Kali or more precisely, Kālī- Primal Goddess of Eternal Energy
काली kālī
(H1B) | kālī 1 [p= 277,1] [L=49046]
f. |
black colour , ink or blacking L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49047]
f. |
abuse , censure , defamation L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49048]
f. |
a row or succession of black clouds L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49049]
f. |
night L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49050]
f. |
a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= kṣīra-kīṭa or kṣāra-kīṭa) L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49051]
f. |
the plant kālā*ñjanī L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49052]
f. |
Ipomoea Turpethum L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49053]
f. |
a kind of clay L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49054]
f. |
Bignonia suaveolens L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49055]
f. |
one of the seven tongues or flames of fire Mun2d2Up. i , 2 , 4
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49056]
f. |
a form of durgā MBh. iv , 195 Hariv. Kum.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49057]
f. |
one of the mātṛs or divine mothers L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49058]
f. |
N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the kālakeyas) Hariv. 11552
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49059]
f. |
one of the sixteen vidyā-devīs L.
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49060]
f. |
N. of satyavatī , wife of king śāntanu and mother of vyāsa or kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana (after her marriage she had a son vicitra-vīrya , whose widows were married by kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana , and bore to him dhṛta-rāṣṭra and pāṇḍu MBh. Hariv. ; according to other legends kālī is the wife of bhīmasena and mother of sarvagata BhP. )
(H1B) | kālī 1 [L=49061]
f. |
(with or without gaṅgā) N. of a river
(H2) | kālī [p= 278,1] [L=49322]
(f. of 1. |
kāla q.v.)
(H1) | kālī [p= 279,3] [L=49705]
» |
[p= 278,1].
(H2) | kālī [p= 1324,3] [L=327810]
(in |
Kālī is etymologically unrelated to kali, they say
(H1) | káli [p= 261,3] [L=45925]
m. |
( √1. kal Comm. on Un2. iv , 117), N. of the die or side of a die marked with one dot , the losing die AV. vii , 109 , 1 S3Br. &c (personified as an evil genius in the episode of nala)
[L=45926] |
symbolical expression for the number 1
[L=45927] |
Terminalia |
Bellerica (the nuts of which in older times were used as dice) L.
[L=45928] |
N. |
of the last and worst of the four yugas or ages , the present age , age of vice AitBr. Mn. i , 86 ; ix , 301 f. MBh. &c (the kali age contains , inclusive of the two dawns , 1200 years of the gods or 432 ,000 years of men , and begins the eighteenth of February , 3102 B.C. ; at the end of this yuga the world is to be destroyed ; » yuga)
[p= | 262,1] [L=45929]
strife , discord , quarrel , contention (personified as the son of |
krodha , " Anger " , and hiṃsā , " Injury " , and as generating with his sister durukti , " Calumny. " two children , viz. bhaya , " Fear " , and mṛtyu , " Death " BhP. iv , 8 , 3 ; 4) MBh. Hit. &c
[L=45930] |
the worst of a class or number of objects |
MBh. xii , 361 ; 363
[L=45931] |
a hero (or an arrow , |
śūra , or śara) L.
[L=45932] |
N. |
of śiva MBh. xiii , 1192
[L=45933] |
N. |
of an upaniṣad (= kalisaṃtaraṇa)
[L=45934] |
( |
ís) N. of a class of mythic beings (related to the gandharvas , and supposed by some to be fond of gambling ; in epic poetry kali is held to be the fifteenth of the deva-gandharvas or children of the munis) AV. x , 10 , 13 MBh. Hariv.
[L=45935] |
N. |
of a man RV.
(H1B) | káli [L=45936]
f |
(is , ī). an unblown flower , bud L.
(H2) | kali [p= 1324,1] [L=327110]
(in |
(H1) | kāla 1 [L=49019]
mf |
(ī Pa1n2. 4-1 , 42)n. (fr. √3. kal?) , black , of a dark colour , dark-blue MBh. R. &c
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49020]
m. |
a black or dark-blue colour L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49021]
m. |
the black part of the eye Sus3r.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49022]
m. |
the Indian cuckoo L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49023]
m. |
the poisonous serpent Coluber nāga (= kālasarpa) Vet.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49024]
m. |
the plant Cassia Sophora L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49025]
m. |
a red kind of Plumbago L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49026]
m. |
the resin of the plant Shorea robusta L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49027]
m. |
the planet Saturn
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49028]
m. |
N. of śiva
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49029]
m. |
of rudra BhP. iii , 12 , 12
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49030]
m. |
of a son of hrada Hariv. 189
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49031]
m. |
of the prince kāla-yavana BhP. iii , 3 , 10
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49032]
m. |
of a brother of king prasena-jit Buddh.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49033]
m. |
of a future buddha
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49034]
m. |
of an author of mantras (= aśva-ghoṣa) Buddh.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49035]
m. |
of a nāga-rāja Buddh.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49036]
m. |
of a rakṣas R. vi , 69 , 12
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49037]
m. |
of an enemy of śiva L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49038]
m. |
of a mountain R. iv , 44 , 21 Ka1ran2d2.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49039]
m. |
of one of the nine treasures Jain.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49040]
m. |
a mystical N. of the letter m
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49042]
m. |
the fruit of the kālā g. harītaky-ādi
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49043]
m. |
N. of a śakti Hcat.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49044]
m. |
of a daughter of dakṣa (the mother of the kāleyas or kālakeyas , a family of asuras) MBh. i , 2520 Hariv.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49045]
m. |
N. of durgā L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49062]
n. |
a black kind of Agallochum L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49063]
n. |
a kind of perfume (kakkolaka) L.
(H1B) | kāla 1 [L=49064]
n. |
iron L.
(H1) | kālá 2 [p= 278,1] [L=49358]
m. |
( √3. kal , " to calculate or enumerate ") , [ifc. f(ā). RPra1t. ], a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time (in general) AV. xix , 53 & 54 S3Br. &c
[L=49359] |
the proper time or season for ( |
gen. dat. loc. , in comp. , inf. , or Pot. with yad e.g. kālaḥ prasthānasya or °nāya or °ne , time for departure ; kriyā-kāla , time for action Sus3r. ; nā*yaṃ kālo vilambitum , this is not the time to delay Nal. ; kālo yad bhuñjīta bhavān , it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 168 Ka1s3. ) S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=49360] |
occasion , circumstance |
MBh. xii , 2950 Mr2icch.
[L=49361] |
season |
R. &c
[L=49362] |
meal-time (twice a day , hence |
ubhau kālau , " in the morning and in the evening " MBh. i , 4623 ; ṣaṣṭhe kāle , " in the evening of the third day " MBh. ; ṣaṣṭhā*nna-kāla , " one who eats only at the sixth meal-time , i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day " Mn. xi , 200 ; or without anna e.g. caturtha-kālam , " at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day " Mn. xi , 109)
[L=49363] |
hour (hence |
ṣaṣṭhe kāle 'hnaḥ , " at the sixth hour of the day , i.e. at noon " Vikr. )
[L=49364] |
a period of time , time of the world ( |
= yuga) Ra1jat.
[L=49365] |
measure of time , prosody |
Pra1t. Pa1n2.
[L=49366] |
a section , part |
[L=49367] |
the end |
[L=49368] |
death by age |
[L=49369] |
time (as leading to events , the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man) , destiny , fate |
MBh. R. &c
[L=49370] |
time (as destroying all things) , death , time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of |
yama , regent of the dead , or even identified with him: hence kālam- √i or kālaṃ- √kṛ , " to die " MBh. &c ; kāla in this sense is frequently connected with antaka , mṛtyu e.g. abhy-adhāvata prajāḥ kāla ivā*ntakaḥ , " he attacked the people like Time the destroyer " R. iii , 7 , 9 ; cf. kālā*ntaka ; kāla personified is also a devarṣi in indra's court , and a son of dhruva MBh. i , 2585 Hariv. VP. )
[p= | 278,2] [L=49372]
m. |
nitya-k° , constantly , always Mn. ii , 58 and 73
[L=49373] |
m. |
dīrgha-k° , during a long time Mn. viii , 145
[L=49375] |
with |
gacchatā id. VP.
[L=49376] |
m. |
dīrgheṇa kālena , during a long time MBh.
[L=49377] |
after a long time |
R. i , 45 , 40
[L=49378] |
m. |
kālena mahatā or bahunā id.
[L=49380] |
m. |
kālasya dīrghasya or mahataḥ id. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=49381] |
m. |
kasya-cit kālasya , after some time MBh. i , 5299 Hariv.
