Sanskrit Words Related to Healing

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sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,2] [L=231607]
joining , uniting , healing Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231608]
a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
sa-dhā́na [L=231609]
N. of a minister Katha1s.
sa-dhā́na [L=231611]
a foundery or place where metals are wrought or stored L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231612]
the small egg-plant L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231613]
the act of placing or joining together or uniting , junction , union Vait. MBh. &c
sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,3] [L=231614]
assembling or meeting of men (°nam ā- , " to receive admission ") Hariv. Ka1m. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231615]
a joint , point of contact , boundary TS. La1t2y. Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231616]
a means of union TUp.
sa-dhā́na [L=231617]
growing together , re-uniting , healing (as a wound) Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231618]
fixing on (as an arrow on a bow-string) , aiming at MBh. R. BhP.
sa-dhā́na [L=231619]
perceiving , perception Nalac.
sa-dhā́na [L=231620]
combination of words (also , " euphonic combination " = sa-dhi q.v.) Pra1t. S3a1n3khS3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231621]
bringing together , alliance , league , association , friendship , making peace with (instr. with or without saha) MBh. Ka1v. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231622]
compounding , mixing , preparation (of a beverage &c ; cf. nīla-sadhāna-bhāṇḍa) S3a1rn3gS. Bhpr.
sa-dhā́na [L=231623]
sour rice-gruel L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231624]
a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231625]
spirituous liquor L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

  • 1 apanayana (healing)
    2 ādhmāpana (healing)
    3 iṣkṛti (healing)
    4 utsādana (healing)
    5 uṣṇodaka (healing)
    6 kaṣāya (healing)
    7 kṣatarohaṇa (healing)
    8 kṣiptabheṣaja (healing)
    9 jalāṣa (healing)
    10 jalāṣabheṣaja (healing)
    11 duḥkhabheṣaja (healing)
    12 nigraha (healing)
    13 netrarogacikitsā (healing)
    14 praśamana (healing)
    15 bhiṣaktama (healing)
    16 bhiṣaktara (healing)
    17 bhiṣaj (healing)
    18 bhiṣajya (healing)
    19 bhiṣajyā (healing)
    20 bheṣaja (healing)
    21 bheṣajatā (healing)
    22 bheṣajavīrya (healing)
    23 bhaiṣajya (healing)
    24 yogāñjana (healing)
    25 rudra (healing)
    26 ropaṇa (healing)
    27 ropaṇīya (healing)
    28 rohaṇī (healing)
    29 rohaṇa (healing)
    30 viropaṇa (healing)
    31 viśalyakaraṇa (healing)
    32 viśoṣaṇa (healing)
    33 viśvabheṣaja (healing)
    34 vaidya (healing)
    35 vraṇadviṣ (healing)
    36 vraṇaviropaṇa (healing)
    37 vraṇasaṃrohaṇa (healing)
    38 śurudh (healing)
    39 saṃroha (healing)
    40 saṃrohaṇa (healing)
    41 saṃdhāna (healing)
    42 saṃdhānakaraṇa (healing)
    43 saṃdhānakartṛ (healing)
    44 saṃdhānīya (healing)
    45 samutthāna (healing)
    46 sādhana (healing)
    47 siddhi (healing)
    48 subhiṣaj (healing)
    49 somaghṛta (healing)
    50 hastivaidyaka (healing)
    51 avajayana (healing)

apa-nayana [p= 49,3] [L=9299]
taking away , withdrawing

(H2) n.
[L=9300]destroying , healing
[L=9301]acquittance of a debt.

ā-dhmāpana [p= 139,2] [L=24270]
inflating , blowing upon

cf. śalya) Sus3r.

(H2) n.
[L=24271]a method of healing particular wounds (

í-kti [p= 169,3] [L=29623]
healing RV. x , 97 , 9.
(H2) f.

ut-sādana [p= 182,1] [L=31859]
putting away or aside

S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.

MBh. R. Bhag.

Mn. Sus3r. S3a1n3khGr2.





