Buddhi- Intelligence

buddhi [p= 733,3]
the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgement Mn. MBh. &c
manas 6 ; cf. indriya , buddhī*ndriya)
ātnana , or buddhir brāhmī) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.

khya phil.) Intellect (= adhy-avasāya , the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception , the second of the 25 tattvas ; cf. buddhi-tattva) IW. 80 &c

Pan5cat. Hit.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc. or comp.) , intention , purpose , design ib. (buddhyā , with the intention of. designedly , deliberately ; anugraha-b° , with a view to i.e. in order to show favour ; buddhi-k or pra-k , to make up one's mind , resolve , decide , with loc. dat. acc. with prati , or inf.)

ifc. = considering as , taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit.

R. Ragh.


of the 5th astrol. mansion , VarBr2S. Sch.

daka and wife of dharma and mother of bodha) MBh. Pur.

of a woman , HParis3.
(H2) f.

perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated , or with

comprehension , apprehension , understanding

[L=145648]presence of mind , ready wit
[L=145649]an opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecture
[L=145650]thought about or meditation on (
[L=145651]impression , belief. notion (often
[L=145652]right opinion , correct or reasonable view
[L=145653]a kind of metre
[L=145655]Intelligence personified (as a daughter of

Immature Intellect:

(H3) a-pakva--buddhi [L=9031]
mfn. of immature understanding.

(H3) a-vipakva--buddhi [L=18876]
mfn. having an immature or inexperienced mind BhP.

Buddha- Awakened, awake


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 21.11
Whitney Roots links: buD
budh [p= 733,2] [p= 733,1] [L=145569]
( Dha1tup. xxi , 11) bo*dhati , °te  ; 
cl.4 A1. xxvi , 63 búdhyate (ep. also P. °ti ; pf. P. bubodha MBh. ; Subj. búbodhati RV. ; A1. bubudhé , p. bubudhāná ib. ; aor. P. Subj. bodhiat ib. ; Impv. bodhi ib. ; A1. 3 pl. abudhram , °ran ; p. budhāná ib. Subj. budhánta ib. ; °abhutsi ib. ; Prec. A1. bhutsīṣṭa Pa1n2. 1-2 , 11 Sch. ; fut. bhotsyati , °te Br. &c ; boddhā Gr. ; ind.p. buddhvā Ya1jn5. MBh. ; -budhya Br. &c ; inf. búdhe Br. ; budhí RV. ; boddhum MBh. &c ) , to wake , wake up , be awake RV. &c  ; 
to recover consciousness (after a swoon)
Ka1vya7d. Bhat2t2. (aor. Pass. abodhi)  ; 
to observe , heed , attend to (with
acc. or gen.) RV.  ; 
to perceive , notice , learn , understand , become or be aware of or acquainted with
RV. &c  ; 
to think of
i.e. present a person (" with " instr.) RV. iv , 15 , 7 ; vii , 21 , I  ; 
to know to be , recognize as (with two
acc.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to deem , consider or regard as (with two
acc.) R. Katha1s. : Pass. budhyate (aor. abodhi) , to be awakened or restored to consciousness  ; 
» above: Caus. bodháyati , °te (aor. abūbudhat ; Pass. bodhyate) , to wake up , arouse , restore to life or consciousness RV. &c  ; 
to revive the scent (of a perfume)
VarBr2S.  ; 
to cause (a flower) to expand
Ka1v.  ; 
to cause to observe or attend , admonish , advise
RV. &c  ; 
to make a person acquainted with , remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. bubhutsati , °te (Gr. also bubodhiati , °te , and bubudhiati , °te) , to wish to observe , desire to become acquainted with Nya1yas. BhP. : Desid. of Caus. » bibodhayiu and bubodhayiu: Intens. bobudhīti (Gr. also bobudhyate , boboddhi) , to have an insight into , understand thoroughly (with acc.) Subh. [cf. Zd. bud ; Gk. πυθ for (φυθ) in πυνθάνομαι , πυθέσθαι , Slav. bu8de8ti , bu8dru8 ; Lith. bude4ti , budru4s ; Goth. biudan ; Germ. biotan , bieten ; Angl.Sax. be4odan ; Eng. bid.]
budh 2 [p= 734,1] [L=145736]
(nom. bhut) awaking (cf. uarbúdh)

cf. a-budh).
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
[L=145737]intelligent , wise (
buddha [p= 733,1] [L=145559]
» cols. 2 and 3.
buddha [p= 733,2] [L=145570]
awakened , awake MBh.


