Sanskrit words for Entering

ā-veśa [p= 155,3] [L=27124]
joining one's self Ka1tyS3r.

MBh. S3ak. Prab. &c


Ba1lar. Ka1d.


(H2) m.
[L=27125]entering , entrance , taking possession of
[L=27126]absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea , intentness , devotedness to an object
[L=27127]demoniacal frenzy , possession , anger , wrath
[L=27128]pride , arrogance
[L=27129]indistinctness of idea , apoplectic or epileptic giddiness

1 agnipraveśa (entering) 2 agnipraveśana (entering) 3 anupraviś (entering) 4 anupraveśanīya (entering) 5 anuveśa (entering) 6 anuveśaveśana (entering) 7 antarvigāhana (entering) 8 apiyat (entering) 9 apīti (entering) 10 apyaya (entering) 11 abhipraveśa (entering) 12 avyavāya (entering) 13 asaṃyat (entering) 14 āpi (entering) 15 āpatti (entering) 16 āveśa (entering) 17 āveśana (entering) 18 āveśika (entering) 19 āvṛt (entering) 20 āvṛtti (entering) 21 upagama (entering) 22 upasaṃgṛhya (entering) 23 upasaṃpatti (entering) 24 upasaṃpadā (entering) 25 upayat (entering) 26 kuṭīpraveśa (entering) 27 garbhasaṃkramaṇa (entering) 28 nimagnaka (entering) 29 nimajjathu (entering) 30 nirveśa (entering) 31 niveśa (entering) 32 niveśana (entering) 33 nairvāṇikamārgāvataraṇa (entering) 34 parakāyapraveśana (entering) 35 parapurapraveśa (entering) 36 parvan (entering) 37 pratipuruṣa (entering) 38 pratipūruṣa (entering) 39 pratisaṃsthāna (entering) 40 prapadana (entering) 41 prapitsu (entering) 42 praviṣṭaka (entering) 43 praveśa (entering) 44 praveśaka (entering) 45 praveśana (entering) 46 praveśin (entering) 47 prasarpaka (entering) 48 prasarpaṇa (entering) 49 prāveśika (entering) 50 prājāpatyā (entering) 51 prāsādārohaṇa (entering) 52 bhavapratisaṃdhi (entering) 53 yamamārgagamana (entering) 54 raṅgapraveśa (entering) 55 raṅgāvataraṇa (entering) 56 raṅgin (entering) 57 vakrita (entering) 58 vanapraveśa (entering) 59 vahnipatana (entering) 60 vāstuśamana (entering) 61 viśana (entering) 62 viśalyaghna (entering) 63 viśalyaprāṇahara (entering) 64 viṣvaggati (entering) 65 vedavatī (entering) 66 veśaka (entering) 67 veśana (entering) 68 veśin (entering) 69 veśī (entering) 70 vyavāya (entering) 71 vratopāyana (entering) 72 śītala (entering) 73 śriti (entering) 74 śrotrasparśin (entering) 75 saṃveśana (entering) 76 saṃchedya (entering) 77 saṃniveśa (entering) 78 sabhāpraveśana (entering) 79 samākramaṇa (entering) 80 samāveśa (entering) 81 samāveśana (entering) 82 sampraveśa (entering) 83 sārvagāmin (entering) 84 svarga (entering) 85 antaḥpraveśa (entering) 86 kāmaveśin (entering) 87 jalagāhana (entering)

agní--praveśa [p= 5,2] [L=997]
entering the fire , self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile.
(H3) m.
agní--praveśana [L=998]
entering the fire , self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile.
(H3) n.
anu-pra- √ viś [p= 36,1] [L=6823]
to attack.
anu-pra- √ viś [p= 1312,1] [L=307100]
Caus. -veśayati), to send home, ib.
(H1) to follow in entering , enter
(H2) (
anu-praveśanīya [p= 36,1] [L=6827]
connected with entering , (g. anupravacanā*di q.v.)
(H2) mfn.
anu-veśa [p= 38,3] [L=7299]
entering after , following.
(H2) m.
anu-veśa--veśana [L=7300]
entering after , following.
(H3) n.
antar--vigāhana [p= 43,3] [L=8158]
entering within L.
(H3) n.
api-yát [p= 55,3] [L=10236]
entering the other world , dying RV. i , 162 , 20

