Sam - Together (note the diversity of different meanings, and the similar-looking roots)

saṃ-s-kṛ √1. (cf. saṃ-kṛ
• upa-s-kṛ and pari-ṣ-kṛ), P. Ā. -skaroti, -skurute (impf. sam-askurvata TS
• pf. saṃ-caskāra Nir
• aor. sam-askṛta
• Prec. saṃ-skriyāt, saṃ-skṛṣīṣṭa
• fut saṃ-skariṣyati MBh
• inf. saṃ-skaritum Divyâv
• ind. p. saṃ-skṛtya ŚBr. Pāṇ. 6-1, 137), to put together, form well, join together, compose RV. &c. &c
• (Ā.) to accumulate (pāpāni, to add evil to evil') Mṛicch. ix, 4
• to prepare, make ready, dress, cook (food) MBh. R. &c
• to form or arrange according to sacred precept, consecrate, hallow (in various ways
• cf. saṃ-skāra) Mn. MBh. &c
• to adorn, embellish, refine, elaborate, make perfect, (esp.) form language according to strict rules (cf. saṃ-skṛta) Sarvad
• to correct (astronomically) Sūryas.: Pass. saṃ-skriyate, to be put together or arranged or prepared or consecrated or refined Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. saṃskārayati, to cause to (be) put together &c
• to cause to be consecrated MBh.: Desid. saṃ-ciṣkīrṣati Vop.: Intens. saṃ-ceṣkrīyate ib

saṃ-skāra m. (ifc. f. ā) putting together, forming well, making perfect, accomplishment, embellishment adornment, purification, cleansing, making ready, preparation, dressing (of food), refining (of metals), polishing (of gems), rearing (of animals or plants) GṛŚrS. MBh. Kāv., &c
• cleansing the body, toilet, attire Hariv
• forming the mind, training, education R. Ragh
• correction (also in an astronomical sense Sūryas.), correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad
• correctness, purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c
• making sacred, hallowing, consecration Mn. MBh. &c
• a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii, 27, viz. 1. garbhâdhāna, 2. puṃ-savana, 3. sīmantônnayana, 4. jāta-karman, 5. nāmakarman, 6. niṣkramaṇa, 7. anna-prâśana, 8. cūḍā-karman, 9. upanayana, 10. keśânta, 11. samāvartana, 12. vivāha, qq. vv
• accord. to Gaut. viii, 8 &c. there are 40 Saṃskāras) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW.188 ; 192 &c. RTL. 353)
[Page 1120, Column 3]
• the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R
• any purificatory ceremony W
• the faculty of memory, mental impression or recollection, impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vaiśeshikas, including bhāvanā, the faculty of reproductive imagination') Kaṇ. Sarvad. (IW. 69)
• (pl., with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42
• a polishing stone MW


sam 1 [p= 1152,986]
stam cl.1 P. samati or stamati , to be disturbed (accord. to some " to be undisturbed " ; cf.śam) Dha1tup. xix , 82  ; 
cl.10 P. samayati or stamayati , to be agitated or disturbed Vop.
sám 2
(connected with 7. sa and 2. sama , and opp. to 3. vi q.v.) with , together with , along with , together , altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives , like Gk. $ ,Lat. con , and expressing " conjunction " , " union " , " thoroughness " , " intensity " , " completeness " e.g. sayuj , " to join together " ; sa-dhā , " to place together " ; sa-dhi , " placing together " ; sa-tap , " to consume utterly by burning " ; sam-uccheda , " destroying altogether , complete destruction " ; in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied , e.g. ā́po agním yaśása hí pūrvī́ih , " for many glorious waters surrounded agni " ; it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama , " same " ; cf. samartha)

(H1) or
(H1) ind.
to become tired , finish , stop , come to an end , rest , be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented
to cease , be allayed or extinguished

śam 1 [p= 1053,3] [L=212911]
( Dha1tup. xxvi , 92) , śā́myati (rarely °te , and ep. also śanati , °te ; Ved. śamyati , śimyati , and cl.9. śamnāti [ Naigh. ii , 9] , śamnīe , śamnīthās Impv. śamnīva , śamīva , śamiva , śamīdhvam ; pf. śaśāma , śemu Br. ?? &c ; śaśamé Subj. śaśámate RV. ; p. śaśamāná [q.v.] ; aor. áśamiṣṭhās RV. ; aśamat Br. ?? [cf. pres.] ; Prec. śamyāt Gr. ; fut. śamiśā , śamiyati ib. ; ind.p. śamitvā , śāntvā , śāmam ib.) , to toil at , fatigue or exert one's self (esp. in performing ritual acts) RV. TBr.  ; 
to prepare , arrange
VS.  ; 
to become tired , finish , stop , come to an end , rest , be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented
TS. S3Br. &c  ; 
to cease , be allayed or extinguished
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
cl.9. (cf. above ) to put an end to , hurt , injure , destroy Ka1t2h. : Pass. śamyate (aor. aśami) Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34 : Caus. śamáyati (mc. also śāmayati ; aor. aśīśamat ; Pass. śāmyate) , to appease , allay , alleviate , pacify , calm , soothe , settle RV. &c  ; 
to put to an end or to death , kill , slay , destroy , remove , extinguish. sup. press
TS. &c  ; 
to leave off , desist
MBh.  ; 
to conquer , subdue
Ka1lid. Bhat2t2. : Desid. śiśamiati Gr.: Intens. śaśamīti ( Ba1lar. ) , śaśamyate , śaśanti (Gr.) , to be entirely appeased or extinguished (pf. śaśamā cakru Bhat2t2. ) . ([cf. Gk. $]) ,
śám 2 [p= 1054,2] [L=213058]
(g. *di and svar-ādi) auspiciously , fortunately , happily , well (frequently used in the veda , rarely in later language ; often to be translated by a subst. , esp. in the frequent phrase śá or śá ca yóś ca , " happiness and welfare " , sometimes joined with the verbs bhū , as , k , dāvah , , sometimes occurring without any verb ; with dat. or gen. [cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73 Sch.] ; in some cases corresponding to an adj. e.g. śa tad asmai , that is pleasant to him)
(H1) cl.4 P.
(H1) ind.

From the University of Washington mirror of the Monier-Willliams:

saṃ (in comp.) = 2. sam, q.v
saṃ-ya m. (fr. 2. sam and √yam, or yat) a skeleton L
saṃ-yaj √P. Ā. -yajati, ○te, to worship together, offer sacrifices at the same time RV. Br. ŚrS
• to sacrifice, worship, adore, honour Hariv. BhP
• to consecrate, dedicate Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -yājayati, to cause to sacrifice together, (esp.) to perform the Patnī-saṃyājas (q.v.) Br
• to perform a sacrifice for (acc.) MBh
≫ saṃyāja
saṃ-yāja m
⋙ saṃyājana
saṃ-yājana n. in patnī-saṃy○ (q.v.)
⋙ saṃyājya
saṃ-ḍyājyá mfn. to be made or allowed to sacrifice ( See a-saṃy○)
• n. joining or sharing in a sacrifice, sacrificing ( a-yājya-saṃy○) the (ā) f. N. of the Yājyā and Anuvākyā Mantras (recited in the Svishṭa-kṛit ceremony) Br. ŚrS
≫ samiṣṭa
sam-iṣṭa See s.v
saṃ-√yat Ā. -yatate, to unite (in trans.), meet together, encounter (rarely 'as friends', generally 'as enemies'), contend, engage in contest or strife, quarrel (with saṃgrāmam, to begin a combat') RV. Br. ChUp
• (P. ○ti) to unite, join together (trans.) RV. vi, 67, 3
≫ saṃyat
saṃ-yát mfn. (in some senses fr. saṃ- √yam below Pāṇ. 6-4, 40 Vop. 26, 78) coherent, contiguous, continuous, uninterrupted RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
• f. an agreement, covenant, stipulation ŚBr
• a means of joining or uniting TS
• an appointed place RV. ix, 56, 15
• contest, strife, battle, war (generally found in loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• N. of partic. bricks (-tvā n.) TS
≫ saṃyatin
saṃ-yatin See under saṃ. √yam
≫ saṃyatta
sáṃ-yatta mfn. (pl.) come into conflict (saṃgrāmé sóṃ-yatte, 'at the outbreak of war') TS
• prepared, ready, being on one's guard Mn. MBh. &c
≫ saṃyad
saṃ-yad in comp. for saṃ-yat
⋙ saṃyadvara
○vara m. (cf. sampad-vara) 'chief in battle', a prince, king Uṇ. iii, 1
⋙ saṃyadvasu
○vasu (○yád-v○), mfn. having continuous wealth VS. AitBr
• m. one of the seven rays of the sun VP. Sch
⋙ saṃyadvāma
○vāma mfn. uniting all that is pleasant or dear ChUp
⋙ saṃyadvīra
○vīra (○yád-v○), mfn. abounding in heroes RV
saṃ-yatī n. du. of pr. p. of sam- √5. i (q.v.)
saṃ-yantrita mfn. (√yantr) fastened with bands, held in, stopped Śak
saṃ-yam P. -yacchati√(rarely Ā.), to hold together, hold in, hold fast, restrain, curb, suppress, control, govern, guide (horses, the senses, passions) RV. &c. &c
• to tie up, bind together (hair or a garment) MBh. Kāv. &c
• to put together, heap up (Ā. 'for one's self') Pāṇ. 1-3, 75 Sch
• to shut up, close (a door) Bhag
• to press close to or against Suśr
• to present with, give to (Ā. with instr. of person, when the action is permitted, P. with dat., when the action is not permitted) Pāṇ. 1-3, 35: Caus. -yamayati (cf. -yamita), to cause to restrain &c
• to bind up (the hair) Veṇis
≫ saṃya
⋙ saṃyat
saṃ-yát See above
≫ saṃyata
sáṃ-yata mfn. held together, held in, held fast &c
• self-contained, self-controlled with regard to (loc., instr., or comp.) Gaut. MBh. &c
• tied together, bound up, fettered, confined, imprisoned, captive Mn. MBh. &c
• shut up, closed (opp. to vy-ātta) AV
• kept in order ( See comp.)
• suppressed, subdued MBh
• = udyata, prepared, ready to (inf.) Hariv
• m. 'one who controls himself', N. of Śiva MBh
• -cetas mfn. controlled in mind MW
• -prâṇa mfn. having the breath suppressed or having the organs restrained ib
• -mānasa mfn. (= -cetas) ib
• -mukha mf(ī)n. (= -vāc) Mṛicch
• -maithuna mfn. one who abstains from sexual intercourse MBh
• -vat mfn. self-controlled, self-possessed Hariv
• -vastra mfn. having the dress or clothes fastened or tied together Bhartṛ
• -vāc mfn. restrained in speech, taciturn, silent MW
○tâkṣa mfn. having the eyes closed BhP
○tâñjali mfn. having the hands joined together in entreaty (= baddhôñjali) MW
○tâtman mfn. (= ○ta-cetas) Mn. xi, 236
○tâhāra mfn. temperate in eating MBh
○têndriya mfn. having the senses or passions controlled ib. [Page 1112, Column 1]
○tôpaskara mfn. having the household utensils kept in order Yājñ
⋙ saṃyataka
sáṃ-ḍyataka m. N. of a man Kathās
⋙ saṃyati
sáṃ-ḍyati f. penance, self-castigation Kuṭṭanīm
≫ saṃyatin
saṃ-yatin mfn. controlling, restraining (the senses) MārkP. (prob. wṛ. for saṃ-yamin below)
⋙ saṃyatvara
saṃ-ḍyatvara m.= vāg-yata or jantu-samūha L
≫ saṃyantavya
saṃ-yantavya mfn. to be restrained or controlled MBh
⋙ saṃyantavyantṛ
saṃ-yantavḍyantṛ mfn. one who restrains or controls, restraining, controlling (also as fut, 'he will restrain') ib
≫ saṃyama
saṃ-yama m. holding together, restraint, control, (esp.) control of the senses, self-control Mn. MBh. &c
• tying up (the hair) Sāh
• binding, fettering VarBṛS
• closing (of the eyes) MārkP
• concentration of mind (comprising the performance of Dhāraṇā, Dhyāna, and Samādhi, or the last three stages in Yoga) Yogas. Sarvad
• effort, exertion (ā́, with great difficulty') MBh
• suppression, i.e. destruction (of the world) Pur
• N. of a son of Dhūmrâksha (and father of Kṛiśâśva) BhP
• -dhana mfn. rich in self-restraint MBh
• -puṇya-tīrtha mfn. having restraint for a holy place of pilgrimage MBh
• -vat mfn. self-controlled, parsimonious, economical Kathās
○māgni m. the fire of abstinence Bhag
○mâmbhas n. the flood of water at the end of the world BhP
⋙ saṃyamaka
saṃ-ḍyamaka mfn. checking, restraining VahniP
⋙ saṃyamana
saṃ-ḍyamana mf(ī)n. id. MBh. Pur
• bringing to rest RV
• (ī), f. N. of the city or residence of Yama (fabled to be situated on Mount Meru) MBh. BhP
• n. the act of curbing or checking or restraining VP
• self-control KaushUp
• binding together, tying up Vikr. Sāh
• drawing tight, tightening (reins &c.) Śak
• confinement, fetter Mṛicch
• Yama's residence (cf. above) Bādar
⋙ saṃyamita
saṃ-ḍyamita mfn. (fr. Caus.) restrained, checked, subdued Ragh
• bound, confined, fettered Mṛicch
• clasped (in the arms), held, detained Gīt
• piously disposed R
• n. subduing (the voice) Mṛicch
≫ saṃyamin
saṃ-yamin mfn. who or what restrains or curbs or subdues W
• one who subdues his passions, self-controlled (○mi-tā f. self-control Kād.) Hcat
• tied up (as hair) Bhartṛ
• m. a ruler Divyâv
• an ascetic, saint, Ṛishi L
• saṃyami-nāma-mālikā f. N. of wk. (containing synonyms of names of Ṛishis, by Śaṃkarâcārya) Cat
• (inī), f. N. of the city Kāśī, Kāsikh
• of Yama's residence (also written saṃ-yamanī, q.v.) Śaṃk
• saṃyaminī-pati m. N. of Yama KāśīKh
≫ saṃyamya
saṃ-yamya mfn. to he checked or restrained or subdued Car
≫ saṃyāma
saṃ-yāma m. = saṃ-yama Pāṇ. 3-3, 63
• -vat mfn. self-controlled Bhaṭṭ
saṃ-√yas cl. 4. t. P. -yasyati, -yasati, to make effort &c. Pāṇ. 3-1, 72
≫ saṃyāsa
saṃ-yāsá m. making effort, exertion VS
saṃ-√yā P. -yāti, to go or proceed together, go, wander, travel TS. &c. &c
• to come together, meet, encounter (as friends or foes), contend with (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• to come to or into, attain (any state or condition, e.g. ekatāṃ saṃ-√yā, 'to go to oneness, become one') Mn. MBh. &c
• to conform to (acc.) MBh
≫ saṃyāta
saṃ-yāta mfn. gone together, proceeded together, approached, come MBh. Kāv. &c
⋙ saṃyāti
saṃ-ḍyāti m. N. of a son of Nahusha MBh. BhP
• of a son of Pracinvat (Bahu-gava) and father of Ahaṃ-yāti ib. (Hariv. sampāti)
⋙ saṃyātrā
saṃ-ḍyātrā f. travelling together (esp. by sea) L
⋙ saṃyātrika
saṃ-ḍyātrika wṛ. for sāṃ-yātrika
≫ saṃyāna
saṃ-yāna m. a mould L
• (○yā́nī), f. N. of partic. bricks Kāṭh. ŚBr
• (am), n. going together, going along with (comp.) Kathās
• going, travelling a journey (with uttama, the last jṭjourney', i. e. the carrying out of a dead body) MBh. R. Hariv
• setting out, departure MBh
• a vehicle, waggon, car &c. R. Mṛicch
• N. of partic. Sûktas TS
saṃ-√yāc Ā. -yācate, to ask, beg, implore, solicit MBh. BhP
saṃ-yu √2. P. Ā. -yauti, -yute
• -yunāti, ○nīte (Ved. also -yuvati, ○te), to join or unite with one's self, take into one's self, devour RV
• to join to another, bestow on, impart RV. v, 32, 10
• to join together, connect with (instr.), unite, mix, mingle VS. TBr. KātyŚr. Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃyavana
saṃ-yavana n. mixing, mingling Jaim. VS. Sch
• a square of four houses (= or wṛ. for saṃjavana) MW
⋙ saṃyāva
saṃ-ḍyāva m. a sort of cake (of wheaten flour fried with ghee and milk and made up into an oblong form with sugar and spices) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1112, Column 2]
≫ saṃyuta
sáṃ-yuta mfn. joined or bound together, tied, fettered R. Ragh
• put together, joined or connected with (instr. with and without saha, or comp.) AV. &c. &c
• increased hy, added to (instr. or comp.) VarBṛS. Rājat
• (ifc.) being in conjunction with VarBṛS
• consisting of. containing (instr. or comp.) R
• (ifc.) relating to, implying (praī7ṣya-s○, 'implying service') Mn. ii, 32
• accumulated (vḷ. for sam-bhṛta) Śak. iv, 120/121
⋙ saṃyutayuti
○"ṣyuti f. the total of two numbers or quantities Bijag
• the conjunction of planets Gaṇit
≫ saṃyuyūṣu
saṃ-yuyūṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to join together, wishing to unite with (instr.) Bhaṭṭ
saṃ-yuj √P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to join or attach together, conjoin, connect, combine, unite RV. &c. &c
• to bind, fetter Vait
• to endow or furnish with (instr.) ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
• to form an alliance, league together RV. viii, 62, 11
• to place in, fix on, direct towards (loc.) MBh. BhP.: Pass. -yujyate, to be joined together, be united &c
• to meet or fall in with (instr.) Ragh
• to be married to (instr.) Mn. ix, 22
• (with ratyā, or grāmyadharmatayā) to have sexual intercourse PraśnUp. Śaṃk. on ChUp
• to be supplied or furnished with (instr.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -yojayati, to cause to join together, bring together, unite MBh. Kathās. MārkP
• to put to (horses), yoke, harness ib
• to hold together, check, control (the senses) MaitrUp. (v. l.)
