
vi-bhāgá [p= 977,2] [L=198213]
distribution , apportionment RV. AitBr.

Mn. Ya1jn5. &c (cf. IW. 261)

Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

Nir. Gr2S3rS. &c (ena , separately , singly , in detail ; cf. also yoga-v°)

opp. to sa-yoga and regarded in nyāya as one of the 24 guas) IW. 68

arithm.) the numerator of a fraction Col.

of śiva R.
(H2) m.
[L=198214]partition of patrimony , law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law)
[L=198215]a share , portion , section , constituent part of anything
[L=198216]division , separation , distinction , difference
[L=198217]disjunction (

 1 [p= 949,3] [L=192825]
(nom. vís or vés acc. vím gen. abl. vés ; pl. nom. acc. váyas [acc. vīn Bhat2t2. ] ; víbhis,víbhyas,vīnā́m) a bird (also applied to horses , arrows , and the maruts) RV. VS. Pan5cavBr , (also occurring in later language).[cf. 1. váyas ; Gk. οωνός for ὀϝιωνος ; Lat. a-vis ; accord. tosome Germ. Ei ; Angl.Sax. ae4g ; Eng. egg. ]
vi 2 [L=192831]
an artificial word said to be = anna S3Br.
 3 [L=192832]
(prob. for an original dvi , meaning " in two parts " ; and opp. to sam q.v.) apart , asunder , in different directions , to and fro , about , away , away from , off , without RV. &c &c In RV. it appears also as a prep. with acc. denoting " through " or " between " (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i , 181 , 5 ; x , 86 , 20 &c ) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs , to express " division " , " distinction " , " distribution " , " arrangement " , " order " , " opposition " , or " deliberation " (cf. vi-bhid , -śi , -dhā , -rudh , -car , with their nominal derivatives)

e.g.krī , " to buy " ; vi-krī , " to sell ") , or it intensifies that idea (e.g.his , " to injure " ; vi-his , " to injure severely ") . The above 3. may also be used in forming compounds not immediately referable to verbs , in which cases it may express " difference " (cf. 1. vi-lakaa) , " change " or " variety " (cf. vi-citra) , " intensity " (cf. vi-karāla) , " manifoldness " (cf. vi-vidha) , " contrariety " (cf. vi-loma) , " deviation from right " (cf. vi-śīla) , " negation " or " privation " (cf. vi-kaccha , being often used like 3. a,nir ,andnis [qq. vv.] , and like the Lat. dis , se , and the English a , dis , in , un &c )

cf. vi-jāmi , vi-jāmāt)

e.g. vi-koka , vi-pthu , vi-viśa). To save space such words are here mostly collected under one article

(H1) m.
(H1) n.
(H1) ind.
[L=192832.1]sometimes it gives a meaning opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (
[L=192832.2]in some cases it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all (
[L=192832.3]it is also used to form proper names out of other proper names (
[L=192832.4]but words having several subordinate compounds will be found


vi-bhāgá---tas [L=198221.1]
according to a part or share , proportionately Sarvad. W.




vi-bhāgá---śas [L=198230]
according to a part or share , separately , proportionately Mn. MBh. &c
977,3] [L=198231]
ifc.) according to BhP.


[p= (