Anga-Limb, attention, member, body, division, limb of mantra, base of a word, illustration
kiṃcid aṅgaṃ vibhidyādau tīkṣṇasūcyādinā tataḥ |
tatraiva cetanāṃ yuktvā bhairave nirmalā gatiḥ || 93 ||
(H1) | aṅgá 1 [p= 7,2] [L=1496]
ind. |
a particle implying attention , assent or desire , and sometimes impatience , it may be rendered , by well
[L=1496.1] |
indeed , true , please , rather quick
[L=1496.2] |
kim a |
ṅga , how much rather!
(H1) | áṅga 2 [p= 7,3] [L=1503]
n. |
( √ am Un2. ), a limb of the body
[L=1504] |
a limb , member
[L=1505] |
the body
[L=1506] |
a subordinate division or department , especially of a science , as the six |
[L=1507] |
hence the number six
[L=1508] |
N. |
of the chief sacred texts of the jainas
[L=1509] |
a limb or subdivision of |
mantra or counsel (said to be five , viz. 1. karmaṇām ārambho*pāyaḥ , means of commencing operations ; 2. puruṣa-dravya-sampad , providing men and materials ; 3. deśa-kāla-vibhāga , distribution of place and time ; 4. vipatti-pratīkāra , counter-action of disaster ; 5. kārya-siddhi , successful accomplishment ; whence mantra is said to be pañcā*ṅga)
[L=1510] |
any subdivision , a supplement
[L=1511] |
(in |
Gr.) the base of a word , but in the strong cases only Pa1n2. 1-4 , 13 seqq.
[L=1512] |
anything inferior or secondary , anything immaterial or unessential , |
» aṅga-tā
[L=1513] |
(in rhetoric) an illustration
[L=1514] |
(in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters
[L=1515] |
an expedient
[L=1516] |
a mental organ , the mind |
(H1B) | áṅga 2 [L=1517]
m. |
sg. or pl. N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants
(H1B) | áṅga 2 [L=1518]
m. |
(sg.) , N. of a king of aṅga
(H1B) | áṅga 2 [L=1519]
mfn. |
having members or divisions L.
(H1B) | áṅga 2 [L=1520]
m. |
contiguous L.
(H2) | aṅga [p= 1309,2] [L=301290]
(in |
(H3) | aṅgā* ṅgi-tā [L=1599]
f. |
mutual relation or correlation as between the limbs , or a limb and the body , or between subordinate and the principal , or principal and accessory.
(H2) | aṅgaka [p= 8,1] [L=1610]
n. |
a limb , member , body
Other Sanskrit Words for “Limb”
(H1) aṅgá 1 [p= 7,2] [L=1496] ind. a particle implying attention , assent or desire , and sometimes impatience , it may be rendered , by well
[L=1496.1] indeed , true , please , rather quick
[L=1496.2] kim aṅga , how much rather!
(H1) áṅga 2 [p= 7,3] [L=1503] n. ( √ am Un2. ), a limb of the body
[L=1504] a limb , member
[L=1505] the body
[L=1506] a subordinate division or department , especially of a science , as the six vedāṅgas
[L=1507] hence the number six
[L=1508] N. of the chief sacred texts of the jainas
[L=1509] a limb or subdivision of mantra or counsel (said to be five , viz. 1. karmaṇām ārambho*pāyaḥ , means of commencing operations ; 2. puruṣa-dravya-sampad , providing men and materials ; 3. deśa-kāla-vibhāga , distribution of place and time ; 4. vipatti-pratīkāra , counter-action of disaster ; 5. kārya-siddhi , successful accomplishment ; whence mantra is said to be pañcā*ṅga)
[L=1510] any subdivision , a supplement
[L=1511] (in Gr.) the base of a word , but in the strong cases only Pa1n2. 1-4 , 13 seqq.
[L=1512] anything inferior or secondary , anything immaterial or unessential , » aṅga-tā
[L=1513] (in rhetoric) an illustration
[L=1514] (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters
[L=1515] an expedient
[L=1516] a mental organ , the mind L.
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1517] m. sg. or pl. N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1518] m. (sg.) , N. of a king of aṅga
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1519] mfn. having members or divisions L.
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1520] m. contiguous L.
(H2) aṅga [p= 1309,2] [L=301290] (in comp.)
(H3) áṅga--kartana [p= 7,3] [L=1521] n. cutting off a limb.
(H3) áṅga--graha [L=1525] m. " limb-seizure " , spasm Sus3r.
(H3) áṅga--saṃhati [L=1588] f. compactness of limb , symmetry of body.
