
svá--tantra [p= 1275,3] [L=257888]
self-dependence , independence , self-will , freedom Pan5cat. Hit.



Buddh. ) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh.

of wk. (also called °tra-tantra)
svá--tantra [L=257893]
(ā)n. self-dependent , self-willed , independent , free , uncontrolled (with pada n. " an independent word ") La1t2y. Up. Mn. &c
svá--tantra [L=257894]
(ā)n. of age , full grown W.
svá--tantra [L=257895]
N. of a cakra-vāka Hariv.
sva-tantra [p= 1279,2] [L=258786]
&c » [p= 1275,3].
(H3) n.
[L=257889]one's own system or school
[L=257890]one's own army
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3B) m.
(H1) sva-tavas

svātantrya [p= 1283,3] [L=259609]
(fr. sva-tantra) the following one's own will , freedom of the will , independence (āt and ena , " by one's own will , of one's own free choice , voluntarily , freely ") La1t2y. MaitrUp. MBh. &c
(H1) n.

svá--tantra---tā [p= 1275,3] [L=257897]
self-dependence , independence , freedom Mn. MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP.


(H4) f.
svá--tvá [L=257916]
proprietary right to , property in (loc.) Katha1s. BhP.

Ka1t2h. MaitrS.

(H3) n.
[L=257917]self-existence , independence
[L=257918]relationship to one's self

1 anavalambana (independence)
2 anāyattavṛttitā (independence)
3 abhaujiṣya (independence)
4 avasarga (independence)
5 upasarjana (independence)
6 tatpuruṣa (independence)
7 nirapekṣā (independence)
8 nirapekṣatā (independence)
9 nirapekṣatva (independence)
10 nairapekṣya (independence)
11 parāga (independence)
12 vigraha (independence)
13 svatantra (independence)
14 svatantratā (independence)
15 svatva (independence)
16 svadhur (independence)
17 svādhīnatā (independence)
18 svairatā (independence)
19 svairitā (independence)
20 svācchandya (independence)
21 svātantrya (independence)

(H2) an-avalambana [p= 27,1] [L=5328] n. independence.

(H3) an-āyatta--vṛtti-tā [p= 28,2] [L=5599] f. independence.

(H2) a-bhaújiṣya [p= 75,2] [L=13146] n. " not the state of a servant " , independence Suparn2. (cf. a-bhujiṣya s.v. a-bhukta.)

(H1) ava-sarga [p= 105,1] [L=18263] » ava- √sṛj.
(H2) ava-sarga [p= 105,2] [L=18301] m. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi q.v.) letting loose , letting go (an- neg.) Jaim.
[L=18302] relaxation , laxity L.
[L=18303] following one's own inclinations , independence L.

(H2) upa-sarjana [p= 210,2] [L=36256] n. (ifc. mf(ā)n.) the act of pouring upon Ka1tyS3r.
[L=36257] infusion Car.
[L=36258] an inauspicious phenomenon , eclipse Mn. iv , 105
[L=36259] anything or any person subordinate to another Mn.
[L=36260] a substitute , representation Nya1yam. &c
[L=36261] (in Gr.) " subordinate , secondary " (opposed to pradhāna) , any word which by composition or derivation loses its original independence while it also determines the sense of another word (e.g. the word rājan in rājapuruṣa , " a king's servant or minister " , and the word apiśali in āpiśala Pa1n2. 1-2 , 43 , &c ; vi , 2 , 36 ; in a bahu-vrīhi compound both members are upasarjana ; in other compounds generally the first member Pa1n2. 2-2 , 30 ; for exceptions » Pa1n2. 2-2 , 31)

(H3) tat--puruṣa [p= 433,2] [L=81926] m. the original or supreme spirit (one of the 5 forms of īśvara [also °ṣa-vaktra] Sarvad. vii) Ka1t2h. xvii , 1 TA1r. , x , 1 , 5 f. Lin3gaP. i , 13
[L=81927] the servant of him Ka1tyS3r. vii , 1 , 8
[L=81928] N. of a kalpa period MatsyaP. liii , 41
[L=81929] a class of compounds (formed like the word tat-puruṣa , " his servant ") in which the last member is qualified by the first without losing (as the last member of bahu-vrīhi compounds) its grammatical independence (whether as noun or adj. or p.)
[L=81930] two subdivisions of these compounds are called karma-dhāraya and dvi-gu (qq.vv.)