• to furnish or endow or present with (instr.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
• to give over to, entrust with (gen. of pers. and acc. of thing) R. Pañcat
• to add to (loc.) Sūryas
• to fix on, direct towards (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. BhP
• to shoot, discharge (a missile) MBh
• to equip (an army) ib
• to use, employ, appoint ib
• to institute, perform, accomplish Hariv. BhP
• (Ā) to be absorbed, meditate MBh. v, 7260
≫ saṃyukta
sáṃ-yukta mfn. conjoined, joined together, combined, united (pl., 'all together') TS. &c. &c
• conjunct (as consonants) Pāṇ. 6-3, 59 Sch
• connected, related (= sambandhin) PārGṛ
• married to (instr.) Mn. ix, 23
• placed, put, fixed in (loc.) MBh
• accompanied or attended by, endowed or furnished with, full of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
• (ifc.) connected with, relating to, concerning KātyŚr. MBh. &c
• (am), ind. jointly, together, at the same time ŚvetUp
• (ā f. a kind of metre Col.)
• -saṃcaya-piṭaka m. N. of wk
• -saṃyoga m. connection with the connected (e.g. the connection of a trace with a horse) Kaṇ
• -samavâya m. inherence in the connected (one of the six kinds of perception in Nyāya) Tarkas
• -samavêta-samavâya m. inherence in that which inheres in the connected ib
○tâgama m. N. of a Buddh. Āgama
○tâbhidharma-śâstra n. N. of a Buddh. wk
≫ saṃyuga
saṃ-yuga n. (in BhP. also m.) union, conjunction MBh
• conflict, battle, war MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. Naigh. ii, 17)
• -goṣpada n. a contest in a cow's footstep (met. 'an insignificant struggIe') MBh
• -mūrdhan m. the van or front of battle Ragh
≫ saṃyuj
saṃ-yuj mfn. joined together, united, connected, related MBh. BhP
• m. a relation Śiś
• f. union, connection (= saṃ-yoga) BhP. Sch
≫ saṃyoga
saṃ-yoga m. conjunction, combination, connection (○ge or ○geṣu ifc. 'in connection with, with regard to, concerning'), union or absorption with or in (gen., or instr. with and without saha, or loc., or ifc.) Āpast. MBh. &c
• contact (esp. in phil. 'direct material contact', as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles, as of water with milk], enumerated among the 24 Guṇas of the Nyāya, under. sam-bandha) Yogas. Kaṇ. Bhāshāp
• carnal contact, sexual union MBh. &c
• matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (gen., saha with instr., or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
• a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object Kām. Hit
• agreement of opinion, consensus (opposed to bheda) R
• applying one's self closely to, being engaged in, undertaking (○gaṃ √kṛ, 'to undertake, set about, begin'
• agnihotra-saṃyogam √kṛ, 'to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire') Āpast. Mn. R
• (in gram.) a conjunct consonant, combination of two or more consonants Prāt. Pāṇ. &c
• dependence of one case upon another, syntax Vop
• (in astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW
• total amount, sum VarBṛS
• N. of Śiva MBh
• -pṛthak-tva n. (in phil.) separateness with conjunction (a term applied to express the separateness of what is optional from what is a necessary constituent of anything) MW. [Page 1112, Column 3]
• -mantra m. a nuptial text or formula Gaut
• -viruddha n. food which causes disease through being mixed MW
⋙ saṃyogita
saṃ-ḍyogita mfn. = (or wṛ. for) ○yojita L
⋙ saṃyogin
saṃ-ḍyogin mfn. being in contact or connection, closely connected with (instr. or comp.) Kaṇ. Śaṃk. MārkP
• united (with a loved object
• opp. to virahin) Kāvyâd. Sch
• married W
• conjunct, one of the consonants in a combination of cṭconsonants Pāṇ. 1-2, 27 Sch
• (○gi) -tva n. close connection Sarvad
≫ saṃyojaka
saṃ-yojaka mfn. joining together, connecting, uniting MW
• bringing together or about, occasioning (comp.) Gaut
⋙ saṃyojana
saṃ-ḍyójana n. the act of joining or uniting with (instr. or loc.) ŚBr. &c. &c
• all that binds to the world, cause of re-birth, Divyâ-v
• copulation, sexual union L
• (with mitrā-varuṇayoḥ, aśvinoḥ, and prahitoḥ N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.,
⋙ saṃyojayitavya
saṃ-ḍyojayitavya mfn. to bejoined or united Kāraṇḍ
⋙ saṃyojita
saṃ-ḍyojita mfn. (fr. Caus.) conjoined, attached &c. BhP
• -kara-yugala mfn. one who has both his hands joined together ib
⋙ saṃyojya
saṃ-ḍyojya mfn. to be joined or brought togrther, to be fixed upon (loc.) MBh
saṃ√yudh Ā. -yudhyate (rarely P. ○ti), to fight together, fight with, combat, oppose (instr. with or without sârdham) MBh. R. BhP.: Caus. -yodhayati, to cause to fight together, bring into collision RV
• to fight, encounter MBh.: Desid, -yuyutsati, to wish to fight, be eager for battle MBh. (cf. next)
≫ saṃyuyutsu
saṃ-yuyutsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to fight, eager for battle Rājat
≫ saṃyoddhavya
saṃ-yoddhavya n. (impers.) it is to be fought MBh
≫ saṃyoddhṛ
saṃ-yoddhṛ See prati-saṃy
≫ saṃyodha
saṃ-yodha m. fight, battle
• -kaṇṭaha m. 'a thorn in battle', N. of a Yaksha R
saṃ-√yup Caus. -yopayati, to efface, obliterate, remove RV
saṃ-√rakṣ P. Ā. -rakṣati, ○te, to protect, guard, watch over, defend, preserve, save from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
• to keep, secure MBh. Kathās
≫ saṃrakṣa
saṃ-rakṣa mfn. guarding, a guardian (cf. sāṃrakṣya), g. purohitâdi
• (ā), f. guard, care, protection MBh. Kathās
⋙ saṃrakṣaka
saṃ-ḍrakṣaka m. (and ikā f.), a keeper, guardian (cf. śāli-saṃrakṣikā)
⋙ saṃrakṣaṇa
saṃ-ḍrakṣaṇa n. the act of guarding or watching, custody, preservation, protection of (gen. or comp.) or from (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
• prevention Suśr
• -vat mfn. taking care of. having regard for (comp.) Car
⋙ saṃrakṣaṇīya
saṃ-ḍrakṣaṇīya mfn. to be protected, to be guarded against R
⋙ saṃrakṣita
saṃ-ḍrakṣita mfn. protected, preserved, taken care of. Mn. MBh. &c
⋙ saṃrakṣitavya
saṃ-ḍrakṣitavya mfn. to be preserved or guarded or taken care of. MW
⋙ saṃrakṣitin
saṃ-ḍrakṣitin mfn. one who has guarded &c. (with loc.), g. iṣṭâdi
⋙ saṃrakṣin
saṃ-ḍrakṣin mfn. one who guards, a guardian, keeper (lit. and fig.) MBh. Hariv. (cf. satya-rakṣin)
⋙ saṃrakṣya
saṃ-ḍrakṣya mfn. to be guarded or protected from (abl.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
• to be guarded against or prevented Car. Kathās
saṃ-rañj √Ā. rajyate, to be dyed or coloured, become red MBh
• to be affected with any passion MW.: Caus. -rañjayati, to colour, dye, redden ( See -rañjita)
• to please, charm, gratify BhP
śaṃ-rakta mfn. coloured, red R
• inflamed, enamoured (in a-saṃr○) Hariv
• charming, beautiful R. Megh
• angry W
• -nayana (R.), -locana (MW.), mfn. having the eyes reddened (with passion or fury)
≫ saṃrañjana
saṃ-rañjana mf(i)n. gratifying, charming, pleasant, Saddlip
⋙ saṃrañjanīya
saṃ-ḍrañjanīya mfn. to be rejoiced at, delightful Divyâv
⋙ saṃrañjita
saṃ-ḍrañjita mfn. coloured, dyed, reddened Hariv
≫ saṃrāga
saṃ-rāga m. redness R
• passion, vehemence ib
• attachment to (loc.), Prâyaśc
saṃ-rabh √Ā. -rabhate, (pr. p. -rambhamāṇa MW
• Impv. -rambhasva Bālar.), to seize or take hold of. mutually grasp or lay hold of (for dancing &c.), grasp, grapple each other (in fighting &c.) RV. AV. ŚBr
• to get possession of (instr.) R
• to grow excited, fly into a passion MBh. Kāv. &c
≫ saṃrabdha
sáṃ-rabdha mfn. mutually grasped or laid hold of, joined hand in hand, closely united with (instr. [Page 1113, Column 1]
• am ind.) AV. ChUp. MBh
• agitated excited R enraged, furious, exasperated against (prati
• n. impers.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• angry (as speech) Daś. Sāh
• increased, augmented MBh. Rājat
• swelled, swelling R. Suśr
• overwhelmed MW
• -tara mfn. more or most excited or angry R
• -netra mfn. having swollen eyes ib
• -māna mfn. one whose pride is excited MBh
≫ saṃrambha
saṃ-rambha m. (ifc. f. ā) the act of grasping or taking hold of. MBh. iv, 1056 (C.)
• vehemence, impetuosity, agitation, flurry MBh. Kāv. &c
• excitement, zeal, eagerness, enthusiasm, ardent desire for or to (inf, or comp.) Kāv. Rājat
• anger, fury, wrath against (loc. or upari with gen.) Mn. MBh. &c
• angriness (i.e.) inflammation or irritation of a sore or wound Suśr
• pride, arrogance W
• intensity, high degree (ibc.= 'intensely') Kāv. Kathās
• the brunt (of battle) Rājat
• beginning (= ā-rambha) MW
• -tāmra mf. red with fury ib
• -dṛś mfn. having inflamed or angry eyes, Bhp
• -paruṣa mfn. harsh from rage, intensely or exceedingly harsh or rough W
• -rasa mfn. having angry or impetuous feelings ib
• -rūkṣa mfn. exceedingly harsh or cruel Vikr. iii, 20
• -vat mfn. wrathful, angry Harav
• -vega m. the vilence or impetuosity. of wrath MW
⋙ saṃrambhaṇa
saṃ-ḍrambhaṇa mfn. stirring, exciting (applied to the hymns AV. iv, 31 &c.) Kauś
⋙ saṃrambhin
saṃ-ḍrámbhin mfn. angry (as a sore), inflamed, irritable Suśr
• ardently devoted to (comp.) MBh
• wrathful, furious, angry, irascible MBh. R. BhP
• proud W
• (○bhi) -tā f. -tva n. agitation, wrath, fury, Kav
• pride MW
saṃ-√ram Ā. -ramate, to be delighted, find pleasure in (loc.) Bhaṭṭ
• to have carnal pleasure or sexual intercourse with (sākam), RhP
saṃ-√rā (only pr. p. -rárāṇa), to give liberally, bestow, grant RV. VS. AV
saṃ-√rāj P. -rājati (inf. -rājitum Pāṇ. 8-3, 25 Sch.), to reign universally, reign over (gen.) RV. (cf. sam-rāj)
≫ saṃrājitṛ
saṃ-rājitṛ mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 25 Sch
saṃ-√rādh Caus. -rādhayati (pr. p. -rādháyat, q.v.), to agree together, agree about or upon (loc.) TS. Kāṭh
• to conciliate, appease, satisfy BhP
≫ saṃrāddha
saṃ-rāddha mfn. accomplished, acquired, obtained BhP
⋙ saṃrāddhi
saṃ-ḍrāddhi f. accomplishment, success Dhātup
≫ saṃrādhaka
saṃ-rādhaka mfn. practising complete concentration of mind, thoroughly concentrated Bādar
⋙ saṃrādhana
saṃ-ḍrādhana (sáṃ-), mfn. conciliating, satisfying ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
• n. the act of conciliating or pleasing by worship W
• perfect concentration of mind, meditation Bādar
• shouting, applause Jātakam
≫ saṃrādhayat
saṃ-rādháyat mfn. (fr. Caus.) agreeing together, being in harmony AV
⋙ saṃrādhita
saṃ-ḍrādhita mfn. propitiated, appeased, conciliated W
⋙ saṃrādhya
saṃ-ḍrādhya mfn. to be conciliated BhP
• to be appropriated ib
• to be acquired by perfect meditation Saṃk
saṃ-rāva &c. See saṃ-√ru
saṃ-√rih (Vedic form of saṃ-√lih, See √rik
• only pr. p. -rihāṇá), to lick affectionately, caress (as a cow its calf) RV. iii, 33, 3
saṃ-√rī P. -riṇāti, to join together, restore, repair RV. KātyŚr. Lāṭy
• to wash, purify VS
saṃ-√ru P. -rauti, to cry together, shout, roar Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃrāva
saṃ-rāva m. crying together, clamour, uproar, tumult Rājat
⋙ saṃrāvaṇṭa
saṃ-ḍrāvaṇṭa n. id. Caṇḍ
⋙ saṃrāvin
saṃ-ḍrāvin mfn. shouting together, clamouring, roaring W
saṃ-√ruc Ā. rocate, to shine together or at the same time or in rivalry RV. VS. ŚBr
• to shine, beam, glitter BhP.: Caus. -rocayati, to find pleasure in (acc.), like, approve, choose anything for (two acc.), resolve on (inf.) MBh. R. Hariv
saṃ-√ruj P. -rujati, to break to pieces, shatter, crush RV
≫ saṃrugṇa
saṃ-rugṇa mfn. broken to pieces, shattered Rājat
≫ saṃrujana
saṃ-rujana n. pain, ache Car. [Page 1113, Column 2]
saṃ-rudh √2. P. Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, to stop completely, detain, obstruct, check, confine ŚBr. &c. &c
• to block up (a road) MBh
• to invest, besiege Hariv. R. &c
• to shut up (the mind from external objects) MBh
• to keep off, avert, impede, prevent ib
• to withhold, refuse ib.: Caus. -rodhayati (only ind. p. -rodhya), to cause to stop, obstruct Rājat
≫ saṃruddha
saṃ-ruddha mfn. stopped completely, detained, obstructed, hindered &c
• surrounded by (comp.) Mn. BhP
• held, closed Kathās
• invested, besieged R
• covered, concealed, obscured MBh. R
• stopped up, filled with R. Kathās. BhP
• withheld, refused Nir
• -ceṣṭa mfn. one whose motion is impeded Ragh
• -prajanana mfn. one who is hindered from having offspring Nir. v, 2
≫ saṃrudh
saṃ-rúdh f. a term used in gambling (prob. 'a kind of stake') AV
≫ saṃrodha
saṃ-rodha m. complete obstruction or opposition, restraint, hindrance, stop, prevention Yājñ. MBh. &c
• limitation, restriction Lāṭy
• shutting up, confinement R. Megh
• investment, siege, blockade BhP. Sāh
• injury, offence, harm MBh. Kām
• suppression, destruction BhP
• throwing, sending (= kṣepa) L
⋙ saṃrodhana
saṃ-ḍrodhana n. complete obstruction, the act of stopping, checking, restraining, suppressing MBh. Kāv. &c
• fettering, confining BhP
⋙ saṃrodhya
saṃ-ḍrodhya mfn. to be restrained or confind Car
saṃ-√ruṣ Caus. -roṣayati (Pass. pr. p. -roṣyamāṇa), to enrage, irritate MBh
≫ saṃruṣita
saṃ-ruṣita mfn. enraged, irritated, angry ib
saṃ-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow together, grow up, increase Kāv
• to grow over, be cicatrized, heal TS. &c. &c
• to break forth, appear Hariv. Sāh.: Caus. -ropayati, to cause to grow or increase, plant, sow Bhartṛ. BhP
• to cause to grow over or cicatrize Suśr
• -rohayati, See saṃ-rohaṇa below
≫ saṃrūḍha
saṃ-rūḍha mfn. grown, sprung up, sprouted Ragh
• grown over, cicatrized, healed MBh. R
• burst forth, appeared Hariv
• growing fast or taking √firmly MBh
• confident, bold (= prâuḍha) L
• -vraṇa mfn. having a healed or cicatrized wound R
≫ saṃropaṇa
saṃ-ropaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to grow over or heal Suśr
• planting, sowing Kāv. VarBṛS
⋙ saṃropita
saṃ-ḍropita mfn. (fr. id.) caused to grow, planted, implanted (fig. 'in the womb') Śak. vi, 23
≫ saṃroha
saṃ-rohá m. growing over TS
• curing, healing Suśr
• growing up, bursting forth or into view, appearance BhP
⋙ saṃrohaṇa
saṃ-ḍrohaṇa n. growing over, cicatrizing, healing R
• (fr. Caus.) sowing, planting Mālav. i, 8 (v. l.)
