Prakriti - Natural, constitution, primary substance

pra-kti [p= 654,1]
" making or placing before or at first " , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kti q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.
Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c
MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c (ibc. and °tyā ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly (in anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation
esp. in ritual) S3rS.
khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or guas called sattva , rajas and tamas) , Nature (distinguished from purua , Spirit as māyā is distinguished from brahman in the vedāntas)
the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta , buddhi or mahat , aha-kāra , and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c

śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as lak , durgā &c ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223
pl.) N. of a class of deities under manu raibhya Hariv.
pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c
&c ib.
Mn. ix , 294 ; 295)
Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.
of 2 classes of metres Col.

arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.

anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.



of a woman Buddh.

of wk.

(H2) f.

cause original source

origin , extraction

nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition

fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (

(in the

[L=130031](in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the


(in polit.)

the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans

the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , allies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses

the male or female organ of generation

(in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word


matter , affair
[L=130042]the male or female organ of generation
a woman or womankind
[L=130045]a mother
[L=130046]an animal

Prakriti words

pra-° kti [p= 653,3] [L=130012]
» next p.
pra-kti [p= 654,1] [L=130024]
" making or placing before or at first " , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kti q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.

Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c


MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c (ibc. and °tyā ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c )

esp. in ritual) S3rS.

khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or guas called sattva , rajas and tamas) , Nature (distinguished from purua , Spirit as māyā is distinguished from brahman in the vedāntas)

the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta , buddhi or mahat , aha-kāra , and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c

śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as lak , durgā &c ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223

pl.) N. of a class of deities under manu raibhya Hariv.

pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c

&c ib.

Mn. ix , 294 ; 295)

madhyama , vijigīu , udāsīna and śatru ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the mitra , arimitra , mitra-mitra , arimitra-mitra , pārṣṇi-graha , ākranda , pārṣṇigrāhā*sāra , ākrandā*sāsa ; each of these 12 kings has 5 praktis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of praktis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull.

Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.

of 2 classes of metres Col.

arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.

anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.

tritīyā) the third nature , a eunuch MBh.






of a woman Buddh.

of wk.
(H3) f.
(H2) f.
[L=130025]cause original source
[L=130026]origin , extraction
[L=130027]nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition
[L=130028]fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (
[L=130029](in the
[L=130031](in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the
[L=130033](in polit.)
[L=130034]the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans
[L=130035]the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , allies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses
[L=130036]the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the
[L=130037](in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word
[L=130042]matter , affair
[L=130043]the male or female organ of generation
[L=130044]a woman or womankind
[L=130045]a mother
[L=130046]an animal
pra-kti--tva [L=130058]
the state or condition of being the original or natural or fundamental form of anything Kap. S3ulbas.
(H3) n.
pra-kti--bhava [L=130065]
natural , usual , common Var.
(H3) mfn.
pra-kti--bhāva [L=130066]
the natural state or unaltered condition of anything A1s3vS3r.
pra-kti--bhāva [L=130067]
= -bhava Var.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
pra-kti--mat [L=130074]
having the original or natural form or shape , natural , usual , common MBh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=130075]in a natural or usual frame of mind
pra-kti--maya [L=130076]
(ī)n. being in the natural state or condition Ra1matUp.
(H3) mf
pra-kti--siddha [p= 654,2] [L=130088]
effected by nature , natural
pra-kti--siddha [L=130089]
true or real nature Bhartr2.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
pra-kti--stha [L=130091]
being in the original or natural state , genuine , unaltered , unimpaired , normal , well , healthy Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Var. Sus3r. (also -sthita Var. )


(H3) mfn.
[L=130092]inherent , innate , incidental to nature
[L=130093]bare , stripped of everything
prati--lomá [p= 663,1] [L=131777]
(ā)n. against the hair or grain (opp. to anu-l°) , contrary to the natural course or order , reverse , inverted

S3Br. RPra1t. S3rS. &c



ibc. and am ind.) against the hair , against the grain , in reversed or inverted order TS. Br. A1s3vS3r. &c
prati--lomá [L=131783]
N. of a man
prati--lomá [L=131784]
his descendants g. upakā*di
prati--lomá [L=131786]
any disagreeable or injurious act
prati-loma [p= 1330,3] [L=336580]
prati, p. 663, col. 1.
(H3) mf
[L=131778]adverse , hostile , disagreeable , unpleasant
[L=131779]low , vile
[L=131780]left , not right
[L=131781]contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father)
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m. pl.
(H3B) n.
(H2) see under
prati--lo° * nuloma [p= 663,1] [L=131792]
speaking against or for anything

ibc. and am ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural order or course Mn. Ya1jn5.
(H4) mfn.
prā--kta [p= 702,1] [L=138779]
prākta [p= 703,1] [L=139044]
(ā , or ī)n. (fr. pra-kti) original , natural , artless , normal , ordinary , usual S3Br. &c

Mn. MBh. &c


khya) belonging to or derived from prakti or the original element

astron.) N. of one of the 7 divisions of the planetary courses (according to parāśara comprising the nakatras svāti , bharaī , rohiī and kttikā)
prākta [L=139049]
a low or vulgar man Mn. viii , 338 MBh. &c
prākta [L=139050]
(with or scil. laya , pralaya &c ) resolution or reabsorption into prakti , the dissolution of the universe Pur.
prākta [L=139051]
any provincial or vernacular dialect cognate with Sanskrit (esp. the language spoken by women and inferior characters in the plays , but also occurring in other kinds of literature and usually divided into 4 dialects , viz. śaurasenī , māhārāṣṭ , apabhraśa and paiśācī) , Ka1v. Katha1s. Ka1vya7d. &c
(H3) »
(H1) mf
[L=139045]low , vulgar , unrefined
[L=139046]provincial , vernacular , Prakritic
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
prākta--tva [L=139060]
original or natural state or condition Ka1tyS3r.

(H3) n.
[L=139061]vulgarity (of speech)
prākta--mitra [L=139079]
a natural friend or ally , a sovereign whose kingdom is separated by that of another from the country with which he is allied , W (cf. prāk*ri and °to*dāsīa).
(H3) n.
prāk* ri [L=139096]
a natural enemy , a sovereign of an adjacent country , Mallin.
(H3) m.
prākto* dāsīna [L=139098]
a natural neutral , a sovereign whose dominions are situated beyond those of the natural ally W.
(H3) m.
prāktika [L=139100]
(ī)n. relating to pra-kti or the original element , material , natural , common , vulgar Sa1m2khyak. Pur. Tattvas.
(H2) mf