Here's a quickie you can do to enhance your vitality and strengthen your boundaries. This is a good one to do before going out the door in the morning, crossing any threshold, or whenever you want to get yourself together and be at your best.
In essence what you do with the Good to Go technique is that you stand somewhere and for that moment, claim your place on Earth. Take a stand there, on that spot, and let your energy spread out around you. Consciously inhabit your personal space – it's as simple as that.
All living things have boundaries. Cells have membranes; our internal organs are surrounded by fascia; the body itself has skin. Extending out from the skin for a couple of feet in all directions is a biomagnetic field, sometimes called the aura. This force field is generated by the play of electrical and magnetic currents in your body interacting with those of the planet. It is one of the signs that you are alive.
You can sense your magnetic field if you move your hands slowly in the space around your body. Intrusions into this energy boundary can also be physically sensed, such as the edginess you feel when someone comes too close for comfort. Conversely, when you are intimate with someone, you willingly invite her or him into your personal space.
Having a strong and appropriate energy boundary is healthful and protective, similar to a well-functioning immune system. When your magnetic field is strong, it filters out some of the static and stress that comes at you.
You can create a healthier energy field by developing awareness of the space all around you. Wherever you are located, your body is related to the sky, the ground, the space behind you and to each side, as well as directly in front of you. You are always being enveloped and supported by space.
“Good to Go” is a great routine to do before going out in the world. Consider this your private "All systems go" and "Shields up!" space ritual.
Good To Go Practice
When: Before going out the door in the morning, or anytime. Where: Near the threshold between your home and the outer world. Position: Standing.
Time: 2 minutes.
Stand with your feet apart, in such a way that you have a secure foundation. Slightly soften your knees so that they are not locked. Become aware of the ground beneath your feet, the vast body of the Earth that supports you. Send your consciousness down into the ground, like roots of a tree.
Now become aware of the space above your head. Bring your hands to lightly touch the top of your head and then reach them up high, saluting the sky, the sun, and the stars.
Sweep your arms down and then bring your fingertips to your heart for a breath or two. Now release your hands forward then out to each side, spreading your arms into a wide embrace. Imagine that you are claiming the space to both the left and right.
Twist gently to each side, swinging your arms slowly to reach behind you. Extend your awareness to the area behind you and around your back. Greet the space all around you, 360 degrees.
Bring your hands to the back of your hips, and then slide them around to your belly. Feel the power of your solar plexus, belly and pelvic center. Now release your hands and swirl them around your lower body, claiming the area all around your pelvis and legs.
Stand tall. Shift your weight from one foot to the other a couple of times, once again establishing your connection to the Earth. Move your arms in every direction, saluting the space. Give thanks to the natural forces of life that surround and permeate you.
If you want, say this mantra out loud or silently:
Peace above me. Peace below me. Peace in front of me. Peace behind me. Peace all around me.
Visualize luminous energy encircling your body, like a spherical or egg-shaped force field. Imagine the whole area around you vivified by your presence, vibrating and pulsating with energy. Inside of that protective atmosphere, you are safe, relaxed, and alert.
Space itself is welcoming your fullness. Your energy is free to expand as big as it wants to be, without any effort.
Take a couple of conscious breaths as a transition. Now prepare to cross the threshold into your next activity. You are good to go!
I am present and centered in space. I am open to benevolent contact and protected from harm.