[L=49383] |
m. |
kāle gacchati , in the course of time
[L=49384] |
m. |
kāle yāte , after some time
[L=49385] |
m. |
kāle kāle , always in time MBh. i , 1680 Ragh. iv , 6
[L=49386] |
m. |
([cf. κήρ ; Lat. calen-doe: Hib. ceal , " death and everything terrible. "])
(H2) | kāla [p= 1324,3] [L=327770]
1 (in |
(H2) | kāla [L=327780]
2 (add, |
kālena kālam, "from time to time", Divya7v. ; kāla-kāleṣu, "at every time, always", R. ) in comp.
Images and symbols: studies in religious symbolism - Page 65

| Mircea Eliade - 1991 - 189 pages - Preview
connected with the Sanskrit word kala, "time": Kali thus becomes not only "the Black", but also the personification of Time.3 But, etymology apart, the association between kala, "time", the goddess Kali and kali yuga is structurally ..
Encyclopedia of time - Page 319

| Samuel L. Macey - 1994 - 699 pages - Preview
... dharma (principle of motion), adharma (principle of rest), akasa (space or ether), and kala (time). The first five are called dstikaya, possessing bodies — time is described as "without a body. " Time is not only seen as atomic, ...
Interesting how many god-words are related to black:
1 akṛṣṇakarman (black)
2 agnisiṃha (black)
3 ajapārśva (black)
4 ajina (black)
5 añjana (black)
6 añjanakeśa (black)
7 añjyeta (black)
8 atijāgara (black)
9 adhakṛṣṇājinam (black)
10 adhorāma (black)
11 abhavyahaṃsa (black)
12 abhinīla (black)
13 aruṇā (black)
14 arokadat (black)
15 arokadanta (black)
16 ardhacakravartin (black)
17 ardhacakrin (black)
18 alagarda (black)
19 ali (black)
20 alin (black)
21 asita (black)
22 asitakeśānta (black)
23 asitagrīva (black)
24 asitajānu (black)
25 asitanayana (black)
26 asitapucchaka (black)
27 asitabhrū (black)
28 asitavartman (black)
29 asitāmburuha (black)
30 ahar (black)
31 ānīla (black)
32 ānīlī (black)
33 ālu (black)
34 āsura (black)
35 indrāyudha (black)
36 ukanāha (black)
37 udgāraśodhana (black)
38 ullāgha (black)
39 uṣaṇa (black)
40 ūṣaṇa (black)
41 eṇa (black)
42 aiṇa (black)
43 aiṇika (black)
44 aiṇeya (black)
45 auṣaṇaśauṇḍī (black)
46 kakṣyā (black)
47 kaṭucāturjātaka (black)
48 kaṭutraya (black)
49 kaṭukatraya (black)
50 kaṇṭhekāla (black)
51 kaphavirodhin (black)
52 kalmāṣa (black)
53 kaśyapa (black)
54 kākaṇa (black)
55 kākola (black)
56 kācatilaka (black)
57 kācamala (black)
58 kācalavaṇa (black)
59 kācasambhava (black)
60 kācasauvarcala (black)
61 kārṣṇa (black)
62 kārṣṇājina (black)
63 kārṣṇāyasa (black)
64 kārṣṇya (black)
65 kāla (black)
66 kālī (black)
67 kālakarṇikā (black)
68 kālajihva (black)
69 kālanetra (black)
70 kālapātrika (black)
71 kālapṛṣṭha (black)
72 kālamukha (black)
73 kālamegha (black)
74 kālalavaṇa (black)
75 kālalocana (black)
76 kālavadana (black)
77 kālavāla (black)
78 kālaśāli (black)
79 kālasarpa (black)
80 kālasāra (black)
81 kālāguru (black)
82 kālāñjana (black)
83 kālāṇḍaja (black)
84 kālodāyin (black)
85 kālaka (black)
86 kālikā (black)
87 kālakākṣa (black)
88 kāleya (black)
89 kiṅkira (black)
90 kuñcikā (black)
91 kuruvinda (black)
92 kulāha (black)
93 kṛṣṇa (black)
94 kṛṣṇakaṭukā (black)
95 kṛṣṇakaravira (black)
96 kṛṣṇakarkaṭaka (black)
97 kṛṣṇakarṇa (black)
98 kṛṣṇakarman (black)
99 kṛṣṇakāṣṭha (black)
100 kṛṣṇakeśa (black)
101 kṛṣṇagati (black)
102 kṛṣṇagarbhā (black)
103 kṛṣṇagala (black)
104 kṛṣṇagrīva (black)
105 kṛṣṇacchavi (black)
106 kṛṣṇajaṃhas (black)
107 kṛṣṇajīra (black)
108 kṛṣṇatāra (black)
109 kṛṣṇatārā (black)
110 kṛṣṇatila (black)
111 kṛṣṇatuṇḍa (black)
112 kṛṣṇatūṣa (black)
113 kṛṣṇatrivṛtā (black)
114 kṛṣṇadanta (black)
115 kṛṣṇadeha (black)
116 kṛṣṇadvaipāyana (black)
117 kṛṣṇadhānya (black)
118 kṛṣṇanayana (black)
119 kṛṣṇanetra (black)
120 kṛṣṇapadī (black)
121 kṛṣṇapavi (black)
122 kṛṣṇapāṃsu (black)
123 kṛṣṇapāka (black)
124 kṛṣṇapipīlī (black)
125 kṛṣṇapuccha (black)
126 kṛṣṇapuṣpa (black)
127 kṛṣṇaphala (black)
128 kṛṣṇabalakṣa (black)
129 kṛṣṇabīja (black)
130 kṛṣṇabhujaṃga (black)
131 kṛṣṇabhūma (black)
132 kṛṣṇabhūmijā (black)
133 kṛṣṇamaṇḍala (black)
134 kṛṣṇamatsya (black)
135 kṛṣṇamasūra (black)
136 kṛṣṇamārga (black)
137 kṛṣṇamārgaṇa (black)
138 kṛṣṇamukha (black)
139 kṛṣṇamūlī (black)
140 kṛṣṇamṛga (black)
141 kṛṣṇamṛttikā (black)
142 kṛṣṇamṛd (black)
143 kṛṣṇayajurveda (black)
144 kṛṣṇayajurvedīya (black)
145 kṛṣṇayāma (black)
146 kṛṣṇayoni (black)
147 kṛṣṇalalāma (black)
148 kṛṣṇalavaṇa (black)
149 kṛṣṇavaktra (black)
150 kṛṣṇavarṇa (black)
151 kṛṣṇavartani (black)
152 kṛṣṇavartman (black)
153 kṛṣṇavallī (black)
154 kṛṣṇavastra (black)
155 kṛṣṇavānara (black)
156 kṛṣṇavāla (black)
157 kṛṣṇavāsa (black)
158 kṛṣṇavāsas (black)
159 kṛṣṇaviṣāṇa (black)
160 kṛṣṇavyathis (black)
161 kṛṣṇavrīhi (black)
162 kṛṣṇaśapha (black)
163 kṛṣṇaśalkin (black)
164 kṛṣṇaśāli (black)
165 kṛṣṇaśilā (black)
166 kṛṣṇaśṛṅga (black)
167 kṛṣṇaṣaṣṭika (black)
168 kṛṣṇaṣaṣṭikā (black)
169 kṛṣṇasarṣapa (black)
170 kṛṣṇasāra (black)
171 kṛṣṇasāraṅga (black)
172 kṛṣṇasāraṅgī (black)
173 kṛṣṇasārivā (black)
174 kṛṣṇasīta (black)
175 kṛṣṇaskandha (black)
176 kṛṣṇākṣa (black)
177 kṛṣṇāgarukāṣṭha (black)
178 kṛṣṇāṅga (black)
179 kṛṣṇāṅghri (black)
180 kṛṣṇācala (black)
181 kṛṣṇājina (black)
182 kṛṣṇājinagrīva (black)
183 kṛṣṇājinin (black)
184 kṛṣṇāñji (black)
185 kṛṣṇādhvan (black)
186 kṛṣṇāyas (black)
187 kṛṣṇālpaka (black)
188 kṛṣṇāvadāta (black)
189 kṛṣṇaita (black)
190 kṛṣṇodara (black)
191 kṛṣṇodaraśiras (black)
192 kṛṣṇaka (black)
193 kṛṣṇikā (black)
194 kṛṣṇala (black)
195 kṛṣṇalā (black)
196 kṛṣṇalaka (black)
197 kṛṣṇiman (black)
198 kṛṣṇīas (black)
199 kṛṣṇīkṛ (black)
200 kṛṣṇībhū (black)
(H1) a-kṛṣṇa-karman [p= 2,3] [L=364] mfn. free from black deeds , guiltless L.
(H3) agní--siṃha [p= 6,1] [L=1126] m. N. of the father of the seventh black vāsudeva Jain.
