Sanskrit Words for Listen-Shruti

śrutaṃ deva mayā sarvaṃ rudrayāmalasambhavam |
trikabhedam aśeṣeṇa sārāt sāravibhāgaśaḥ || 1 ||

śrutá [p= 1101,1] [L=223406]
heard , listened to , heard about or of , taught , mentioned , orally transmitted or communicated from age to age S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c

RV. AV. Br. MBh.

nom. with iti) MBh. R. &c
śrutá [L=223409]
N. of a son of bhagīratha Hariv.
śrutá [L=223410]
of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
śrutá [L=223411]
of a son of su-bhāaa ib.
śrutá [L=223412]
of a son of upagu VP.
śrutá [L=223414]
anything heard , that which has been heard (esp. from the beginning) , knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation , oral tradition or revelation , sacred knowledge (in the Pur. personified as a child of dharma and medhā) , the veda AV. &c
śrutá [L=223415]
the act of hearing Mun2d2Up. Ka1v. Katha1s.
śrutá [L=223416]
learning or teaching , instruction (śruta-k , " to learn ") A1past.
śrutá [L=223417]
memory , remembrance AV. i , 1 , 2.
(H2) mfn.
[L=223407]known , famous , celebrated
[L=223408]known as , called (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

śrúti 1 [p= 1101,2] [L=223536]
hearing , listening (śrutim abhinīya , " feigning to hear " ; śruti vaco 'nugā-k , " to listen to a speech ") S3Br. &c

Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s.
1101,3] [L=223538]

&c RV. AV. Pra1t. Katha1s. BhP.


śrutau-sthā , " to be known by hearsay ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R. BhP.

veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called ṛṣis , and so differing from smṛ́ti or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors » Mn. ii , 10 ; it is properly only applied to the mantra and brāhmaa portion of the vedas , although afterwards extended to the upaniads and other Vedic works including the darśanas ; iti śrute , " because it is so taught in the veda , according to a śruti or Vedic text " ; pl. " sacred texts , the vedas " , also " rites prescribed by the vedas ") AitBr. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c IW. 144

Ya1jn5. S3is3. Pan5car.

Ka1vya7d. ii , 331

S3ak. VarBr2S. (prob. w.r. for śruta)

buddhi L.

of a daughter of atri and wife of kardama VP.
śrúti 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223668]
(cf. sruti) course , path (?) RV. ii , 2 , 7 ; x , 111 , 3

śravaā L.
(H2) f.
[L=223537]the ear , organ or power of hearing
[p= the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle
[L=223539]that which is heard or perceived with the ear , sound , noise
[L=223540]an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word)
[L=223541]rumour , report , news , intelligence , hearsay (
[L=223542]a saying , saw , word
[L=223543]that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning , sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brahmans from generation to generation , the
[L=223544](in music) a particular division of the octave , a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated , four constituting a major tone , three a minor , and two a semitone ; they are said to be personified as nymphs)
[L=223545]a name , title
[L=223546]learning , scholarship
(H2) f.
[L=223669]the constellation ,

śrótra [L=223846]
the organ of hearing , ear , auricle RV. &c

AV. &c

veda or sacred knowledge itself MW.
(H2) n.
[L=223847]the act of hearing or listening to
[L=223848]conversancy with the
śrótra--cít [L=223850]
accumulated by hearing S3Br.
(H3) mfn.
śrótra--dā [L=223855]
giving an ear , listening to , hearing A1pS3r.
(H3) mfn.

Note the difference, a different word, sruti:
srutí [p= 1274,3] [L=257665]
a stream , flow or effusion of (comp.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. BhP.

&c ) Ragh. Kum.

RV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r.

vedi S3a1n3khS3r.
(H2) f.
[L=257666]fall of (snow
[L=257667]a course , road , path
[L=257668]a line drawn round the

Sanskrit Words related to Listen:

arh (listen) 2 avakarṇaya (listen) 3 ākarṇaya (listen) 4 āghuṣ (listen) 5 āśru (listen) 6 āśrāvaṇa (listen) 7 upaniṣad (listen) 8 upaśru (listen) 9 ūh (listen) 10 karṇa (listen) 11 (listen) 12 nibudh (listen) 13 pratiśru (listen) 14 śru (listen) 15 śruti (listen) 16 saṃśru (listen) 17 samākarṇ (listen) 18 samupaśru (listen) 19 sampratiśru (listen)

Whitney Roots links: arh

arh [p= 93,3] [L=16483]
árhati , rarely A1. arhate ([ MBh. iii , 1580 R. ]) , (p. árkat [see below] ; Ved. Inf. arháse [ RV. x 77 , 1] ; perf. 3. pl. ānarhu Pa1n2. 6-1 , 39 Sch. , but Ved. ānhu [cf. ān , √ arc] Pa1n2. 6-1 , 36) to deserve , merit , be worthy of , to have a claim to , be entitled to (acc.) , to be allowed to do anything (Inf.)  ; 
to be obliged or required to do anything (
acc.)  ; 
to be worth , counterbalance , to be able
arhase , 2. sg. with an Inf. is often used as a softened form of Imper. ; e.g. dātum arhasi , " be pleased to give " ; śrotum arhasi , " deign to listen " , for śṛṇu): Caus. (Opt. arhayet Mn. iii , 3 and 119 ; aor , ārjihat Bhat2t2. ) to honour. Desid. arjihiati ([cf. Gk. ρχω]) .
(H1) cl.1 P.

ava-karaya [p= 96,2] [L=16965]
P. °yati , not to listen or attend to Ka1d.
(H1) Nom.

ā-karaya [p= 126,2] [L=22050]
P. °yati , (ind.p. ā-karya) to give ear to , listen to , hear R. BhP. S3ak. &c
(H2) Nom.

ā- √ ghu [p= 131,1] [p= 130,3] [L=22792]
(Subj. 3. pl. -ghóān ; p. -ghoat) to listen to (acc. or gen.) RV.  ; 
Subj. -ghoāt) to make one's self audible RV. v , 37 , 3  ; 
to cry aloud , proclaim
RV. (also A1. -ghoate , i , 83 , 6) VS. : Caus. -ghoayati , to proclaim aloud Pat.  ; 
to complain continually
L.  ; 
» also ā-ghoáyat , &c
(H1) P.

ā- √ śru [p= 158,3] [L=27710]
ṛṇoti A1. ṛṇute , to listen to  ; 
to hear
to perceive (with the ear)
RV. AV. TS. S3Br. BhP. &c  ; 
to accept , promise
Pa1n2. 1-4 , 40 R. Ya1jn5. L. : Caus. -śrāvayati ([but ā́-śravayatam RV. vii , 62 , 5 ; aor. -aśuśravus RV. x , 94 , 12]) , to cause to hear  ; 
to announce , make known , tell
RV. A1s3vS3r. MBh.  ; 
to address , speak to , call to (especially at particular rites)
RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ChUp. TUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c : Desid. -śuśrūati ([only P. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 59]) , to wish to hear  ; 
to listen.

(H1) P.

ā-śrā́vaa [L=27713]
causing to listen , calling out (especially with the words om , svadhā , &c ) S3Br.
(H2) n.

upa-ni-ad 1 [p= 201,1] [L=34973]
upa-ni-sad) P. (pf. -ní-edus) to sit down near to  ; 
to approach , set about
AV. xix , 41 , 1 S3Br. Kaus3.
upa-niád 2 [L=34974]
(according to some) the sitting down at the feet of another to listen to his words (and hence , secret knowledge given in this manner ; but according to native authorities upaniad means " setting at rest ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit ")

cf. IW. p.35seqq.)

