Sanskrit words for TUBULAR

1 adhyūdhnī (tubular) 2 adhyuddhi (tubular) 3 iḍā (tubular) 4 iḷā (tubular) 5 kambu (tubular) 6 tantrī (tubular) 7 dhamani (tubular) 8 dhara (tubular) 9 dharaṇī (tubular) 10 dhāmanī (tubular) 11 dhāraṇī (tubular) 12 nalikā (tubular) 13 nāḍi (tubular) 14 nāḍikā (tubular) 15 nāḍī (tubular) 16 nāḍīyantra (tubular) 17 nāla (tubular) 18 nālāstra (tubular) 19 nālī (tubular) 20 nāli (tubular) 21 piṅga (tubular) 22 piṅgalā (tubular) 23 mahānāḍī (tubular) 24 yantranāla (tubular) 25 rasālasā (tubular) 26 vaṃśa (tubular) 27 vaṃśaka (tubular) 28 ṣaḍadhikadaśanāḍīcakra (tubular) 29 sirā (tubular)


ádhy-ūdhnī [p= 23,3] [L=4705]
(fr. ūdhan) ([ MaitrS. Ka1tyS3r. ]) a tubular vessel above the udder , or above the scrotum.




adhy-ud-dhi [L=4689]
» ádhy-ūdhnī.
ádhy-ud-dhi [L=4705.1]
( √ dha) ([ A1pS3r. ]), a tubular vessel above the udder , or above the scrotum.


(H1) f.


íā [p= 164,2] [L=28694]
or (in g-veda) íā , (not to be confounded with the inst. case of i above ) , refreshing draught , refreshment , animation , recreation , comfort , vital spirit RV. AV. AitBr.

pra-yāga and anu-yāga , and consisting of four preparations of milk , poured into a vessel containing water , and then partially drunk by the priest and sacrificers ; personified in the cow , the symbol of feeding , and nourishment) S3Br. i , 8 , 1 , 1 , &c AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.
164,3] [p= 164,2] [L=28694.10]
cf. id) , stream or flow of praise and worship (personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action , invoked together with aditi and other deities , but especially in the āprī hymns together with sarasvatī and mahī or bhāratī) RV. AV. VS. &c
164,3] [L=28694.15]

iā or iā (daughter of manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods ; she is the wife of budha and mother of purū-ravas ; in another aspect she is called maitrāvarui as daughter of mitra-varua , two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion)

of durgā

daka and wife of kaśyapa

vasudeva and of the rudra ta-dhvaja




iā [p= 1320,3] [L=321220]


[L=28694.05]offering , libation (especially a holy libation , offered between the
[p= (metaphorically
[p= the earth , food
[L=28694.20]a cow
[L=28694.25]the goddess
[L=28694.35]of a daughter of
[L=28694.40]of a wife of
[L=28694.60]a particular artery on the left side of the body
[L=28694.65]a tubular vessel (one of the principal channels of the vital spirit , that which is on the right side of the body)
(H2) (in


íā [p= 164,2] [L=28695]
(not to be confounded with the inst. case of i above ) , refreshing draught , refreshment , animation , recreation , comfort , vital spirit RV. AV. AitBr.

pra-yāga and anu-yāga , and consisting of four preparations of milk , poured into a vessel containing water , and then partially drunk by the priest and sacrificers ; personified in the cow , the symbol of feeding , and nourishment) S3Br. i , 8 , 1 , 1 , &c AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.
164,3] [p= 164,2] [L=28695.10]
cf. id) , stream or flow of praise and worship (personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action , invoked together with aditi and other deities , but especially in the āprī hymns together with sarasvatī and mahī or bhāratī) RV. AV. VS. &c
164,3] [L=28695.15]

iā or iā (daughter of manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods ; she is the wife of budha and mother of purū-ravas ; in another aspect she is called maitrāvarui as daughter of mitra-varua , two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion)

of durgā

daka and wife of kaśyapa

vasudeva and of the rudra ta-dhvaja






[L=28695.05]offering , libation (especially a holy libation , offered between the
[p= (metaphorically
[p= the earth , food
[L=28695.20]a cow
[L=28695.25]the goddess
[L=28695.35]of a daughter of
[L=28695.40]of a wife of
[L=28695.60]a particular artery on the left side of the body
[L=28695.65]a tubular vessel (one of the principal channels of the vital spirit , that which is on the right side of the body)


kambu [p= 253,1] [L=43991]
(u n. L. ) a conch

MBh. iv , 255 BhP. Katha1s. &c








Curcuma L.


