(H2) | várṇa [p= 924,2] [L=187290]
m. |
(or n. g. ardharcā*di , prob. fr. √1. vṛ ; ifc. f(ā).) a covering , cloak , mantle L.
[L=187291] |
a cover , lid |
Ya1jn5. iii , 99
[L=187292] |
outward appearance , exterior , form , figure , shape , colour |
RV. &c
[L=187293] |
colour of the face , ( |
esp.) good colour or complexion , lustre , beauty Mn. MBh. &c
[L=187294] |
colour , tint , dye , pigment (for painting or writing) |
MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=187295] |
colour = race , species , kind , sort , character , nature , quality , property (applied to persons and things) |
RV. &c
[L=187296] |
class of men , tribe , order , caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors ; in |
RV. esp. applied to the āryas and the dāsas ; but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in manu's code , viz. Brahmans , kṣatriyas , vaiśyas , and śūdras ; the more modern word for " caste " being jāti ; cf. IW. 210 n. 1) ib.
[L=187297] |
a letter , sound , vowel , syllable , word |
Br. Pra1t. &c
[L=187298] |
a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals) |
MBh. R. Pan5cat.
[L=187299] |
the order or arrangement of a song or poem |
[L=187300] |
praise , commendation , renown , glory |
Mr2icch. Kum. Ra1jat.
[L=187301] |
(in |
alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity
[L=187302] |
(in |
arithm.) the figure , " one "
[L=187303] |
( |
accord. to some) a co-efficient
[L=187304] |
a kind of measure |
L. (cf. -tāla)
[L=187305] |
gold |
[L=187306] |
a religious observance |
[L=187307] |
one who wards off , expeller |
Sa1y. on RV. i , 104 , 2
(H2B) | várṇa [L=187308.1]
n. |
saffron L. [cf. accord. to some , Slav. vranu8 , " black " , " a crow " ; Lith. vA7rnas , " a crow. "]
(H2) | varṇa [p= 1332,1] [L=339160]
(in |