Sanskrit Words for Lover - kāmijana, abhyantara, devara, praṇayin

  • 1 anīcanuvartin (lover)
    2 anukūlanāyaka (lover)
    3 anuśayānā (lover)
    4 abhika (lover)
    5 abhisārikā (lover)
    6 abhisisārayiṣu (lover)
    7 abhīka (lover)
    8 abhīṣṭa (lover)
    9 abhīṣṭatama (lover)
    10 ayaskānta (lover)
    11 ayoga (lover)
    12 aśva (lover)
    13 asusama (lover)
    14 ahalyājāra (lover)
    15 ākrāntanāyakā (lover)
    16 iṣṭa (lover)
    17 utkaṇṭhitā (lover)
    18 utpalapattra (lover)
    19 udvigna (lover)
    20 upakāntam (lover)
    21 upabhoga (lover)
    22 uṣa (lover)
    23 ekapatnī (lover)
    24 kamalinīkānta (lover)
    25 karakamala (lover)
    26 kalahāntaritā (lover)
    27 kānta (lover)
    28 kāntāya (lover)
    29 kāmijana (lover)
    30 kāmitā (lover)
    31 kāmitva (lover)
    32 kāmin (lover)
    33 kāmuka (lover)
    34 kāmukāya (lover)
    35 kāmukāyita (lover)
    36 kilakiñcita (lover)
    37 kuṭṭamita (lover)
    38 kṛtābhisaraṇaveṣa (lover)
    39 kṣapāramaṇa (lover)
    40 khaṇḍita (lover)
    41 khaṇḍitā (lover)
    42 girisutākānta (lover)
    43 guptā (lover)
    44 gopīramaṇa (lover)
    45 gaurīvara (lover)
    46 cañcala (lover)
    47 cittacaura (lover)
    48 cittanātha (lover)
    49 jana (lover)
    50 jalakānta (lover)
    51 jānakīvallabha (lover)
    52 jāra (lover)
    53 dakṣa (lover)
    54 dayita (lover)
    55 dākṣāyaṇīpa (lover)
    56 dākṣāyaṇīpati (lover)
    57 dākṣāyaṇīramaṇa (lover)
    58 durjāta (lover)
    59 devara (lover)
    60 doṣāramaṇa (lover)
    61 nadīkānta (lover)
    62 nāyaka (lover)
    63 niśācara (lover)
    64 pararamaṇa (lover)
    65 parijalpita (lover)
    66 pādāravinda (lover)
    67 pīṭhamardikā (lover)
    68 puṃskāmā (lover)
    69 purūravas (lover)
    70 pṛthivībhujaṃga (lover)
    71 paiśāca (lover)
    72 paulomīvallabha (lover)
    73 prajalpa (lover)
    74 praṇayakopa (lover)
    75 praṇayin (lover)
    76 praṇayikriyā (lover)
    77 praṇayijana (lover)
    78 prāṇanātha (lover)
    79 prāṇapriya (lover)
    80 prāṇasama (lover)
    81 prāṇeśvara (lover)
    82 priya (lover)
    83 priyakarman (lover)
    84 priyatama (lover)
    85 priyavinākṛta (lover)
    86 priyasatya (lover)
    87 priyasamucita (lover)
    88 priyopabhoga (lover)
    89 priyopabhogavandhya (lover)
    90 pretṛ (lover)
    91 preyas (lover)
    92 preyaskara (lover)
    93 preṣṭha (lover)
    94 prauḍha (lover)
    95 bindu (lover)
    96 bhadra (lover)
    97 bhujaṃga (lover)
    98 bhoktṛ (lover)
    99 madāra (lover)
    100 madhukara (lover)
    101 manodhinātha (lover)
    102 marya (lover)
    103 maryaśrī (lover)
    104 mahīvallabha (lover)
    105 mādhurya (lover)
    106 mudira (lover)
    107 maugdha (lover)
    108 yāminīpriyatama (lover)
    109 yāminīramaṇa (lover)
    110 rajanībhujaṃga (lover)
    111 ratibandhu (lover)
    112 ratiramaṇa (lover)
    113 rama (lover)
    114 ramaka (lover)
    115 ramaṇa (lover)
    116 ramaṇavasati (lover)
    117 ramati (lover)
    118 ramākānta (lover)
    119 ramādhava (lover)
    120 rāgin (lover)
    121 rātribhujaṃga (lover)
    122 rādhākānta (lover)
    123 rādhāramaṇa (lover)
    124 rāma (lover)
    125 rāmila (lover)
    126 rukmiṇī (lover)
    127 rucya (lover)
    128 rohiṇīkānta (lover)
    129 rohiṇīpriya (lover)
    130 rohiṇīramaṇa (lover)
    131 rohiṇīvallabha (lover)
    132 laṅga (lover)
    133 labdhā (lover)
    134 lamaka (lover)
    135 līlā (lover)
    136 vara (lover)
    137 varāsana (lover)
    138 varayitṛ (lover)
    139 varkarāṭa (lover)
    140 varṇāṭa (lover)
    141 vallabha (lover)
    142 vas (lover)
    143 vātakeli (lover)
    144 vāsasajjā (lover)
    145 vāsakasajjā (lover)
    146 vāsakasajjikā (lover)
    147 vipralabdhā (lover)
    148 viproṣitabhartṛkā (lover)
    149 viyoginī (lover)
    150 virahotkaṇṭhikā (lover)
    151 virahiṇī (lover)
    152 vilāsin (lover)
    153 viṣaya (lover)
    154 śacīramaṇa (lover)
    155 śaṭha (lover)
    156 śṛṅgārin (lover)
    157 śraviṣṭhāramaṇa (lover)
    158 sakāma (lover)
    159 saṃketa (lover)
    160 saṃketaketana (lover)
    161 sajāra (lover)
    162 satyakāma (lover)
    163 sudeva (lover)
    164 saindhava (lover)
    165 smarakathā (lover)
    166 svāmin (lover)
    167 svāhāpati (lover)
    168 svāhāpriya (lover)
    169 haricandana (lover)
    170 harṣula (lover)
    171 hiḍimbāpati (lover)
    172 hiḍimbāramaṇa (lover)
    173 abhyantara (lover)
    174 ambudhakāminī (lover)
    175 daśāvasthā (lover)
    176 dharmavallabha (lover)
    177 priyābhidheya (lover)
    178 maṇḍayitnu (lover)


a-nīcánuvartin [p= 30,3] [L=6019]
not keeping low company
a-nīcánuvartin [L=6020]
a faithful lover or husband.


(H3B) m.


anu-kū́la--nāyaka [p= 31,2] [L=6106]
a kind husband or lover.




anu-śayānā [p= 39,3] [L=7423]
a heroine or female character who regrets the loss of her lover (in dramas).




abhika [p= 61,1] [L=11186]
( Pa1n2. 5-2 , 74) lustful , libidinous Ragh. xix , 4 (cf. 1. abhīka and anuka)
abhika [L=11187]
a lover Naish.


(H2B) m.


abhi-sārikā [p= 73,3] [L=12889]
a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation Kum. vi , 43 Ragh. xvi , 12 , &c




abhi-sisārayiu [L=12893]
intending to go to a rendezvous or to visit (a lover) S3is3. x , 20.




a-bhīka 1 [p= 74,2] [L=12993]
fearless L.
abhīka 2 [p= 74,3] [L=13011]
(= abhika q.v.) , longing after , lustful , libidinous Pa1n2. 5-2 , 74
abhīka 2 [L=13012]
a lover
abhīka 2 [L=13013]
a master L.
abhīka 2 [L=13014]
a poet L.
abhī́ka 3 [L=13015]
(fr. abhi-añc ; cf. ánūka) , meeting together , collision RV. ix , 92 , 5

(with √ muc or √1. as with āré) away from , out of (abl.) RV.

(with verbs expressing defending from , as √3. and √ uruya) from (with abl.) RV.

abl.) RV. iv , 28 , 3.


(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1) n.
[L=13019]before (as before midday ; with


abhī́* ṣṭa [L=13060]
wished , desired , dear TS. &c
abhī́* ṣṭa [L=13061]
a lover Pan5cat. Sa1h. (cf. -tama below)
abhī́* ṣṭa [L=13063]
betel L.
abhī́* ṣṭa [L=13064]


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.


abhī́* ṣṭa--tama [L=13065]
(superl.) dearest Pan5cat.
abhī́* ṣṭa--tama [L=13066]
a dearest lover Sa1h.


(H3B) m.


áyas--kānta [p= 85,1] [L=14773]
(g. kaskā*di) , " iron-lover " , the loadstone (cf. kāntā*yasa) Ragh. xvii , 63 , &c




a-yoga 1 [p= 85,3] [L=14929]
separation , disjunction



Comm. on Kum. iii , 14





of a certain conjunction of planets.
ayoga 2 [p= 86,1] [L=14982]
([ NBD. ]) = ayogava MBh. xii.
ayo--ga [p= 1316,1] [L=313500.1]
relating to iron, Nalac.


[L=14930]separation from a lover
[L=14931]unfitness , unsuitableness , nonconformity
[L=14933]inefficacy of a remedy
[L=14934]medical treatment counter to the symptoms , non-application or mis-application of remedies
[L=14935]vigorous effort , exertion
[L=14936]inauspicious conjunction of planets
(H1) m.
(H3) mfn.


áśva 1 [p= 114,3] [L=19869]
(2. rarely 3 RV. ) ( √1. Un2. ) ifc. f. a horse , stallion RV. &c



of a teacher (with the patron. sāmudri) S3Br. xiii

citraka Hariv. 1921

dānava MBh. i , 2532
aśva 2 [p= 115,3] [L=20089]
P. aśvati , to behave like a horse Pa1n2. 3-1 , 11 Sch.
aśva [p= 1317,3] [L=316420]


[L=19869.1]the horse (in the game of chess)
[L=19869.2]the number " seven " (that being the number of the horses of the sun)
[L=19869.3]the archer (in the Zodiac)
[L=19869.4]a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength)
[L=19869.6]of a son of
[L=19869.7]of a
(H2) Nom.
(H2) (in


ásu--sama [p= 121,1] [L=21043]
" dear as life " , a husband , lover L.




a-halyā--jāra [p= 125,1] [L=21781]
" lover of ahalyā (cf. R. i , 48 , 15 seqq.) ", indra Ba1lar.