[L=43992]a shell
[L=43993]a bracelet or ring made of shells
[L=43994]a bracelet in general
[L=43995]three lines or marks in the neck (indicative of good fortune)
[L=43996]the neck
[L=43997]an elephant
[L=43998]a tube-shaped bone
[L=43999]a vein or tubular vessel of the body
[L=44000]a sort of


tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82498]
(īs ; ī). (īs cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 Ka1s3. ; ī L. ) = °ntī Gobh. iii , 6 , 7 and BhP. iii , 15 , 8 (v.l. for °ntī ; » also vatsatantrī)
tántrī [L=82499]
(īs ; ī). the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv , 1 , 2 Kaus3. &c (°tri R. vi , 28 , 26)
tántrī [L=82500]
(īs ; ī). (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.)
tántrī [L=82501]
(īs ; ī). any tubular vessel of the body , sinew , vein Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159
tántrī [L=82502]
(īs ; ī). the plant °trikā L.
tántrī [L=82503]
(īs ; ī). a girl with peculiar qualities L.
tántrī [L=82504]
(īs ; ī). N. of a river L.
tántrī [L=82505]
(īs ; ī). cf. ku-tantrī.
tantrī [L=82559]
of °tra q.v.


(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2) f.


dhamáni [p= 510,1] [L=99718]
the act of blowing or piping RV. ii , 11 , 8

°) a pipe or tube , (esp.) a canal of the human body , any tubular vessel , as a vein , nerve &c AV. ChUp. MBh. Sus3r. &c (24 tubular vessels starting from the heart or from the navel are supposed to carry the raca or chyle through the body)


of hrāda's wife (the mother of vātāpi and ilvala) BhP.


[L=99720]the throat , neck


dhara [L=99748]
(ā)n. ( √ dh) bearing , supporting (scil. the world , said of kṛṣṇa and śiva) MBh.

ifc. holding , bearing , carrying , wearing , possessing , having , keeping (also in memory) , sustaining , preserving , observing (cf. aśu- , aka- , kula- &c ) MBh. R. &c
dhara [L=99750]
a mountain Kir. xv , 12 (cf. kiti- , bhū- &c )
dhara [L=99751]
a flock of cotton L.
dhara [L=99752]
a frivolous or dissolute man (= via) L.
dhara [L=99753]
a sword Gal.
dhara [L=99754]
N. of a vasu MBh.
dhara [L=99755]
of a follower of the ṇḍavas ib. of the king of the tortoises L.
dhara [L=99756]
of the father of padma-prabha (6th arhat of pres. ava-sarpiī) L.
dhara [L=99758]
the uterus or womb Bhpr.
dhara [L=99759]
a vein or tubular vessel of the body L.
dhara [L=99760]
marrow L.
dhara [L=99761]
a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brahmans) W.
dhara [L=99762]
one of the 8 forms of sarasvatī id.
dhara [L=99763]
N. of one of the wives of kaśyapa (mother of the land and water-birds , prob. = the Earth) Hariv. 232 (v.l. irā)
dhara [L=99764]
poison L. (v.l. dara)


(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.


dháraī [L=99781]
» s.v.
dharaī [p= 510,2] [L=99800]
(cf. °a and °i) the earth , the soil or ground MBh. Ka1v. Pur.


-kanda L.


of a Dictionary (cf. °i-kośa).


(H2) f.
[L=99801]a vein or tubular vessel of the body
[L=99803]a beam or rafter for a roof.


dhāmanī [p= 515,1] [L=100938]
Hemionitis Cordifolia L.

= dhamani) ib.


