nipātya ni-°pātya [L=108720] throwing down , overthrowing , destroying , killing MBh. BhP. ni-°pātya [L=108721] to be cast down or overthrown
(in gram.) to be put down or mentioned as an irregularity.
nipat ni- √ pat [p= 549,2] [L=108685] -patati (ep. also °te) , to fly down , settle down , descend on (loc.) , alight MBh. Ka1v. &c ; to rush upon , attack , assail (acc. or loc.) Ratna7v. Katha1s. ; to fall down , fall upon or into (lit. and fig. , with upari , acc. or loc. ; with pādayoḥ , to throw one's self at a person's [gen.] feet Kum. Katha1s. ) ; to fall into ruin or decay , be lost AV. MBh. Sus3r. &c ; to be miscarried (as the fetus) BhP. ; to befall , happen , take place , occur , fall to the share of (loc.) Mn. MBh. Sus3r. &c ; to enter , be inserted , get a place Pa1n2. Nir. : Caus.-pātayati (aor.-apīpatatRV. ) , to cause to fall down , or on (loc.) , throw down , fell , kill , destroy RV. &c ; to spit out Pan5c. iii , 60 ; to inlay , emboss MBh. iv , 1325 ; to fix (the teeth) in (loc.) MBh. ; to direct (the eyes) towards (loc.) Ma1rkP. ; to impute (a fault) to (gen.) Katha1s. ; to raise (taxes) from (abl.) MBh. ; (in gram.) to put down as a special or irregular form , consider as anomalous or irregular.
Sanskrit Words for Overthown
pātita pātita [p= 616,3] [L=121783] (fr. Caus.) made to fall , felled , struck down , lowered , depressed , overthrown R. Ka1lid. &c
nipātita ni-°pātita [p= 549,3] [L=108714] made to fall or descend on (loc.) MBh. &c