ā-krānta--nāyakā [p= 128,2] [L=22331]
(in theatrical language) whose lover is won or kept in obedience Sa1h.




iṣṭá 1 [p= 169,2] [L=29547]
(for 2. » s.v.) , sought S3Br.

RV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. Pan5cat. S3ak. &c

Mn. Sa1m2khyak.

iṣṭá 1 [L=29555]
a lover , a husband S3ak. 83 c
iṣṭá 1 [L=29556]
the plant Ricinus Communis L.
iṣṭá 1 [L=29558]
wish , desire RV. AV. AitBr. Mn. R.
iṣṭá 2 [p= 169,3] [L=29624]
(p.p. fr. √ yaj ; for 1. iṣṭá » col.2) sacrificed , worshipped with sacrifices VS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. AitBr. &c
iṣṭá 2 [L=29625]
sacrifice Ma1rkP. xiii , 15
iṣṭá 2 [L=29626]
sacrificing , sacrifice
iṣṭá 2 [L=29627]
sacred rite , sacrament L.
iṣṭa [p= 1321,1] [L=321500]


[L=29548]wished , desired
[L=29549]liked , beloved
[L=29552]reverenced , respected
[L=29553]regarded as good , approved
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in


utkaṇṭhitā [p= 175,3] [L=30747]
a woman longing after her absent husband or lover.




ut-pala--pattra [p= 180,3] [L=31687]
the leaf of a Nymphaea L.

&c of a woman (caused by the finger-nail of her lover) L.

tilaka (or mark on the forehead , made with sandal &c by the Hindus) L.



[L=31688]a wound on the breast
[L=31690]a broad-bladed knife or lancet


ud-vigna [p= 192,1] [L=33633]
shuddering , starting , frightened , terrified MBh. R. Sus3r. Ragh. &c

MBh. Das3. Bhag. &c


[L=33634]sorrowful , anxious , grieving for (an absent lover)


upa-kāntam [p= 195,1] [L=34092]
near a friend , near a lover or a loved one Kir. i , 19.




upa-bhoga [p= 203,1] [L=35244]
enjoyment , eating , consuming

MBh. Mn. S3ak. &c

VP. Ragh. &c

Jain. ) enjoying , repeatedly.


[L=35245]using , usufruct
[L=35246]pleasure , enjoyment
[L=35247]enjoying (a woman or a lover)


ua 1 [p= 220,1] [L=37691]
(for 2. » s.v.) early morning , dawn , daybreak L.

ua 1 [L=37695]
fossile salt L. (cf. ūa.)
ua 2 [p= 220,3] [L=37856]
» col.1) m. (probably for uśa , fr. √vaś ; cf. uśa-dah) , a lover L.
ua [p= 930,1] [L=188562]
 1 u


[L=37693]saline earth
(H2B) n.
(H1) (for 1.
(H3) See under √


éka--patnī [p= 228,2] [L=39391]
a woman who has only one husband or lover , a faithful wife , one devoted to her husband or lover Pa1n2. iv , 1 , 35 AV. x , 8 , 39 MBh. Mn. &c

(yas)women who have the same husband Mn. ix , 183



[L=39391.2]a single wife , an only wife


kamalinī--kānta [p= 252,2] [L=43890]
" the lover of the lotus " , N. of the sun Katha1s.




kará--kamala [p= 253,1] [L=44042]
" hand-lotus " , the hand (esp. of a lover or a mistress) R2itus. (cf. -padma , -pakaja , &c below.)




kalahā* ntaritā [p= 261,1] [L=45814]
a heroine separated from her lover in consequence of a quarrel Sa1h. Gi1t. &c




kānta [p= 252,2] [L=43899]
» s.v.
kānta 1 [p= 270,3] [L=47717]
(ā)n. (fr. √2. kam) , desired , loved , dear , pleasing , agreeable , lovely , beautiful
kānta 1 [L=47718]
any one beloved , a lover , husband
kānta 1 [L=47719]
the moon L.
kānta 1 [L=47720]
the spring L.
kānta 1 [L=47721]
the plant Barringtonia Acutangula L.
kānta 1 [L=47722]
iron L.
kānta 1 [L=47723]
a stone (cf. sūrya-k° , &c ) L.
kānta 1 [L=47724]
N. of kṛṣṇa L.
kānta 1 [L=47725]
of skanda MBh. iii , 14631
kānta 1 [L=47726]
of a son of dharma-netra Hariv. i , 33 , 3
kānta 1 [L=47728]
a charming wife L.
kānta 1 [L=47729]
the earth L.
kānta 1 [L=47730]
N. of certain plants L.
kānta 1 [L=47731]
large cardamoms L.
kānta 1 [L=47732]
a kind of perfume (reukā , Piper aurantiacum) L.
kānta 1 [L=47733]
N. of a metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each
kānta 1 [L=47734]
a kind of śruti
kānta 1 [L=47735]
saffron L.
kānta 1 [L=47736]
a kind of iron L.
kānta 1 [L=47737]
a magnet Buddh.
kānta 1 [L=47738]
a kind of house L.


(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


kāntāya [L=47756]
A1. °yate , to behave like a lover Bhartr2. i , 50.




kāmi--jana [p= 273,2] [L=48321]
a lover.




kāmi--tā [L=48322]
the state of a lover , love , desire.




kāmi--tva [L=48323]
the state of a lover , love , desire.




kāmín [L=48335]
desirous , longing after (acc. or in comp.)

acc. or with saha or *rdham) RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. R. S3ak. &c
kāmín [L=48338]
a lover , gallant , anxious husband
kāmín [L=48339]
the ruddy goose (cakra-vāka) L.
kāmín [L=48340]
a pigeon L.
kāmín [L=48341]
Ardea Sibirica L.
kāmín [L=48342]
a sparrow L.
kāmín [L=48343]
N. of śiva L.


[L=48336]loving , fond , impassioned , wanton
[L=48337]amorous , enamoured , in love with (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


kā́muka [L=48357]
(ā)n. wishing for , desiring , longing after (in comp.) R. BhP.

acc.) TS. vi
kā́muka [L=48360]
a lover , gallant R. Ragh. xix , 33 &c
kā́muka [L=48361]
(with gen.) Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 69
kā́muka [L=48362]
a sparrow L.
kā́muka [L=48363]
the plant Jonesia aśoka L.
kā́muka [L=48364]
the creeping plant Gaertnera racemosa L.
kā́muka [L=48365]
a bow (v.l. for kārmuka) W.
kā́muka [L=48366]
a kind of pigeon L.
kā́muka [L=48367]
N. of an author of mantras
kā́muka [L=48369]
a woman desirous of wealth &c W.
kā́muka [L=48371]
a kind of crane L.


[L=48358]loving , enamoured or in love with (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


kāmukāya [L=48374]
A1. °yate , "to act the part of a lover "




kāmukā° yita [L=48374.1]
n. the actions or behaviour of a lover Katha1s. civ , 89.




kila--kiñcita [p= 284,1] [L=50587]
amorous agitation (such as weeping , laughing , being angry , merry , &c in the society of a lover) Sa1h. Das3ar. ii , 30 and 37.




kuṭṭamita [p= 289,1] [L=51708]
affected repulse of a lover's caresses (one of the ten blandishments of women ; v.l. kuṭṭum°) Sa1h.




k* bhisaraa-vea [p= 303,1] [L=54476]
attired in the dress of a maiden who goes to meet her lover Vikr.




kapā-ramaa [p= 326,2] [L=59014]
" night-lover " , the moon




khaṇḍita [p= 336,2] [L=61200]
(g. tārakā*di) cut , torn , broken in pieces , scattered , dispersed , destroyed , removed Vikr. Pan5cat. Katha1s. Prab. Hit.

esp. by the teeth) Pan5cat.

Ragh. v , 67 Megh. S3a1ntis3.


[L=61201]injured (
[L=61202]broken as allegiance , disobeyed against , rebelled
[L=61203]refuted , controverted
[L=61204]disappointed , betrayed , abandoned (as a lover)


khaṇḍitā [L=61205]
a woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity Sa1h.




girí--su° tā-kānta [p= 355,3] [L=65249]
" pārvatī's lover " , N. of śiva Katha1s. cxxiv.




guptā [p= 359,1] [L=65911]
a married woman who withdraws from her lover's endearments L.




gopī--ramaa [p= 368,2] [L=67968]
" lover of cowherdesses " , N. of a man Kshiti7s3. v , 3 ff.




gaurī́--vara [p= 370,2] [L=68355]
" lover of gaurī " , śiva

gaurī , lix.


[L=68356]a favour of


cañcala [p= 382,2] [L=70776]
(ā)n. (fr. moving to and fro , movable , unsteady , shaking , quivering , flickering MBh. &c

cañcala [L=70778]
the wind L.
cañcala [L=70779]
a lover , libertine L.
cañcala [L=70780]
N. of an asura Gan2P.
cañcala [L=70782]
a river Gal.
cañcala [L=70783]
long pepper L.
cañcala [L=70784]
fortune , goddess of fortune (lak) Gal. (cf. MBh. xii , 8258 R. &c )
cañcala [L=70785]
a metre of 4 x 16 syllables
cañcala [p= 1326,3] [L=330850]
(also) a wagtail, L.