&c S3Br. ChUp. &c

brāhmaas [but » īśopaniad] ; their aim is the exposition of the secret meaning of the veda , and they are regarded as the source of the vedānta and khya philosophies ; for the most important of the upaniads » IW. p.37seq.)
(H1) (
(H2) f.
[L=34975]the mystery which underlies or rests underneath the external system of things (
[L=34976]esoteric doctrine , secret doctrine , mysterious or mystical meaning , words of mystery
[L=34977]a class of philosophical writings (more than a hundred in number , attached to the

upa- √ śru [p= 208,2] [L=35974]
ṛṇoti , to listen to , give ear to , hear RV. AV. xii , 4 , 27 ; xx , 27 , 1 S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr. TBr. ChUp. MBh. &c
(H1) P.
Whitney Roots links: Uh1, Uh2

ūh 1 [p= 223,1] [L=38375]
ūhati , -te , ūhācakāra and -cakre , ūhitā , auhīt , auhiṣṭa (connected with √vah , q.v. , and in some forms not to be distinguished from it) , to push , thrust , move , remove (only when compounded with prepositions)  ; 
to change , alter , modify
S3a1n3khS3r. Comm. on Nya1yam.
ūh 2 [p= 223,2] [L=38392]
ūhati , -te (Ved. ohate) , ūhā-cakāra , &c (by native authorities not distinguished from 1. ūh above ) , to observe , mark , note , attend to , heed , regard RV. AV. xx , 131 , 10  ; 
to expect , hope for , wait for , listen for
RV.  ; 
to comprehend , conceive , conjecture , guess , suppose , infer , reason , deliberate upon
MBh. BhP. Nya1yam. Bhat2t2. &c : Caus. ūhayati (aor. aujihat) , to consider , heed MBh.  ; 
to cause to suppose or infer
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.

kára [p= 256,2] [L=44779]
( √kt Nir. ; √1. k Un2. iii , 10), the ear RV. AV. TS. Sus3r. (ápi káre , behind the ear or back , from behind RV. [cf. apikará] ; kare , [in dram.] into the ear , in a low voice , aside Mr2icch. Ma1lav. ; kara , to give ear to , listen to S3ak. Mr2icch. ; karam ā-gam , to come to one's ear , become known to Ragh. i , 9)

RV. viii , 72 , 12 S3Br. ix Ka1tyS3r. &c


geom.) the hypothenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon Hcat. &c


Fistula L.

Gigantea L.
256,3] [p= 256,2] [L=44787]
of a king of aga (and elder brother by the mother's side of the ṇḍu princes , being the son of the god sūrya by pthā or kuntī , before her marriage with ṇḍu ; afraid of the censure of her relatives , kuntī deserted the child and exposed it in the river , where it was found by a charioteer named adhi-ratha and nurtured by his wife rādhā ; hence kara is sometimes called sūta-putra or sūta-ja , sometimes rādheya , though named by his foster-parents vasu-ea) MBh. BhP. &c
256,3] [L=44788]
of several other men
kará [L=44789]
mfn. kará) , eared , furnished with ears or long ears AV. v , 13 , 9 VS. TS.
kára [L=44790]
furnished with chaff (as grain) TS. i , 8 , 9 , 3.
kara [p= 1324,1] [L=326870]
accord. to some also, kará, mfn. "cropped or defective on the ears") in comp.
(H1) m.
[L=44780]the handle or ear of a vessel
[L=44781]the helm or rudder of a ship
[L=44783]the diameter of a circle
[L=44784](in prosody) a spondee
[p= N.
[p= N.
(H1B) (
(H1B) mfn.
(H2) (
Whitney Roots links: dA1, dA2, dA3

