Priya- Beloved, favorite, dear, expensive, lover, husband

bhairava uvāca |
sādhu sādhu tvayā pṛṣṭaṃ tantrasāram idam priye || 7 ||

priya [p= 709,3] [L=140435]
» under √1. prī below.
priyá [p= 710,1] [L=140437]
(ā)n. beloved , dear to (gen. loc. dat. or comp.) , liked , favourite , wanted , own RV. &c &c (with abl. " dearer than " R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; priya-k A1. kurute , either " to gain the affection of , win as a friend " RV. ; or " to feel affection for , love more and more " MBh. )

cf. priya-dhānyaka , priyā*nna-tva)

loc.) RV. (id. in comp. , either ibc. e.g. priya-devana , " fond of playing " , or ifc. e.g. aka-priya , " fond of dice " cf. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 35 Va1rtt. 2 ; ifc. also = pleasant , agreeable e.g. gamana-priya , " pleasant to go " , vi , 2 , 15 Sch.)
priyá [L=140440]
a friend Gaut.
priyá [L=140441]
a lover , husband MBh. Ka1v. &c
priyá [L=140442]
a son-in-law Mn. iii , 119 ( Kull. )
priyá [L=140443]
a kind of deer L.
priyá [L=140444]
N. of 2 medicinal plants L.
priyá [L=140452]
love , kindness , favour , pleasure MBh. Ka1v. &c
priyá [L=140454]
(ea) id.
priyá [L=140455]
willingly Hit. (v.l. , also priya-priyea Pa1n2. 8-1 , 13) .
priya [p= 1330,3] [L=337040]
(H1) priyāla
(H2) mf
[L=140438]dear , expensive , high in price (
[L=140439]fond of attached or devoted to (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in
priyá--jīvita---tā [p= 710,1] [L=140502]
love of life Sa1h.
(H4) f.
priyá--tā [L=140508]
(priyá-). the being dear S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c

comp.) , love Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H3) f.
[L=140508.1]the being fond of (
priyá--bhāva [p= 710,2] [L=140557]
feeling of love A.
(H3) m.