the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death. Since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal.
. Individual being.
(H2) | jāti [p= 418,1] [L=78658]
f. |
birth , production AitBr. ii , 39 Mn. MBh. (also °tī , xiii f.) &c
[L=78659] |
re-birth |
R. i , 62 , 17 Ka1ran2d2. xxiii , 193
[L=78660] |
the form of existence (as man , animal , |
&c ) fixed by birth Mn. iv , 148 f. Yogas. ii , 13
[L=78661] |
( |
ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 98
[L=78662] |
position assigned by birth , rank , caste , family , race , lineage |
Ka1tyS3r. xv Mn. Ya1jn5. &c (°tī MBh. xiv , 2549)
[L=78663] |
kind , genus (opposed to species) , species (opposed to individual) , class |
La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. &c , (once °tī ifc. MBh. vi , 456)
[L=78664] |
the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) |
[L=78665] |
natural disposition to |
Car. ii , 1
[L=78666] |
the character of a species , genuine or true state of anything |
Ya1jn5. ii , 246 MBh. xii , 5334
[L=78667] |
reduction of fractions to a common denominator
[L=78668] |
a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity) |
Nya1yad. v , 1 ff. Sarvad. xi , 10 and 34 Prab. Sch.
[L=78669] |
(in |
rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii , 1
[L=78670] |
a class of metres |
R. i , 4 , 6 Ka1vya7d. i , 11
[L=78671] |
a manner of singing |
[L=78672] |
a fire-place |
[L=78673] |
( |
= °tī) mace , nutmeg Sus3r.
[L=78674] |
Jasminum |
grandiflorum L.
[L=78675] |
= |
°tī-phalā L.
[L=78676] |
= |
kampilla L. cf. antya- , eka- , dvi- - ([cf. Lat. gens ; Lith. pri-gentis])
(H2) | jāti [p= 1327,3] [L=331870]
(in |
(H2) | yoga [p= 854,3] [L=172001]
&c |
» pp. 856 , 858.
(H1) | yóga [p= 856,2] [L=172324]
m. |
( √1. yuj ; ifc. f(ā).) the act of yoking , joining , attaching , harnessing , putting to (of horses) RV. MBh.
[L=172325] |
a yoke , team , vehicle , conveyance |
S3Br. Kaus3. MBh.
[L=172326] |
employment , use , application , performance |
RV. &c
[L=172327] |
equipping or arraying (of an army) |
[L=172328] |
fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string) |
[L=172329] |
putting on (of armour) |
[L=172330] |
a remedy , cure |
[L=172331] |
a means , expedient , device , way , manner , method |
MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=172332] |
a supernatural means , charm , incantation , magical art |
[L=172333] |
a trick , stratagem , fraud , deceit |
Mn. Katha1s. (cf. yoga-nanda)
[L=172334] |
undertaking , business , work |
[L=172335] |
acquisition , gain , profit , wealth , property |
ib. Kaus3. MBh.
[L=172336] |
occasion , opportunity |
Ka1m. Ma1rkP.
[L=172337] |
any junction , union , combination , contact with ( |
instr. with or without saha , or comp.). MBh. Ka1v. &c (yogam √ i , to agree , consent , acquiesce in anything R. )
[L=172338] |
mixing of various materials , mixture |
MBh. R. VarBr2S.
[L=172339] |
partaking of , possessing ( |
instr. or comp.) Mn. R. Hariv.
[L=172340] |
connection , relation ( |
yogāt , yogena and yoga-tas ifc. in consequence of , on account of , by reason of , according to , through) Ka1tyS3r. S3vetUp. Mn. &c
[p= | 856,3] [p= 856,2] [L=172341]
putting together , arrangement , disposition , regular succession |
Ka1t2h. S3rS.
[p= | 856,3] [L=172342]
fitting together , fitness , propriety , suitability ( |
°gena ind. and -tas ind. suitably , fitly , duly , in the right manner) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=172343] |
exertion , endeavour , zeal , diligence , industry , care , attention ( |
°yoga-tas ind. strenuously , assiduously ; pūrṇena yogena , with all one's powers , with overflowing zeal) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=172344] |
application or concentration of the thoughts , abstract contemplation , meditation , ( |
esp.) self-concentration , abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by patañjali and called the yoga philosophy ; it is the second of the two sāṃkhya systems , its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with īśvara or the Supreme Spirit ; in the practice of self-concentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c ( IW. 92)
[L=172345] |
any simple act or rite conducive to |
yoga or abstract meditation Sarvad.