(H2) n.
[L=31860]suspending , interrupting , omitting
[L=31861]destroying , overturning
[L=31862]rubbing , chafing , anointing
[L=31863]causing a sore to fill up , healing it
[L=31864]a means of healing a sore
[L=31865]going up , ascending , rising
[L=31866]raising , elevating
[L=31867]ploughing a field twice or thoroughly

uṣṇo* daka [p= 220,2] [L=37806]
hot water , water boiled and so reduced in quantity (said to be wholesome to drink and healing when used for bathing) Bhpr.
(H3) n.

kaāya [p= 265,3] [L=46755]
astringent MBh. xiv , 1280 and 1411 R. Sus3r. Pan5cat. BhP.

Megh. 31

bhiku) MBh. Hariv. Mr2icch. Ya1jn5.
kaāya [L=46758]
(g. ardharcā*di) an astringent flavour or taste Sus3r.
kaāya [L=46759]
a yellowish red colour Ya1jn5. i , 272 Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-2 , 1
kaāya [L=46760]
an astringent juice , extract of juice S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. xi , 153
kaāya [L=46761]
a decoction or infusion Sus3r. (the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or , according to some , eight or sixteen parts of water until only one quarter is left Sus3r. )
kaāya [L=46762]
any healing or medicinal potion Bhpr.
kaāya [L=46763]
exudation from a tree , juice , gum , resin L.
kaāya [L=46764]
ointment , smearing , anointing L.
kaāya [L=46765]
colouring or perfuming or anointing the person with cosmetics MBh.
kaāya [L=46766]
dirt , filth
kaāya [L=46767]
stain or impurity or sin cleaving to the soul ChUp. BhP.
kaāya [L=46768]
dulness , stupidity Veda1ntas.
kaāya [L=46769]
defect , decay , degeneracy (of which , according to Buddhists , there are five marks , viz. āyus-k° , dṛṣṭi-k° , kleśa-k° , sattva-k° , kalpa-k°)
kaāya [L=46770]
attachment to worldly objects W.
kaāya [L=46771]
red , redness
kaāya [L=46772]
a kind of snake Sus3r. ii , 265 , 14
kaāya [L=46773]
emotion , passion (rāga , of which the jainas reckon four kinds HYog. iv , 6 and 77)
kaāya [L=46774]
the kali-yuga L.
kaāya [L=46775]
the tree Bignonia Indica R. ii , 28 , 21
kaāya [L=46776]
N. of a teacher (v.l. kaśāya) g. śaunakā*di
kaāya [L=46777]
(as , ā , am) the tree Grislea tomentosa L.
kaāya [L=46779]
a dull or yellowish red garment or robe MBh. ii , 675 (cf. āya , pañca-kaāya ; a-nikaāya , full of impure passions MBh. xii , 568.)
(H1) mfn.
[L=46757]red , dull red , yellowish red (as the garment of a Buddhist
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1B) n.

katá--rohaa [p= 325,3] [L=58942]
healing or closing of a wound MBh. xiii , 5189.
(H3) n.

kiptá--bheaja [p= 329,1] [L=59534]
(ī́)n. healing wounds caused by missile weapons AV. vi , 109 , 1.
(H3) mf

jálāa [p= 416,1] [L=78287]
appeasing , healing RV. ii , 33 , 7 and vii , 35 , 6
jálāa [L=78288]
(°á) water Naigh. i , 12
jálāa [L=78289]
happiness (sukha) , iii , 6 .
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.

jálāa--bheaja [L=78290]
jál°) mfn. possessed of healing medicines (rudra) RV. i , 43 , 4 and viii , 29 , 5 AV. ii , 27 , 6.
(H3) (

dukhá--bheaja [p= 483,2] [L=93436]
(ī)n. healing woe (kṛṣṇa) MBh. xii , 1624.
(H3) mf

ni-° graha [p= 546,1] [L=108123]
keeping down or back , restraining , binding , coercion , suppression , subjugation Mn. MBh. &c


MBh. R. &c

i.e. healing , cure Sus3r.