• mfn. healing, curing Suśr
⋙ saṃrohin
saṃ-ḍrohin mfn. growing up or in (comp.) Kāvyâd
saṃ-rūṣ √Caus. -roṣayati, (?), to spread over, smear, cover Suśr
≫ saṃroṣita
saṃ-roṣita mfn. spread over, covered, besmeared ib
saṃ-√rej Ā. -rejate, to be greatly agitated, tremble, quake ŚBr
saṃ-rodana n. weeping together or vehemently, wailing, lamenting Suśr
saṃ-√lakṣ P. Ā. -lakṣayati, ○te, to distinguish by a mark, characterize, mark distinctly ( See ○lakṣita below)
• to observe, see, perceive, feel, hear, learn MBh. Kāv. &c
• to test, prove, try ib.: Pass. -lakṣyate, to be marked or observed or perceived, appear ib
≫ saṃlakṣaṇa
saṃ-lakṣaṇa n. the act of distinctly marking, distinguishing, characterizing W
⋙ saṃlakṣita
saṃ-ḍlakṣita mfn. distinguished by a mark, marked Pañcar
• observed, recognized, known, perceived, learnt Kāv. Kathās
⋙ saṃlakṣya
saṃ-ḍlakṣya mfn. to be distinctly marked, distinguish. able, perceptible, visible Kpr
saṃ-√lag Caus. -lāgayati, to attach to, put or place firmly upon KātyŚr. Sch
≫ saṃlagna
saṃ-lagna mfn. closely attached, adhering, being in contact with, sticking to or in, fallen into (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kathās
• fighting hand to hand (du. said of two combattants) MBh
• (ifc.) proceeding from or out of Pañcar
saṃ-√laṅgh P. Ā. -laṅghati, ○te, to leap over or beyond, pass by or away ( See below)
≫ saṃlaṅghana
saṃ-laṅghana n. passing away (of time) Lāṭy. Sch
⋙ laṅghita
laṅghita mfn. passed away, gone by Lāṭy. [Page 1113, Column 3]
saṃ-√lajj Ā. -lajjate (only pr. p. -lajjamāna), to be thoroughly ashamed or embarrassed R
saṃ-√lap P. -lapati, to talk together, chat, converse Daś. HPariś.: Pass. -lapyate, to be spoken of or to, be called or named Sarvad.: Caus., See ○lāpita below
≫ saṃlapana
saṃ-lapana n. the act of talking or chattering together
○nôṣṇatā f. desire of talking much Suśr
≫ saṃlaptaka
saṃ-laptaka mfn. affable, gentle, civil Buddh
≫ saṃlāpa
saṃ-lāpa m. (ifc. f. ā) talking together, familiar or friendly conversation, discourse with (instr. with and without saha, or gen.) or about (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• (in dram.) a kind of dialogue (passionless, but full of manly sentiments, e.g. Mcar. ii, 34), Bhas
⋙ saṃlāpaka
saṃ-ḍlāpaka m. a kind of dialogue (= prec.) Bhar
• n. a species of minor drama (said to be of a controversial kind) Sāh
⋙ saṃlāpita
saṃ-ḍlāpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) spoken to, addressed Hit
⋙ saṃlāpin
saṃ-ḍlāpin mfn. discoursing, conversing ib
saṃ-labh √Ā. -labhate, to take hold of one another, seize or lay hold of mutually TBr
• to wrestle with (instr.) MaitrS
• to obtain, receive BhP.: Desid., See lipsu below
≫ saṃlabdha
saṃ-labdha mfn. taken hold of, obtained Kathās
≫ saṃlipsu
saṃ-lipsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of seizing or taking hold of. MBh
saṃ-laya ○yana, See saṃ-√lī
saṃ-lal Caus. -lālayati√to caress, fondle, treat tenderly BhP
⋙ saṃlalālita
saṃ-laḍlālita mfn. caressed, fondled MW
saṃ-√likh P. -likhati, to scratch, scarify Suśr
• to write, engrave, inscribe Pañcar
• to touch, strike, play upon (a musical instrument) Lāṭy
⋙ saṃlikhita
saṃ-ḍlikhita mfn. scritched &c. (used in AV. vii, 50, 5 to express some act in gambling)
≫ saṃlekha
saṃ-lekha m. strict abstinence Buddh
saṃ-√lih (cf. saṃ-√rih), P. -leḍhi, -lihati (pr. p. Ā. -lihāna), to lick up, devour, enjoy Kāṭh. MBh. Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃlīḍha
saṃ-līḍha mfn. licked up, licked, enjoyed MW
saṃ-√lī Ā. -līyate, to cling or adhere to (acc.) MBh
• to go into, find room in (loc.) ib
• to lie down, hide, cower, lurk, be concealed ib. R
• to melt away ib
≫ saṃlaya
saṃ-layá m. settling or sitting down, alighting or settling (of a bird) ŚBr
• sleep L
• melting away, dissolution (= pra-laya) MW
⋙ saṃlayana
saṃ-ḍlayana n. sitting or lying down Cat
• the act of clinging or adhering to MW
• dissolution ib
≫ saṃlīna
saṃ-līna mfn. clinging or joined together, adhering or clinging to (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• entered into (loc.) MBh
• hidden, concealed, cowered, cowering down, Iurking in (loc.) MBh. R
• contracted Suśr
• -karṇa mfn. one whose ears are depressed or hang down Pañcat
• -mānasa mfn. drooping or depressed in mind Hariv
saṃ-√luḍ Caus. -loḍayati, to stir about, move to and fro MBh
• to disarrange, disturb, throw into disorder or confusion ib.: Pass. -loḍyate, to be disturbed or destroyed ib
≫ saṃloḍana
saṃ-loḍana mfn. disturbing, throwing into confusion (comp.) MBh
• n. the act of disturbing or agitating or confusing MW
saṃ-√lup P. -lumpati, -lupyati, to rend or tear to pieces, tear away, pull away AV. ŚBr.: Caus. -lopayati, to destroy, effice MBh
saṃ-√lubh P. -lubhyati, to be perplexed or disturbed, fall into confusion ŚBr.: Caus. lobhayati, to disarrange, throw into confusion, mix up Lāṭy
• to efface, obliterate AV
• to allure, entice, seduce MBh. R
saṃ-lulita mfn. (√lul) agitated, disordered, confused R
• come into contact with (comp.) Caurap. ('smeared with' Sch.)
saṃ-lepo m. mud, dirt Hcat
saṃ-√lok Ā. -lokate, to look together, look at each other (with ubhayataḥ) AitBr
≫ saṃlokin
saṃ-lokin mfn. being in view of others, observed by others Gobh
saṃ-vaṃh See sam-√baṃh. [Page 1114, Column 1]
saṃ-√vac P. -vakti (in the nonconj. tenses also A.), to proclaim, announce, publish, communicate Pañcar
• to speak or tell or say to (acc. with or without prati) MBh. Pañcat. Kathās
• (Ā.), to converse, talk with RV
≫ saṃvāc
saṃ-vā́c f. speaking together, colloquy RV
⋙ saṃvācya
saṃ-ḍvācya n. (prob.) the art of conversation (as one of the 64 Kalās) BhP. Sch
• mfn. to be conversed with &c. MW
≫ samukta
sam-ukta mfn. spoken to, addressed, remonstrated or, expostulated, with BhP
saṃ-vañc √P. -vañcati, to totter, stagger, waver TS
saṃvat 1
saṃ-vát f. (fr. 2. sam
• cf. ni-vát, pra-vát) a side, region, tract RV. AV
• = saṃgrāma Naigh. ii, 17
saṃvat 2
saṃ-vat ind. (a contraction of saṃ-vatsara below) a year, in the year (in later times esp. of the Vikrama era [beginning in 58 B.c., See vikramâditya] as opp. to the Śaka era [in modern times supposed to be founded by Śāli-vāhana
• See 3. śaka]
• sometimes = 'in the year of the reign of') Inscr. &c. IW. 494
≫ saṃvatsam
saṃ-vátsam ind. for a year RV. iv, 33, 4
≫ saṃvatsara
saṃ-vatsará m. (rarely n
• cf. pari-v○) a full year, a year (having 12 ṭṣ. or 13 Vṣ. months or 360 days "ṣBr. āitBr. ṣuśr.
• am, 'for a year
• eṇa 'after or in course of a year'
• e or asya, after or within a year') RV. &c. &c
• a year of the Vikrama era ( See above
• varṣa is used for the śaka) the first in a cycle of five or six years TS. PārGṛ. VarBṛS. BhP
• the Year personified (having the new and full moon for eyes and presiding over the seasons) TS. Pur
• N. of Śiva MBh
⋙ saṃvatsarakara
○kara m. 'year-causer', N. of Śiva Śivag
⋙ saṃvatsarakalpalatā
○kalpa-latā f
⋙ saṃvatsarakṛtya
○kṛtya n. (or -didhiti f.),
⋙ saṃvatsarakṛtyaprahāśa
○kṛtya-prahāśa m
⋙ saṃvatsarakaumudī
○kaumudī f
⋙ saṃvatsarakaustubha
○kaustubha m. N. of wks
⋙ saṃvatsaratama
○tama mf(ī)n. completing a full year, happening after a year (-tamī́ṃ rā́trim, 'this day year') ŚBr
⋙ saṃvatsaradīkṣa
○dīkṣa mfn. having the Dīkshā (q.v.) maintained for a year KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvatsaradīkṣita
○dīkṣita mfn. maintaining the Dīkshā for a year ib
⋙ saṃvatsaradidhiti
○didhiti f. See -kṛtya
⋙ saṃvatsaradīpamāhātmya
○dīpamāhātmya n

saṃvatsaradīpavratamāhātmya3saṃ-vatsará--dīpa-vrata-māhātmya n. N. of wks
⋙ saṃvatsaranirodha
○nirodha m. imprisonment for a year (-tas ind.) Mn. viii, 375
⋙ saṃvatsaraparvan
○parvan n. the period of a year Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 21 Vārtt. 2
⋙ saṃvatsaraprakaraṇa
○prakaraṇa n
⋙ saṃvatsaraprakāśa
○prakāśa m. N. of wks
⋙ saṃvatsarapratimā
○pratimā (○rá), f. the image of a year TBr
⋙ saṃvatsarapradīpa
○pradīpa m. N. of wk
⋙ saṃvatsaraprabarha
○prabarha and m. a variety of the Gavām-ayana (q.v.) Lāṭy
⋙ saṃvatsarapravalha
○pravalha m. a variety of the Gavām-ayana (q.v.) Lāṭy
⋙ saṃvatsaraprabhṛti
○prabhṛti mfn. lasting a year and longer KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvatsarapravāta
○pravāta mfn. exposed to the wind or air for a year ĀpŚr
⋙ saṃvatsaraphala
○phala n. the fruit or result of a year', N. of wk
⋙ saṃvatsarabrāhmaṇa
○brāhmaṇa n. the symbolical meaning of an annual sacrifice TāṇḍBr
⋙ saṃvatsarabhukti
○bhukti f. a yṭyear's course (of the sun) BhP
⋙ saṃvatsarabhṛt
○bhṛt mfn. = -dīkṣa Sulbas
⋙ saṃvatsarabhṛta
○bhṛta (○rá-), mfn. maintained for a year (cf. next) ŚBr. KātyŚr
○tôkka m. one who has borne the ukhā (q.v.) for a year ŚāṅkhŚr
⋙ saṃvatsarabhṛtin
○bhṛtin mfn. one who has maintained (a sacrificial fire) for a year KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvatsarabhrami
○bhrami mfn. revolving or completing a revolution in a year (as the sun) MārkP
⋙ saṃvatsaramaya
○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of (a partic. number of) year Jyot
⋙ saṃvatsaramukhī
○mukhī f. the tenth day in the light half of the month Jyaishṭha Hcat
⋙ saṃvatsararaya
○raya m. a year's course MW
⋙ saṃvatsararūpa
○rūpá n. a form of the yṭyear ŚBr
⋙ saṃvatsaravāsin
○vāsín mfn. dwelling (with a teacher) for a year ib
⋙ saṃvatsaravidha
○vidha (○rá-), mfn. (to be performed) according to the rules of an annual sacrifice ib
⋙ saṃvatsaravelā
○velā́ f. the period of a year ib
⋙ saṃvatsarasattra
○sattra n. a Soma sacrifice whose Sutya days last a year ŚāṅkhŚr
• -bhāṣya n. N. of wk
• -sád mfn. one who performs the above Soma sacrṭsacrifice, PS. ŚBr
⋙ saṃvatsarasammita
○sammita (○rá-), mfn. equal to a year ŚBr
• similar to the Sattra lasting a year ŚāṅkhŚr
• n. and (ā), f. N. of partic. sacrificial days (in the middle of which occurs the Vishuvat-day) ŚrS
⋙ saṃvatsarasahasra
○sahasrá n. a thousand years ŚBr
⋙ saṃvatsarasāta
○sāta (○rá-), mf(ā)n. acquired with in a year TS
⋙ saṃvatsarasvadita
○svadita (○rá-), mfn. well seasoned or prepared for a year ib
⋙ saṃvatsarātyāsam
saṃvatsarâtyāsam ind. having skipped a year Lāṭy
⋙ saṃvatsarādiphala
saṃvatsarâdi-phala n. N. of wk
⋙ saṃvatsarāyuṣa
saṃvatsarấyuṣa mfn. a year old MaitrS
⋙ saṃvatsarāvara
saṃvatsarâvara mfn. lasting at least a year KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvatsarotsavakalpalatā
saṃvatsarôtsava-kalpa-latā f
⋙ saṃvatsarotsavakālanirṇaya
saṃvatsarôtsaḍva-kāla-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
⋙ saṃvatsaropasatka
saṃvatsarôpasatka mfn. whose Upasad (q.v.) lasts a year KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvatsaropāsita
saṃvatsarôpâsita mfn. served or maintained for a year ŚBr. [Page 1114, Column 2]
⋙ saṃvatsarika
saṃvatsarika wṛ. for sāṃv
≫ saṃvatsarīṇa
saṃvatsarī́ṇa mf(ā)n. yearly, annual, recurring every year RV. &c. &c
≫ saṃvatsarīya
saṃvatsarī́ya mfn. id. MaitrS
saṃvat 3
saṃ-vat mfn. containing the word sam, ŚiṅkhBr
• n. N. of a Sāman PañcavBr
saṃ-√vad P. Ā. -vadati, ○te (ind. p. sam-udya, q.v.), (Ā.) to speak together or at the same time AitBr. ChUp
• (P
• Ā. only m. c.) to converse with (instr.) or about (loc.) RV. AV. TS. Br
• (P.) to sound together or in concord (said of musical instruments) AV., to agree, accord, consent Hariv. Mṛicch. Kathās
• to coincide, fit together (so as to give one sense) Ratnâv
• to speak, speak to, address (acc.) BhP
• to designate, call, name (two acc.) Śrutab.: Caus. -vâdayati, ○te (ind. p. -vādya, q.v.), to cause to converse with (instr.) or about (loc.) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
• to invite or call upon to speak, Hit, (vḷ.)
• to cause to sound, play (a musical instrument) MBh. Kathās
≫ saṃvadana
saṃ-vadana n. the act of speaking together, conversation Śaṃk
• a message L
• consideration, examination L
• (also ā f.) subduing by charms or by magic (= or wṛ. for saṃ-vanana, q.v.) L
• a charm, amulet W
⋙ saṃvaditavya
saṃ-ḍvaditavyá mfn. to be talked over or agreed upon ŚBr
• to be spoken to or addressed
≫ saṃvāda
saṃ-vādá m. (ifc. f. ā) speaking together, conversation, colloquy with (instr. with and without saha loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c
• appointment, stipulation KātyŚr. Kāv. VarBṛS
• a cause, lawsuit ĀpGṛ. Kathās
• assent, concurrence, agreement, conformity, similarity W
• information, news ib
⋙ saṃvadaka
saṃ-ḍvadaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) agreeing, consenting Sāṃkhyak
• m. N. of a man Hcar
⋙ saṃvādana
saṃ-ḍvādana n. (fr. id.) assent, agreement Kathās
⋙ saṃvadita
saṃ-ḍvadita mfn. (fr. id.) caused to speak with &c
• agreed upon MBh
⋙ saṃvādin
saṃ-ḍvādin mfn. conversing, talking, Righ
• agreeing or harmonizing with, corresponding to (gen. or comp.), Kāvyad
○di-tā f. likeness, resemblance Harav
⋙ saṃvādya
saṃ-ḍvādya ind. (fr. Caus.) having declared truly or accurately Mn. viii, 31
≫ samudita 1
sam-udita mfn. (for 2. See under sam-ud- √i) spoken to or with, addressed, accosted BhP
• agreed upon ( See yathā-samuditam)
• consented, settled, customary Kathās
⋙ samudya
sam-ḍudya ind. having spoken together &c
• having concluded or agreed upon BhP
saṃ-√van Caus. -vānayati (or -vanayati, under. √van), to cause to like or love, make well-disposed, propitiate AV
≫ saṃvanana
saṃ-vánana mf(ī)n. propitiating AV
• (ifc.) making well-disposed to (in dāna-s○) R
• m. N. of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. x, 191) Anukr
• ī. or (ā), f. (cf. saṃ-vadana) causing mutual fondness, propitiating, subduing (esp. by spell), charming, fascination AV. &c. &c
• gaining, acquiring (in kośa-s○) MBh
saṃ-√vand Ā. -vandate, to salute respectfully BhP
saṃ-vap √2. cl. 1. P. Ā. -vapati, ○le, to throw together, mix, pour in VS. TS. ŚrS
• to scatter, sow MW
≫ saṃvapana
saṃ-vapana n. throwing or pouring in KātyŚr
⋙ saṃvāpa
saṃ-ḍvāpa m. throwing together, mixing, mingling ĀpŚr. Sch
saṃ-vara &c. See saṃ- √1. 2, vṛ
saṃ-varga &c. See saṃ-√vṛj
saṃ-√varṇ P. -varṇayati, to communicate, narrate, tell MBh. Kathās. BhP
• to praise commend, approve, sanction MBh. SaddhP. Divyâv
≫ saṃvarṇana
saṃ-varṇana n. narrating, describing Cat
• praise, commendation Jātakam
⋙ saṃvarṇita
saṃ-ḍvarṇita mfn. communicated, narrated &c
• approved, sanctioned Lalit
• resolute ib
• -mānasa mfn. one who has made up his mind, resolute ib
saṃ-varta ○taka &c. See under saṃ-√vṛt
saṃ-vardhaka ○dhana &c. See under sam-√vṛah
saṃ-varmaya Nom. P. ○yati, to provide any one (acc.) with a coat of mail Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Sch
• to equip, arm, fully (fig.) Subh. [Page 1114, Column 3]
⋙ saṃvarmita
saṃ-varmita mfn. fully armed W
saṃ-varya Nom. P. ○yati (usually written sambarya), to bring together, g. khoṇḍvādi
saṃ-varṣaṇa w. i. for a-v○ Vet
saṃ-vala See śambala
saṃ-valana n. or ○nā f. meeting, encountering (of enemies) Bālar
• mixture, union Mālatīm. Gīt
≫ saṃvalita
saṃ-valita mfn. met, united, joined or mixed with, surrounded by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Sāh
• broken, diversified (= cūrṇita) Kir., vi, 4 Sch
saṃ-√valg Ā. -valgate, to wallow, roll AV. TS
≫ saṃvalgana
saṃ-valgana n. jumping (with joy), exulting, Anarghar
⋙ saṃvalgita
saṃ-ḍvalgita mfn. overrun MW
saṃ-vavṛtvas See saṃ-√vṛt
saṃ-vas √4. Ā. -vaste, to be clothed or clad in (instr.) RV. v, 85, 4
≫ saṃvastraṇa
saṃ-vastraṇa n. wearing the same or similar clothes MānGṛ. Sch
≫ saṃvastraya
saṃ-vastraya Nom. (fr. prec) P. ○yati (ind. p. -vastrya), to wear the same or similar garments, MānGr
• to put on, wear Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃvāsin 1
saṃ-vāsin mfn. (ifc.) clothed in MBh
saṃ-vas √5. P. Ā. -vasati, ○te, (inf. -vastum
• pr. p. -vasat, or -vásāna q.v., to dwell together, live or associate with (instr. with and without saha, or acc.) RV. &c. &c
• to cohabit with (acc.) W
• to meet or assemble together R
• to stay, abide, dwell in (loc.) MBh. R
• to spend, pass (time) R. BhP.: Caus. -vāsayati, to cause to live together, bring together with (instr. with or without saha) RV. TBr. Lāṭy
• to provide with a lodging or dwelling MBh
≫ saṃvasati
saṃ-vasati f. dwelling together Subh
⋙ saṃvasatha
saṃ-ḍvasatha m. an inhabited place, settlement, village, dwelling, house, Kaśīkh
⋙ saṃvasana
saṃ-ḍvásana n. a dwelling place, house RV
⋙ saṃvasāna
saṃ-ḍvásāna m.= next RV
≫ saṃvasu
sáṃ-vasu m. one who dwells along with, a fellow-dweller RV. AV
≫ saṃvāsa
saṃ-vāsa m. dwelling together, living or associating with (instr. with and without saha, or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
• cohabitation, sexual connexion with (comp.) Car
• a common abode Kām
• a settlement, dwelling, house MBh. R. &c
• an open place for meeting or recreation L
• association, company, society W
≫ saṃvāsin 2
saṃ-vāsin mfn. dwelling together, a fellow-dweller Kām. Rājat
• (ifc.) dwelling in, inhabiting MBh. R
≫ samuṣita
sam-uṣita mfn. one who has passed or spent (time) BhP
• dwelled or lived together, stayed with MW
• Passed, spent (as time) ib
saṃ-vah (cf. sam- √1. ūh), cl. 1. P. Ā. -vahati, ○te (inf. -voḍhum), to bear or carry together or along or away, take, convey, bring AV. &c
• to load (a cart or car) R
• to take a wife, marry MW
• to carry or move or rub (the hand) along the body, stroke, soothe MBh. (3. du. pf. saṃ-vavāhatuḥ, iii, 11005, accord. to some fr. saṃ-√vāh)
• to manifest, express BhP.: Pass. -samuhyate, to be borne by (instr.), ride on (instr.) MBh. BhP.: Caus. -vāhayati, ○te (Pass. -vāhyate), to cause to be brought together, bring together, assemble Hariv. Rājat
• to guide, conduct, drive (a carriage) MBh. R. Kathās
• to chase, hunt Pañcat. v, 14
• to rub, stroke Āpast. R. Śak. &c
• to set in motion Kād
• to take (a wife), marry Vet. (v. l.)