 2 [p= 464,3] [L=89221]
id. L.
 3 [L=89224]
id. L.
 6 [L=89229]
heat , pain L.
 1 [p= 473,3] [p= Page474,1] [L=91212]
dádāti (pl. °dati RV. &c ; A1. datte Pan5cat. i , 4 , 19÷20 12 , 7 Subh. ; 1. sg. dadmi MBh. xii Hariv. R. i f. ; Impv. dádātu pl. °dahu ; 2. sg. daddhí RV. i f. iv , vi , viii , x ; dehí [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 119] RV. iii f. , viii , x AV. v , xviii f. &c ; 2. pl. dádāta RV. vii , 57 , 6 , °tana x , 36 , 10 , dattá 51 , 8 VS. AV. &c ; 2. du. °ttám RV. i , 34 , 6 AV. &c ; Pot. dadyā́t AV. &c ; impf. ádadāt ; pl. ádadur RV. vi , x AV. v , 18 , 1 ; 2. du. ádattam RV. &c ; 2. pl. °ttana , i 139 , 7 , ádadāta x , 64 , 12 ; Subj. dádat ii , v , vii f. , x , °das vii f. °dan AV. vi , 24 , 1 p. m. nom. sg. dádat pl. °tas RV. &c ; p. A1. dádāna , v , 33 , 9 ; ° , i. 148 , 2 ; v , 2 , 3 ; sg. dadati , ii , 35 , 10 MBh. iii , 13422 ; pl. °danti , xii f. ; Impv. °da , ix Ma1rkP. ; °data Sin6ha7s. ; Pot. °det Para1s3. vi , 19 ; impf. ádadat AV. xii , 4 , 23 MBh. R. ; A1. sg. dádate RV. i , 24 , 7 AV. x , 8 , 36 ; pl. °dante , 35 VS. viii , 31 ; Impv. sg. °datām RV. iii , 53 , 17 ; °dasva MBh. Hariv. &c ; impf. pl. ádadanta RV. vii , 33 , i i AV. xiv ; p. dádamāna RV. i , 41 , 9 ; iv , 26 , 6 ; aor. ádāt [ Pa1n2. 2-4 , 77] , dat , ádur , dúr &c ; Subj. 2. du. dāsathas RV. viii , 40 , 1 [cf. Naigh. ii , 30] ; Pot. 1. pl. dema VS. ii , 32 ; pf. dadaú , °dúr , °dáthur , °datur , ° RV. &c ; Pass. ° , iv , 34 & 37 AV. x , 2 , 16 ; dadade,°dāte,°dire Pa1n2. 6-4 , 126 Ka1s3. ; p. gen. dadúas RV. i , viii , °ām vi ; nom. °dvā́n , x , 132 , 3 ; °dāvan AV. v , 11 , 1 ; acc. °divā́sam , ix , 5 , 10 [cf. Vop. xxvi , 133] ; fut. p. dāsyát AV. vi , 71 , 3 ; A1. °syate , °syante , 1. sg. °sye MBh. Hariv. R. Ma1rkP. ; Prec. deyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 67 ; inf. dāváne RV. ; dā́tos , vii , 4 , 6 ; °tave , vii-ix AV. iii , 20 , 5 ; dā́tavaí [ Pa1n2. vi , 1 , 200 Siddh. ] RV. iv , 21 , 9 ; °tum , v AV. &c : ind.p. dattvā́ya [ Pa1n2. 7-1 , 47 Ka1s3. ] RV. x , 85 , 33 ; °ttva AV. &c ; -dā́ya [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 69] RV. &c : Pass. dīyate [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 62] ; p. °yámāna AV. ix ; aor. adāyi Pa1n2. 7-3 , 33 Ka1s3. ; Prec. dāsīṣṭa , dāyis° , vi , 4 , 62) cl.1. dā́ti ( RV. iv-vii ; Impv. °tu , 15 , 11 ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 8 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. ; ii , 4 , 76 Ka1s3. ) to give , bestow , grant , yield , impart , present , offer to (dat. , in later language also gen. or loc.) RV. &c  ; 
to give (a daughter ,
kanyām) in marriage Mn. v , ix Ya1jn5. MBh. &c  ; 
to hand over
Mn. viii , 186 & 234  ; 
haste) Katha1s.  ; 
to give back ,
222 f. MBh. iii Pan5cat. VP. Katha1s. lxxiv  ; 
to pay (
daṇḍam , " a fine " Mn. viii f. ; ṛṇam , " a debt " , viii Ya1jn5. ii , 45)  ; 
to give up , cede (
āsanam , " one's seat ") Mn. iv , 54  ; 
panthānam or mārgam , " to give up the road , allow to pass ") viii , 275 and R. v , 94 , 8  ; 
to sell (with
instr. of the price) , i Nal. xiv , 21 VarBr2S. xlii , 11  ; 
to sacrifice (
ātmānam , " one's self. " Katha1s. xxii , 227 ; āt° khedāya , " to give one's self up to grief " , v , 57)  ; 
to offer (an oblation
&c ) Mn. Ya1jn5. R. &c  ; 
to communicate , teach , utter (blessings ,
āśias S3ak. Ma1rkP. ) , give (answer , prati-vacas , °canam , praty-uttaram Nal. S3ak. &c ) , speak (satya vacas , the truth , Ya1jn5. ii , 200 ; vacam , to address a speech to [dat.] S3ak. vi , 5)  ; 
to permit , allow (with
inf.) MBh. i S3ak. vi , 22  ; 
to permit sexual intercourse
S3Br. xiv , 9 , 4 , 7  ; 
to place , put , apply (in med.)
Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c  ; 
to add
Pan5cat. ii , 6 , 5 Su1ryas. VarBr2S. Laghuj.  ; 
varam , " to grant a boon " S3Br. xi Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c  ; 
śoham , " to cause grief " , xiii R. ii  ; 
avakāśam , " to give room or space , allow to enter " Ya1jn5. ii , 276 Mr2icch. Ragh. &c  ; 
prāān or jīvitam , " to spare any one's life " MBh. Katha1s. xviii , 275  ; 
talam or °lān , to slap with the palms of the hands MBh. iii , ix Hariv. 15741  ; 
°la-prahāram , to strike with the palm Pan5cat. iv ,. 2 , 0÷1 tālam , to beat time with the hands MBh. i Bhat2t2.  ; 
sajñām , to make a sign Mr2icch.  ; 
saketakam , to make an appointment Pan5cat. ii , 4 , 3÷4 samayam , to propose an agreement Katha1s. xviii , 139  ; 
upamām , to compare with [gen.] Ca1n2.  ; 
paaham , to proclaim with the drum Katha1s. lxxiii , 357  ; 
śabdam , to make a noise , call out Vet. iv , 2÷3  ; 
śāpam , to utter a curse MBh. R. &c  ; 
gāīh. id. Bhartr2.  ; 
anuyātram , to accompany Katha1s. xviii , 197  ; 
āliganane,parirambhaam , to embrace , 209 Gi1t. iii , 8  ; 
jhampam , to jump Hit.  ; 
śrāddham , to perform a śrāddha MBh. xiv R. ii  ; 
vratakam , to accomplish a vow Hariv.  ; 
yuddham,niy°,sagrāmam , to give battle , fight with MBh. Hariv. R.  ; 
ājñām ādeśam , to give an order , command , i BrahmaP. Vet.  ; 
sadeśam , to give information Katha1s. xvii , 161  ; 
prayogam , to give a dramatic representation Ma1lav. i , 12÷13 vtim , to fence in Mn. viii , 240 Kull.  ; 
darśanam , to show one's self Prab. iii , 0÷1  ; 
dṛṣṭim , dśam , aki , caksus , to fix the eyes on (loc.) S3ak. i , 6 Katha1s. Dhu1rtas. S3r2in3ga1rat. Sa1h.  ; 
karam , to give ear , listen S3ak. Katha1s.  ; 
manas , to direct the mind to (loc.) MBh. xii , 2526  ; 
kars kapolam , to rest the cheek on the hand Ka1ran2d2. xviii , 73  ; 
nigaāni to put on or apply fetters Mr2icch. vii , 6÷7 pāvakam , to set on fire  ; 
agnīn to consume by fire Mn. v , 168  ; 
śāram , to move a chess-man Das3. vii , 137  ; 
argalam , to draw a bolt , bar Katha1s. Ra1jat. vi , 96  ; 
jānu , to kneel upon (gen.) MBh. iii f.  ; 
padam , to tread upon [loc.] Bhartr2. Hit. ii , 12 , 25 SS3am2kar. i , 38  ; 
to direct the steps
Amar. 74  ; 
viam , to poison Pan5car. i , 14 , 80 (with acc.!)  ; 
garam id. VP. iv , 3 , 16 (with gen.)  ; 
A1. to carry , hold , keep , preserve RV. AV. VS.  ; 
to show
SV. i , 2 , 1 , 4 , 7 (aor. adadiṣṭa ; aded° fr. √ diś RV. ) : Caus. dāpayati ( Pa1n2. vii , 3 , 36 ; aor. adīdapat , 4 , 1 and 58 Ka1s3. ) to cause to give or be given , cause to bestow or present or give up , oblige to pay , make restore VS. ix , 24 AV. iii , 20 , 8 Mn. &c  ; 
to demand from (
abl.) Mn. viii , 47  ; 
to cause to utter or speak
Hariv. 15782 Ya1jn5. ii , 6÷7 ghoaām , to cause to be made known Katha1s. lxiv , 86  ; 
to cause to place or advance ,
xii , 160  ; 
to cause to perform ,
v , 112 to cause to be put on (loc.) MBh. i , 5724 : Desid. dítsati ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 54 and 58 ; p. dídāsat RV. x , 151 , 2 ; dítsat , ii , vii-ix AV. v , 7 , 6 MBh. ; Pot. °tseyam RV. viii MBh. ; pf. 2. sg. didāsitha AitBr. viii , 21 S3a1n3khS3r. xvi , 16 ; cf. S3Br. xiii , 7 , 1 , 15) to wish to give , be ready to bestow RV. &c  ; 
to wish to give in marriage
MBh. &c : Intens. dedīyate Pa1n2. 6-4 , 66 Ka1s3.  ; 
cf. δίδωμι ; Lat. do ; &c ])
dā́ 2 [p= 474,1] [L=91213]
a giver RV. v , 41 , 1 (dat. ) ; vi , 16 , 26 (nom. dā́s)
dā́ 2 [L=91214]
ifc. " giving , granting " » an-aśva- , a-bhika- , aśva- , ātma- , &c -dā́
dā́ 2 [L=91215]
 3 [p= 474,2] [L=91359]
do , to cut q.v.
 4 [p= 474,3] [L=91425]
dyáti (cf. ā- √4. ) , to bind , only in va VS. xxxviii , 3 ([cf. δέω δίδημι]) .
 5 [p= 475,1] [L=91468]
de q.v.
 6 [L=91469]
( √ de) , protection , defence L.
 7 [L=91470]
dai q.v.
 8 [L=91471]
( √ das) cleansing , purifying L.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1) cl.3.
(H2) m.
(H2B) mfn.
(H2B) mfn.
(H1) For √
(H1) cl.4 P.
(H1) For √
(H2) f.
(H1) For √
(H2) f.

