Gochara- Perceptible, pasture ground for cattle, field for action, range of the organs of sense, the range of the eye

antaḥsvānubhavānandā vikalponmuktagocarā |
yāvasthā bharitākārā bhairavī bhairavātmanaḥ || 15 ||

gó--cara [p= 364,1] [L=66991]
pasture ground for cattle A1pS3r. i , 2 , 4
364,1] [L=66992]
R. iv , 44 , 80)
364,1] [L=66993]
esp. ifc. " abiding in , relating to " ; " offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power ") Kat2hUp. iii , 4 Mn. x , 39 MBh. &c
364,2] [L=66994]
esp. the range of the eye (e.g. locana-gocara- , to come within range of the eye , become visible Pan5cat. ) MBh. vii , 5616 Sus3r. Vikr. iv , 9 &c
364,2] [L=66995]
lagna and from each other VarBr2S. civ , 2 Romakas.
gó--cara [p= 364,2] [L=66996]
(ā)n. being within the range of , attainable for (gen.) BhP. iii , 25 , 28
gó--cara [p= 364,2] [L=66997]
(ā)n. perceptible (esp. to the eye) MBh. xiii , 71 , 33 and 91 , 24
gó--cara [p= 364,2] [L=66998]
(ā)n. having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) L. Sch.
go--cara [p= 1326,3] [L=330550.3]
(H3) m.
[p= (
[p= range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (
[p= the range of the organs of sense , object of sense , anything perceptible by the senses ,
[p= the distance of the planets from the
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3) (also) a place where birds are fed,

Sanskrit Words for Perceptible

1 akṣibhū (perceptible) 2 adhyakṣa (perceptible) 3 anadhyakṣa (perceptible) 4 aparokṣa (perceptible) 5 aparokṣaya (perceptible) 6 amata (perceptible) 7 asaṃlakṣya (perceptible) 8 indriyagocara (perceptible) 9 udbhūta (perceptible) 10 upalabdhimat (perceptible) 11 ullas (perceptible) 12 karṇagocara (perceptible) 13 karṇaśrava (perceptible) 14 gandhadvāra (perceptible) 15 gamya (perceptible) 16 gṛhya (perceptible) 17 gocara (perceptible) 18 cākṣuṣa (perceptible) 19 cāyanīya (perceptible) 20 cit (perceptible) 21 jñātavya (perceptible) 22 dārṣṭiviṣayika (perceptible) 23 dvīndriya (perceptible) 24 dvyaṇuka (perceptible) 25 niḥsaṃdhi (perceptible) 26 pratyakṣa (perceptible) 27 pratyakṣadṛśya (perceptible) 28 pratyakṣaya (perceptible) 29 praśithila (perceptible) 30 prātyakṣa (perceptible) 31 prātyakṣika (perceptible) 32 boddhavya (perceptible) 33 yogya (perceptible) 34 rāsana (perceptible) 35 lakṣya (perceptible) 36 lakṣyakrama (perceptible) 37 vicakṣaṇa (perceptible) 38 viṣaya (perceptible) 39 vyakta (perceptible) 40 vyaktamaya (perceptible) 41 vyaktarasa (perceptible) 42 vyaṅgya (perceptible) 43 śrutigocara (perceptible) 44 śrutiviṣayaguṇa (perceptible) 45 saṃlakṣya (perceptible) 46 samālakṣya (perceptible) 47 sākṣātkartavya (perceptible) 48 sāṃdṛṣṭika (perceptible) 49 sparśa (perceptible) 50 sparśika (perceptible) 51 svapnadhīgamya (perceptible)


áki--bhū [p= 3,3] [L=650]
visible , perceptible , manifest AV. xx , 136 , 4 VS.




ádhy-aka [p= 23,1] [L=4566]
(ā)n. perceptible to the senses , observable

ádhy-aka [L=4568]
an eye-witness
ádhy-aka [L=4569]
an inspector , superintendent
ádhy-aka [L=4570]
the plant Mimusops Kauki (kīrikā).


[L=4567]exercising supervision
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.


an-adhyaka [p= 24,3] [L=4893]
not perceptible by the senses , not observable


[L=4894]without a superintendent.


a-paroka [p= 51,3] [L=9614]
not invisible




aparokaya [L=9618]
P. °yati , to make perceptible L.  ; 
to take a view of (
acc.) MBh.




amata 1 [p= 80,1] [L=13753]
sickness , disease Un2.



