Nirvikalpa-free from differences

pūjā nāma na puṣpādyair yā matiḥ kriyate dṛḍhā |
nirvikalpe mahāvyomni sā pūjā hy ādarāl layaḥ || 147 ||

nir--vikalpa [p= 542,1] [L=107289]
(or °pana L. ) not admitting an alternative , free from change or differences , TejobUp. Veda7ntas.

(H3) mfn.
[L=107290]admitting no doubt , not wavering

nir--vikalpam [p= 542,1] [L=107290.1]
without hesitation or reflection Pan5c.
(H4) ind.

ví--kalpa 1 [p= 950,1] [L=192887]
(for 2. » under vi-kp) an intermediate kalpa , the interval between two kalpas. (q.v.) BhP.
vi-kalpa [p= 954,1] [L=193870]
» under vi-kp.
vi-kalpa 2 [p= 955,2] [L=194108]
(for 1. » [p= 950,1]) alternation , alternative , option S3rS. Mn. VarBr2S. &c (°pena ind. " optionally ")

Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c


Nya1yas. BhP.

MBh. Ka1v. &c


Yogas. Gi1t.



kalpa-sthāna Car.

BhP. (Sch.)

rhet.) antithesis of opposites Prata1p.

ve*ti vikalpa Pa1n2. 1-1 , 44 Sch.)


N. of a people MBh. (C. vikalya)
vi-kalpa 2 [L=194123]
different BhP.

(H3) m.
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=194109]variation , combination , variety , diversity , manifoldness
[L=194110]contrivance , art
[L=194111]difference of perception , distinction
[L=194112]indecision , irresolution , doubt , hesitation
[L=194113]admission , statement
[L=194114]false notion , fancy , imagination
[L=194116]mental occupation , thinking
[L=194118]a god
[L=194120](in gram.) admission of an option or alternative , the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure (
[L=194121]a collateral form
(H2B) mfn.

(H2) nir [p= 539,2] [L=106496]
for nis (q.v.) before vowels and soft consonants.
(H2) nir [p= 1329,3] [L=335060]
(in comp. for nis, see p. 539, col. 2)

nís [p= 543,3] [L=107639]
out , forth , away &c (rarely used as an independent word [e.g. AV. vi , 18 , 3 ; vii , 115 , 3 ; xvi , 2 , 1], but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives [cf. ni-ki &c below] , or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs , in which case it has the sense , " out of " , " away from " [cf. nirvana , ni-kauśāmbi &c ] or that of a privative or negative adverb = a3 , " without " , " destitute of " , " free from " , " un- " [cf. nir-artha , nir-mala &c ] , or that of a strengthening particle " thoroughly " , " entirely " , " very " [cf. nih-śūnya , ni-kevala , nir-muṇḍa] ; it is liable to be changed to ni , nir , niś , ni , and ; cf. above and below).
nis [p= 563,3] [L=111034]
(H2) ind.
» [p= 543,2].

  • The canon of the Śaivāgama and the Kubjikā Tantras of the western ... - Page 116
  • unknown
  • - 1989 - 233 pages - Preview
    Mark S. G. Dyczkowski
  • Tantric texts and how ... purport of these scriptures just as it is inherently in itself and beyond all thought- constructs (nirvikalpa). ..
    Bhairava now goes on to discuss an interesting matter which concerns both the exegesis of these
    1. Tantra vidya: based on "Archaic astronomy and tantric yoga - Page 94
    2. unknown
    3. Oscar Marcel Hinze - 2002 - 122 pages - Preview
    4. Tantric view, the logic of a particular sphere ... On the basis of the all- surpassing experience of Being in the nirvikalpa-samadhi, arose, for instance, ...
      (Strictly logically, a restricted Being is an impossibility but according to the
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    6. Tantra, its mystic and scientific basis
    7. unknown
    8. Lalan Prasad Singh - 2010 - 214 pages - Snippet view
    9. Add to My Library▼
    10. Tāntric art of Orissa - Page 21
    11. unknown
    12. Jitāmitra Prasāda Siṃhadeba - 2001 - 238 pages - Preview
    13. Nirvikalpa Samadhi. By spreading or progressing through Tantra practice, one can achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi, ...
      Through intuitive TOGIC process Mankind has achieved different Samadhis, which are generally known as Sabikslpa Samadhi and
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    15. The triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in ... - Page 58
    16. unknown
    17. Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega - 1989 - 330 pages - Google eBook - Preview
    18. tantra. This important and long tantra is listed because of its kaulika tendencies. Padoux disagrees with Pandey and ... This method has as its basic component the direct and immediate acquisition of the state of nirvikalpa. ...
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    20. Tantra: the path of ecstasy - Page 258
    21. unknown
    22. Georg Feuerstein - 1998 - 314 pages - Preview
    23. nirvikalpa- sama ̄dhi with actual liberation, its descriptive account implies this important distinction. Speaking of the liberated being, the Kula- Arnava-Tantra (9.22) declares: ...
      Although this scripture does not specifically contrast
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    25. The method of early Advaita Vedānta: a study of Gauḍapāda, ... - Page 307
    26. unknown
    27. Michael Comans - 2000 - 492 pages - Preview
    28. nirvikalpa samadhi type experience, does he speak of experience at all? ... better known as nirvikalpa samadhi, as presented in the Yoga and the Tantra-Yoga traditions where these terms are most ...
      But if Sarikara does not speak of
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    30. Vedanta : The Knowledge Supreme - Page 170
    31. unknown
    32. Achuta T.N. Rao - 2004 - 354 pages - Preview
    33. the 'One' 'without any other', will attain the Lord, becomes (in bhava) one with Him. In this state of 'Nirvikalpa ... The Buddhists too recognize the Tantra system and have developed their own 'Buddhistic Tantra' as in Tibetan ...
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    35. The Kundalini book of living and dying: gateways to a higher ... - Page 234
    36. unknown
    37. Ravindra Kumar, Jytte Larsen - 2004 - 274 pages - Preview
    38. nirvikalpa samadhi begins. ... highest point of nirvikalpa samadhi, while tantra is an emotional approach leading to the highest point of sahasrara. ...
      At the point of the experience of death at the ajna chakra, savikalpa samadhi ends and
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    40. Discourses on Tantra: Volume 1
    41. unknown
    42. Ānandamūrti - 1993 - Snippet view
    43. Tantras is the prabha'svara shu'nyata' [luminous vacuity] of the Buddhists . The Hindus' nirvikalpa [trance of objectless or indeterminate absorption ...
      The savikalpa sama 'dhi [trance of determinate absorption - or vacuity] of the Hindu