Mn. MBh. R. Pan5c. &c (vadhanigt° , pain of death Katha1s. )



ifc. f(ā).) Sus3r.
546,2] [L=108131]
esp. in nyāya phil.) an occasion for refutation , a weak point in an argument or fault in a syllogism (cf. -sthāna)


of śiva and viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa MBh.
(H3) m.
[L=108124]defeat , overthrow , destruction
[L=108125]seizing , catching , arresting , holding fast
[L=108126]suppression of an illness
[L=108127]confinement , imprisonment , any punishment or chastisement
[L=108128]reprimand , blame
[L=108129]aversion , ill-will , dislike , disgust
[L=108130]anything for catching hold of. a handle (
[p= a place or occasion for being caught hold of , (
[L=108132]a boundary , limit

netra--roga---cikitsā [p= 569,1] [L=112141]
healing eye-disease , N. of wk.
(H4) f.

pra-° śamana [p= 695,1] [L=137500]
tranquillizing , pacifying , curing , healing MBh. Hariv. Sus3r.
pra-° śamana [L=137501]
the act of tranquillizing &c MBh. Ka1m. Das3. Pur. Sus3r.
pra-° śamana [L=137502]
securing , keeping safe (of what has been acquired) Mn. vii , 56 (others , " bestowing aptly " ; others , " sanctification " ; cf. Ragh. iv , 14)
pra-° śamana [L=137503]
killing , slaughter L.
pra-° śamana [L=137504]
(scil. astra) N. of a weapon R.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

bhiák--tama [p= 757,3] [L=150932]
(°ák-) most healing
bhiák--tama [L=150932.1]
" the best physicians " , the aśvins RV. AV. BhP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m. du.

bhiak--tara [L=150933]
°ák-) mfn. more healing AV.
(H3) (
Whitney Roots links: Bizaj

bhiaj 1 [L=150928]
= abhi saj , " to attach , plaster ") , only 3. sg. pr. bhiákti , to heal , cure RV. viii , 68 , 2.
bhiáj 2 [L=150946]
curing , healing , sanative RV. &c
bhiáj 2 [L=150947]
a healer , physician ib.
bhiáj 2 [L=150948]
a remedy , medicine RV. AV. Car.
bhiáj 2 [L=150949]
N. of a man with the patr. ātharvaa L.
bhiáj 2 [L=150950]
of a son of śata-dhanvan Hariv.
(H1) (prob.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

bhiajya 1 [L=150953]
P. °jyáti (g. kaṇḍv-ādi) to heal , cure , possess healing power RV. &c  ; 
to be physician to any one (
dat.) Ba1lar.  ; 
to be a physician or remedy for
i.e. to gain the mastery over anything (loc.) ib.
bhiajya 2 [L=150954]
(ā)n. sanative , healing , healthful Ka1t2h.
(H2) Nom.
(H2) mf

bhiajyā 2 [L=150955]
healing , cure , remedy S3a1n3khBr.
(H2B) f.

bheajá [p= 766,3] [L=152929]
(ī)n. (fr. 1. bhiaj) curing , healing , sanative RV. AV. AitBr.
bheajá [L=152930]
a remedy , medicine , medicament , drug , remedy against (gen. or comp.) RV. &c
bheajá [L=152931]
a spell or charm for curative purposes (generally from atharva-veda) S3rS.
bheajá [L=152932]
water Naigh. i , 12
bheajá [L=152933]
Nigella Indica W.
(H1) mf
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.

bheajá--tā [L=152940]
°já-) f. curativeness , healing power Pan5cavBr.
(H3) (

bheajá--vīrya [L=152942]
the healing power of medicine Sus3r.
(H3) n.

bhaíajya [p= 767,2] [L=153058]
patr. fr. bhiaj , or bhiaja g. gargā*di ( Ka1s3. )
bhaíajya [L=153059]
curativeness , healing efficacy VS.
bhaíajya [L=153060]
a partic. ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness Kaus3.
bhaíajya [L=153061]
any remedy , drug or medicine (" against " gen.) S3Br. Sus3r.
bhaíajya [L=153062]
the administering of medicines &c MW.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

yogā* ñjana [p= 857,3] [L=172590]
a healing ointment Sus3r.