Comm. on Un2.
á-mata 2 [L=13780]
( √ man) , not felt , not perceptible by the mind S3Br. xiv


(H1) mfn.
[L=13781]not approved of , unacceptable.


a-salakya [p= 117,2] [L=20380]
not perceptible Sa1h.




indriyá--gocara [p= 167,2] [L=29226]
being within the range of the senses , perceptible , capable of being ascertained by the senses.




ud-bhūta [p= 190,2] [L=33380]
come forth , produced , born

MaitrUp. MBh. R. Katha1s. &c

R. R2itus.



[L=33382]raised , elevated , increased
[L=33383]visible , perceptible , distinct , positive


upa-labdhi--mat [p= 205,3] [L=35660]
perceiving , understanding



[L=35661]perceptible , intelligible


ul- √ las [p= 219,2] [L=37579]
ud-las) P. A1. -lasati , -te , to shine forth , beam , radiate , be brilliant BhP. Pan5car. S3is3. &c  ; 
to come forth , become visible or perceptible , appear
BhP. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to resound
Katha1s. Ra1jat.  ; 
to sport , play , dance , be wanton or joyful
Amar. Chandom.  ; 
to jump , shake , tremble , be agitated
BhP. Pan5car. &c : Caus. -lāsayati , to cause to shine or radiate , make brilliant Pan5car. Prab.  ; 
to cause to come forth or appear , cause to resound
Sa1h.  ; 
to divert , delight
S3atr. Hit.  ; 
to cause to dance or jump , agitate , cause to move
Katha1s. Ra1jat. Hit. &c




kára--gocara [p= 256,3] [L=44812]
the range of hearing , anything perceptible by the ear T.




kára--śrava [p= 257,1] [L=44938]
perceptible by the ears , audible Mn. iv , 102.




gandhá--dvārá [p= 345,1] [L=63030]
(ā́)n. perceptible through the odour TA1r. x.




gamya [p= 348,1] [L=63656]
to be gone or gone to , approachable , accessible , passable , attainable (often a- neg.) MBh. &c

sakhyayā) , countable RPra1t. xiv , 28

Ya1jn5. ii , 290 MBh. i BhP. i , &c


Das3. vii , 32

gen.) Bhartr2. i , 88

Gan2it. Gol.

Mn. xii , 122 Megh. &c


Ya1jn5. i , 64.
gamya [p= 348,2] [L=63681]


[L=63657]to be fixed (as to the number ,
[L=63658]accessible to men (a woman) , fit for cohabitation
[L=63659](a man) with whom a woman may have intercourse ,
[L=63660]libidinous , dissolute
[L=63661]" easily brought under the influence of (a drug) " , curable by (
[L=63662]approaching , impending
[L=63663]to be perceived or understood , intelligible , perceptible
[L=63664]intended , meant
[L=63665]desirable , suitable , fit
(H1) &c


ghya 1 [p= 363,1] [L=66761]
Ved. ifc. , " seizing by " » kara- , pāda- , and hasta-gṛ́hya

gṛ́hya 2 [L=66762]
(fr. √ grah) to be grasped or taken AV. v , 20 , 4 S3a1n3khGr2. v , 2 , 5

S3vetUp. i , 13

á- neg.) S3Br. xiv

Pa1n2. 3-1 , 119) " to be taken together with " (in comp.) , adhering to the party of ( Ka1s3. ), being in close relation to (as the lotus to the moon) Ka1vya7d. ii , 179 Das3. vi ; vii , 254 Kir. ii , 5 Bhat2t2. vi , 61



ava- Vop. xxvi , 20
gṛ́hya 2 [L=66769]
for guhya (anus) L.
gṛ́hya 2 [L=66771]
a suburb L.
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66772]
(fr. g) belonging to a house , domestic (said of an agni) TS. v MaitrS. AitBr. viii , 10 , 9 Gobh. &c (said of a series of ceremonies relating to family or domestic affairs , such as marriages , births &c , and treated of in the ghya-sūtras , q.v.)


a- neg.) Bhat2t2. vi , 61
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66775]
the domestic agni S3a1n3khGr2. v , 2 , 5
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66776]
a domesticated animal L.
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66777]
the inmates of a house , domestics S3Br. ii f. , xii Ka1tyS3r. Pa1rGr2. ii
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66778]
a domestic rite Gaut.
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66779]
a domestic rule or affair BhP. x , 8 , 25 Hcat.
gṛ́hya 3 [L=66780]
= -sūtra


