
bhaktyudrekād viraktasya yādṛśī jāyate matiḥ |
sā śaktiḥ śāṅkarī nityam bhavayet tāṃ tataḥ śivaḥ || 121 ||

viraktasya = detachment

The Vivekacūḍāmaṇi of Śaṅkarācārya Bhagavatpāda: an introduction ... - Page 69
, Śaṅkarācārya - 2004 - 292 pages - Preview
They will be individually expounded in verses 19-29. yogyata = being qualified, special fitness; jijnasa = enquiry, desire to know; vivekino = discrimination; viraktasya = detachment. sddhandny atra catvdri kathitdni mamsibhih I yesu ...
John A. Grimes

Srimad Bhagavatam: with the original Sanskrit text, its Roman ...: Volumes 11-12
, Abhay C. Bhaktivedanta - 1988 - 922 pages - Snippet view
TEXT 23 nirvinnasya viraktasya purusasyokta-vedinah manas tyajati daurdtmyam cintitasydnucintayd nirvinnasya — of one who is disgusted with the illusory nature of the material world; viraktasya — and who is therefore detached ; purusasya ... -
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 108
- 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
[Dharana 96] VERSE 121 « i. m *rfa>: *rr5*f* fam mn^i nz: far*: n <^i n Bhaktyudrekad viraktasya yadrsi jayate matih / Sa §aktih Sankari nityam bhavayet tam tatah Sivah // 121 TRANSLATION The sort of intuition (mati) that emerges ...
Jaideva Singh

Silence unheard: deathly otherness in Pātañjala-yoga - Page 142
- 2002 - 156 pages - Google eBook - Preview
1 : tathd sakala-yogaisvarya-vibhutibhyo viraktasya sarvopasarh- hdra-dvarena kaivalyasya pradhdnyena pradarsandt kaivalya-pada ity ucyate caturthah ["Since it treats primarily of one who is liberated by means of total involution of the ...
Yohanan Grinshpon

The song of the self supreme (Aṣṭāvakragītā): the classical text ...
- 1971 - 199 pages - Snippet view
3TT5^f *Tt§T^m^ *ften^C foftfoPT l1e;II Ihamutra viraktasya nitydnityavivikinah l Akaryam moksakdmasya moksddevavibhisika ll 8. The wise are free from attachment to this world and heaven, discriminate between what is ephemeral and what ...
Radhakamal Mukerjee

Yogasūtrabhāṣyavivaraṇa of Śaṅkara: Vibhūtipādaḥ and Kaivalyapādaḥ:
, Patañjali, Vyāsa - 2001 - 230 pages - Snippet view
'The reading available is "viraktasya" whereas the Vivaranakara has "viraktah". The Vivaranakara adds "sarvathavivekakhyateh" as an adjective to "asya". No attempt is made to give the meaning of this sentence; the bhasya has been ... -
T. S. Rukmani

The two traditions of meditation in ancient India - Page 63
- 1993 - 153 pages - Preview
... vigamopdyajijhdsor deary am upasangamyoipannasatpaddrthatattvajndna- sydjndnanivrttau viraktasya rdgadvesdbhdvdt tajjayor dharmadhat mayor anut- pattau purvasancitayos ...
Johannes Bronkhorst

vi-rakta [p= 981,3] [L=199047]
» under vi-rañj.
vi-rakta [p= 982,1] [L=199092]
discoloured , changed in colour Ragh.
982,1] [L=199093]
i.e. having no interest in (abl. loc. acc. with prati , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
982,1] [L=199094]
i.e. arousing no interest Ra1jat.
982,1] [L=199095]
(H1) &c
(H2) mfn.
[p= changed in disposition , disaffected , estranged , averse , indifferent to
[p= become indifferent
[p= impassioned , feeling excessive passion

Śaṃkara's Advaita Vedānta: a way of teaching - Page 98
- 2005 - 248 pages - Google eBook - Preview
So this Upani.sad is begun, to remove misconception from the person who is not attracted (viraktasya) [by it], its purpose being the attainment of the knowledge of brahman, which is the opposite of that.27 (Br Up Bh Introduction, p . ...
Jacqueline Suthren Hirst

vīrá [p= 1005,2] [L=203565]
a man , (esp.) a brave or eminent man , hero , chief (sometimes applied to gods , as to indra , viṣṇu &c ; pl. men , people , mankind , followers , retainers) RV. &c

opp. to a god) RTL. 272 n.

