Chindi, Chhindhi, - remove

according to Lakshmanjoo and Swami Satyasangananda. Better citation needed.

ā-cchid [p= 132,2] [L=23001]
ā-chid) , -cchinatti (Impv. 2. sg. -cchindhi AV. ; fut. 1. sg. -cchetsyāmi MBh. )  ; 
to tear or cut off , cut or break into pieces
AV. S3Br. &c  ; 
to take out of
S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Das3.  ; 
to cut off , exclude or remove from (
abl.) MBh. iii , 14710 Comm. on Mn. iv , 219  ; 
to snatch away , tear from , rob
MBh. &c
(H1) (