(H3) ajá--pārśva [p= 9,2] [L=1972] m. " having black sides like a goat " , N. of śvetakarṇa's son rājīvalocana.
(H1) ajína [p= 10,2] [L=2139] n. (probably at first the skin of a goat , aja)
[L=2140] the hairy skin of an antelope , especially a black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat , covering &c )
[L=2141] the hairy skin of a tiger , &c m. N. of a descendant of pṛthu VP.
(H1B) ajína [L=2141.1] m. N. of a descendant of pṛthu VP.
(H2) añjana [p= 11,1] [L=2269] m. a kind of domestic lizard L.
[L=2270] N. of a fabulous , serpent
[L=2271] of a tree Pan5cat.
[L=2272] of a mountain , of a king of mithilā , of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter
(H2B) añjana [L=2275] n. act of applying an ointment or pigment , embellishing , &c , black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids
(H2B) añjana [L=2276] n. a special kind of this pigment , as lamp-black , Antimony , extract of Ammonium , Xanthorrhiza , &c
(H2B) añjana [L=2277] n. paint , especially as a cosmetic
(H2B) añjana [L=2278] n. magic ointment
(H2B) añjana [L=2279] n. ink L.
(H2B) añjana [L=2280] n. night L.
(H2B) añjana [L=2281] n. fire L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression , double entendre or pun , &c
(H3) añjana--keśa [L=2282] mf(ī)n. whose hair (or mane) is as black as pigment
(H3) añjy-etá [L=2317] mfn. black and white coloured TS.
(H3) áti--jāgara [p= 12,2] [L=2626] mfn. very wakeful
(H3B) áti--jāgara [L=2627] m. the black curlew.
(H3) adhá-kṛṣṇā* jinam [p= 20,1] [L=4030] ind. under the black skin Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) adhó-rāma [p= 20,2] [L=4097] m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body) VS. S3Br.
(H3) a-bhavya--haṃsa [p= 60,3] [L=11166] m. a swan as it ought not to be (i.e. with black wings) L.
(H1) abhi-nīla [p= 64,3] [L=11709] mfn. very black or dark.
(H1B) aruṇā [p= 88,2] [L=15435] f. the plants Betula , madder (Rubia Manjith) , Teori , a black kind of the same , Colocynth or bitter apple , the plant that yields the red and black berry used for the jewellers weight (called Retti) L.
(H3) a-roka--dat [p= 89,1] [L=15542] mfn. having black or discoloured teeth Pa1n2. 5-4 , 1 44.
(H3) a-roka--danta [L=15543] mfn. having black or discoloured teeth Pa1n2. 5-4 , 1 44.
(H3) ardhá--cakravartin [p= 92,1] [L=16143] m. " half a cakravartin " , N. of the nine black vāsudevas (of the jainas) L.
(H3) ardhá--cakrin [L=16144] m. " half a cakravartin " , N. of the nine black vāsudevas (of the jainas) L.
(H3) ala--gardá [p= 93,3] [L=16513] m. a water-serpent (the black variety of the Cobra de Capello , Coluber nāga) Suparn2. Sus3r.
(H3) ala--gardá [L=16516] a water-serpent L.
(H1) ala-gardá [p= 94,1] [L=16552] and °rdha » ala.
(H1) ali 1 [p= 95,1] [L=16707] m. (for alin , fr. ala q.v.) " possessed of a sting " , a (large black) bee Ragh. &c
[L=16708] a scorpion L.
[L=16709] a crow L.
[L=16710] the Indian cuckoo L.
[L=16711] spirituous liquor L.
(H1) ali 2 [L=16733] m. (in the apabhraṃśa dialect) for ari , enemy (pl. alayas for arayas) Pat.
[L=16733.1] also alávas is mentioned as a corrupt pronunciation for áryas S3Br.
(H2) alin [L=16729] m. " possessed of a sting " (ala q.v.) , a (large black) bee BhP. &c
[L=16730] a scorpion L.
[L=16731] the Scorpion (in the zodiac) VarBr2S.
(H1) á-sita 1 [p= 120,3] [L=20963] mfn. unbound TS. vii S3Br. xiv.
(H1) ásita 2 [L=20964] mf(ā ; Ved. ásiknī)n. (sita , " white " , appears to have been formed from this word , which is probably original , and not a compound of a and sita ; cf. asura and sura) , dark-coloured , black RV. &c
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20965] m. the planet Saturn VarBr2S.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20966] m. a poisonous animal (said to be a kind of mouse) L.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20967] m. N. of the lord of darkness and magic AV. S3Br. A1s3vS3r.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20968] m. of a descendant of kaśyapa (composer of RV. ix , 5-24), named also devala ([ RAnukr. ]) or asita devala ([ MBh. Hariv. ])
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20969] m. N. of a man (with the patron. vārṣagaṇa) S3Br. xiv
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20970] m. of a son of bharata R.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20971] m. of a ṛṣi Buddh.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20972] m. of a mountain MBh. iii , 8364 Katha1s.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20973] m. a black snake AV.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20974] m. a mantra (saving from snakes) MBh. i , 2188
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20976] m. the indigo plant L.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20977] m. N. of an apsaras MBh. i , 4819 Hariv. 12472
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20979] m. a girl attending in the women's apartments L.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20980] m. N. of a wife of dakṣa Hariv.
(H1B) ásita 2 [L=20981] m. N. of the river Akesines (afterwards called candra-bhāgā) in the Panjab RV. viii , 20 , 25 and (asiknī́) x , 75 , 5.
(H2) asita [p= 1318,2] [L=317030] 2 m. (also) the dark half of a lunar month, L.
[L=317030.1] a partic. intoxicating drink, L.
(H3) ásita--keśā* nta [p= 120,3] [L=20982] mfn. having black locks N.
(H3) ásita--grīva [L=20983] mfn. (ásita-) having a black neck VS. xxiii , 13 ( S3Br. xiii)
(H3B) ásita--grīva [L=20983.1] m. a peacock MBh. xii , 4363.
(H3) ásita--jānu [L=20984] mfn. having black knees A1pS3r.
(H3) ásita--nayana [L=20987] mfn. black-eyed.
(H3) ásita--pucchaka [L=20988] m. " having a black tail " , N. of an animal Car. (cf. kāla-pucchaka.)
(H3) ásita--bhrū [L=20989] mfn. having black eyelids.
(H3) ásita--vartman [L=20994] m. " having a black path (of smoke) " , agni Hcar.
(H3) asitā* mburuha [L=20998] m. the black lotus L.
(H1) áhar [p= 124,3] [L=21710] n. (the weak cases come fr. áhan q.v. , the middle ones fr. áhas [see below] or in RV. also fr. áhan , q.v.) a day RV. &c
[L=21711] a sacrificial or festival day , portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance AitBr. &c (often ifc. , as dvādaśā*há , &c » s.v. 2. áha)
[L=21712] day personified as one of the eight vasus MBh. i , 2582 seqq.
[L=21713] N. of an āṅgirasa , Ka1t2hAnukr.
[L=21714] of a tīrtha MBh. iii , 6070
[L=21715] (áhana) nom. du. day and night RV. AV. xiii , 2 ,3 (cf. áhaś ca kṛṣṇám áhar árjunam ca , " the black and the white day " i.e. night and day RV. vi , 9 , 1)
(H2) ahar [p= 1318,3] [L=317500] (in comp.)
(H1) ā-nīla [p= 140,3] [L=24543] mf(ā)n. darkish Ragh. Vikr.
[L=24544] slightly dark or blue
(H1B) ā-nīla [L=24545] m. a black horse L.
(H1B) ā-nīla [L=24547] m. tin L.
(H1B) ā-nīlī [L=24546] f. a black mare T.
(H1) ālu [p= 154,1] [L=26868] m. ( √ṛ Comm. on Un2. i , 5) ,an owl L.
[L=26869] ebony , black ebony L.
(H1B) ālu [L=26870] f. (us) a pitcher , a small water-jar L.
(H1B) ālu [L=26871] n. a raft , a float
(H1B) ālu [L=26872] n. an esculent root , Arum Campanulatum L.
(H1B) ālu [L=26873] n. (in modern dialects applied to the yam , potato &c )
(H1) āsurá 1 [p= 160,3] [L=28046] mf(ī)n. (fr. asura) , spiritual , divine RV. VS. AV.
[L=28047] belonging or devoted to evil spirits
[L=28048] belonging or relating to the asuras RV. AV. VS. Ka1tyS3r. Prab. Das3. &c
[L=28049] infernal , demoniacal
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28050] m. an asura or demon AV. AitBr. Pa1n2.
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28051] m. a form of marriage (in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her father and paternal kinsmen) A1s3vGr2. i , 6 , 6 Mn. iii , 31 (cf. vivāha)
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28052] m. pl. the stars of the southern hemisphere Su1ryas. &c
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28053] m. a prince of the warrior-tribe asura Pa1n2.