(H2) mfn.
[L=10237]dissolving , disappearing
ápī* ti [L=10239]
entering into RV. i , 121 , 10, dissolving , dissolution S3Br. Up.
(H2) f.
apy-aya [L=10240]
joint , juncture Kaus3. S3ulb.
56,1] [L=10241]
PBr. ?? , entering into, vanishing (the contrary of prabhava or utpatti) Up. &c (cf. svā*pyayá.)
apy-aya [p= 57,1] [L=10457]
2. apī*.
(H2) m.
[p= pouring out (of a river)
(H1) »
abhi-pra-veśa [p= 66,1] [L=11866]
entering into MBh. i , 2871.
(H2) m.
a-vyavā* ya [p= 112,1] [L=19355]
not entering between , non-separation Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y.

Jaim. Nya1yam.
(H1) m.
[L=19356]uninterrupted contiguity
á-sayat [p= 117,2] [L=20360]
( √ i) , " not entering (into) " , i.e. not pleasing (to one's mind) AV. xviii , 1 , 14.
(H1) mfn.
āpí [p= 142,2] [L=24753]
an ally , a friend , an acquaintance RV. VS. (according to Sa1y. on RV. ii , 29 , 4, from the Caus.) causing to obtain [wealth &c ]
āpí [L=24754]
ifc. reaching to , entering.
āpi [p= 143,2] [L=24972]
» under √1. āp.
ā-pí [p= 1319,3] [L=319090]
mfn. (fr. ā- √pyai, accord. to some, "swelling", "refreshing", RV. v, 53, 2).
(H2) m.
(H2B) mfn.
(H1) &c
(H2) 2
ā-patti [p= 142,3] [L=24873]
happening , occurring

Ka1tyS3r. APra1t. &c


(H2) f.
[L=24874]entering into a state or condition , entering into relationship with , changing into
[L=24875]incurring , misfortune , calamity
[L=24876]fault , transgression
ā-veśa [p= 155,3] [L=27124]
joining one's self Ka1tyS3r.

MBh. S3ak. Prab. &c


Ba1lar. Ka1d.


ā-veśa [p= 156,3] [L=27299]
» ā-viś.
(H2) m.
[L=27125]entering , entrance , taking possession of
[L=27126]absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea , intentness , devotedness to an object
[L=27127]demoniacal frenzy , possession , anger , wrath
[L=27128]pride , arrogance
[L=27129]indistinctness of idea , apoplectic or epileptic giddiness
(H1) &c
ā-veśana [p= 155,3] [L=27130]
entering , entrance L.

&c Sa1h.


&c Mn.


(H2) n.
[L=27131]possession by devils
[L=27132]passion , anger , fury
[L=27133]a house in which work is carried on , a workshop , manufactory ,
[L=27134]the disk of the sun or moon
ā-veśika [L=27136]
own , peculiar

ā-veśika [L=27138]
a guest , a visitor
ā-veśika [L=27139]
entering into
ā-veśika [L=27140]
hospitable reception , hospitality L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
ā- √ vt 1 [p= 156,1] [L=27213]
(only pf. in RV. , -vavárta) A1. -vartate (aor. 3. sg. ā́*vtsata RV. viii , 1 , 29 ; Inf. -vṛ́te RV. iii , 42 , 3) to turn or draw round or back or near RV. S3a1n3khS3r.  ; 
to turn or go towards
to turn round or back , return , revolve
RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ChUp. MBh. Katha1s. R. &c : Caus. P. -vartayati (Ved. Subj. -vavártati Pot. -vavtyāt , &c ) A1. -vartayate (Ved. Pot. -vavtīta , &c ) to cause to turn , roll  ; 
to draw or turn towards
to lead near or towards
to bring back
to turn round or back
RV. AV. VS. TBr. MBh. BhP. &c  ; 
to repeat , recite , say repeatedly
to pray
A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. Katha1s. R. Hariv. &c : Intens. -varīvartti RV. i , 164 , 31 AV. ix , 10 , 11 , &c , to move quickly or repeatedly.
ā-vṛ́t 2 [p= 156,2] [L=27257]
turning towards or home , entering RV.

AV. VS. TS. S3Br.