(H3) aṅgā* ṅgi [L=1598] ind. jointly or reciprocally , related as one limb to another or to the body.
(H3) aṅgā* ṅgi-tā [L=1599] f. mutual relation or correlation as between the limbs , or a limb and the body , or between subordinate and the principal , or principal and accessory.
(H2) aṅgaka [p= 8,1] [L=1610] n. a limb , member , body
(H3) atiriktā* ṅga [p= 15,2] [L=3165] mfn. having a redundant limb or finger or toe
(H3B) atiriktā* ṅga [L=3166] n. a redundant limb or finger or toe.
(H1) átka [p= 16,3] [L=3376] m. ( √ at) a traveller L.
[L=3376.1] a limb or member L.
[L=3376.2] armour , mail , garment RV.
[L=3376.3] N. of an asura RV.
(H2) átka [p= 1310,1] [L=302510] (accord. to some also = tejas).
(H3) antar--avayava [p= 43,2] [L=8055] m. an inner limb or part.
(H1) apa-ghana 1 [p= 48,2] [L=9088] m. ( √ han) , ( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 81) a limb or member (as a hand or foot) Naish.
(H1) apa-ghana 2 [L=9093] mfn. cloudless.
(H1) a-pogaṇḍa [p= 56,3] [L=10394] mfn. not under sixteen years of age Mn. viii , 148
[L=10395] a child or infant L.
[L=10396] timid L.
[L=10397] flaccid L.
[L=10398] having a limb too many or too few L.
(H3) alopā* ṅga [p= 95,2] [L=16807] mfn. not defective in a single limb AitBr.
(H1) ava-yava [p= 102,2] [L=17833] &c » ava- √yu.
(H2) ava-yava [L=17843] m. (ifc. f(ā).) a limb , member , part , portion Pa1n2. &c
[L=17844] a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism Nya1yad. &c
(H1) ā- √ kuñc [p= 127,1] [L=22163] Caus. (Pot. -kuñcayet ; ind.p. -kuñcya) to bend (as a limb) Sus3r.
(H2) ā-kuñcana [L=22164] n. bending (of a limb) Sus3r.
(H1) upā* ṅga 1 [p= 213,1] [L=36611] n. (for 2. » upā*ñj) a minor limb or member of the body Ma1rkP. Sarvad.
[L=36611.1] a subdivision
[L=36611.2] a supplementary or additional work , secondary portion of a science MBh. Hariv. &c (such as the purāṇas , the nyāya , mīmāṃsā , and the dharma-śāstras)
[L=36611.3] N. of a class of sacred writings of the jainas (eight are enumerated , the last of which includes four subdivisions)
[L=36611.4] a sectarial mark (made with sandal &c ) on the forehead L.
[L=36611.5] (in mus.) a particular drum-like instrument.
(H2) upā* ṅga 2 [L=36631] (for 1. » above ) m. the act of smearing , anointing Car.
(H4) kā́ṇḍa--bhagna---tva [p= 269,3] [L=47534] n. the state of having a fractured limb Sus3r.
(H2) gā́tra [p= 352,1] [L=64504] n. " instrument of moving " , a limb or member of the body RV. AV. &c (ifc. ā [ MBh. ix Pan5cat. ii , 4 , 3÷4] or ī [ Mr2icch. i , 21 S3ak. Kum. &c ] cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 54 Ka1s3. )
[L=64505] the body Mn. iv , 122 ; 169 Nal. &c
[L=64506] the forequarter of an elephant (cf. gātrā*vara) L.
(H2B) gā́tra [L=64509] m. N. of a son of vasiṣṭha VP. i , 10 , 13 Va1yuP.
(H2) gā́tra [L=64510] mfn. = -yuta L.
(H2) gā́tra [p= 353,2] [L=64748] » √1. gā.
(H2) gātra [p= 1326,2] [L=330270] (in comp.)
(H3) gā́tra--mārjanī [p= 352,2] [L=64517] f. " limb-rubber " , a towel W.
(H2B) ceṣṭā [p= 402,1] [L=74975] f. ( Pa1n2. 2-3 , 12) moving any limb , gesture Mn. vii f. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (ifc. Ragh. ii , 43)
(H2B) ceṣṭā [L=74976] f. action , activity , effort , endeavour , exertion A1s3vS3r. i S3vetUp. ii , 9 (ifc.) Mn. iv , 65 Bhag. &c
(H2B) ceṣṭā [L=74977] f. doing , performing Mn. i , 65
(H2B) ceṣṭā [L=74978] f. behaving , manner of life Mn. vii , 194 KapS. iii , 51 VarBr2S. (ifc.) &c
(H2B) ceṣṭā [L=74979] f. cf. a- , naṣṭa- , niś-.