≫ saṃvaha
saṃ-vaha m. 'bearing or carrying along', N. of the wind of the third of the 7 Mārgas or paths of the sky (that which is above the ud-vaha and impels the moon
• the other five winds being called ā-, pra-, vi-, pari-, and ni-vaha) MBh. Hariv. &c
• N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire Col
⋙ saṃvahana
saṃ-ḍvahana n. guiding, conducting Suśr
• showing, displaying Kuval
⋙ saṃvahitṛ
saṃ-ḍvahitṛ See sāṃvahitra
≫ saṃvāha
saṃ-vāha mfn. setting in motion, moving ( tṛṇa-s○)
• = saṃ-vāhaka L
• m. bearing or carrying along, pressing together MW
• rubbing the body, shampooing MārkP
• a park for recreation (cf. saṃ-vāsa) MBh. Hariv
• a market-place Pat. Sch
• extortion oppression Rājat
• N. of one of the 7 winds (= or wṛ. for saṃ-vaha above) L. [Page 1115, Column 1]
⋙ saṃvāhaka
saṃ-ḍvāhaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. Caus.) one who rubs or shampoos the limb
• m. a shampooer R. Mṛicch. &c
⋙ saṃvahana
saṃ-ḍvahana n. (fr. id.) bearing, carrying, driving &c. MBh
• the moving along or passage (of clouds) Mālatīm
• rubbing the person, shampooing Suśr. Kāv. Kathās
⋙ saṃvāhitavya
saṃ-ḍvāhitavya mfn. (fr. id.) to be rubbed or stroked MBh
⋙ saṃvāhin
saṃ-ḍvāhin mfn. leading, conducting
• (inī), f. a partic. vessel of the body (leading from the fetus to the mother) Car
⋙ saṃvāhya
saṃ-ḍvāhya mfn. to be borne or carried &c. Pañcat
• to be rubbed or kneaded W
• to be shown or betrayed (as○) Kpr
≫ saṃvoḍhṛ
saṃ-voḍhṛ See Pāṇ. 4-3, 120 Vārtt. 8 Pat
≫ samuhya
⋙ samūḍha
sam-ūḍha See under sam- √1. ūh
saṃ-vā √2. P. -vāti, to blow at the same time, blow TBr. MBh
saṃ-vāñch √P. -vāñchati, to long for, wish, desire Bhaṭṭ
saṃvāṭikā f. the aquatic plant Trapa Bispinosa L
saṃ-√vādha incorrect for sambādha, q.v
saṃ-vāra ○raṇa &c. See p. 1116, col. 1
saṃ-vāvadūka mfn. agreeing, consenting Anarghar
saṃ-√vās (only Intens. -vāvaśanta, -avāvaśitām and -vāvaśānā), to roar or cry together or at the same time, bellow, low, bleat RV.: Caus. -vāśayati, to cause to cry or low together Lāṭy
saṃ-vāsita mfn. (√vās) made fragrant, perfumed MW
• made fetid, having an offensive smell (said of the breath) Suśr
saṃ-vāha &c. See saṃ-√vah
saṃ-vikta wṛ.for saṃ-vitka NṛisUp
saṃ-vighnita mfn. impeded, hindered, prevented Amar
saṃ-vi-√cint P. -cintayati, to consider fully, meditate or reflect upon BhP
saṃ-vi-cetavya mfn. (√2. ci, cf. vi-cetavya, p. 959) to be entirely separated or kept apart R
saṃ-√vij Ā. -vijate, to tremble or start with fear, start up, run away AV. VS
• to fall to pieces, burst asunder ĀpŚr.: Caus. -vejayati, to frighten, terrify RV
≫ saṃvigna
saṃ-vigna mfn. agitated, flurried, terrified, shy MBh. Kāv. &c
• moving to and fro BhP
• (ifc.) fallen into ib
• -mānasa mfn. agitated or distracted in mind MBh
≫ saṃvega
saṃ-vega m. violent agitation, excitement, flurry MBh. Kathās
• vehemence, intensity, high degree Uttarar. Rājat
• desire of emancipation HPariś
• -dhāriṇī f. N. of a Kim-narī, Kāraṇd
≫ saṃvejana
saṃ-vejana See netra- and roma-s
≫ saṃvejanīya
saṃ-vejanīya mfn. to be agitated, tending to agitate the mind violently Jātakam
saṃ-vi-√jñā P. Ā. -jānāti, -jānīte, to agree with, recommend, advise (with gen. of pers.) MBh
• to understand BrahmUp.: Caus. [-jn˘Apayati] (aor. -ajijñapat), to make known, proclaim, recite, repeat Rājat
≫ saṃvijñāta
saṃ-vijñāta mfn. generally known, agreeing with (in a-s○)
≫ saṃvijñāna
saṃ-vijñāna n. agreement, consent Suśr
• thorough or complete understanding, Śaṃk Sarvad. perception, knowledge Uttarar
• -bhūta mfn. become generally known or employed Nir
saṃ-vi-√tark P. -tarkayati, to deliberate about, reflect upon MBh
saṃvitka See under saṃ- √1. vid col. 2
saṃ-vid √1. cl. 2. P. Ā. -vetti, -vitte, (3. pl. -vidate, or -vidrate Pāṇ. 7-1, 7), to know together, know thoroughly, know, recognize RV. &c. &c
• to perceive, feel, taste Suśr
• to come to an understanding, agree with, approve (acc.) MBh. R.: Caus. -vedayati, to cause to know or perceive PraśnUp. [Page 1115, Column 2]
• to make known, declare MBh
• to know, perceive Bhaṭṭ.: Caus., See saṃ-vedita
≫ saṃvitka
saṃvitka mfn. (ifc.) possessing saṃ-vid ( meanings below) NṛisUp. (wṛ. saṃ-vikta)
≫ saṃvitti
saṃ-vitti f. knowledge, intellect, understanding ib. Kir
• perception, feeling, sense of (comp.) Kir. Sarvad
• mutual agreement, harmony L
• recognition, recollection W
≫ saṃvid 1
saṃ-víd f. consciousness, intellect, knowledge, understanding (in phil. = mahat) VS. &c. &c
• perception, feeling, sense of (gen. or comp.) Rājat. BhP. Sarvad
• a partic. stage of Yoga to be attained by retention of the breath MārkP
• a mutual understanding, agreement, contract, covenant (acc. with √kṛ or Caus.of √sthā or vi-√dhā, to make an agreement with', instr [with and without saha, or gen.] or 'to' inf. or dat.
• with Caus. of √laṅgh or vyati-√kram', to break an agreement') TUp. Mn. MBh. &c
• an appointment, rendezvous BhP
• a plan, scheme, device Rājat
• conversation, talk about (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• news, tidings MBh
• prescribed custom, established usage Śiś. xii, 35
• a name, appellation ib
• satisfying (= toṣaṇa) Śiś. xvi, 47 (Sch.)
• hemp L
• war, battle L
• a watch-word, war-cry W
• a sign, signal ib
• (○vit) -prakāśa m. -siddhi m. N. of wks
• (○vid) -vyatikrama m. breach of promise, violation of contract Cat. (cf. Mn. viii, 5 and IW. 261)
• (○vin) -maya mf(ī)u. consisting of intellect NṛisUp
≫ saṃvida
saṃ-vida mfn. having consciousness, conscious (in a-s○) ŚBr
• n. (?) stipulation, agreement MBh. viii, 4512
⋙ saṃvidita
saṃ-ḍvidita mfn. known, recognized, understood MBh. VarBṛS. Inscr
• searched, explored Hariv
• assented to, agreed upon, approved (am ind. 'with the approval of') MBh. R. Mālav
• admonished, advised BhP
≫ saṃvidvas
saṃ-vidvás mfn. one who has known or knows AV
≫ saṃveda
saṃ-veda m. perception, consciousness Hariv
⋙ saṃvedana
saṃ-ḍvedana n. the act of perceiving or feeling, perception, sensation MBh. Kāv. Sarvad
• making known, communication, announcement, information Kathās. ŚārṅgS
⋙ saṃvedanīya
saṃ-ḍvedanīya mfn. to be perceived or felt Nyāyas. Sch
⋙ saṃvedita
saṃ-ḍvedita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made known, informed, instructed MW
≫ saṃvedya 1
saṃ-vedya mfn. to be known or understood or learnt &c
• intelligible Daś. Sāh. Rājat
• to be communicated to (loc.) MBh
• m. and n. See 2, saṃ-vedya
• -tā f. intelligibility Sāh
• -tva n. id. ib
• sensation Nyāyas. Sch
saṃ-vindate √2. (p. -vidāná, q.v.), to find, obtain, acquire RV. ŚBr. BhP
• to meet with (instr.), be joined or united to AV. AitBr. ŚBr.: Pass. -vidyate, to be found or obtained, be there, exist Buddh.: Intens., See -vévidāna below
≫ saṃvid 2
saṃ-víd f. acquisition, property MaitrS
⋙ saṃvidāna
saṃ-ḍvidāná mfn. joined or united or associated with (instr.), agreeing in opinion, harmonious RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp
⋙ saṃvidya
saṃ-ḍvidya (sáṃ-), n. = 2. saṃ-víd AV
≫ saṃvedya 2
saṃ-vedya m. the junction of two rivers L
• n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
≫ saṃvevidāna
saṃ-vévidāna mfn. joined with (instr.) RV
saṃ-vi-√dyut (only -didyutat and -adyaut), to flash or shine together or in rivalry RV. VS
saṃ-vi-dhā √P.Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to dispose, arrange, settle, fix, determine, prescribe MBh. R. Suśr
• to direct, order Hariv
• to carry on, conduct, manage, attend to, mind Mn. MBh. &c
• to use, employ R
• to make use of. act or proceed with (instr.) Pañcat
• (with mānasam) to keep the mind fixed or composed, be in good spirits Bhartṛ
• to make, render (two acc.) Naish
• to set, put, lay, place MBh.: Pass. -dhīyate, to be disposed or arranged &c. MBh.: Caus. -dhāpayati, to cause to dispose or manage Kād
≫ saṃvidh
saṃ-vidh f. (for saṃ-vidhā below) arrangement, plan, preparation MBh. R
≫ saṃvidhā
saṃ-vidhā f. id. R. Ragh
• mode of life Ragh
⋙ saṃvidhātavya
saṃ-ḍvidhātavya mfn. to be disposed or arranged or managed or done MBh. Hariv
• n. (impers.) it is to be acted MBh
⋙ saṃvidhātṛ
saṃ-ḍvidhātṛ m. a disposer, arranger, creator MBh
⋙ saṃvidhāna
saṃ-ḍvidhāna n. arrangement, disposition, management, contrivance MBh. Kāv. &c
• mode, rite W
• -vat mfn. acting in the right way, Siśr
⋙ saṃvidhānaka
saṃ-ḍvidhānaka n. a peculiar mode of action Mṛicch. Uttarar. [Page 1115, Column 3]
⋙ saṃvidhi
saṃ-vidhi m. disposition, arrangement, preparation MBh. Hariv. Kathās
≫ saṃvidhitsu
saṃ-vidhitsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to do or make Harav
≫ saṃvidheya
saṃ-vidheya mfn. to be managed or contrived or performed, Śāntiś
≫ saṃvihita
saṃ-vihita mfn. disposed, arranged, managed, taken care of. MBh
saṃ-vi-√nī (only ind. p. -nīya), to remove entirely, suppress MBh
saṃ-vind See sam- √2. vid
saṃ-vip for saṃ-√vep, q.v
saṃ-vi-√bhaj P. Ā. -bhajati, ○te, to divide, separate Suśr
• give a share or portion to, distribute, apportion, share with (instr. with and without saha dat., or gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• to furnish or provide or present with (instr.) ib.: Caus., ○vibhājya below
≫ saṃvibhakta
saṃ-vibhakta mfn. divided, separated, distributed Hit. iv, 50 (vḷ.)
• presented with (instr.) MBh
⋙ saṃvibhaktṛ
saṃ-ḍvibhaktṛ mfn. one who shares with another (gen.) MBh
≫ saṃvibhajana
saṃ-vibhajana n. the act of sharing with another Bālar
⋙ saṃvibhajanīya
saṃ-ḍvibhajanīya mfn. to be distributed among (dat.) Kull. on Mn. vii, 97
⋙ saṃvibhajya
saṃ-ḍvibhajya mfn. one with whom anything must be shared MBh
≫ saṃvibhāga
saṃ-vibhāga m. dividing together, sharing with others, partition, distribution, bestowal of (comp.) or upon (dat. or loc.), causing to partake in (comp.) Āpast. Gaut. MBh. &c
• giving (ājñās○, 'giving orders') Kād
• participation, share (acc. with Ā. of √kṛ and instr., 'to partake in') MBh
• -manas mfn. disposed to share with others MBh
• -ruci mfn. liking to share with others (○ci-tā f.) Suśr
• -śīla (Daś.) or -śīla-vat (VarBṛS.), mfn. accustomed to share with others
⋙ saṃvibhāgin
saṃ-ḍvibhāgin mfn. used to share with others, accustomed to share with (gen.) MBh. R. Hariv
• receiving a share of (gen.) Pañcat
• (○gi) -tā f. (MBh.), -tva n. (Kām.) participation, co-partnership
⋙ saṃvibhāgīkṛ
saṃ-ḍvibhāgī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to divide in equal portions Nalac
⋙ saṃvibhāgya
saṃ-ḍvibhāgya mfn. to be made to partake of. to be presented with anything Rājat
⋙ saṃvibhājya
saṃ-ḍvibhājya (fr. Caus.), wṛ. for ○vibhajya MBh
saṃ-vi-√bhā P. -bhāti, to form ideas about, meditate on (acc.), MuṇḍUP. (= saṃkalpayati Saṃk.)
saṃ-vi-bhāvya mfn. (fr. Caus. of √bhū) to be perceived or understood BhP
saṃ-vi-√bhāṣ (only ind. p. -bhāṣya), to speak to, address MBh
saṃ-vi-marda m. (√mṛd) a sanguinary or deadly battle, internecine struggle MBh. R
saṃ-vi-√mṛś (only ind., p. -mṛśya), to reflect upon, consider Kathās
saṃ-vi-√rāj P. Ā. -rājati, ○te, to shine forth, be very illustrious MBh
saṃ-vi-√laṅgh Caus. -laṅghayati, to leap over, pass by, transgress, neglect Pañcar
saṃ-vivardhayiṣu See saṃ√vṛdh
saṃ-vi-√vṛdh Ā. -vardhate, to grow, increase, prosper MBh
saṃ-vivyāna See saṃ-√vye
saṃ-viś √P. viśati, (ep. also Ā. ○te), to approach near to, associate or attach one's self to (acc. or instr.) RV. VS
• to enter together, enter into (acc., rarely loc.) Kauś. MBh. &c
• to merge one's self into (acc.) MBh
• to lie down, rest, repose in or upon (loc. or upari ifc.), sleep with (instr. with and without saha, or dat.) ŚBr. &c. &c
• to cohabit, have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Yājñ. MārkP
• to sit down with (acc.) Hariv
• to engage in, have to do with (acc.) BhP.: Caus. -vcśayati, to cause to lie together or down or on Yājñ. Sch
• to place or lay together or on, bring to (loc.) Kauś. MBh. &c
≫ saṃviṣṭa 1
saṃ-viṣṭa mfn. approached, entered &c
• one who has lain down or gone to rest, resting, reposing, sleeping MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1116, Column 1]
• seated together with (instr.) BhP
≫ saṃveśa
saṃ-veśá m. approaching near to, entrance TS. Br
• lying down, sleeping Ragh
• dreaming, a dream W
• a kind of sexual union L
• a bedchamber BhP
• a chair, seat, stool L
• -pati (○śá-), m. the lord of rest or sleep or sexual union (Agni) VS. ĀśvŚr
⋙ saṃveśaka
saṃ-ḍveśaka m. one who lays together (e.g. the materials of a house, cf. gṛha-s○)
• one who assists in going to, bed Car
⋙ saṃveśana
saṃ-ḍvéśana mf(i)n. causing to lie down TĀr
• n. lying down RV. GṛŚrS. BhP
• entering, going in Śaṃk
• sexual union, coition KātyŚr
• a seat, bench L
⋙ saṃveśanāya
saṃ-ḍveśanāya mfn. g. anupravacanâdi
⋙ saṃveśin
saṃ-ḍveśin mfn. going to bed (in adhaḥ- and jaghanya-s○, q.v.)
