Prasamkhyana - Collecting, counting, meditation

Here is an interesting word, pointing to an oft-neglected aspect of meditation – that all processes are in the here and now, including that of collecting your memories. Gathering yourself.

The instinct to gather.
  • Gather your experiences
  • Gather your prana
  • Gather your physical body and subtle bodies
  • Gather together the sum total of your initiatory experiences

Prasamkhyana relates to the archaic definition of yoga as marshaling your forces, arranging your army.

pra-° sakhyāna [p= 696,2] [L=137737]
collecting or gathering (only for present needs) MBh. xiv , 2852 v.l. ( Ni1lak. )
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137738]
payment , liquidation , a sum of money ib. iii , 10298 ( Ni1lak. " a measure to mete out anything ")
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137739]
counting , enumeration BhP.
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137740]
reflection , meditation MBh. Tattvas.
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137741]
reputation , renown MBh. iii , 1382 ( Ni1lak. )

(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
MW Advanced Search

Monier Williams
1 asthisaṃcaya (collecting) 2 asthisaṃcayana (collecting) 3 āyojana (collecting) 4 āhārin (collecting) 5 upasaṃgraha (collecting) 6 upasaṃghāta (collecting) 7 audbhida (collecting) 8 cakṣuścit (collecting) 9 ci (collecting) 10 caya (collecting) 11 cayana (collecting) 12 citi (collecting) 13 cīti (collecting) 14 nikecāya (collecting) 15 puñjīkṛtya (collecting) 16 pracaya (collecting) 17 pracayana (collecting) 18 pracāyikā (collecting) 19 pracinvat (collecting) 20 pratisamādhāna (collecting) 21 pratyupasthita (collecting) 22 prasaṃkhyāna (collecting) 23 prasāraṇa (collecting) 24 phaloccaya (collecting) 25 bhaikṣacaraṇa (collecting) 26 mādhukarī (collecting) 27 yatipātra (collecting) 28 vṛtaṃcaya (collecting) 29 śeṣāvacayana (collecting) 30 saṃsṛṣṭi (collecting) 31 saṃharaṇa (collecting) 32 saṃgraha (collecting) 33 saṃgrāhin (collecting) 34 saṃcaya (collecting) 35 saṃcayana (collecting) 36 saṃciti (collecting) 37 saṃdarbha (collecting) 38 saṃnicaya (collecting) 39 saṃnidhānidhānin (collecting) 40 samādhi (collecting) 41 samāhṛti (collecting) 42 samuccayana (collecting) 43 samūhana (collecting) 44 sambhāra (collecting) 45 sambhṛtvan (collecting) 46 susambhṛt (collecting) 47 styāyana (collecting) 48 ākarṣa (collecting)
ásthi--sacaya [p= 123,1] [L=21417]
the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on Ka1tyS3r.
asthi--sacaya [p= 1318,3] [L=317291.2]
RTL. 284 &c )
(H3) m.
(H3) (see
ásthi--sacayana [p= 123,1] [L=21418]
the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) n.
ā-yojana [p= 149,1] [L=25941]
junction , combination


of particular mantras Kaus3.
(H2) n.
[L=25943]bringing or carrying near , fetching
ā-hārin [p= 163,1] [L=28428]
taking together , collecting.
(H2) mfn.
upa-sagraha [p= 209,1] [L=36078]
the act of clasping round , embracing , embrace (esp. of the feet of a revered person) Pan5cat. Katha1s.


» dāro*pa°)

R. Nir.

MBh. iv , 517.
(H2) m.
[L=36079]respectful salutation , polite address (performed by touching the feet of the addressed person with one's hands)
[L=36080]clasping (a woman
[L=36081]bringing together , collecting , joining
[L=36082]a pillow , cushion
upa-sa-ghāta [L=36086]
( √ han) , the act of collecting (one's ideas) Comm. on Nya1yad.
(H1) m.
aúdbhida [p= 238,1] [L=40996]
(fr. 2. ud-bhid) , coming forth , springing forth , breaking through , issuing from MBh. Sus3r.

