Pranada-Sigh of Rapture
(H3) | pra-° ṇāda [p= 659,3] [L=131072]
m. |
a loud sound or noise (esp. expressive of approbation or delight) , shout , cry , roar , yell , neigh &c MBh. R.
[L=131073] |
a murmur or sigh of rapture |
[L=131074] |
noise or buzzing in the ear (from thickening of the membranes |
&c ) , SuS3r. ??
[L=131075] |
N. |
of a cakra-vartin DivyA7v.
(H1) | pra-ṇad [p= 659,3] [L=131069]
( √ |
nad) P. -ṇadati to resound , begin to sound or roar or cry MBh. R.
(H3) | pra-° ṇāda [L=131072]
m. |
a loud sound or noise (esp. expressive of approbation or delight) , shout , cry , roar , yell , neigh &c MBh. R.
[L=131073] |
a murmur or sigh of rapture |
[L=131074] |
noise or buzzing in the ear (from thickening of the membranes |
&c ) , SuS3r. ??
[L=131075] |
N. |
of a cakra-vartin DivyA7v.
(H3) | pra-° ṇināda [p= 660,1] [L=131183]
m. |
a deep sound ib.
(H1) | pra-ṇu [p= 660,3] [L=131283]
( √ |
nu) P. A1. -navati , °te , to roar , bellow , sound , reverberate RV. AV. ;
P. -ṇauti , to make a humming or droning sound ;
(esp.) to utter the syllable om Br. ChUp. S3rS.
Monier-Williams words for rapture
(H1C) | sa-rasam [p= 1183,3] [L=237805]
ind. |
with rapture Vikr.
(H2) añca [p= 11,1] [L=2252] " curling " (of the hairs of the body , thrill of rapture) , only at the end of romā*ñca q.v.
(H1) ut-pulaka [p= 181,2] [L=31766] mfn. having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) BhP. Ra1jat.
(H1B) ut-pulaka [L=31767] n. erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture) BhP.
(H2) ud-dharṣaṇa 1 [p= 188,3] [L=33110] mfn. (for 2. » [p= 189,3]) animating , encouraging R.
(H2B) ud-dharṣaṇa 1 [L=33110.1] n. the act of animating or encouraging MBh.
(H2) ud-dharṣaṇa 2 [p= 189,3] [L=33242] mfn. (for 1. » [p= 188,3]) causing joy , gladdening
(H2B) ud-dharṣaṇa 2 [L=33244] n. erection of the hair (through rapture) L.
(H2) pulaka [p= 638,1] [L=126653] m. a species of edible plant MBh.
[L=126654] a species of tree L.
[L=126655] (pl.) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) Ka1v. Pur. (also n. but mostly occurring ibc. and ifc. with f(ā).)
[L=126656] a bunch (» tṛṇa-p°)
[L=126657] a kind of stone or gem Var.
[L=126658] flaw or defect in a gem L.
[L=126659] a kind of insect or vermin L.
[L=126660] a cake of meal with which elephants are fed L.
[L=126661] orpiment L.
[L=126662] a gandharva L.
[L=126663] = asurājī (?) L.
[L=126664] N. of a prince VP.
[L=126665] of a nāga L.
(H2B) pulaka [L=126666] n. a species of earth L.
(H2B) pulaka [L=126667] n. horripilation (cf. above )
(H3) pula° kaya [L=126678] Nom. P. °yati , to have or feel the hair of the body erect (with rapture or delight) Gi1t.
(H3) pra-° ṇāda [p= 659,3] [L=131072] m. a loud sound or noise (esp. expressive of approbation or delight) , shout , cry , roar , yell , neigh &c MBh. R.
[L=131073] a murmur or sigh of rapture W.
[L=131074] noise or buzzing in the ear (from thickening of the membranes &c ) , SuS3r. ??
[L=131075] N. of a cakra-vartin DivyA7v.
(H1) pra-harṣa [p= 700,3] [L=138530] &c » pra- √hṛṣ.
(H2) pra-harṣa [p= 701,2] [L=138676] m. erection (or greater erection) of the male organ Car.
[L=138677] erection of the hair , extreme joy , thrill of delight , rapture (°ṣaṃ √ kṛ , with loc. " to delight in ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138679] mf(ī)n. causing erection of the hair of the body , enrapturing , delighting MBh. Hariv.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138680] m. the planet Mercury or its ruler L. (cf. °ṣula)
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138682] m. a kind of metre Chandom.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138683] n. erection (of the hair of the body) Car.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138684] n. rapture , joy , delight MBh.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138685] n. gladdening , delighting. ib.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138686] n. the attainment of a desired object Kuval.
(H4) prā--mo° dya [p= 702,2] [L=138912] n. rapture , delight Lalit. DivyA7v.