of wk.
(H3) n.
[L=172591]the Yoga as a healing ointment

rudrá [p= 883,1] [L=178517]
(prob.) crying , howling , roaring , dreadful , terrific , terrible , horrible (applied to the aśvins , agni , indra , mitra , varua , and the spáśa) RV. AV. (accord. to others " red , shining , glittering " , fr. a √ rud or rudh connected with rudhira ; others " strong , having or bestowing strength or power " , fr. a √ rud = vd , vdh ; native authorities give also the following meanings , " driving away evil " ; " running about and roaring " , fr. ru dra = dru2 ; " praiseworthy , to be praised " ; " a praiser , worshipper " = stot Naigh. iii , 16)
rudrá [p= 883,2] [p= 883,1] [L=178518]
" Roarer or Howler " , N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the rudras and maruts (in the veda he is closely connected with indra and still more with agni , the god of fire , which , as a destroying agent , rages and crackles like the roaring storm , and also with kāla or Time the all-consumer , with whom he is afterwards identified ; though generally represented as a destroying deity , whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle , he has also the epithet śiva , " benevolent " or " auspicious " , and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere ; in the later mythology the word śiva , which does not occur as a name in the veda , was employed , first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for rudra , who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle ; while a new class of beings , described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number , though still called rudras , took the place of the original rudras or maruts: in VP. i , 7, rudra is said to have sprung from brahmā's forehead , and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female , the former portion separating again into the 11 rudras , hence these later rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of śiva , and most of their names , which are variously given in the different purāas , are also names of śiva ; those of the Va1yuP. are ajaikapād , ahir-budhnya , hara , nirta , īśvara , bhuvana , agāraka , ardha-ketu , mtyu , sarpa , kapālin ; accord. to others the rudras are represented as children of kaśyapa and surabhi or of brahmā and surabhi or of bhūta and su-rūpā ; accord. to VP. i , 8, rudra is one of the 8 forms of śiva ; elsewhere he is reckoned among the dik-pālas as regent of the north-east quarter) RV. &c (cf. RTL. 75 &c )
rudrá [p= 883,2] [L=178519]
N. of the number " eleven " (from the 11 rudras) VarBr2S.
rudrá [L=178520]
the eleventh Cat.
rudrá [L=178521]
(in astrol.) N. of the first muhūrta
rudrá [L=178522]
(in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. rudrī and rudra-vīā)
rudrá [L=178523]
of the letter e Up.
rudrá [L=178524]
of various men Katha1s. Ra1jat.
rudrá [L=178525]
of various teachers and authors (also with ācārya , kavi , bhaṭṭa , śarman , sūri &c ) Cat.
rudrá [L=178526]
of a king Buddh.
rudrá [L=178527]
du. (incorrect acc. to Va1m. v , 2 , 1) rudra and rudrāī (cf. also bhavā-r° and somā-rudra)
rudrá [L=178528]
pl. the rudras or sons of rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) RV. &c
rudrá [L=178529]
an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to rudra Gr2S3rS. Gaut. Vas. (cf. rudra-japa)
rudrá [L=178530]
of a people (v.l. puṇḍra) VP.
rudra [p= 884,1] [L=178750]
» [p= 883,1].
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) &c

ropaa [p= 884,3] [L=178859]
» [p= 889,2].
ropaá 1 [p= 889,2] [L=179841]
causing bodily pain AV.
ropaá 1 [L=179842]
= vimohana or upadrava TBr. Sch.
ropaa 2 [L=179852]
(ī)n. causing to grow , causing to grow over or cicatrize , healing Sus3r.

ropaa 2 [L=179854]
an arrow L.
ropaa 2 [L=179855]
the act of setting up or erecting , raising Kr2ishis.
ropaa 2 [L=179856]
the act of planting , setting , sowing , transplanting Pan5cat. Kr2ishis.
ropaa 2 [L=179857]
healing or a healing application (used for sores) Sus3r.
(H3) &c
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2) mf
[L=179853]putting on
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

ropaīya [L=179858]
to be set up or erected or raised Kr2ishis.