VS. xxxiv , 50
aúdbhida [L=40998]
(with and without lavaa) fossil salt Sus3r.
aúdbhida [L=40999]
(scil. udaka) water breaking through (the earth and collecting in a mine L. ) Sus3r. i , 170 , 12.
(H1) mfn.
[L=40997]forcing one's way towards an aim , victorious
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
cakuś--cít [p= 382,1] [L=70688]
collecting the faculty of sight S3Br. x , 5 , 3 , 6.
(H3) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 15.19, 32.85
Whitney Roots links: ci1, ci1, ci2
ci 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73297]
cinóti , °nute (1. pl. cinumas and °nmas Pa1n2. 6-4 , 107 ; perf. cikāya and cicāya , vii , 3 , 58 ; 2. cicetha , 2 , 61 Ka1s3. ; 3. pl. cikyúr AV. x , 2 , 4 ; p. cikivas Ka1t2h. xxii , 6 ; A1. cikye and cicye Vop. xii , 2 ; p. cikyāná TS. v ; 2nd fut. p. ceyat La1t2y. ; 1st fut. cetā Pa1n2. 7-2 , 61 Ka1s3. ; aor. acaiīt Ka1s3. on iii , 1 , 42 and vii , 2 , 1 ; Ved. cikayām akar , iii , 1 , 42 Ka1s3. ; 1. sg. acaiam , 2. sg. acais Ka1t2h. xxii , 6 ; 3. pl. acaiur Bhat2t2. ; A1. aceṣṭa Pa1n2. 1-2 , 11 Ka1s3. ; Prec. ceīṣṭa ib. , or cīyāt , vii , 4 , 25 Ka1s3. ; ind.p. citvā́ AV. &c ; Pass. cīyate Mun2d2Up. &c ; fut. cāyiyate & cey° Cond. acāyiyata & acey° Pa1n2. 6-4 , 62 Ka1s3. ) to arrange in order , heap up , pile up , construct (a sacrificial altar ; P. , if the priests construct the altar for another ; A1. , if the sacrificer builds it for himself) AV. VS. TS. v Ka1t2h. S3Br.  ; 
to collect , gather together , accumulate , acquire for one's self
Mun2d2Up. MBh. i , v  ; 
to search through (for collecting ;
cf. √2. ci) MBh. v , 1255 Ka1m. ( Pan5cat. )  ; 
to cover , inlay , set with
MBh.  ; 
Pass. cīyate , to become covered with Sus3r. v , 8 , 31  ; 
to increase , thrive
Mudr. i , 3 Kpr. x , 52 a÷b ( Sa1h. ) : Caus. cayayati and capay° , to heap up , gather Dha1tup. xxxii , 85  ; 
cāyayati and cāpay° Pa1n2. 6-1 , 54 : Desid. cikīate (also °ti , vii , 3 , 58 Ka1s3. ) to wish to pile up S3Br. ix Ka1tyS3r. xvi  ; 
cicīati ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 58 Ka1s3. ; vi , 4 , 16 , [ed. vivī°] Ka1s3. ) to wish to accumulate or collect Kir. ii , 19 ; iii , 11 : Desid. Caus. (p. cicīayat) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order Bhat2t2. iii , 33 : Intens. cecīyate Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 7-3 , 58 ; 4 , 25 and 82.
ci 2 [p= 394,3] [L=73362]
cl.3. (ciketi , fr. √ki Dha1tup. xv , 19 ; Impv. ciketu TS. ; Subj. A1. cíketa ; impf. aciket RV. x , 51 , 3 ; aor. 2. pl. A1. ácidhvam RV. ; 3. sg. acait [fr. √4. cit Gmn. ] , vi , 44 , 7) to observe , perceive (with acc. or gen.) RV. Ka1t2h. viii , 10  ; 
to fix the gaze upon , be intent upon
RV. v , 55 , 7 TS. iii  ; 
to seek for
RV. vi , 44 , 7 : Class. cl.5. cinoti (p. °nvat , A1. °nvāna) to seek for , investigate , search through , make inquiries (cf. √1. ci) MBh. iii , 2659 Bhartr2. Katha1s. xxvi , 136 : Intens. cekite » √4. cit ; ([cf. Lat. scio.])
ci 3 [L=73366]
cáyate (p. cáyamāna) to detest , hate ( Nir. iv , 25) RV. i , 167 , 8 and 190 , 5 ; vii , 52 , 2  ; 
to revenge , punish , take vengeance on (
acc.) , ii , 27 , 4 ; ix , 47 , 2 AitBr. ii , 7  ; 
cf. ápaciti , kāti ; τίνομαι τινά , τίω , τίσις , ποινή.])
ci [p= 1327,1] [L=331170]
ci and 2. ci, and the aor. cikayām akah, put under the latter).
(H1) cl.5.
(H1) Ved.
(H1) cl.1.
(H2) (large Sanskrit type should have been used for the roots 1.
caya [p= 389,1] [L=72172]
caya , &c » √1. & 3. ci.
caya 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73298]
" collecting " » vta-
caya 1 [L=73299]
(iii , 3 , 56 Ka1s3. ; g. vṛṣā*di) a mound of earth (raised to form the foundation of a building or raised as a rampart) MBh. iii , 11699 Hariv. R. Pan5cat.
caya 1 [L=73300]
a cover , covering W.
caya 1 [L=73301]
a heap , pile , collection , multitude , assemblage MBh. Hariv. &c
caya 1 [L=73302]
(in med.) accumulation of the humors (cf. sa-) Sus3r.
caya 1 [L=73303]
the amount by which each term increases , common increase or difference of the terms , Bi1jag. (cf. agni-).
caya 2 [p= 394,3] [L=73367]
ifc. " revenging " » ṛṇa-.
(H1) 1. & 2.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) mfn.
cáyana [p= 394,2] [L=73305]
piling up (wood &c ) AV. xviii , 4 , 37 S3Br. ix f. Ka1tyS3r. xvi Hariv. 2161 Sch.

