(H3) prā* ṇá--pati [p= 705,2] [L=139585]
m. " life-lord " , the soul MBh.
a physician. Car.
a husband MW.
(H4) prā* ṇá--máya---kośa [p= 705,3] [L=139622]
m. the vital case (one of the cases or investitures of the soul) Veda7ntas.
(H3) prā* ṇā* tman [p= 706,1] [p= 705,3] [L=139687]
m. the spirit which connects the totality of subtle bodies like a thread = sūsrā*tman (sometimes called hiraṇya-garbha) , vital or animal soul (the lowest of the 3 souls of a human being ; the other 2 being jī vā*tman and paramā*tman) Tarkas. (cf. IW. 114) .
(H3) prā* ṇā* dhipa [L=139693]
m. " id. " the soul S3vetUp.
(H3) prā* ṇá--rodha [L=139635]
m. suppression of breath BhP.
N. of a partic. hell ib.
(H3) prā* ṇá--vidyā [L=139642]
f. the science of breath or vital airs Col.
(H3) prā* ṇá--grahá [p= 705,2] [L=139526]
m. " breath-catcher " , the nose , A.
pl. N. of partic. soma vessels TS.
(H3) prā* ṇá--cít [L=139531]
mfn. forming a deposit of breath S3Br.
(H3) prā* ṇá--cití [L=139532]
f. a mass or deposit of breath ib.
(H3) prā* ṇá--tejas [L=139536]
(°ṇá-) mfn. whose splendour or glory is life or breath S3Br.
(H3) prā* ṇá--tvá [L=139541]
n. the state of breath or life S3Br. Kap.
(H3B) prā* ṇá--dā́ [L=139546]
f. Terminalia Chebula L.
(H3) prā* ṇá--dā́ [L=139556]
mfn. giving breath VS.
(H3) prā* ṇá--dṛh [L=139563]
mfn. (nom. -dhṛk) sustaining or prolonging the breath Ka1t2h.
(H3) prā* ṇá--nigráha [L=139582]
m. restraint of breath Veda7ntas.
(H3) prā* ṇá--patnī [L=139588]
f. " breath-wife " , the voice Shad2vBr.
(H3) prā* ṇá--parigraha [L=139591]
m. possession of breath or life , existence Amar.
(H3) prā* ṇá--pā́ [L=139594]
mfn. protecting breath or life VS.
(H3) prā* ṇá--prā* śanin [p= 705,3] [L=139603]
mfn. feeding only on breath (i.e. on the mere smell of food or drink) , Pracan2d2.
(H3) prā* ṇá--bhakṣa [L=139609]
m. feeding only on breath or air (cf. -prā*śanin) S3rS.
(H4) prā* ṇá--bhakṣam [L=139610]
ind. while feeding only on breath or air Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) prā* ṇá--bhūta [L=139615]
mfn. being the breath of life R2itus.
(H3) prā* ṇá--máya [L=139621]
mf(ī)n. consisting of vigorous air or breath S3Br.
(H3) prā* ṇá--randhra [L=139633]
n. " breath-aperture " , the mouth or a nostril BhP.
(H3) prā* ṇá--rodha [L=139635]
m. suppression of breath BhP.
N. of a partic. hell ib.
(H3) prā* ṇá--vidyā [L=139642]
f. the science of breath or vital airs Col.
(H3) prā* ṇá--vīrya [L=139645]
n. strength of breath , Ta1n2d2Br.
(H3) prā* ṇá--saṃyama [L=139652]
m. suppression or suspension of breath (as a religious exercise) Ya1jn5.
(H3) prā* ṇá--saṃhitā [L=139657]
f. a manner of reciting the Vedic texts , pronouncing as many sounds as possible during one breath VPra1t. Sch.
(H3) prā* nuga [p= 706,1] [L=139694]
mfn. following a person's breath i.e. following him (acc.) unto death Hit.
(H3) prā* ṇā* yāma [L=139709]
m. (also pl.) N. of the three " breath-exercises " performed during saṃdhyā (» pūraka , recaka , kumbhaka IW. 93 RTL. 402 MWB. 239) Kaus3. Ya1jn5. Pur.
(H4) prā* ṇā* yāma---śas [L=139710]
ind. with frequent breath-exercises A1past.
(H4) prā* ṇā* yā° min [L=139711]
mfn. exercising the breath (in 3 ways) Ya1jn5.
(H3) prā* ṇā* varodha [L=139715]
m. suppression of breath Mr2icch.
(H3) prā* ṇe* śa [L=139718]
m. " lord of life " , a husband Sa1h.