(H2) mfn.
[L=179859]to be planted or sown
[L=179860]useful for healing or cicatrizing

róhaī [p= 890,2] [L=180035]
a medicine for healing or cicatrizing AV.
(H2B) f.

róhaa [L=180034]
N. of a mountain (Adam's Peak in Ceylon) Ra1jat.
róhaa [L=180036]
a means of ascending RV.
róhaa [L=180037]
the act of mounting or ascending or riding or sitting or standing on (comp.) Ya1jn5.
róhaa [L=180038]
the putting or fastening on (of a bowstring) Cat.
róhaa [L=180039]
the growing over , healing (of a wound ; cf. kata-r°) MBh.
róhaa [L=180040]
the proceeding from , consisting of Va1s. Sa1h.
róhaa [L=180041]
semen virile L.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

vi-ropaa [p= 984,2] [L=199476]
(fr. Caus.) causing to grow , planting MW.

vi-ropaa [L=199478]
the act of planting VarBr2S.
vi-ropaa [L=199479]
the act of healing (cf. vraa-viropaa).
(H2) mfn.
[L=199477]causing to grow over , healing
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

ví-śalya---karaa [p= 989,3] [L=200469]
(ī)n. healing wounds inflicted by arrows
(H3) mf

vi-° śoaa [p= 991,2] [L=200801]
drying , desiccative MBh. Bh.

cf. vraa-viś°)
vi-° śoaa [L=200803]
the act of drying up , desiccation Ra1jat. Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
[L=200802]healing (a wound ;
(H3B) n.

viśvá--bheaja [p= 993,2] [L=201216]
(ī)n. (viśvá-) containing all remedies , all-healing RV. VS. AV.
viśvá--bheaja [L=201216.1]
a universal remedy MW.
viśvá--bheaja [L=201216.2]
dry ginger Sus3r.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.

vaidya [p= 1022,3] [L=207059]
(fr. vidyā , and in some meanings fr. veda) versed in science , learned A1s3vGr2. Ka1ty. Mn. &c

vedas , conformable to the vedas , Vedic W.


for vedya MBh.
vaidya [L=207063]
a learned man , Pandit W.
vaidya [L=207064]
follower of the vedas or one well versed in them ib.
vaidya [L=207065]
an expert (versed in his own profession , esp. in medical science) , skilled in the art of healing , a physician (accounted a mixed caste) MBh. Ka1v. &c
vaidya [L=207066]
Gendarussa Vulgaris L.
vaidya [L=207067]
N. of a ṛṣi MBh. (w.r. for raibhya)
(H1) mfn.
[L=207060]relating or belonging to the
[L=207061]medical , medicinal , practising or relating to medicine
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

vraa--dvi [p= 1042,1] [L=210526]
(nom dvi) " hating i.e. healing sores " MW.
vraa--dvi [p= 1042,2] [L=210527]
Clerodendrum Siphonanthus L.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.

vraa--viropaa [L=210538]
cicatrizing sores , healing sores S3ak. (v.l. viśoaa)
vraa--viropaa [L=210539]
the healing of a sore Das3.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

vraa--sarohaa [L=210543]
the cicatrization or healing of a wound R.
(H3) n.

śurúdh [p= 1084,2] [L=219859]
(prob. connected with √ śdh) invigorating draughts , healing herbs , any refreshment or comfort RV.
(H1) f. pl.

sa-rohá [p= 1113,2] [L=225905]
growing over TS.


(H2) m.
[L=225906]curing , healing
[L=225907]growing up , bursting forth or into view , appearance

sa-° rohaa [L=225908]
growing over , cicatrizing , healing R.