(H2) ceṣṭā [L=74988] f. » °ṭa.
(H2) ceṣṭita [L=74995] mfn. set in motion W.
[L=74996] done with effort , exerted W.
[L=74997] done S3ak. iii , 23÷24 (v.l.) ; v , 9
[L=74998] frequented Ragh. xi , 51
(H2B) ceṣṭita [L=74999] n. moving any limb , gesture Mn. Sus3r. VarBr2S.
(H2B) ceṣṭita [L=75000] n. doing , action , behaviour , manner of life Mn. MBh. R. KapS. iii , 59 ff. S3ak. &c (ifc. f(ā). Bhar. xxxiv , 118) .
(H2) nālīka [p= 537,3] [L=106157] m. a kind of arrow or spear MBh. R. &c
[L=106158] body , limb L.
(H2B) nālīka [L=106159] mn. a lotus flower L.
(H2B) nālīka [L=106160] n. (ib.) = nālīkinī
(H3) nyūnā* ṅga [p= 573,1] [L=113012] mf(ā)n. defective in a limb or organ , maimed , mutilated , imperfect W.
(H2) pakṣá [p= 573,2] [L=113061] m. (ifc. f(ā or ī). ) a wing , pinion (in one passage n.) RV. &c
[L=113062] a symbol. N. of the number two Var. Hcat.
[L=113063] a feather , the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. gārdhra-p°)
[L=113064] the fin of a fish (cf. nis-tvak-p°)
[L=113065] the shoulder
[L=113066] the flank or side or the half of anything RV. &c
[p= 573,3] [L=113067] the side or wing of a building AV.
[L=113068] the wing or flank of an army MBh. Hariv.
[L=113069] the half of a lunar month (the first half from new moon to full moon was called pūrva or apūryamāṇa , later śukla or śuddha ; the other half apara or apa-kṣīyamāṇa , later kṛṣṇa or tāmisra ; each fortnight consists of 15 tithis or lunar days called prathamā , dvitīyā &c ) Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. Var. &c
[L=113070] a side , party , faction
[L=113071] multitude , number , troop , set , class of beings
[L=113072] partisan , adherent , follower , friend (śatru- " the enemy's side " or " a partisan of the enemy " ; mahā- , " one who has many adherents ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=113073] side i.e. position , place , stead (°kṣe ifc. instead of or by way of) ib.
[L=113074] quantity (» keśa-)
[L=113075] one of two cases or one side of an argument , an alternative (°kṣe , " on the other hand " , with atra , " in this case " , pakṣā*ntare , " in the other case ") Pa1n2. Sch.
[L=113076] a point or matter under discussion , a thesis , a particular theory , a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. pūrva- , uttara-)
[L=113077] an action or lawsuit Ya1jn5. Sch.
[L=113078] (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism Tarkas. Bha1sha1p.
[L=113079] any supposition or view , motion , idea , opinion (mukhyaḥ pakṣaḥ , " an excellent idea " S3ak. Sch.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=113080] the sun Sa1y. on RV. iii , 53 , 16
[L=113081] N. of sev. men VP.
[L=113082] (in alg.) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division
[L=113083] the wall of a house or any wall L.
[L=113084] an army L.
[L=113085] favour L.
[L=113086] contradiction , rejoinder L.
[L=113087] the ash-pit of a fire-place L.
[L=113088] a royal elephant L.
[L=113089] a limb or member of the body L.
[L=113090] the feathers of the tail of a peacock , a tail L.
[L=113091] proximity , neighbourhood L.
[L=113092] a bracelet L.
[L=113093] purity , perfection L.
(H2B) pakṣá [L=113094] mfn. = pācaka , bādhaka Sa1y. on RV. vi , 47 , 19. [cf. OGerm. fahs ; Angl.Sax. feax.]
(H3) pára--granthi [p= 586,2] [L=116074] m. " extreme point of a limb " , an articulation , joint L.
(H1) paru [p= 605,3] [L=119373] m. ( √ pṝ ; cf. párus below) a limb , member (» yathā-p°)
[L=119374] a mountain L.
[L=119375] the ocean L.
[L=119376] the sky , paradise L.
(H2) paru [p= 1330,1] [L=335760] (also) Bos Grunniens, L.
(H3) paru--śás [p= 605,3] [L=119377] ind. limb by limb , member by member AV.
(H2) párus [p= 606,1] [L=119417] n. a joint or knot (esp. of a cane or reed , orig. " fullness " i.e. the full or thick part of the stalk) , a limb or member of the body RV. AV. VS. S3Br.
[L=119418] a part or portion RV. TS. TBr.
