Māyā - Art, wisdom, extraordinary or supernatural power, illusion, unreality, deception, fraud …

māyā vimohinī nāma kalāyāḥ kalanaṃ sthitam |
ityādidharmaṃ tattvānāṃ kalayan na pṛthag bhavet || 95 ||

māyā [p= 811,1] [L=163078]
» below.
māyā́ [L=163081]
art , wisdom , extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language)

RV. &c

ib. (esp. ibc. = false , unreal , illusory ; cf. comp.)

Dharmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the khya with prakti or pradhāna and in that system , as well as in the vedā*nta , regarded as the source of the visible universe) IW. 83 ; 108

śaivas) one of the 4 pāśas or snares which entangle the soul Sarvad. MW.

vaiṣṇavas) one of the 9 śaktis or energies of viṣṇu L.

durgā , sometimes regarded as a daughter of anta and nirti or nikti and mother of mtyu , or as a daughter of adharma) Pur.


Turpethum L.

of the mother of gautama buddha MWB. 24

lak W.



(māye indrasya) N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.
(H1B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=163082]illusion , unreality , deception , fraud , trick , sorcery , witchcraft magic
[L=163083]an unreal or illusory image , phantom , apparition
[L=163084]duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions)
[L=163087]Illusion personified (sometimes identified with
[L=163088]compassion , sympathy
[L=163092]of a city
[L=163093]of 2 metres
māyā́--kāra [L=163096]
" illusion-maker " , a conjurer , juggler L.
(H3) m.
māyā́--kt [L=163097]
" illusion-maker " , a conjurer , juggler L.
(H3) m.
māyā* --° cāra [L=163101]
(māyā*c°) practising illusion or , deceit Subh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=163101.1]acting deceitfully
māyā́--jīvin [L=163104]
" living by illusion " , a conjurer , juggler L.
(H3) m.
māyā́--° tmaka [L=163106]
māyā*tm°) mf(ikā)n. consisting of illusion , essentially illusory W.
(H3) (