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28055] m. a division of medicine (surgery , curing by cutting with instruments , applying the actual cautery)
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28056] m. N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa L.
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28057] m. the urethra BhP.
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28058] n. blood
(H1B) āsurá 1 [L=28059] n. black salt L.
(H2) āsura 2 [L=28060] mfn. belonging to āsuri (below).
(H3) indrā* yudha [p= 167,1] [L=29176] n. " indra's weapon " , the rainbow MBh. VarBr2S. Ragh.
[L=29177] diamond L.
(H3B) indrā* yudha [L=29178] m. a horse marked with black about the eyes
(H1) ukanāha [p= 171,3] [L=30006] m. a horse of a red and yellow or red and black colour , a bay or chestnut horse L.
(H3) ud-gāra--śodhana [p= 187,1] [L=32780] m. black caraway Bhpr.
(H1) ul-lāgha [p= 219,2] [L=37605] mfn. (fr. √lāgh , " to be able " , with ud Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8- , 3 , 55) , recovered from sickness , convalescent
[L=37606] dexterous , clever L.
[L=37607] pure L.
[L=37608] wicked L.
[L=37609] happy , merry L.
(H1B) ul-lāgha [L=37610] m. black pepper L.
(H2) uṣaṇa [p= 220,1] [L=37701] n. black pepper
[L=37702] the root of Piper Longum
(H2) ūṣaṇa [p= 223,1] [L=38346] n. black pepper Sus3r.
(H1) eṇa [p= 231,2] [L=40003] mf(ī́). a species of deer or antelope (described as being of a black colour with beautiful eyes and short legs) AV. v , 14 , 11 VS. xxiv , 36 Mn. iii , 269 MBh. &c
(H1B) eṇa [L=40004] m. (in astron.) Capricorn.
(H1) aiṇa [p= 233,3] [L=40381] mf(ī)n. (fr. eṇa) , produced from or belonging to the male black antelope Ya1jn5. i , 258 Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-3 , 159.
(H2) aiṇika [L=40382] mfn. hunting black antelopes L.
(H2) aiṇeya [L=40385] mfn. (fr. eṇī) , produced or coming from the female black antelope Pa1n2. 4-3 , 159 A1s3vGr2. Sus3r. BhP. &c
[L=40386] (fr. aiṇeya) belonging to anything which is produced from the female black antelope Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-3 , 155
(H2B) aiṇeya [L=40387] m. the black antelope
(H2B) aiṇeya [L=40388] n. a kind of coitus.
(H3) auṣaṇa--śauṇḍī [p= 240,2] [L=41287] f. black pepper L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [p= 242,1] [L=41581] f. girth (of an animal) , girdle , zone RV. AV. viii , 4 , 6 ; xviii , 1 , 15 MBh. &c (cf. baddha-kakṣya)
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41582] f. the enclosure of an edifice (either the wall &c so enclosing it , or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure , the inner apartment of a palace) MBh. R. &c
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41583] f. the orbit of a planet A1ryabh.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41584] f. the scale of a balance Pat.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41585] f. an upper garment L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41586] f. similarity , equality L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41587] f. effort , exertion L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41588] f. a shrub yielding the black and red berry (that serves as a jeweller's weight) , the Retti or guñja , Abrus Precatorius L.
(H2B) kákṣyā [L=41589] f. pl. the fingers Nigh.
(H3) kaṭu--cāturjātaka [p= 244,1] [L=42076] n. an aggregate of four acid substances (cardamoms , the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia , and black pepper) L.
(H3) kaṭu--traya [L=42091] n. an aggregate of three pungent substances or spices (as ginger , black and long pepper) L.
(H3) káṭuka--traya [L=42138] n. an aggregate of three pungent substances (long and black pepper , and ginger) Sus3r.
(H3) kaṇṭhe-kāla [p= 246,1] [L=42529] m. " black on the neck " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) kapha--virodhin [p= 251,3] [L=43714] mfn. obstructing the phlegm
(H3B) kapha--virodhin [L=43715] n. black pepper L.
(H1) kalmā́ṣa [p= 263,1] [L=46231] mf(ī)n. ( Pa1n2. 4-1 , 40 g. gaurā*di Pa1n2. 4-1 , 41) variegated , spotted , speckled with black VS. TS. S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh.
[L=46232] black L.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46233] m. a variegated colour (partly black , partly white) L.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46234] m. a rakṣas L.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46235] m. a species of fragrant rice L.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46236] m. N. of a nāga MBh.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46237] m. a form of agni Hariv.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46238] m. N. of an attendant on the Sun (identified with yama) L.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46239] m. a kind of deer T.
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46240] m. N. of śākya-muni in a former birth
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46242] m. N. of a river (the yamunā) MBh. i , 6360
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [p= 263,2] [L=46243] n. a stain S3Br. vi , 3 , 1 , 31
(H1B) kalmā́ṣa [L=46244] n. N. of a sāman.
(H1) kaśyápa [p= 265,2] [L=46701] mfn. (fr. kaśya 2. pa) having black teeth Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. x , 2 , 35
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46702] m. a tortoise (kacchapa) VS. xxiv , 37 AitBr. S3Br.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46703] m. a sort of fish W.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46704] m. a kind of deer (cf. kāśyapa) L.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46705] m. a class of divine beings associated with prajāpati AV. TS. VS.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46706] m. pl. a class of semidivine genii connected with or regulating the course of the sun AV. xiii , 1 , 23 TA1r. i , 8 Pa1rGr2. ii , 9 , 13
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46707] m. N. of a mythical ṛṣi AitBr. S3Br.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46708] m. of an ancient sage VS. AV. &c , (a descendant of marīci and author of several hymns of the ṛg-veda RV. AV. S3Br. ; he was husband of aditi and twelve other daughters of dakṣa MBh. i , 2598 Mn. ix , 129 ; by aditi he was father of the ādityas [cf. kāśyapeya] TS. S3Br. ; and of vivasvat R. ; and of viṣṇu in his vāmana avatāra R. BhP. VP. ; by his other twelve wives he was father of demons , nāgas , reptiles , birds , and all kinds of living things ; from the prominent part ascribed to him in creation he is sometimes called prajā-pati ; he is one of the seven great ṛṣis and priest of paraśu-rāma and rāma-candra ; he is supposed by some to be a personification of races inhabiting the Caucasus , the Caspian , Kasmir , &c )
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46709] m. a patronymic from kaśyapa S3Br.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46710] m. the author of a dharmaśāstra called kaśyahollarasaṃhitā ; the constellation Cancer (cf. Pers. kashaf) VP.
(H1B) kaśyápa [L=46711] m. pl. the descendants of kaśyapa AitBr. A1s3vS3r.
(H2) kākaṇa [p= 267,2] [L=47134] n. (g. gaurā*di Pa1n2. 4-1 , 41) a kind of leprosy with black and red spots (so called from its similarity to the black and red seed of the plant Abrus precatorius)
[L=47135] a small coin (= kākaṇi) L.
(H1) kākola [p= 268,1] [L=47233] m. a raven Mn. v , 14 Ya1jn5. i , 174 &c (cf. kāka and kākāla)
[L=47234] a boar L.
[L=47235] a snake L.
[L=47236] a potter (cf. kulāla) L.
[L=47237] the plant kākolī L.
(H1B) kākola [L=47238] mn. a kind of poison L.
(H1B) kākola [L=47239] mn. a poisonous substance of a black colour or the colour of a raven (perhaps the berry of the Cocculus indicus) W.
(H1B) kākola [L=47240] n. a division of hell Ya1jn5. iii , 223.
(H3) kācá--tilaka [p= 268,2] [L=47304] n. black salt L.
(H3) kācá--mala [L=47308] n. the impurity secreted by the eye in the disease kāca
[L=47309] black salt or soda L.
(H3) kācá--lavaṇa [L=47313] n. black salt (a medicinal salt prepared by calcining fossil salt and the fruit of the Emblic myrobalan together ; it consists chiefly of muriate of soda with a small quantity of iron , lime , and sulphur , and is a tonic aperient W. ) L.
(H3) kācá--sambhava [L=47315] n. " produced from alkaline ashes " , black salt L.
(H3) kācá--sauvarcala [L=47316] n. black salt L.