[L=119419] Grewia Asiatica L.
(H3) parva--śás [p= 609,1] [L=119960] ind. limb by limb , limb from limb , piece by piece (°śaḥ- √kṛ to cut to pieces) RV.
(H2) párvan [p= 609,2] [L=120046] n. a knot , joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. parus] , but also of the body) , limb , member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c
[L=120047] a break , pause , division , section (esp. of a book) S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=120048] the step of a staircase Ragh.
[L=120049] a member of a compound Pra1t. Nir.
[L=120050] a period or fixed time RV. VS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
[L=120051] (esp.) the cāturmāsya festival , S3rS.
[L=120052] the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=120053] a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R.
[L=120054] the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Su1ryas. MBh. &c
[L=120055] the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W.
[L=120056] any partic. period of the year (as the equinox , solstice &c ) ib.
[L=120057] a division of time e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh.
[L=120058] a day (360) BhP.
[L=120059] a festival , holiday W.
[L=120060] opportunity , occasion ib.
[L=120061] a moment , instant ib.
(H3) paśv--aṅga [p= 612,1] [L=120680] n. a limb or part of a sacrificial animal , anything belonging to it Ma1nGr2.
(H1) picaṇḍa [p= 624,2] [L=123469] mn. the belly or abdomen L.
(H1B) picaṇḍa [L=123470] m. a partic. part or limb of an animal L.
(H3) prati--gātram [p= 662,1] [L=131471] ind. in every limb (only ibc.) Dhu1rtas.
(H1) pratīka [p= 673,3] [L=133674] » [p= 675,1].
(H2) prátīka [p= 675,1] [L=133888] mf(ā)n. (for praty-aka ; cf. anūka , apāka , abhīka) turned or directed towards
[L=133889] (ifc.) looking at BhP.
[L=133890] (prob.) going uphill MBh.
[L=133891] adverse , contrary , inverted , reversed L.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133892] n. exterior , surface RV.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133893] n. outward form or shape , look , appearance , face (cf. ghṛta-p° , cāru-p° , tveṣa-p°) ib. Nir.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133894] n. the face (esp. the mouth) RV. S3Br. Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133895] n. the front MW.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133896] n. an image , symbol ChUp. Sch.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133897] n. a copy Va1m.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133898] n. (also m.) the first part (of a verse) , first word Br. &c
(H2B) prátīka [L=133899] m. a part , portion , limb , member L. (cf. prati-pr° , [p= 662,2])
(H2B) prátīka [L=133900] m. N. of a son of vasu and father of ogha-vat BhP.
(H2B) prátīka [L=133901] m. of a son of maru VP.
(H3) prā* ṇy-aṅga [p= 706,1] [L=139768] n. a part or limb of an animal or man L.
(H3) bahir--aṅga [p= 726,3] [L=144105] mfn. relating to the exterior , external , unessential (opp. to antaraṅga). S3am2k. Pa1n2. Sch. (-tā , f. ; -tva n.)
(H3B) bahir--aṅga [L=144106] m. an external part , outer limb or member , property , &c , W
(H3B) bahir--aṅga [L=144107] m. a stranger , indifferent person ib.
(H3B) bahir--aṅga [L=144108] m. the preliminary part of a religious ceremony MW.
(H1) bāhú 1 [p= 730,2] [L=144913] mf. (f. L. ) (fr. √ bah , baṃh ; for 2. bāhu » col.3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to pra-gaṇḍa q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to sakthi , the lower extremity) RV. &c
[L=144914] the arm as a measure of length (= 12 aṅgulas) S3ulbas.
[L=144915] the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2.
[L=144916] the limb of a bow S3Br.
[L=144917] the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh.
[L=144918] the post (of a door ; » dvāra-b°)
[L=144919] the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas.
[L=144920] the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib.
[L=144921] (also du.) the constellation ārdrā L.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144922] m. N. of a daitya MBh.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144923] m. of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144924] m. of a son of vṛka Hariv.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144925] m. of a son of vajra VP. [cf. Gk. πᾶχυς , πῆχυς ;Germ. buog , Bug ; Angl.Sax. bo1g ; Eng. bough.]
(H1) bāhu 2 [p= 730,3] [L=145018] (for 1. » col.2) , vṛddhi form of bahu in comp. = kīṭa mfn. g. palady-ādi.
(H1) bhagna [p= 742,3] [L=147591] &c » under √bhañj.