S3Br. AitBr. &c

cf. agnihotrā*vt) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r. &c

(H1) P.
(H2) f.
[L=27258]turn of path or way , course , process , direction
[L=27259]progress of an action , occurrence , a series of actions
[L=27260]doing an act without speaking or silently (
[L=27261]order , method
ā́-vtti [L=27267]
turning towards , entering , turning back or from , reversion , retreat , flight

TS. S3Br. Bhag. Katha1s. &c



S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. &c


(H2) f.
[L=27268]recurrence to the same point
[L=27270]repetition (as a figure of rhetoric)
[L=27271]turn of a way , course , direction
[L=27273]revolving , going round
[L=27274]worldly existence , the revolution of births
[L=27275]use , employment , application.
upa-gama [p= 196,2] [L=34324]
approach , coming to , approximation R. Megh. Ragh. Sarvad. &c
196,3] [L=34325]
S3ak. 14 c


Comm. on Das3ar.




Buddh. )
(H2) m.
[p= entering (into any state or condition) , obtaining , acquiring , having
[L=34326]approaching respectfully , veneration
[L=34327]coming near to , perceiving
[L=34328]acquaintance , society
[L=34329]intercourse (as of the sexes)
[L=34330]undergoing , suffering , feeling
[L=34331]agreement , promise
[L=34332]a particular number (
209,1] [L=36077]
taking hold of , clasping , embracing S3Br. S3a1n3khGr2. A1s3vGr2. Mn.

pādau or pādayo , the feet of a revered person ; the word pādau being not unfrequently omitted) Pa1rGr2. A1p. MBh. Sus3r. &c

MBh. R.

MBh. xii

[p= ind.p.
[L=36077.1]embracing (especially
[L=36077.2]partaking of , receiving , accepting
[L=36077.3]getting or entering into , experiencing
[L=36077.4]winning over , conciliating , propitiating
upa-sapatti [p= 209,3] [L=36165]
the approaching or reaching or entering into any condition Pa1n2. 6-2 , 56

Sa1y. on Ta1n2d2yaBr.
(H2) f.
[L=36166]coming up to
upa-sapadā [L=36167]
the act of entering into the order of monks Buddh.
(H2) f.
upa- √ yat 1 [p= 204,1] [L=35380]
-yatate , to befall S3Br. viii , 5 , 1 , 7.
upa-yat 2 [L=35381]
upa-yat 2 [p= 215,2] [L=36911]
(for 1. » s.v.) going near , approaching &c

Kir. vi , 16 (said of rivers and female friends)

Kir. vi , 26.
(H1) A1.
(H1) »
(H2) mfn.
[L=36911.1]flowing into , attached
[L=36911.2]entering any state , serving for
kuī--praveśa [p= 288,2] [L=51602]
" entering a hut " , settling in a cottage Car.
(H3) m.
gárbha--sakramaa [p= 350,1] [L=64092]
entering the womb MBh. xiv , 472.
(H3) n.
ni-° magnaka [p= 550,3] [L=108916]
sinking or entering deep into the flesh MBh. i , 5601.
(H3) mfn.
ni-° majjathu [L=108917]
the act of diving or entering into , plunging

talpe) going to bed Bhat2t2.
(H3) m.
nir-° veśa [p= 558,1] [L=110042]
payment , returning , offering

Mn. vi , 45 (v.l. nirdeśa and nid°). R. Das3.

A1past. (cf. anirv° add.)


nir-veśa [L=110091]
śanīya &c » nir-viś.
(H3) m.
[L=110043]wages. reward
[L=110044]atonement , expiation
[L=110045]entering , attaining , enjoying
[L=110046]fainting , swooning
(H1) °
ni-° veśá [p= 559,3] [L=110300]
(the initial n not subject to cerebralisation g. kubhnā*di) entering , settling in a place , encamping , halting MBh. Ka1v. &c

&c ) RV. ix , 69 , 7 MBh. Ka1v. &c (°śam-k , to take up one's residence , settle , encamp)

A1past. Gaut. MBh.


sthāne) putting in order , arrangement Vcar.