(H1) kā́rṣṇa [p= 276,3] [L=48990] mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛṣṇá) , coming from or belonging to the black antelope , made of the skin of the black antelope TS. v , 4 , 4 , 4 La1t2y. Mn. ii , 41
[L=48991] belonging to the dark half of a month
[L=48992] belonging to the god kṛṣṇa or to kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana or composed by him &c (e.g. kārṣṇaveda i.e. the mahā-bhārata MBh. i , 261 & 2300) Ragh. xv , 24
[L=48993] belonging to a descendant of kṛṣṇa g. kaṇvā*di
(H1B) kā́rṣṇa [L=48995] n. the skin of the black antelope AV. xi , 5 , 6
(H1B) kā́rṣṇa [L=48996] n. N. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
(H2) kārṣṇā* jina [L=48999] mfn. (fr. kriṣṇā*jiná) , made from the skin of the black antelope A1pS3r. xv , 5.
(H2) kārṣṇā* yasa [p= 277,1] [L=49004] mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛṣṇā*yas) , made of black iron ChUp. vi , 1 , 6 Mn. xi , 133 MBh. &c
(H2B) kārṣṇā* yasa [L=49005] n. iron Mn. x , 52 R. i , 38 , 20.
(H2) kārṣṇya [L=49010] m. a son or descendant of kṛṣṇa g. gargā*di
(H2B) kārṣṇya [L=49011] n. ( g. dṛḍhā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) blackness , black colour , darkness MBh. i , 4236 Sus3r. Ra1jat.
(H2B) kārṣṇya [L=49012] n. iron filings L.
(H1) kāla 1 [L=49019] mf(ī Pa1n2. 4-1 , 42)n. (fr. √3. kal?) , black , of a dark colour , dark-blue MBh. R. &c
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49020] m. a black or dark-blue colour L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49021] m. the black part of the eye Sus3r.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49022] m. the Indian cuckoo L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49023] m. the poisonous serpent Coluber nāga (= kālasarpa) Vet.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49024] m. the plant Cassia Sophora L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49025] m. a red kind of Plumbago L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49026] m. the resin of the plant Shorea robusta L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49027] m. the planet Saturn
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49028] m. N. of śiva
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49029] m. of rudra BhP. iii , 12 , 12
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49030] m. of a son of hrada Hariv. 189
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49031] m. of the prince kāla-yavana BhP. iii , 3 , 10
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49032] m. of a brother of king prasena-jit Buddh.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49033] m. of a future buddha
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49034] m. of an author of mantras (= aśva-ghoṣa) Buddh.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49035] m. of a nāga-rāja Buddh.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49036] m. of a rakṣas R. vi , 69 , 12
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49037] m. of an enemy of śiva L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49038] m. of a mountain R. iv , 44 , 21 Ka1ran2d2.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49039] m. of one of the nine treasures Jain.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49040] m. a mystical N. of the letter m
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49042] m. the fruit of the kālā g. harītaky-ādi
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49043] m. N. of a śakti Hcat.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49044] m. of a daughter of dakṣa (the mother of the kāleyas or kālakeyas , a family of asuras) MBh. i , 2520 Hariv.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49045] m. N. of durgā L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49062] n. a black kind of Agallochum L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49063] n. a kind of perfume (kakkolaka) L.
(H1B) kāla 1 [L=49064] n. iron L.
(H1) kālá 2 [p= 278,1] [L=49358] m. ( √3. kal , " to calculate or enumerate ") , [ifc. f(ā). RPra1t. ], a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time (in general) AV. xix , 53 & 54 S3Br. &c
[L=49359] the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc. , in comp. , inf. , or Pot. with yad e.g. kālaḥ prasthānasya or °nāya or °ne , time for departure ; kriyā-kāla , time for action Sus3r. ; nā*yaṃ kālo vilambitum , this is not the time to delay Nal. ; kālo yad bhuñjīta bhavān , it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 168 Ka1s3. ) S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=49360] occasion , circumstance MBh. xii , 2950 Mr2icch.
[L=49361] season R. &c
[L=49362] meal-time (twice a day , hence ubhau kālau , " in the morning and in the evening " MBh. i , 4623 ; ṣaṣṭhe kāle , " in the evening of the third day " MBh. ; ṣaṣṭhā*nna-kāla , " one who eats only at the sixth meal-time , i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day " Mn. xi , 200 ; or without anna e.g. caturtha-kālam , " at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day " Mn. xi , 109)
[L=49363] hour (hence ṣaṣṭhe kāle 'hnaḥ , " at the sixth hour of the day , i.e. at noon " Vikr. )
[L=49364] a period of time , time of the world (= yuga) Ra1jat.
[L=49365] measure of time , prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2.
[L=49366] a section , part VPra1t.
[L=49367] the end ChUp.
[L=49368] death by age Sus3r.
[L=49369] time (as leading to events , the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man) , destiny , fate MBh. R. &c
[L=49370] time (as destroying all things) , death , time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of yama , regent of the dead , or even identified with him: hence kālam- √i or kālaṃ- √kṛ , " to die " MBh. &c ; kāla in this sense is frequently connected with antaka , mṛtyu e.g. abhy-adhāvata prajāḥ kāla ivā*ntakaḥ , " he attacked the people like Time the destroyer " R. iii , 7 , 9 ; cf. kālā*ntaka ; kāla personified is also a devarṣi in indra's court , and a son of dhruva MBh. i , 2585 Hariv. VP. )
[p= 278,2] [L=49372] m. nitya-k° , constantly , always Mn. ii , 58 and 73
[L=49373] m. dīrgha-k° , during a long time Mn. viii , 145
[L=49375] with gacchatā id. VP.
[L=49376] m. dīrgheṇa kālena , during a long time MBh.
[L=49377] after a long time R. i , 45 , 40
[L=49378] m. kālena mahatā or bahunā id.
[L=49380] m. kālasya dīrghasya or mahataḥ id. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=49381] m. kasya-cit kālasya , after some time MBh. i , 5299 Hariv.
[L=49383] m. kāle gacchati , in the course of time
[L=49384] m. kāle yāte , after some time
[L=49385] m. kāle kāle , always in time MBh. i , 1680 Ragh. iv , 6
[L=49386] m. ([cf. κήρ ; Lat. calen-doe: Hib. ceal , " death and everything terrible. "])
(H2) kāla [p= 1324,3] [L=327770] 1 (in comp.)
(H2) kāla [L=327780] 2 (add, kālena kālam, "from time to time", Divya7v. ; kāla-kāleṣu, "at every time, always", R. ) in comp.
(H1B) kālī 1 [p= 277,1] [L=49046] f. black colour , ink or blacking L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49047] f. abuse , censure , defamation L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49048] f. a row or succession of black clouds L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49049] f. night L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49050] f. a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= kṣīra-kīṭa or kṣāra-kīṭa) L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49051] f. the plant kālā*ñjanī L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49052] f. Ipomoea Turpethum L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49053] f. a kind of clay L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49054] f. Bignonia suaveolens L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49055] f. one of the seven tongues or flames of fire Mun2d2Up. i , 2 , 4
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49056] f. a form of durgā MBh. iv , 195 Hariv. Kum.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49057] f. one of the mātṛs or divine mothers L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49058] f. N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the kālakeyas) Hariv. 11552
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49059] f. one of the sixteen vidyā-devīs L.
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49060] f. N. of satyavatī , wife of king śāntanu and mother of vyāsa or kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana (after her marriage she had a son vicitra-vīrya , whose widows were married by kṛṣṇa-dvaipāyana , and bore to him dhṛta-rāṣṭra and pāṇḍu MBh. Hariv. ; according to other legends kālī is the wife of bhīmasena and mother of sarvagata BhP. )
(H1B) kālī 1 [L=49061] f. (with or without gaṅgā) N. of a river
(H2) kālī [p= 278,1] [L=49322] (f. of 1. kāla q.v.)
(H1) kālī [p= 279,3] [L=49705] » [p= 278,1].
(H2) kālī [p= 1324,3] [L=327810] (in comp.)
(H3) kāla--karṇikā [p= 277,1] [L=49082] f. misfortune (predicted as the consequence of having black ears) L.
(H3) kāla--jihva [p= 277,2] [L=49110] m. " having a black tongue " , N. of a yakṣa Katha1s. lxx , 35. -1.
(H3) kāla--netra [L=49123] mf(ā)n. black-eyed Kaus3. 106.
(H3) kāla--pātrika [L=49128] m. a kind of mendicant whose alms-dish is painted black Buddh.
(H3) kāla--pṛṣṭha [L=49136] m. " having a black back " , a species of antelope L.
[L=49137] a heron L.
[L=49138] a bow L.
[L=49139] karṇa's bow L.
(H3) kāla--mukha [L=49154] mfn. black-faced , dark-faced Pat.
(H3B) kāla--mukha [L=49155] m. a kind of monkey MBh. iii , 16613 R.
(H3B) kāla--mukha [L=49156] m. N. of a fabulous people MBh. ii , 1171 R.
(H3) kāla--megha [L=49160] m. a black cloud R. Ka1d.