(H2) bhagna [p= 744,2] [L=147929] mfn. broken (lit. and fig.) , shattered , split , torn , defeated , checked , frustrated , disturbed , disappointed Mn. MBh. &c (sometimes forming the first instead of the second part of a comp. e.g. grīvā-bhagna , dharma-bh° for bhagna-grīva , -dharma ; also " one who has broken a limb " BhP. )
[L=147930] bent , curved R.
[L=147931] lost Mn. viii , 148
(H2B) bhagna [L=147932] n. the fracture of a leg Sus3r.
(H1) márman [p= 791,2] [L=158519] n. ( √ mṛ) mortal spot , vulnerable point , any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body (in Nir. reckoned to be 107) RV. &c
[L=158520] the joint of a limb , any joint or articulation ib.
[L=158521] the core of anything , the quick ib.
[L=158522] any vital member or organ (cf. antar-m°)
[L=158523] anything which requires to be kept concealed , secret quality , hidden meaning , any secret or mystery MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mātrā [p= 804,2] [L=161709] f. » s.v.
(H2) mā́trā [p= 804,3] [L=161723] f. measure (of any kind) , quantity , size , duration , number , degree &c RV. &c (bhūyasyā mātrayā , in a higher degree Lalit. )
[L=161724] unit of measure , foot VarBr2S.
[L=161725] unit of time , moment Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS. (= nimeṣa VP. ; ifc. = lasting so many moments Gaut. )
[L=161726] metrical unit , a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 mātrās , and a prolated vowel 3) Pra1t.
[L=161727] musical unit of time (3 in number) Pan5cat.
[L=161728] (only once ifc.) the full measure of anything (= mātra) Hariv. 7125
[L=161729] right or correct measure , order RV. ChUp.
[L=161730] a minute portion , particle , atom , trifle S3Br. &c (°trayā , ind. in small portions , in slight measure , moderately Das3. Sus3r. )
[L=161732] f. rāje*ti kiyatī mātrā , of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle Pan5cat.
[L=161733] f. kā mātrā samudrasya , what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be managed ib.
[L=161734] an element (5 in number) BhP.
[L=161735] matter , the material world MaitrUp. MBh. BhP.
[L=161736] materials , property , goods , household , furniture , money , wealth , substance , livelihood (also pl.) Vas. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=161737] a mirror Vishn2.
[L=161738] an ear-ring , jewel , ornament Ka1d.
[L=161739] the upper or horizontal limb of the nāgarī characters W.
(H3) yajñā* ṅga [p= 840,2] [L=169452] n. " sacrifice-limb " , a part or means or instrument or requisite of a sacrifice S3rS. Kum.
(H3B) yajñā* ṅga [L=169453] m. the black-spotted antelope L.
(H3B) yajñā* ṅga [L=169454] m. N. of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa MBh.
(H3B) yajñā* ṅga [L=169455] m. Ficus Glomerata L.
(H3B) yajñā* ṅga [L=169456] m. Acacia Catechu L.
(H3B) yajñā* ṅga [L=169457] m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
(H3) yáthā--gātram [p= 842,1] [L=169701] ind. according to every limb , limb after limb Kaus3.
(H3) yáthā--parú [p= 842,2] [L=169795] ind. joint after joint , limb by line AV. Kaus3.
(H3) yāvad--aṅgī́na [p= 852,2] [L=171599] mfn. having as large a member or limb AV.
(H1) rátha 1 [p= 865,2] [L=174494] m. ( √4. ṛ) " goer " , a chariot , car , esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the anas q.v.) , any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods) , waggon , cart RV. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=174495] a warrior , hero , champion MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=174496] the body L.
[L=174497] a limb , member , part L.
[L=174498] Calamus Rotang L.
[L=174499] Dalbergia Ougeinensis L.
[L=174500] = pauruṣa L.
(H1) ratha 2 [p= 866,2] [L=174786] m. ( √ ram) pleasure , joy , delight (cf. mano-ratha)
[L=174787] affection , love (cf. next).
(H2) ratha [p= 1331,3] [L=338620] (in comp.)
(H3B) rāja--putrī [p= 873,2] [L=176440] f. a king's daughter , princess MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176441] f. a Rajput female Cat.
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176442] f. N. of various plants (a kind of wild cucumber ; Jasminum Grandiflorum ; = jātī) L.
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176443] f. a kind of perfume (= reṇukā) Bhpr.
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176444] f. a kind of metal (= riti) L.
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176445] f. a musk-rat L.
(H3B) rāja--putrī [L=176446] f. the belly or the amputated limb of an animal L.
(H3) rājyā* ṅga [p= 875,2] [L=176930] n. " limb of royalty " , a requisite of regal administration (variously enumerated as 7 , 8 , or 9 , viz. the monarch , the prime minister , a friend or ally , treasure , territory , a stronghold , an army , the companies of citizens , and the puro-hita or spiritual adviser) L.