opp. to ha) MBh. Ka1v. &c

A1past. MBh. (" by " , usually instr. , but also gen. according to Pa1n2. 2-2 , 12 ; 3 , 67 Sch.)
buddha [L=145574]
a wise or learned man , sage W.
buddha [L=145575]
(with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of nirvāa reveals the method of obtaining it , (esp.) the principal buddha of the present age (born at kapila-vastu about the year 500 B.C. his father , śuddhodana , of the śākya tribe or family , being the rāja of that district , and his mother , māyā-devī , being the daughter of rāja su-prabuddha MWB. 19 &c ; hence he belonged to the katriya caste and his original name śākya-muni or śākya-siha was really his family name , while that of gautama was taken from the race to which his family belonged ; for his other names » ib. 23 ; he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age , prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49 n. 1 ; he was preceded by 3 mythical buddhas of the present kalpa , or by 24 , reckoning previous kalpa , or according to others by 6 principal buddhas ib. 136 ; sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of viṣṇu Hariv. Ka1v. Var. &c )
buddha [L=145576]
knowledge BhP. (B. buddhi).
(H1) buddhi
(H2) mfn.
[L=145571]expanded , blown
[L=145572]conscious , intelligent , clever , wise (
[L=145573]learnt , known , understood
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
buddhā* ntá [p= 733,3] [L=145635]
waking condition , the being awake S3Br.
(H3) m.
bodhá [p= 734,2] [L=145794]
knowing , understanding Asht2a1vS. (cf. g. jvalā*di)
bodhá [L=145795]
waking , becoming or being awake , consciousness AV. MBh. &c
bodhá [L=145796]
the opening of blossom , bloom Cat.
bodhá [L=145797]
the taking effect (of spells ; acc. with pra- , " to begin to take effect ") ib.
bodhá [L=145798]
exciting (a perfume) Var.
bodhá [L=145799]
perception , apprehension , thought , knowledge , understanding , intelligence Ka1v. Ra1jat. Pur.
bodhá [L=145800]
designation Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
bodhá [L=145801]
awakening , arousing W.
bodhá [L=145802]
making known , informing , instructing MW.
bodhá [L=145803]
Knowledge personified as a son of buddhi Pur.
bodhá [L=145804]
N. of a man Ma1rkP. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 107)
bodhá [L=145805]
pl. N. of a people MBh.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
bodhana [L=145836]
(ī)n. causing to awake or expand (a flower) , arousing , exciting R. Hariv. Sus3r.

cf. bāla-bodhinī)
bodhana [L=145838]
the planet Mercury W.
bodhana [L=145839]
N. of a mountain VP.
bodhana [L=145844]
waking , being awake Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r.
bodhana [L=145845]
perceiving , understanding Ragh.
bodhana [L=145846]
causing to wake , awakening , arousing MBh. R. &c
bodhana [L=145847]
causing (a spell) to take effect Cat.
bodhana [p= 734,3] [L=145848]
calling forth a perfume , burning incense L.
bodhana [L=145849]
causing to perceive or understand Sa1h.
bodhana [L=145850]
instructing , teaching , informing Hariv. Ka1v.
bodhana [L=145851]
denoting , indicating , signifying Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
bodhana [L=145852]
" the awaking of durgā " , N. of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month bhādra Col.
(H2) mf
[L=145837]enlightening , teaching , instructing (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

Other Intellect words:

buddhi--gamya [L=145662]
to be apprehended by the intellect , intelligible MBh.
(H3) mfn.
buddhi--grāhya [L=145663]
to be apprehended by the intellect , intelligible MBh.
(H3) mfn.
buddhi--cyuta [L=145666]
one who has lost his intellect MW.
(H3) mfn.
buddhi--dyūta [L=145671]
" intellect-game " , game at chess Pan5cad.
(H3) n.
buddhi--pura [L=145672]
city of the intellect
(H3) n.
buddhi--maya [p= 734,1] [L=145693]
(ī)n. consisting in intellect MBh.
(H3) mf
buddhi--yoga [L=145696]
devotion of the intellect , intellectual union with the Supreme Spirit ib.
(H3) m.
buddhi--lakaa [L=145699]
a sign of intellect or wisdom , A.
(H3) n.
buddhi--vināśa [L=145705]
loss of understanding , deficiency of intellect Hit.
(H3) m.
buddhi--vddhi [L=145713]
growth or development of intellect , growth of understanding or wisdom (-kara mfn. producing it) Mn. iv. 19
buddhi--vddhi [L=145714]
N. of a disciple of śakara Cat.
(H3) f.
(H3B) m.
buddhi--śreṣṭha [L=145723]
best (when effected) by the intellect MBh.
(H3) mfn.
buddhi--skandha-maya [L=145728]
(ī)n. one whose trunk or stem is the intellect MBh.
(H3) mf
buddhy-adhika [L=145734]
superior in intellect R.

(H3) mfn.
Ritual and speculation in early tantrism: studies in honour of ... - Page 157
André Padoux, Teun Goudriaan - 1992 - 359 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... however, is no different from the status of the one who in the Mbh is called apra[ti]buddha or abuddhiman, that is, ... and we therefore should preferably translate it as 'an unawakened state,' not as 'a state of unawareness' as was ..