[L=70777]unsteady , inconstant , inconsiderate
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H2) m.


cittá--caura [p= 395,3] [L=73552]
" heart-thief " , a lover Va1sav. 376.




cittá--nātha [L=73560]
" heart-lord " , a lover S3is3. x , 28.




jána [p= 410,1] [L=76736]
(ī)n. " generating " » pura-
jána [p= 410,2] [p= 410,1] [L=76737]
(g. vṛṣā*di) creature , living being , man , person , race (páñca jánās , " the five races " = p kṛṣṭáyas RV. iii , viii ff. MBh. iii , 14160), people , subjects (the sg. used collectively e.g. daívya or divyā́ j° , " divine race " , the gods collectively RV. ; mahat j° , many people R. vi , 101 , 2 ; often ifc. denoting one person or a number of persons collectively , e.g. preya- , bandhu- , sakhī- &c , qq. vv. ; with names of peoples VarBr2S. iv , 22 and v , 74 ; aya jana , " this person , these persons " , I , we MBh. viii , 709 Hariv. 7110 R. ii , 41 , 2 S3ak. &c ; ea j° , id . Ka1vya7d. ii , 75) RV. &c
jána [L=76738]
the person nearest to the speaker (also with ayam or asau , " this my lover " Ka1vya7d. ii , 271 Ratna7v. i , 24÷25) Nal. x , 10 S3ak. Ma1lav.
jána [L=76739]
a common person , one of the people Kir. ii , 42 and 47
jána [L=76740]
the world beyond the mahar-loka BhP. iii , 11 , 29 SkandaP.
jána [L=76741]
°) m. (g. aśvā*di) N. of a man (with the patr. śārkarā*kya) S3Br. x ChUp.
jana [p= 1327,2] [L=331580]


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) (
(H2) (in


jalá--kānta [p= 414,3] [L=77786]
" water-lover " , wind L.

°ntā*śman Uttamac. 35 ; 181 ; 230




jānakī--vallabha [p= 418,3] [L=78802]
" sītā's lover " , rāma , Ramapujasar.




jā́ra 1 [p= 419,3] [L=78999]
( √ j) becoming old RV. x , 106 , 7
jā́rá 1 [L=79000]
(= jarayit , " a consumer " Nir. v , x Pa1n2. 3-3 , 20 Va1rtt. 4) a paramour , lover RV. (agni is called " paramour of the dawn " ; also " of the waters " , i , 46 , 4 ; " of his parents " , x , 11 , 6 ; &c ) VS. TBr. i La1t2y. i , 4 , 4
jā́ra 1 [L=79001]
a confidential friend RV. x , 7 , 5 , and 42 , 2

S3Br. xiv La1t2y. i Ya1jn5. &c (ifc. f(ā). Ra1jat. vi , 321 Hit. )
jāra 2 [L=79017]
(fr. jara) patr. of vśa RAnukr.


(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
[L=79002]a paramour of a , married woman
(H2) m.


dáka [p= 465,1] [L=89317]
(ā)n. able , fit , adroit , expert , clever , dexterous , industrious , intelligent RV. &c

soma) , ix f.

MBh. xiii , 1844

BhP. iv , 6 , 44 Bhartr2. iii , 64

Ra1matUp. i , 22 Phetk. i
dáka [L=89322]
ability , fitness , mental power , talent (cf. -kratú) , strength of will , energy , disposition RV. AV. VS.
dáka [L=89323]
evil disposition RV. iv , 3 , 13 ; x , 139 , 6
dáka [L=89324]
a particular form of temple Hcat. ii , 1 , 390
dáka [L=89325]
a general lover W.
dáka [L=89326]
a cock Car. i , vi
dáka [L=89327]
N. of a plant L.
dáka [L=89328]
fire L.
dáka [L=89329]
śiva's bull L.
dáka [L=89330]
N. of an āditya (identified with prajā-pati TS. iii S3Br. ii ; father of kttikā S3a1ntik. ) RV. i,f. , x Nir. ii , xi
dáka [L=89331]
N. of one of the prajā-patis ( MBh. xii , 7534 Hariv. VP. i , 7 , 5 and 22 , 4 BhP. iii., 12 , 22 MatsyaP. cvl , 15 Ku1rmaP. &c S3ak. vii , 27 ; born from brahmā's right thumb MBh. i , xii Hariv. &c ; or from a-ja , " the unborn " BhP. iv , 1 , 47 ; or son of pra-cetas or of the of 10 pra-cetasas , whence called prācetasa MBh. i , xii f. Hariv. 101 VP. i , 15 ; father of 24 daughters by pra-sūti VP. i , 7 , 17 ff. BhP. &c ; of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii , 61 36 R. iii , 20 , 10 ; or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives , forming the lunar asterisms , and 13 [or 17 BhP. ; or 8 R. ] those of kaśyapa , becoming by this latter the mothers of gods , demons , men , and animals , while 10 are married to dharma Mn. ix , 128f. MBh. i , ix ; xii , 7537ff. Hariv. VP. &c ; celebrating a great sacrifice [hence daka syáyana , " N. of a sacrifice " Mn. vi , 10] to obtain a son , he omitted , with the disapproval of dadhīca , to invite śiva , who ordered vīra-bhadra to spoil the sacrifice Hariv. 12212 [identified with viṣṇu] ff. Va1yuP. i , 30, = BrahmaP. i Lin3gaP. MatsyaP. xiii Va1mP. ii-v S3ivaP. i , 8 Ka1s3i1Kh. lxxxvii ff. ; named among the viśve-devās Hariv. 11542 Va1yuP. ; Br2ihasp. ??. [ Hcat. ] &c )
dáka [L=89332]
N. of a son of garua MBh. v , 3597
dáka [L=89333]
of a man with the patr. pārvati S3Br. ii , 4 , 4 , 6
dáka [L=89334]
of a law-giver Ya1jn5. i , 5 Mn. ix , 88 Sch. &c
dáka [L=89335]
of a son of uśī-nara BhP. ix , 23 , 2
dáka [L=89336]
of one of the 5 kānyakubja Brahmans from whom the Bengal Brahmansare said to have sprung Kshiti7s3. i , 13 and 41
dáka [L=89338]
cf. a-tūta- , diná- , samāná
dáka [L=89339]
dáka [L=89340]
dáka [L=89341]
dáka [L=89342]
δεξιός ; Lat. dex-ter ; Goth. taiksvs.


[L=89318]strong , heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (
[L=89319]passable (the Ganges)
[L=89321]right (opposed to left)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


dayita [p= 470,1] [L=90362]
cherished , beloved , dear MBh. R.

Bhat2t2. x , 9
dayita [L=90364]
a husband , lover S3ak. iii , 19÷20 (v.l.)


(H2B) m.


dākāyaīpa [p= 475,1] [L=91493]
the protector , husband , lover of daka (i.e. durgā or rohiī) , śiva or the Moon L. ,




dākāyaī-pati [L=91494]
the protector , husband , lover of daka (i.e. durgā or rohiī) , śiva or the Moon L. ,




dākāyaī-ramaa [L=91495]
the protector , husband , lover of daka (i.e. durgā or rohiī) , śiva or the Moon L. ,




dur--jāta [p= 485,2] [L=93942]
badly born , ill-starred , miserable , wretched MBh. R.

Ra1jat. iii , 142

bhart false lover , paramour ib. 507
dur--jāta [L=93945]
misfortune , calamity Ragh. xiii , 72
dur--jāta [L=93946]
disparity , impropriety W.


[L=93943]wicked , bad , wrong , false
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.


devara [p= 495,3] [L=96397]
= dev A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c

BhP. iv , 26 , 26.


[L=96398]husband , lover


doā́--ramaa [p= 498,2] [L=97022]
" niśitha's lover " , the moon Dhu1rtan. ii , 22.




nadī́--kānta [p= 526,1] [L=103341]
" lover of rivers " , the ocean L.

Negundo or Barringtonia Acutangula L.




nāyaka [p= 536,3] [L=105850]
a guide , leader , chief , lord , principal MBh. Ka1v. &c (with or scil. sainyasya , a general , commander ; ifc. f(akā). cf. a-nāyaka)


dram.) the lover or hero

cf. nāyakāya and mahā-nāyaka)

of gautama buddha Buddh.


bhaṭṭa-n°) Cat.
nāyaka [L=105858]
a kind of musk L. (cf. nāyikā-cūra)


[L=105851]a husband
[L=105853]the central gem of a necklace (implying also " a general "
[L=105854]a paradigm or example (in gram.)
[L=105856]of a Brahman
[L=105857]of an author (also
(H2B) mn.


niśā--cara [p= 560,3] [L=110476]
night-walking , moving about by night R.
niśā--cara [L=110477]
a fiend or rākasa MBh. Ka1v. &c
niśā--cara [L=110478]
a jackal Sus3r.
niśā--cara [L=110479]
an owl L.
niśā--cara [L=110480]
Anas Casarca L.
niśā--cara [L=110481]
a snake L.
niśā--cara [L=110482]
a kind of granthi-para Bhpr.
niśā--cara [L=110483]
N. of śiva S3ivag. (cf. RTL. 106 n. 1)
niśā--cara [L=110485]
a woman going to meet her lover at night Ragh. xi , 20 (where also = female fiend)
niśā--cara [L=110486]
a bat L.
niśā--cara [L=110487]
N. of a plant (= keśinī) L.