MBh. iii , vii , xiv

cayana [p= 1327,1] [L=330980]
(H2) n.
[L=73306]stacked wood
(H2) (in
cíti 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73331]
a layer (of wood or bricks &c ) , pile , stack , funeral pile TS. v S3Br. vi , viii Pa1n2. 3-3 , 41 Mn. iv , 46 MBh. &c (metrically ° Hariv. 2227 and 12360)

of S3Br. xiii


Prab. ii , 17
394,3] [L=73335]
W. (cf. idhma- ; amta- and ṛṣi-cití.)
cití 2 [p= 395,3] [L=73531]
(only dat. °táye , Ved. inf.) understanding VS.
cití 2 [L=73532]
the thinking mind Devi1m. v , 36 Prab.
cití 2 [p= 398,1] [L=74093]
√4. cit.
citi [p= 1327,1] [L=331210]
N. of a plant (v.l. -citti), Kaus3.
(H2) f.
[L=73333]collecting , gathering
[L=73334]a heap , multitude
[p= an oblong with quadrangular sides
(H2) f.
(H2B) m.
(H1) »
(H2) (also)
cītí [p= 394,3] [L=73357]
collecting AV. ii , 9 , 4.
cītí [p= 399,2] [L=74423]
√1. ci.
(H2) f.
(H1) »
ni-kecāya [p= 545,1] [L=107949]
( √1. ci) piling or collecting repeatedly W.
(H1) m.
puñjī--ktya [p= 631,2] [L=125189]
by heaping or collecting Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H3) ind.
pra-caya [p= 657,1] [L=130603]
» pra- √1. ci.
pra-caya [p= 657,2] [L=130678]
(ifc. f(ā).) collecting , gathering Pa1n2. 3-3 , 40 (cf. pupa-)

R2itus. Ra1jat. Sus3r.