(H2) mfn.
[L=66766]to be acknowledged or admitted
[L=66767]to be adopted or trusted or relied on
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) mfn.
[L=66773]living in houses , domesticated (as animals)
[L=66774]not free , dependent , (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


gó--cara [p= 364,1] [L=66991]
pasture ground for cattle A1pS3r. i , 2 , 4

R. iv , 44 , 80)

esp. ifc. " abiding in , relating to " ; " offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power ") Kat2hUp. iii , 4 Mn. x , 39 MBh. &c
364,2] [L=66994]
esp. the range of the eye (e.g. locana-gocara- , to come within range of the eye , become visible Pan5cat. ) MBh. vii , 5616 Sus3r. Vikr. iv , 9 &c

lagna and from each other VarBr2S. civ , 2 Romakas.
gó--cara [L=66996]
(ā)n. being within the range of , attainable for (gen.) BhP. iii , 25 , 28
gó--cara [L=66997]
(ā)n. perceptible (esp. to the eye) MBh. xiii , 71 , 33 and 91 , 24
gó--cara [L=66998]
(ā)n. having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) L. Sch.
go--cara [p= 1326,3] [L=330550.3]


[L=66993]range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (
[p= the range of the organs of sense , object of sense , anything perceptible by the senses ,
[L=66995]the distance of the planets from the
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3) (also) a place where birds are fed,


cākuá [p= 391,3] [L=72727]
(ī)n. (fr. cákus) consisting in sight , depending on or produced from sight , proper or belonging or relating to the sight VS. xiii , 56 S3Br. xiv Kat2hUp. Ma1lav. i , 4

a- neg.) Sarvad. x , 112

vidyā , a magical science) conferring the power of seeing anything MBh. i , 6478

KaushUp. Sus3r. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 92 Ka1s3.

a- neg.) KapS. i , 61

manu cākua Hariv. 279 BhP. iv , 30 , 49
cākuá [L=72733]
patr. AV. xvi , 7 , 7
cākuá [L=72734]
N. of agni (author of several sāmans)
cākuá [L=72735]
of an author Ragh. v , 50 Mall.
cākuá [L=72736]
of the 6th manu (with 5 others descending from manu svāyambhuva Mn. i , 62 ; son of viśvakarman by ākti BhP. vi , 6 , 15 ; son of cakus , viii , 5 , 17) MBh. xiii , 1315 Hariv. BhP.
cākuá [L=72737]
N. of a son of ripu by bhatī (father of a manu) Hariv. 69
cākuá [L=72738]
of a son of kakeyu (or anu VP. iv , 18 , 1) and brother of sabhā-nara Hariv. 1669
cākuá [L=72739]
of a son of khanitra BhP. ix , 2 , 24
cākuá [L=72740]
a class of deities in the 14th manv-antara , viii , 13 , 35
cākuá [L=72741]
= -jñāna W.


[L=72730]perceptible by the eye
[L=72732]relating to
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
(H1B) n.


cāyanīya [p= 393,2] [L=73037]
" perceptible " Nir. xii , 6 and 16.



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.24
Whitney Roots links: cit

cít 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73309]
ifc. " piling up " » agni- , ūrdhva- , and pūrva-cít

Pa1n2. 3-2 , 92) forming a layer or stratum , piled up VS. i , xii TS. i (cf. kaka- , karma- , cakuś- , droa- , prā*a- , manaś- , rathacakra- , vāk- , śyena- , and śrotra-cít.)
cit 2 [p= 394,3] [L=73363]
ifc. " knowing " » ta-cít

