Deva - Shining One

śrutaṃ deva mayā sarvaṃ rudrayāmalasambhavam |
trikabhedam aśeṣeṇa sārāt sāravibhāgaśaḥ || 1 ||

devá [p= 492,2] [L=95518]
(ī)n. (fr. 3. div) heavenly , divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence) RV. AV. VS. S3Br. (superl. °devá-tama m. RV. iv , 22 , 3 &c ; °devi-tamā f. , ii , 41 , 16)
devá [L=95519]
(according to Pa1n2. 3-3 , 120 déva) a deity , god RV. &c &c
devá [L=95520]
(rarely applied to) evil demons AV. iii , 15 , 5 TS. iii , 5 , 4 , 1
devá [p= 492,3] [L=95521]
(pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones ; víśve devā́s , all the gods RV. ii , 3 , 4 &c , or a partic. class of deities [see under víśva] , often reckoned as 33 , either 11 for each of the 3 worlds RV. i , 139 , 11 &c [cf. tri-daśa] , or 8 vasus , 11 rudras , and 12 ādityas [to which the 2 aśvins must be added] Br. ; cf. also DivyA7v. 68 ; with jainas 4 classes , viz. bhavanā*dhī*śa , vyantara , jyotika , and vaimānika ; devā́nām pátnyas , the wives of the gods RV. VS. Br. [cf. deva-patnī below])
devá [L=95522]
N. of the number 33 (» above ) Gan2it.
devá [L=95523]
N. of indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain MBh. R. &c
devá [L=95524]
a cloud L.
devá [L=95525]
(with jainas) the 22nd arhat of the future ut-sarpiī
devá [L=95526]
the image of a god , an idol Vishn2.
devá [L=95527]
a god on earth or among men , either Brahman , priest RV. AV. (cf. bhū-d°) , or king , prince (as a title of honour , esp. in the voc. " your majesty " or " your honour " ; also ifc. e.g. śrī-hara-d° , vikramā*ka-d° , king śrī-hara or vikramā*ka , and in names as puruo*ttama-d° [lit. having viṣṇu as one's deity ; cf. atithi-d° , ācārya-d° , pit-d° , māt-d°] ; rarely preceding the name e.g. deva-caṇḍamahāsena Katha1s. xiii , 48) Ka1v. Pan5c. &c (cf. kiti- , nara- , &c )
devá [L=95528]
a husband's brother (cf. dev and devara) W.
devá [L=95529]
a fool , dolt L.
devá [L=95530]
a child L.
devá [L=95531]
a man following any partic. line or business L.
devá [L=95532]
a spearman , lancer L.
devá [L=95533]
emulation , wish to excel or overcome L.
devá [L=95534]
sport , play L.
devá [L=95535]
a sword Gal.
devá [L=95536]
N. of men VP.
devá [L=95537]
of a disciple of nāgā*rjuna MWB. 192
devá [L=95538]
dimin. for devadatta Pa1n2. 5-3 , 83 Va1rtt.4 Sch.
devá [L=95539]
( L. ) an organ of sense Mun2d2Up. iii , 1 , 8 ; 2 , 7
deva [p= 1329,1] [L=333970]
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in
devá--kalpa [p= 492,3] [L=95552]
god-like MBh. i , 3124.
(H3) mfn.
devá--kānta [L=95555]
" god-loved " (?) , magnet L. (cf. candra- , sūrya-).
(H3) m.
devá--gupta [p= 493,1] [L=95606]
" god-guarded " BhP.
devá--gupta [L=95607]
N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
devá--guru [L=95608]
the father or preceptor of the gods , i.e. kaśyapa ( Hariv. S3ak. ) or bhaspati ( L. )