[L=100939]any tubular vessel of the body (


dhāraī [p= 515,2] [L=100990]
any tubular vessel of the body L.


partic. bulbous plant ib.

&c MWB. 154 ; 351 &c (4 kinds of dhāraī according to Dharmas. lii)

w.r. for dhoraī) L.

of a daughter of sva-dhā VP.


[L=100991]the earth
[L=100993]a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain
[L=100994]row or line (


nalikā [p= 530,2] [L=104427]
a tube or tubular organ of the body (= ī) L.
nalikā [L=104428]
a quiver Naish.
nalikā [L=104429]
Dolichos Lablab Var.
nalikā [L=104430]
Polianthes Tuberosa or Daemia Extensa L.
nalikā [L=104431]
a kind of fragrant substance L.


(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.


i 1 [p= 534,2] [L=105364]
the son of naa Pa1n2. 4-1 , 99 Ka1s3.
i 2 [L=105365]
any tube or pipe , (esp.) a tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) BhP. (cf. ī).


(H2) f.


ikā [L=105374]
a hollow stalk Jyot.
ikā [L=105375]
any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
ikā [L=105376]
a measure of time = 1÷2 muhūrta Var. Ma1lati1m. &c
ikā [L=105377]
a measure of length = 1÷2 daṇḍa Ma1rkP.
ikā [L=105378]
v.l. for nālikā Ka1m. v , 51


(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.


ī́ [L=105382]
(fr. a nom. °ī́s RV. x , 135 , 7) the tubular stalk of any plant or any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body)

RV. &c

RV. Ka1t2h.

TS. Ka1t2h.




= gaṇḍa-dūrvā) L.


÷2 muhūrta Var.



[L=105383]any pipe or tube
[L=105384]a flute
[L=105385]the box of a wheel
[L=105386]a fistulous sore
[L=105387]the pulse
[L=105388]any hole or crevice
[L=105389]a sort of bent grass (
[L=105390]a strap of leather , thong
[L=105391]a measure of time = 1
[L=105392]a juggling trick , deception


ī́--yantra [p= 534,3] [L=105418]
any tubular instrument (in surgery) Sus3r.




nāla [p= 537,3] [L=106121]
(fr. nala cf. a) consisting or made of reeds BhP.
nāla [L=106122]
(g. ardharcā*di) f(ā , or ī L. ). and n. a hollow stalk , (esp.) of the lotus MBh. Ka1v. &c
nāla [L=106123]
any tube or tubular vessel or vein &c of the body ib.
nāla [L=106124]
or n. the navel-string Gobh. Sch.
nāla [L=106125]
N. of a poet Cat.
nāla [L=106128]
the stalk of a pot-herb L.
nāla [L=106129]
a piece of metal on which the hours are struck = ghaī W.
nāla [L=106130]
a lotus-flower , L: (cf. nālīka)
nāla [L=106131]
the urethra Sus3r.
nāla [L=106132]
a handle (only mf(ā)n. ifc.) MBh. vii , 75
nāla [L=106133]
a partic. ornament on a chariot R. vi , 75 , 28
nāla [L=106134]
yellow orpiment L.


(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


nālā* stra [L=106137]
any tubular weapon (e.g. gun , cannon &c ) L.




nālī [L=106127]
an instrument for perforating an elephant's ear L.
nālī [L=106142]
= ī , any tubular vessel or vein &c of the body L.
nālī [L=106143]
ifc. = °likā , a period of 24 minutes Sa1h.


(H2) f.
(H2B) mfn.


nāli [L=106142.1]
= ī , any tubular vessel or vein &c of the body L.
nāli [L=106143.1]
ifc. = °likā , a period of 24 minutes Sa1h.