ṛṇa-] " » ṛṇa-.
cit 3 [L=73368]
ifc. " id. " » 2. cit.
cit [p= 395,2] [L=73473]
cit. » √1. 2. 3. ci.
cit 4 [L=73474]
cétati (impf. acetat RV. vii , 95 , 2 ; p. cétat RV. ) cl.2. (A1. Pass. 3. sg. cité , x , 143 , 4 ; p. f. instr. citantyā , i , 129 , 7 ; A1. citāna , ix , 101 , 11 VS. x , 1) cl.3. irreg. cīhetati ( RV. ; Subj. ciketat RV. ; Impv. 2. sg. cikiddhi RV. ; p. cikitāná RV. ; perf. cikéta RV. &c ; ciceta Vop. viii , 37 ; 3. du. cetatur AV. iii , 22 , 2 ; A1. and Pass. cikité RV. &c ; 3. pl. °tre RV. ; for p. cikitvás » s.v. ; A1. Pass. cicite Bhat2t2. ii , 29 ; aor. acetīt Vop. viii , 35 ; A1. Pass. áceti and céti RV. ; for acait » √2. ci ; fut. 1st céttā , i , 22 , 5) to perceive , fix the mind upon , attend to , be attentive , observe , take notice of (acc. or gen.) RV. SV. AV. Bhat2t2.  ; 
to aim at , intend , design (with
dat.) RV. i , 131 , 6 ; x , 38 , 3  ; 
to be anxious about , care for (
acc. or gen.) , i , ix f.  ; 
to resolve ,
iii , 53 , 24 ; x , 55 , 6  ; 
to understand , comprehend , know (
perf. often in the sense of pr.) RV. AV. vii , 2 , 1 and 5 , 5  ; 
P. A1. to become perceptible , appear , be regarded as , be known RV. VS. x , xv : Caus. cetáyati , °te (2. pl. cetáyadhvam Subj. cetayat Impv. 2. du. cetayethām impf. ácetayat RV. ; 3. pl. citáyante RV. ; p. citáyat RV. (eleven times) ; cetáyat , x , 110 , 8 , &c ; A1. cetayāna » s.v.) to cause to attend , make attentive , remind of. i , 131 , 2 and iv , 51 , 3  ; 
to cause to comprehend , instruct , teach
RV.  ; 
to observe , perceive , be intent upon
RV. MBh. xii , 9890 Katha1s. xiii , 10  ; 
A1. (once P. MBh. xviii , 74) to form an idea in the mind , be conscious of , understand , comprehend , think , reflect upon TS. vi S3Br. ChUp. vii , 5 , 1 MBh. BhP. viii , 1 , 9 Prab.  ; 
P. to have a right notion of. know MBh. iii , 14877  ; 
P. " to recover consciousness " , awake Bhat2t2. viii , 123  ; 
A1. to remember , have consciousness of (acc.) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 112 Ka1s3. Ba1dar. ii , 3 , 18 Sch.  ; 
to appear , be conspicuous , shine
RV. TS. iii : Desid. cíkitsati (fr. √kit Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Dha1tup. xxiii , 24 ; exceptionally A1. MBh. xii , 12544 ; Impv. °tsatu Subj. °tsāt aor. 2. sg. ácikitsīs AV. ; Pass. p. cikitsyamāna Sus3r. Pan5cat. ) to have in view , aim at , be desirous AV. v , 11 , 1 ; ix , 2 , 3  ; 
to care for , be anxious about ,
vi , x  ; 
Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Siddh. ) to treat medically , cure Ka1tyS3r. xxv MBh. i , xii Sus3r. Pan5cat. Bhartr2.  ; 
to wish to appear
RV. i , 123 , 1: Caus. of Desid. (fut. cikitsayiyati) to cure Ma1lav. iv , 4÷5 , 6 f. : Intens. cekite (fr. √2. ci? , or for °tte RV. i , 53 , 3 and 119 , 3 ; ii , 34 , 10 ; p. cékitat , ix , 111 , 3 ; A1. cékitāna RV. eight times) to appear , be conspicuous , shine RV.
cít 5 [p= 395,3] [L=73517]
ifc. " thinking " » a- , duś- , manaś- , vipaś- , and huraś-cít

also apa-cit
cít 5 [L=73519]
thought , intellect , spirit , soul VS. iv , 19 KapS. Bhartr2. BhP.
cít 5 [L=73520]
cf. sa- and ā cít
cít 5 [L=73521]
pure Thought (brahma cf. RTL. p.34) Veda7ntas. Prab.
cit 6 [p= 398,1] [L=74089]
only in comp.


(H2) mfn.
[L=73364]" giving heed to " or " revenging [guilt ,
(H2) mfn.
(H1) 1. 2. 3
(H1) cl.1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) ind.


jñātavya [p= 425,3] [L=80356]
to be known or understood or investigated or inquired after MBh. Hariv.

Ca1n2. Mn. Sch.