ni- √ budh [p= 550,2] [L=108858]
-bodhati (aor. -bódhiat RV. ) , to learn or hear anything (acc.) from any one (gen. , rarely sakāśāt) , to attend or listen to (esp. Impv. nibodha , °dhata ; rarely °dhasva , °dhadhvam)  ; 
to know , understand , consider as (often with double
acc.) RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -bodhayati , to cause to know or learn , to inform , tell BhP.
(H1) P.

prati- √ śru [p= 671,1] [L=133179]
-sṛṇoti , to hear listen RV. i , 25 , 20 (A1. 3. sg. śṛṇve , " to be heard " or " audible " i , 169 , 7)  ; 
to listen , give ear to (
gen.) Vajracch.  ; 
to assure , agree , promise anything (
acc.) to any one (gen. or dat.) RV. &c &c : Desid. -śuśrūati , to wish to promise Pa1n2. 1-3 , 59.
(H1) P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.44
Whitney Roots links: Sru

śru 1 [p= 1101,1] [p= 1100,3] [L=223393]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 44) śṛṇóti (Ved. and ep. also A1. śṛṇute , and in RV. 3. sg. śṛṇ , 2. sg. °vié , 3. pl. °viré [cf. below] ; Impv. śṛṇu , °udhī́ and °uhī́ pl. śṛṇutā́ , °ota and °otana RV. ; pf. śuśrā́va [once in R. with pass. sense] , śuśruve [2. sg. śuśrotha , 1. pl. śuśruma , in Up. also °mas ; śuśravat,śuśrūyā́s RV. , p. śuśruvás q.v.] ; aor. Ved. áśravam , áśrot , 2. sg. śrói ; Subj. śrávat , °vatha ; [?] śruvam TA1r. ; Impv. śrudhī́ , śrótu RV. ; aśrauīt Br. &c ; Subj. śroan Impv. śroantu RV. [cf. śróamāa] ; Prec. śrūyā́sam AV. &c ; fut. śrotā MBh. ; śroyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. śrotum MBh. &c ; ind.p. śrutvā́ RV. &c ; -śrútya AV. &c ; śrāvam Gr2S3rS. &c ) , to hear , listen or attend to anything (acc.) , give ear to any one (acc. or gen.) , hear or learn anything about (acc.) or from (abl. gen. instr. , mukhāt or śakāśāt) , or that anything is (two acc.) RV. &c  ; 
to hear (from a teacher) , study , learn
S3rS. MBh. &c  ; 
to be attentive , be obedient , obey
MBh. R. &c : Pass. śrūyáte (ep. also °ti ; and in RV. śṛṇve &c [cf. above] with pass. meaning ; aor. aśrāvi , śrāvi) , to be heard or perceived or learnt about (acc.) or from (gen. abl. or mukhāt ; in later language often 3. sg. śrūyate impers. " it is heard " , " one hears or learns or reads in a book " , = " it is said " , " it is written in (with loc.) " ; Impv. śrūyatām , " let it be heard " = " listen! ") RV. &c  ; 
to be celebrated or renowned , be known as , pass for , be called (
nom.) RV.  ; 
to be heard or learnt (from a teacher)
Pan5cat.  ; 
to be taught or stated (in a book)
Sarvad.  ; 
to be heard
i.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) TPra1t. Sch.: Caus. śrāváyati (ep. also °te , in RV. also śraváyati ; aor. aśuśravi , °vu RV. ; aśuśruvat Br. ; aśiśravat Gr. ; Pass. śrāvyate » below) , to cause to be heard or learnt , announce , proclaim , declare RV. &c  ; 
to cause to hear , inform , instruct , communicate , relate , tell (with
acc. of thing , and acc. gen. , or dat. of pers. , or with instr. in sense of " through ") Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. of Caus. śrāvyate , to be informed of (acc.) MBh. &c : Desid. śúśrūate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 57 ; ep. or mc. also °ti ; Pass. śuśrūyate) , to wish or like to hear (acc.) , desire to attend or listen to (dat.) RV. &c  ; 
to attend upon , serve , obey (
acc. , rarely gen.) Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. of Desid. śuśrūayati , to wait upon , be at the service of (acc.) Kull. on Mn. ii , 243 : Desid. of Caus. śiśrāvayiati or śuśrāvayiati Gr.: Intens. śośrūyate , śośravīti , śośroti Gr. ([cf. Gk. κλύω , κλθι = śrudhí , κλυτός = śrutá &c ; Lat. cluo , in-clutus ; Slav. sluti ; Germ. laut ; Eng. loud.])
śru 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223665]
śrúvat ; generally an incorrect form of √ sru) , to dissolve into parts , burst asunder RV. i , 127 , 3.
(H1) cl.5 P.
(H1) (only in

śrúti 1 [p= 1101,2] [L=223536]
hearing , listening (śrutim abhinīya , " feigning to hear " ; śruti vaco 'nugā-k , " to listen to a speech ") S3Br. &c

Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s.
1101,3] [L=223538]

&c RV. AV. Pra1t. Katha1s. BhP.


śrutau-sthā , " to be known by hearsay ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R. BhP.

veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called ṛṣis , and so differing from smṛ́ti or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors » Mn. ii , 10 ; it is properly only applied to the mantra and brāhmaa portion of the vedas , although afterwards extended to the upaniads and other Vedic works including the darśanas ; iti śrute , " because it is so taught in the veda , according to a śruti or Vedic text " ; pl. " sacred texts , the vedas " , also " rites prescribed by the vedas ") AitBr. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c IW. 144

Ya1jn5. S3is3. Pan5car.

Ka1vya7d. ii , 331

S3ak. VarBr2S. (prob. w.r. for śruta)

of a daughter of atri and wife of kardama VP.
śrúti 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223668]
(cf. sruti) course , path (?) RV. ii , 2 , 7 ; x , 111 , 3

śravaā L.
(H2) f.
[L=223537]the ear , organ or power of hearing
[p= the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle
[L=223539]that which is heard or perceived with the ear , sound , noise
[L=223540]an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word)
[L=223541]rumour , report , news , intelligence , hearsay (
[L=223542]a saying , saw , word
[L=223543]that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning , sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brahmans from generation to generation , the
[L=223544](in music) a particular division of the octave , a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated , four constituting a major tone , three a minor , and two a semitone ; they are said to be personified as nymphs)
[L=223545]a name , title
[L=223546]learning , scholarship
(H2) f.
[L=223669]the constellation ,

sa- √ śru 1 [p= 1118,2] [L=226706]
ṛṇoti , ṛṇute , to hear or hear from (e.g. mukhāt , " from any one's mouth ") , attend or listen attentively to (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to assent , promise (
loc. or dat.) ib.  ; 
A1.) to be distinctly heard or audible S3a1n3khBr. (cf. Pa1n2. i , 3 , 29 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. ) : Pass. -śrūyate , to be heard or talked about or read about (yathā saśrūyate , " as people say " or , as we read in books) MBh. : Caus. -śrāvayati , to cause to hear or to be heard , proclaim , announce (nāma , " one's name ") , relate or report anything (acc.) to any one (acc. or dat.) Ya1jn5.  ; 
to read out (
» sa-śrāviśa)  ; 
to make resound
(H1) P. A1.