[L=49161] N. of an elephant Katha1s.
(H3) kāla--lavaṇa [L=49174] n. a kind of black factitious and purgative salt (commonly called viḍ-lavaṇa) L.
(H3) kāla--locana [L=49175] m. " black-eyed " , N. of a daitya Hariv. 12941.
(H3) kāla--vadana [L=49178] m. " black-faced " , N. of a daitya Hariv. 14291
[L=49179] (v.l. śāla-v° ib. 2288.)
(H3) kāla--vāla [L=49181] n. a kind of black earth Npr. (cf. -pālaka.)
(H3) kāla-śāli [L=49194] m. a black kind of rice L.
(H3) kāla--sarpa [L=49197] m. the black and most venomous variety of the Cobra , Coluber nāga Gi1t. x , 12 Vet.
(H3) kāla--sāra [L=49198] mfn. having a black centre or pupil Naish. vi , 19
(H3B) kāla--sāra [L=49199] m. the black antelope ib.
(H3B) kāla--sāra [L=49200] m. a sort of sandalwood Bhpr.
(H3B) kāla--sāra [L=49201] m. N. of a Prakrit poet.
(H3) kālā* guru [p= 277,3] [L=49213] m. (n. L. ) a kind of black aloe wood or Agallochum MBh. R. &c
(H3) kālā* ñjana [L=49217] n. a black unguent Kum. vii , 20
(H3) kālā* ṇḍaja [L=49219] m. " the black bird " , Indian cuckoo Das3.
(H3) kālo* dāyin [L=49241] m. " the black udāyin " , N. of a pupil of śākya-muni Buddh.
(H3) kālo* dāyin [p= 279,3] [L=49719] » 1. kāla.
(H2) kālaka 1 [p= 277,3] [L=49242] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 5-4 , 33) dark-blue , black Lalit.
[L=49243] freckled (? or " dark " , as with anger) Pat.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49244] m. a freckle (? " black colour ") Pat.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49245] m. the black part of the eye Sus3r.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49246] m. a water-snake L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49247] m. a kind of grain Sus3r.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49248] m. (in alg.) the second unknown quantity , Bi1jag.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49249] m. N. of a rakṣas R. iii , 29 , 30
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49250] m. of an asura Hariv.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49251] m. pl. N. of a people VarBr2S.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49252] m. of a dynasty VP.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49254] m. (g. sthūlā*di) N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the kālakeyas ; daughter of dakṣa R. ; also of vaiśvānara Hariv. & BhP. ) MBh. &c
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49256] m. ink or blacking L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49257] m. a dark spot , rust VarBr2S.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49258] m. a fault or flaw in gold L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49259] m. change of complexion L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49260] m. the liver Comm. on Ya1jn5.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49261] m. a particular blood-vessel in the ear Sus3r.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49262] m. the line of hair extending from the pudenda to the navel L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49263] m. a multitude of clouds R. ii Ragh. xi , 15
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49264] m. snow L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49265] m. fog L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49266] m. the female of the bird aṅgāraka Pat.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49267] m. a female crow L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49268] m. the female of the bird Turdus macrourus (commonly śyāmā) L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49269] m. a scorpion L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49270] m. a small worm or animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49271] m. N. of several plants (vṛścika-pattra , Valeriana jaṭāmāṃsī , a kind of Terminalia , a branch of Trichosanthes dioeca) L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49272] m. a kind of fragrant earth L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49273] m. a N. or form of durgā L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49274] m. a girl of four years old who personates the goddess durgā at a festival held in honour of that deity L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49275] m. a kind of female genius MBh. ii , 457 Hariv. 9532
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49276] m. one of the mothers in skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2632
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49277] m. N. of a vidyādharī Katha1s. cviii , 177
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49278] m. of a kiṃnarī L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49279] m. of a yoginī L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49280] m. of an attendant of the fourth arhat Jain.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49281] m. of a river MBh. iii , 8534
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49282] n. a worm-hole (in wood) VarBr2S.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49283] n. the liver L.
(H2B) kālaka 1 [L=49284] n. N. of a pot-herb Bhpr.
(H2) kālaka 2 [p= 279,1] [L=49598] mf(ikā)n. to be paid monthly (as interest , vṛddhi).
(H2B) kālikā 1 [p= 277,3] [L=49255] f. blackness or black colour L.
(H2) kālikā 1 [L=49300] (f. of 1. kālaka q.v.)
(H2) kālikā [p= 279,2] [L=49658] » [p= 277,3].
(H3) kālakā* kṣa [p= 277,3] [L=49288] m. " black-eyed " , N. of an asura Hariv. 14289
[L=49289] of an attendant in skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2571.
(H2) kāleya 1 [p= 278,1] [L=49348] n. (fr. 1. kāla) , the liver L.
[L=49349] a yellow fragrant wood Kum. vii , 9
[L=49350] saffron L.
(H2) kāleya 2 [L=49351] n. (metron. fr. kālā) , N. of a nāga (= kāliya) L.
(H2B) kāleya 2 [L=49352] m. pl. N. of a family of daityas MBh. iii BhP.
(H1) kāleya 3 [p= 279,3] [L=49713] n. (fr. 1. kalí [see s.v. káli] Pa1n2. 4-2 , 8), the sāman of kali S3a1n3khS3r. A1rshBr. La1t2y.
(H1B) kāleya 3 [L=49714] m. pl. N. of a school of the black yajur-veda
(H1B) kāleya 3 [L=49715] mfn. belonging to kali or the kali age , &c Pa1n2. 4-2 , 8 Pat.
(H1) kiṅkira [p= 282,1] [L=50213] m. a horse L.
[L=50214] the Indian cuckoo (Kokila or Koil) L.
[L=50215] a large black bee L.
[L=50216] the god of love L.
(H1B) kiṅkira [L=50218] n. the frontal sinus of an elephant L.
(H2) kuñcikā [p= 287,3] [L=51456] f. a key Bhartr2. Prasannar.
[L=51457] N. of a fish (= kucika q.v.) L.
[L=51458] a plant bearing a red and black seed used as a weight (Abrus precatorius) L.
[L=51459] fennel-flower seed (Nigella indica) Car.
[p= 288,1] [L=51460] a reed (Trigonella foenum graecum) L. the branch or shoot of a bamboo L.
[L=51461] a bawd Gal.
[L=51462] " key " , N. of a commentary on the mañjūṣā (cf. keli-k°.)
(H1) kuruvinda [p= 294,2] [L=52779] m. a kind of barley Sus3r. Comm. on S3is3. ix , 8
[L=52780] a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus) L.
[L=52781] the plant Terminalia Catappa L.
[L=52782] the bud of a flower L.
[L=52783] = kulmāṣa (cf. kuru-bilvaka) L.
(H1B) kuruvinda [L=52784] mn. a ruby Sus3r. Das3. S3is3. ix , 8
(H1B) kuruvinda [L=52785] n. black salt L.
(H1B) kuruvinda [L=52786] n. cinnabar L.
(H1) kulāha [p= 296,1] [L=53145] m. a horse of a light-brown colour with black knees L.
(H1) kṛṣṇá 1 [p= 306,2] [L=55142] mf(ā́)n. black , dark , dark-blue (opposed to śvetá , śuklá , róhita , and aruṇá) RV. AV. &c
[L=55143] wicked , evil Vop. vii , 82
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55144] m. (with or without pakṣa) the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon Mn. Ya1jn5. Bhag. Sus3r.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55145] m. the fourth or kali-yuga L.
