Brahma - The One self-existent spirit, Absolute

saṃkocaṃ karṇayoḥ kṛtvā hy adhodvāre tathaiva ca |
anackam ahalaṃ dhyāyan viśed
brahma sanātanam || 114 ||

bráhma 1 [p= 738,1] [L=146573]
a priest (» asura- , ku- , mahābr°)
bráhma 1 [p= 738,1] [L=146574]
the one self-existent Spirit , the Absolute R.
brahma 2 [p= 738,1] [L=146575]
comp. for brahman. - Observe that in the following derivatives the nom. n. (brahma) is used for the impersonal Spirit and the nom. m. (brahmā) for the personal god.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2) in
(H2) brahma [p= 1331,1] [L=337400]