Indriya - The senses - the companions of Indra

indriyadvārakaṃ sarvaṃ sukhaduḥkhādisaṃgamam |
itīndriyāṇi saṃtyajya svasthaḥ svātmani vartate || 136 ||

indriyá mfn. fit for or belonging to or agreeable to indra RV. AV. VS.

m. a companion of indra(?) RV. i , 107 , 2 AV. xix , 27
n. power , force , the quality which belongs especially to the mighty indra RV. AV. VS. TS. AitBr.
n. exhibition of power , powerful act RV. VS.
n. bodily power , power of the senses
n. virile power AV. VS. S3Br.
n. semen virile VS. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
n. faculty of sense , sense , organ of sense AV. Sus3r. Mn. Ragh. Kir. &c
n. the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception , buddh
ī*ndriyāṇi or jñāne*ndriyāṇi , i.e. eye , ear , nose , tongue , and skin , the Hindus enumerate five organs of action , karme*ndriyāṇi i.e. larynx , hand , foot , anus , and parts of generation ; between these ten organs and the soul or ātman stands manas or mind , considered as an eleventh organ ; in the vedānta , manas , buddhi , ahakāra , and citta form the four inner or internal organs , antar-indriyāṇi , so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number , each being presided over by its own ruler or niyant ; thus , the eye by the Sun , the ear by the Quarters of the world , the nose by the two aśvins , the tongue by pracetas , the skin by the Wind , the voice by Fire , the hand by indra , the foot by viṣṇu , the anus by mitra , the parts of generation by prajāpati , manas by the Moon , buddhi by brahman , ahakāra by śiva , citta by viṣṇu as acyuta ; in the nyāya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element , the nose with the Earth , the tongue with Water , the eye with Light or Fire , the skin with Air , the ear with Ether ; the jainas divide the whole creation into five sections , according to the number of organs attributed to each being.)
(H2) indriya [p= 1321,1] [L=321420] (in comp.)

mfn. being within the range of the senses , perceptible , capable of being ascertained by the senses.

āma m. the assemblage of the organs , the senses or organs of sense collectively

Indriyabuddhi f. perception by the senses , the exercise of any sense , the faculty of any organ.
Indriyabodhana mfn. arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
n. any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c
Indriyabodhin mfn. arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
n. any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c
Indriyavat mfn. having senses BhP.
aya m. any object of the senses.
Indriyaśakti power of the senses Bhartr2. Kap.
yama m. restraint of the senses.
āpa m. sleep of the senses , unconsciousness , insensibility, the end of the world. Indriyāgocara mfn. imperceptible by the senses.
ātman m. " having the senses for soul " , identical or one with the senses
āyatana n. the residence of the senses
ārtha m. an object of sense (as sound , smell , &c ) , anything exciting the senses Mn.

indriyá [p= 167,2] [L=29215]
fit for or belonging to or agreeable to indra RV. AV. VS.
indriyá [L=29216]
a companion of indra(?) RV. i , 107 , 2 AV. xix , 27 , 1
indriyá [L=29217]
power , force , the quality which belongs especially to the mighty indra RV. AV. VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br.
indriyá [L=29218]
exhibition of power , powerful act RV. VS.
indriyá [L=29219]
bodily power , power of the senses
indriyá [L=29220]
virile power AV. VS. S3Br.
indriyá [L=29221]
semen virile VS. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
indriyá [L=29222]
faculty of sense , sense , organ of sense AV. Sus3r. Mn. Ragh. Kir. &c
indriyá [L=29223]
the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception , buddhī*ndriyāi or jñāne*ndriyāi , i.e. eye , ear , nose , tongue , and skin , the Hindus enumerate five organs of action , karme*ndriyāi i.e. larynx , hand , foot , anus , and parts of generation ; between these ten organs and the soul or ātman stands manas or mind , considered as an eleventh organ ; in the vedānta , manas , buddhi , ahakāra , and citta form the four inner or internal organs , antar-indriyāi , so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number , each being presided over by its own ruler or niyant ; thus , the eye by the Sun , the ear by the Quarters of the world , the nose by the two aśvins , the tongue by pracetas , the skin by the Wind , the voice by Fire , the hand by indra , the foot by viṣṇu , the anus by mitra , the parts of generation by prajāpati , manas by the Moon , buddhi by brahman , ahakāra by śiva , citta by viṣṇu as acyuta ; in the nyāya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element , the nose with the Earth , the tongue with Water , the eye with Light or Fire , the skin with Air , the ear with Ether ; the jainas divide the whole creation into five sections , according to the number of organs attributed to each being.)
indriya [p= 1321,1] [L=321420]
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in

indriyá--śakti [L=29245]
power of the senses Bhartr2. Kap.
(H3) f.

