Prakasha- illumine, appear, shine, irradiate, display, reveal, proclaim

kumbhitā recitā vāpi pūritā vā yadā bhavet |
tadante śāntanāmāsau śaktyā śāntaḥ
prakāśate || 27 ||

and also, for example

yasya kasyendriyasyāpi vyāghātāc ca nirodhataḥ |
praviṣṭasyādvaye śūnye tatraivātmā prakāśate || 89 ||


pra- √ kāś [p= 653,1] [L=129832]
-kāśate (ep. also P. °) , to become visible , appear , shine , become evident or manifest Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -kāśayati (rarely °te) , to make visible , cause to appear or shine , illumine , irradiate , show , display , manifest , reveal , impart , proclaim ib. : Intens. (only pr.p. -cākaśat) to illumine (and) to survey RV. iv , 53 , 4.
(H1) A1.

pra-° kāśī- √ k [p= 653,2] [L=129882]
to give light , illumine Var.  ; 
to publish , make known
(H4) P. A1.

- 1989 - 180 pages - Snippet view
{Abh. p. 320). As Abhinava puts it : Isvarasvabhava Atma prakasate tavat, tatra ca asya svatantryam iti na kenacid vapusa na prakasate, tatra aprakasatmana api prakasate, prakagatmanapi (IPVI 35-36). ...
Ganesh Tryambak Deshpande

The triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in ... - Page 256
- 1989 - 330 pages - Google eBook - Preview
30: madhyanadi madhyasamstha bisasutrabharupataya dhyatanlarvyomaya devya taya devah prakasate. 31. ... 50: ubhayorbhavayor jflane jfiatva (dhy&tva) madhyam samasrayet yugapacca dvayam tyaktva madhye tattvam prakaSate. 35. ...
Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega

Kathopanishad; a dialogue with death - Page 153
- 2006 - 275 pages - Preview
Esa sarvesu butesu, gudho"tmd na prakasate, Drsyate tvagryaya buddhya, suksmaya suksma-darsibhih. t^t: esah = this; ^5 sarvesu = in all; ^^ butesu = in beings; ^3: gudhah - hidden; stfrt atma - Atman; ^ y«=hl Vic) na prakasate = does ...
Swami Chinmayananda

Sanskrit words for Illumine :

1 abhyavajval (illumine) 2 avajyut (illumine) 3 ābhā (illumine) 4 jyotiṣkṛ (illumine) 5 nirvibhās (illumine) 6 prakāś (illumine) 7 prakāśīkṛ (illumine) 8 pracakṣ (illumine) 9 pratap (illumine) 10 pradyut (illumine) 11 vikhyā (illumine) 12 vici (illumine) 13 vibhā (illumine) 14 vivas (illumine) 15 vivṛ (illumine) 16 śubhīkṛ (illumine)


abhy-ava- √ jval [p= 76,2] [L=13289]
-jvālayate , to enlighten , illumine GopBr.




ava- √ jyut [p= 98,2] [L=17273]
-jyotayati , to light up or cause a light to shine upon , illumine S3Br.




ā- √ bhā 1 [p= 145,1] [L=25229]
-bhāti (Impv. 2. sg. ā́-bhāhi RV. ; pf. -babhau) to shine or blaze towards RV. AV.  ; 
to irradiate , outshine , illumine
RV. AV. TB. BhP.  ; 
to appear , become visible or apparent
BhP. MBh. Hariv. Ra1jat. &c  ; 
to look like
Katha1s. MBh. &c
ā-bhā 2 [L=25230]
splendour , light

MBh. Mn. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c

MBh. R.
145,2] [L=25235]
like , resembling , appearing R. Ka1vya7d. S3is3. &c (e.g. hemā*bha , shining like gold) ; ([cf. Hib. avibh , " likeness , similitude " ; avibe , " neatness , elegance " ; avibhcal , " a spark of fire " ?])


(H2) f.
[L=25231]a flash
[L=25232]colour , appearance , beauty
[L=25233]a reflected image , outline
[L=25234]likeness , resemblance
[p= ifc.


jyoti-- √ k [p= 427,2] [L=80735]
ind.p. jyóti-ktvā́) to illumine TBr. ii , 1 , 3 , 9.




nir-vi- √ bhās [p= 557,3] [L=110031]
bhāsayati , to illumine , enlighten MW.




pra- √ kāś [p= 653,1] [L=129832]
-kāśate (ep. also P. °) , to become visible , appear , shine , become evident or manifest Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -kāśayati (rarely °te) , to make visible , cause to appear or shine , illumine , irradiate , show , display , manifest , reveal , impart , proclaim ib. : Intens. (only pr.p. -cākaśat) to illumine (and) to survey RV. iv , 53 , 4.




pra-° kāśī- √ k [p= 653,2] [L=129882]
to give light , illumine Var.  ; 
to publish , make known


P. A1.


pra- √ cak [p= 656,3] [L=130568]
-caṣṭe , to tell , relate , declare MBh. Ragh.  ; 
to suppose , regard or consider as (
acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to name , call
Mn. BhP. : Caus. -cakayati , to irradiate , illumine RV.




