
ava-tāra [p= 99,1]
Pa1n2. 3-3 , 120) descent (especially of a deity from heaven) , appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of viṣṇu in ten principal forms , viz. the fish tortoise , boar , man lion , dwarf , the two rāmas , kṛṣṇa , buddha , and kalki MBh. xii , 12941 seqq.)

Ragh. iii , 36 & v , 24 , &c , (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an avatāra or incarnation of a deity)

tīrtha or sacred place L.

ava-tāra [p= 1317,1]
acc. with √labh, "to get an opportunity"), Divya7v.

(H2) m.
[L=17340]any new and unexpected appearance
[L=17341]opportunity of catching any one

ava-tāraa [p= 99,1]
causing to descend
R. &c

» bhārā*vat° , descent , appearance (= ava-taraa) MBh. i , 312 and 368, translation L.


taking or putting off

" removing " (as a burden)


possession by an evil spirit

the border of a garment

ava- √ kram [p= 97,1] [L=17035]
Opt. , -krāmet) to step down upon (acc.) TA1r.  ; 
aor. 3. pl. -kramu [cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 116] ; pr. p. krā́mat) to tread down , overcome RV. vi , 75 , 7 and vii , 32 , 27 VS. AV. S3Br.  ; 
to descend (into a womb)
Buddh. Jain. : Caus. (p. -kramayat) to cause to go down Ka1tyS3r.
(H1) (
ava- √ gam [p= 97,2] [L=17091]
(Subj. -gácchāt ; ind.p. -gátya RV. vi , 75 , 5 ; Ved. Inf. ávagantos TS. ) to go down , descend to (acc. or loc.) RV. AV.  ; 
acc.) to come to , visit , approach RV. AV. S3Br.  ; 
to reach , obtain
TS. AitBr.  ; 
to get power or influence
TS.  ; 
to go near , undertake
MBh. v , 740  ; 
to hit upon , think of , conceive , learn , know , understand , anticipate , assure one's self , be convinced
to recognize , consider , believe any one (
acc.) to be (acc.) MBh. iii , 2483 , &c : Caus. P. (3. pl. -gamayanti ; Imper. 2. sg. -gamaya) to bring near , procure AV. iii , 3 , 6 TS.  ; 
to cause to know , teach
Ma1lav. &c
(H1) -gacchati
ava- √ t [p= 99,1] [L=17330]
-tarati (perf. -tatāra , 3. pl. -teru ; Inf. -taritum [e.g. Hariv. 3511] or -tartum [e.g. MBh. i , 2509 R. vii , 30 , 12] ; ind.p. -tīrya) to descend into (loc. or acc.) , alight from , alight (abl.) VS.  ; 
to descend (as a deity) in becoming incarnate
MBh.  ; 
to betake one's self to (
acc.) , arrive at MBh.  ; 
to make one's appearance , arrive
Sarvad.  ; 
to be in the right place , to fit
TPra1t.  ; 
to undertake:
Ved. cl.6 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -tira ; impf. -átirat , 2. sg. -átiras , 2. du. -atiratam ; aor. 2. sg. -tārīs) to overcome , overpower RV. AV. : Ved. cl.4. (p. fem. -tī́yatī) to sink AV. xix , 9 , 8 : Caus. -tārayati (ind.p. -tārya) to make or let one descend , bring or fetch down (acc. or loc.) from (abl.) MBh. &c  ; 
to take down , take off , remove , turn away from (
abl. Ragh. vi , 30) ib.  ; 
" to set a-going , render current "
» ava-tārita below  ; 
to descend(?)
AV. vii , 107 , 1.
(H1) cl.1 P.
ava-tāraa [L=17349]
causing to descend R. &c


» bhārā*vat° , descent , appearance (= ava-taraa) MBh. i , 312 and 368, translation L.



(H2) n.
[L=17350]taking or putting off
[L=17351]" removing " (as a burden)
[L=17353]possession by an evil spirit
[L=17354]the border of a garment
ava-tārita [L=17355]
caused to descend , fetched down from (abl.)

(H2) mfn.
[L=17356]taken down , laid down or aside
[L=17358]set a-going , rendered current , accomplished
ava-titaru [L=17362]
intending to descend Katha1s.
(H2) mfn.
ava- √ ruh [p= 103,1] [L=17948]
(p. -róhat ; ind.p. -ruhya ; also A1. e.g. MBh. ix , 3470 R. ii , 7 , 11 and iv , 49 , 25) to descend , alight , dismount RV. v , 78 , 4 , &c  ; 
" to descend from "
i.e. to be deprived of (one's dominion , aiśvaryāt) BhP. : Caus. (impf. avā*ropayat [v.l. °rohayat] Ragh. i , 54 ; Imper. 2. sg. -ropaya MBh. iv , 1318 and ix , 3468 , 2. pl. A1. -rohayadhvam MBh. iii , 15609) to cause to descend , take down from (abl.): Pass. -ropyate , to be lowered or lessened MBh. xii , 8501.
(H1) P.
ava-ropaa [L=17954]
planting MBh. xiii , 2991, causing to descend L.

(H2) n.
[L=17955]depriving , diminishing
ava-ropita [L=17956]
caused to descend , taken down from (abl.)

rājyāt &c ) MBh. iv , 2101. R. Ma1rkP.

Mn. i , 82, curtailed , lost (as dominions , ṣṭi) BhP. , silenced (in dispute) BhP.
(H2) mfn.
[L=17957]deprived of (as of one's dominion ,
[L=17958]lowered , lessened
ava-ropya [L=17959]
having made or making to descend Gobh. Hariv. 9721 , planting MBh. i , 7063.
(H2) ind.p.
ava- √ lamb [p= 103,2] [L=18014]
(ind.p. -lambya , exceptionally P. e.g. Pot. -lambet MBh. i , 8443 ed. Bomb.) to hang down , glide or slip down , descend TUp. &c  ; 
pr. p. P. -lambat) to set (as the sun) MBh. iv , 1040  ; 
to catch hold of. cling to , hang to , hold on or support one's self by , rest upon as a support , depend upon (generally
acc. ; but also loc. [ MBh. i , 8443] or instr. [ Megh. 108]) , to hold up anything (to prevent its falling down) S3ak. Ragh. vii , 9 , &c  ; 
to enter a state or condition (
as māyām , mānuyatvam , dhairyam , &c )  ; 
to devote one's self to (
acc.) Kum. ii , 15  ; 
" to incline towards " , choose as a direction
Katha1s. : Caus. (ind.p. -lambya) to hang up Pan5cat. Katha1s.  ; 
to grasp (for support)
(H1) -lambate