na hi varṇavibhedena dehabhedena vā bhavet |
paratvaṃ niṣkalatvena sakalatve na tad bhavet || 6 ||
prasādaṃ kuru me nātha niḥśeṣaṃ chinddhi saṃśayam |
citation needed
and “
me natha prasadam kuru sampratam”seem to be stock phrases
Tantra, its mystic and scientific basis

| Lalan Prasad Singh - 1976 - 203 pages - Snippet view
Abhinava Gupta has dealt with the theory of Kalacakra in his celebrated work Tantra-loka. ... jnana-kaya namo (sic) stute sunyala-karuna-bhinnam bodhi-cittam yad aksaram teoa sckena me natha prasadam kuru sampratam.— p. 24. ...
Studies in the Buddhistic culture of India during the seventh and ... - Page 420

| Lal Mani Joshi - 1977 - 497 pages - Preview
... sunyatakarunabhinnam bodhicittam yadaksaram / tena sekena me natha prasadam kuru sampratam // putradaradibhih sardham daso'ham ... 556; Agehananda Bharati, The Tantric Tradition, pp. 164f. 100. Hevajratantra, pt. I, p.
An introduction to tāntric Buddhism

| Shashi Bhushan Dasgupta - 1974 - 211 pages - Snippet view
Sometimes we find in the Kala-cakra-tantra salutation to Lord Sri-kala-cakra in the very manner in which Lord Vajra-sattva, ... tena sekena me natha prasadam kuru sdmpratam II etc. — Sekoddesa-fika, p. 24. namah iri-kala-cakrdya ...
Dharma, Hindu and Christian according to Roberto de Nobili: ... - Page 233

| Soosai Arokiasamy - 1986 - 376 pages - Preview
40 It is also applied to God in Saivism.41 According to de Nobili, God who is the invisible kuru (Teacher) becomes a visible kuru, ie Christ.42 "That (God) the
Not related:
(H1) | kúru [p= 294,1] [L=52708]
m. pl. |
N. of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the pañcālas ; hence often connected with pañcāla or pañcāla [see kuru-pañc° below]: the uttara-kuravaḥ , or uttarāḥ kuravaḥ are the northern kurus , the most northerly of the four mahā-dvīpas or principal divisions of the known world [distinguished from the dakṣiṇāḥ kuravaḥ or southern kurus MBh. i , 4346] , by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or varṣas of the same ; it was probably a country beyond the most northern range of the himā*laya , often described as a country of everlasting happiness [ AitBr. MBh. &c ] , and considered by some to be the ancient home of the Aryan race)
[p= | 294,1] [L=52709]
m. |
= ṛtvijas (priests) Naigh.
[p= | 294,1] [L=52710]
m. |
= kartāras (" doers " , fr. √1. kṛ) Comm. on ChUp.
[p= | 294,1] [L=52711]
N. |
of the ancestor of the kurus (son of saṁvaraṇa and tapatī , daughter of the sun [ MBh. i , 3738 ff. Hariv. 1799 &c ] ; kuru is the ancestor of both pāṇḍu and dhṛta-rāṣṭra , though the patronymic derived from his name is usually applied only to the sons of the latter , the sons and descendants of the former being called pāṇḍavas)
[p= | 294,1] [L=52712]
N. |
of a son of āgnīdhra and grandson of priya-vrata VP. BhP.
[p= | 294,1] [L=52713]
boiled rice |
[p= | 294,1] [L=52714]
the plant |
Solanum Jacquini (= kaṇṭakārikā) L.
(H1B) | kúru [p= 294,1] [L=52715]
f. |
(ūs) a princess of the kuru race Pa1n2. 4-1 , 66 & 176 (cf. kaurava , &c )
(H2) | kuru [p= 1325,1] [L=328340]
(in |