" lord of breath " , N. of a marut Ya1jn5. Sch.
(H3) prā* ṇo* tkramana [L=139726]
n. ( MW. ) ( Katha1s. ) " breath-departure " , death.
(H3) prā*° ṇo* tkrānti [L=139727]
f. ( Katha1s. ) " breath-departure " , death.
(H3) bahiṣ--prā* ṇa [p= 727,1] [L=144211]
m. external breath or life , anything near the heart or as dear as life R.
[p= 727,2] [L=144212]
money BhP.
(H3B) bahíṣ--prā* ṇa [L=144213]
mfn. one whose breath or life is outside TS.
(H3) mañju--guñjat-samīra [p= 774,1] [L=154492]
mfn. exhaling a sweet-sounding breeze or breath , S3a1ntis3.
(H2) mánas [p= 783,3] [L=156776]
n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers) , intellect , intelligence , understanding , perception , sense , conscience , will RV. &c &c (in phil. the internal organ or antaḥ-karaṇa of perception and cognition , the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul IW. 53 ; in this sense manas is always is always regarded as distinct from ātman and puruṣa , " spirit or soul " and belonging only to the body , like which it is - except in the nyāya - considered perishable ; as to its position in the various systems » for nyāya and vaiśeṣika IW. 63 ; 67 ; 76 , for sāṃkhya and vedā*nta ib. 84 ; 109 ; 117 ; in RV. it is sometimes joined with hṛd or hṛdaya , the heart Mn. vii , 6 with cakṣus , the eye)
the spirit or spiritual principle , the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called asu in animals ; cf. above ) ib.
[p= 784,1] [p= 783,3] [L=156778]
thought , imagination , excogitation , invention , reflection , opinion , intention , inclination , affection , desire , mood , temper , spirit ib. (ifc. after a verbal noun or an inf. stem in °tu = having a mind or wishing to ; cf. draṣṭu-m° &c ; manaḥ √ kṛ , to make up one's mind ; with gen. , to feel inclination for ; manaḥ √ kṛ,pra- √kṛ , √ dhā , vi- √ dhā , √ dhṛ , √ bandh and Caus. of ni- √viś with loc. dat. acc. with prati , or inf. , to direct the mind or thoughts towards , think of or upon ; manaḥ with sam-ā- √dhā , to recover the senses , collect one's self ; with √ han » mano-hatya ; mánasā ind. in the mind ; in thought or imagination ; with all the heart , willingly ; with gen. , by the leave of ; with iva = °se*va , as with a thought , in a moment ; with √ man , to think in one's mind , be willing or inclined ; with saṃ- √gam , to become unanimous , agree ; manasi with √ kṛ , to bear or ponder in the mind , meditate on , remember ; with ni- √dhā , to impress on the mind , consider ; with √ vṛt , to be passing in one's mind)
[p= 784,1] [L=156779]
N. of the 26th kalpa (s.v.) Cat.
of the lake mānasa BhP.
manaso dohaḥ N. of a sāman A1rshBr. [cf. Gk. μένος ; Lat. miner-va.]
(H3) manda--prā* ṇa [p= 788,1] [L=157744]
mfn. having slow or weak breat
(H3) prā* ṇá--bhakṣa [p= 705,3] [L=139609]
m. feeding only on breath or air (cf. -prā*śanin) S3rS.
(H4) prā* ṇá--bhakṣam [L=139610]
ind. while feeding only on breath or air Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) prā* ṇá--máya [L=139621]
mf(ī)n. consisting of vigorous air or breath S3Br.
(H3) prā* ṇá--śarīra [L=139651]
mfn. whose (only) body is vital air ChUp.
(H3) prā* ṇá--sambhṛta [L=139667]
m. wind , air (w.r. for -sambhūta?).
(H3) prā* ṇā* pā* ná [p= 706,1] [L=139702]
m. du. air inhaled and exhaled AV.
inspiration and expiration (personified and identified with the aśvins) Pur.
m. (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.
(H2) prā* ṇátha [L=139735]
m. breathing , respiration VS.
air , wind L.
the lord of all living beings (= prajāpati) L.
a sacred bathing-place L.
(H2B) prā* ṇátha [L=139739]
mfn. strong L.
(H2) prā* ṇanta [L=139745]
m. ( Un2. iii , 127) air , wind L.
a kind of collyrium L.
vyan vy- √ an-aniti , to respire , breathe , inhale and exhale RV. ;
-to draw in the breath through the whole body S3Br.