(H3) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110388]
mfn. |
(often w.r. for nir-vṛtta , vi-vṛtta , ni-vṛta) turned back , returned to (acc.) MBh.
[L=110389] |
rebounded from ( |
abl.) R.
[L=110390] |
retreated , fled (in battle) |
[L=110391] |
set (as the sun) |
[L=110392] |
averted from , indifferent to , having renounced or given up ( |
abl. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=110393] |
abstracted from this world , quiet |
BhP. Hcat.
[L=110394] |
rid or deprived of ( |
abl.) MBh. R.
[L=110395] |
passed away , gone , ceased , disappeared , vanished |
(H3B) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110396]
n. |
(with karman n. an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) Mn. xii , 88 (opp. to pravṛtta)
[L=110397] |
ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) |
Pat. Ka1s3.
[L=110398] |
omitted , left out ( |
cf. comp. below)
[L=110399] |
finished , completed |
[L=110400] |
desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct |
(H3B) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110401]
n. |
return (» durniv°)