Ma1lati1m. vii , 1÷2

S3ak. (Pi.) vi , 14



ni-veśa [p= 560,2] [L=110432]
śana &c » ni-viś.
(H3) m.
[L=110301]a dwelling-place , habitation of any kind (as a house , camp , palace
[L=110302]founding a household , matrimony
[L=110303]founding a town
[L=110305]pressing against
[L=110306]impression , mark (of fingers)
[L=110307]depositing , delivering
[L=110308]military array
[L=110309]ornament , decoration
(H1) °
ni-° véśana [p= 559,3] [L=110312]
(ī)n. entering (ifc.) Hariv.

Caus.) bringing to rest , providing with a resting-place RV. TS. AV.
ni-° véśana [L=110314]
N. of a vṛṣṇi Hariv.
ni-° véśana [L=110315]
(ifc. f(ā).) entering , entrance into (comp.) RV. Kaus3.
ni-° véśana [L=110316]
going or bringing to rest ib. MBh. Hariv. (°na-k , to settle , encamp ; [sainya-] encampment of an army)
ni-° véśana [L=110317]
putting down (the feet) S3atr.
ni-° véśana [L=110318]
introducing , employing Sa1h.
ni-° véśana [L=110319]
fixing , impressing Sarvad.
ni-° véśana [L=110320]
cultivating , populating (of a land , a desert &c ) R. Ka1m.
ni-° véśana [L=110321]
founding a household , marrying , marriage BhP.
ni-° véśana [L=110322]
hiding or dwelling-place of any kind , nest , lair , camp , house , home RV. &c
ni-° véśana [L=110323]
town R.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
nair--vāika---mārgā* vataraa [p= 570,2] [L=112471]
entering the path of nirvāa (one of the 4 vaiśāradyani or subjects of confidence of a buddha) Dharmas. 77.
(H4) n.
pára--kāya-praveśana [p= 586,2] [L=116055]
entering another's body (a supernatural art) Cat.
(H3) n.
pára--pura-praveśa [p= 587,1] [L=116163]
entering an enemy's city (as a supernatural art) , khyas. Sch.
(H3) m.
párvan [p= 609,2] [L=120046]
a knot , joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. parus] , but also of the body) , limb , member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c

esp. of a book) S3Br. MBh. &c


Pra1t. Nir.

RV. VS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS.

esp.) the cāturmāsya festival , S3rS.

i.e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c


Var. Su1ryas. MBh. &c


partic. period of the year (as the equinox , solstice &c ) ib.

e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh.




(H2) n.
[L=120047]a break , pause , division , section (
[L=120048]the step of a staircase
[L=120049]a member of a compound
[L=120050]a period or fixed time
[L=120052]the days of the 4 changes of the moon (
[L=120053]a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon
[L=120054]the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction
[L=120055]the moment of the sun's entering a new sign
[L=120057]a division of time
[L=120058]a day (360)
[L=120059]a festival , holiday
[L=120060]opportunity , occasion
[L=120061]a moment , instant
prati--purua [p= 662,2] [L=131610]
" a counter-person " , a similar man

Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

a-pratip° , unmatched BhP. )


ibc. and °ám ind.) man by man , every man , for each man Br. Gr2S3rS. Hcar. A1p.

(H3) m.
[L=131611]a companion , assistant
[L=131612]a deputy , substitute
[L=131614]the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves)
[L=131616]for each soul
prati--pūr° ua [L=131617]
" a counter-person " , a similar man

Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

a-pratip° , unmatched BhP. )


ibc. and °ám ind.) man by man , every man , for each man Br. Gr2S3rS. Hcar. A1p.

prati--pūrua [L=131626]
-purua above.
(H3) m.
[L=131618]a companion , assistant
[L=131619]a deputy , substitute
[L=131621]the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves)
[L=131623]for each soul
(H3) »
prati-sa-sthāna [p= 672,1] [L=133352]
( √ sthā) settling in , entering into (comp.) Lalit.
(H1) n.
pra-° padana [p= 682,1] [L=135120]
entering , entrance into (comp.) A1s3vGr2. Vait.

