Fascinating listing of words related to thought, from a reverse search of the Monier-Williams. There are hundreds more.

Sanskrit Words for Thought

antá--karaa [p= 43,1] [L=7982]
the internal organ , the seat of thought and feeling , the mind , the thinking faculty , the heart , the conscience , the soul.
(H3) n.

antar--yoga [p= 43,3] [L=8139]
deep thought , abstraction.
(H3) m.
antar-gata--manas [p= 44,2] [L=8281]
whose mind is turned inwards , engaged in deep thought , sad , perplexed.

(H3) mfn.
dhyāna [L=102194]
meditation , thought , reflection , (esp.) profound and abstract religious meditation , (°nam āpad , ā-sthā or °na-gam , to indulge in religious meditation) ChUp. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c (with Buddhists divided into 4 stages MWB. 209 Dharmas. lxxii ; but also into 3 ib. cix)


dhyāná [L=102197]
N. of a partic. personification MaitrS.
dhyāná [L=102198]

of the 11th day of the light half in brahma's month Pur
(H2) n.
[L=102195]mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity
[L=102196]insensibility , dulness
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.37
dhī 1 [p= 516,3] [L=101254]
dīdhīte , &c RV. (cf.dīdhī ; the forms dhīmahi and ádhāyi belong rather to √1. dhā ; pf. dīdhaya , °dhima , °dhiyur or °dhyur , °dhire RV. AV. Br. ) to perceive , think , reflect  ; 
wish , desire:
Intens. dedhyat TS.
dhī́ 2 [L=101266]
thought , (esp.) religious thought , reflection , meditation , devotion , prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified) RV.

rudra-manyu BhP. ) , knowledge , science , art

ifc. intent upon Ka1v. )

comp.) RV. &c (yáthā dhiyā́ or dhiyā́ ná , according to thy wisdom or will ; itthā́ dhiyā́ or dhíya , willingly lit. such is thy will RV. )

of the 5th house from the lagna Var.
dhī 3 [p= 517,1] [L=101318]
dhīyate , to contain , hold (Pass. of √1. dhā?)  ; 
to slight , disregard
to propitiate (?)
Dha1tup. xxvi , 37.
dhī́ 4 [L=101319]
for , splendour RV. iii , 34 , 5 ; vi , 3 , 3.
(H1) cl.3 A1.
(H2) f.
[L=101267]understanding , intelligence , wisdom (personified as the wife of
[L=101268]mind , disposition , intention , design (
[L=101269]notion , opinion , the taking for (
(H1) cl.4 A1.
(H1) f.
dhī́--vibhrama [p= 516,3] [L=101287]
" error of thought " , hallucination Bhpr.

(H3) m.
dhītá 1 [L=101294]
reflected on , thought about
dhītá 1 [L=101295]
pl. thoughts , meditations RV.
dhītá 2 [p= 517,1] [L=101321]
dhe) , sucked , drunk AV. Br.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H1) ( √
dhītí 1 [p= 516,3] [L=101296]
thought , idea , reflection , intention , devotion , prayer (pl. also personified ; cf. 2. dhī) RV. TBr. &c

wisdom , understanding ( Naigh. ii , 5 and Sa1y. " the fingers ") RV.
dhīti 2 [p= 517,1] [L=101323]

(H2) f.
(H2) f.

Whitney Roots links: DyA
dhyai [p= 521,1] [L=102185]
dhyā́yati (ep. also °te , or cl.2. dhyāti ; Impv. dhyāhi ; Pot. dhyāyāt Br. ; °yīta Up. ; perf. dadhyau Br. &c ; aor. ádhyāsīt Br. ; 3. pl. dhyāsur MBh. ; fut. dhyāsyati ib. ; dhyātā Br. ; ind.p. dhyātvā ib. ; -dhyāya MBh. ; dhyāyam Katha1s. ) to think of , imagine , contemplate , meditate on , call to mind , recollect (with or scil. manasā or °si,cetasā,dhiyā,hdaye &c ) Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to brood mischief against (
acc.) TS.  ; 
(alone) to be thoughtful or meditative
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to let the head hang down (said of an animal)
Car. : Pass. dhyāyate , to be thought of , &c ib.  ; 
Caus. dhyāpayati Gr.: Desid. didhyāsate S3Br. : Intens. dādhyā*yate , dādhyāti , dādhyeti Gr.
(H1) cl.1 P.

dhyāna--mātra [L=102221]
mere meditation , thought alone MW.
(H3) n.

an-anyá--cetas [L=5025]
giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.)
(H3) mfn.
a-niścintya [p= 30,2] [L=5955]
not to be thought of , inconceivable , incomprehensible.
(H1) mfn.
anu-cintita [p= 32,2] [L=6274]
recollected , recalled , thought of.
(H2) mfn.
anu- √ tark [p= 32,3] [L=6350]
(H1) to follow in thought , to regard as or take for.

pari-cintita [p= 594,1] [L=117420]
thought of , found out R.
(H3) mfn.

pra-vāhá [p= 691,2] [L=136864]
(ifc. f(ā). ) a stream , river , current , running water (°he-mūtrita n. " making water in a river " , doing a useless action Pa1n2. 2-1, 47 Sch.)