(H3) vakrā* ṅga [p= 911,1] [L=184445] n. (ifc. f(ī).) a crooked limb Hariv.
[L=184446] w.r. for vakrā*ṅghri (q.v.) Ra1jat.
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184447] m. " having a curved body " , a goose
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184448] m. the ruddy goose L.
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184449] m. a snake L.
(H3) ví--kala [p= 950,1] [L=192884] » s.v.
(H1) vi-kala [p= 953,3] [L=193854] mf(ā , or ī)n. deprived of a part or a limb or a member , mutilated , maimed , crippled , impaired , imperfect , deficient in or destitute of (instr. or comp. ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 31 Sch.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=193855] confused , agitated , exhausted , unwell , depressed , sorrowful MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193856] m. N. of a son of śambara Hariv.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193857] m. of a son of lambo*dara BhP.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193858] m. of a son of jīmūta VP.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193859] m. of another man Cat.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193860] f(ā or ī). a woman in whom menstruation has begun L.
(H1B) vi-kala [L=193862] m. a partic. stage in the revolution of the planet Mercury VarBr2S.
(H4) vi-° sṛta---bhūṣaṇa [p= 1001,1] [L=202764] mfn. (a limb) from which the ornaments have fallen down Hariv.
(H3) vedā* ṅga [p= 1016,2] [L=205859] » below.
(H2) vedā* ṅga [p= 1016,3] [L=205937] n. " a limb (for preserving the body) of the veda " , N. of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the veda , (six are usually enumerated [and mostly written in the sūtra or aphoristic style] ; 1. śikṣā , " the science of proper articulation and pronunciation " , comprising the knowledge of letters , accents , quantity , the use of the organs of pronunciation , and phonetics generally , but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the veda [many short treatises and a chapter of the taittirīya-āraṇyaka are regarded as the representatives of this subject ; but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under it » prātiśākhya]: 2. chandas , " metre " [represented by a treatise ascribed to piṅgala-nāga , which , however , treats of Prakrit as well as Sanskrit metres , and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. vyākaraṇa , " linguistic analysis or grammar " [represented by pāṇini's celebrated sūtras]: 4. nirukta , " explanation of difficult Vedic words " [cf. yāska]: 5. jyotiṣa , " astronomy " , or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract , the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. kalpa , " ceremonial " , represented by a large number of sūtra works [cf. sūtra]: the first and second of these vedā*ṅgas are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the veda , the third and fourth the understanding of it , and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the vedā*ṅgas are alluded to by manu , who calls them , in iii , 184 , pravacanas , " expositions " , a term which is said to be also applied to the brāhmaṇas) IW. 145 &c
(H3) vy--aṅga [p= 1028,2] [L=208205] » p.1029 , cols. 1 , 3.
(H1) vy-áṅga 1 [p= 1029,1] [L=208338] mf(ā)n. (for 2. » col.3) without limbs , limbless , deficient in limb , deformed , crippled AV. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=208339] having no wheels BhP.
[L=208340] lamed , lame MW.
[L=208341] bodiless ib.
[L=208342] ill-arranged ib.
(H1B) vy-áṅga 1 [L=208343] m. a cripple ib.
(H1B) vy-áṅga 1 [L=208344] m. or n. a kind of cat's eye (a precious stone) L.
(H1B) vy-áṅga 1 [L=208345] n. (w.r. for try-aṅga , tripartite army MBh. )
(H2) vy-áṅga 2 [p= 1029,3] [L=208431] mfn. (for 1. » col.1) spotted , speckled AV.
(H2B) vy-áṅga 2 [L=208432] m. freckles in the face Sus3r.
(H2B) vy-áṅga 2 [L=208433] m. a blot , blemish , stain Hariv.
(H2B) vy-áṅga 2 [L=208434] m. a frog L.
(H2B) vy-áṅga 2 [L=208435] m. steel L.
(H3) vy-áṅga---tā 1 [p= 1029,1] [L=208346] f. deficiency of limb , crippled condition , mutilation MBh. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
(H3) vy-áṅga---tva 1 [L=208346.1] n. deficiency of limb , crippled condition , mutilation MBh. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
(H2) vy-aṅgaya [L=208348] Nom. P. °yati , to deprive of a limb , mutilate A1pS3r. Pan5cat.
(H2) vyaṅgin [L=208350] mfn. deficient in limb , deformed , crippled MBh. Ma1rkP.