⋙ saṃveśya
saṃ-ḍveśyá mfn. to be entered or occupied AV
saṃ-√viṣ (only aor, Subj. -véṣiṣaḥ), to prepare, procure, bestow RV. viii, 75, 11
≫ saṃviṣṭa 2
saṃ-viṣṭa mfn. (for 1. See p. 1115, col. 3) clothed, dressed Hariv
≫ saṃveṣa
saṃ-veṣa m. g. saṃtāpâdi
saṃ-viṣā + f. Aconitum Ferox L
saṃ-vi-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to dismiss R
saṃ-vi-√has P. -hasati, to break out into a laugh Mṛicch
saṃ-vi-√hṛ P. -harati, to divert one's self, sport, play BhP
saṃ-vi-√hval P. -hvalati to stagger or reel about, rock to and fro MBh
saṃ-vī7kṣ (vi-√īkṣ), Ā. -vii7ṣate to look about, look at attentively, see, perceive R. Pañcat
≫ saṃvīkṣaṇa
saṃ-vī7kṣaṇa n. looking about or at, seeing, perceiving KāśīKh
• search, inquiry L
saṃ-√vīj Caus. -viijayati, to fan BhP
• to cause (the hair of the body) to stand erect Car
saṃ-vīta ○tin, See saṃ-√vye
saṃ-vuvūrṣu See col. 2
saṃvṛ 1
saṃ-vṛ P. Ā. -vṛṇoti, -vṛṇute &c. (inf. [-var˘Itum] ep. also -vartum), to cover up, enclose, hide, conceal MBh. Kāv. &c
• to shut, close (a door) MBh
• to put together or in order, arrange Kathās
• to gather up (snares) Hit. (vḷ.)
• to ward off, keep back, restrain, check, stop Bhaṭṭ. Kathās
• (Ā. -varate) to gather (intr.), accumulate, augment, increase RV. i, 121, 5 : Caus. -vārayati (ind. p. vārya), to ward off keep or drive back, repel MBh. Hariv
• Desid., See saṃ-vuvūrṣu, col. 2
≫ saṃvara 1
saṃ-vara mfn. keeping back, stopping (in kāla-s○, applied to Vishṇu) Pañcar
• m. (often written and confounded with śambara dam, mound, bridge Bhaṭṭ
• provisions Divyâv
• shutting out the external world (with Jainas one of the 7 or 9 Tattvas) Sarvad
• N. of two Arhats L
• n. (with Buddhists) restraint, forbearance (or 'a partic. religious observance') Kāraṇḍ
• -viṃśaka n. -vyākhyā f. ○rôdaya-tantra n. N. of wks. 1
⋙ saṃvaraṇa
saṃ-ḍváraṇa mf(ī)n. covering, containing, Pracaṇḍ
• shutting, closing (with vali f. 'one of the three folds of skin which cover the anus') Suśr
• m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. v, 33 ; 34 (having the patr. Prājāpatya) Anukr
• of a king (son of Ṛiksha, husband of Tapatī, and father of Kuru) MBh. Hariv. Pur
• of another man Vās., Introd
• (am), n. the act of covering or enclosing or concealing MBh. Kāv. &c
• closing, shutting RPrāt. Suśr
• concealment, secrecy Mālatīm
• a cover, lid BhP
• an enclosure, sanctuary (as place of sacrifice) RV. AV
• a dam, mound R
⋙ saṃvaraṇīya
saṃ-ḍvaraṇīya mfn. to be covered or concealed or hidden Prasannar
≫ saṃvāra
saṃ-vāra m. (ifc. f. ā) covering, concealing, closing up MW
• compression or contraction of the throat or of the vocal chords (in pronunciation), obtuse articulation (opp. to the vi-vāra, q.v., and regarded as one of the Bāhya-prayatnas) Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch
• an obstacle, impediment Mṛicch. vii, (vḷ.) 6/7
⋙ saṃvāraṇa
saṃ-ḍvāraṇa mfn. ifc.) warding off, keeping back MBh
⋙ saṃvārayiṣṇu
saṃ-ḍvārayiṣṇu mfn. (fr. Caus.) intending to ward off MBh. vi, 3762 (B.)
⋙ saṃvārya
saṃ-ḍvārya mfn. to be covered or concealed ( saṃvṛtta-s○)
• to be kept back or warded off ( See a-s○). [Page 1116, Column 2]
≫ saṃvuvūrṣu
saṃ-vuvūrṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to cover or conceal Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃvṛt 1
saṃ-vṛt mfn. covering TS
≫ saṃvṛta
sáṃ-vṛta mfn. covered, shut up, enclosed or enveloped in (loc.), surrounded or accompanied or protected by (instr. with or without saha, or comp.), well furnished or provided or occupied or filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) AV. &c. &c
• concealed, laid aside, kept, secured MBh. Kāv. &c
• restrained, suppressed, retired, withdrawn Hariv. Śak. ii, 12 (vḷ. for saṃ-hṛta)
• well covered or guarded ( See su-s○)
• contracted, compressed, closed (as the throat), articulated with the vocal chords contracted Prāt
• subdued (as a tone) ib. Pat
• (in rhet.) hidden, ambiguous (but not offensive, See Vām. ii, 1, 14)
• m. N. of Varuṇa L
• n. a secret place KaushUp
• close articulation (cf. above) Prāt
• -tā f. (Tprāt. Sch.), -tva n. (Veṇis.) closed condition
• -mantra mfn. one who keeps his counsels or plans secret (-tā, f.) Kām
• -saṃvārya mfn. one who conceals what ought to be concealed Mn. vii, 102
○tâkāra mfn. one who conceals all signs of feeling MW
≫ saṃvṛti
saṃ-vṛti f. closure Suśr. ŚārṅgP
• covering, concealing, keeping secret Śiś. Sarvad
• dissimulation, hypocrisy Amar
• obstruction HYog
• -mat mfn. able to dissimulate Śiś. Subh
saṃvṛ 2
saṃ-vṛ (Ā. only -vṛṇute as 3. pl.), to choose, seek for BhP
≫ saṃvara 2
saṃ-vara m. choosing, election, choice (of vḷ. for svayaṃ-vara) MBh. vii, 6033. 2
⋙ saṃvaraṇa
saṃ-ḍvaraṇa n. id
• -nātaka n. N. of a drama
• -sraj f. the garland given by a woman to her chosen husband Ragh. Naish
saṃ-√vṛṃh See sam- √1. 2. bṛh
saṃ-√vṛj Ā. -vṛṅkte (rarely P.), to sweep together, lay hold of or seize for one's self. appropriate, own RV. ŚBr. Up.: Desid. -vívṛkṣate, to wish to appropriate ŚBr
≫ saṃvarga
saṃ-vargá^ mfn. rapacious, ravenous RV. ŚBr. Up. ŚrS
• m. snatching up or sweeping together for one's self, gathering for one's self TS. Kāṭh. (with agneḥ and prajāpateh, N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.)
• devouring, consumption, absorption, the resolution of one thing into another MW
• (?) mixture, confusion (in varṇa-s○) Vas
• multiplication of two numbers together or the product of such multiplication Āryabh
• -jit m. N. of a teacher VBr
• -vidyā f. (in phil.) the science of resolution or absorption (cf. above)
⋙ saṃvargaṇa
saṃ-ḍvargaṇa n. attracting, winning (friends) Daś
⋙ saṃvargam
saṃ-ḍvárgam ind. laying hold of or snatching up, sweeping together for one's self, gathering RV
⋙ saṃvargaya
saṃ-ḍvargaya Nom. P. ○yati' to gather or assemble round one's self Bhaṭṭ
⋙ saṃvargya
saṃ-ḍvargya mfn. to be multiplied VarBṛS
• m. N. of an astronomer Cat
≫ saṃvarjana
saṃ-varjana n. the act of snatching or seizing for one's self Śaṃk
• devouring, consuming W
≫ saṃvṛkta
saṃ-vṛkta mfn. laid hold of or snatched up, seized
• -dhṛṣṇu (sáṃ-), mfn. one who seizes or overpowers the strong RV
⋙ saṃvṛj
saṃ-ḍvṛ́j mfn. seizing, overpowering VS
saṃ-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (pf. p. -vavṛtvás, q.v
• Ved. inf. -vṛ́tas
• ind. -vartam), to turn or go towards, approach near to, arrive at RV. AV. R
• to go against, attack (acc.) MBh
• to meet, encounter (as foes) RV. iv, 24, 4
• to come together, be rolled together, be conglomerated PañcavBr. Kauś
• (also with mithas) to have sexual intercourse together ŚBr. Āpast
• to take shape, come into being, be produced, arise from (abl.) RV. &c. &c
• to come round or about, come to pass, happen, occur, take place, be fulfilled (as time) MBh. Kāv
• &c
• to begin, commence R
• to be, exist ChUp. MBh. &c
• to become, grow, get (with nom.) R. Ragh
• to be conducive to, serve for (dat.) Lalit.: Caus. vartayati, to cause to turn or revolve, roll (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c
• to turn towards or hither RV
• to clench (the fist) Hariv
• to wrap up, envelop MBh
• to crumple up, crush, destroy MBh. R
• to bring about, accomplish, perform, execute Hariv. R. BhP
• to fulfil, satisfy (a wish) R
• to think of. find out (a remedy) Car.: Desid. -vívṛtsati, to wish to have sexual intercourse with (acc.) AV
≫ saṃvarta
saṃ-vartá m. meeting, encountering (an enemy) MBh
• rolling up, destruction, (esp.) the periodical destruction or dissolution of the world MBh. R. BhP
• a partic. cosmic period or Kalpa (q.v.) Cat
• anything rolled or kneaded, a lump or ball (of cake) Kauś. [Page 1116, Column 3]
• a young rolled-up leaf ĀpGṛ
• a dense mass (of people) Mālatīm
• a rain-cloud R. Hariv
• a partic. kind of cloud (abounding in water and so distinct from the Ā-varta which has no water
• cf. droṇa, puṣkalôvartaka) L
• N. of one of the 7 clouds at the dissolution of the universe (cf. bhīmanāda) Cat
• a year L
• a partic. mythical weapon Hariv. R
• a partic. comet VarBṛS
• a partic. conjunction of planets ib
• Terminalia Bellerica L
• Cicer Arietinum L
• N. of a Muni and legislator (cf. -smṝti and bṛhat-saṃv○) Yājñ
• of an Aṅgirasa (and author of RV. x, 172) AitBr. &c
• n. du. (with indracya) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (perhaps wṛ. for sāṃ-v○, q.v.)
• -kalpa m. a partic. period of universal destruction, Buddb
• -maruttīya mfn. relating to the Munis Saṃvarta and Marutta MBh
• -smṛti f. Saṃvarta's law-book IW. 203
○tâgni m. the fire at the destruction of the world MBh
○tâmbhas n. the water at the destruction of the world BhP
○târka m. the sun at the destruction of the world ib
⋙ saṃvartaka
saṃ-ḍvartaka mfn. (cf. sāṃ-v○) rolling up, destroying (all things at the end of the world) NṛisUp. MBh. &c
• m. the world-destroying fire (pl. 'the fires of hell'), Gṛhyās. BhP
• submarine fire (= bāḍava) L
• (scil. gaṇa) a group or class of world-destroying clouds VP
• the end or dissolution of the universe R. Hariv
• Terminalia Bellerica L
• N. of Baladeva (q.v.) L
• of a serpent-demon MBh
• of an ancient sage (= saṃ-varta) VarBṛS
• of a mountain Col
• (ikā), f. a young lotus-leaf (still rolled up) Bhpr. Kād
• n. Bala-deva's ploughshare Hariv
○kâgni m. the world-destroying fire MW
○kâbhra n. pl. the clouds at the destruction of the world, Nāgân
○kin m. N. of Bala-deva (cf. above) L
⋙ saṃvartana
saṃ-ḍvartana mf(ī)n. issuing in, leading to (comp.) Divyâv
• n. a partic. mythical weapon Hariv
• (ī), f. destruction of the world Buddh
⋙ saṃvartanīya
saṃ-ḍvartanīya mfn. (ifc. leading or conducive to), Saddhp
⋙ saṃvartam
saṃ-ḍvartam ind. rolling up, destroying PañcavBr
⋙ saṃvarti
saṃ-ḍvarti f. = ○vartikā ( See ○vartaka) W
⋙ saṃvartita
saṃ-ḍvartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) rolled up, wrapped up, enveloped MBh. Kāv. &c
≫ saṃvavṛtvas
saṃ-vavṛtvás mfn. (pf. p. of saṃ-√vṛt) rolled up or together, gathered, dense (as darkness) RV. v, 31, 3
≫ saṃvṛtta
saṃ-vṛtta mfn. approached near to, arrived Gaut
• happened, occurred, passed Kāv. Pañcat
• fulfilled (as a wish) R
• become, grown (with nom.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• often wṛ. for saṃ-vṛta
• m. N. of Varuṇa L
• of a serpent-demon MBh
⋙ saṃvṛtti
saṃ-ḍvṛtti f. common occupation Āpast
• the right effect Car
• Fulfilment (personified) MBh
• being, existing, becoming, happening MW
• often wṛ. for saṃ-vṛti
saṃ-√vṛdh Ā. -vardhate (rarely P.), to grow to perfection or completion, grow up, increase RV. &c. &c
• to fulfil, satisfy, grant R.: Caus. -vardhayati, to cause to grow, rear, bring up, foster, cherish, augment, enlarge, strengthen, beautify, make prosperous or happy MBh. Kāv. &c
• to present with (instr.), R Ragh
• to fulfil, grant (a wish) Mn. R.: Desid, of Caus., saṃ-vivardhayiṣu below
≫ saṃvardhaka
saṃ-vardhaka mfn. augmenting, increasing W
⋙ saṃvardhana
saṃ-ḍvardhana mfn. id. Subh
• m. N. of a man Rājat
• n. growing up, complete growth Kathās
• rearing up, festering R
• a means for causing growth (as of the hair), ŚāṅgS
• prospering, thriving MBh. Vikr
• causing to thrive, furthering, promoting Kām. Daś
⋙ saṃvardhanīya
saṃ-ḍvardhanīya mfn. to be reared or fostered, Pañcat
• to be fed or maintained Kull. on Mn. iii, 72
• to be augmented or strengthened Pañcat
⋙ saṃvardhita
saṃ-ḍvardhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) brought to complete growth, brought up, reared, raised, cherished MBh. Kāv. &c
≫ saṃvivardhayiṣu
saṃ-vivardhayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of. Caus.) wishing to increase or to make prosper Hariv
≫ saṃvṛddha
saṃ-vṛddha mfn. full grown, grown up, increased, augmented, thriving, prospering MBh. Kāv. &c
• large, big (in ati-s○)
⋙ saṃvriddhi
saṃ-ḍvriddhi f. full growth MaitrUp
• might, power Śiś
saṃ-√vṛṣ P. -varṣati, to rain upon, shower down TS
≫ saṃvarṣaṇa
saṃ-varṣaṇa n. raining or showering down MW
saṃ-vṛh See sam- √2. bṛh. [Page 1117, Column 1]
saṃ-√ve P. -vayati, to weave together, interweave RV. VS
≫ samuta
sam-uta See tardma-s
saṃ-vega saṃ-vejana, See saṃ-√vij
saṃ-veda ○dana &c. See saṃ- √1. vid
saṃ-√vep Ā. -vepate, to tremble ŚāṅkhBr. MBh
saṃ-veśa ○śana &c. See saṃ-√viś, p. 1115, col. 3
saṃ-√veṣṭ Ā. -veṣṭate, to be rolled up, shrink together MBh. vi, 4069 (B. samaceṣṭanta): Caus. -veṣṭayati, to envelop, clasp, surround, wrap up, cover MBh. R. &c
• to wind round KātyŚr
• to roll up Śaṃk
• to cause to shrink together MBh
≫ saṃveṣṭa
saṃ-veṣṭa n. the being enveloped in or covered with (comp.) MBh
• a covering, cover (ifc. 'covered with') Hariv
⋙ saṃveṣṭana
saṃ-ḍveṣṭana n. rolling up Śaṃk
• encompassing, surrounding, DhātuP. xxviii, 53 (iii explaining √mur)
saṃ-voḍhṛ See saṃ-√vah
saṃ-√vyac P. -vivyakti, to compress or collect together or into one's self, comprehend RV
• to roll up or together ib
saṃ-√vyath Ā. -vyathate (only 2. du. pf. P. -vivyathuḥ), to be thoroughly afflicted or discouraged MBh
≫ saṃvyātha
saṃ-vyātha See a-s
saṃ-√vyadh P. -vidhyati (m.c. also ○te), to shoot or pierce continuously MBh
≫ saṃviddha
saṃ-viddha mfn. (ifc.) contiguous to, coinciding with Hariv
≫ saṃvyādha
saṃ-vyādhá m. combat, fight ŚBr
saṃ-vy-apâ-śrita mfn. (√śri) relying on, resorting to (acc.) MBh. vii, 6085
saṃ-vy-ava-sya mfn. (√so) to be decided upon or decreed MBh. xii, 4734
saṃ-vy-ava-hita See a-s
saṃ-vy-ava-√hṛ to have intercourse or business with (instr.) Kathās
≫ saṃvyavaharaṇa
saṃ-vyavaharaṇa n. doing business well together, prospering in affairs, worldly business Kull. on Mn. x, 4
⋙ saṃvyavyavahāra
saṃ-vyaḍvyavahāra m. id. (cf. loka-s○) Gaṇit. MārkP
• mutual dealing, traffic, intercourse, dealing with (comp.) Āpast. Pañcat
• occupation with, addiction to (comp.) MBh. MārkP
• -vat m. a man of business Kām
• a usual or commonly current term Śaṃk
⋙ saṃvyavyavahārika
saṃ-vyaḍvyavahārika wṛ. for sāṃv
⋙ saṃvyavyavahārya
saṃ-vyaḍvyavahārya See a-saṃv
saṃ-vy-āpya mfn. (√āp) to be pervaded MW
saṃ-vy-ūḍha mfn. (√1. ūh) combined together, mixed, united W
≫ saṃvyūha
saṃ-vyūha m. combination, arrangement BhP
⋙ saṃvyuhima
saṃ-ḍvyuhima mfn. (prob.) distributing Suśr
saṃ-√vye P. Ā. -vyayati, ○te (pf. p. -vivyāna, q.v.), to roll or cover up RV. Bhaṭṭ
• to put on, wrap one's self in (acc.) RV. BhP
• to supply or furnish or provide or equip with RV. AV. PārGṛ.: Caus., See ○vāyita
≫ saṃvivyāna
saṃ-vivyāná mfn. clothing one's self in (instr.) RV
≫ saṃvīta
saṃ-vīta mfn. covered over, clothed, mailed, armoured MBh. Kāv. &c
• covered or surrounded or furnished with, concealed or obscured by (instr. or comp.) ib
• hidden, invisible, disappeared Hariv
• wrapped round Bālar
• unseen i.e. connived at, permitted by (comp.) Vām. ii, 1, 19
• n. clothing Śāntiś
• -rāga mfn. one whose passions have disappeared Hariv
○tâṅga mfn. one who has the body covered, properly clothed Mn. iv, 49
⋙ saṃvītin
saṃ-ḍvītin mfn. girt with the sacred thread Siṃhâs
≫ saṃvyāna
saṃ-vyāna n. a cover, wrapper, cloth, garment, (esp.) upper garment Śiś. Bhaṭṭ. HPariś.: covering L
≫ saṃvyāya
saṃ-vyāya m. a wrapper, cloth ŚāṅkhBr
⋙ saṃvyāyita
saṃ-ḍvyāyita mfn. (fr. Caus.) wrapped in (acc.) Hpariś
saṃ-vraj √P. -vrajati, to walk or wander about, go ŚBr. [Page 1117, Column 2]
saṃ-√vraśc P. -vṛścati (ind. p. -vṛścya, or -vraścam, q.v.), to cut or divide into small pieces AV. ŚBr. &c
≫ saṃvraścam
saṃ-vráścam ind. in pieces, piece by piece ŚBr. ŚrS
saṃ-vrāta m. or n. (prob.) = vrāta, a multitude, troop, swarm Pañcar
saṃ-√vlī Pass. -vlīyate, to contract or shrink in together, fall in together, collapse TBr
≫ saṃvlaya
saṃ-vlaya See á-s
≫ saṃvlīna
sáṃ-vlīna mfn. sunk down, collapsed TS. ŚBr. Kāṭh
saṃ-śaṃs √P. -śaṃsati, to recite together AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
