
praṇavādisamuccārāt plutānte śūnyabhāvānāt |
śūnyayā parayā śaktyā śūnyatām eti bhairavi || 39 ||

ādi 1 [L=23810]
beginning , commencement

beginning with , et caetera , and so on (e.g. indrā*daya surā , the gods beginning with indra i.e. indra &c ; g*diyukta , possessed of houses &c ; evamādīni vastūni , such things and others of the same kind: śayyā kha*dih [Comm. on Pa1n2. 3-3 , 99], śayyā means a bed &c ; often with -ka at the end e.g. dānadharmā*dikam [ Hit. ], liberality , justice , &c )
ā* di 2 [p= 137,1] [L=23906]
beginning with ā Ra1matUp.
ādi [p= 1319,2] [L=318590]
sāman, ChUp.
(H1) m.
[L=23811]a firstling , first-fruits
(H1) mfn.
(H2) (also) the third part in the 7-partite


ādima [L=23890]
(ā)n. first , prior , primitive , original Pa1n2. Pat. L.
(H2) mf

Other ADI words:

ādi--kara [L=23814]
the first maker , the creator

of brahman L.
(H3) m.
ādi--kavi [p= 137,1] [L=23819]
" the first poet "

of brahman

vālmīki L.
(H3) m.
ādi--kāṇḍa [L=23822]
" first part " , N. of the first book of the rāmāyaa.
(H3) n.
ādi--kāvya [L=23827]
" the first poem " , N. of the rāmāyaa.
(H3) n.
ādi--keśava [L=23829]
" the first long-haired one " , N. of viṣṇu Ra1jat.
(H3) m.
ādi--gadā-dhara [L=23830]
" the first club-bearer " , N. of an image of viṣṇu VP.
(H3) m.
ādi--tas [L=23832]
from the beginning , from the first , at first , at the head of (with √1. k , to put at the beginning Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 9 ; ifc. beginning with).
(H3) ind.
ādi--deva [L=23836]
" the first god "

of brahman , viṣṇu , śiva , gaeśa , the sun.
(H3) m.
ādi--parvan [L=23843]
" the first book " , N. of the first book of the mahābhārata.
(H3) n.
ādi--purua [L=23846]
" first man " , N. of hirayakaśipu MBh.

of viṣṇu Ragh. x , 6 S3is3.

of brahman L.
(H3) m.
ādi--pūrua [L=23849]
" first man " , N. of hirayakaśipu MBh.

viṣṇu Ragh. x , 6 S3is3.

brahman L.
(H3) m.
ādi--pluta [L=23852]
(a word) whose first vowel is prolated , Gr.
(H3) mfn.
ādi--bhava [L=23857]
" being at first " Ragh. &c
(H3) mfn.
ādi--bhūta [L=23858]
being the first of (gen.) VP. iii , 5 , 23.
(H3) mfn.
ādi--yogā* cārya [L=23862]
" first teacher of yoga " , N. of śiva.

(H2) ādima [L=23890]
mf(ā)n. first , prior , primitive , original Pa1n2. Pat. L.

(H3) m.