(H2B) mfn.


piga [p= 624,2] [L=123468]
gara,pigala » under √piñj , col.3.
piga [p= 624,3] [L=123560]
(ā)n. yellow , reddish-brown , tawny MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. g. kaārā*di)
piga [L=123561]
yellow (the colour) L.
piga [L=123562]
a buffalo L. : a mouse L.
piga [L=123563]
N. of one of the sun's attendants L.
piga [L=123564]
of a man A1s3vS3r. (cf. paigi , °gin)
piga [L=123565]
(pi , in one place pínga) , N. of a kind of divine being (?) AV. viii , 6 , 6 ; 18 &c
piga [L=123567]
a kind of yellow pigment (cf. go-rocanā)
piga [L=123568]
the stalk of Ferula Asa Foetida L.
piga [L=123569]
turmeric , Indian saffron L.
piga [L=123570]
bamboo manna W.
piga [L=123571]
N. of a woman MBh.
piga [L=123572]
of durgā W.
piga [L=123573]
a tubular vessel of the human body which according to the yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side ib.
piga [L=123575]
orpiment L.
piga [L=123576]
a young animal MW.


(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


pigalā́ [p= 625,1] [L=123627]
a species of bird L.
pigalā́ [L=123628]
a kind of owl Var.
pigalā́ [L=123629]
Dalbergia Sissoo L.
pigalā́ [L=123630]
= karikā L.
pigalā́ [L=123631]
a kind of brass L.
pigalā́ [L=123632]
a partic. vessel of the body (the right of 3 tubular vessels which according to the yoga philosophy are the chief passages of breath and air ; cf. ChUp. viii , 6 , 1)
pigalā́ [L=123633]
a kind of yellow pigment (= go-rocanā) L.
pigalā́ [L=123634]
N. of lak Gal.
pigalā́ [L=123635]
of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety MBh.
pigalā́ [L=123636]
of the female elephant of the South quarter L.
pigalā́ [L=123637]
of an astrological house or period W.
pigalā́ [L=123638]
heart-pea W.


(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.


mahā́--nāī [p= 796,3] [L=159855]
a great tubular vessel MW.



[L=159856]sinew , tendon


yantra--nāla [p= 845,3] [L=170321]
a mechanical pipe or tube , tubular instrument Ma1rkP.




rasālasā [p= 871,1] [L=175872]
any tubular vessel of the body (esp. one conveying the fluids) , vein , artery &c L.




vaśá [p= 910,1] [L=184159]
(derivation doubtful) the bamboo cane or any cane (accord. to L. also " sugarcane " and " Shorea Robusta ") RV. &c

cf. prācīna-v°) AV. &c


Ka1v. Ra1jat.

VarBr2S. BhP.

BhP. (B.) Sch.



S3Br. &c &c (esp. a noble race , a dynasty of kings , a list of teachers &c ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 19 Sch.)


ifc.) a succession or collection of similar things , assemblage multitude , host (as of chariots , stars &c ) MBh. Ka1v. &c

partic. measure of length (= 10 hastas) Li1l.

partic. musical note S3is3.



of viṣṇu L.


[L=184160]the upper timbers or beams of a house , the rafters or laths fastened to the beams (of a roof ;
[L=184161]a cross-beam , joist , joint
[L=184162]a reed-pipe , flute , fife
[L=184163]the back-bone , spine
[L=184164]a hollow or tubular bone
[L=184165]the upper nasal bone
[L=184166]the central projecting part of a scimitar or sabre
[L=184167]the line of a pedigree or genealogy (from its resemblance to the succession of joints in a bamboo) , lineage race , family , stock
[L=184168]offspring , a son
[L=184172]pride , arrogance


vaśaka [p= 910,3] [L=184305]
a kind of large sugar-cane Sus3r.

R. (B.) Sch.

Cynoglossus Lingua L.

of a prince VP.
vaśaka [L=184311]
Agallochum L.


[L=184306]a tubular bone
[L=184307]a small fish ,
(H2B) n.


a--adhika---daśa-nāī-cakra [p= 1109,1] [L=225096]
" circle of the 16 tubular vessels " , i.e. the heart ib.




sirā [p= 1217,3] [L=244948]
(fr. √ s) a stream , water RV. i , 121 (cf. Naigh. i , 12 ; often written śirā)

&c Sus3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c





[L=244949]any tubular vessel of the body , a nerve , vein , artery , tendon
[L=244950]a vein-like channel or narrow stream of river water
[L=244951]lines which cross each other like veins
[L=244952]a bucket , baling-vessel