sam-ā- √ kar [p= 1158,2] [L=234009]
-karayati , to give ear to , listen to , hear Pan5cat. Katha1s.
(H1) P.

sam-upa- √ śru [p= 1169,3] [L=235667]
-sṛṇoti , to listen to anything (acc.) , hear , hear or perceive any one (gen.) , hear from or be told by any one (abl.) MBh. R. BhP.
(H1) P.

sam-prati- √ śru [p= 1174,3] [L=236373]
ind.p. -śrutya) , to listen attentively to , assent , promise BhP. : Caus. -śrāvayati , to make to promise or repeat a promise , remind of a promise R
(H1) (only

Words Related to Hearing

an-upahata--kruṣṭa [p= 35,1] [L=6717]
whose organs of hearing are unimpaired Buddh.
(H3) mfn.
anu-śrava [p= 39,3] [L=7444]
Vedic tradition (acquired by repeated hearing) L.
(H2) m.
abhi- √ jñā [p= 62,2] [L=11409]
,°nīte , to recognize , perceive , know , be or become aware of  ; 
to acknowledge , agree to , own
to remember (either with the fut ,
p. or with yad and impf.) Pa1n2. 2-2 , 112 seqq. Bhat2t2.
abhi-jñā [L=11412]
remembrance , recollection Pa1n2. 3-2 , 112
abhi-jñā [L=11413]
supernatural science or faculty of a buddha (of which five are enumerated , viz. 1. taking any form at will ; 2. hearing to any distance ; 3. seeing to any distance ; 4. penetrating men's thoughts ; 5. knowing their state and antecedents).
abhi-jñā [p= 1315,1] [L=311760]
(read, "of which five or six are enumerated", and cf. a-abh°, p. 1109)
(H1) -jānāti
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
abhi-śrāvá [p= 71,1] [L=12548]
hearing (a prayer) , granting an answer RV. i , 185 , 10 and x , 12 , 1.
(H2) m.
abhi-śrutya [L=12550]
hearing of , learning MBh. i , 4427.
(H2) ind.p.
a-śuśrūā [p= 113,3] [L=19623]
non-desire of hearing , disobedience , neglect of service or respect MBh. v , 1535.
(H1) f.
a-śuśrūu [L=19624]
not desirous of hearing or learning GopBr. Bhag. Hariv.

gen.) MBh. xii , 8405.
(H2) mfn.
[L=19625]disobedient towards (
á-śṛṇvat [L=19641]
not hearing or liking to hear TS. vii Pan5cat.
(H1) mfn.
a-śravaa [p= 114,2] [L=19798]
not hearing Veda1ntas.
(H1) n.
a-śravaāt [L=19799]
abl. on account of not hearing i.e. not seeing anything declared in the sacred texts La1t2y.
(H1C) ind.
á-śruti--dhara [p= 114,3] [L=19850]
not striking the hearing VPra1t.

veda L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=19851]not knowing the
a-saśrava [p= 117,3] [L=20404]
the being out of hearing , (e) , loc , out of the hearing of (gen.) Mn. ii , 203.
(H1) m.
ā-karana [p= 126,2] [L=22045]
(fr. ā-karaya below) hearing Katha1s.
(H1) n.
ākarin [L=22051]
ifc. hearing Naish. i , 28.
(H2) mfn.
ānuśrava [p= 141,2] [L=24617]
according to hearing , resting on tradition , derived from the veda or tradition BhP.
(H1) mfn.
ā́-śruti [p= 158,3] [L=27721]
hearing , range of hearing VS.

(H2) f.
úpa-śruti [p= 208,2] [L=35977]
giving ear to , listening attentively RV. i , 10 , 3 ; viii , 8 , 5 ; 34 , 11 AV. ii , 16 , 2 ; xvi , 2 , 5

S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.


MBh. v , 30 , 5 (ed. Bomb. ; apa-śruti ed. Calc. v , 871)

vidhāna-pārijāta T. ) MBh. Ka1d. &c , (cf. śakuno*pa°)
úpa-śruti [L=35982]
N. of an evil spirit Pa1rGr2. i , 16 , 23.
(H2) f.
[L=35978]range of hearing
[L=35980]rumour , report
[L=35981]a kind of supernatural oracular voice (answering questions about future events , and supposed to be uttered by an idol after mystic invocations ,
(H2B) m.
upa-śrútya [L=35983]
having listened to

AV. xii , 4 , 28 MBh. BhP. &c
(H2) ind.p.
[L=35983.1]listening to , hearing
upā* karya [p= 212,3] [L=36559]
hearing , learning BhP.
(H2) ind.p.
éka--śruti [p= 229,3] [L=39676]
an only śruti or Vedic passage , the same śruti

La1t2y. i , 1 , 4 Jaim.

Comm. on Pa1n2. 1-2 , 33 Comm. on Nya1yam.

éka--śruti [L=39680]
of only one sound , monotonous Pa1n2. 1-2 , 33 Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.
(H3) f.
[L=39677]an enunciation in the singular
[L=39678]the hearing of only one sound , monotony
[L=39679]the neutral accentless tone
(H3B) mfn.
kára--gocara [p= 256,3] [L=44812]
the range of hearing , anything perceptible by the ear T.
(H3) m.
kára--patha [L=44848]
the compass or range of hearing , (°m ā- , to come within the range of or reach the ear , be heard S3ak. 232 , 11 ; °m upa-i id. BhP. ii , 3 , 19)
(H3) m.
kára--viayīkta [p= 257,1] [L=44919]
made an object of hearing , made known Katha7rn2.
(H3) mfn.
kdhú--kára [p= 305,1] [L=54851]
having short ears (as a sort of imp) AV. xi , 9 , 7 and 10 , 7

RV. x , 27 , 5.
(H3) mfn.
[L=54852]hearing badly
dīrghá--śrút [p= 482,3] [L=93214]
hearing from afar RV. x , 114 , 2

°tama) RV. TS.
(H3) mfn.
[L=93215]heard or renowned far and wide (superl.
dūrá--śravaa [p= 489,3] [L=94979]
hearing from afar Pan5car.
(H3) n.
dhárma--śeravaa [p= 512,1] [L=100297]
the hearing of a sermon Buddh.
(H3) n.
ni-° śamana [p= 560,3] [L=110541]
perceiving , hearing L.
(H3) n.
purāá--śravaa [p= 635,1] [L=126013]
hearing or studying the padma
(H3) n.
pū́rva--diśya [p= 643,2] [L=127930]
situated towards the east , hearing east

(H3) mfn.
prati-° grahá [p= 665,1] [L=132221]
receiving , accepting , acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brahmans ; cf. IW. 237 ; 262) S3Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c (°graha-k , to receive presents Mn. )




i.e. hearing Katha1s.

keśa- , a hair-cutter , barber) Gobh. a receiver Ka1tyS3r. R.



esp. a donation to a Brahman at suitable periods) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (instr. " as a present " Katha1s. )

of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 grahas L.

kriyā-kāra L.