(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


pára--ramaa [p= 587,2] [L=116243]
" a strange lover " , a paramour Pan5c.




pari-° jalpita [p= 594,2] [L=117482]
the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected by her lover W.




pādā* ravinda [p= 618,1] [L=122052]
" foot-lotus " , the foot of a deity or a lover &c Ka1v.




ha--mardikā [p= 629,1] [L=124634]
a lady who assists the heroine of a drama in securing her lover Ma1lav. 13÷14




s--kāmā [p= 630,3] [L=125021]
a woman desirous of a lover or husband Pa1n2. 8-3 , 6 Ka1s3.




purū--rávas [p= 637,1] [L=126427]
crying much or loudly RV. i , 31 , 4
purū--rávas [L=126428]
N. of an ancient king of the lunar race (the lover of urvaśī [cf. RV. x , 95 S3Br. xi , 5 , 1 and kālidāsa's drama vikramorvaśī] , son of budha and iā , father of āyus and ancestor of puru duyanta , bharata , kuru , dhta-rāṣṭra and ṇḍu , supposed to have instituted the 3 sacrificial fires [ VS. v , 2] ;according to Nir. x , 46 he is one of the beings belonging to the middle region of the universe , and is possibly to be connected with the Sun as urvaśī is with the Dawn ; according to others a viśva-deva or a pārvaa-śrāddha-deva) RV. &c &c
purū-ravas [p= 637,3] [L=126635]


(H3B) m.
(H1) »


pthivī́--bhujaga [p= 646,2] [L=128503]
" earth-lover " , a king Ma1rkP.




paiśāca [p= 649,3] [L=129209]
(ī)n. relating or belonging to the piśācas , demon-like , infernal Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c (with graha m. demoniacal possession MBh. )
paiśāca [L=129210]
a piśāca or kind of demon (also as N. of a tribe) MBh. (cf. g. parśv-ādi)
paiśāca [L=129211]
the eighth or lowest form of marriage (when a lover secretly embraces a damsel either sleeping or intoxicated or disordered in her intellect) Mn. iii , 34
paiśāca [L=129213]
(in dram.) a sort of jargon spoken by demons on the stage (cf. piśāca-bhāā)
paiśāca [L=129214]
night L.
paiśāca [L=129215]
N. of wk.


(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.


paulomī--vallabha [p= 652,1] [L=129682]
" lover of paulomī " , N. of indra Ba1lar.




pra-° jalpa [p= 659,1] [L=130931]
prattle , gossip , heedless or frivolous words (esp. words used in greeting a lover) L.




pra-aya---kopa [p= 660,2] [L=131211]
the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards her lover MW.




pra-° ayin [p= 660,3] [L=131244]
having affection for (gen.) , attached to , beloved , dear , intimate , familiar MBh. Ka1v. &c

instr. or comp.) , affectionate , loving , kind ib.

ifc.) clinging to , dwelling or being in

pra-° ayin [L=131249]
a friend , favourite Kum. v , 11
pra-° ayin [L=131250]
a husband , lover


[L=131245]feeling attracted towards , longing for , desirous of (
[L=131247]turned towards , aiming at
[L=131248]combined or provided with
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


pra-° a° yi-kriyā [L=131254]
the business or affair of a lover or friend Vikr. iv , 31




pra-° a° yi-jana [L=131255]
a friend or lover (also collect.) Ka1lid.




prā* á--nātha [p= 705,2] [L=139576]
(ifc. f(ā). ) , " lord of life " , a husband , lover Amar.

of yama L.

of a heresiarch (who had a controversy with śakara at prayāga) Cat.

vaidya) N. of an author of sev. medic. works.




prā* á--priya [p= 705,3] [L=139604]
dear as life Vet.
prā* á--priya [L=139605]
a husband , lover Naish. Sch.


(H3B) m.


prā* á--sama [L=139664]
(ā)n. equal to or as dear as life MBh.
prā* á--sama [L=139665]
a husband or lover L.


(H3B) m.


prā* e* śvara [p= 706,1] [L=139721]
" lord of life " , a husband , lover MBh. Ka1v. Hit.

partic. drug Cat.

the vital spirits personified Hariv.




priya [p= 709,3] [L=140435]
» under √1. prī below.
priyá [p= 710,1] [L=140437]
(ā)n. beloved , dear to (gen. loc. dat. or comp.) , liked , favourite , wanted , own RV. &c &c (with abl. " dearer than " R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; priya-k A1. kurute , either " to gain the affection of , win as a friend " RV. ; or " to feel affection for , love more and more " MBh. )

cf. priya-dhānyaka , priyā*nna-tva)

loc.) RV. (id. in comp. , either ibc. e.g. priya-devana , " fond of playing " , or ifc. e.g. aka-priya , " fond of dice " cf. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 35 Va1rtt. 2 ; ifc. also = pleasant , agreeable e.g. gamana-priya , " pleasant to go " , vi , 2 , 15 Sch.)
priyá [L=140440]
a friend Gaut.
priyá [L=140441]
a lover , husband MBh. Ka1v. &c
priyá [L=140442]
a son-in-law Mn. iii , 119 ( Kull. )
priyá [L=140443]
a kind of deer L.
priyá [L=140444]
N. of 2 medicinal plants L.
priyá [L=140452]
love , kindness , favour , pleasure MBh. Ka1v. &c
priyá [L=140454]
(ea) id.
priyá [L=140455]
willingly Hit. (v.l. , also priya-priyea Pa1n2. 8-1 , 13) .
priya [p= 1330,3] [L=337040]


(H2) mf
[L=140438]dear , expensive , high in price (
[L=140439]fond of attached or devoted to (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in


priyá--karman [p= 710,1] [L=140464]
doing kind actions , kind Ka1m.
priyá--karman [L=140465]
the action of a lover BhP.


(H3B) n.


priyá--tama [L=140505]
(priyá-) most beloved , dearest RV. AV. S3Br. (once = -tara R. )
priyá--tama [L=140505.1]
a lover , husband Ka1v.
priyá--tama [L=140505.2]
Celosia Cristata L.


(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


priyá--vinā-kta [p= 710,3] [L=140600]
abandoned by a lover , deserted by a husband MW.




priyá--satya [L=140613]
pleasant and true (as speech) L.

priyá--satya [L=140615]
speech at once pleasing and true W.


[L=140614]a lover of truth
(H3B) n.


priyá--samucita [L=140620]
befitting a lover ib.




priyo* pabhoga [L=140673]
the enjoyment of a lover or of a mistress ib.




priyo* pabhoga---vandhya [L=140674]
barren or destitute of the enjoyment of a lover ib.




pretṛ́ [p= 711,2] [L=140788]
a lover , cherisher , benefactor RV. S3a1n3khS3r.




préyas [L=140837]
(compar. fr. priya) dearer , more agreeable , more desired RV. AV. S3Br. &c
préyas [L=140838]
a lover Amar. Katha1s.
préyas [L=140839]
a dear friend Ma1lati1m.
préyas [p= 711,3] [L=140841]
(in rhet.) flattery Prata1p. Kuval. Sa1h.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.


préyas--kara [L=140842]
the hand of a lover BhP.




préṣṭha [L=140847]
(superl. fr. priya) dearest , most beloved or desired RV.

Kat2hUp. BhP.

loc.) RV. vi , 63 , 1
préṣṭha [L=140850]
a lover , husband BhP.
préṣṭha [L=140852]
a leg L.
preṣṭha [p= 713,1] [L=141132]
[p= 711,3].


[L=140848](in address)
[L=140849]very fond of (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) »


prau* ha [p= 691,2] [L=136898]
prau* ha [p= 714,3] [L=141345]
(fr. pra ūha , √ vah) raised or lifted up (» -pāda)

Hariv. Ka1v. Ra1jat.

Subh. bālā , taruī , prau*ha and vddhā are distinguished ; cf. f. below)


Bhartr2. Ka1vya7d.

Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.

Prab. Ra1jat.



ifc.) filled with , full of (» mdu-pr°)

esp. said of a woman) Ka1v. BhP.

prau* ha [L=141357]
(in music) N. of one of the rūpakas
prau* ha [L=141358]
(with śāktas) N. of one of the 7 ullāsas
prau* ha [L=141359]
(with brāhmaa) = ṇḍya-brāhmaa Sa1y.
prau* ha [L=141361]
a violent or impetuous woman (described as a nāyikā who stands in no awe of her lover or husband) W.


(H1) mfn.
[L=141346]grown up , full-grown
[L=141347]mature , middle-aged (as a woman ; in
[L=141349]luxuriant (as a plant)
[L=141350]large , great , mighty , strong
[L=141351]violent , impetuous (as love)
[L=141352]thick , dense (as darkness)
[L=141353]full (as the moon)
[L=141355]proud , arrogant , confident , bold , audacious , impudent (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


bindú [p= 731,2] [L=145141]
(once n. MBh. ; in later language mostly written vindu) a detached particle , drop , globule , dot , spot AV. &c

hirayaya) a pearl AV. xix , 30 , 5 (cf. -phala)



ifc. also -ka) the dot over a letter representing the anusvāra (supposed to be connected with śiva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Katha1s. BhP.

R. (in manuscripts put over an erased word to show that it ought not to be erased = " stet " Naish. )

partic. mark like a dot made in cauterizing Sus3r.



dram.) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which , like a drop of oil in water , expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) Sa1h. (ifc. also -ka)
bindú [L=145151]
N. of a man g. bidā*di
bindú [L=145152]
of an āgirasa (author of RV. viii , 83 ; ix , 30) Anukr.
bindú [L=145153]
of the author of a rasa-paddhati Cat.
bindú [L=145154]
pl. N. of a warrior tribe g. dāmany-ādi.