(H1B) kṛ́ṣṇa 1 [L=55146] m. black (the colour) or dark-blue (which is often confounded with black by the Hindus) L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55147] m. the antelope RV. x , 94 , 5 VS. TS. S3Br. BhP.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55148] m. a kind of animal feeding on carrion AV. xi , 2 , 2 (kṛṣṇá)
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55149] m. the Indian cuckoo or Kokila (cf. R. ii , 52 , 2) L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55150] m. a crow L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55151] m. Carissa Carandas L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55152] m. N. of one of the poets of the RV. (descended from aṅgiras) RV. viii , 85 , 3 and 4 S3a1n3khBr. xxx , 9
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55153] m. (a son of devakī and pupil of ghora āṅgirasa) ChUp. iii , 17 , 6
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [p= 306,3] [p= 306,2] [L=55154] m. N. of a celebrated Avatar of the god viṣṇu , or sometimes identified with viṣṇu himself ([ MBh. v , 2563 ; xiv , 1589 ff. Hariv. 2359 &c ]) as distinct from his ten Avatars or incarnations (in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher [ MBh. Bhag. ] ; in the more recent he is deified , and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand ; the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in Hariv. 3304 ff. and in the purāṇas &c : vasu-deva , who was a descendant of yadu and yayāti , had two wives , rohiṇī and devakī ; the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was kṛṣṇa ; kaṃsa , king of mathurā and cousin of devakī , was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him ; he therefore kept vasu-deva and his wife in confinement , and slew their first six children ; the seventh was balarāma who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of devakī and transferred to that of rohiṇī ; the eighth was kṛṣṇa who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast ; his father vasu-deva managed to escape from mathurā with the child , and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named nanda whose wife yaśo-dā had just been delivered of a son which vasu-deva conveyed to devakī after substituting his own in its place. nanda with his wife yaśo-dā took the infant kṛṣṇa and settled first in gokula or vraja , and afterwards in vṛndāvana , where kṛṣṇa and bala-rāma grew up together , roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons ; kṛṣṇa as a youth contested the sovereignty of indra , and was victorious over that god , who descended from heaven to praise kṛṣṇa , and made him lord over the cattle [ Hariv. 3787 ff. ; 7456 ff. VP. ] ; kṛṣṇa is described as sporting constantly with the gopīs or shepherdesses [ Hariv. 4078 ff. ; 8301 ff. VP. Gi1t. ] of whom a thousand became his wives , though only eight are specified , rādhā being the favourite [ Hariv. 6694 ff. ; 9177 ff. VP. ] ; kṛṣṇa built and fortified a city called dvārakā in Gujarat , and thither transported the inhabitants of mathurā after killing kaṃsa ; kṛṣṇa had various wives besides the gopīs , and by rukmiṇī had a son pradyumna who is usually identified with kāma-deva ; with Jains , kṛṣṇa is one of the nine black vasu-devas ; with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons , who are the enemies of buddha and the white demons)
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55155] m. N. of an attendant in skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2559
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55156] m. of an asura Hariv. 12936 Sa1y. on RV. i , 101 , 1
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55157] m. of a king of the nāgas MBh. ii , 360 DivyA7v. ii
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55158] m. of arjuna (the most renowned of the pāṇḍu princes , so named apparently from his colour as a child) MBh. iv , 1389
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55159] m. of vyāsa MBh. Hariv. 11089
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55160] m. of hārita » -hārita
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55161] m. of a son of śuka by pīvarī (teacher of the yoga) Hariv. 980 ff.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55162] m. of a pupil of bharad-vāja Katha1s. vii , 15
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55163] m. of havir-dhāna Hariv. 83 VP. BhP. iv , 24 , 8
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55164] m. of a son of arjuna Hariv. 1892
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55165] m. of an adopted son of a-samañjas , 2039
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55166] m. of a chief of the andhras VP.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55167] m. of the author of a Comm. on the MBh.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55168] m. of a poet
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55169] m. of the author of a Comm. on the dayā-bhāga
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55170] m. of the son of keśavā*rka and grandson of jayā*ditya
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55171] m. of the father of tāna-bhaṭṭa and uncle of raṅga-nātha
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55172] m. of the father of dāmo*dara and uncle of malhaṇa
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55173] m. of the father of prabhūjīka and uncle of vidyā-dhara
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55174] m. of the father of madana
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55175] m. of the grammarian rāma-candra
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55176] m. of the son of vāruṇe*ndra and father of lakṣmaṇa
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55177] m. of the father of hīra-bhaṭṭa (author of the Comm. called carakabhāṣya , and of the work sāhitya-sudhā-samudra)
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55178] m. N. of a hell VP.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55180] m. pl. N. of the śūdras in śālmala-dvīpa VP.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55192] n. blackness , darkness , i , 123 , 1 and 9
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55193] m. the black part of the eye S3Br. x , xii , xiii , xiv Sus3r.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55194] m. the black spots in the moon TBr. i , 2 , 1 , 2
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55195] m. a kind of demon or spirit of darkness RV. iv , 16 , 13
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55196] m. black pepper L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55197] m. black Agallochum L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55198] m. iron L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55199] m. lead L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55200] m. antimony L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55201] m. blue vitriol L.
(H1B) kṛṣṇá 1 [L=55202] m. ([cf. kā́rṣṇa , &c ; cf. also Russ. c8ernyi , " black. "])
(H2) kṛṣṇa 2 [p= 308,1] [L=55540] Nom. P. °ṣṇati , to behave or act like kṛṣṇa Vop. xxi , 7.
(H2) kṛṣṇa [p= 1325,2] [L=328670] (in comp.)
(H3) kṛṣṇá--kaṭukā [p= 306,3] [L=55203] f. black Helleborus Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--karavira [L=55205] m. a black variety of Oleander L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--karkaṭaka [L=55206] m. a kind of black crab Sus3r.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--kárṇa [L=55207] mf(ī)n. (g. suvāstv-ādi) black-eared AV. v , 17 , 15 MaitrS. ii , 5 , 7
(H3) kṛṣṇá--karman [L=55210] n. " making black " , a peculiar manner of cauterising Sus3r.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--karman [L=55211] mfn. doing wrong , criminal L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--kāṣṭha [L=55216] n. a black variety of Agallochum L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--keśa [L=55221] m. black-haired A1pS3r. v , 1 , 1 Sch.
[L=55222] N. of an attendant in skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2563.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--gati [L=55227] m. " whose way is black " , fire MBh. xiii , 4071 Ragh. vi , 42.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--garbhā [p= 307,1] [L=55230] f. pl. the waters contained in the black cavities of the clouds [Comm. on Nir. iv , 24 ; " the pregnant wives of the asura kṛṣṇa " Sa1y. ] RV. i , 101 , 1.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--gala [L=55231] m. " having a black throat " , a kind of bird Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--grīva [L=55236] (kṛṣṇá-) mf(ī́)n. black-necked VS. TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br. xiii Hariv. 9874.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--cchavi [L=55248] f. the skin of the black antelope [" a black cloud " Comm.] MBh. iv , 6 , 9.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--jaṃhas [L=55250] (kṛṣṇá-) mfn. black-winged [" having a black path " Sa1y. and Gmn. ] RV. i , 141 , 7.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--jīra [L=55256] m. Nigella indica (having a small black seed used for medical and culinary purposes) Bhpr.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--tāra [L=55267] m. " black-eyed " , an antelope L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--tārā [L=55268] f. the black of the eye Tarkas.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--tila [L=55270] m. ( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 3 Ka1s3. ) black sesamum Sus3r.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--tuṇḍa [L=55274] m. " black-beaked " , a kind of poisonous insect Sus3r.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--tūṣa [L=55275] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having a black seam or selvage TS.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--trivṛtā [L=55276] f. a kind of Ipomoea (black Teri) L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--danta [L=55280] mfn. having black teeth Pa1rGr2. i , 12 , 4
(H3) kṛṣṇá--deha [L=55292] m. " black-bodied " , a large black bee L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--dvaipāyana [L=55296] m. " black islander " , N. of vyāsa (compiler of the MBh. and of the purāṇas ; so named because of his dark complexion and because he was brought forth by satyavatī on a dvīpa or island in the Ganges) MBh. Hariv. Ba1dar. iii , 3 , 32 Sch. VP.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--dhānya [L=55299] n. a black variety of barley A1p.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--nayana [L=55303] mfn. black-eyed MBh.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--netra [L=55304] m. " black-eyed " , N. of śiva MBh. xiv , 8 , 21.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--padī [p= 307,2] [L=55311] f. a female with black feet g. kumbhapady-ādi.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--pavi [L=55313] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having black tires (said of agni) RV. vii , 8 , 2.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--pāṃsu [L=55314] mfn. having black earth Gobh. iv , 7 , 2.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--pāka [L=55315] m. Carissa Carandas (bearing a small fruit which , when ripe , is of a black colour ; commonly Karinda or Karonda) L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--pipīlī [L=55324] f. a kind of black ant L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--puccha [L=55326] m. " black-tailed " , the fish Rohita Bhpr.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--puṣpa [L=55329] m. " black-blossomed " = -dhattūra L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--phala [L=55333] m. " having a black fruit " , = -pāka L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--balakṣa [L=55338] mfn. black and white La1t2y. viii , 6 , 15 Ka1tyS3r. xxii.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--bīja [L=55339] m. " having a black seed " , a Moringa with red blossoms L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--bīja [L=55340] n. a water-melon L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--bhujaṃga [L=55352] m. " black snake " , Coluber nāga.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--bhūma [L=55354] m. ( Pa1n2. 5-4 , 75 Ka1s3. ) soil or ground with black earth Comm. on Ya1jn5. ii , 6.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--bhūmi-jā [L=55356] f. " growing in a black soil " , a species of grass L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--maṇḍala [L=55359] n. the black part of the eye Sus3r.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--matsya [L=55360] m. " black-fish " , N. of a fish Sus3r.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--masūra [L=55362] m. a black kind of lentil Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mārga [L=55363] mfn. (fr. mṛga) , coming from the black antelope Hcat.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mārgaṇa [L=55364] n. the skin of the black antelope ib.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mukha [L=55369] mf(ī)n. having a black mouth Sus3r.