(H3) brahmā* nanda [p= 740,3] [L=147170] m. " joy in brahma " , the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit Ra1matUp.
[L=147171] N. of various men and authors (also -giri m. , -parama-haṃsa m. , -bhāratī m. , -yogin m. , -yogī*ndra m. , -sārasvatī m. , and °din , m.)
[L=147172] N. of wk.
(H2) máda [p= 777,3] [L=155332] m. hilarity , rapture , excitement , inspiration , intoxication RV. &c
[L=155333] (du. with madasya N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr. )
[L=155334] ardent passion for (comp.) MBh.
(H2B) máda [L=155350] n. N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.
(H3) lomā* ñca [p= 908,1] [L=183684] m. = romā*ña , curling or erection of the hair , a thrill of rapture or terror , shudder &c W.
(H2) vi-bhrama [p= 979,2] [L=198568] m. (ifc. f(ā).) moving to and fro , rolling or whirling about , restlessness , unsteadiness Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
[L=198569] violence , excess , intensity , high degree (also pl.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
[L=198570] hurry , rapture , agitation , disturbance , perturbation , confusion , flurry MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=198571] doubt , error , mistake , blunder (with daṇḍasya , " erroneous application of punishment ") Mn. MBh. &c
[L=198572] illusion , illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Ka1v. Katha1s. &c (cf. -bhāṣita)
[L=198573] beauty , grace Ka1lid. Ma1lati1m.
[L=198574] feminine coquetry , amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes) , perturbation , flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h.
[L=198575] caprice , whim MW.
(H1C) sa-rasam [p= 1183,3] [L=237805] ind. with rapture Vikr.
(H1) harṣa [p= 1292,2] [L=261652] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ hṛṣ) bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= 1292,3] [L=261653] joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c
[L=261654] erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness Sus3r.
[L=261655] ardent desire MBh.
[L=261656] N. of an asura Katha1s.
[L=261657] of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
[L=261658] of various authors &c (also with dīkṣita , miśra , sūri &c ; cf. śrī-harṣa)
(H1B) harṣa [L=261659] mfn. happy , delighted W.
(H2) harṣa [p= 1303,2] [L=263916] &c » p.1292.
(H3) harṣo* tphulla-locana [p= 1292,3] [L=261721] mfn. one whose eyes are opened wide in rapture Ratna7v.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.59, 26.119
Whitney Roots links: hfz
(H1) hṛṣ [p= 1303,2] [L=263915]
cl.1 P. A1. hárṣati , °te (fr. P. only p. hárṣat) , to be excited or impatient , rejoice in the prospect of , be anxious or impatient for (dat.) RV. ;
to speak or affirm falsely , lie Dha1tup. xvii , 59 ; cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 119) hṛṣyati (ep. and mc. also °te ; pf. jaharṣa , jahṛṣuḥ ; jahṛṣe , °ṣire MBh. &c ; aor. ahṛṣat ib. ; fut. harṣitā , harṣiṣyati Gr. ; inf. harṣitum ib. ; ind.p. -hṛṣya MBh. &c ) , to thrill with rapture , rejoice , exult , be glad or pleased Pa1rGr2. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to become sexually excited Sus3r. ;
to become erect or stiff or rigid , bristle (said of the hairs of the body &c ) , become on edge (like the teeth) MBh. BhP. : Pass. hṛṣyate (aor. aharṣi) Gr.: Caus. harṣáyati , °te (aor. ajīhṛṣat , or ajaharṣat) , to excite , make impatient or eager for (victory &c ) RV. &c ;
to rejoice , be glad Mn. MBh. ;
to cause to bristle Cat. : Desid. jiharṣiṣati Gr.: Intens. jarīhṛṣyate , jarharṣṭi &c (Ved. forms jarhṛṣanta , járhṛṣāṇa and jāhṛṣāṇá) , to be impatient or excited RV. VS. A1s3vS3r. ;
to excite violently RV. [cf. Lat. horreo for horseo.]
(H2) hṛṣṭa [L=263946] mfn. thrilling with rapture , rejoiced , pleased , glad , merry Mn. MBh. &c
[L=263947] bristling , erect , standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) MBh. R. &c
[L=263948] rigid , stiff Hariv.
[L=263949] blunted (cf. hṛṣita) Pat.
[L=263950] surprised , astonished ib.
(H3) hṛṣṭa--roman [L=263962] mfn. having the hair of the body bristling or thrilling (with delight or rapture) Bhag.
(H3B) hṛṣṭa--roman [L=263963] m. N. of an asura Katha1s.
(H2) hṛṣṭi [L=263968] f. delight , joy , rapture Ma1lati1m.
[L=263969] pride , arrogance L.