[L=145143]a drop of water taken as a measure
[L=145144]a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant
[L=145146]a zero or cypher
[L=145148]a mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress
[L=145149]a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


bhadrá [p= 745,3] [L=148263]
(ā́)n. blessed , auspicious , fortunate , prosperous , happy RV. &c



i.e. skilful in (loc.) MBh. iv , 305


npati m. a good or gracious king Ya1jn5. ; with kānta m. a beautiful lover or husband Pan5cat. ; with diś f. the auspicious quarter i.e. the south MBh. ; with vāc f. kind or friendly speech BhP. ; voc. m. and f. sg. and pl. bhadra , °dre , °drā , often in familiar address = my good sir or lady , my dear or my dears , good people Mn. MBh. &c )
bhadrá [L=148269]
(prob.) a sanctimonious hypocrite Mn. ix , 259 (v.l. °dra-pre*kaikai)
bhadrá [L=148270]
a partic. kind of elephant R. (also N. of a world elephant ib.) a bullock L.
bhadrá [L=148271]
a water wagtail Var. (cf. -nāman)
bhadrá [L=148272]
Nauclea Cadamba or Tithymalus Antiquorum L.
bhadrá [L=148273]
N. of śiva L.
bhadrá [L=148274]
of mount meru L.
bhadrá [L=148275]
of a class of gods (pl.) under the third manu BhP.
bhadrá [L=148276]
of a people (pl.) AV.Paris3.
bhadrá [L=148277]
of one of the 12 sons of viṣṇu and one of the tuita deities in the svāyambhava manv-antara BhP.
bhadrá [L=148278]
(with jainas) of the third of the 9 white balas L.
bhadrá [L=148279]
of a son of vasu-deva and devakī (or pauravī) BhP. Katha1s.
bhadrá [L=148280]
of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
bhadrá [L=148281]
of a son of upacārumat Buddh.
bhadrá [L=148282]
of an actor Hariv.
bhadrá [L=148283]
of a friend of a Va1s. , Introd.
bhadrá [L=148284]
(with Buddhists) N. of a partic. world
bhadrá [p= 746,1] [L=148286]
N. of various plants (= anantā , aparijātā , kṛṣṇā , jīvantī , nīlī , rāsnā &c ) L.
bhadrá [L=148287]
N. of a metre Col.
bhadrá [L=148288]
of the 2nd , 7th and 12th days of the lunar fortnight W.
bhadrá [L=148289]
of the 7th movable karaa (s.v. ; cf. also 2. bhadrā-karaa)
bhadrá [L=148290]
of a form of durgā VP.
bhadrá [L=148291]
of a goddess Pan5car.
bhadrá [L=148292]
of a Buddhist deity L.
bhadrá [L=148293]
of a śakti Hcat.
bhadrá [L=148294]
of dākāyaī in bhadreśvara Cat. @
bhadrá [L=148295]
of a vidyā-dharī R.
bhadrá [L=148296]
of a surā*ganā Sin6ha7s.
bhadrá [L=148297]
of a daughter of surabhi R.
bhadrá [L=148298]
of a wife of vasu-devi Hariv. Pur.
bhadrá [L=148299]
of the wife of vaiśravaa MBh.
bhadrá [L=148300]
of a daughter of soma and wife of utathya ib.
bhadrá [L=148301]
of a daughter of raudrāśva and the apsaras ghtācī Hariv.
bhadrá [L=148302]
of a kākīvatī and wife of vyuitāśva MBh.
bhadrá [L=148303]
of a daughter of meru and wife of bhadrā*śva BhP.
bhadrá [L=148304]
of a daughter of śruta-kīrti and wife of kṛṣṇa BhP.
bhadrá [L=148305]
of various rivers (esp. of one described as rising on the northern summit of meru and flowing through uttarakuru into the northern ocean) Pur.
bhadrá [L=148306]
the celestial Ganges L.
bhadrá [L=148307]
of a lake Hcat.
bhadrá [L=148308]
prosperity , happiness , health , welfare , good fortune (also pl.) RV. &c (bhadra tasya or tasmai , prosperity to him! Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73 ; bhadra te or va often used parenthetically in a sentence = " if you please " , or to fill up a verse ; bhadram upalāh , happiness to you , O stones! S3a1ntis3. ; bhadram with √ k and dat. , to grant welfare to , bless RV. )
bhadrá [L=148309]
gold L.
bhadrá [L=148310]
iron or steel L.
bhadrá [L=148311]
kind of Cyperus (= -musta) L.
bhadrá [L=148312]
a partic. posture in sitting Cat.
bhadrá [L=148313]
a partic. karaa L. (cf. f.)
bhadrá [L=148314]
a partic. mystic sign AgP.
bhadrá [L=148315]
a partic. part of a house Nalac.
bhadrá [L=148316]
N. of various sāmans A1rshBr.


[L=148264]good , gracious , friendly , kind
[L=148265]excellent , fair , beautiful , lovely , pleasant , dear
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
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(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
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(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


bhuja---ga [p= 759,1] [L=151238]
bhujaga and bhujagama.
bhujaga [p= 759,2] [L=151294]
(fr. bhujam ind. p. of √bhuj ga) a serpent , snake , serpent-demon Ka1v. Sus3r.

of the number eight Su1ryas.

Ka1vya7d. Sa1h.



» pthivī-bh°) , the keeper of a prostitute L.

daṇḍaka metre VarBr2S. Sch.

of a man Ra1jat.
bhujaga [L=151304]
(prob.) tin or lead L.


(H2) m.
[L=151296]the paramour of a prostitute
[L=151297]the dissolute friend of a prince
[L=151298]any constant companion of a prince
[L=151299]a lover (
[L=151300]a species of
(H2B) n.


bhokt [p= 760,1] [L=151414]
(f(trī)) one who enjoys or eats , enjoyer , eater , experiencer , feeler , sufferer MaitrUp. MBh. &c (also as fut. of √3. bhuj R. )




[L=151415]a possessor , ruler of a land , king , prince
[L=151416]a husband , lover


madāra [p= 778,3] [L=155611]
(only L. ; cf. Un2. iii , 134) a hog

of a prince.


[L=155612]an elephant (in rut)
[L=155613]a thorn-apple
[L=155614]a lover , libertine
[L=155615]a kind of perfume


mádhu--kara [p= 779,3] [L=155795]
" honey-maker " , a bee Hariv. Ka1v. &c


Prostrata or Asparagus Racemosus L.

Aspera W.



[L=155796]a lover , libertine
[L=155799]the round sweet lime


mano--'dhinātha [p= 785,2] [L=157066]
" heart-lord " , a lover , husband MW.




márya [p= 791,3] [L=158586]
(prob. fr. √ m) a mortal , man , (esp.) young man , lover , suitor RV. VS. Br. (pl. people ; voc. often used as a kind of particle ; cf. VPra1t. ii , 16 and bhos)

RV. vii , 56 , 16 &c

L. (cf. maya).


[L=158587]a stallion
[L=158588]a camel


márya--śrī [L=158590]
márya-) mfn. adorned as a lover or suitor ib. ii.10 , 5.




mahī́--vallabha [p= 803,3] [L=161600]
" earth-lover " , a king Das3.




mādhurya [p= 809,1] [L=162679]
sweetness Ka1v. Sus3r.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

vaiṣṇavas) a feeling of tender affection (for kṛṣṇa like that of a girl for her lover) RTL. 141

rhet.) grace of style (esp. consisting in the employment of separated words in a sentence , as opp. to ślea q.v.) Va1m. Kpr. &c
mādhurya [L=162683]
sweetly speaking Kull. on Mn. x , 33.


[L=162680]loveliness , exquisite beauty , charm
(H2B) mfn.


mudira [p= 822,2] [L=165480]
a cloud Gi1t. Bha1m.




[L=165481]a lover
[L=165482]a frog


maugdha [p= 836,2] [L=168686]
(w.r. Sa1h. Uttarar. ) or maugdhya (ib. Katha1s. &c ) (fr. mugdha) , simplicity , innocence , inexperience , a feminine grace (asking a lover to tell what is already known)



[L=168686.1]charm , beauty


yāminī--priyatama [p= 850,1] [L=171200]
" lover of night " , the moon Vcar.




yāminī--ramaa [L=171201]
" lover of night " , the moon Vcar.




rajanī--bhujaga [p= 863,2] [L=173954]
" lover of night " id. S3ri1kan2t2h.




rati--bandhu [p= 867,3] [L=175019]
a husband , lover ib.




rati--ramaa [L=175037]
" lover of rati " , N. of kāma-deva , Ma1lati1m.




rama [p= 868,1] [L=175086]
pleasing , delighting , rejoicing (only ifc. ; cf. mano-r°)

rama [L=175088]
(only L. ) joy
rama [L=175089]
a lover , husband , spouse
rama [L=175090]
kāma-deva , the god of love
rama [L=175091]
the red-flowering aśoka


[L=175087]dear , beloved
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


ramaka [L=175093]
sporting , dallying , toying amorously
ramaka [L=175094]
a lover , suitor MW.


(H2B) m.


ramaa [L=175096]
(ī)n. pleasing , charming , delightful BhP.
ramaa [L=175097]
a lover , husband (cf. kapā-r°) MBh. Ka1v. &c
ramaa [L=175098]
kāma-deva , the god of love L.
ramaa [L=175099]
an ass L.
ramaa [L=175100]
a testicle L.
ramaa [L=175101]
a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun L.
ramaa [L=175102]
= tinduka L.
ramaa [L=175103]
N. of arua or the charioteer of the Sun L.
ramaa [L=175104]
of a mythical son of manoharā MBh. Hariv.
ramaa [L=175105]
of a man Pravar.
ramaa [L=175106]
pl. N. of a people (cf. ramaha) MBh.
ramaa [L=175111]
pleasure , joy Subh.
ramaa [L=175112]
dalliance , amorous sport , sexual union , copulation Nir. S3ukas.
ramaa [L=175113]
decoying (of deer) S3is3. vi , 9 (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 24 Va1rtt. 3)
ramaa [L=175114]
(ifc.) gladdening , delighting BhP.
ramaa [L=175115]
the hinder parts , pudenda (= jaghana) L.
ramaa [L=175116]
the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca L.
ramaa [L=175117]
N. of a forest Hariv.
ramaa [L=175118]
of a town DivyA7v.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


ramaa--vasati [L=175120]
the dwelling-place of a lover Megh.




ramáti [L=175148]
a place of pleasant resort AV. TBr.
rámáti [L=175149]
liking to remain in one place , not straying (said of a cow) AV. TS.
ramáti [L=175150]
(only L. ) a lover
ramáti [L=175151]
paradise , heaven
ramáti [L=175152]
a crow
ramáti [L=175153]
ramáti [L=175154]
kāma-deva , the god of love.


(H2B) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


ramā--kānta [p= 868,2] [L=175164]
Pan5cat. ) ( L. ) m. " lover or husband of ramā " , N. of viṣṇu.




ramā--dhava [L=175165]
L. ) m. " lover or husband of ramā " , N. of viṣṇu.




rāgin [p= 872,2] [L=176182]
(iī)n. (fr. √ rañj , and rāga) coloured , having a partic. colour (applied to a kind of Amaurosis or blindness when it affects the second membrane of the eye , as opp. to a-rāgin , which affects the first) Sus3r.