Caus.) sowing , planting Ma1lav. i , 8 (v.l.)
sa-° rohaa [L=225910]
healing , curing Sus3r.
(H3) n.
(H3B) mfn.

sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,2] [L=231607]
joining , uniting , healing Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231608]
a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
sa-dhā́na [L=231609]
N. of a minister Katha1s.
sa-dhā́na [L=231611]
a foundery or place where metals are wrought or stored L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231612]
the small egg-plant L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231613]
the act of placing or joining together or uniting , junction , union Vait. MBh. &c
sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,3] [L=231614]
assembling or meeting of men (°nam ā- , " to receive admission ") Hariv. Ka1m. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231615]
a joint , point of contact , boundary TS. La1t2y. Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231616]
a means of union TUp.
sa-dhā́na [L=231617]
growing together , re-uniting , healing (as a wound) Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231618]
fixing on (as an arrow on a bow-string) , aiming at MBh. R. BhP.
sa-dhā́na [L=231619]
perceiving , perception Nalac.
sa-dhā́na [L=231620]
combination of words (also , " euphonic combination " = sa-dhi q.v.) Pra1t. S3a1n3khS3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231621]
bringing together , alliance , league , association , friendship , making peace with (instr. with or without saha) MBh. Ka1v. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231622]
compounding , mixing , preparation (of a beverage &c ; cf. nīla-sadhāna-bhāṇḍa) S3a1rn3gS. Bhpr.
sa-dhā́na [L=231623]
sour rice-gruel L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231624]
a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231625]
spirituous liquor L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231626]
mixed or bell-metal (= saurāṣṭra) MW.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231627]
(ī)n. causing union or combination , who or what re-unites or heals or reconciles W.
sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231628]
the act of uniting or healing ib.
sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231629]
allying , making peace ib.
(H3) mf
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

sa-dhā́na---kart [L=231630]
uniting , connecting , healing ib.
(H3) mfn.

sa-° dhānīya [L=231638]
to be allied with , fit for an alliance Pan5cat. (B. °dheya)

(H3) mfn.
[L=231639]causing to grow together , healing

sam-utthāna [p= 1166,1] [L=235147]
(ifc. f(ā).) the act of rising up together , getting up R.



Mn. Ya1jn5.



ifc. = " rising or springing from ") Sus3r. Hariv. Ka1v.
1166,2] [L=235154]
ekī-s° or sambhūya-s° " common enterprise " , " co-operation " , " partnership " Mn. viii , 4) Mn. Ka1m. MBh. R.

(H2) n.
[L=235148]hoisting (of a flag)
[L=235149]recovering from sickness or injury
[L=235150]healing , cure
[L=235151]swelling (of the abdomen)
[L=235152]augmentation , increase , growth (of property)
[L=235153]rise , origin (
[p= performance of work , active operation , effort , industry (
[L=235155]indication or symptom of disease

sā́dhana [p= 1201,1] [L=241522]
(ī or ā)n. leading straight to a goal , guiding well , furthering RV.

comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c



comp.) Pa1n2. Sch.
sā́dhana [L=241527]
N. of the author of RV. x , 157 (having the patr. bhauvana) Anukr.
sā́dhana [L=241529]
propitiation , worship , adoration L.
sā́dhana [L=241530]
(ifc. f(ā).) the act of mastering , overpowering , subduing Kir. Pan5cat.
sā́dhana [L=241531]
subduing by charms , conjuring up , summoning (spirits &c ) MBh. Katha1s.
sā́dhana [L=241532]
subduing a disease , healing , cure Sus3r. MBh. &c
sā́dhana [L=241533]
enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Das3.
sā́dhana [L=241534]
bringing about , carrying out , accomplishment , fulfilment , completion , perfection Nir. MBh. &c
sā́dhana [L=241535]
establishment of a truth , proof , argument , demonstration Ya1jn5. Sa1h. Sarvad.
sā́dhana [L=241536]
reason or premiss (in a syllogism , leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v , 10
sā́dhana [L=241537]
any means of effecting or accomplishing , any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus , an expedient , requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
sā́dhana [L=241538]
a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Ka1lac.
sā́dhana [L=241539]
means or materials of warfare , military forces , army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Ra1jat.
sā́dhana [L=241540]
conflict , battle S3is3.
sā́dhana [L=241541]
means of correcting or punishing (as " a stick " , " rod " &c ) TBr. Sch.
sā́dhana [L=241542]
means of enjoyment , goods , commodities &c R.
sā́dhana [L=241543]
efficient cause or source (in general) L.
sā́dhana [L=241544]
organ of generation (male or female) , sah.
sā́dhana [L=241545]
(in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun , opp. to the action itself) Pat.
sā́dhana [L=241546]
preparing , making ready , preparation (of food , poison &c ) Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
sā́dhana [L=241547]
obtaining , procuring , gain , acquisition Ka1v. BhP.
sā́dhana [L=241548]
finding out by calculation , computation Gan2it.
sā́dhana [L=241549]
fruit , result Pan5cat.
sā́dhana [L=241550]
the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= vīharaa q.v.) Pa1n2. 8-4 , 30 Va1rtt. 1
sā́dhana [L=241551]
(only L. " matter , material , substance , ingredient , drug , medicine ; good works , penance , self-mortification , attainment of beatitude ; conciliation , propitiation , worship ; killing , destroying ; killing metals , depriving them by oxydation &c of their metallic properties [esp. said of mercury] ; burning on a funeral pile , obsequies ; setting out , proceeding , going ; going quickly ; going after , following ")
(H2) mf
[L=241523]effective , efficient , productive of (
[L=241525]conjuring up (a spirit)
[L=241526]denoting , designating , expressive of (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