[L=55370] having black nipples ib.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--mukha [L=55371] m. N. of an asura Hariv. 12936
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--mukha [L=55372] m. pl. N. of a sect , Buddh.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mūlī [L=55375] f. " having a black root " , a variety of the sārivā plant L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mṛga [L=55376] m. the black antelope MBh. iii , 1961 R. S3ak.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--mṛttikā [L=55378] f. black earth Bhpr.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--mṛttikā [L=55379] f. N. of a grāma W.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--mṛd [L=55380] f. black soil or earth L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--yajur-veda [L=55382] m. the black yajurveda
(H3) kṛṣṇá--° yajurvedīya [L=55383] mfn. belonging to the black yajur-veda.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--yāma [L=55384] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having a black path (said of agni) RV. vi , 6 , 1.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--yoni [L=55387] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having a black pudendum muliebre RV. ii , 20 , 7.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--lalāma [L=55394] mfn. having a black spot Ka1t2h. xiii , 5.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--lavaṇa [L=55395] n. black salt L.
[p= 307,3] [L=55396] a factitious salt (either that prepared by evaporation from saline soil , or the medicinal kind [= viḍ-lavaṇa] , a muriate of soda with a portion of sulphur and iron) L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vaktra [L=55401] mfn. having a black mouth (as an ape) L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--varṇa [L=55402] mfn. of a black colour , dark-blue L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vartani [L=55404] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having a black path (said of agni) RV. viii , 23 , 19 AV. i , 28 , 2.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vartman [L=55405] m. " whose way is black " , fire Mn. ii , 94 MBh. R. Ragh. xi , 42
[L=55406] the marking-nut plant (Plumbago Zeylanica) L.
[L=55407] N. of rāhu L.
[L=55408] a man of evil conduct , low man , outcast , black-guard L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vallī [L=55410] f. = -mallikā L.
[L=55411] a black variety of sārivā L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vastra [L=55412] mfn. wearing black clothes Gobh. iii , 2 , 13.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vānara [L=55413] m. a black kind of monkey L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vāla [L=55414] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. black-tailed MaitrS. iii , 7 , 4 (= Kapisht2h. ) MBh. i , 20 , 5.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vāsa [L=55415] mfn. wearing black clothes (said of śiva) MBh. xiii , 14 , 289.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vāsas [L=55416] mfn. wearing black clothes R. ii , 69 , 14.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--viṣāṇa [L=55419] n. the horns of a black antelope (whose inner sides are covered with dark hair) La1t2y. ix , 1 , 23
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vyathis [L=55431] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. one whose path is black (said of agni) RV. ii , 4 , 7.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--vrīhi [L=55433] m. a black sort of rice Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r. (cf. S3Br. v , 3 , 1 , 13.)
(H3) kṛṣṇá--śapha [L=55437] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. having black hoofs MaitrS. iii , 7 , 4 (= Kapisht2h. )
(H3) kṛṣṇá--śalkin [L=55440] m. " black-twigged " , Cyprinus Rohita Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--śāli [L=55441] m. a black sort of rice L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--śilā [L=55446] f. pl. " the black stones " , N. of a place GopBr. i , 2 , 7.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--śṛṅga [L=55447] m. a buffalo with black horns L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--ṣaṣṭika [L=55449] m. a black sort of rice Sa1mavBr.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--ṣaṣṭikā [L=55450] f. a black sort of rice Sa1mavBr.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--sarṣapa [L=55457] m. black mustard L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55458] mf(ī)n. chiefly black , black and white (as the eye) , spotted black Nal. R. Vikr. Hcat. &c
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55459] m. (with or without mṛga) the spotted antelope Mn. ii , 23 S3ak. Megh. &c
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55460] m. Dalbergia Sissoo L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55461] m. Euphorbia antiquorum L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55462] m. Acacia Catechu L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55464] m. Euphorbia antiquorum L.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāra [L=55465] m. the eyeball Nya1yad.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--sāraṅga [L=55467] mfn. ( Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-1 , 69 and vi , 2 , 3) spotted black S3Br. iii , xiii Ka1tyS3r.
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāraṅga [L=55467.1] m. the spotted antelope S3ak. (v.l.)
(H3B) kṛṣṇá--sāraṅgī [L=55467.2] f. a female black antelope Katha1s. lix , 42.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--sārivā [L=55470] f. a black variety of sārivā L.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--sīta [L=55473] (°ṣṇá-) mfn. drawing black furrows [" having a black path " Sa1y. ] RV. i , 140 , 4.
(H3) kṛṣṇá--skandha [L=55480] m. " having a black stem " , a kind of tree Comm. on L.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* kṣa [L=55483] m. a black die MBh. iv , 1 , 25.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* garu-kāṣṭha [L=55485] n. a black variety of Aloe wood Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* ṅga [p= 308,1] [L=55489] m. " black-bodied " , a kind of parrot Gal.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* ṅghri [L=55491] mfn. having black legs Comm. on TPra1t.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* cala [L=55492] m. " black mountain " , N. of the mountain raivata (part of the western portion of the vindhya chain ; also one of the nine principal chains that separate the nine divisions or varṣas of the known world) L.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* jiná [L=55493] n. the skin of the black antelope AV. TS. S3Br. AitBr. &c
(H3B) kṛṣṇā* jiná [L=55494] m. " covered with a skin of the black antelope " , N. of a man , and m. pl. his descendants g. upakā*di and tikakitavā*di Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 5-3,82 and 6-2 , 165
(H4) kṛṣṇā* jiná---grīvá [L=55495] mfn. having a skin of the black antelope round the neck S3Br. iii.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* jinin [L=55496] mfn. covered with the skin of a black antelope MBh. xiv , 2113.
(H3) kṛṣṇā́* ñji [L=55499] mfn. having black marks VS. xxiv , 4.
(H3) kṛṣṇā́* dhvan [L=55501] mfn. having a black path (said of agni) RV. ii , 4 , 6 ; vi , 10 , 4.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* yas [L=55513] n. black or crude iron , iron VarBr2S. Sus3r. ChUp. vi , 1 , 6 Sch.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* lpaka [L=55520] m. black Aloe wood VarBr2S. lxxviii , 1 Sch.
(H3) kṛṣṇā* vadāta [L=55522] mfn. black and white W.
(H3) kṛṣṇai* tá [L=55532] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 3 Ka1s3. ) spotted black TS. v , vii.
(H3) kṛṣṇo* dara [L=55533] m. " having a black belly " , a kind of snake Sus3r.
(H4) kṛṣṇo* dara---śiras [L=55534] m. " having a black belly and a black head " , N. of a bird Gal.
(H2) kṛṣṇaka [L=55541] m. (g. sthūlā*di) " blackish " , a kind of plant (perhaps black Sesamum) Kaus3. 80
[L=55542] a shortened N. for kṛṣṇājina Pa1n2. 5-3 , 82 Sch.
(H2B) kṛṣṇikā [L=55543] f. black , black substance Ka1d. Hcar.
(H2B) kṛṣṇikā [L=55544] f. a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L.
(H2B) kṛṣṇikā [L=55545] f. black mustard (Sinapis ramosa) L.
(H2) kṛṣṇikā [p= 308,2] [L=55553] » kṛṣṇaka.
(H2) kṛṣṇála [p= 308,1] [L=55546] n. rarely ([ Ya1jn5. i , 362]) m. (g. sidhmā*di) the black berry of the plant Abrus precatorius used as a weight (the average weight being between one and two grains) Ka1t2h. TBr. Mn. Ya1jn5. Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. &c
[L=55547] a coin of the same weight Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=55548] a piece of gold of the same weight TS. Kaus3. Nya1yam.
(H2B) kṛṣṇálā [L=55549] f. Abrus precatorius (a shrub bearing a small black and red berry = guñjā , raktikā) L.
(H2) kṛṣṇalaka [p= 308,2] [L=55550] mn. ifc. (= °la) the black berry of the plant Abrus precatorius used as a weight Mn. viii , 134 Hcat.
(H2) kṛṣṇiman [L=55554] m. ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 161 Ka1s3. ) black , blackness Mudr.
kṛṣṇī as
(H3) kṛṣṇī-- √ as [L=55557] (Pot. °ṣṇīsyāt) , to become black Vop. vii , 82.
(H3) kṛṣṇī-- √ kṛ [L=55559] to blacken , make black Vop. vii , 82.
(H3) kṛṣṇī-- √ bhū [L=55560] to become black ib.