Pan5cat. Katha1s.

loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

rāgin [L=176187]
a painter L.
rāgin [L=176188]
a lover , libertine ib.
rāgin [L=176189]
a sort of grain L.
rāgin [L=176191]
a wanton and intriguing woman W.
rāgin [L=176192]
N. of the eldest daughter of menakā Pur.
rāgin [L=176193]
of a form of lak ib.


[L=176183]colouring , dyeing
[L=176184]red , of a red colour
[L=176185]impassioned , affectionate , enamoured , passionately fond of or attached to or hankering after (
[L=176186]gladdening , delighting
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


rā́tri--bhujaga [p= 876,1] [L=177084]
" night-lover " , the moon Vcar.




rādhā--kānta [p= 876,3] [L=177195]
" lover of rādhā " , N. of kṛṣṇa BrahmaP.

śarman and tarka-vāg-īśa) N. of two authors




rādhā--ramaa [L=177218]
" lover of rādhā " , N. of kṛṣṇa Cat.




rāma [p= 877,1] [L=177264]
(ā́)n. (prob. " causing rest " , and in most meanings fr. √ ram) dark , dark-coloured , black (cf. rātri) AV. TA1r. (rāma śakuni. a black bird , crow Ka1t2hGr2. Vishn2. )


MBh. Ka1v. &c
rāma [L=177267]
a kind of deer Car.
rāma [L=177268]
a horse L.
rāma [L=177269]
a lover VarBr2S.
rāma [L=177270]
pleasure , joy , delight BhP.
rāma [L=177271]
N. of varua. L.
rāma [L=177272]
N. of various mythical personages (in veda two rāmas are mentioned with the patr. mārgaveya and aupatasvini ; another rāmas with the patr. jāmadagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of RV. x , 110 ; in later times three rāmas are celebrated , viz. 1. paraśu-rāma [q.v.] , who forms the 6th avatāra of viṣṇu and is sometimes called jāmadagnya , as son of the sage jamad-agni by reukā , and sometimes bhārgava , as descended from bhgu ; 2. rāma-candra [see below] ; 3. bala-rāma [q.v.] , " the strong rāma " , also called halā*yudha and regarded as elder brother of kṛṣṇa [ RTL. 112] accord. to jainas a rāma is enumerated among the 9 white balas ; and in VP. a rāmas is mentioned among the 7 ṛṣis of the 8th manv-antara) RV. &c &c N. of a king of malla-pura Cat.
rāma [L=177273]
of a king of śṛṅga-vera and patron of nāge*śa ib.
rāma [L=177274]
of various authors and teachers (also with ācārya , upā*dhyāya , kavi , cakra-vartin , jyotir-vid , jyau- tiaka , tarka-vāg-īśa , dīkita , daiva-jña , paṇḍita , bhaṭṭa , bhaṭṭā*cārya , vājapeyin , śarman , śāstrin , sayamin , sūri &c ) Cat.
rāma [L=177275]
N. of the number " three " (on account of the 3 rāmas) Hcat. (rāmasya iu , a kind of cane = rāmakaṇḍa L. )
rāma [L=177276]
pl. N. of a people VP.
rāma [L=177289]
id. ib.
rāma [L=177290]
the leaf of Laurus Cassia L.
rāma [L=177291]
Chenopodium Album L.
rāma [L=177292]
= kuṣṭha L.


[L=177265]white (?)
[L=177266]pleasing , pleasant , charming , lovely , beautiful
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


rāmila [p= 878,3] [L=177691]
a lover , husband L.


°laka) , N. of a poet Cat.


[L=177692]the god of love


rukmiī [p= 882,1] [L=178298]
(of rukmin) a species of plant (= svara-kīrī) L.

of a daughter of bhīmaka and sister of rukmin (betrothed by her father to śiśu-pāla but a secret lover of kṛṣṇa , who , assisted by bala-rāma , carried her off after defeating her brother in battle ; she is represented as mother of pradyumna , and in later mythology is identified with lak) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.

of dākāyaī in dvāravatī Cat.

rukmiī [L=178316]
» above.


[L=178301]of various other women
(H2B) f.


rucya [p= 882,3] [L=178434]
(ā)n. bright , radiant , beautiful , pleasing Naish.

Sus3r. Bhpr.
rucya [L=178436]
(only L. ) a lover , husband
rucya [L=178437]
Strychnos Potatorum
rucya [L=178438]
Aegle Marmelos
rucya [L=178439]
rucya [L=178441]
a species of cucumber
rucya [L=178442]
a kind of tonic W.
rucya [L=178443]
sochal salt L.


[L=178435]giving an appetite , tonic
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


róhiī--kānta [p= 890,2] [L=180094]
" lover of rohiī " , the Moon , Kr2ishn2aj. ??




róhiī--priya [L=180103]
" lover of rohiī " , the Moon L.




róhiī--ramaa [L=180106]
" cow-lover " , a bull L.

rohiī " , the Moon Gi1t. Hcar. Va1sant.


[L=180107]" lover or husband of


róhiī--vallabha [L=180108]
" lover of rohiī " , the Moon L.




laga 1 [p= 895,1] [L=181107]
lame , limping Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
laga 1 [L=181108]
limping , lameness W.
laga 2 [L=181111]
(prob. fr. √ lag) union , association L.

°gaka) L.

āra L.


(H2B) m.
(H1) m.
[L=181112]a lover , paramour (also


labdhā [p= 896,2] [L=181363]
N. of a partic. heroine L.
labdhā [L=181364]
a woman whose husband or lover is faithless W.


(H2B) f.


lamaka [p= 897,1] [L=181468]
a lover , gallant W.

tīrtha-śodhaka Un2. ii , 33 Sch.

of a man

his descendants g. upakā*di.




līlā [p= 903,2] [L=182805]
(derivation doubtful) play , sport , diversion , amusement , pastime MBh. Ka1v. &c

903,3] [p= 903,2] [L=182807]
Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (ibc. sportively , easily , in sport , as a mere joke ; also = līlayā ind. for mere diversion , feignedly)

Ka1lid. Katha1s. Ra1jat.

rhet.) a maiden's playful imitation of her lover , Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.


of a yoginī HParis3.


[L=182806]mere sport or play , child's play , ease or facility in doing anything
[p= mere appearance , semblance , pretence , disguise , sham
[L=182808]grace , charm , beauty , elegance , loveliness
[L=182810]a kind of metre (4 times $)


vára 1 [p= 921,1] [L=186562]
(fr. √1. v) , " environing " , " enclosing " , circumference , space , room RV. AV. TS. (vára ā́ pthivyā́ , on the wide earth)

RV. i , 143 , 5.
vará 2 [p= 922,1] [L=186779]
(ā)n. (fr. √2. v) choosing (» pati-varā , svaya-varā)
vará 2 [L=186779.02]
" chooser " , one who solicits a girl in marriage , suitor , lover , bridegroom , husband (rarely " son-in-law ") RV. &c
vará 2 [L=186779.04]
a bridegroom's friend MW.
vará 2 [L=186779.06]
a dissolute man (= vita or iga) L.
vára 2 [L=186779.08]
(ā)n. (vára) " select " , choicest , valuable , precious , best , most excellent or eminent among (gen. loc. abl. , or comp.) or for (gen.) S3rS. MBh. &c
vára 2 [L=186779.10]
(ā)n. (ifc.) royal , princely Ja1takam.
vára 2 [L=186779.12]
(ā)n. better , preferable , better than (abl. , rarely gen.) or among (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
vára 2 [L=186779.14]
(ā)n. eldest W.
vára 2 [L=186779.22]
(rarely n. ; ifc. f(ā).) " act or object of choosing " , election , wish , request
vára 2 [L=186779.24]
boon , gift , reward , benefit , blessing , favour (várāya , váram ā́ , práti váram or vára varam , " according to wish , to one's heart's content " ; mad-varāt , " in consequence of the boon granted by me " ; vára-v , " to choose a boon " ; vara-yāc or ā-k or √brū or Caus. of pra-arth , " to prefer a request " ; vára , " to grant a boon or blessing " ; varam pra- or pra-yam id. ; vara-labh , " to receive a boon or reward ") RV. &c
vára 2 [L=186779.26]
a benefit , advantage , privilege Das3.
vára 2 [L=186779.28]
charity , alms VarBr2S.
vára 2 [L=186779.30]
a dowry Pan5cat.
vára 2 [L=186779.32]
a kind of grain (= varata) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
vára 2 [L=186779.34]
bdellium L.
vára 2 [L=186779.36]
a sparrow L.
vára 2 [L=186779.38]
N. of a son of śvaphalka VP.
vára 2 [L=186779.50]
saffron BhP. (In comp. not always separable from 1. vara.)
vara 1 [p= 1007,2] [L=203979]
» [p= 921,1].
vara 2 [p= 1007,3] [L=204041]
» [p= 922,1] , and p. 923.


[L=186563]stopping , checking
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H2) &c
(H2) &c


varā* sana [p= 923,1] [L=186995]
an excellent or chief seat , a throne MBh. BhP.

of a town Ka1lP.

Rosa Sinensis L.

W. (for vār-ās° q.v.)
varā* sana [L=186999]
having an excellent seat L.
varā* sana [L=187000]
a door-keeper L.
varā* sana [L=187001]
a lover , paramour L.


[L=186998]a cistern , reservoir
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


varayit [L=187040]
a suitor , lover , husband L.




varkarāa [p= 923,3] [L=187193]
(only L. ) a side glance


[L=187194]the rays of the ascending sun
[L=187195]the marks of a lover's finger-nails on the bosom of a woman.


varāa [p= 925,1] [L=187490]
(only L. ) a painter


[L=187491]a singer
[L=187492]one who makes his living by his wife
[L=187493]a lover.


vallabha [p= 928,3] [L=188285]
(ā)n. ( Un2. iii , 125) beloved above all , desired , dear to (gen. loc. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

abl.) Pan5cat. iv , 28


Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

L. (prob. w.r. for ballava)

esp. one with good marks or a favourite horse) L.