(H3B) nir--ape* kṣā [p= 539,3] [L=106594] f. ( R. ) disregard , indifference , independence

(H4) nir--ape* kṣa---tā [L=106594.1] f. ( Katha1s. ) disregard , indifference , independence

(H4) nir--ape* kṣa---tva [L=106594.2] n. ( Ra1matUp. ) disregard , indifference , independence

(H3) nair--ape* kṣya [p= 570,2] [L=112423] n. disregard , indifference Kap. Kull.
[L=112424] complete independence Nya1yam.

(H1) parāga [p= 589,3] [L=116769] m. (prob. for apa-r°) , the pollen of a flower Ka1v. Pur. &c
[L=116770] dust Ragh. iv , 30
[L=116771] fragrant powder used after bathing L.
[L=116772] sandal L.
[L=116773] an eclipse of the sun or moon L.
[L=116774] fame , celebrity L.
[L=116775] independence L.
[L=116776] N. of a mountain L.

(H3) ví--graha 1 [p= 950,2] [L=192968] mfn. (for 2. » vi- √grah) freed from " the Seizer " i.e. rāhu (said of the moon) R.
(H2) vi-graha 2 [p= 957,2] [L=194540] m. (for 1. » p.950.col.2) keeping apart or asunder , isolation Nir. BhP.
[L=194541] division , Bh.
[L=194542] distribution (esp. of fluids cf. vi- √grah) Ka1tyS3r.
[L=194543] (in gram.) independence (of a word , as opp. to composition) APra1t.
[L=194544] separation , resolution , analysis , resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts , the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are kṛdantas , taddhitas , all samāsas or compound words , ekaśeṣas , and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c ; the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb , the singular of the noun , and a few indeclinables not derived from roots ; all compounds being called nitya or " fixed " , when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts ; cf. jamad-agni) Pa1n2. Sch. S3am2k. &c
[L=194545] discord , quarrel , contest , strife , war with (instr. with or without saha , sā*rdham or sākam loc. gen. with upari , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=194546] (one of the 6 guṇas or measures of policy Mn. vii , 160 [cf. under guṇa] , also applied to the conflict of hostile planets , in this sense also n. Su1ryas. R. ; acc. with √ kṛ , to make or wage war)
[L=194547] separate i.e. individual form or shape , form , figure , the body Up. MBh. &c (also applied to the shape of a rainbow ; acc. with √ grah , pari- √grah , √ kṛ , upā*- √dā , to assume a form)
[L=194548] an ornament , decoration MBh. R.
[L=194549] (in sāṃkhya) an element
[p= 957,3] [L=194550] N. of śiva MBh.
[L=194551] of one of skanda's attendants ib.

(H3) svá--tantra [p= 1275,3] [L=257888] n. self-dependence , independence , self-will , freedom Pan5cat. Hit.
[L=257889] one's own system or school Sus3r.
[L=257890] one's own army ib.
[L=257891] (with Buddh. ) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh.
[L=257892] N. of wk. (also called °tra-tantra)
(H3B) svá--tantra [L=257893] mf(ā)n. self-dependent , self-willed , independent , free , uncontrolled (with pada n. " an independent word ") La1t2y. Up. Mn. &c
(H3B) svá--tantra [L=257894] mf(ā)n. of age , full grown W.
(H3B) svá--tantra [L=257895] m. N. of a cakra-vāka Hariv.
(H1) sva-tantra [p= 1279,2] [L=258786] sva-tavas &c » [p= 1275,3].

(H4) svá--tantra---tā [p= 1275,3] [L=257897] f. self-dependence , independence , freedom Mn. MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
[L=257898] originality Cat.
[L=257899] wilfulness W.

(H3) svá--tvá [L=257916] n. proprietary right to , property in (loc.) Katha1s. BhP.
[L=257917] self-existence , independence Ka1t2h. MaitrS.
[L=257918] relationship to one's self MW.

(H3) svá--dhur [p= 1276,1] [L=257968] mfn. self-dependent , independence Pan5cavBr. (Sch.)
(H3B) svá--dhur [L=257969] n. (acc. -dhūr?) N. of a sāman ib.

(H4) svā* dhīna---tā [p= 1277,2] [L=258345] f. subjection to (only) one's self , independence , freedom Ka1v.

(H3) svai* ra--tā [p= 1279,1] [L=258712] f. wilfulness , independence Vet.

(H3) svai* ri--tā [L=258728] f. wilfulness , independence L.

(H1) svācchandya [p= 1283,2] [L=259601] n. (fr. sva-cchanda) independence , freedom (instr. = " by one's own will , voluntarily ") Mn. iii , 31.

(H1) svātantrya [p= 1283,3] [L=259609] n. (fr. sva-tantra) the following one's own will , freedom of the will , independence (āt and ena , " by one's own will , of one's own free choice , voluntarily , freely ") La1t2y. MaitrUp. MBh. &c