comp.) Sin6ha7s.
(H3) m.
[L=95609]god and preceptor (at the beg. of
devá--cchanda---prāsāda [L=95631]
a temple consecrated to a god MW.
(H4) m.
devá--já [L=95634]
god-born , divine (as a sāman) S3Br.
devá--já [L=95635]
N. of a prince (son of sayama) BhP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
devá--jagdha [L=95636]
" god-eaten " , a kind of fragrant grass (= kattṛṇa) L.
(H3) n.
devá--jag° dhaka [L=95637]
" god-eaten " , a kind of fragrant grass (= kattṛṇa) L.
(H3) n.
devá--jā́ [L=95644]
" god-born " RV. AV.
(H3) mfn.
devá--jūta [L=95648]
°vá-) mfn. " god-sped " , incited or inspired or procured by the gods RV.
(H3) (
devá--° tta [L=95671]
°vá- , for devá-datta) mfn. god-given RV.
(H3) (
devá--trāta [L=95673]
" god-protected " , N. of a Sch. on A1s3vS3r. Cat.
(H3) m.
devá--datta [L=95675]
god-given Mn. MBh. &c
devá--datta [L=95676]
N. of arjuna's conch-shell MBh.
devá--datta [L=95677]
of one of the vital airs (which is exhaled in yawning) Veda7ntas.
devá--datta [L=95678]
N. of a cousin (or younger brother) and opponent of gautama buddha MWB. 52 &c
devá--datta [L=95679]
of a son of uru-śravas and father of agni-veśya BhP.
devá--datta [L=95680]
of a son of the Brahman govinda-datta Katha1s.
devá--datta [L=95681]
of a son of hari-datta ib.
devá--datta [L=95682]
of a son of king jayadatta ib.
devá--datta [L=95683]
of sev. authors Cat.
devá--datta [L=95684]
of a nāga BhP.
devá--datta [L=95685]
of a grāma of the bāhīkas Pa1n2. 1-1 , 75 Sch.
devá--datta [L=95686]
a common N. for men used in gr. , phil. &c
devá--datta [L=95688]
N. of a courtezan Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) f.
devá--darśana [p= 493,2] [L=95702]
seeing the gods , familiar with them MBh.
devá--darśana [L=95703]
N. of nārada , BP. ?? ii , 8 , 1
devá--darśana [L=95704]
of a Brahman Katha1s.
devá--darśana [L=95705]
appearance of a god Sin6ha7s.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
devá--deva [L=95732]
" the god of gods " , N. of brahmā MBh. i , 1628

rudra-śiva , 7324

viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa Bhag. x , 15

gae*śa Katha1s. xx , 55

brahmā and śiva MBh. viii , 4456

the Brahmans BhP. iii , 16 , 17
(H3) m.
devá--dhānya [L=95750]
" god's grain " , Andropogon Saccharatus , Andopogon Saccharatus , Holcus Saccharatus or Saccharatus Cernuum L.
(H3) n.
devá--dhiṣṇya [L=95752]
seat (i .e. chariot) of a god BhP.

(H3) n.
devá--nala [L=95760]
" god's reed " , Arundo Bengalensis L. (cf. -nāla).
(H3) m.
devá--níd [L=95772]
hating the gods , a god-hater RV.
(H3) mfn.
devá--nirmita [L=95778]
" god-made " , created , natural W.
(H3) mfn.
devá--patnī [p= 493,3] [L=95789]
(°.) having a god as husband , the wife of a god RV. MBh.

= madhv-āluka) L.
(H3) f.
[L=95789.1]sweet potato (
devá--patha [L=95790]
" god's path " , heaven ChUp. MBh.


of place of pilgrimage (cf. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 100) MBh. iii , 8187 (also -tīrtha n. S3ivaP. )
(H3) m.
[L=95791]the Milky Way
devá--padá [L=95795]
a word containing a god's name S3Br. xi , 56 , 9

-pāda W.
(H3) n.
devá--pāí [L=95801]
" god-handed " , N. of a class of asuras , MaitrS.
deva--pāi [p= 1329,1] [L=333970.4]
N. of the author of a Comm. on Das3ar. , Vikr. , Sch.
(H3) m.
(H3) (also)
devá--pāda [p= 493,3] [L=95804]
" the feet of a god or king " , the royal presence or person , " His Majesty " Pan5c. i , 111÷112 &c
(H3) m. pl.
devá--pāla [L=95807]
" god-defender " , N. of sev. princes S3atr.


