Kshoba or Kshobha - Shaking, Agitation, Trembling
ādhāreṣv athavā 'śaktyā 'jñānāc cittalayena vā |
jātaśaktisamāveśakṣobhānte bhairavaṃ vapuḥ || 112 ||kṣobha
(H2) | kṣobha [p= 331,3] [L=60141]
m. |
shaking , agitation , disturbance , tossing , trembling , emotion MBh. R. Ragh. Vikr. Megh. &c
[L=60142] |
(in |
dram.) an emotion that is the cause of any harsh speeches or reproaches Sa1h. 471 and 480 (cf. bala-kṣ°.)
(H1) | kṣobha [p= 333,3] [L=60545]
° |
bhaka , &c » √kṣubh.
(H2) | kṣobha [p= 1325,3] [L=329510]
(also) a strong current of water, |
(H2) | kṣobhaka [p= 331,3] [L=60143]
mfn. |
shaking , causing agitation VP. i , 2 , 31
(H2B) | kṣobhaka [L=60144]
m. |
of a mountain in saṃ-kucita (sacred to the goddess durgā) Ka1lP.
(H2) | kṣóbhaṇa [L=60145]
mfn. |
shaking , agitating , disturbing , causing emotion RV. x , 103 , 1 R. iii , 36 , 10
(H2B) | kṣóbhaṇa [L=60146]
m. |
N. of śiva MBh. xii , 10384
(H2B) | kṣóbhaṇa [L=60147]
m. |
of viṣṇu ib. xiii , 6990
(H2B) | kṣóbhaṇa [L=60148]
m. |
N. of one of the five arrows of the god of love Gi1t. viii , 1 Sch.
“The First movement or stir (ksobha) on the surface of the Tam is also called the First Mind (Manas) of God. It is also Nature. This First Mind, which is thrown up from the bosom of Tam, is a powerful jerk and following the analogy of Anar or Fire-flying on all sides, throws up infinite sparks each of which appears to the Vision as an eternal entity continuously shooting out. This has been described as Visphulinga in the Upanisads. Bergson also uses this example to explain the process of creative evolution. These sparks behave as rays (amsas) as well as atoms (anus). Each of these forms a world that is supporting systems of other atoms and amsas. The more peripheral appear to condense and become gross, solid and heavy, whereas the less peripheral are subtler and lighter. The central force however continues to be supporting all these infinite rays and is exceedingly subtle, though tremendous in its energy which is Consciousness of the superfinest order.
Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari Complete Works Vol -1“This prana is the essence of the original quiet whilst all these movements are the products of a first thrust of the Quiet out of itself. This is the mystery of the Original Movement or Whirl - Kshobha. That this too is immanent in the Quiet or Peace must be conceded, as it is also experienced. Kshobha and Aksobha seem to be the supported and the supporter respectively. But Ksobha is just a portion (partial vibration) of that Aksobha or Ultimate Ground.
The original impulse throws out the potentialities into the realm of movement or manifestation. Creation thus proceeds in radiations and circles which are concentric. This original impulsion leads to the fulgurative diversity which proceeds from the utmost subtle condition to the grossest condition, as the radiations move more and more away from the Central point of impulsion (ksobha). The worlds and planes of being or of manifestation appear to come out of that primary source in succession.
http://www.sriramchandra.org/Books/KCV1/kcv1chap_38.htm“Everything begins with vibration or movement, the original
kshobha or disturbance. If there is no movement of the conscious being, it can only know its own pure static existence. Without vibration or movement of being in consciousness there can be no act of knowledge and therefore sense; without vibration or movement of being in force there can be no object of sense. Movement of conscious being as knowledge becoming sensible of itself as movement of force, in other words the knowledge separating itself from its own working to watch that and take it into itself again by feeling,—this is the basis of universal Samjnana. This is true both of our internal and external operations.” - Sri Aurobindo, The Upanishads, p.195-96

Lilian Silburn, Kundalini - Energy of the Depths