Lubh - Desire, to be perplexed, excite lust
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 18.22
Whitney Roots links: luB
(H1) | lubh [p= 904,3] [L=183010]
cl.6 P. |
lubhati (only Dha1tup. xviii , 22) or cl.4 P. xxvi , 124 lúbhyati (pf. lulubhe R. ; aor. alubhat , or alobhīt Gr. ; fut. lobdhā , or lobhitā , lobhiṣyati ib. ; inf. lobdhum MBh. ; ind.p. lobhitvā lubhitvā , lubdhvā Gr.) , to be perplexed or disturbed , become disordered , go astray AitBr. ;
to desire greatly or eagerly , long for , be interested in (dat. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to entice , allure R. : Caus. lobháyati , °te (aor. alūlubhat Br. ; Pass. lobhyate MBh. ) , to confound , bewilder , perplex , derange S3Br. ;
to cause to desire or long for , excite lust , allure , entice , attract MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to efface A1pS3r. (cf. Caus. of √ lup): Desid. of Caus. lulobhayiṣati , see , ā - √lubh: Desid. lulubhiṣati or lulobhiṣati Gr.: Intens. lolubhyate (Gr. also lolobdhi) , to have a vehement desire for (loc.) Ka1m. [cf. Lat. lubet , libet , libido ; Goth. liufs ; Germ. liob , lieb , lieben ; Angl.Sax. leo4f ; Eng. lief , love.]
(H2) | lubhita [p= 905,1] [L=183023]
mfn. |
perplexed , disturbed , fascinated Pa1n2. 7-2 , 54.