
na cittaṃ nikṣiped duḥkhe na sukhe vā parikṣipet |
bhairavi jñāyatāṃ madhye kiṃ tattvam avaśiṣyate || 103 ||

ni- √ kip [p= 545,2] [L=107976]
-kipati , to throw or cast or put or lay down , throw &c in or upon (Inc. or upari) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c  ; 
to pour in (
kīra śarāve) Pan5c. iii , 135÷136  ; 
to deliver anything (
acc.) to (loc. , esp. haste) , to give or hand over , deposit , intrust Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c  ; 
to instal , appoint to (
loc.) R.  ; 
to lay aside , give up , leave , abandon , cast off , repel
MBh. R. &c  ; 
to put down figures , count , cipher
(H1) P.

Whitney Roots links: kzip
kip 1 [p= 328,3] [L=59502]
kipáti A1. kipate ( MBh. &c ; cl.4 P. kipyati , only Bhat2t2. ; Subj. kipát ; perf. cikepa MBh. &c ; ep. also cikipe ; fut. 2nd kepsyati MBh. &c ; ep. also °te ; inf. keptum ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Siddh. ) , to throw , cast , send , despatch AV. ix , 1 , 10 and 20 Mn. MBh. (Pass. pr. p. kipyat , i , 1126) &c  ; 
to move hastily (the arms or legs)
Mr2icch. BhP. x , 36 , 14  ; 
to throw a glance (as the eye)
Bhartr2. i , 94  ; 
to strike or hit (with a weapon)
RV. i , 182 , 1-3  ; 
to put or place anything on or in (
loc.) , pour on , scatter , fix or attach to (loc.) Ya1jn5. i , 230 Bhag. Mr2icch. &c  ; 
to direct (the thoughts) upon (
loc.) Sarvad.  ; 
to throw away , cast away , get rid of
Bhartr2. ii , 69 Katha1s.  ; 
to lay (the blame) on (
loc.) Hit.  ; 
to utter abusive words , insult , revile , abuse
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
" to disdain "
i.e. to excel , beat , outvie BhP. iv , 8 , 24 and 15 , 17  ; 
to strike down , ruin , destroy
BhP. vi , 1 , 14 BrahmaP.  ; 
A1. " to destroy one another , go to ruin " Pot. 3. pl. kiperan MBh. iii , 1094)  ; 
to pass or while away (the time or night ,
kālam , kapām) Katha1s. lv , 154 ; xcii , 84  ; 
to lose (time ,
kālam ; cf. kālakepa) R. vii , 80 , 14  ; 
to skip or pass over (a day ,
dinam.) Car. vi , 3  ; 
math.) to add Gol. : Caus. P. kepayati , to cause to cast or throw into (antar) Katha1s. xiii , 160  ; 
to throw into
R. ii , 76 , 16  ; 
to cause to descend into (
loc.) Katha1s. lxxv , 121  ; 
to pass or while away (the night ,
kapām) ib. lvi , 75  ; 
aor. Subj. 2. sg. cikipas) to hurt , injure RV. x , 16 , 1 (cf. Subj. kepayat s.v. √2. ki) ; ([cf. Lat. sipo , dissipo , for xipo.])
kíp 2 [p= 329,1] [L=59503]
pl. (only used in nom. ; the instr. is formed fr. kípā RV. ix , 59 , 57) " the movable ones " , the fingers RV. iii , v , ix ( Naigh. ii , 5) .
(H1) cl.6 P.
(H2) f.
kepa [L=59584]
a throw , cast W.
329,2] [L=59585]


R. iv , 62 , 12

&c ) L. (cf. apaī-k° , dṛṣṭi-k° , bhrūk° , saā-k°)

Megh. 47


&c ) besmearing L.

laghana) L.


» mana-k°

Ya1jn5. ii , 210

Pa1n2. 2-1 , 26 and v , 4 , 46) insult , invective , abuse , reviling MBh. i , 555 ; iii , 631 Ya1jn5. ii , 204 and 211



Ba1dar. iv , 1 , 6 Sch.


arithm.) an additive quantity , addendum

Su1ryas. Gol.
kepa [p= 332,3] [L=60360]
paka,°pana , &c »kip.
(H2) m.
[p= throwing , casting , tossing
[L=59586]stretching (as of the legs)
[L=59587]a clap (of wings)
[L=59588]a stroke (of an oar
[L=59589]moving to and fro
[L=59590]sending , dismissing
[L=59591]laying on (as pain
[L=59592]transgressing (
[L=59593]delay , procrastination , dilatoriness
[L=59594]" loss "
[L=59597]disrespect , contempt
[L=59598]pride , haughtiness
[L=59599]application of a term to something else
[L=59600]a nosegay
[L=59602]the astronomical latitude
(H1) °