* yatana [p= 167,2]
the residence of the senses

the body

of body

of limbs

इन्द्रियindriyam.semen virile







इन्द्रियindriyan. m.sense organ

śabde* ndriya [L=212894]
" sound-organ , the ear " Sus3r.
(H3) n.

indriyá--bodhin [L=29236]
arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
indriyá--bodhin [L=29237]
any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

indriyá--bodhana [p= 167,2] [L=29234]
arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
indriyá--bodhana [L=29235]
any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

atīndriya [p= 16,2] [L=3331]
beyond the (cognizance of the) senses
atīndriya [L=3332]
(in khya phil.) the soul
atīndriya [L=3333]
N. of pradhāna
atīndriya [L=3334]
the mind.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


(H1) ártha [p= 90,3] [p= 90,2] [L=15840] mn. ([in RV. i-ix only n. ; in RV. x six times n. and thrice m. ; in later Sanskrit only m.]) aim , purpose (very often artham , arthena , arthāya , and arthe ifc. or with gen. " for the sake of , on account of , in behalf of , for ")
[L=15841] cause , motive , reason Mn. ii , 213 , &c
[L=15842] advantage , use , utility (generally named with kāma and dharma » tri-varga ; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73)
[L=15843] thing , object (said of the membrum virile S3Br. xiv)
[L=15844] object of the senses VarBr2S.
[L=15845] (hence) the number " five " , Su1ryas.
[L=15846] substance , wealth , property , opulence , money
[L=15847] (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion , the mansion of wealth (cf , dhana) VarBr2S.
[L=15848] personified as the son of dharma arid buddhi BhP.
[L=15849] affair , concern (Ved. often acc. ártham with √ i , or gam , to go to one's business , take up one's work RV. &c )
[L=15850] (in law) lawsuit , action
[L=15851] having to do with (instr.) , wanting , needing anything (instr.) , SBr , &c
[L=15852] sense , meaning , notion (cf. artha-śabdauandarthāt s.v. below and vedatattvā*rtha-vid)
[L=15853] manner , kind L. , prohibition , prevention L.
[L=15854] price (for argha q.v.) L.
(H2) artha [p= 1316,2] [L=313940] (in comp.)


(H3) indriyá--gocara [p= 167,2] [L=29226] mfn. being within the range of the senses , perceptible , capable of being ascertained by the senses.

(H3) indriyá--grāma [L=29227] m. the assemblage of the organs , the senses or organs of sense collectively Veda1ntas. 232 Mn. MBh.

(H3) indriyá--buddhi [L=29233] f. perception by the senses , the exercise of any sense , the faculty of any organ.

(H3) indriyá--bodhana [L=29234] mfn. arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
(H3B) indriyá--bodhana [L=29235] n. any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c

(H3) indriyá--bodhin [L=29236] mfn. arousing the bodily powers , sharpening the senses Sus3r.
(H3B) indriyá--bodhin [L=29237] n. any excitement of sense , an object of perception , a stimulus , &c

(H3) indriyá--vat [L=29239] mfn. having senses BhP.
[L=29240] (» also indriyā-vat.)

(H3) indriyá--viṣaya [L=29243] m. any object of the senses.

(H3) indriyá--śakti [L=29245] f. power of the senses Bhartr2. Kap.

(H3) indriyá--saṃyama [L=29246] m. restraint of the senses.
(H3) indriya--saṃyamá [p= 1321,1] [L=321420.5] ( S3Br. )

(H3) indriyá--svāpa [p= 167,2] [L=29247] m. sleep of the senses , unconsciousness , insensibility
[L=29248] the end of the world L.

(H3) indriyā* gocara [L=29249] mfn. imperceptible by the senses.

(H3) indriyā* tman [L=29250] m. " having the senses for soul " , identical or one with the senses
[L=29251] N. of viṣṇu VP. v , 18 , 50.

(H3) indriyā* yatana [L=29252] n. the residence of the senses
[L=29253] the body L.

(H3) indriyā* rtha [L=29254] m. an object of sense (as sound , smell , &c ) , anything exciting the senses Mn. MBh. Pan5cat. Ragh. &c