[L=80357]perceptible , 11143
[L=80358]to be considered as


dārṣṭiviayika [p= 476,2] [L=91815]
(ī)n. (fr. dṛṣṭi and vishaya) perceptible by the eye Nir. vii , 8.




dvī* ndriya [p= 506,1] [L=98788]
2 organs of sense (-grāhya mfn. perceptible by 2 senses , sc. sight and touch Bha1sha1p. )
dvī* ndriya [L=98789]
having 2 senses (touch and taste) L.


(H3B) mfn.


dvy--auka [p= 507,3] [L=99164]
a combination of 2 atoms (the first step in the formation of substances when they become perceptible) S3am2k.




ni--sadhi [p= 539,1] [L=106426]
having no joints perceptible , well knit , compact , close , firm , Ba1lar.




praty--aka [p= 663,3] [L=131942]
praty-aka [p= 674,2] [L=133793]
(ā)n. present before the eyes , visible , perceptible (opp. to paro'ka q.v.) Up. MBh. &c

S3Br. &c

gen.) MBh.
praty-aka [L=133796]
ocular evidence , direct perception , apprehension by the senses (in nyāya one of the 4 pramāas or modes of proof. cf. pramāa)
praty-aka [L=133797]
superintendence of , care for (gen.) Mn. ix , 27
praty-aka [L=133798]
(in rhet.) a kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses Kuval.


(H1) mf
[L=133794]clear , distinct , manifest , direct , immediate , actual , real
[L=133795]keeping in view , discerning (with
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


praty-aka--dśya [p= 674,3] [L=133827]
to be seen with the eyes , visible , perceptible Nir. Katha1s.




pratyakaya [L=133861]
P. °yati , to make visible or perceptible Ma1lav.  ; 
to see with one's own eyes




pra-śithila [p= 695,2] [L=137568]
(ā)n. very loose , relaxed , lax Hariv. Ka1v. Sus3r.



[L=137569]very feeble , hardly perceptible


prāty--aka [p= 707,1] [L=139934]
g. prajñā*di) mf(ī)n. perceptible to the eyes , capable of direct perception.




prāty--akika [L=139935]
Sarvad. ) mf(ī)n. perceptible to the eyes , capable of direct perception.




boddhavya [p= 734,2] [L=145787]
( √ budh) to be attended to or noticed MBh. Katha1s.

Up. MBh. &c

Pan5cat. Sa1h.

boddhavya [L=145791]
(impers.) it is to be watched or be awaked Pan5cat. (v.l. pra.b°).
boddhavya [p= 737,3] [L=146520]
,bodha,bauddha &c » [p= 734,2].


[L=145788]to be known or perceived or observed or recognized , perceptible , intelligible
[L=145789]to be enlightened or admonished or instructed or informed , one who is informed ,
[L=145790]to be awakened or aroused
(H2B) n.
(H1) boddh


yogya [p= 854,3] [L=172002]
» pp. 856 , 858.
yógya [p= 858,1] [L=172715]
(fr. yoga and √1. yuj) fit for the yoke Pa1n2. 5-1 , 102

partic. remedy S3a1rn3gS.

gen. loc. dat. inf. with act. or pass. sense , or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c


yoga , proper for religious meditation L.
yógya [L=172720]
a draught animal AV. S3Br.
yógya [L=172721]
a calculator of expedients W.
yógya [L=172722]
the constellation puya L.
yógya [L=172724]
exercise , practice , (esp.) bodily exercise , gymnastics , drill MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.
yógya [L=172725]
(pl.) the straps with which horses are attached to the yoke of a carriage , traces (?) RV. iii , 3 , 6
yógya [L=172726]
the earth L.
yógya [L=172727]
N. of bharaī L.
yógya [L=172728]
of the wife of sūrya L.
yógya [L=172729]
(only L. ) a vehicle or any machine
yógya [L=172730]
a cake
yógya [L=172731]
yógya [L=172732]
a kind of drug.


(H2) mfn.
[L=172716]belonging to a
[L=172717]useful , serviceable , proper , fit or qualified for , able or equal to , capable of (
[L=172719]fit for
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


rāsana 1 [p= 879,3] [L=177870]
rāsana 2 [L=177882]
(fr. rasanā) relating to or perceptible by the tongue , savoury , palatable Pa1n2. 4-2 , 92 Sch.


(H1) mfn.


lakya [p= 893,1] [L=180664]
to be marked or characterized or defined , Kap. Sch.

