Contact Lorin
If you want to take a class, schedule a phone session, come to a workshop, or have questions about meditation, feel free to send me a note.
Email Lorin.
This should open your regular email program and put
Meditation in the subject header. That's all you need to do to get my attention. Whenever you email me for the first time, or from a new email account, just put meditation in the subject header. You can also put a word or two in the subject header that describes what's up – like, I HATE MY MANTRA. That will help define the conversation.
I love hearing from people who are out there in the real world meditating – or wanting to meditate – or exploring stuff they have a hunch is meditation. If you ever forget my email, you can just type something like
Lorin meditation into any search engine, or
Instinctive Meditation, and you will see my web site.
If you have questions, sometimes the best way to get answers is to schedule a phone session. They are only $250 for half an hour, and often that is all you need to get going.
Be sure to
add my address to your address book, so that my reply to you does not get bounced by your servers or your email program's filters. I often write long replies to questions, and then never hear back from the questioner. I surmise that my reply never got through to them. Sometimes I put questions and my replies
here, on the "ask Lorin" page.
I love reading people's stories and don't mind long, long letters. I read everything you write. Right now, I can’t reply, because it takes half an hour or more, perhaps an hour out of my day, to carefully read your experiences and then write a response. If you want a response, schedule something – a session with me by email, phone, at a workshop, or in person.
You can also
call me, I live in the United States and the number is
(310) 570-2803. This is a voice mail number, so leave a message and add what times are good for me to call you back.
You can also come to visit – we live on the coast near Los Angeles.
if you want to do one-to-one sessions with me, either on the phone or in person, let me know. Sometimes there is no substitute for individual
If you have a question about meditation, it's helpful to mention what types of meditation you have done, where you live, how you would like meditation to help you get through your day, that kind of thing.
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Camille sends out a wonderful newsletter. The link below send you to Camille's site, which has a box for adding your email address to our mailing list. This lets you control your own subscription – you can easily cancel at any time.
Camille's site.