hari-pāla) Cat.
(H3) m.
[L=95808]of a mountain
[L=95809]of an author (son of
devá--pālita [L=95810]
" god-protected " , N. of a man Pa1n2. 6-2 , 148 Ka1s3.
(H3) m.
devá--putra [L=95812]
the son of a god Hariv. (also °traka Katha1s. )

of śiva Ka1ran2d2.
devá--putra [L=95814]
having gods as children (said of heaven and earth) RV. i , 106 , 3 ; 159 , 1 &c
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
devá--prasūta [L=95841]
°vá-) mfn. god-produced (water) AV. vi , 102.
(H3) (
devá--bodhi [L=95855]
" god-inspired " , N. of a poet Cat.
(H3) m.
devá--bhū [p= 494,1] [L=95872]
a god or (f.?) heaven L.
devá-- √ bhū [p= 494,3] [L=96120]
(H3) m.
(H3) to become a god
devá--bhūta [p= 494,1] [L=95873]
having become a god Ka1v.
(H3) mfn.
devá--bhrāj [L=95882]
(nom. ) , " shining like a god " , N. of a son of mahya , son of vivasvat (the sun) MBh. i , 43.
(H3) m.
devá--mata [L=95890]
" god-approved " , N. of a ṛṣi MBh. xiv , 711.
(H3) m.
devá--mātka [L=95901]
" having the god (indra) or clouds as foster-mother " , moistened only by rain-water (as corn , land) MBh. ii , 211 R. ii , 109 , 23 (cf. nadī-).
(H3) mfn.
devá--mīha [L=95916]
( VP. -ka) " god-begotten (?) " , N. of a yādava and grandfather of vasu-deva (cf. next) MBh.

nimi and janaka R. BhP.
(H3) m.
[L=95916.1]of a descendant of
devá--yā́na [L=95942]
(ī)n. = -yā RV. AV. VS.

adhvan , pathin &c ) ib. Br. Up. MBh.
devá--yā́na [L=95944]
way leading to the gods MBh. BhP.
devá--yā́na [L=95945]
the vehicle of a god L.
devá--yā́na [L=95947]
of a wife of skanda RTL. 214.
(H3) mf
[L=95943]leading to the gods , serving them as a way (
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
devá--yoni [L=95953]
place or origin of a god , a divine birth-place Br.

Gr2ihya1s. i , 81 &c
devá--yoni [L=95955]
of divine origin
devá--yoni [L=95956]
a demi-god or demon Devi1m. v , 60.
(H3) mf.
[L=95954]the sacred wood used for kindling fire
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
devá--yoā [L=95957]
she wife of a god MBh. Hariv.
(H3) f.
devá--rakita [p= 494,2] [L=95959]
" god-protected " , N. of a son of devaka Hariv.

kosalas VP.

(H3) m.
[L=95960]of a prince of the
[L=95961]of a Brahman
devá--rathá [L=95965]
the car or vehicle of a god AV. TS. Br.

L. (cf. daiva-)

of a man Pravar.
(H3) m.
[L=95966]a car for carrying the images of the gods in a procession
devá--rāta [L=95983]
" god-given " , N. of śuna-śepa after being received into the family of viśvā-mitra AitBr. vii , 17 MBh. &c (pl. his descendants Pravar. )

of a king who was the son of su-ketu and descendant of nimi R. Pur.

karambhi Pur.

MBh. ii , 121

parikit BhP.

yājñavalkya ib. xii , 6 , 64 (cf. daiva-rāti)

(H3) m.
[L=95985]of a king who was son of
[L=95986]of another king
[L=95988]of the father of
[L=95989]a sort of crane
devá--rū° pin [L=95993]
having a divine form , god-like MBh.
(H4) mfn.
devá--vat [L=96015]
(°vá-) guarded or surrounded by gods (also °vā́-v°) RV.
devá--vat [L=96015.1]
N. of a man ib. vii , 18 , 22 (the grandfather of su-dās Sa1y. )
devá--vat [L=96015.2]
of a son of a-krūra Pur.
devá--vat [L=96015.3]
of devaka who was a son of āhuka Hariv.
devá--vat [L=96015.4]
of the 12th manu BhP. viii , 13 , 28 (cf. -vāyu)
devá--vat [L=96016]
like (in , with &c ) a god Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3) ind.
devá--vedhū [L=96018]
the wife of a god MW.
(H3) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 35.8
devá--śabda [p= 494,3] [L=96063]
the N. of a god Jaim.