S3Br. &c



of ch. in sad-ukti-karāmta

L. (cf. -vaha)





of one of the attendants of skanda MBh.

(pl.) N. of a people VP.
pra-vāha [p= 691,3] [L=136940]
» pra-vah.
(H2) mf.
[L=136865]met. = continuous flow or passage , unbroken series or succession , continuity
[L=136866]continuous use or employment
[L=136867]continuous train of thought
[L=136869]flowing or streaming forth
[L=136870]course of action , activity
[L=136871]course or direction towards
[L=136872]a pond , lake
[L=136873]a beautiful horse
(H1) &c


buddhi [p= 733,3] [L=145643]
the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgement Mn. MBh. &c

manas 6 ; cf. indriya , buddhī*ndriya)


ātnana , or buddhir brāhmī) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.

khya phil.) Intellect (= adhy-avasāya , the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception , the second of the 25 tattvas ; cf. buddhi-tattva) IW. 80 &c

Pan5cat. Hit.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc. or comp.) , intention , purpose , design ib. (buddhyā , with the intention of. designedly , deliberately ; anugraha-b° , with a view to i.e. in order to show favour ; buddhi-k or pra-k , to make up one's mind , resolve , decide , with loc. dat. acc. with prati , or inf.)

ifc. = considering as , taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit.

R. Ragh.


of the 5th astrol. mansion , VarBr2S. Sch.

daka and wife of dharma and mother of bodha) MBh. Pur.

of a woman , HParis3.


[L=145644]perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated , or with
[L=145645]comprehension , apprehension , understanding
[L=145648]presence of mind , ready wit
[L=145649]an opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecture
[L=145650]thought about or meditation on (
[L=145651]impression , belief. notion (often
[L=145652]right opinion , correct or reasonable view
[L=145653]a kind of metre
[L=145655]Intelligence personified (as a daughter of


bodhá [p= 734,2] [L=145794]
knowing , understanding Asht2a1vS. (cf. g. jvalā*di)
bodhá [L=145795]
waking , becoming or being awake , consciousness AV. MBh. &c
bodhá [L=145796]
the opening of blossom , bloom Cat.
bodhá [L=145797]
the taking effect (of spells ; acc. with pra- , " to begin to take effect ") ib.
bodhá [L=145798]
exciting (a perfume) Var.
bodhá [L=145799]
perception , apprehension , thought , knowledge , understanding , intelligence Ka1v. Ra1jat. Pur.
bodhá [L=145800]
designation Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
bodhá [L=145801]
awakening , arousing W.
bodhá [L=145802]
making known , informing , instructing MW.
bodhá [L=145803]
Knowledge personified as a son of buddhi Pur.
bodhá [L=145804]
N. of a man Ma1rkP. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 107)
bodhá [L=145805]
pl. N. of a people MBh.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


bhā́--vana 1 [p= 750,3] [L=149435]
(for 2. bhāvana » [p= 755,1]) a forest of rays Ghat2.
bhāvana 2 [p= 755,1] [L=150349]
(ī)n. (fr. Caus. ; for 1. » 2. bhā́ p.750) causing to be , effecting , producing , displaying , manifesting MBh. Ka1v. BhP.

gen. or comp.) welfare MBh. R. &c


bhāvana 2 [L=150353]
a creator , producer , efficient MBh. Ka1v.
bhāvana 2 [L=150354]
N. of śiva (= dhyāt) MBh.
bhāvana 2 [L=150355]
of viṣṇu A.
bhāvana 2 [L=150356]
of the 22nd kalpa (q.v.)
bhāvana 2 [L=150357]
(ā). and n. the act of producing or effecting Nir. Sa1h. BhP.
bhāvana 2 [L=150358]
(ā)n. forming in the mind , conception , apprehension , imagination , supposition , fancy , thought , meditation (°nayā ind. in thought , in imagination ; °nām-bandh , with loc. , to occupy one's imagination with , direct one's thoughts to) MBh. Ka1v. S3am2k. Veda7ntas. &c
bhāvana 2 [L=150359]
(ā)n. (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception Tarkas.
bhāvana 2 [L=150360]
(ā)n. application of perfumes &c (= adhivāsana) L.
bhāvana 2 [L=150371]
furthering , promoting MBh.
bhāvana 2 [L=150372]
the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.
bhāvana 2 [L=150373]
(ifc.) nature , essence Ra1matUp.


(H2) mf
[L=150350]promoting or effecting any one's (
[L=150351]imagining , fancying
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.