pra- √ tap [p= 661,1] [L=131333]
-tapati , to give forth heat , burn , glow , shine (lit. and fig.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to feel pain , suffer
R.  ; 
to warm , heat , shine upon
S3Br. &c  ; 
to roast , bake
R. Sus3r.  ; 
to kindle , light , illumine
RV.  ; 
to pain with heat , torment , harass
MBh. Ka1v. : Pass. -tapyate , to suffer pain BhP. : Caus. -tāpayati (fut. -tāpitā MBh. viii , 1971) , to make warm , heat Gr2S3rS. MBh. and e.  ; 
to set on fire , irradiate , illuminate
R.  ; 
to destroy or pain with heat , torment , harass
MBh. R. &c




pra- √ dyut 1 [p= 680,2] [L=134819]
-dyotate , to begin to shine S3Br. : Caus. -dyotayati , to irradiate , illumine Prab. BhP.




vi- √ khyā [p= 956,3] [L=194422]
-khyāti (Ved. inf. vikhye Pa1n2. 3-4 , 11 ; vi-khyaí RV. x , 158 , 4) , to look about , look at , view , see , behold RV. S3Br.  ; 
to shine , shine upon , lighten , illumine
RV. AV. : Caus. -khyāpayati , to show , make visible S3Br.  ; 
to make known , announce , proclaim , declare
Mn. MBh.




vici 1 [p= 958,3] [L=194790]
vicī f. = vīci , a wave L.
vi- √ ci 1 2 [L=194791]
vi- √2. ci) P. A1. -cinoti , -cinute (Impv. -citana , -ciyantu RV. ) , to segregate , select , pick out , cull TS. S3Br. MBh.  ; 
to divide , part (hair)
VS.  ; 
to take away , remove , disperse
RV. Ka1tyS3r.  ; 
to clear , prepare (a road)
RV.  ; 
to distribute
ib.  ; 
to gather , collect
ib. Pan5cat.  ; 
to pile or heap up in a wrong way , disarrange
vi- √ ci 2 3 [L=194794]
cf. prec.) P. -ciketi , -cinoti &c (pr. p. -cinvat and -cinvāna) , to discern , distinguish RV. TBr.  ; 
to make anything discernible or clear , cause to appear , illumine
R.  ; 
to search through , investigate , inspect , examine
MBh. R. &c  ; 
to look for , long for , strive after


(H1) (not always separable from
(H1) (


vi- √ bhā [p= 977,3] [L=198263]
-bhāti , to shine or gleam forth , come to light , become visible , appear RV. &c  ; 
to shine upon , illumine
RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to procure light
i.e. to kindle (fire dat.) RV. i , 71 , 6  ; 
to shine brightly , glitter , be resplendent or beautiful , strike or catch the eye , excel by (
instr.) RV. &c  ; 
to strike the ear , be heard (as sound)
MBh.  ; 
to seem or appear as , look like (
nom. with or without iva , or adv. in -vat) RV. &c &c
vi-bhā́ 2 [L=198264]
shining , bright RV. S3a1n3khS3r.
vi-bhā́ 2 [L=198265]
light , lustre , splendour , beauty S3is3. Sa1h.
vi-bhā́ 2 [L=198266]
N. of the city of soma VP.


(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.


vi- √ vas 2 [p= 987,1] [L=200006]
cf. vyu) P. vy-ucchati , to shine forth , shine , dawn RV. &c  ; 
vi-váste) , to illumine S3Br. : Caus. -vāsayati , to cause to shine RV. TS. Br.
vi- √ vas 4 [p= 987,2] [L=200036]
-vaste , to change clothes TS. A1s3vS3r.  ; 
to put on , don
Bhat2t2. : Caus. -vāsayati (Pass. -vāsyate) , to put on , don MBh.
vi- √ vas 5 [L=200038]
-vasati , to change an abode , depart from (abl.) BhP.  ; 
brahmacaryam) , to enter upon an apprenticeship , become a pupil ChUp.  ; 
to abide , dwell , live
MBh. R.  ; 
to pass , spend (time)
ib. &c : Caus. -vāsayati , to cause to dwell apart , banish , expel MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to send forth , dismiss


(H1) A1.
(H1) P.


vi- √ v 1 [p= 988,2] [L=200218]
cf. vy-ūru) P. A1. -vṛṇoti , -vṛṇute &c (in later language A1. only intrans. or m.c. ; in vedaaor. often vy-āvar , -āvo , -āva ; inf. -varitum , or -varītum) to uncover , spread out , open , display , show , reveal , manifest RV. &c  ; 
to illumine (darkness)
RV.  ; 
to unsheath (a sword)
VarBr2S.  ; 
to part , comb (hair)
HParis3.  ; 
to explain , describe , comment upon
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to cover , cover up , stop up
MBh. Hariv. (perhaps always w.r. for pi-v = api-v q.v.)  ; 
pf. vi-vavāra ( S3is3. xix , 100) = vivārayām-āsa , jaghāna (Sch.)




śubhī- √ k [p= 1084,1] [L=219789]
-karoti , to illumine , beautify Kautukas.