S3Br. ChUp.
(H3) n.
[L=135121]access , approach
pra-° pitsu [L=135106]
(fr. Desid.) wishing to fall or throw one's self down S3is3.
pra-° pitsu [p= 682,2] [L=135138]
desirous of plunging into (loc). S3is3.

acc.) Kir.
pra-pitsu [p= 682,3] [L=135194]
(H3) mfn.
(H3) mfn.
[L=135139]desirous of entering upon (
(H2) »
prá-° viṣṭaka [p= 692,3] [L=137080]
entering the stage (only °kena ind. in stage directions) Mr2icch. S3ak. Pracan2d2. &c
(H3) n.
pra-veśa [L=137082]
(ifc. f(ā).) entering , entrance , penetration or intrusion into (loc. gen. with or without antar , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (acc.with √ k , to make one's entrance , enter)

Hariv. Ma1lav.



g. of any deposit) in a person's house or hand Pan5cat.


i.e. being contained in (loc.) Pa1n2. 2-1 , 72 Sch. Sa1h.

comp.) Kull. Inscr.

cf. -bhāgika)



MBh. Ka1v. &c

pra-veśa [p= 694,2] [L=137378]
» pra-viś.
(H2) m.
[L=137083]entrance on the stage
[L=137084]the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac
[L=137085]coming or setting in (of night)
[L=137086]the placing (e.
[L=137087]interfering with another's business , obtrusiveness
[L=137088]the entering into
[L=137089]employment , use , utilisation of (
[L=137090]income , revenue , tax , toll (
[L=137091]intentness on an object , engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose
[L=137092]manner , method
[L=137093]a place of entrance , door
[L=137094]the syringe of an injection pipe
(H1) &c
pra-° veśaka [p= 692,3] [L=137096]
= °veśa entering , entrance Katha1s.
pra-° veśaka [L=137096.1]
a kind of interlude (acted by some of the subordinate characters for the making known of what is supposed to have occurred between the acts or the introducing of what is about to follow) Ka1lid. Ratna7v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c (cf. vikambhaka and IW. 473)
pra-° veśaka [L=137096.2]
N. of wk.
(H3) ifc.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
pra-° veśana [L=137097]
entering , entrance or penetration into (loc. gen. or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c



loc.) , introduction Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c

(H3) n.
[L=137098]sexual intercourse
[L=137099]a principal door or gate
[L=137100]conducting or leading into (
[L=137101]driving home (cattle)
pra-° veśin [L=137109]
(ifc.) entering into MBh.


°veśa) , having an entrance accessible over or through (comp.) Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
[L=137110]having sexual intercourse with
pra-° sarpaka [p= 698,3] [L=138185]
an assistant who is under the superintendence of the tvij or a mere spectator at a sacrifice (so designated from entering the sadas ; cf. prec.) S3rS.
(H3) m.
pra-° sárpaa [L=138186]
going forwards , entering (loc.) MBh.

°sarpa A1s3vS3r.

(H3) n.
[L=138188]a place of refuge , shelter
prā--veśika [p= 702,3] [L=138964]
(ī)n. (fr. -veśa) relating to entrance (into a house or on the stage) Vikr. Ba1lar. Pracan2d2. (with ākiptikā and dhruvā f. N. of partic. airs sung by a person on entering the stage ib.)

(H3) mf
[L=138965]auspicious for entrance
prājāpatyā [p= 703,3] [L=139156]
patr. of dakiā RAnukr.
prājāpatyā [L=139157]
giving away the whole of one's property before entering upon the life of an ascetic or mendicant W.
prājāpatyā [L=139158]
N. of a verse addressed to prajā-pati , A1pGr2.
prājāpatyā [L=139159]
(with śakaī) = mn. with śakaa MW.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
prāsādā* rohaa [p= 709,3] [L=140409]
going up into or entering a palace
(H3) n.
bhavá--pratisadhi [p= 749,1] [L=149030]
entering into existence L.
(H3) m.
yáma--mārga---gamana [p= 846,3] [L=170467]
the entering on yama's road , receiving the recompense for one's actions Cat.
(H4) n.
raga--praveśa [p= 862,3] [L=173796]
entering on the stage , engaging in theatrical performances Mr2icch.
(H3) m.
ra* vataraa [L=173840]
" entering on the stage " , the profession of an actor MBh.
(H3) n.
ragin [L=173855]
colouring , dyeing , painting W.

863,1] [L=173857]
ifc.) attached to , delighting in , fond of S3atr.

(H2) mfn.
[L=173856]passionate , impassioned
[p= (
[L=173858]entering the stage
vakrita [p= 911,2] [L=184461]
curved , crooked , bent Amar. Naish.