≫ saṃśaṃsā
saṃ-śaṃsā f. praise, commendation ŚāṅkhBr
saṃ-√śak P. -śaknoti, to be capable, be able to (inf.) AV. BhP
• (with na) not to succeed with, not to be a match for (insir. or loc.) TS. AV
saṃ-śakalā ind. killing, slaughter W
• with -√kṛ, p. -kareti g. ūry-ādi (cf. śakalā)
saṃ-√śaṅk Ā. -śaṅkate, to be very suspicious of (acc.) or with regard to (loc.) MBh. iv, 568
saṃ-śad √2. Caus. -śatayati, to cause to fall down, crush, break to pieces MBh. iii, 865
saṃ-√śap P. Ā. -śapati, ○te, to take an oath together, swear, curse, imprecate MBh
≫ saṃśapta
saṃ-śapta mfn. 'sworn together', cursed Kād
• -vat mfn. one who has sworn with others, one who has cursed (also as pf. 'he has sworn or cursed') Kathās
⋙ saṃśaptaka
saṃ-ḍśaptaka m. a soldier or warrior sworn with others not to fly or give up fighting (till some object is gained), one bound by an oath to kill others (pl. a band of conspirators or confederates such as Tri-garta and his brothers who had sworn to kill Arjuna but were killed themselves) MBh
• -vadhaparvan n. N. of the section of the MBh. (vii, 17) describing the above
saṃ-√śabd (only ind. p. -śabdya and Pass. pr. p. -"ṣśabdyamāna), to exclaim MBh
• to speak about, mention ib
≫ saṃśabda
saṃ-śabda m. calling out, provocation MBh
• speech BhP
• mention Vop
⋙ saṃśabdana
saṃ-ḍśabdana n. making a sound, calling out MW
• mentioning Dhātup
• praising, eulogizing ib
⋙ saṃśabdya
saṃ-ḍśabdya See above and a-saṃśabdya
saṃ-śam √1. P. -śāmyati. to become thoroughly calm or pacified, be comforted R
• to be appeased, make peace with (instr. with or with out saha) MBh
• to be extinguished ŚBr. ChUp
• to be allayed, cease MBh
• to be or become ineffective BhP
• to calm, allay ŚBr.: Caus. -śamayati, to tranquillize, calm, pacify ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
• to bring to an end, settle, arrange Pañcat
• to extinguish R
• to bring to rest, remove, destroy, kill MBh
≫ saṃśama
saṃ-śamá m. complete case, comfort, satisfaction ŚBr. Bhaṭṭ
⋙ saṃśamana
saṃ-ḍśamana mf(ī) n. allaying, tranquillizing Suśr
• removing, destroying ( See pāpa-s○)
• n. pacification Kām
• a sedative Suśr
⋙ saṃśamanīya
saṃ-ḍśamanīya See vāstu- and saṃśodhana-s
≫ saṃśānta
saṃ-śānta mfn. thoroughly pacified or allayed MBh
• extinguished, destroyed, dead MBh. R. &c
⋙ saṃśānti
saṃ-ḍśānti f. extinction VarBṛS
saṃ-śaya &c. See saṃ-√śī
saṃ-śará saṃ-śāruka, See saṃ√sṝ, p. 1118 col. 1
saṃ-śaraṇa n. resorting to, seeking, refuge with (gen.) Kām
saṃ-śāna saṃ-śita &c. See saṃ-√śo
saṃ-√śās P. -śāsti, to direct, instruct, summon, call upon Br. GṛS
• to arrange or put in order with (instr.) TS
≫ saṃśās
saṃ-śās See sú-saṃśas
⋙ saṃśāsāsana
saṃ-śāḍsāsana n. direction ŚāṅkhBr
⋙ saṃśāsita
saṃ-ḍśāsita mfn. directed, instructed Cat
≫ saṃśis
saṃ-śís f. direction, invitation AV
saṃ-śikṣ √Caus -śikṣayati, to teach (two acc.) BhP
• to try, test Dhanaṃj. [Page 1117, Column 3]
saṃ-√śiñj Ā. -śiṅkte, to utter a shrill sound ŚBr.: Caus. -śiñjayati, to clash together (trans.) ib
saṃ-śiśariṣu See saṃ-√śṝ
saṃ-śiśrīṣu See saṃ-√śri
saṃ-śíśvan mf(arī)n. having one calf in common (said of cows) RV. (= eka-śiśuka Sāy.)
sáṃ-śiṣṭa mfn. (√śiṣ) left remaining TS
saṃ-√śī Ā. -śete (pr.p. -śayāna
• ind. p. -śayya), to grow languid, become feeble MW
• to waver, be uncertain or irresolute or doubtful, hesitate MBh. Kāv. &c
• to despair of (loc.) Kathās
• to lie down for rest MW
• (P. -śayati), to differ in opinion or disagree about (acc.) Yājñ. Sch
≫ saṃśaya
saṃ-śaya m. (ifc. f. ā) lying down to rest or sleep L
• uncertainty, irresolution, hesitation, doubt in or of (loc., acc. with prati, or comp
• saṃśayaḥ, with Pot., 'there is doubt whether'
• na s○, nâsti s○, nâtra s○, na hi s○, nâsty atra-s○ &c., 'there is no doubt', 'without doubt') ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
• a doubtful matter Car
• (in Nyāya) doubt about the point to be discussed (one of the 16 categories) IW. 64
• difficulty, danger, risk of or in or to (gen., loc., or comp.) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
• -kara mf(ī)n. causing doubt or risk, dangerous to (comp.) Śiś
• -kāraṇârthâpatti-pūrva-pakṣa-rahasya n. -kāraṇârthâpatti-rahasya n. N. of Nyāya wks
• -gata mfn. fallen into danger Śak
• -ccheda m. the solution of doubt (○dya mfn. relating to it) Ragh
• -cchedin mfn. clearing all doubt, decisive Śak
• -tattva-nirūpaṇa n. -pakṣatā-rahasya n. -pakṣatā-vāda, m. -parī7kṣā f. -vāda m. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
• -sama m. (in Nyāya) one of the 24 Jātis or self-confuting replies Nyāyas. Sarvad. (cf. IW. 64)
• -sama-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
• -stha mfn. being in uncertainty, doubtful W
○yâkṣepa m. 'removal of doubt', a partic. figure of speech Kāvyâd. ii, 163 ; 164
○yâtmaka mfn. consisting of doubt, dubious, uncertain Pañcat
○yâtman mfn. having a doubtful mind, a sceptic Bhag. Sarvad
○yânumiti f. ○yânumiti-rahasya n. N. of wks
○yâpanna mfn. beset with doubt, dubious (-mānasa mfn. irresolute in mind) W
○yâvaha mfn. causing danger, dangerous to (gen. or comp.) MBh
○yôcchedin mfn. resolving doubts Hit., Introd
○yôpamā f. a comparison expressed in the form of a doubt Kāvyâd. ii, 26
• yôpêta mfn. possessed of uncertainty, doubtful, uncertain MW
⋙ saṃśayālu
saṃ-ḍśayālu mfn. disposed to doubt, doubtful or sceptical about (loc.) Naish
⋙ saṃśayita
saṃ-ḍśayita mfn. irresolute, doubtful about (comp.) KātyŚr. R
• subject to doubt, uncertain, dubious, questionable MBh. Kām
• n. doubt, uncertainty MBh
⋙ saṃśayitavya
saṃ-ḍśayitavya mfn. to be called in doubt, dubious, problematical Śaṃk
⋙ saṃśayitṛ
saṃ-ḍśayitṛ mfn. one who hesitates, a doubter, sceptic L
⋙ saṃśayin
saṃ-ḍśayin mfn. doubtful, dubious, questionable MW
≫ saṃśīti
saṃ-śīti f. = saṃ-śaya, doubt, uncertainty Kād. Hcar
saṃ-śīta saṃ-śīna, See saṃ-√śyai
saṃ-śīlana n. regular practice, habitual performance Sarvad
• frequent intercourse with (gen.) Kāv
saṃ-śuc P. -śocati, to flame or blaze together ŚBr
• to mourn, regret, bewail MBh
• (-súcyati), to cause pain to (gen.) ŚBr.: Caus. -śocayati (ind. p. -śocya), to mourn, lament MBh
≫ saṃśoka
saṃ-śoka (prob.) m= sveda, 'sweat', 'moist heat', in next
⋙ saṃśokaja
○ja mfn. produced from moist heat (cf. sveda-ja) Bādar
saṃ-śudh √P. -śudhyati, to become completely pure or purified MW.: Caus. -śodhayati, to purify or cleanse thoroughly, clear MBh. Rājat
• to clear (expenses), pay off R. Kathās
• to clear, secure (as a road against attack) Mn. vii, 155
• to subtract VarBṛS
• to divide Gaṇit
≫ saṃśuddha
saṃ-śuddha mfn. completely purified or cleansed, pure, clean Yājñ. BhP
• removed, destroyed, expiated ( See comp.)
• cleared off, defrayed, paid Kathās
• searched, tried, examined Mn. vii, 219
• acquitted (of a crime) W
• -kilbiṣa mfn. one whose offences are expiated, purified from sin Bhag
⋙ saṃśuddhi
saṃ-ḍśuddhi f. perfect purification or purity (also in a ritual sense) Bhag. Kām. [Page 1118, Column 1]
• cleaning (the body) W
• acquittal, acquittance ib
• correction, rectification ib
≫ saṃśodhana
saṃ-śodhana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) completely purifying, destroying impurity (of the bodily humours) Suśr
• n. purification or a means of purification Suśr. refining, clearing W
• paying off, correcting ib
• -śamanīya mfn. treating of purifying and calming remedies Suśr
⋙ saṃśodhita
saṃ-ḍśodhita mfn. completely cleansed and purified &c
• cleared off, paid Kathās
⋙ sodhya
ḍsodhya mfn. to be completely cleansed &c
• to be purged Car
• to be paid or acquitted (as a debt) W
• to be corrected or rectified ib
saṃ-√śubh Ā. -śobhate, to look beautiful, be radiant or splendid TBr. MBh
• to shine equally with (instr.) RV.: Caus. -śobhayati, to decorate, adorn, beautify AV
≫ saṃśobhita
saṃ-śobhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) adorned or shining with (instr.) Ṛitus
saṃ-śuṣ √1. P. -śuṣyati, (ep. also ○te), to be completely dried or dried up, MBn. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -śoṣayati, to make dry, dry up ib
≫ saṃśuṣka
saṃ-śuṣka mf(ā)n. completely dried up or withered MBh. Kāv. &c
• -māṃsa-tvak-snāyu mfn. one whose flesh and skin and sinews are completely dried up or withered MBh
○kâsya mfn. having a withered face ib
≫ saṃśoṣa
saṃ-śoṣa m. complete drying, drying up VarBṛS
⋙ saṃśoṣaṇa
saṃ-ḍśoṣaṇa n. id. MBh. Suśr
• mfn. making dry, drying up Car
⋙ saṃśoṣita
saṃ-ḍśoṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made thoroughly dry, dried up MW
⋙ saṃśoṣin
saṃ-ḍśoṣin mfn. drying up, making dry Subh. (said of a partic. form of fever Bhpr.)
saṃ-śūna mfn. (√śvi) much swelled, swollen Bhaṭṭ
saṃ-śṛṅgī́ f. (fr. sam and śṛṅga) a cow whose horns are bent towards each other MaitrS
saṃ-√śṝ P. -śṛyāti, to smash to pieces, crush Br. ĀśvGṛ.: Pass. -śīryate (aor. -śāri
• pf. -śaśre), to be crushed, break down RV. AV
• to be dissipated or routed, fly in different directions MBh.: Desid., See saṃ-śiśariṣu
≫ saṃśara
saṃ-śará m. crushing, breaking, rending VS. TBr
⋙ saṃśaraṇa
saṃ-ḍśaraṇa n. the commencement of a combat charge, attack L. (prob. wṛ. for saṃ-saraṇa)
≫ saṃśāruka
saṃ-śāruka mfn. breaking down (in a-s○) Kap
≫ saṃśiśariṣu
saṃ-śiśariṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to rend or tear Nir. vi, 31
saṃ-√śo P. Ā. -śiśāti, -śiśīte (once śyati RV. i, 130, 4), to whet or sharpen thoroughly (Ā. 'one's own weapons') RV. TS. ŚBr
• to tirge, excite, speed. make ready, prepare RV. AV. Br. KātyŚr
≫ saṃśāna
saṃ-śāna n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
≫ saṃśita
sáṃ-śita mfn. (of ten wrongly written śaṃsita or saṃsita) whetted, sharpened ŚBr
• pointed, sharp ( See comp.)
• ready, prepared for or resolved upon (loc.) AV. MBh. &c
• made ready, well-prepared, all right (applied to things) VS. AV
• fixed upon, decided, firmly adhered to, rigid (as a vow) Mn. MBh. &c
• completing, effecting, diligent in accomplishing W
• m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi (cf. sāṃśitya)
• -tapas mfn. exposed or subjected to painful austerities or mortifications (said of a Śūdra) MBh
• -vāc mfn. using harsh or sharp language MBh
• -vrata mfn. (sáṃ-ś○) firmly adhering to a vow, faithful to an obligation, honest, virtuous ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
• m. a Ṛishi Gal
○tâtman mfn. one who has completely made up his mind, firmly resolved MBh
≫ saṃśiti
saṃ-śiti f. excessive sharpening AitBr
saṃ-ś-cat m. (prob. fr. √cat) a juggler, rogue (= kuhaka) Uṇ. ii, 85 Sch. (v. l. saṃ-śvat)
• n. deceit, trick, illusion, juggling W
≫ saṃścāya
saṃ-ścāya Nom. (fr. prec.) A. ○yate g. bhṛśâdi
saṃ-√śyai cl. 1. P. Ā. -śyāyati, ○te, only in the forms below
≫ saṃśīta
saṃ-śīta mfn. congealed, frozen, cold, cool, ŚārṅgS
≫ saṃśīna
saṃ-śīna mfn. id. Car
≫ saṃśyāna
saṃ-śyāna mfn. id
• contracted, shrunk or rolled up together, collapsed Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 24. [Page 1118, Column 2]
saṃ-śrad-dhū √(only ind. p. -dhāya), to have complete faith in, believe, Bhp
saṃ-śranta mfn. (√śram) completely wearied, languid, exhausted MBh. BhP
saṃ-śrāva &c. See saṃ-srāva
saṃ-√śri P. Ā. -śrayati, ○te (aor. -aśret RV.), to join together with, furnish with (Ā. 'to join one's self or connect one's self with') RV. AV. TāṇḍBr
• to join or attach one's self to, go for refuge or succour to, resort or betake one's self to, cling to for protection, seek the help of (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
• to approach, go to any one with (instr.) R
• to approach for sexual union MBh
• to rest or depend on (acc.), Mālatim
• to obtain, acquire Mn. x, 60
• to serve MW
≫ saṃśiśrīṣu
saṃ-śiśrīṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to have recourse to (acc.) Bhaṭṭ
≫ saṃśraya
saṃ-śraya m. (ifc. f. ā) conjunction, combination, connection, association (ifc. 'joined or connected with'), relationship or reference to (ifc. 'relating to', 'referring to'
• āt ind., in consequeuce of') MBh. Kāv. &c
• going or resorting or betaking one's self to any person or place (loc. or comp.), going for refuge or protection, having recourse to (cf. kali-s○) MBh. Pañcat. &c
• league, alliance, leaguing together for mutual protection (one of the 6 Guṇas of a king) Mn. vii, 160 Yājñ. &c
• a refuge, asylum, shelter, resting or dwelling-place, residence, home (ifc. 'residing with', 'living or dwelling or resting in or on') MBh. Kāv. &c
• devotion to, attachment to (ifc., devoted or attached to'
• āt ind. 'by means or help of') MBh. R. &c
• an aim, object MW
• a piece or portion belonging to anything MBh
• N. of a Prajā-pati R
• -kārita mfn. caused by alliance Mn. vii, 176
⋙ saṃśrayaṇa
saṃ-ḍśrayaṇa n. (ifc.) clinging to, attachment MBh
⋙ saṃśrayaṇīya
saṃ-ḍśrayaṇīya mfn. to be resorted to, to be sought for protection (tā f.) Kām
≫ saṃśrayitavya
saṃ-śrayitavya mfn. to be sought for refuge (as a fortress) Pañcat
≫ saṃśrayin
saṃ-śrayin mfn. having recourse to, seeking protection
• m. a subject, servant Kām
• (ifc.) dwelling or resting or being in Ragh. Rājat. Kathās
≫ saṃśrita
sáṃ-śrita mfn. joined or united with (instr. or comp.) AV. &c. &c
• leaning against, clinging to (acc.) MBh. R
• clung to, embraced Kum
• one who has gone or fled to any one for protection, one who has entered the service of (acc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
• one who has betaken himself to a place, living or dwelling or staying or situated or being in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• resorted to, sought for refuge or protection MBh
• one who is addicted to, indulging in (acc.) Bhag. Pañcat
• one who has laid hold of or embraced or chosen MBh
• inherent in, peculiar to (acc. or comp.) MBh. R
• relating to, concerning (loc. or comp.) ib. BhP
• suitable, fit, proper MBh. xii, 4102
• m. a servant, adherent, dependant Mn. MBh. &c
• -vat mfn. one who has joined or united himself with (instr.) Śak
○tânurāga m. the affection of dependants MW
⋙ saṃśritavya
sáṃ-ḍśritavya wṛ. for ○srayitavya Pañcat
saṃ-√śrī P. -śrīṇati, to join or unite or connect with, cause to partake of (instr.) TāṇḍBr
saṃ-śru √1. P. Ā. -śṛṇoti, -śṛṇute, to hear or hear from (e.g. mukhāt, 'from any one's mouth'), attend or listen attentively to (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• to assent, promise (loc. or dat.) ib
• (Ā.) to be distinctly heard or audible ŚāṅkhBr. (cf. P1ṇ. i, 3, 29 Vārtt. 2 Pat.): Pass. -śrūyate, to be heard or talked about or read about (yathā saṃśrūyate, 'as people say' or, as we read in books MBh.: Caus. -śrāvayati, to cause to hear or to be heard, proclaim, announce (nāma, 'one's name'), relate or report anything (acc.) to any one (acc. or dat.) Yājñ
• to read out ( See saṃ-śrāviśa)
• to make resound MBh
≫ saṃśrava
saṃ-śrava m. hearing, listening (loc., 'within hearing') MBh. Mālatīm
• assent, promise, agreement L
• mfn. audible ( See vidūra-saṃśrava)
⋙ saṃśravaṇa
saṃ-ḍśravaṇa n. the act of hearing or listening MBh. Suśr. Sarvad
• (ifc.) hearing about Hariv
• range of hearing, earshot (loc., 'within hearing, aloud') MBh. R. Car
⋙ saṃśravas
saṃ-ḍśrávas n. perfect glory or renown Vait
• (sáṃ-), m. N. of a man (having the patr. Sauvarcanasa) TS
○saḥsāma, N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
≫ saṃśrāva
saṃ-śrāva m. (ifc.) hearing, listening to Kauś. [Page 1118, Column 3]
⋙ saṃśrāvaka
saṃ-ḍśrāvaka m. a hearer, disciple Kāraṇḍ
⋙ saṃśrāvam
saṃ-ḍśrāvam See a-saṃśrāvam
⋙ saṃśrāvayitṛ
saṃ-ḍśrāvayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) an announcer, crier, proclaimer KaushUp
• -mat mfn. having an announcer ib. ○śrāvita mfn. (fr. id.) read out or aloud Kathās
⋙ saṃśrāvya
saṃ-ḍśrāvya mfn. audible (in a-saṃśrāvyam, v. l. for ○śrāvam, q.v.)