i.e. thunder Dha1tup. xxxv , 8.
(H3) m.
[L=96064]divine sound
devá--śea [L=96077]
the remnants of a god's sacrifice MBh. xiii , 2019.
(H3) n.
devá--śruta [L=96083]
" having divine knowledge " , = lord , god(īśvara) L.

of nārada L.

jainas) , N. of 6th arhat of future ut-sarpiī
devá--śruta [L=96086]
a sacred treatise or manual L.
(H3) m.
(H3B) n.
devá--sattva [L=96097]
having the nature of a god R.
(H3) mfn.
devá--sadman [L=96101]
a god's seat MBh. Hariv.
(H3) n.
devá--siha [L=96123]
" god-lion " , N. of śiva S3ivag.

(H3) m.
[L=96123.1]of an author
devá--sṛṣṭa [p= 495,1] [L=96133]
(°vá-) discharged or caused or created by a god S3Br.
(H3) mfn.
devā* śa [L=96174]
a portion i.e. partial incarnation of a god Katha1s.
(H3) m.
devā* tideva [L=96195]
a god surpassing all other gods MBh.

of śiva MBh. xiii , 1259

viṣṇu Hariv. 8814

śākya-muni Buddh.
(H3) m.
devádhideva [L=96204]
" god over gods " an arhat Jain.
(H3) m.
devā* nucara [L=96217]
a follower or attendant of a god Ragh.
(H3) m.
devā* yatana [p= 495,2] [L=96229]
" the dwelling of a god " , a temple Mn. &c
(H3) n.
devā* yuá [L=96232]
the life-time of a god S3Br.
(H3) n.
deve-śaya [L=96309]
resting on a god (viṣṇu) MBh. xii , 12864.
(H3) mfn.
devaka [L=96310]
(ikā)n. who or what sports or plays W.

devaka [L=96312]
(div°) a god , deity (at the end of an adj. comp.) MBh. ii , 1396 &c (cf. daivaka)
devaka [L=96313]
N. of a man (?) RV. vii , 18 , 20 Sa1y.
devaka [p= 495,3] [L=96314]
of a gandharva (at once a prince , son of āhuka and father of devakī [below] MBh. i , 4480 ; v , 80 &c Hariv. Pur. )
devaka [L=96315]
of a son of yudhi-ṣṭhira and yaudheyī or pauravī (cf. °vikā below) Pur.
devaka [L=96316]
familiar N. for deva-dattaka Pa1n2. 5-3 , 83 Pat.
devaka [L=96317]
N. of the śūdras in krauñca-dvīpa BhP. v , 20 , 22
(H2) mf
[L=96311]divine , celestial
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
devá--tā [p= 493,1] [L=95657]
devátā [p= 495,3] [L=96335]
godhead , divinity (abstr. & concr.) RV. AV. Br. &c

Mn. iv , 130 MBh. Pur. (ifc. -ka Kull. viii , 105)

of the organs of sense (cf. deva) S3Br. ii , 5 , 2 , 2 &c
devátā [L=96338]
with divinity i.e. with a god (gods) or among the gods RV. AV.
(H3) »
(H2) f.
[L=96336]image of a deity , idol
(H2C) ind.
devátā--pratimā [L=96356]
" god-image " , an idol MBh. vi , 60.
(H3) f.
deha--ja [p= 496,3] [L=96651]
" body-born " , a son BhP. (cf. tanu-)

(H3) m.
[L=96652]the god of love ,
daitya--deva [p= 497,1] [L=96737]
" god of the daityas " , varua

(H3) m.
daityā* ri [p= 497,2] [L=96758]
" foe of the daityas " , a god (esp. viṣṇu) Prab. ii , 28
(H3) m.
daivata [p= 498,1] [L=96904]
(ī)n. (fr. devatā) relating to the gods or to a partic. deity , divine S3r. and Gr2S.
daivata [L=96905]
N. of a prince VP.
daivata [L=96906]
(m. g. ardharcā*di) a god , a deity (often coll. " the deities " , esp. as celebrated in one hymn cf. g. prajñā*di) S3rGr2S. Up. Mn. MBh. &c
daivata [L=96907]
image of a god , idol Kaus3. Mn. BhP.
daivata [L=96908]
(ā)n. ifc. having as one's deity , worshipping (cf. ab- [add.] , tad- , bhart-).
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mf