati , to frighten , alarm Hariv.
(H1) (

ki [p= 282,2] [L=50237]
keati , to go or approach Dha1tup.  ; 
to alarm or terrify
ib.  ; 
to fear
(H1) cl.1 P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 9.15

khi [p= 339,3] [L=61901]
kheati , to be terrified or frightened Dha1tup. ix , 15  ; 
to terrify , alarm
(H1) cl.1 P.

gópana [p= 368,2] [L=67927]
( √ gup) guarding , protection , preservation AV. xii , 4 , 10 MBh. vi , xiii

Sa1h. Sarvad. Kull. on Mn. ix , 72




Laurus Cassia L.
(H2) n.
[L=67928]hiding , concealment
[L=67929]reviling , abuse
[L=67930]flurry , hurry , alarm
[L=67931]light , lustre
[L=67932]the leaf of

cakita [p= 380,2] [L=70298]
trembling , timid , frightened Mr2icch. i , 16 Ragh. Megh. &c (a- neg. " not staggering " , as the gait Das3. )
cakita [L=70299]
trembling , timidity , alarm Mr2icch. &c
cakita [L=70309]
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H1) »

cakitam [L=70300]
tremblingly , with great alarm Ma1lav. i , 10 Gi1t. Sa1h.
(H2C) ind.

cakita--cakitam [L=70303]
with great alarm Megh. 14.
(H4) ind.

trāsana [p= 457,3] [L=87566]
(ī)n. terrifying , alarming , frightening (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. (" śiva " , xiii , 1207) Hariv. R.
trāsana [L=87567]
frightening , alarming MBh. iv Das3. vii Katha1s.
trāsana [L=87568]
cause of alarm or fright Hariv. BhP.
(H2) mf
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

narma--sphañja [p= 530,1] [L=104339]
Das3ar. ) m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) (

narma--sphiñja [L=104340]
Das3ar. )m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) (

narma--sphūrja [L=104341]
Sa1h. Bhar. ) m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) (

bhayá [p= 747,1] [L=148577]
( √ bhī) fear , alarm dread apprehension

abl. gen. or comp.) or for (comp.) RV. &c (°yāt ind. " from fear " ; bhaya-k with abl. " to have fear of " ; bhaya- , " to cause fear , terrify ")

and pl. terror , dismay , danger , peril , distress

abl. or comp.) or to , (comp.) ib.

Trapa Bispinosa L.
bhayá [L=148582]
sickness , disease L.
bhayá [L=148583]
Fear personified (as a vasu , a son of nir-ti or ni-kti , a prince of the yavanas and husband of the daughter of Time) Pur. (also n. ; and f(ā). as a daughter of kāla or vaivasvata , and wife of the rākasa heti) .
(H1) n.
[L=148578]fear of (
[L=148580]danger from (
[L=148581]the blossom of
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

bhayá--prastāva [L=148617]
season of fear or alarm W.
(H3) m.

bhayá--sthāna [L=148630]
occasion of danger or alarm MBh.
(H3) n.

bhayana [p= 747,2] [L=148652]
fear , alarm L.
(H2) n.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 25.2, 34.15
Whitney Roots links: BI

bhī 1 [p= 758,1] [L=150969]
( Dha1tup. xxv , 2) bibhéti (du. bibhītas or bibhitas Pot. bibhīyāt or bibhiyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 115 ; Pot. 3. pl. bibhyeyu MBh. xii , 459 ; impf. 3. pl. abibhayu Pa1n2. 7-3 , 83 Sch. ; ep. also A1. 1. sg. bibhye and and P. 3. sg. bibhyati pl. bibhyanti ; Ved. also cl.1 A1. bháyate , and accord , to Dha1tup. xxxiv , 15 , cl.10. P. bhāyayati ; pf. bibhāya , 3. pl. bibhyu RV. &c ; bībhāya AitBr. ; bibhayā́ cakara S3Br. cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 39 ; aor. abhaiīt , °ma , °u RV. AV. &c , 2. sg. bhaiīs AV. , bhais Br. &c , esp. in mābhais , " do not be afraid " ; once for pl. = mā bhaiṣṭa R. i , 55 , 25 ; bhes Br. ; bhema RV. , p. A1. bhiyāná ib. , ; fut. bhetā Gr. ; cond , abheyat S3Br. ; inf. bhiyáse RV. ; bhetum MBh. &c ) , to fear , be afraid of (abl. or gen. , rarely instr , or acc.) RV. &c  ; 
to fear for , be anxious about (
abl.) R. : Pass. bhīyate , aor. , abhāyi Gr.: Caus. bhīáyate ( S3Br. &c ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 68) , bhīayati ( MBh. ; once mc. bhi° BhP. ; p. bhīayāa MBh. ; aor. bībhia TS. , °athā RV. ) , bhāyayati , °te ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 68 Sch. ; Pot. bhāyayes Megh. 61 ; v.l. bhīayes ; aor. bībhayat , ábībhayanta RV. ; ind.p. -bhāyya Br. ) , bhāpayate ( Pa1n2. 6-1 , 56 Sch.) , to terrify , put in a fright , intimidate RV. &c &c : Desid. bibhīati Gr.: Intens. bebhīyate , bebhayīti , bebheti ib. [cf.bhyas ; Lith. bijo4tis ; Slav. bojati ; Germ. biben , beben.]
bhī́ 2 [L=150974]
fear , apprehension , fright , alarm , dread of (abl. loc. acc. with prati , or comp.) RV. &c &c
(H1) cl.3 P.
(H2) f.