Agallochum Gal.

of a son of balākā*śva MBh.

vaiṣṇava sect (= vallabhā*cārya q.v.)

gaaka and nyāyā*cārya) Cat.


[L=188286]dearer than (
[L=188287]supreme , superintending
[L=188288]a favourite , friend , lover , husband
[L=188289]a cowherd
[L=188290]a horse (
[L=188291]a kind of
[L=188293]of the founder of a
[L=188294]of a grammarian and various other writers and teachers (also with

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.36, 24.13, 33.70, 33.70
Whitney Roots links: vas1, vas2, vas3

vas 1 [p= 930,1] [L=188559]
acc. dat. gen. pl. of 2nd pers. pron. (cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 21 , 24 &c ) RV. &c &c
vas 2 [L=188560]
u q.v. ; not in Dha1tup. ) cl.6 P. , uccháti (pf. uvā́sa , ūú RV. &c ; aor. avāt [?] AV. ; avasran RV. ; Cond. avatsyat S3Br. ; Ved. inf. vástave , i) , to shine , grow bright (esp. applied to the dawn) RV.  ; 
to bestow by shining upon (
dat.) ib. i , 113 , 7  ; 
dūré) to drive away by shining ib. vii , 77 , 4 : Caus. vāsáyati , to cause to shine RV. [cf. vasar in vasar-han ; Gk. αρ for φεσαρ ;Lat. ve1r &c ]
vas 3 [p= 932,1] [L=188997]
vāsayati (aor. avīvasat) , to love  ; 
to cut off
to accept , take
to offer
to kill (
ni-vāsita , killed) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70 (only with prep. ; » pari-vas ; but accord. to some the Impv. vasiva [ RV. viii , 70 , 10] and ua , " a lover " [x , 95 , 5] , and vásiṣṭha [ib. 17] belong also to this root , which has developed an obscene meaning = Gk. κεντέω , futuere) .
vas 4 [L=188998]
( Dha1tup. xxiv , 13) váste (Impv. vasiva RV. ; vaddhvam Kaus3. ; p. vásāna , once usāná and usámāna RV. ; pf. vavase S3is3. ; vāvase , p. °sāná RV. ; aor. avasiṣṭa ib. ; fut. vasitā Gr. ; vasiyate ib. ; vatsyati Hariv. 11206 ; inf. vasitum MBh. R. ; ind.p. vasitvā Mn. BhP. ; -vasya MBh. ) , to put on , invest , wear , (clothes &c ) , assume (a form &c ) , enter into RV. &c &c : Caus. vāsáyati,°te (Pass. vāsyate) , to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1. " one's self ") with (instr.) RV. Gr2S3rS. Mn. : Desid. vivasiate Gr.: Intens. vāvasyate,vāvastiib. [cf. Gk. ννυμι for ϝεσ-νυμι ;Lat. vestis ; Goth. wasjan ; Angl.Sax. werian ; Eng. wear.]
vas [L=188999]
ifc.) , clothed in , wearing (e.g. pre*ta-cūvara-vas , " wearing the garments of dead men ") . Ragh.
vas 5 [p= 932,3] [p= 932,2] [L=189096]
( Dha1tup. xxiii , 36) vásati (mc. also °te ; pf. uvāsa , ūu RV. &c ; p. vāvasāna RV. i , 46 , 13 ; -vāsā cakre Up. ; aor. avātsīt AV. ; avāksam AitBr. [where it is artificially connected with vāc] ; avāstam Up. ; fut. vastā Gr. ; vatsyati,°te Br. &c ; vasiyati MBh. ; inf. vastum , vasitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. uitvā́ Br. ; uṣṭ MBh. ; ya Br. &c ) , to dwell , live , stop (at a place) , stay (esp. " overnight " , with or without rātrim or rātrīs) RV. &c  ; 
to remain , abide with or in (with
loc. of pers. ; loc. or acc. of place , esp. with vāsam or vasatim) S3Br. &c  ; 
to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp. ,
e.g. with channa , " to continue to be covered " Ka1tyS3r. ; or with an acc. , with brahmacaryam , " to practise chastity " AitBr. ; or with an adv. e.g. with sukham , " to live pleasantly or at ease " ; with or without dūratas , " to keep aloof ") TS. &c  ; 
to have sexual intercourse with (
loc.) Hariv.  ; 
to rest upon (
loc.) Subh.  ; 
to charge or entrust with (
instr.) Hariv.  ; 
cl.10 P. vasayati , to dwell Dha1tup. xxxv , 84 , e : Pass. uyate (aor. avāsi) , to be dwelt &c MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. vāsáyati , °te (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 89 ; aor. avīvasat MaitrS. : Pass. vāsyáte Br. , °ti MBh. ) , to cause to halt or stay (overnight) , lodge , receive hospitably or as a guest S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to cause to have sexual intercourse with (
loc.) MatsyaP.  ; 
to let anything stand overnight (with
tisro , scil. ratrīs , " three nights ") Kaus3.  ; 
to cause to wait , keep in suspense
RV.  ; 
to delay , retard
Ka1m.  ; 
to cause to exist , preserve
S3Br.  ; 
to cause to be inhabited , populate (a country)
Hit.  ; 
to put in , place upon (
loc.) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. (anadhyāyam mukhe , to put restraint on the mouth , refrain from speaking)  ; 
to produce
Sarvad. : Desid. vivatsati , to wish to dwell S3Br. : Intens. vāvasyate , vāvasti , to remain , be in , be engaged in MW. [cf. Goth. wisan ; Germ. wsan , ge-wesen , war &c ; Angl.Sax. wsan ; Eng. was , were.]
vás 6 [L=189099]
gen. vásām) , prob. either " an abode " or " a dweller " RV. v.2 , 6.
vas 7 [p= 933,1] [L=189185]
vasiva , [anu]-vāvase , vāvasāná , and vástos) , to rush or aim at , attack RV. viii , 70 , 10 (cf. under √ 3 vas) ; viii , 4 , 8 ; i , 51 , 3 ; vi , 11 , 6 (?) ; i , 174 , 3.
vas 8 [L=189186]
bas) cl.4 P. vasyati , to be or make firm Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70.


(H1) (a Vedic root connected with √1.
(H1) cl.10 P.
(H1) cl.2 A1.
(H2) (
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) (only in
(H1) (only
(H1) (also written


vāta--keli [p= 934,2] [L=189455]
amorous sport or murmur L.

igānā danta-lekhanam L.



[L=189457]the marks of finger-nails on a lover's person


vāsá--sajjā [p= 947,3] [L=192355]
" ready in her chamber " , a woman ready to receive her lover (cf. vāsaka-s°) L.




vāsaka--sajjā [L=192361]
a woman ready to receive her lover (cf. vāsa-sajjā) Ka1v. Sch.




vāsaka--sajjikā [L=192362]
a woman ready to receive her lover (cf. vāsa-sajjā) Ka1v. Sch.




vi-pralabdhā [p= 976,1] [L=197961]
a female disappointed by her lover's breaking his appointment (one of the incidental characters in a drama) W.




vi-pro* ita---bhart [L=197999]
(a woman) whose husband or lover is absent W.




vi-yoginī [p= 981,3] [L=199035]
a woman separated from her husband or lover MW.




vi-ra° ho* tkaṇṭhikā [p= 982,3] [L=199199]
(in dram.) a woman who longs after her absent lover or husband Sa1h.




vi-° rahiī [L=199206]
a woman separated from her husband or lover W.
vi-° rahiī [L=199207]
wages , hire ib.


(H3B) f.


vi-° lāsin [p= 985,2] [L=199698]
shining , beaming , radiant MBh.


comp.) R. Ragh. Dhu1rtas.

Ragh. Gi1t.
vi-° lāsin [L=199702]
" sporter " , a lover , husband Kum. Sa1h. ( L. also " a sensualist ; a serpent ; fire ; the moon ; N. of kṛṣṇa , of śiva , and of kāma-deva ")
vi-° lāsin [L=199704]
a kind of metre VarBr2S.
vi-° lāsin [L=199705]
N. of a woman Katha1s.


[L=199699]moving to and fro , fluttering
[L=199700]wanton , sportive , playful , dallying with or fond of (
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


viaya [p= 997,1] [L=202020]
(ifc. f(ā). ; prob. either fr √1. vi , " to act " , or fr. visi , " to extend " cf. Pa1n2. 8-3 , 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity) , dominion , kingdom , territory , region , district , country , abode (pl. = lands , possessions) Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c


ifc. = " concerned with , belonging to , intently engaged on " ; viaye , with gen. or ifc. = " in the sphere of , with regard or reference to " ; atra viaye , " with regard to this object ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

gen.) Ka1v. Pan5cat.

indriya , or organs of sense having each their proper viaya or object , viz. 1. śabda , " sound " , for the ear cf. śruti-viaya ; 2. sparśa , " tangibility " , for the skin ; 3. rūpa , " form " or " colour " , for the eye ; 4. rasa , " savour " , for the tongue ; 5. gandha , " odour " for the nose: and these five viayas are sometimes called the guas or " properties " of the five elements , ether , air , fire , water , earth , respectively ; cf. śruti-viaya-gua) Ya1jn5. S3am2k. Sarvad. IW. 83

N. of the number " five " VarBr2S.

pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c
997,2] [L=202029]
opp. to " a subject ") Sarvad.

dat. gen. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

phil.) the subject of an argument , category , general head (one of the 5 members of an adhikaraa [q.v.] , the other 4 being viśaya or saśaya , pūrva-paka , uttara-paka or siddhā*nta , and sagati or niraya) Sarvad.

IW. 73

e.g. chandasi viaye , " only in the veda ") Ka1s3. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)

rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. " lotus-eye " the second member is the viaya , and the first the viayin) Kuval. Prata1p.