[L=172346] |
Yoga personified (as the son of |
dharma and kriyā) BhP.
[L=172347] |
a follower of the |
yoga system MBh. S3am2k.
[L=172348] |
(in |
sāṃkhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 mūlika-arthās or radical facts) Tattvas.
[L=172349] |
(with |
pāśupatas) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul Kula7rn2.
[L=172350] |
(with |
pāñcarātras) devotion , pious seeking after God Sarvad.
(H1B) | yóga [L=172351]
m. |
(with jainas) contact or mixing with the outer world ib.
(H1B) | yóga [L=172352]
m. |
(in astron.) conjunction , lucky conjuncture La1t2y. VarBr2S. MBh. &c
[L=172353] |
a constellation , asterism (these , with the moon , are called |
cāndra-yogāḥ and are 13 in number ; without the moon they are called kha-yogāḥ , or nābhasa-yogāḥ) VarBr2S.
[L=172354] |
the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism |
[L=172355] |
N. |
of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes ; there are 27 such yogas beginning with viṣkambha and ending with vaidhṛti) ib.
[L=172356] |
(in |
arithm.) addition , sum , total Su1ryas. MBh.
[L=172357] |
(in gram.) the connection of words together , syntactical dependence of a word , construction |
Nir. Sus3r. (ifc. = dependent on , ruled by Pa1n2. 2-2 , 8 Va1rtt. 1)
[L=172358] |
a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism |
Pa1n2. Sch. Siddh. (cf. yoga-vibhāga)
[L=172359] |
the connection of a word with its root , original or etymological meaning (as |
opp. to rūḍhi q.v.) Nir. Prata1p. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
[L=172360] |
a violator of confidence , spy |
[L=172361] |
N. |
of a Sch. on the paramārthasāra
(H2) | vi-śeṣa [p= 990,2] [L=200604]
m. |
(once in Pan5cat. n. ; ifc. f(ā).) distinction , difference between (two gen. , two loc. , or gen. and instr.) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=200605] |
characteristic difference , peculiar mark , special property , speciality , peculiarity |
Mn. MBh. &c
[L=200606] |
a kind , species , individual ( |
e.g. vṛkṣa-v° , a species of tree , in comp. often also = special , peculiar , particular , different , e.g. chando-v° , " a particular metre " , viśeṣa-maṇḍana , " a peculiar ornament " ; argha-viśeṣāḥ , " different prices ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=200607] |
( |
pl.) various objects Megh.
[p= | 990,3] [p= 990,2] [L=200608]
distinction , peculiar merit , excellence , superiority (in |
comp. often = excellent , superior , choice , distinguished e.g. ākṛti-v° , " an excellent form " ; cf. viśeṣa-pratipatti) Mn. MBh. &c
[p= | 990,3] [L=200609]
(in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word ( |
cf. vi-śeṣaka and vi-śeṣaṇa)
[L=200610] |
(in |
phil.) particularity , individuality , essential difference or individual essence (with the vaiśeṣikas the 5th cate gory or padā*rtha , belonging to the 9 eternal substances or dravyas , viz. soul , time , place , ether , and the 5 atoms of earth , water , light , air , and mind , which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) IW. 66 &c
[L=200611] |
(in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness |
[L=200612] |
(in |
rhet.) statement of difference or distinction , individualization , variation Kuval. (cf. viśeṣo*kti)
[L=200613] |
a sectarian mark , any mark on the forehead ( |
= tilaka) L.
[L=200614] |
(in |
geom.) the hypotenuse S3ulbas.
[L=200615] |
N. |
of the primary elements or mahā-bhūtas (q.v.) MaitrUp.
[L=200616] |
the earth as an element |
[L=200617] |
the mundane egg |
[L=200618] |
= |
virāj ib.
(H2B) | vi-śeṣa [L=200620]
mf |
(ā)n. extraordinary , abundant Ragh. ii , 14 (B. viśeṣāt for viśeṣā)
(H1) | vi-śeṣa [p= 991,3] [L=200836]
&c |
» [p= 990,2].