(H3) m.
[L=132222]friendly reception
[L=132223]favour , grace
[L=132224]taking a wife , marrying
[L=132225]receiving with the ear
[L=132226]a grasper , seizer (
[L=132227]a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons
[L=132228]a spittoon
[L=132229]a gift , present (
[L=132232]the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line)
[L=132233]the sun near the moon's node
pratijñā--sanyāsa [p= 665,3] [L=132350]
abandonment of one's own proposition (after hearing the argument of the opponent) Nya1yas.

(H3) m.
[L=132351]breaking a promise
prati-° pitsu [p= 667,2] [L=132594]
desirous of obtaining , longing for (acc. or comp.) ib.

acc.) Gobh. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
[L=132595]desirous of hearing or learning (
bhadrá--śrút [p= 746,2] [L=148466]
hearing good or pleasant things AV.
(H3) mfn.
mántra--vat 1 [p= 786,2] [L=157367]
in conformity with or accompanied by the recitation of sacred text Mn. MBh. R.

mántra--vat 2 [L=157368]
attended with sacred text or hymns S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5.


mantras , initiated W.

(H3) ind.
[L=157367.1]according to all rules of consultation
(H3) mfn.
[L=157369]enchanted (as a weapon)
[L=157370]entitled to use the
[L=157371]having or hearing counsel
yáthā [p= 841,3] [p= 841,2] [L=169654]
(in veda also unaccented ; fr. 3. ya , correlative of táthā) in which manner or way , according as , as , like (also with cid , ha , ha vai , iva , ivā*ga , iva ha , eva , and followed by correl. tathā , tathā tathā , tadvat , cvam , Ved. also evá) RV. &c (yathai*tat or yathai*vai*tat , " as for that " ; yathā-tathā or yathā - tena satyena , " as surely as " - " so truly ")
841,3] [L=169654.1]
tad yathā , " as here follows ") Up. Gr2S3rS. Nir.


Pot. or Subj. , later also with fut. pres. , impf. and aor. ; in earlier language yathā is often placed after the first word of a sentence ; sometimes with ellipsis of syāt and bhavet) RV. &c

esp. after verbs of " knowing " , " believing " , " hearing " , " doubting " &c ; either with or without iti at the end of the sentence) Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c


yathā-tathā , " as " - " therefore ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

Pot.) Das3. S3ak. ; how (= quam , expressing " admiration ") Pa1n2. 8-1 , 37 Sch.

= yathāvat) BhP. (yáthā yathā-táthā tathā or evaī́*va , " in whatever manner " , - " in that manner " , " according as " or " in proportion as " , - " so " , " by how much the more " - " by so much " , " the more " - " the more" ; yathā tathā , " in whatever manner " , " in every way " , " anyhow " ; with na , " in no way " , " really not " ; yathā kathacit , " in any way " , " somehow or other " ; yathai*va , " just as " ; tad yathā*pināma , " just as if ") .
yathā [p= 844,2] [L=170147]
*śa-tas &c » p.841 , cols. 2 and 3 &c
yathā [p= 1331,3] [L=338440]
(H2) ind.
[p= as , for instance , namely (also
[L=169654.2]as it is or was (elliptically)
[L=169654.3]that , so that , in order that (with
[L=169654.4]that (
[L=169654.5]as soon as
[L=169654.6]as , because , since (
[L=169654.7]as if (with
[L=169654.8]according to what is right , properly , correctly (
(H1) yathā
(H2) (in
a [p= 930,1] [L=188546]
(accord. to some fr. √1. vah ; cf. 2. va and vaua) an exclamation uttered by the hot priest at the end of the sacrificial verse (on hearing which the adhvaryu priest casts the oblation offered to the deity into the fire ; it is joined with a dat. e.g. ṣṇe vaa ; with √ k , " to utter the exclamation vaa ") RV. VS. Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. Pur.
(H1) ind.
vddhá--sena [p= 1011,1] [L=204702]
(vddhá-) hearing large missiles (others " forming mighty hosts ") RV.
(H3) mfn.
veda--śruti [p= 1016,2] [L=205831]
the hearing or reciting of the veda R.

°) MBh.

of a river R.
(H3) f.
[L=205832]Vedic revelation (also
vy-ādāya [p= 1037,1] [L=209691]
having opened &c (with śṛṇvat , " hearing with open mouth " BhP. ; with svapiti , " he sleeps with open mouth " Pa1n2. 3-4 , 21 Va1rtt. 5)
(H2) mfn.
śuśrūaka [p= 1084,3] [L=219926]
desirous of hearing , attentive , obedient , attending or waiting on (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
śuśrūaka [L=219927]
an attendant , servant (comprehending five descriptions of persons , viz. a pupil , a religious pupil , a hired servant , an officer , and a slave) W.
śuśrūaka [p= 1101,1] [L=223397]
» [p= 1084,3].
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H3) &c
śuśrū° aa [p= 1084,3] [L=219928]
desire of hearing BhP.

gen. dat. loc. , or comp.) MBh. R. &c

ifc.) attention to , maintenance of (fire) MBh.
(H3) n.
[L=219929]obedience , service , dutiful homage to (
śuśrūu [L=219939]
desirous of hearing or learning Nr2isUp. Bhag. &c

gen. or comp.) TBr. &c &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=219940]eager to obey , obedient , attentive , serving , attending on (
śravá 1 [p= 1096,3] [L=222490]
( √1. śru) sounding VS.
śravá 1 [L=222491]
hearing (āt , " from hearsay " , e , with gen. , " within hearing of ") MBh. Hariv.
śravá 1 [L=222492]
the ear VarBr2S. Katha1s.
śravá 1 [L=222493]
the hypotenuse of a triangle Su1ryas.
śrava 2 [L=222494]
comp. for 1. śravas.
śrava 3 [p= 1097,2] [L=222626]
&c » srava &c
śrava [p= 1101,1] [L=223398]
» 1. śrava , [p= 1096,3].
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H2) in
(H1) śravaka
(H2) &c
śrávaa 1 [p= 1096,3] [L=222496]
the act of hearing (also " that which is heard " = śruti q.v. ; iti śravaāt , " because it is so heard or revealed " i.e. " according to a Vedic text ") S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c

cf. a-śravaāt) Ka1m. Sarvad.

phil.) the determining by means of the six signs the true doctrine of the vedā*nta (in regard to the only really existing Being) Veda7ntas.

A1s3vS3r. Nir.

śrávaa 1 [L=222501]
(rarely n.) the ear MaitrUp. MBh. &c
śrávaa 1 [L=222502]
(= śramaa) a Buddhist or Jain monk (cf. śrāvaka) HParis3.
śrávaa 1 [L=222503]
the hypotenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon &c Gol.
śrávaa 2 [p= 1097,2] [L=222627]
(fr. √2. śru ; for 1. śravaa » p.1096 ; cf. sravaa) limping , lame Ka1tyS3r.
śrávaa 2 [L=222628]
N. of the 20th (or 23rd) nakatra (presided over by viṣṇu , and containing the three stars , α , β , and γ Aquilae , supposed to represent three footsteps ; cf. tri-vikrama) AV. Gr2S. MBh. &c
śrávaa 2 [L=222629]
a sort of disease (= śroa) MW.
śrávaa 2 [L=222630]
N. of a son of naraka BhP.
śrávaa 2 [L=222631]
(with bhaṭṭa) N. of a teacher Cat.
śrávaa 2 [L=222633]
= śravaā-karman S3a1n3khGr2.
śravaa 3 [L=222678]
a kind of plant used for colouring white Sus3r.
śravaa 4 [L=222680]
= śrapaa L.
śravaa 5 [L=222682]
for sravaa.
śravaa [p= 1101,1] [L=223399]
» 1. śrava , [p= 1096,3].
śrávaa 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223666]
» [p= 1097,2].
(H2) n.
[L=222497]acquiring knowledge by hearing , learning , study (
[L=222499]fame , reputation
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1) m.
(H1) n.
(H1) w.r.
(H3) &c
(H2) &c
śrávaa--kātaratā [p= 1096,3] [L=222505]
anxiety for hearing S3ak.
(H3) f.
śrávaa--gocara [L=222506]
range of hearing Katha1s.
śrávaa--gocara [L=222507]
being within hearing (-tā f.) Vi1rac.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
śrávaa--patha [L=222508]
the region of the ears (» comp.)