(H2) mfn.
[L=184462]entering on an apparently retrograde course (as a planet)
vána--praveśa [p= 917,3] [L=185851]
entering a forest , (esp.) a solemn procession into a forest (for cutting wood for an idol) VarBr2S.

(H3) m.
[L=185852]commencing to live as a hermit
váhni--patana [p= 934,1] [L=189362]
" entering the fire " , self-immolation Ma1lati1m.
(H3) n.
vā́stu--śamana [p= 949,1] [L=192651]
-saśamana MW. ) n. the purificatory ceremony performed on laying a foundation or on entering a new house Sa1mavBr.
(H3) (or
viśana [p= 989,2] [L=200399]
(ifc.) entering , entrance into MBh. VarBr2S.
(H2) n.
ví-śalya---ghna [p= 990,1] [L=200473]
(prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
ví-śalya---prā* a-hara [L=200473.1]
(prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
vivag--gati [p= 998,1] [L=202236]
going all about or everywhere , entering into every (topic) ib.
(H3) mfn.
veda--vatī [p= 1016,1] [L=205771]
N. of a river MBh. Pur. (cf. vedasinī , vetasinī)
veda--vatī [L=205772]
of a beautiful woman (daughter of kuśa-dhvaja , whose story is told in the rāmā*yaa ; she became an ascetic , and being insulted by rāvaa in the wood where she was performing her penances , destroyed herself by entering fire , but was born again as sītā or accord. to other legends , as draupadī or lak) R.
veda--vatī [L=205773]
of an apsaras L.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
veśaka [p= 1019,1] [L=206382]
who or what enters , entering W.
veśaka [L=206383]
a house L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
veśana [L=206385]
the act of entering BhP.

(H2) n.
[L=206386]a house
veśin [L=206395]
entering Hariv. (also w.r. for vein).
(H2) mfn.
veśī́ [L=206396]
" entering , piercing (?) " , a pin , needle RV. vii , 18 , 7 ( Sa1y. )
(H2) f.
vy-avā* ya [p= 1034,3] [L=209241]
intervention , interposition , separation by insertion , being separated by (instr. or comp.) S3rS. Pra1t. Pa1n2.

MBh. Sus3r.


MBh. VarBr2S. Sus3r.




vy-avā* ya [L=209249]
light , lustre L.
(H2) m.
[L=209242]entering , pervading , penetration
[L=209243]change , transmutation
[L=209244]sexual intercourse , copulation
[L=209245]wantonness , lasciviousness
[L=209246]covering , disappearance
[L=209247]interval , space
[L=209248]an obstacle , impediment
(H2B) n.
vrato* * yaná [p= 1042,3] [L=210684]
entering on a religious observance &c (-vat ind.) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.

&c (to be eaten during a religious feast = vāyana) MW.
(H3) n.
[L=210685]presents of cakes
śītala [p= 1078,1] [L=218437]
(ā)n. cold , cool , cooling MBh. Ka1v. &c


i.e. free from passion , calm , gentle , Asht2a1v. Prasannar.

Vikr. iv , 37
śītala [L=218441]
(only L. ) the wind
śītala [L=218442]
the moon
śītala [L=218443]
Cordia Myxa
śītala [L=218444]
Michelia Champaka
śītala [L=218445]
= asana-parī
śītala [L=218446]
a kind of camphor
śītala [L=218447]
the resin of Shorea Robusta
śītala [L=218448]
green sulphate of iron (also m.)
śītala [L=218449]
bitumen (also m.)
śītala [L=218450]
a religious ceremony observed on the sun's entering Aries
śītala [L=218451]
(with jainas) N. of the 10th arhat of the present avasarpiī
śītala [L=218454]
small-pox W.
śītala [L=218455]
cold , coldness , cold weather Subh.
śītala [L=218456]
sandal L.
śītala [L=218457]
a lotus L.
śītala [L=218458]
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
śītala [L=218459]
the root of Andropogon Muricatus L.
śītala [L=218460]
a pearl L.
(H2) mf
[L=218438]shivering , frosty
[L=218440]not exciting emotion , not causing painful feelings
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
śriti [p= 1098,2] [L=222847]
approach , recourse , entering (» ucchriti)