bhīti [L=150990]
fear , alarm , dread , danger (often ifc.) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c
(H2) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.63, 24.24
Whitney Roots links: ru1, ru2

ru 1 [p= 881,3] [L=178213]
( Dha1tup. xxiv , 24 ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 15) rauti or ravīti (Ved. also ruváti and ravoti , °te ; p. rúvat , ravat , ravamāa , ravāa ; pf. rurāva MBh. ; ruruvire Br. ; aor. árāvīt RV. ; Prec. rūyāt Gr. ; fut. ravitā or rotā ib. ; raviyati ib. ; inf. ravitum ib. , rotum Ka1v. ) , to roar , bellow , howl , yelp , cry aloud RV. &c  ; 
to make any noise or sound , sing (as birds) , hum (as bees)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
rauti) to praise Naigh. iii , 14 : Caus. rāvayati (aor. arūruvat with the sense of the Intens. BhP. ; or arīravat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 80 Sch.) , to cause to bellow or roar , cause an uproar A1s3vS3r. MBh. &c : Desid. of Caus. rirāvayiati Gr. : Desid. rurūati ib. : Intens. (Ved.) róravīti (p. róruvat and róruvāa) or (ep.) rorūyate , °ti or (Gr.) roroti. to bellow or roar &c loudly , scream aloud , vociferate. [cf. Gk. ρύομαι ; Lat. raucus ;Angl.Sax. ry7n.]
ru 2 [L=178214]
(only L. ) sound , noise

ru 3 [L=178231]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 63) ravate (only rāviam RV. x , 86 , 5 ; ruruvie , araviṣṭa aroṣṭa Vop. ) to break or dash to pieces RV. ( Dha1tup. also " to go ; to kill ; to be angry ; to speak ") : Intens. (only p. róruvat) to break , shatter RV. i , 54 , 1 ; 5.
ru 4 [L=178232]
cutting , dividing L.
(H1) cl.2 P.
(H2) m.
[L=178215]fear , alarm
[L=178216]war , battle.
(H1) cl.1 A1.
(H2) m.

vi-° kruṣṭa [p= 956,1] [L=194284]
called out &c


offensive to (e.g. loka-v° , offensive to men) Mn. iv , 176
vi-° kruṣṭa [L=194287]
a cry of alarm or help Ya1jn5. R.
vi-° kruṣṭa [L=194288]
abasing , reviling L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=194285]harsh , abusive , cruel (as speech)
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

vi-° krośa [L=194289]
a cry of alarm or help MBh.
(H3) m.

vi-° klava---tā [L=194308]
agitation , confusion , alarm , fear , timidity , irresolution MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H4) f.

vi-° klava---tva [L=194308.1]
agitation , confusion , alarm , fear , timidity , irresolution MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H4) n.

vi-kobha [p= 956,3] [L=194398]
shaking , agitation , motion Hariv. Ragh.

MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. á-v°)


(H2) m.
[L=194399]mental agitation , perturbation , distraction , alarm
[L=194400]tearing open or asunder
[L=194401]the side of an elephant's breast

vi-° trāsa [p= 963,2] [L=195608]
fear , terror , alarm Katha1s. Sus3r.
vi-° trāsa [L=195609]
= next Hariv.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.

vyathā́ [p= 1031,1] [L=208644]
agitation , perturbation , alarm , uneasiness , pain , anguish , fear MBh. Ka1v. &c (vyathā-k , either , " to cause pain " or " to feel pain ")

S3Br. VarBr2S.

hdi or hdaye) , palpitation , throbbing of the heart Sus3r.
(H2) f.
[L=208645]loss , damage , ill-luck

vy-ākula---tā [p= 1035,3] [L=209420]
perturbation , agitation , bewilderment , alarm Katha1s. Pan5cat. Ma1rkP.
(H3) f.

vy-ākula---tva [L=209420.1]
perturbation , agitation , bewilderment , alarm Katha1s. Pan5cat. Ma1rkP.
(H3) n.

śa 1 [p= 1047,1] [L=211429]
» below.
śakā́ [L=211434]
(ifc. f(ā).) apprehension , care , alarm , fear , distrust , suspicion of (abl. loc. , or prati with acc. , or comp. ; brahma-hatyā-ktā śa , " the fear of having committed the murder of a Brahman " R. ; pāpa-śakā na katavyā , " no evil is to be suspected " Katha1s. ) S3Br. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c

ifc.) belief. supposition , presumption (of or that any person or thing is-) ib.


daṇḍaka metre W.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=211435]doubt , uncertainty , hesitation
[L=211437]a subject started in disputation
[L=211438]a species of the

śakā́--spṛṣṭa [L=211447]
touched with fear , seized with alarm Megh.
(H3) mfn.

śastrā* gni-sambhrama [p= 1061,1] [L=214619]
trouble or alarm (caused) by war or fire VarBr2S.
(H3) m.

sam-° udvega [p= 1168,3] [L=235542]
great agitation or perturbation , terror , alarm , fear MBh.
(H3) m.

sa--vikrośana [p= 1190,3] [L=239540]
with a cry of alarm MBh.
(H3) ind.

sādhvasa [p= 1202,3] [L=241877]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. sa dhvasa = dhvasa) consternation , perturbation , alarm , terror , fear of (gen. or comp. ; °sa-gam , " to become terrified ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

dram.) false alarm , sudden fright , panic (one of the 7 divisions of the bhaikā q.v.) Sa1h.
(H1) n.

hutā* śa [p= 1301,1] [L=263472]
oblation-eater , fire MBh. Ka1v. &c

of the number " three " Gan2it.

Ceylanica Sus3r.

(H3) m.
[L=263475]fear , alarm (?)