» comp.)
(H3) m.
[L=222509]the ear-passage , auditory passage , ear
[L=222510]range of hearing (
śrávaa--patha---paryanta-gamana [L=222512]
reaching to the limit of hearing Gi1t.
(H4) n.
śrávaa--vidhi [L=222527]
a method or rule of hearing or studying
(H3) m.
śravaā* vabhāsa [L=222539]
range of hearing Buddh.
(H3) m.
śravae* ndriya [L=222541]
" organ or sense of hearing " , the ear W.
(H3) n.
śravaīya [L=222548]
to be heard , worth hearing Shad2vBr. MBh. &c

(H2) mfn.
[L=222549]to be celebrated , praise worthy
śravya [p= 1097,1] [L=222577]
audible , to be heard , worth hearing , praiseworthy MBh. Ka1v. &c
śravya [p= 1097,2] [L=222685]
(H2) mfn.
(H1) »
śrāva [p= 1097,1] [L=222579]
hearing , listening MW.

of a son of yuvanāśva (and father of śrāvastaka) MBh.
śrāva [p= 1098,1] [L=222821]
,śrāvaa &c » [p= 1097,1].
śrāva [p= 1101,1] [L=223400]
» [p= 1097,1].
(H2) m.
(H1) śrāvaka
(H2) &c
śrāvaka [p= 1097,1] [L=222581]
(ikā)n. hearing , listening to (comp.) Va1s.

śrāvaka [L=222583]
a pupil , disciple Ma1lati1m.
śrāvaka [L=222584]
a disciple of the buddha (the disciples of the hīna-yāna school are sometimes so called in contradistinction to the disciples of the mahā-yāna school ; properly only those who heard the law from the buddha's own lips have the name śrāvaka , and of these two , viz. Sariputta and Moggallana , were agra-śrāvakas , " chief disciples " , while eighty , including kāśyapa , upāli , and ānanda , were mahā-śrāvakas or " great disciples ") MWB. 47 , 75
śrāvaka [L=222585]
a jaina disciple (regarded by orthodox Hindus as a heretic) MW.
śrāvaka [L=222586]
a crow L.
śrāvaka [L=222587]
a sound audible from afar S3is3.
śrāvaka [L=222588]
that faculty of the voice which makes a sound audible to a distance L.
śrāvaka [p= 1101,1] [L=223401]
» [p= 1097,1].
(H2) mf
[L=222582]audible from afar
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H3) &c
śrāvaa 1 [p= 1097,1] [L=222596]
relating to or perceived by the ear , audible Ma1rkP. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 92 Sch.)

veda (cf. śrauta) MBh. iii , 100 , 75
śrāvaa 1 [L=222598]
a heretic L.
śrāvaa 1 [L=222599]
N. of a muni Cat.
śrāvaa 1 [L=222600]
(ā and ī). N. of various plants Sus3r.
śrāvaa 1 [L=222601]
causing to be heard , announcing , proclaiming MBh. Pan5cat.
śrāvaa 1 [L=222602]
knowledge derived from hearing MW.
śrāvaa 2 [p= 1097,2] [L=222653]
(ī)n. relating to or produced under the nakatra śravaa
śrāvaa 2 [L=222654]
(with or scil. mās or māsa) N. of one of the twelve Hindu months (generally rainy and corresponding to July-August) Sus3r. Gr2S. Ya1jn5. &c
śrāvaa 2 [L=222656]
= next Gr2S.
(H2) mfn.
[L=222597]taught or enjoined in the
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
śrāvin [p= 1097,1] [L=222619]
hearing , a hearer Sarvad.
(H2) mfn.
śrāvya [p= 1097,2] [L=222623]
audible , to be heard , worth hearing R. Katha1s. Sa1h.


(H2) mfn.
[L=222624]to be announced or proclaimed
[L=222625]to be apprized or informed
śrút 1 [p= 1101,1] [L=223403]
hearing , listening (only in next and ifc. ; cf. kara- , dīrgha-śrut &c )

śrút 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223667]
(= srut) a river (?) RV. i , 53 , 9.
(H2) mfn.
[L=223404]that which is heard , sound , noise
(H2) f.
śrút--kara [p= 1101,1] [L=223405]
śrút-) mfn. one who has hearing ears , quick to hear RV. AV.
(H3) (
śrutá [L=223406]
heard , listened to , heard about or of , taught , mentioned , orally transmitted or communicated from age to age S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c

RV. AV. Br. MBh.

nom. with iti) MBh. R. &c
śrutá [L=223409]
N. of a son of bhagīratha Hariv.
śrutá [L=223410]
of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
śrutá [L=223411]
of a son of su-bhāaa ib.
śrutá [L=223412]
of a son of upagu VP.
śrutá [L=223414]
anything heard , that which has been heard (esp. from the beginning) , knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation , oral tradition or revelation , sacred knowledge (in the Pur. personified as a child of dharma and medhā) , the veda AV. &c
śrutá [L=223415]
the act of hearing Mun2d2Up. Ka1v. Katha1s.
śrutá [L=223416]
learning or teaching , instruction (śruta-k , " to learn ") A1past.
śrutá [L=223417]
memory , remembrance AV. i , 1 , 2.
(H2) mfn.
[L=223407]known , famous , celebrated
[L=223408]known as , called (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
śrutá--mātra [p= 1101,2] [L=223469]
mere hearing or hearsay S3rutab.
(H3) n.
śrutā* rtha [L=223529]
one who has heard anything (gen.) Hariv.
śrutā* rtha [L=223530]
any matter ascertained by hearing MW.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
śrúti 1 [L=223536]
hearing , listening (śrutim abhinīya , " feigning to hear " ; śruti vaco 'nugā-k , " to listen to a speech ") S3Br. &c

Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s.
1101,3] [L=223538]

&c RV. AV. Pra1t. Katha1s. BhP.


śrutau-sthā , " to be known by hearsay ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R. BhP.

veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called ṛṣis , and so differing from smṛ́ti or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors » Mn. ii , 10 ; it is properly only applied to the mantra and brāhmaa portion of the vedas , although afterwards extended to the upaniads and other Vedic works including the darśanas ; iti śrute , " because it is so taught in the veda , according to a śruti or Vedic text " ; pl. " sacred texts , the vedas " , also " rites prescribed by the vedas ") AitBr. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c IW. 144

Ya1jn5. S3is3. Pan5car.