siddhi 1 [p= 1215,1] [L=244300]
driving off , putting aside Ya1jn5.
siddhi 2 [p= 1216,2] [L=244656]
(for 1. » [p= 1215,1]) accomplishment , performance , fulfilment , complete attainment (of any object) , success MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc.) Ka1m.

comp.) Ya1jn5.


Mn. viii , 47

RPra1t. Up. Sarvad.





Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) , final emancipation , perfection L.


1216,3] [p= 1216,2] [L=244670]
śloka , aimā laghimā prā*pti prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitva ca vaśitva ca tathā kāmā*vasāyitā ; sometimes 26 are added e.g. dūra-śravaa , sarvajña-tva , agni-stambha &c ) Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. Sarvad.
1216,3] [L=244671]
comp.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.


Ka1v. Pan5cat.



rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sa1h.

Ra1jat. iii , 381

= ddhi or vddhi) L.

partic. śruti Sam2gi1t.

partic. yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col.

MBh. VarBr2S.

of durgā Katha1s.

daka and wife of dharma Pur.

bhaga and mother of mahiman BhP.

danu Katha1s.

gae*śa RTL. 215 , 2

of śiva (in this sense m.) MBh.
(H2) f.
(H2) f.
[L=244657]the hitting of a mark (
[L=244658]healing (of a disease) , cure by (
[L=244659]coming into force , validity
[L=244660]settlement , payment , liquidation (of a debt)
[L=244661]establishment , substantiation , settlement , demonstration , proof. indisputable conclusion , result , issue
[L=244662]decision , adjudication , determination (of a lawsuit)
[L=244663]solution of a problem
[L=244664]preparation , cooking , maturing , maturity
[L=244666]prosperity , personal success , fortune , good luck , advantage
[L=244667]supreme felicity , bliss , beatitude , complete sanctification (by penance
[L=244668]vanishing , making one's self invisible
[L=244669]a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes)
[p= the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following
[p= any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in
[L=244672]skill in general , dexterity , art
[L=244673]efficacy , efficiency
[L=244674]understanding , intellect
[L=244675]becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words)
[L=244677](prob.) a work of art
[L=244678]a kind of medicinal root (
[L=244679](in music) a
[L=244681]Success or Perfection personified
[L=244683]of a daughter of
[L=244684]of the wife of
[L=244685]of a friend of
[L=244686]of one of the wives of

su--bhiaj [p= 1230,1] [L=248078]

sú-) mfn. healing well (only superl. °ak-tama) AV.
(H3) (

sóma--ghta [p= 1250,1] [L=252774]

a partic. healing ointment L.
(H3) n.

hasti--vaidyaka [p= 1295,3] [L=262408]
the art of healing elephants (as N. of wk.)
(H3) n.

ava-jayana [p= 1317,1] [L=314540]
means of subduing or healing a disease, Car.
(H2) n.