MBh. R. Pur.

RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.

RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.

AV. S3a1n3khS3r.

tāntrikas) an adept (who is between the divya and the paśu RTL. 191) Rudray.

dram.) heroism (as one of the 8 rasas [q.v.] ; the vīra-carita [q.v.] exhibits an example) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c


partic. agni (son of tapas) MBh.

esp.) sacred or sacrificial fire L.

of various plants (Terminalia Arunja ; Nerium Odorum ; Guilandina Bonduc , manioc-root) L.

of an asura MBh.

dhta-rāṣṭra ib.

bharad-vāja ib.

purua vairāja and father of priya-vrata and uttāna-pāda Hariv.

gñjima ib.

kṛṣṇa BhP.

kupa and father of viviśa Ma1rkP.

līlāvatī ib.

vinaya Buddh.

arhat of the present avasarpiī L.

bhaṭṭa , ācārya &c ) of various authors &c Cat.

pl.) of a class of gods under manu tāmasa BhP.
vīrá [L=203596]
(only L. ) a reed (Arundo Tibialis)
vīrá [L=203597]
the root of ginger(?)
vīrá [L=203598]
vīrá [L=203599]
vīrá [p= 1005,3] [L=203600]
the root of Costus Speciosus , of Andropogon Muricatus &c
vīrá [L=203601]
(ā)n. heroic , powerful , strong , excellent , eminent L. [cf. Lat. vir ; Lith. vy4ras ; Goth. wair ; Angl.Sax. wr , wre-wulf ; Eng. werewolf ; Germ. Werwolf , Wergeld.]
(H2) m.
[L=203566]a hero (as
[L=203567]a husband
[L=203568]a male child , son (collect. male progeny)
[L=203569](collect. male progeny)
[L=203570]the male of an animal
[L=203571](with ,
[L=203573]an actor
[L=203575]fire , (
[L=203578]of a son of
[L=203579]of a son of
[L=203580]of a son of
[L=203581]of a son of
[L=203582]of two sons of
[L=203583]of a son of
[L=203584]of the father of
[L=203585]of a teacher of
[L=203586]of the last
[L=203587](also with
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mf
vīrá--purua [L=203671]
(ifc. f(ā).) a heroic man , hero R. Hariv. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 58 Sch.)
(H3) m.
vīrá--bhavat [p= 1006,1] [L=203708]
" your heroic worship " (in reverential address) Katha1s.
(H3) m.
vīrá--bhāva [L=203711]
heroic nature , heroism , Ven2is.
(H3) m.
vīrá--vat [L=203750]
(vīrá-) abounding in men or heroes , having followers or sons RV.


vīrá--vat [L=203750.7]
wealth consisting in men or sons RV.
(H3) mfn.
[L=203750.1]consisting in men (as wealth or property)
[L=203750.2]manly , heroic
(H3B) n.
vīrá--vākya [L=203756]
a heroic word Ma1rkP.
(H3) n.
vīrá--vākya---maya [L=203757]
(ī)n. consisting in heroic words Katha1s.
(H4) mf
vīrá--vāda [L=203758]
heroic fame , glory Mcar.
(H3) m.
vīrá--vyūha [p= 1006,2] [L=203771]
an heroic or bold military array R.
(H3) m.
vīrá--vrata---caryā [L=203775]
heroic duty or deed ib.
(H4) f.
vīrá--śuma [L=203784]
vīrá-) mfn. having heroic strength or courage RV.
(H3) (
vīrā* dhvan [L=203833]
= vīra-mārga MBh.

(H3) m.
[L=203834]an heroic death
vīrayú [p= 1006,3] [L=203884]
heroic , valiant , bold ib.
(H2) mfn.
vīreya [L=203894]
manly , heroic RV.
(H2) mfn.
vīryá [L=203895]
(ifc. f(ā).) manliness , valour , strength , power , energy RV. &c


MBh. Ka1v. &c

Kum. Kir.



(H2) n.
[L=203896]heroism , heroic deed
[L=203897]manly vigour , virility , semen virile
[L=203898]efficacy (of medicine)
[L=203900]splendour , lustre
[L=203901]dignity , consequence
vīryá--śālin [L=203928]
possessing vigour or heroism , strong , heroic MBh.
(H3) mfn.