(H2) vy-áñjana [p= 1029,3] [L=208446] mfn. manifesting , indicating Hariv. (v.l. vyañcana)
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208447] m. (once for n. ; cf. below) a consonant VPra1t.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208448] m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208449] m. = vāditra-karman L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208451] m. a figurative expression (°nā-vṛtti f. figurative style) W.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208452] n. decoration , ornament RV. viii , 78 , 2
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208453] n. manifestation , indication Sus3r. Ra1jat.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208454] n. allusion , suggestion (= ā f.) , sah. A1s3vS3r. Sch.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208455] n. figurative expression , irony , sarcasm W.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208456] n. specification Nir.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208457] n. a mark , badge , spot , sign , token A1pS3r. R. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208458] n. insignia , paraphernalia Ka1v.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208459] n. symptom (of a disease) Cat.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208460] n. mark of sex or gender (as the beard , breasts &c ) , the private organs (male or female) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208461] n. anything used in cooking or preparing food , seasoning , sauce , condiment MBh. R. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208462] n. a consonant Pra1t. S3rS. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208463] n. a syllable VPra1t. (cf. hīnavy°)
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208464] n. the letter (as opp. to artha , " meaning ") Maha1vy.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208465] n. a limb , member , part L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208466] n. a day L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208467] n. purification of a sacrificial animal (also m. and f(ā).) L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208468] n. a fan L. (w.r. for vyajana)
(H3) śarīrā* vayava [p= 1058,1] [L=213920] m. a part of the body , member , limb Pa1n2. 5-1 , 6.
(H2B) śākhā [p= 1062,3] [L=214949] f. » next.
(H2) śā́khā [L=214950] f. (ifc. f(ā or ī). ) a branch (lit. and fig.) RV. &c
[L=214951] a limb of the body , arm or leg Sus3r.
[L=214952] a finger Naigh. ii , 5
[L=214953] the surface of the body Car.
[L=214954] a door-post VarBr2S. (cf. dvāra-ś°)
[L=214955] the wing of a building Ma1rkP.
[L=214956] a division , subdivision MBh. BhP.
[L=214957] the third part of an astrological saṃhitā (also °khā-skandha , m.) VarBr2S.
[L=214958] a branch or school of the veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation ; in the caraṇa-vyūha , a work by śaunaka treating of these various schools , five śākhās are enumerated of the ṛg-veda , viz. those of the śākalas , bāṣkalas , āśvalāyanas , śāṅkhāyanas , and māṇḍukāyanas ; forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the yajur-veda , fifteen of which belong to the vājasaneyins , including those of the kāṇvas and mādhyaṃdinas ; twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the sāma-veda and nine of the atharva-veda ; of all these , however , the ṛg-veda is said to be now extant in one only , viz. the śākala-śākhā , the yajur-veda in five and partially in six , the sāma-veda in one or perhaps two , and the atharva-veda in one: although the words caraṇa and śākhā are sometimes used synonymously , yet caraṇa properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school , and śākhā to the traditional text followed , as in the phrase śākhām adhīte , he recites a particular version of the veda) Pra1t. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=214959] a branch of any science Car.
[L=214960] a year S3ri1kan2t2h.
[L=214961] = pakṣā*ntara L.
[L=214962] = antika L.
(H3) śā́khā--° ṅga [L=214964] (°khā*ṅ°) n. a limb of the body Ya1jn5.
(H3) saṃ-° vāhaka [p= 1115,1] [L=226139] mf(ikā)n. (fr. Caus.) one who rubs or shampoos the limb
(H3B) saṃ-° vāhaka [L=226140] m. a shampooer R. Mr2icch. &c
(H3) sarvā* ṅga [p= 1188,1] [L=238952] n. (ifc. f(ī). ) the whole body , Vla1. ?? Katha1s. &c
[L=238953] pl. all the limbs R. Katha1s. Maitr. Up. Sch.
[L=238954] all the vedā*ṅgas KenUp.
(H3B) sárvā* ṅga [L=238955] mf(ī)n. entire or perfect in limb RV. AV.
[L=238956] complete , (-bhaṅga m. " entire collapse ") Ka1m. Ra1jat.
(H3B) sarvā* ṅga [L=238957] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H3) suptá--tva [p= 1230,2] [L=248144] n. sleepiness , numbness , insensibility (of a limb &c ) Sus3r.
(H3) suptā* ṅga [L=248158] mfn. one who has a limb benumbed (-tā f.) Sus3r.
(H4) su--vibha° ktā* ṅga-pratyaṅgatā [p= 1233,3] [L=249083] f. having every limb and member well proportioned (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha) Dharmas. 84
(H3) svā* ṅga [p= 1277,2] [L=258323] n. a limb of one's own body , one's own body , limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense Ka1v. Yogas. &c
(H3B) svā* ṅga [L=258324] m. a proper N. MW.