Sa1h. Veda7ntas.

VarBr2S. Katha1s.

nom.) S3is3. Hit.

instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid. Dhu1rtas.

MBh. Ka1v. &c
lakya [L=180670]
N. of a magical formula or spell recited over weapons R.
lakya [L=180671]
an object aimed at , prize MBh. R. Ka1m.
lakya [p= 893,2] [L=180672]
(exceptionally also n. with m. as v.l.) an aim , butt , mark , goal Up. Gaut. MBh. &c (lakya-labh , to attain an object , have success ; lakyam-bandh with loc. , " to fix or direct the aim at " , with ākāśe = ākāśe lakam-bandh » under laka)
lakya [L=180673]
the thing defined (opp. to lakaa) A.
lakya [L=180674]
an indirect or secondary meaning (that derived from lakaā , q.v.) Kpr.
lakya [L=180675]
a pretence , sham , disguise Ragh. Ka1m. (cf. -supta)
lakya [L=180676]
a lac or one hundred thousand Ra1jat.
lakya [L=180677]
an example , illustration (?) Sa1h.
lakya [L=180678]
often v.l. or w.r. for laka and lakman.


[L=180665]to be indicated , indirectly denoted or expressed
[L=180666](to be) kept in view or observed
[L=180667]to be regarded as or taken for (
[L=180668]to be recognised or known , recognisable by (
[L=180669]observable , perceptible , visible
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


lakya--krama [L=180679]
having an indirectly perceptible method MW.




vi-° cakaá [p= 958,2] [L=194688]
conspicuous , visible , bright , radiant , splendid RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.


lit. and fig.) , sagacious , clever , wise , experienced or versed in , familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c
vi-° cakaá [L=194691]
N. of a preceptor (with the patr. ṇḍya) VBr.
vi-° cakaá [L=194693]
N. of brahmā's throne KaushUp.
vi-° cakaá [L=194694]
N. of a female servant Viddh.


[L=194689]distinct , perceptible
[L=194690]clear-sighted (
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


viaya [p= 997,1] [L=202020]
(ifc. f(ā). ; prob. either fr √1. vi , " to act " , or fr. visi , " to extend " cf. Pa1n2. 8-3 , 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity) , dominion , kingdom , territory , region , district , country , abode (pl. = lands , possessions) Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c


ifc. = " concerned with , belonging to , intently engaged on " ; viaye , with gen. or ifc. = " in the sphere of , with regard or reference to " ; atra viaye , " with regard to this object ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

gen.) Ka1v. Pan5cat.

indriya , or organs of sense having each their proper viaya or object , viz. 1. śabda , " sound " , for the ear cf. śruti-viaya ; 2. sparśa , " tangibility " , for the skin ; 3. rūpa , " form " or " colour " , for the eye ; 4. rasa , " savour " , for the tongue ; 5. gandha , " odour " for the nose: and these five viayas are sometimes called the guas or " properties " of the five elements , ether , air , fire , water , earth , respectively ; cf. śruti-viaya-gua) Ya1jn5. S3am2k. Sarvad. IW. 83

N. of the number " five " VarBr2S.

pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c
997,2] [L=202029]
opp. to " a subject ") Sarvad.

dat. gen. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

phil.) the subject of an argument , category , general head (one of the 5 members of an adhikaraa [q.v.] , the other 4 being viśaya or saśaya , pūrva-paka , uttara-paka or siddhā*nta , and sagati or niraya) Sarvad.

IW. 73

e.g. chandasi viaye , " only in the veda ") Ka1s3. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)

rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. " lotus-eye " the second member is the viaya , and the first the viayin) Kuval. Prata1p.







[L=202021]scope , compass , horizon , range , reach (of eyes , ears , mind
[L=202022]period or duration (of life)
[L=202023]special sphere or department , peculiar province or field of action , peculiar element , concern (
[L=202024]space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (
[L=202025]an object of sense (these are five in number , the five
[L=202026]a symbolical
[L=202027]anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (
[L=202028]any subject or topic , subject-matter
[p= an object (as
[L=202030]a fit or suitable object (" for "
[L=202032]un-organic matter
[L=202033](in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (
[L=202035]a country with more than 100 villages
[L=202036]a refuge , asylum
[L=202037]a religious obligation or observance
[L=202038]a lover , husband
[L=202039]semen virile


vy-akta [p= 1029,1] [L=208317]
» cols. 2 , 3.
vy-ákta [p= 1029,2] [L=208379]
adorned , embellished , beautiful RV.