[L=202021]scope , compass , horizon , range , reach (of eyes , ears , mind
[L=202022]period or duration (of life)
[L=202023]special sphere or department , peculiar province or field of action , peculiar element , concern (
[L=202024]space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (
[L=202025]an object of sense (these are five in number , the five
[L=202026]a symbolical
[L=202027]anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (
[L=202028]any subject or topic , subject-matter
[p= an object (as
[L=202030]a fit or suitable object (" for "
[L=202032]un-organic matter
[L=202033](in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (
[L=202035]a country with more than 100 villages
[L=202036]a refuge , asylum
[L=202037]a religious obligation or observance
[L=202038]a lover , husband
[L=202039]semen virile


śácī--ramaa [p= 1048,2] [L=211720]
" lover or husband of śaci " , N. of indra Ba1lar.




śaha [L=211741]
(ā)n. false , deceitful , fraudulent , malignant , wicked A1past. Mn. MBh. &c
śaha [L=211742]
a cheat , rogue (esp. a false husband or lover , who pretends affection for one female while his heart is fixed on another ; one of the four classes into which husbands are divided) W.
śaha [L=211743]
a , fool , blockhead ib.
śaha [L=211744]
an idler ib.
śaha [L=211745]
a mediator , umpire L.
śaha [L=211746]
the thorn-apple L.
śaha [L=211747]
white mustard seed L.
śaha [L=211748]
N. of an asura MBh.
śaha [L=211749]
of a son of vasu-deva Hariv. (v.l. gada and suta)
śaha [L=211751]
saffron L.
śaha [L=211752]
Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.
śaha [L=211753]
steel L.
śaha [L=211754]
tin L.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


śṛṅgārin [p= 1088,1] [L=220707]
feeling love or amorous passion , enamoured , impassioned Ka1v. Sch.



śṛṅgārin [L=220711]
an impassioned lover ib.
śṛṅgārin [L=220712]
dress , decoration ib.
śṛṅgārin [L=220713]
an elephant L.
śṛṅgārin [L=220714]
the betel-nut tree L.
śṛṅgārin [L=220715]
a ruby(?) , Pracan2d2.


[L=220708]erotic , relating to love
[L=220709]adorned , beautifully dressed
[L=220710]stained with red-lead
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


śraviṣṭhā--ramaa [p= 1097,1] [L=222573]
" lover of śraviṣṭ " N. of the moon L.




sá--kāma [p= 1124,1] [L=227662]
(ā)n. satisfying desires VS. R.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

Vishn2. Mn. Ya1jn5.

ifc.) wishing , desirous of S3is3.


MBh. Ka1v. &c



[L=227662.1]having one's wishes fulfilled , satisfied , contented
[L=227662.2]consenting , willing (said of a girl)
[L=227662.4]acting on purpose or with free will
[L=227662.5]full of love , loving , a lover
[L=227662.6]betraying love (as speech)


sa-keta [p= 1126,3] [L=228200]
(fr. sa-cit) agreement , compact , stipulation , assignation with (gen. , esp. with a lover) , engagement , appointment (acc. with √ k , or grah or or Caus. of √ kp , " to make an agreement or appointment " or " appoint a place of meeting with any person " [gen. or instr. or instr. with saha , samam , mitha] ; ibc. " according to agreement " , " by appointment ") MBh. Ka1v. &c


acc. with √ k , " to give a signal ") Katha1s. Gi1t.

śailī q.v.) MW.


of a Comm. on the kāvya-prakāśa and on the hara-carita

N. of a people (cf. sāketa) Ma1rkP.


[L=228201]convention , consent
[L=228202]intimation , hint , allusion , preconcerted sign or signal or gesture (
[L=228203]a short explanation of a grammatical rule (= 2.
[L=228204]condition , provision


sa-keta--ketana [L=228207]
a place of assignation , place appointed for meeting (a lover &c ) , rendezvous Katha1s.
saketa° ketana [p= 1127,1] [L=228233]
id. Vet.


(H3) n.


sa--jāra [p= 1131,1] [L=228982]
(ā)n. accompanied by a lover , together with a paramour Hit.




satyá--kāma [p= 1135,3] [L=229848]
(satyá-) truth-loving , lover of truth ChUp.
satyá--kāma [L=229848.1]
N. of various men Br. Up. &c


(H3B) m.


su--devá [p= 1225,1] [L=246746]
a good or real god. RV. S3Br.
1225,2] [L=246747]
accord. to some) " sporting well " , a potent or highly erotic lover (in this meaning fr. √ div , " to play " , and opp. to vi-deva , " impotent , unerotic ") RV. x , 95 , 14 AV. xx , 136 , 12
su--devá [L=246748]
having the right gods , protected by them RV. TS.
su--devá [L=246749]
destined for the right gods VS. TBr.
su--devá [L=246750]
N. of a kāśyapa TA1r.
su--devá [L=246751]
of a Brahman MBh.
su--devá [L=246752]
of a general of ambarīa ib.
su--devá [L=246753]
of a son of hary-aśva and king of kāśi ib.
su--devá [L=246754]
of a king of vidarbha R.
su--devá [L=246755]
of a son of akrūra Hariv.
su--devá [L=246756]
of a son of pauṇḍra vāsudeva ib.
su--devá [L=246757]
of a son of cañcu ib.
su--devá [L=246758]
of a son of campa BhP.
su--devá [L=246759]
of a son of devaka VP.
su--devá [L=246760]
of a son of viṣṇu BhP.
su--devá [L=246761]
of a poet Cat.


[p= (
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.


saindhavá [p= 1248,1] [L=252458]
(ī)n. (fr. sindhu) relating to the sea , oceanic , marine , aquatic Buddh.

indus or Sindh TS. &c
saindhavá [L=252460]
a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP.
saindhavá [L=252461]
a horse (partic. one bred in Sindh) L.
saindhavá [L=252462]
N. of a teacher Cat.
saindhavá [L=252463]
(pl.) the inhabitants of Sindh AV. Paris3. ?? MBh. &c
saindhavá [L=252464]
N. of a partic. school founded by saindhavāyana VP.
saindhavá [L=252465]
n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh) , any salt S3Br. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
saindhavá [L=252467]
(in dram.) a song in Prakrit (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sa1h.


[L=252459]belonging to or produced in or coming from the
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.


smara--kathā [p= 1272,1] [L=257119]
love-talk , lover's prattle VarBr2S.




svāmin [p= 1278,3] [L=258671]
[p= 1284,1].
svāmin [p= 1284,1] [L=259657]
(fr. 1. sva min) an owner , proprietor , master , lord or owner of (gen. loc. , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

Vikr. Subh.

du. " husband and wife ") A1past. Mn. MBh. &c

dram. used as a form of address = deva)

esp. of natives of the Carnatic)

ifc. ; » śrīdhara- , viṣṇu-sv° &c )

of skanda Ya1jn5. i , 293

viṣṇu L.

śiva L.

garua L.

muni vātsyāyana L.

arhat of the past utsarpiī L.

miśra and śāstrin ; sometimes abridged from names ending in svāmin e.g. for kīra- and śabara-svāmin) Cat.


(H1) m.
[L=259658]a chief , commander (of an army)
[L=259659]a husband , lover (
[L=259660]a king , prince (in
[L=259661]a spiritual preceptor , learned Brahman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names ,
[L=259662]the image or temple of a god (often
[L=259667]of the
[L=259668]of the 11th
[L=259669]of various authors (also with


sv-ā́hā--pati [p= 1284,3] [L=259784]
Hariv. ) , ( L. ) m. " lord or lover of svāhā " , N. of agni.




sv-ā́hā--priya [L=259785]
L. ) m. " lord or lover of svāhā " , N. of agni.




hári--candana [p= 1290,1] [L=260966]
n. a sort of sandal tree S3is3. BhP. S3atr.

MBh. Ka1v. &c (in this sense prob. only n.) , one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being pārijāta , mandāra , satāna , and kalpa) Pan5car. Pan5cat.
hári--candana [L=260968]
the pollen or filament of a lotus L.
hári--candana [L=260969]
saffron ib.
hári--candana [L=260970]
moonlight ib.
hári--candana [L=260971]
the person of a lover or mistress ib.


[L=260967]yellow sandal
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.


harula [p= 1293,1] [L=261749]
disposed to be cheerful or happy , delighted MBh. Ra1jat.
harula [L=261750]
a lover L.
harula [L=261751]
a deer L.
harula [L=261752]
N. of buddha L.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


hiimbā--pati [p= 1298,2] [L=262848]
" husband or lover of hiimbā " , N. of bhīma or of hanumat L.




hiimbā--ramaa [L=262849]
" husband or lover of hiimbā " , N. of bhīma or of hanumat L.




abhy-antara [p= 75,3] [L=13209]
(ā)n. interior , being inside of , included in (loc. ; gen. or in comp. [cf. gaā*bhyantara]) MBh. ii , 2282 , &c

loc.) R. Megh.

abhy-antara [L=13212]
inner part , interior , inside , middle S3a1k. &c
abhy-antara [L=13213]
(generally loc. ; ifc.) interval , space of time Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Hit.
abhy-antara [p= 1315,2] [L=312660]
"on intimate terms", a lover, Divya7v.


[L=13210]initiated in , conversant with (
[L=13211]next , nearly related , intimate
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) m.


ambu--dhakāminī [p= 1315,3] [L=313320.8]
"ocean-lover", a river, Bha1m.




da--° śā* vasthā [p= 1328,3] [L=333410.6]
(in rhet.) the ten conditions (of a lover, viz. abhilāa, cintana, smti, gna-kathā, udvega, pralāpa, unmāda, sacara, jaatā, and maraa, qq. vv.), Das3ar. iv, 48




dharma--vallabha [p= 1329,2] [L=334320.7]
a lover of religion, ib.




pri--° * bhidheya [p= 1330,3] [L=337040.5]
worthy to be called a lover, Bcar.




maṇḍayitnu [p= 1331,2] [L=337820]
one who adorns, L.



[L=337820.1]a lover,