-svara TPra1t.

alg.) the common increase or difference of the terms in a progression
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=130679]accumulation , heap , mass , quantity , multitude
[L=130680]growth , increase
[L=130681]slight aggregation
pra-° cayana [L=130686]
gathering , collecting (» phala-).
(H3) n.
pra-° cāyikā [L=130688]
gathering , plucking , collecting (with the hand or in turn , cf: pupa- ; the latter also " a female who gathers " , A.)
(H3) f.
pra-° cinvat [L=130694]
gathering , collecting , plucking MBh. Hariv.
pra-° cinvat [L=130695]
N. of a son of janam-ejaya Hariv. Pur.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
prati-° samādhāna [p= 672,2] [L=133415]
collecting one's self again , composure Ka1d.

(H3) n.
[L=133416]cure , remedy
praty-upasthita [p= 678,2] [L=134417]
come near to (acc.) , approached , arrived MBh. Hariv. &c

loc. or comp.) Hariv. Var.

loc.) SaddhP.

acc.) MBh.


MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H2) mfn.
[L=134418]standing or being in (
[L=134419]present , assisting at (
[L=134420]gone against , standing opposite to (
[L=134422]happened , occurred (or about to happen , imminent)
[L=134423]collecting , pressing (as urine)
pra-° sakhyāna [p= 696,2] [L=137737]
collecting or gathering (only for present needs) MBh. xiv , 2852 v.l. ( Ni1lak. )
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137738]
payment , liquidation , a sum of money ib. iii , 10298 ( Ni1lak. " a measure to mete out anything ")
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137739]
counting , enumeration BhP.
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137740]
reflection , meditation MBh. Tattvas.
pra-° sakhyāna [L=137741]
reputation , renown MBh. iii , 1382 ( Ni1lak. )
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
pra-° sāraa [p= 698,2] [L=138123]
(fr. Caus.) stretching or spreading not , extending , diffusing , displaying , developing Br. Bha1sha1p. Sus3r.


APra1t. Sch. (cf. sam-pras°)

°sarai L.

(H3) n.
[L=138124]augmentation , increase
[L=138125]changing a semivowel into a vowel
[L=138127]spreading over the country for collecting forage
phalo* ccaya [p= 717,2] [L=141944]
collecting or a collection of fruits W.
(H3) m.
bhaika--caraa [p= 766,3] [L=152952]
going about begging , collecting alms (°a-car , to practise mendicancy) Mn. Gaut.
(H3) n.
mādhu--karī [p= 808,3] [L=162642]
collecting alms after the manner of a bee (i.e. by going from door to door) L.
mādhu--karī [L=162643]
alms obtained from five different places by the third class of religious mendicants L.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
yáti--pātra [p= 841,1] [L=169572]
an ascetic's bowl , a wooden vessel for collecting alms (sometimes a hollow bamboo or an earthen bowl or a gourd is used for that purpose) W.
(H3) n.
vta-cayá [p= 1007,2] [L=203990]
(acc. of vt c°) collecting an army (said of indra) RV.
(H2) mfn.
śeā* vacayana [p= 1089,1] [L=220955]
gathering up remnants , collecting what remains MW.
(H3) n.
-° sṛṣṭi [p= 1120,1] [L=226973]
(-) union , combination , association , intercourse MaitrS.



rhet.) the association of two distinct metaphors in close proximity in one sentence (cf. sakara) Va1m. Sa1h.
(H3) f.
[L=226973.1]living together in one family
[L=226973.2]collection , collecting , assembling
sa-haraa [p= 1123,2] [L=227506]
drawing or bringing together , collecting , gathering MBh.

accord. to others " cutting " , of hair) A1past.