Ka1vya7d. ii , 331

S3ak. VarBr2S. (prob. w.r. for śruta)

buddhi L.

of a daughter of atri and wife of kardama VP.
śrúti 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223668]
(cf. sruti) course , path (?) RV. ii , 2 , 7 ; x , 111 , 3

śravaā L.
(H2) f.
[L=223537]the ear , organ or power of hearing
[p= the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle
[L=223539]that which is heard or perceived with the ear , sound , noise
[L=223540]an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word)
[L=223541]rumour , report , news , intelligence , hearsay (
[L=223542]a saying , saw , word
[L=223543]that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning , sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brahmans from generation to generation , the
[L=223544](in music) a particular division of the octave , a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated , four constituting a major tone , three a minor , and two a semitone ; they are said to be personified as nymphs)
[L=223545]a name , title
[L=223546]learning , scholarship
(H2) f.
[L=223669]the constellation ,
śrúti--tatpara [p= 1101,3] [L=223568]
having ears , hearing L.

veda L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=223569]intent on hearing or studying the
śrúti--patha [L=223580]
the range of hearing (-patha-gam with gen. , " to come to any one's ears " , " be heard by ") MBh. R. &c

S3is3. (» comp.)

tradition Sus3r.
(H3) m.
[L=223581]the auditory passage , hearing
śrúti--mārga [L=223603]
= -patha (°ga gata or °ga-praviṣṭa , " having come or entered by way of the ears " , " heard " ; mārga ibc. or °gea , " by way of the ears " , " by hearing ") Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H3) m.
śrúti--mgya [p= 1102,1] [L=223612]
to be sought by hearing or by the veda (not by sight) MW.
(H3) mfn.
śrúti--varjita [L=223617]
devoid of hearing , deaf L.

veda W.
(H3) mfn.
[L=223618]ignorant or unread in the
śrúti--viaya [L=223623]
the object of hearing (i.e. sound , » viaya)

veda , any sacred matter or ordinance W.
śrúti--viaya [L=223625]
conversant with sacred knowledge , familiar with the veda MW.
(H3) m.
[L=223624]subject-matter or doctrine of the
(H3B) mfn.
śrúti--viaya---gua [L=223626]
having the quality (sound) which is the object of hearing or which is perceptible by the ear (said of ether) S3ak.
(H4) mfn.
śrotavya [L=223664]
» [p= 1103,1].
śrotavya [p= 1103,1] [L=223839]
(fut.p. of √1. śru) to be heard or listened to , audible , worth hearing S3Br. &c
śrotavya [L=223840]
the moment for hearing (impers. " it must be heard ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) &c
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
śrotu [L=223842]
m. hearing (only in next and suśrótu).
(H2) (prob.)
śrotu--rāti [L=223843]
śrótu-) mfn. giving an ear , hearing RV.
(H3) (
śrót [L=223844]
(with acc.) one who hears , hearing , a hearer RV. &c
śrót [L=223844.1]
N. of a yaka BhP. (Sch.)
śrotṛ́ [L=223845]
(with gen.) one who hears , hearing , a hearer RV. &c
śrotṛ́ [L=223845.1]
N. of a yaka BhP. (Sch.)
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
śrótra [L=223846]
the organ of hearing , ear , auricle RV. &c

AV. &c

veda or sacred knowledge itself MW.
(H2) n.
[L=223847]the act of hearing or listening to
[L=223848]conversancy with the
śrótra--cít [L=223850]
accumulated by hearing S3Br.
(H3) mfn.
śrótra--dā [L=223855]
giving an ear , listening to , hearing A1pS3r.
(H3) mfn.
śrótra--pati [L=223857]
the lord of hearing TUp.

partic. form of īśvara S3am2k.
(H3) m.
śrótra--padavī [L=223859]
the range of hearing (°vīm upa- , " to come within the range of hearing ") Cat.
(H3) f.
śrótra--peya [L=223865]
to be drunk in by the ear or attentively heard , worth hearing Megh. Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
śrótra--máya [L=223868]
(ī)n. consisting in hearing , whose nature or quality is hearing ib.
(H3) mf
śrótra--vat [L=223872]
srótra-) mfn. endowed with (the power of) hearing S3Br.
(H3) (
śrótra--hīna [L=223881]
destitute of hearing , deaf VarBr2S.
(H3) mfn.
śrotrā* śaya-sukha [L=223886]
pleasant to the seat of hearing or ear , melodious R.
(H3) mfn.
śrotre* ndriya [L=223887]
the sense or organ of hearing Sus3r.
(H3) n.
śrauta [p= 1103,2] [L=223898]
(ī or ā)n. relating to the ear or hearing W.

opp. to ārtha , " implied ") Kpr.

veda (with janman n. " the second birth of a Brahman produced by knowledge of the veda ") Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

śrauta [L=223902]
relationship resulting from (common study of) the veda Hariv.
śrauta [L=223903]
a fault (incurred in repeating the veda) Hcat.
śrauta [L=223904]
any observance ordained by the veda (e.g. preservation of the sacred fire) W.
śrauta [L=223905]
the three sacred fires collectively ib.
śrauta [L=223906]
N. of various sāmans A1rshBr.
(H2) mf
[L=223899]to be heard , audible , expressed in words or in plain language (as a simile ,
[L=223900]relating to sacred tradition , prescribed by or founded on or conformable to the
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
śrauta--mārga [L=223925]
(the path of) hearing S3is3.
(H3) m.
sa-śrava [p= 1118,2] [L=226707]
hearing , listening (loc. , " within hearing ") MBh. Ma1lati1m.

sa-śrava [L=226709]
audible (» vidūra-saśrava).
(H2) m.
[L=226708]assent , promise , agreement
(H2B) mfn.
sa-° śravaa [L=226710]
the act of hearing or listening MBh. Sus3r. Sarvad.

ifc.) hearing about Hariv.

loc. , " within hearing , aloud ") MBh. R. Car.
(H3) n.
[L=226712]range of hearing , earshot (
sa-śrāva [L=226672]
» sa-srāva.
sa-śrāva [p= 1118,3] [L=226716]
(ifc.) hearing , listening to Kaus3.
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
sa--kara [p= 1123,3] [L=227633]
having ears , hearing Veda7ntas. Sin6ha7s.

kara MW.
(H3) mfn.
[L=227634]accompanied by
su--śrava [p= 1237,2] [L=250150]
worth hearing Pan5car.
(H3) mfn.
su--śrávas [L=250152]
abounding in glory , famous RV. AV. BhP.

-tama) RV. Ka1t2h. A1s3vGr2.

of a prajā-pati VP.


RV. i , 53 , 9 ( Sa1y. )

ṛṣi (having the patr. kauya) S3Br.
su-śravas [p= 1237,3] [L=250192]
&c » col.2.
(H3) mfn.
[L=250153]hearing well or gladly , gracious , kind (superl.
[L=250155]of a serpent-demon
[L=250156]of a man
[L=250157]of a
(H1) su-śruta
su--śrúa [p= 1237,2] [L=250166]
obtaining good hearing ( Sa1y. " very famous ") RV.
(H3) mfn.
su--śrút [L=250167]
(nom. -śrúk) , hearing well RV. AV. TBr.
su--śrút [L=250168]
N. of a man Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 3 &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
su--śrótu [L=250174]
hearing willingly RV.
(H3) mfn.
hávana--śrút [p= 1294,2] [L=262041]
listening to or hearing invocations RV. S3a1n3khS3r.
(H3) mfn.
an-upahata-kare* ndriyatā [p= 1312,1] [L=306910]
having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a buddha), Dharmas. 84.
(H2) f.
caku-śrotra [p= 1326,3] [L=330840]
possessing sight and hearing, JaimUp.
(H2) mfn.