am , ind. apparently , evidently , certainly) MBh. Ka1v. &c

» below)

» -vāc)

opp. to a-vyakta , transcendental) MBh. BhP.




vy-ákta [L=208388]
heat L.
vy-ákta [L=208389]
a learned man L.
vy-ákta [L=208390]
an initiated monk S3i1l.
vy-ákta [L=208391]
" the manifested One " , N. of viṣṇu MW.
vy-ákta [L=208392]
of one of the 11 gaā*dhipas (with jainas)
vy-ákta [L=208393]
(in khya) " the developed or evolved " (as the product of a-vyakta q.v.) , Sa1m2khyak. (cf. IW. 82)


(H2) mfn.
[L=208380]caused to appear , manifested , apparent , visible , evident (
[L=208381]developed , evolved (
[L=208382]distinct , intelligible (
[L=208383]perceptible by the senses (
[L=208384]specified , distinguished
[L=208385]specific , individual
[L=208387]wise , learned
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.


vy-ákta---maya [L=208405]
(ī)n. relating to what is perceptible by the senses MBh.




vy-ákta---rasa [L=208407]
having a perceptible taste (-tā f.) Sus3r.




vy-agya [p= 1029,1] [L=208353]
» col.3.
vy-agya [p= 1029,3] [L=208436]
(ā)n. that which is manifested or indicated or made perceptible S3am2k. Sa1h.

rhet.) indicated by allusion or insinuation , implied , suggestive Kpr.


(H2) mf


śrúti--gocara [p= 1101,3] [L=223560]
(ā)n. perceptible by the ear , Ra1matUp.

gen.) BhP.


[L=223561]permitted to be heard by (


śrúti--viaya---gua [p= 1102,1] [L=223626]
having the quality (sound) which is the object of hearing or which is perceptible by the ear (said of ether) S3ak.




sa-° lakya [p= 1113,2] [L=225920]
to be distinctly marked , distinguish. able , perceptible , visible Kpr.




sam-ālakya [p= 1162,1] [L=234557]
visible , perceptible Sa1h.




* kāt--kartavya [p= 1198,1] [L=241022]
to be made fully perceptible or evident , Maha1v. ??




dṛṣṭika [p= 1203,2] [L=242002]
(fr. sadṛṣṭi) visible or perceptible at the same time , relating to present perception , appearing at once or immediately L.

dṛṣṭika [L=242004]
(scil. phala) present perception of a result , immediate consequence L.


[L=242003]evident , undeniable
(H1B) n.


sparśa [p= 1268,2] [L=256548]
śana &c » p.1269.
sparśá [p= 1269,1] [L=256604]
touching (in a-bhūtala-sp° , mana-sp° , q.v.)
sparśá [L=256605]
(ifc. f(ā). ) touch , sense of touch (-tas ind. e.g. sparśa-ta sukha tat , " that is pleasant to the touch ") , contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) Mn. MBh. VarBr2S. &c
sparśá [L=256606]
(in gram.) collective N. of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from k to m (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance ; cf. sthāna and spṛṣṭa) Pra1t. ChUp. BhP.
sparśá [L=256607]
(in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's viaya q.v.) IW. 68
sparśá [L=256608]
any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e.g. heat , cold , smoothness , softness &c ) MBh. &c
sparśá [L=256609]
feeling , sensation (e.g. sira-śūla-sp° , " sensation of headache ") S3Br. &c
sparśá [L=256610]
pleasant feeling MBh. v , 1366
sparśá [L=256611]
unpleasant or morbid sensation , illness Pa1n2. 3-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.
sparśá [L=256612]
air , wind L.
sparśá [L=256613]
(accord. to some) temperature Nya1yad.
sparśá [L=256614]
a kind of sexual union L.
sparśá [L=256615]
a gift , offering (» kāka-sp° and sp°-yajña below)
sparśá [L=256616]
w.r. for spaśa , a spy MBh. S3is3.
sparśá [L=256618]
(a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243.


(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.


sparśika [p= 1269,2] [L=256672]
tangible , palpable , perceptible Pat. on Pa1n2. 5-2 , 95.




svápna--dhī-gamya [p= 1280,3] [L=258980]
perceptible by the mind (only when) in a state of sleep Megh.