&c discharged by magical arts) Uttarar.

opp. to " creation ") MBh. Hariv. Katha1s.
(H2) n.
[L=227507]binding together , arranging (
[L=227508]taking hold of , seizure
[L=227509]fetching back (arrows
[L=227510]destroying , destruction (
sa-graha [p= 1129,2] [L=228623]
holding together , seizing , grasping , taking , reception , obtainment MBh. Ka1v. &c

&c ) Ragh. Bhartr2.

MBh. Hariv.

R. Ragh. Sin6ha7s.

Mn. MBh. &c

phil.) agglomeration (= sayoga q.v.) MW.


ea , " completely " , " entirely ") Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

Car. Va1gbh. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

ea or āt , " shortly " , " summarily " , " in few words ") Kat2hUp. MBh. &c

Kusum. Kull.

ib. Vet.

Mn. MBh. &c

R. BhP.

» -grahanī)

Mn. MBh. &c

» dāra-s°)

Kap. BhP.




of śiva MBh.

of various works (esp. of a gram. wk. in 100 ,000 ślokas by vyāi ; also often in comp.)
(H2) m.
[L=228624]taking (in the sense of eating or drinking food , medicine
[L=228625]the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means
[L=228626]bringing together , assembling (of men)
[L=228627]collecting , gathering , conglomeration , accumulation (as of stores)
[L=228629]a place where anything is kept , a store-room , receptacle
[L=228630]complete enumeration or collection , sum , amount , totality (
[L=228631]drawing together , making narrower , narrowing , tightening , making thin or slender , the thin part of anything
[L=228632]a compendium , summary , catalogue , list , epitome , abridgment , short statement (
[L=228633]inclusion , comprehension
[L=228634]check , restraint , control
[L=228635]keeping , guarding , protection
[L=228636]a guardian , ruler , manager , arranger
[L=228637]obstruction , constipation (
[L=228638]attracting , winning , favouring , kind treatment , propitiation , entertaining , entertainment
[L=228639]taking to wife , marriage (
[L=228640]perception , notion
[L=228641]mention , mentioning
[L=228642]elevation , loftiness
sa-° grāhin [p= 1129,3] [L=228682]
grasping , collecting , gathering , accumulating Subh.


» loka-s°)
sa-° grāhin [L=228685]
Wrightia Antidysenterica L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=228683]astringent , constipating
[L=228684]winning over , propitiating (
(H3B) m.
sa-caya [p= 1131,3] [L=229068]
» sa- √1. ci.
sa-caya [p= 1132,1] [L=229156]
(ifc. f(ā).) collection , gathering , accumulation , heap , hoard , store , multitude , quantity (dat. , " in order to have more ") Nir. MBh. &c

asthi-s°) RTL. 284 ; 300
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=229157]collecting the bones of a burnt body (in
sa-° cayana [L=229159]
the act of piling or heaping together , heaping up , gathering , collecting (esp. the ashes or bones of a body lately burnt » asthi-s°) Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c
(H3) n.
-° citi [L=229172]
N. of the 9th book of the śatapatha-brāhmaa

(H3) f.
[L=229173]heaping together , collecting , saving
sa-darbha [p= 1143,1] [L=231402]
( √2. dbh ; ifc. f(ā).) stringing or binding together (esp. into a wreath or chaplet) , weaving , arranging , collecting , mixing , uniting Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.

Mcar. Prata1p. Mr2icch. Sch.
(H1) m.
[L=231403]a literary or musical composition
sa-ni-caya [p= 1146,2] [L=231981]
( √1. ci) piling or heaping together , gathering , collecting MBh.

» alpa-s°).
(H1) m.
[L=231982]store , provision (
sa-nidhā° nidhānin [p= 1146,3] [L=232001]
(perhaps) gathering together or collecting (goods &c ) DivyA7v.
(H3) mfn.
sam-ādhi [p= 1159,3] [L=234154]
putting together , joining or combining with (instr.) La1t2y.

partic. position of the neck Kir.