(H1) sv-áṅga [p= 1279,2] [L=258749] mfn. having a beautiful body , well-shaped , fair-limbed RV.
(H1B) sv-áṅga [L=258750] n. a good or handsome limb MW.
(H3) svaṅga [L=258778] » pari-ṣv°.
(H2) svāpa [p= 1280,3] [L=259033] m. sleeping , sleep Sus3r. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=259034] dreaming , a dream Prab. BhP.
[L=259035] sleepiness , sloth W.
[L=259036] the sleep of a limb , numbness Sus3r.
[L=259037] loss of sensation , ignorance L.
(H1) svāpa [p= 1283,3] [L=259637] &c » [p= 1280,3].
(H3) hīnā* ṅga [p= 1296,3] [L=262600] mf(ā or ī)n. defective in limb , crippled , lame , mutilated Shad2vBr. Mn. VarBr2S.
[L=262601] incomplete in parts , imperfect Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H4) hīnā* tirikta---gātra [L=262604] mfn. ( Mn. ) having a limb too few or too many.
(H4) hīnā* tirik° tā* ṅga [L=262604.1] mfn. (f(ī). Ya1jn5. ) having a limb too few or too many.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.2
Whitney Roots links: hf1, hf2
(H1) hṛ 1 [p= 1302,1] [L=263626]
cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 2) hárati , °te (once in RV. harmi , and once in Sch. on A1pS3r. -jiharti ; pf. P. jahāra , jahártha , jahruḥ [-jaharuḥ ?] AV. &c ; A1. jahre Br. &c ; aor. ahār , ahṛthās AV. Br. ; ahārṣīt RV. &c &c ; 3. pl. A1. ahṛṣata RV. ; Prec. hriyāt , hṛṣīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. hartā Br. &c ; hariṣyati , °te ib. ; Cond. ahariṣyat ib. ; inf. hártum , °tos , °tave , °tavaí ib. ;haritum R. ; ind.p. hṛtvā , -hā́ram Br. &c ; -hṛ́tya AV. &c ) , to take , bear , carry in or on (with instr.) , carry , convey , fetch , bring RV. &c ;
to offer , present (esp. with balim) AV. &c ;
to take away , carry off , seize , deprive of , steal , rob ib. ;
to shoot or cut or hew off , sever (the head or a limb) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to remove , destroy , dispel , frustrate , annihilate ib. ;
to turn away , avert (the face) Ratna7v. S3is3. ;
A1. (older and more correct than P.) , to take to one's self , appropriate (in a legitimate way) , come into possession of (acc.) , receive (as an heir) , raise (tribute) , marry (a girl) S3Br. Gr2S3rS. &c ;
to master , overpower , subdue , conquer , win , win over (also by bribing) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to outdo , eclipse , surpass Ba1lar. ;
to enrapture , charm , fascinate MBh. R. &c ;
to withhold , withdraw , keep back , retain Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;
to protract , delay (with kālam , " to gain time ") AitBr. A1s3vS3r. Katha1s. ;
(in arithm.) to divide VarBr2S. Gol. : Pass. hriyáte (ep. also °ti ; aor. ahāri) , to be taken or seized &c AV. &c &c : Caus. hārayati , °te (aor. ajīharat ; Pass. hāryate) , to cause to be taken or carried or conveyed or brought by (instr. or acc. ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53 Sch.) or to (dat.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to cause to be taken away , appropriate , seize , rob Katha1s. ;
to have taken from one's self , be deprived of , lose (esp. at play) Ka1v. Katha1s. ; (harayate) » pra- √hṛ ;
(hārāpayati) , to lose (at play) Pan5cad. : Desid. jíhīrṣati , °te (cf. jihīrṣā , °ṣu) , to wish to take to one's self or appropriate , covet , desire , long for AV. &c ;
(with kālam) , to wish to gain time MBh. : Intens. jehrīyate ;jarharīti , jarīharīti , jarharti , jarīharti (cf. saṃ- √hṛ) Gr. ([cf. Gk. χείρ.])
(H1) hṛ 2 [p= 1302,2] [L=263654] or hṝ cl.9 A1. hṛṇīte (only p. hṛṇāná RV. i , 25 , 2 &c ; Pot. [abhi]-hṛṇīthāḥ ib. viii , 2 , 19 , and [?] ahṛṇāt , S3a1n3khBr. xxiii , 4) , to be angry or wroth.
(H2) aṅgu [p= 1309,2] [L=301360] m. or f. (?) a limb of the body, L.
[L=301360.1] a bird, L.