• not to be caused to hear anything, not to be informed of (acc.) R
≫ saṃśruta
saṃ-śruta mfn. well heard, learnt Yājñ. MBh. &c
• read about in (loc.) MBh
• agreed, promised to (gen.) MBh. R. &c
• m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-2, 148 Sch
⋙ saṃśrutya
saṃ-ḍśrutya m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh
saṃ-śreṣiṇá m. perhaps, 'the N. of a combat in which Indra is said to have engaged on a certain occasion' AV
saṃ-√ślāgh Ā. -ślāghate, to vaunt or boast of (instr.) MBh
saṃ-√śliṣ P. Ā. -śliṣyati, ○te, to stick or attach one's self to (acc.) Baudh. Kām. R. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 46 Sch.)
• to clasp, embrace MBh. R. &c
• to bring into close contact or immediate connection with (instr.) MBh.: Caus. -śleṣayati, to connect, join, put together, unite or bring into contact with (instr. or loc.) Āpast. Hariv. Kathās
• to transfer to (loc.) Kull. on Mn. viii, 317
• to attract Kām
≫ saṃśliṣṭa
sáṃ-śliṣṭa mfn. clasped or pressed together, contiguous, coherent, closely connected with (instr. with and without saha, acc., or comp.) ŚBr. &c. &c
• coalescent, blended together Prāt
• confused, indeterminate (as an action which is neither good nor bad) MBh
• endowed with, possessed of (instr
• kiṃcij jīvitâśayā, 'having a slight hope of life') Pañcat
• m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv
• n. a heap, mass, multitude R
• -karman mfn. not distinguishing between good and evil actions MBh. xii, 4220 (v. l. saṃ-kliṣṭa-k○)
• -śarīra-kārin mfn. (pl.) putting their bodies together, i.e. dwelling or living together MBh
≫ saṃśleṣa
saṃ-śleṣa m. (ifc. f. ā) junction, union, connection, close contact with (instr. or comp
○ṣaṃ √labh, to attain, participate in') MBh. Kāv. &c
• embracing an embrace Kālid
• a joint SāmavBr
• a bond, thong MBh
⋙ saṃśleṣaṇa
saṃ-ḍśleṣaṇa mf(ī)n. joining, connecting ŚāṅkhBr
• n. clinging or sticking to Dhātup
• the act of putting together or joining Suśr
• a means of binding together, bond, cement &c. ŚāṅkhBr. ĀpŚr. Uttarar
⋙ saṃśleṣita
saṃ-ḍśleṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) joined together, united, attached MBh
⋙ saṃśleṣin
saṃ-ḍśleṣin mfn. clasping, embracing, joining together ŚāṅkhBr
saṃ-√ślok P. -ślokayati, to celebrate in Ślokas or hymns, praise BhP
saṃ-śvat See saṃ-ś-cat, col. 1
saṃ-śvāyin m. fn. (√śvi) swelling (see, ubhayataḥ-s○)
saṃṣṭhula See vi-s○, p. 953, col. 1
saṃ-saṃ-yu √2. (only Ā. 2. sg. pr. -yuvase), to unite completely with one's self. consume, devour RV. x, 191, 1
saṃ-√sac Ā. -sacate, to be connected with (instr.) RV. vi, 55, 1
saṃ-√sañj Pass. -sojyate, -sajjate (○ti
• pf. saṃ-sajjatuḥ MBh.), to adhere, stick to (loc.) MBh
• to encounter, engage in close combat with (instr
• also, to attack', with acc.) ib. BhP
• to hesitate, falter (in voice) MBh. R
• to flow together, be joined MBh
• to be occasioned, arise (as a battle) ib
• (P.) to attach to a yoke, harness ib. MBh. ix, 819 (B.)
≫ saṃsakta
saṃ-sakta mfn. adhered or stuck together, met, encountered (also as enemies) MBh. Hariv. &c
• sticking fast, faltering (speech) Hariv
• closely connected, united Pañcar. VāyuP
• fixed on or directed towards, occupied with, devoted to, intent upon, fond of (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
• given to the world or mundane pleasures BhP
• enamoured, MātrkP
• endowed or furnished with (comp.) Hariv. HPariś
• close, near, adjoining, contiguous MBh. Kāv. VarBṛS
• compact, dense, uninterrupted, continuous R. Kālid. Kathās
• dependent, conditional R
• -citta mfn. (pl., with itarêtaram) having their hearts (mutually) joined, heartily devoted to each other Rājat. [Page 1119, Column 1]
• -cetas mfn. (= -manas) Cat
• -jala mf(ā)n. joining or mingling its waters with (comp.) Ragh
• -tā f. close adherence Daś
• -manas mfn. having the mind attached or fixed MBh
• -yuga mfn. attached to a yoke, harnessed, yoked MW
• vadanâśvāsa mfn. having the breath adhering to the mouth, with suppressed breath MBh
• -hasta mfn. having the hands joined with (comp.) Ṛitus
⋙ saṃsakti
saṃ-sakti f. close connection or contact with (comp.) Śiś. Rājat
• tying or fastening together W
• intercourse, intimacy, acquaintance ib
• addiction or devotion to ib
≫ saṃsaṅga
saṃ-saṅga m. connection, conjunction Nir. Lāty,
⋙ saṃsaṅgin
saṃ-saṅgin mfn. clinging or adhering to, coming into close contact or near relation (○ginī-tva n.) Bhartṛ. Śiś
≫ saṃsajjamāna
saṃ-sajjamāna mfn. adhering or sticking close together &c
• hesitating, stammering, faltering. MBh. being prepared or ready W
saṃ-√sad P. -sīdati (Ved. also ○te and -sadati), to sit down together with (instr.) or upon (acc.), sit down RV. VS
• to sink down collapse, l's discouraged or distressed, pine away (with kṣudhā, to perish with hunger') Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -sādayati, to cause tc sit down together RV. TS. Br. ŚrS
• to meet, encounter (acc.) BhP
• to weigh down, afflict, distress R
≫ saṃsad
saṃ-sád f. 'sitting together', an assembly meeting, congress, session, court of justice or of a king. RV. &c. &c
• (saṃsadām ayana n. a partic. ceremony or festival of 24 days, ŚrS.)
• a multitude number R
• mfn. one who sits together, one who sits at or takes part in a sacrifice MW
⋙ saṃsada
saṃ-sada m. = saṃsadām ayana (above) KātyŚr
⋙ saṃsadana
saṃ-sadana n. dejectedness, depression Car
≫ saṃsāda
saṃ-sāda m. a meeting assembly, company MW. (cf. strī-ṣasṃsādá)
⋙ sādana
sādana n. (fr. Caus.) putting together, arranging KātyŚr
≫ saṃsīdana
saṃ-sīdana n. sinking Divyâv
saṃ-√san P. -sanoti, to obtain ŚāṅkhBr
≫ saṃsanana
saṃ-sanana n. obtaining, acquiring, acquisition (in anna-saṃs○, used for explaining vāja-sāti) Nir. xii, 45
saṃ-saptaka wṛ. for saṃ-śaptaka
• (ī), f. a girdle Gal
sáṃ-samaka mfn. united together, joined together AV
saṃ-saraṇa See saṃ-√sṛ, col. 2
saṃ-sarga saṃ-sarjana &c. See saṃ-√sṛj, col. 3
saṃ-sarpa ○paṇa &c. See saṃ√sṛp, p. 1120, col. 1
saṃsaryā ind. (with √kṛ &c.), g. sâkṣād-ādi
saṃ-sava m. (√3. su) a simultaneous Soma sacrifice, commingling or confusion of libations (when two Brāhmans perform the Soma sacrifice on the same spot and at the same time held to be sinful) AitBr. ŚrS
saṃ-√sah Ā. -sahate, to cope with, be a match for (acc.) MBh
• to bear, resist, hold out, stand ib
• -R
≫ saṃsaha
saṃ-saha mfn. (ifc.) equal to, a match for Bhaṭṭ
sáṃ-sahasra mfn. accompanied by a thousand RV
saṃ-sahāyaka m. a comrade, companion MatsyaP
saṃ-√sādh Caus. -sādhayati, to cause to be completely finished, accomplish, perform (with marum q.v., to practice abstinence from drinking') Mn. MBh. &c
• to overpower, subdue MBh. Hariv. R
• to prepare food MBh. i, 2841
• to procure, provide Kathās
• to get, attain ib. BhP
• to be successful MBh. iii, 1478
• to enforce (payment or the fulfilment of a promise), recover (a debt) Mn. viii, 50
• to dismiss (a guest) Āpast
• to promote to (dat.) MBh. vii, 8389
• to destroy, kill, extinguish MW.: Pass. of Caus. -sādhyate, to be completely accomplished ib
• to be thoroughly provided or furnished with ib
≫ saṃsādhaka
saṃ-sādhaka mfn. wishing to conquer or win BhP. [Page 1119, Column 2]
⋙ saṃsādhana
saṃ-sādhana n. performance, accomplishment, fulfilment MBh
• preparation Kull. on Mn. xi, 95
⋙ saṃsādhya
saṃ-sādhya mfn. to be accomplished or performed Bhar. MārkP
• to be got or obtained R
• to be overcome or subdued, conquerable MBh. Hariv
saṃ-sāra &c. See saṃ-√sṛ below
saṃ-√sic P. Ā. -siñcati, ○te, to pour together, pour upon, sprinkle over RV. AV. Suśr
• to cast, form AV
≫ saṃsikta
saṃ-sikta mfn. well sprinkled or moistened MBh. Kāv. &c
• reṇu mfn. having the dust laid or well watered MW
≫ saṃsic
saṃ-síc mfn. pouring, shedding together AV
≫ saṃseka
saṃ-seka m. sprinkling over, moistening, watering R. Rājat
saṃ-sidh √3 P, -sidhyati, (ep. also ○te), to be accomplished or performed thoroughly, succeed Pañcat
• to attain beatitude or bliss Mn. MBh. BhP
≫ saṃsiddha
saṃ-siddha mfn. fully or thoroughly performed or accomplished R
• attained, won, Var Yogay. Pur
• dressed, prepared (as food) R. Hariv
• made, done Hariv. Kathās
• healed, cured, restored MBh. Kathās
• ready for (dat.) R
• firmly resolved ib. satisfied, contented ib
• clever, skilled in (loc ) MBh
• one who has attained beatitude MBh. R. Pur
• -rasa mfn. = rasa-siddha (q.v.), Caṇd -rūpa mfn. one who has his form restored MBh
○ddârtha mfn. one who has attained his goal, successful R
⋙ saṃsiddhi
saṃ-siddhi f. complete accomplishment or fulfilment, perfection, success Gobh. MBh. &c
• perfect state, beatitude, final emancipation Mn. MBh. Pur
• the Iast consequence or result BhP
• fixed or settled opinion, the last or decisive word R. (L. also= 'nature'
• 'natural state or quality'
• 'a passionate or intoxicated woman')
saṃ-siv √P. -sīvyati, to sew together AV
≫ saṃsyūta
saṃ-syūta mfn. sewn together, inseparably connected MBh
• interwoven with (instr.) ib
saṃ-su √3. P. -sunoti, to press out Soma together TS. TBr. Kāṭh
≫ saṃsutasoma
saṃsuta-soma m.= saṃ-sava Lāṭy
saṃ-sukhita mfn. perfectly delighted or gratified. Lalit
saṃ-súde See saṃ-√svad
saṃ-supta mfn. (√svap) soundly asleep, fast asleep, sleeping MBh. Kāv. &c
saṃ-sū Ā. -sūte√2. -sūyate, to bring forth, give birth to (acc.) Hariv
• to cause, produce Subh
saṃ-√sūc P. -sūcayati, to indicate or show plainly, imply, betray, tell Kāv. Var. Kathās.: Pass. -sūcyate, to be indicated &c. Ṛitus
≫ saṃsūcaka
saṃ-sūcaka mfn. indicating plainly, showing, betraying MārkP
⋙ saṃsūcana
saṃ-sūcana n. the act of indicating or betraying Daś
• manifesting, uttering MBh
• reproving, reproaching MW
⋙ saṃsūcita
saṃ-sūcita mfn. indicated, displayed, manifested, shown BhP. Pañcat
• informed, told, apprised MW
• reproved ib
⋙ saṃsucin
saṃ-sucin mfn. = ○sūcaka Subh
⋙ saṃsūcya
saṃ-sūcya mfn. to be indicated or manifested or betrayed Daśar
saṃ-√sṛ P. -sarati (in. c. also ○te), to flow together with. (instr.) RV. ix, 97, 45
• to go about, wander or walk or roam through MBh. Kāv. &c
• to walk or pass through (a succession of states), undergo transmigration, enter or pass into (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
• to be diffused or spread into (acc.) MBh
• to come forth BhP.: Caus. -sārayati, to cause to pass through a succession of states or to undergo transmigration Mn. BhP
• to introduce, push into (loc.) MBh. xii, 7878
• to put off, defer ib. v, 1004
• to use, employ ib. xii, 11, 932
≫ saṃsaraṇa
saṃ-saraṇa n. going about, walking or wandering through MBh
• passing through a succession of states, birth and rebirth of living beings, the world BhP. Sarvad
• the unobstructed march of an army L
• the commencement of war or battle L
• a highway, principal road L
• a resting-place for passengers near the gates of a city W
≫ saṃsāra
saṃ-sāra m. going or wandering through, undergoing transmigration MaitrUp
• course, passage, passing through a succession of states, circuit of mundane existence, transmigration, metempsychosis, the world, secular life, worldly illusion (ā saṃsārāt, 'from the beginning of the world') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1119, Column 3]
• wṛ. for saṃ-cāra Bhartṛ
⋙ saṃsārakānana
○kānana n. the world compared to a forest Sch. on Uṇ. i, 108 (in a quotation)
⋙ saṃsārakāntara
○kāntara m. n. id., Ashṭi-vS
⋙ saṃsārakārāgṛha
○kārā-gṛha n. the world compṭcompared to a prison Siṃhâs
⋙ saṃsārakupa
○kupa m. the world compṭcompared to a well or pit BhP
⋙ saṃsāragamana
○gamana n. passing from one state of existence to another, transmigration Mn. i, 117
⋙ saṃsāraguru
○guru m. the world's Guru (applied to Kāma, god of love) L
⋙ saṃsāracakra
○cakra n. the world compṭcompared to a wheel MaitrUp
⋙ saṃsārataraṇi
○taraṇi or f. N. of wk
⋙ saṃsārataraṇī
○taraḍṇī f. N. of wk
⋙ saṃsārataru
○taru m. the world compṭcompared to a tree BhP
⋙ saṃsāraduḥkha
○duḥkha n. the pain or sorrows of the world ib
⋙ saṃsāranirṇaya
○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
⋙ saṃsārapatha
○patha m. 'the world's passage', the female organ Gal
⋙ saṃsārapadavī
○padavī f. the road of the world BhP
• = prec. L
⋙ saṃsāraparitāpa
○paritāpa m. -duḥkha BhP
⋙ saṃsāraparivartana
○parivartana n. the turning round or revolution of the world MBh
⋙ saṃsārapariśrama
○pariśrama m. the toils or troubles of the world BhP
⋙ saṃsārabandhana
○bandhana n. the bonds or fetters of the world MārkP
⋙ saṃsārabīja
○bīja n. the seed or origin of the world Sarvad
⋙ saṃsāramaṇḍala
○maṇḍala n. the circle or wheel of the world Śiś. Śaṃk
⋙ saṃsāramārga
○mārga m. = -padavii Subh
⋙ saṃsāramuktikāraṇavāda
○muktikāraṇa-vāda m. N. of. wk
⋙ saṃsāramokṣa
○mokṣa m. emancipation from the world ŚvetUp
⋙ saṃsāramokṣana
○mokṣana MW
• mf(ī)n. liberating from mundane existence ib
⋙ saṃsāravat
○vat mfn. possessing or liable to mundane existence, AshṭtvS
⋙ saṃsāravana
○vana n. = -kānana Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
⋙ saṃsāravarjita
○varjita mfn. freed from mṭmundane existence Sarvad
⋙ saṃsāravartman
○vartman n. = -mārga Subh
⋙ saṃsāraviṭapāṅkura
○viṭapâṅkura m. a shoot or sprout on the tree of mundane existence, AshṭāvS
⋙ saṃsāraviṣavṛkṣa
○viṣa-vṛkṣa m. the poison-tree of mundane existence Cat
⋙ saṃsāravṛkṣa
○vṛkṣa m. the tree of mṭmundane existence, Cāṇ
⋙ saṃsāraśrāntacitta
○śrānta-citta mfn. wearied in mind by (the miseries of) the world ib
⋙ saṃsārasaṅga
○saṅga m. attachment to the world Bhartṛ
⋙ saṃsārasamudra
○samudra m. the ocean-like world Pañcat
⋙ saṃsārasaraṇi
○saraṇi f. = -padavii, Dhartṛ
⋙ saṃsārasāgara
○sāgara m. = -samudra, Kṛishṇaj
⋙ saṃsārasāra
○sāra m. the quintessence of (the joys of) the world Dhūrtas
⋙ saṃsārasārathi
○sārathi m. the charioteer of mundane existence (applied to Śiva) Śivag
⋙ saṃsārasukha
○sukha n. the joys of the world Caurap
⋙ saṃsāraṅgāra
saṃsāráṅgāra m. the fire of mṭmundane existence Sarvad. (cf. next)
⋙ saṃsārānala
saṃsārânala m. the fire of mundane exṭexistence Vedântas
⋙ saṃsārānta
saṃsārânta m. the end of mundane exṭexistence or of human life Bhartṛ
⋙ saṃsārābdhi
saṃsārâbdhi or m. the ocean of the world Pañcar
⋙ saṃsārārṇava
saṃsāḍrârṇava m. the ocean of the world Pañcar
⋙ saṃsārāvarta
saṃsārâvarta m. N. of wk
⋙ saṃsārodadhi
saṃsārôdadhi m. the ocean-like world Bhartṛ
≫ saṃsāraṇa
saṃ-sāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) setting in motion, causing to move away (a car) KātyŚr
• wṛ. for -saraṇa, AshṭavS
≫ saṃsārin
saṃ-sārin mfn. moving far and wide, extensive, comprehensive (as intellect) MBh
• transmigratory, attached to mundance existence (○ri-tva n.) BhP. Vedântas. Sarvad
• worldly, mundane, mixing with society W
• m. a living or sentient being, animal, creature, man (with sva, a relative') Śāntis. Mālatīm. HPariś
• (○ry-ātman m. perhaps rather two separate words the transmigratory soul, the soul passing through various mundane states [opp. to paramâsman] MW.)