R. Hariv. Ragh.




W. RPra1t.

°dhi-k , " to attend ") MBh. R. &c

yoga [ IW. 93] ; with Buddhists samādhi is the fourth and last stage of dhyāna or intense abstract meditation [ MWB. 209] ; in the kāraṇḍa-vyūha several samādhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c

W. RTL. 261

rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as ārohā*varohakrama , artha-dṛṣṭi , anya-dharmāām anyatrā*dhirohaa &c ), Ka1vya7d. Va1m. Kpr. &c

of the 17th kalpa (q.v.) , of the 17th arhat of the future utsarpiī L.

vaiśya Cat. (accord. to L. also " silence ; a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction ; support , upholding ; continuance ; perseverance in difficulties ; attempting impossibilities ; collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth ")
(H2) m.
[L=234155]a joint or a
[L=234156]union , a whole , aggregate , set
[L=234157]completion , accomplishment , conclusion
[L=234158]setting to rights , adjustment , settlement
[L=234159]justification of a statement , proof
[L=234160]bringing into harmony , agreement , assent
[L=234161]intense application or fixing the mind on , intentness , attention (
[L=234162]concentration of the thoughts , profound or abstract meditation , intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon ; this is the eighth and last stage of
[L=234163]intense absorption or a kind of trance
[L=234164]a sanctuary or tomb of a saint
[L=234167]of a
sam-° āhti [p= 1163,3] [L=234774]
taking together , collecting (= sagraha) L.

abl.) L.
(H3) f.
[L=234775]withdrawal (of the senses) from (
sam-° uccayana [p= 1165,2] [L=235057]
collecting or heaping together Pat.
(H3) n.
sam-° ūhana [p= 1170,3] [L=235796]
sweeping together , collecting , gathering Mn. iv , 102
sam-° ūhana [L=235798]
the act of Sweeping together &c S3a1n3khGr2.
sam-° ūhana [L=235799]
placing an arrow on the bowstring L.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3) n.
sam-bhārá [p= 1179,2] [L=237019]
(ifc. f(ā).) bringing together , collecting (= sam-bhti) S3Br.

puya-s° , " meritorious acts " , and 2. jñāna-s° , " science " ; others add 3. śamatha-s° , " quietude " , and 4. vidarśana-s° , " farsightedness " Dharmas. 117) AV. &c

-yajus TBr.



Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad.

&c ) Ratna7v. Va1s.

(H2) m.
[L=237020]preparation , equipment , provision , necessaries , materials , requisite , collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold , viz. 1.
[L=237022]property , wealth
[L=237023]fulness , completeness
[L=237024]multitude , number , quantity
[L=237025]high degree , excess of (love , anger
[L=237026]maintenance , support , nourishment
sam-bhtvan [p= 1179,3] [L=237061]
collecting , accumulating AV.
(H3) mfn.
su--sambhṛ́t [p= 1238,3] [L=250461]
good or right collecting together TS. TBr.
(H3) f.
styāyana [p= 1260,3] [L=254924]
collecting into a mass , aggregation , crowding together Nir.
(H2) n.
ā-kara [p= 126,2] [L=22052]
raka , &c » ā-kṛṣ.
ā-kara [p= 127,3] [L=22237]
drawing towards one's self (as of a rope) BhP.

Ka1tyS3r. MBh. v , 1541




MBh. ii , 2116

cf. ākara-phalaka below) L.




of a prince MBh. ii , 1270 ed. Calc.

of a people ib.ed. Bomb.
ā-kara [p= 1318,3] [L=317700]
Kaus3. (Sch.)

partic. part of an elephant's trunk, L.
(H1) °
(H2) m.
[L=22238]attraction , fascination or an object used for it
[L=22239]dragging (as of a stone)
[L=22240]bending (of a bow)
[L=22242]playing with dice
[L=22243]a die (
[L=22244]a play-board
[L=22245]an organ of sense
[L=22246]a magnet
(H2) (also) an instrument for collecting ashes, shovel,