ī́) = śtyai , śrayaā*rtham (?) RV. ix , 14 , 6.
(H2) f.
śrótra--sparśin [p= 1103,1] [L=223878]
touching i.e. entering or penetrating the ear BhP.
(H3) mfn.
sa-° véśana [p= 1116,1] [L=226296]
(ī)n. causing to lie down TA1r.
sa-° véśana [L=226297]
lying down RV. Gr2S3rS. BhP.
sa-° véśana [L=226298]
entering , going in S3am2k.
sa-° véśana [L=226299]
sexual union , coition Ka1tyS3r.
sa-° véśana [L=226300]
a seat , bench L.
(H3) mf
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
sa-chedya [p= 1132,3] [L=229216]
" the flowing together of two rivers " or " the mouth of a river entering the sea " L.
(H2) n.
sa-niveśa [p= 1147,2] [L=232112]
entering or sitting down together , entrance into , settlement (acc. with √ k or vi-dhā , " to take up a position , settle down ") Ka1v. Sus3r.

ifc. " situated in or on ") Sus3r. Ka1lid. Va1s.

Ka1v. Katha1s.







» lakaa-s°)


Ka1v. Pur. Sa1h.

tvaṣṭṛ and racanā) BhP.

Ragh. Uttarar. BhP.

(H2) m.
[L=232113]seat , position , situation (
[L=232114]station , encampment , abode , place
[L=232116]an open place or play-ground in or near a town (where people assemble for recreation)
[L=232117]assembling together , assembly , crowd
[L=232118]causing to enter , putting down together
[L=232119]insertion , inclusion
[L=232120]attachment to any pursuit
[L=232121]impression (of a mark ;
[L=232122]foundation (of a town)
[L=232123]putting together , fabrication , construction , composition , arrangement
[L=232124]Construction personified (as son of
[L=232125]form , figure , appearance
[L=232126]form of an asterism
sabhā́--praveśana [p= 1151,3] [L=232934]
entering a court of justice Pa1rGr2.
(H3) n.
sam-ākramaa [p= 1158,3] [L=234032]
treading upon , stepping in , entering , frequenting Pan5cavBr. Ragh.
(H2) n.
sam-āveśa [p= 1162,3] [L=234616]
entering together or at once , entering Cat.

comp.) RPra1t. Hariv.

MBh. Das3ar.

Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. Ka1s3.

Un2. i , 108 Sch.
(H2) m.
[L=234617]meeting , penetration , absorption into (
[L=234618]simultaneous occurrence , co-existence
[L=234619](in gram.) applying together , common applicability of a term
[L=234620]agreeing with , agreement
sam-° āveśana [L=234621]
entering , taking possession Sam2ska1rak.

A1PGr2. ??
(H3) n.
[L=234622]consummation of marriage ,
sam-praveśa [p= 1176,2] [L=236570]
entering into together , complete entrance , going into (loc. or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. R.

gen.) MBh.
(H2) m.
[L=236571]place of entrance , place entered by (
sārva--gāmin [p= 1210,1] [L=243237]
(perhaps w.r. for sarva-g°) entering into the Universal Soul A1past.
(H3) mfn.
svár--ga [p= 1281,2] [L=259103]
svargá [p= 1281,3] [p= 1281,2] [L=259165]
(or suvargá) going or leading to or being in light or heaven , heavenly , celestial (with loká m. or pl. = " the world of light , heavens ") AV. &c
svargá [p= 1281,3] [L=259165.1]
heaven , the abode of light and of the gods , heavenly bliss , (esp.) indra's heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortals » transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies ; this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brahmanism ; it is supposed to be situated on mount meru q.v. ; acc. with √ , ā-sthā , or ā-pad , " to go to heaven " , " die ") RV. only x , 95 , 18 AV. &c
svargá [L=259165.2]
a partic. ekā*ha S3a1n3khS3r.
svargá [L=259165.3]
N. of a son of the rudra bhīma VP.
svarga [p= 1282,1] [L=259275]
» [p= 1281,2].
(H3) »
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) &c
anta--praveśa [p= 1312,3] [L=308241.8]
entering within, Sus3r.
(H3) m.
kāma--veśin [p= 1324,2] [L=327521.1]
entering at will, Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
jala--gāhana [p= 1327,2] [L=331760.1]
entering the water, Ka1vya7d.
(H3) n.