
kiṃcid aṅgaṃ vibhidyādau tīkṣṇasūcyādinā tataḥ |
tatraiva cetanāṃ yuktvā bhairave nirmalā gatiḥ || 93 ||

vi- √ bhid [p= 978,1] [L=198321]
-bhinatti , -bhintte to split or break in two , break in pieces , cleave asunder , divide , separate , open RV. &c  ; 
to pierce , sting
S3Br. Ma1rkP.  ; 
to loosen , untie
Hariv. BhP.  ; 
to break , infringe , violate
R. Ba1lar. BhP.  ; 
to scatter , disperse , dispel , destroy
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to alter , change (the mind)
MBh. BhP. : Pass. to be split or broken , burst asunder &c (also P. Cond. vyabhetsyat ChUp. )  ; 
to be changed or altered
R. BhP. : Caus. -bhedayati , to cause to split &c  ; 
to divide , alienate , estrange
MBh. R.
(H1) P. A1.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 19.2
Whitney Roots links: Bid
bhid 1 [p= 757,1] [L=150727]
( Dha1tup. xix , 2) bhinátti , bhintte (impf. 2. 3. sg. ábhinat RV. ; Subj. bhináada ib. ; Impv. bindhí ib. ; binddhi Var. [cf. binddhi-lavaā] ; cl.1. P. bhédati RV. ; Pot. bhideyam AV. ; pf. bibhéda RV. ; aor. , 2. 3. sg. bhét RV. abhaitsīt R. ; bhitthās TS. ; Prec. bhitsīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. bhetsyáti , °te Br. &c ; Cond. abhetsyat Up. ; fut. bhettā Gr. ; inf. bhéttavaí S3Br. ; bhettum ib. &c ; ind.p. bhittvā́ , -bhidya RV. &c ) , to split , cleave , break , cut or rend asunder , pierce , destroy RV. &c ,  ; 
to pass through (as a planet or , comet)
Hariv. Var.  ; 
to disperse (darkness)
R. S3ak.  ; 
to transgress , violate , (a compact or alliance)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to open , expand
MaitrUp. Megh.  ; 
to loosen , disentangle , dissolve
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to disturb , interrupt , stop
ib.  ; 
to disclose , betray
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to disunite , set at variance
ib.  ; 
to distinguish , discriminate
L. : Pass. bhidyáte (ep. also °ti aor. abhedi Br. MBh. &c ; pf. bibhide Ka1lid. ) , to be split or broken , burst (intrans.) Br. &c  ; 
to be opened (as a closed hand , eyes
&c ) Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to overflow (as water)
R. Hariv.  ; 
to be loosened , become loose
Mun2d2Up. Ka1v.  ; 
to be stopped or interrupted
MBh.  ; 
to be disclosed or betrayed
Ka1v.  ; 
to be changed or altered (in mind) , be won over
Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to be disunited
MBh.  ; 
to keep aloof from (
instr.) ib.  ; 
to be distinguished , differ from (
abl.) Sa1m2khyak. Ka1v. &c : Caus. bhedayati , °te (aor. abībhidat ; cf. also bhidāpana) , to cause to split or break &c  ; 
to split , break , shatter , crush , destroy
MBh. Hariv. Hit.  ; 
to separate , divide (
» bhedita)  ; 
to disunite , set at variance , perplex , unsettle (in opinion) , seduce , win over
MBh. R. : Desid. bíbhitsati , °te , to wish to break through or disperse or defeat RV. MBh. (cf. , bibhitsā): Desid. of Caus. » bibhedayiu: Intens. bebhidīti or bebhetti , to cleave repeatedly Bhat2t2. [cf. Lat. findo ; Germ. beissen ; Eng. bite.]
bhíd 2 [L=150748]
(ifc.) breaking , splitting , piercing , destroying Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (cf. aśma- , giri- , tamo- , pura-bhid &c )
bhíd 2 [L=150749]
a wall (= bhitti) RV. i , 174 , 8
bhíd 2 [L=150750]
separation , distinction BhP.
bhíd 2 [L=150751]
a sort , kind , species L.
(H1) cl.7.P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.