Unlimited, infinite reality, Supreme reality, Supreme consciousness.
“Anuttara may be analyzed into a + nut + tara.” - (
A trident of wisdom By Abhinavagupta, by Jaideva Singh.) Google books link.
nut, from root nud, to impel, push, + tara = crossing, going beyond worldly experience.
Nuttara would mean ‘going beyond the worldly existence through impulsion, by the process of initiation.
Usage of anuttara:
Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening - Page 100

Swami Lakshmanjoo | , John Hughes - 2007 - 352 pages - Preview
In this first movement, Lord Siva infuses his creative power, anuttara I ananda, in will. ... So anuttara or ananda, the letters a or a are combined with the energy of knowledge (jnana sakti), the letter u, infusing their creative power ... - More editions
Siva Sutras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity - Page 117

Jaideva Singh | - 1988 - 278 pages - Preview
The Sutra tells us that all letters are only an expression of Paravak or Parasakti or Parahanta or Anuttara sakti ... The anuttara sakti expresses itself in the vowel 'a' (w) ; the ananda sakti expresses itself in the vowel 'a' (*rr). ...
Sakti: the power in Tantra : a scholarly approach - Page 87

Rajmani Tigunait | - 1998 - 220 pages - Preview
He employs several terms — yamala, anuttara, and sanghatta — to refer to that state. ... As there is nothing beyond this union, Abinavagupta calls it anuttara . Describing the nature of anuttara as held by Abhinavagupta, ...
Vāc: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras - Page 235

André Padoux | - 1990 - 460 pages - Google eBook - Preview
We have not been able to find a satisfactory translation of anuttara, One could say unexcelled, or unsurpassed. R. Gnoli translates it by "Senza Superiore." Abhinava, at the beginning of the PTV (pp. 19-32), gives sixteen different ... - More editions
Comparative Aesthetics: Indian aesthetics

Kanti Chandra Pandey | - 1956 - Snippet view
Thus we have the thirty six categories of his system. At the top of them all he places his Absolute (Anuttara), of which the categories are mere manifestations. Mystic Conception Of The Absolute (Anuttara). ...
Parātrīśikā-vivaraṇa: the secret of tantric mysticism

Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.) | , Lakshmanjee (Swami.), Bettina Bäumer - 1988 - 404 pages - Snippet view
Therefore, anuttara is that which has not got limitations. It is unlimited, infinite Reality. 7. ... Therefore, so long as an empirical experient (mayiyah pramata) is desirous of entering anuttara (the Supreme Reality) so long he ...

A.G. refers to Abhinavagupta.