≫ saṃsṛti
saṃ-sṛti f. course, revolution, (esp.) passage through successive states of existence, course of mundane existence, transmigration, the world (-cakra n. and -cakra-vāla, n.' the wheel or circle of mundane existence), AshṭivS. BhP
saṃ-√sṛj P. Ā. -sṛjati, ○te (2. sg. aor. -srāḥ AV.), to hit with (instr.) RV. i, 33, 13
• to visit or afflict with (instr.) AV. xi, 2, 26
• to join or unite or mix or mingle or endow or present with (instr.) RV. AV. VS. Br. Āp. MBh
• (with yudhaḥ) to engage in battle AV. x, 10, 24
• to create ŚvetUp. Pur
• (Ā.) to share anything with others MaitrS
• (A. or Pass.) to join one's self. be joined or united or mingled or confused, come into contact with, meet (as friends or foes, also applied to sexual intercourse
• with instr. with or without saha) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -sarjayati, to attract, win over, conciliate Baudh. Kām
• to furnish with (instr.), provide any one with anything Car.: Desid. -sisṛkṣati, to wish to create together or to partake of creation BhP
≫ saṃsarga
saṃ-sarga mfn. commingling, combining (intr.) KātyŚr
• m. (ifc. f. ā) mixture or union together, commixture, blending, conjunction, connection, contact, association, society, sexual union, intercourse with (gen., instr. with and without saha loc., or comp.) ŚrS. Prāt. MBh. &c. [Page 1120, Column 1]
• confusion, MānGrHariv
• indulging in, partaking of (comy.) R. Daś. BhP
• sensual attachment Mn. vi, 72
• a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies AV. Pariś
• a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases (cf. saṃ-nipāta) Suśr
• community of goods Dayabh
• duration MBh. iii, 11, 238
• point of intersection, Śulbas
• acquaintance, familiarity W
• co-existence (= samavâya) ib
• (ī), f. See below -ja mfn. produced by union or contact Suśr
• -tas ind. through union or connection, in consequence of intercourse or familiarity MW
• -doṣa m. the fault or evil consequences of association (with bad people) ib
• -vat mfn. being in contact, connected with (comp
• also -tva n.) Kālid
• vidtā f. the art of intercourse with men, social science MBh
○gâbhāva m. (in Nyāya) a partic. form of the category of non-existence (said to be of three kinds, prior, incidental, and final, or absence of birth, destruction of present being, and necessary cessation of existence)
• -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
⋙ saṃsargaka
saṃ-sargaka (ifc.) = saṃsarga, Kusum
⋙ saṃsargaya
saṃ-sargaya Nom. P. ○yati, to gather or assemble (trans.) together or round Bhaṭṭ
⋙ sargin
sargin mfn. commingled, mixed together, joined or connected or in contact with (comp.) Kāv. Pur
• partaking or possessed of (comp.) Śaṃk
• one who lives together with his relatives (after partition of the family inheritance) Dāyabh
• familiar, friendly, acquainted W
• m. an associate, companion MW
• (○gi)-tā f. (Kull.), -tva n. (ĀpŚr.) connection, contact, combination, association
⋙ sargī
ḍsargī f. purification, purging (in med.) Car
≫ saṃsarjana
saṃ-sarjana n. meeting, mingling, mixture or combination with (instr.) ĀśvŚr. AV. Pariś
• attracting, winning over, conciliating Kām
• = saṃsargī Car
• discharging, voiding, abandoning, leaving W
≫ saṃsisṛkṣu
saṃ-sisṛkṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to mix together or unite W
≫ saṃsṛj
saṃ-sṛj f. commingling, collision RV. x, 84, 6
≫ saṃsṛṣṭa
saṃ-sṛṣṭa mfn. gathered together, collected RV. x, 84, 7
• brought forth or born together (as a litter of animals) VS
• associated or connected together (as partners or brothers who combine their property after division), Ma. Yājñ
• united, combined, mingled or mixed with, involved in (instr.) VS. ŚBr. R. &c
• nearly related or acquainted friendly, familiar MBh. R. Hariv
• affected with (comp.) Suśr
• connected with, belonging to (comp.) Hariv
• mixed, of various kinds, both good and bad in quality &c. ŚBr. Car
• accomplished, performed (cf. -maithuna)
• cleared through vomiting &c. L
• cleanly dressed W
• created MW
• m. N. of a fabulous mountain Kāraṇḍ
• (am), n. near relationship, friendship, intimacy (○taṃ √car, with loc., 'to enter on intimate relations with') AitBr. MBh
• -karman mfn. denoting mixed or various actions Nir
• -jít mfn. victorious in contest RV
• tva n. commixture, union, association Saṃk
• (in law) voluntary reunion or co-residence of kinsmen (as of father and son or of brothers with each other, after partition of the family property) Dāyabh
• -dhayá mfn. sucking (as a calf) and left with (the cow) TBr
• -bhāva m. near relationship, friendship R
• -maithuna mf(ā)n. one who has performed sexual intercourse Yājñ
• -rūpa mfn. mixed in form or kind, adulterated W
• -homa m. a common oblation (to Agni and Sūrya) TBr
⋙ saṃsṛṣṭi
saṃ-sṛṣṭi (sáṃ-), f. union, combination, association, intercourse MaitrS
• living together in one family W
• collection, collecting, assembling ib
• (in rhet.) the association of two distinct metaphors in close proximity in one sentence (cf. saṃkara) Vām. Sāh
⋙ saṃsṛṣṭin
saṃ-sṛṣṭin m. a re-united kinsman (said of relatives who, after partition of the family inheritance, again live together, annulling the previous partition) Gaut. Yājñ. &c
• a co-partner, co-parcener W
≫ saṃsraṣṭṛ
sáṃ-sraṣṭṛ mfn. one who engages in battle or contest RV. x, 103, 3
• united or connected with or concerned in anything, a partaker (opp. to pari-draṣṭṛ, a beholder') MBh
• one who mixes together or commingles MW
saṃ-√sṛp P. Ā. -sarpati, ○te, to creep along, glide into (acc.) VS
• to go together AitBr
• to move, glide along MBh. Kāv. &c
• to go to, approach (acc.) MBh
• to go away, withdraw from (abl.) Āpast
≫ saṃsarpa
saṃ-sárpa mfn. creeping, gliding (in a partic. formula) TS. (saṃ-sarpá VS.)
• m. a partic. Caturaha ŚrS
• the intercalary month (occurring in a year in which there is a Kshaya-māsa) TS. &c. [Page 1120, Column 2]
• creeping or gliding along, any equable or gentle motion W
⋙ saṃsarpaṇa
saṃ-sarpaṇa n. creeping along, gliding, sneaking Kād
• an unexpected attack, surprise, Var Yogay
• mounting, ascent of (gen.) MBh
⋙ saṃsarpat
saṃ-sarpat mfn. creeping or moving along
• (○sarpad) dhvajinī-vimarda-vilasad-dhūlī-maya mf(ī) n. filled with dust rising from the tramp of a marching army Kathās
⋙ saṃsarpamāṇaka
saṃ-sarpamāṇaka mfn. creeping, crawling MBh
⋙ saṃsarpin
saṃ-sarpin mfn. creeping, moving gently along Kād
• floating or swimming about Śiś
• (ifc.) reaching, extending to (○pi-tā f.) Ragh
saṃ-seka See saṃ-√sic
saṃ-√sev Ā. -sevate, to be associated with (used in explaining √1. sac) Nir
• to frequent, inhabit Subh. Pañcar
• to wait upon, attend on, serve, honour, worship, salute deferentially MBh. Kāv. &c
• to refresh, fan (said, of the wind) R
• to court, fondle (carnally) Kāv. Pañcat
• to be addicted or devoted to, use or employ or practise or perform continually Mn. MBh. &c
≫ saṃsevana
saṃ-sevana n. waiting on, serving, doing homage MārkP
• (only ifc.) using, employing MBh
• exposing one's self to Kathās. association or intercourse with (gen.) Jātakam
⋙ saṃsevā
saṃ-sevā f. visiting, frequenting BhP
• use, employment ib
• attendance, reverence, worship ib
• (ifc.) inclination to, predilection for Rājat
⋙ saṃsevita
saṃ-sevita mfn. frequented, served &c. (cf. g. kṛtâdi)
⋙ saṃsevitṛ
saṃ-sevitṛ mfn. one who uses or employs VarBṛS
⋙ saṃsevin
saṃ-sevin mfn. (ifc.) serving, worshipping Cat
⋙ saṃsevya
saṃ-sevya mfn. to be (or being) frequented Kathās
• to be served or worshipped Pañcar
• to be used or employed or practised or indulged in MBh. BhP
saṃ-√skand P. -skandati, to drip or trickle off ŚBr
sáṃ-skandha n. a partic. disease AV
saṃ-s-kṛ √1. (cf. saṃ-kṛ
• upa-s-kṛ and pari-ṣ-kṛ), P. Ā. -skaroti, -skurute (impf. sam-askurvata TS
• pf. saṃ-caskāra Nir
• aor. sam-askṛta
• Prec. saṃ-skriyāt, saṃ-skṛṣīṣṭa
• fut saṃ-skariṣyati MBh
• inf. saṃ-skaritum Divyâv
• ind. p. saṃ-skṛtya ŚBr. Pāṇ. 6-1, 137), to put together, form well, join together, compose RV. &c. &c
• (Ā.) to accumulate (pāpāni, to add evil to evil') Mṛicch. ix, 4
• to prepare, make ready, dress, cook (food) MBh. R. &c
• to form or arrange according to sacred precept, consecrate, hallow (in various ways
• cf. saṃ-skāra) Mn. MBh. &c
• to adorn, embellish, refine, elaborate, make perfect, (esp.) form language according to strict rules (cf. saṃ-skṛta) Sarvad
• to correct (astronomically) Sūryas.: Pass. saṃ-skriyate, to be put together or arranged or prepared or consecrated or refined Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. saṃskārayati, to cause to (be) put together &c
• to cause to be consecrated MBh.: Desid. saṃ-ciṣkīrṣati Vop.: Intens. saṃ-ceṣkrīyate ib
≫ saṃskaraṇa
saṃ-skaraṇa n. the act of putting together, preparing Gobh
• cremating (a corpse) MBh
⋙ saṃskartavya
saṃ-skartavya mfn. to be arranged or prepared or made ready Hariv. Śaṃk. KātyŚr. Sch
⋙ saṃskartṛ
saṃ-skartṛ mfn. one who prepares or dresses or cooks (food) Mn. v, 51
• one who consecrates or performs a rite Uttarar
• one who produces an impression Jaim. Sch
≫ saṃskāra
saṃ-skāra m. (ifc. f. ā) putting together, forming well, making perfect, accomplishment, embellishment adornment, purification, cleansing, making ready, preparation, dressing (of food), refining (of metals), polishing (of gems), rearing (of animals or plants) GṛŚrS. MBh. Kāv., &c
• cleansing the body, toilet, attire Hariv
• forming the mind, training, education R. Ragh
• correction (also in an astronomical sense Sūryas.), correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad
• correctness, purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c
• making sacred, hallowing, consecration Mn. MBh. &c
• a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii, 27, viz. 1. garbhâdhāna, 2. puṃ-savana, 3. sīmantônnayana, 4. jāta-karman, 5. nāmakarman, 6. niṣkramaṇa, 7. anna-prâśana, 8. cūḍā-karman, 9. upanayana, 10. keśânta, 11. samāvartana, 12. vivāha, qq. vv
• accord. to Gaut. viii, 8 &c. there are 40 Saṃskāras) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW.188 ; 192 &c. RTL. 353) [Page 1120, Column 3]
• the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R
• any purificatory ceremony W
• the faculty of memory, mental impression or recollection, impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vaiśeshikas, including bhāvanā, the faculty of reproductive imagination') Kaṇ. Sarvad. (IW. 69)
• (pl., with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42
• a polishing stone MW
⋙ saṃskārakamalākara
○kamalâkara m. N. of wk
⋙ saṃskārakartṛ
○kartṛ m. (the Brāhman) who is called in to perform a Saṃskāra ceremony Gal
⋙ saṃskārakaumudī
○kaumudī f
⋙ saṃskārakaustubha
○kaustubha m. (or -dīdhiti f.),
⋙ saṃskāragaṅgādhara
○gaṅgādhara m. N. of wks
⋙ saṃskāragaṇapati
○gaṇa-pati m. N. of an author Cat
⋙ saṃskāraja
○ja mfn. produced by purificatory rites W
⋙ saṃskāratattva
○tattva n. N. of wk. by Raghu-nandana
⋙ saṃskāratā
○tā f. the state of being a Saṃskāra &c. Vās
⋙ saṃskāratva
○tva n. id. (-tvaṃ cakṣuṣāṃ sam-√āp, 'to become a hallowed object to the eye') KātyŚr. Mcar
• -jāti-khaṇḍana n. N. of wk
⋙ saṃskāradīdhiti
○dīdhiti See -kaustubha
⋙ saṃskāranāman
○nāman n. the name given to a child at the name-giving ceremony (and corresponding to the name given at baptism) VarBṛS
⋙ saṃskāranirṇaya
○nirṇaya m
⋙ saṃskāranṛsiṃha
○nṛ-siṃha m
⋙ saṃskārapaddhati
○paddhati f
⋙ saṃskārapaddhatirahasya
○paddhati-rahasya n
⋙ saṃskārapariśiṣṭa
○pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wks
⋙ saṃskārapūta
○pūta mfn. purified by sacred rites or by refinement Kum
⋙ saṃskāraprakaraṇa
○prakaraṇa n
⋙ saṃskāraprakāśa
○prakāśa m
⋙ saṃskārapradīpa
○pradīpa m
⋙ saṃskārapradīpikā
○pradīpikā f
⋙ saṃskāraprayoga
○prayoga m
⋙ saṃskārabhāskara
○bhāskara m. N. of wks
⋙ saṃskārabhūṣaṇa
○bhūṣaṇa n. (speech) adorned by correctness MBh
⋙ saṃskāramaya
○maya mf(ī) n. consisting in consecration Ragh
⋙ saṃskāramayūkha
○mayūkha m
⋙ saṃskāramuktāvalī
○muktâvalī f
⋙ saṃskāraratna
○ratna n
⋙ saṃskāraratnamālā
○ratna-mālā f. N. of wks
⋙ saṃskārarahita
○rahita mfn. = -hīna below
⋙ saṃskāravat
○vat mfn. possessed of refinement, possessing correctness, elegant (-tva n.) Kālid
• one who has received an impression Buddh
⋙ saṃskāravarjita
○varjita mfn. = -hīna below
⋙ saṃskāravādārtha
○vādârtha m
⋙ saṃskāravidhi
○vidhi m. (= gihya-kārikā pl.) N. of wks
⋙ saṃskāraviśiṣṭa
○viśiṣṭa mfn. made excellent by preparation or by good cooking (as food) Gaut

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